(Jerusalem Post) After being expelled from Spain during the Inquisition, countless Jews and converso-Jews fled to the New World on the heels of the Conquistadors — and these Jews clearly contributed to creating the Mestizo “race” or “La Raza” in Latin American countries today, as a number of DNA studies — as this one from 2011 — demonstrate:
….A group of researchers in the United States and Ecuador analyzed DNA from two communities who trace back to Spanish colonial times: one in the San Luis Valley of southern Colorado and northern New Mexico, which includes Conejos County, and one in the Loja Province of southern Ecuador.
The study found “observable Sephardic ancestry” in both communities and calculated Jewish ancestry among the Lojanos at about 5 to 10 percent and among the Spanish Americans, also called Hispanos, at about 1 to 5 percent.
“This study provides firmer evidence for what people have been conjecturing for up to 20 years now,” said the study’s director, Dr. Harry Ostrer, director of genetics and genomic testing at Montefiore Hospital of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York.
Over the past several decades, scholars….claim to have found remnants of Crypto-Jewish practices in communities in the US Southwest and Latin America. Some Hispanos and Latin Americans also have come forward to claim a Crypto-Jewish past, with a small number embracing a Jewish identity outright.
“The ancestry is really dispersed throughout the communities,” Ostrer said of his findings, which also concluded that along the maternal line, Native American ancestry is as high as 30 to 40 percent.
“You can’t say person A has Jewish ancestry and person B does not. These genes were introduced some 500 years ago,” he said. “Originally there was a fair amount of intermarriage, and then the communities remained isolated.”
As the historical hypothesis goes, once the Inquisition arrived in the New World, Crypto Jews pushed on to the remote corners of the Spanish empire, such as New Mexico and Colorado, to escape the Church’s reach. The San Luis Valley and Loja – both located in the farthest corners of what were once Spanish holdings – would therefore be expected to have discernible Jewish ancestry.
But the groundswell of interest in a Crypto-Jewish past among those of Spanish origin, particularly in the American Southwest, also has sparked controversy. A number of scholars have vociferously disputed any present-day evidence of Judaism, arguing that practices reported as Jewish had their origins in Seventh-day Adventism or fundamental Christianity.
“It certainly wasn’t my intention to take sides in this argument,” said Ostrer.Rather, he and his team were, in part, picking up on previous genetic and clinical studies that found something surprising: Genetic mutations viewed as predominantly Jewish for a number of diseases, like breast cancer or Bloom’s syndrome, were popping up at a notable rate among Hispanos.
A mutation for breast cancer called 185 del AG that is much more common among Ashkenazi Jews than other populations, for example, turns out to be prevalent among Hispanos as well. According to Dr. Paul Duncan, a medical oncologist in private practice in Albuquerque, N.M., only his Hispano and Ashkenazi Jewish patients carry the mutation.
This surprising overlap between Jews and Hispanos is the basis for a new book, The Wandering Gene and the Indian Princess: Race, Religion, and DNA, by Jeff Wheelwright, to be published in January (W. W. Norton). Wheelwright, a freelance journalist, helped to set up Ostrer’s study in the San Luis Valley.
Curiously, scientists calculate that 185 del AG arose approximately 2,000 years ago prior to any split between Ashkenazim and Sephardim.
In Loja, genetic traces of ancestry are even more apparent. Scattered across the remote villages of the province are nearly 100 people with Laron syndrome, which is marked by a severe short stature. When Dr. Jaime Guevara-Aguirre, a diabetes specialist based in Quito, Ecuador, who collaborated with Ostrer on his study, first began treating this group in 1987, the referring physician told him that legend had it that these people all descended from the same Sephardic Jew who had come over with the explorers.
In 1992 and 1993, scientists discovered that all Lojanos with Laron’s carried the same mutation and shared it with one person in Israel and nine others in Latin America.
“When I saw this I thought there is a strong possibility that the story was true,” said Guevara-Aguirre, because “what are the chances that in the billions of nucleotides the same mutation would happen twice at random? But Harry’s study confirms it for the first time.”
Ostrer’s study stands out from previous studies in its scope. It is the first time that any researcher has looked beyond particular disease mutations or shared individual genetic markers to view the entire genome for large chunks of DNA that indicate shared ancestry.
“Statistically it is very difficult to see it any other way” other than that “these people [in Ostrer’s study] were descendant from Conversos,” agreed Duncan.
Back in the San Luis Valley, Maria Clara Martinez, a retiree who edits the local paper, La Sierra, said she wasn’t “at all surprised” by Ostrer’s findings. A genealogist who has amassed a database of more than 77,000 individuals from New Mexico and southern Colorado extending back to 1598, Martinez explained that everyone in the area is somehow related….
…Although she said she never heard of any ancestors in her own family who were Jewish, she has heard others speak of Jewish forbears or family practices. And then there was an ancestor of hers who married a woman from Portugal whose father was tried by the Inquisition.
“Community members were jealous of him, so they reported him, saying he had a tail,” Martinez recalled. “He was cleared, but it’s very likely he was Jewish, although it was never proven.”
Of course, any DNA studies by Dr. Harry Ostrer should be taken with a grain of salt — he is on record as trying to disprove the DNA studies cited by Dr. Shlomo Sand in his landmark book, The Invention Of The Jewish People.
Other Jewish geneticists have disputed Ostrer’s findings that Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews are far more closely related than previously thought — but we will address that contention at another time.
It’s crucial to understand that just because Jewish DNA doesn’t show up on any particular test doesn’t mean the person doesn’t have Jewish DNA — it depends on the test and what the testers define as “Jewish DNA” — the subject, understandably, is highly politicized.
As such, it’s far more likely — considering how closely related all Latinos are in the Americas — that hundreds of millions of them have some Jewish DNA — as the Minister of Diaspora Affairs in Israel concedes.
One study we previously reported on suggested that over 4,000 “Spanish” surnames actually had Jewish-Sephardic origins — but that’s patrilineal from the father — which means that just because you don’t have one of these last names doesn’t mean that you don’t have Jewish ancestry.
There’s a lot at stake here for many Latinos — after all, they are well aware of the power and privilege that Jewish identity carries — which would explain why even “antisemitic” Latino politicians often suddenly discover “Jewish” ancestry in their family tree.
Of course, there will always be rabbis who deny that these Sephardic Latinos have any “legal” claim to being “Jewish” — but since Jewish identity can be both genetic and “religious,” it’s a situational definition at best, with lots of wiggle room.
And there should be little doubt that the Catholic Church has been up to its eyeballs in converso- and crypto-Jews — despite the “purity of blood” tradition among old Christians in Spain.
And the fact that the Inquisition itself was orchestrated and led by the crypto-Jew, Torquemada, tells you all you need to know about its integrity — and its “success” in routing out fellow crypto-Jews.

The same can be said about all those “Old stock” americans that are part black or indian:
I wonder how many of the american readers here have non-white ancestry and don’t even know it.
My research showed that through Talmudic AI, Satanic rabbis share 99% of their DNA with dung pigs.
The Grandees: Story of America’s Sephardic Elite
Newport was known then as the “JEWISH NEWPORT”, where Jews manufactured great amounts of rum to be sold to the Indians, thus promoting the vice of inebriation, which gave great profits to the Jews that manufactured and distributed rum.
It is confirmed that in only one year, out of 128 ships destined in Charleston to transport black slaves, 120 were freighted by Jews both from Newport and Charleston; this shows that Jews had almost the monopoly of the criminal trade of black slaves.
One of the most distinguished Jews who controlled the black slaves trade was the Portuguese Jew Aaron Lopez, who had a whole fleet of ships destined to bring slaves, most of them freighted under his own name. An investigation on this matter titled “Who Brought the Slaves to the United States” from where we took this information, also indicates that the existing documents on this issue show that the Jew Aaron Lopez, between years 1726 and 1774, freighted under his own name the fifty per cent of the ships entrusted to bring slaves from Africa,P49
When will the usual Jewish hubris/need to tell on themselves result in them making movies that finally “tell the untold story” of their domination of the slave trade?
The usual conservative take is to point out that the slave ships flew under the British flag, to disassociate ourselves from slavery by pinning it on our British cousins. Hasten the day that conservatives start pinning the blame on those (((who))) are actually responsible.
DNA Analysis Proves That Serial Killer “Jack The Ripper” was a Jew from Poland
Los conversos lideraron las independencias hispanoamericanas:
September 9, 2021:
“Days before the new Hebrew calendar year of 5782, the number of Jews worldwide stands at approximately 15.2 million compared to 15.1 million in 5781, according to newly released statistics by the Jewish Agency for Israel.
When also including those who are eligible for Israeli citizenship under the Law of Return, the world total rises to 25.3 million people, of whom 7.3 million are in Israel and 18 million live outside Israel.
The percentage of Jews living in Israel out of all the Jews in the world stands at 45.3%, an increase of half a percent over the previous year. The number of Jews living in the United States increased by an estimated 300,000, according to a new survey by the Pew Research Center.
Updated Jewish population figures from additional countries include:
France: 446,000; Canada: 393,000; Great Britain: 292,000; Argentina: 175,000; Russia: 150,000; Germany: 118,000; Australia: 118,000; Brazil: 91,500; South Africa: 52,000; Ukraine: 43,000; Hungary: 47,000; Mexico: 40,000; The Netherlands: 30,000; Belgium: 29,000; Italy: 27,000; Switzerland: 18,500; Chile: 16,000; Uruguay: 16,000; Sweden: 15,000; Turkey: 14,500; Spain: 13,000; Austria: 10,000; Panama: 10,000.
Around 27,000 Jews live in Arab and Muslim states, of whom 14,500 live in Turkey, around 9,500 in Iran, around 2,000 in Morocco, and approximately 1,000 in Tunisia.” [Continues]
“45.3% Of All Jewish People Now Live In Israel”
Don’t we wonder why?
“New Mexico Supreme Court Welcomes Illegal Aliens as Licensed Attorneys” [August 24, 2022, The Epoch Times]
“The Supreme Court of the State of New Mexico has determined in a unanimous policy decision that illegal aliens will be allowed to practice in the state as attorneys—a decision a conservative legal critic called “bizarre.”
In a new set of rules governing admission to the bar (pdf), approved on Aug. 19, the court held that a lack of U.S. citizenship or immigration status may no longer be used to deny a law license to individuals holding a law degree and otherwise qualifying for membership in the New Mexico Bar Association.” [MORE]:
Excerpt is from a much longer article in my file copies, which jew site now requires a sign-in.
“Jews and the Spanish and Mexican Inquisition”
“When the Spanish Inquisition expanded to (((JEWS)))”
[Flanders NOTE]: This is from the Scofield Biblical Institute, indicating the source as Times Of Israel article BY RICH TENORIO, August 16, 2016
“[Carvajal] was one of a family of Judaizers,” Martinez-Davila said, using a technical term with which the Inquisition charged crypto-Jews. “His whole family was executed, burned at the stake. Two escaped to the Ottoman Empire. He was the most celebrated case. We have letters from him. He fully confessed: ‘I was Jewish, I was holding Shabbat services, Friday night services.’”
Yet, Martinez-Davila added, “parts of [Carvajal’s] extended family were running the Inquisition. One side would be very Catholic, and to protect their position inside the Inquisition, and the royal government, [they would be willing] to execute family members.”
Carvajal died in prison in 1591. His family’s Inquisition records, from Mexico City in 1594, are part of the exhibit. In 1596, the Inquisition put 46 conversos on trial, including members of Carvajal’s family who were burned at the stake.
In 1601, 45 more conversos were executed. Between 1574 to 1603, there were 115 people accused of Judaizing.
“They are not enormous numbers, but they are pretty big, with colonial society being measured in the tens of thousands,” Martinez-Davila said.
Mexican paintings in the exhibit show autos-da-fe, “public processions [in which] those convicted of heresy [would be] either convicted or do penance or be executed,…”
[This Source]:
Article just below that is: “Who’s your daddy? Conference traces Jewish DNA back to Holy Land”
Does this offer an explanation for why Nick “America First” Fuentes looks like (((Ben Shapiro)))?
Oh, yes, Nick Fuentes, the leader of the “far right” conservatives. He’s so “far right” that the Jews call him antisemitic, even though he’s a card-carrying civic nationalist, because he’s not exactly white enough to advocate for the white race.
I’m not sure about Fuentes. He says some right things, he says some things that I find screwy, and he has some of the right people supporting him, but my overall impression is that he’s someone who came out of nowhere to suddenly shoot to the top.
I don’t want to impugn the guy, however, I find that to be suspicious. Particularly since he was practically the spitting image of Shapiro. It wouldn’t even take much for him to vocally impersonate Shapiro, I find it uncanny.
The only mention of Nick Fuentes’ family I could find is that his father is “half-Mexican”, which would make Fuentes 1/8th Mexican.
There are millions of Mex-Americans like Fuentes now, with 1/4 or 1/8 Mexican ancestry, and they can pass as white, and will be accepted as white by the majority. Like Ted Cruz.
Obviously, Fuentes avoids talking about his family, his Mexican background, for a reason.
RB and eke, KBK’s comment at this post seems to have Fuentes pegged right.
“Andrew Torba Angers Gab Users by Sponsoring Nick Fuentes’ AFPAC”
The are Sleeper Crypto about to be activated, and have a Zionist colony up an running.
No need to proselyte to manufacture sayanims, for New World Order duty. Just activate Sleepers.
The Jews love history. They just insist upon it being fake, assisted by “new discoveries”. A few of the “diaspora” sayanim help them to do it.
“MADRID — Two years ago, a tiny Spanish village gained fame for deciding, finally, to break any possible link to the persecution of Jews during the Spanish Inquisition.
It held a referendum in which the village’s 56 registered inhabitants agreed to shed its medieval name — Castrillo Matajudíos, which roughly translates as Little Hill Fort of Jew Killers. Instead, it is now called Castrillo Mota de Judíos, or something like Little Hill Fort of Jews.
Since then, however, the village has become a victim of repeated acts of vandalism, mostly anti-Semitic graffiti, that the mayor attributes to unknown far-right extremist groups that, he believes, have no direct connection to his village.
The mayor, Lorenzo Rodríguez Pérez, filed a police complaint on Tuesday after the latest aggression, in which the village’s brand-new road signposts were sprayed over the weekend with anti-Semitic and fascist graffiti, he said.”
“As part of the overhaul, the village’s authorities have also been promoting its Jewish roots. There is an archaeological project to dig up the remains of a synagogue and other buried evidence of the historic settlement.
And in June, Castrillo’s mayor will lead a delegation of seven officials from the village on a weeklong visit to Israel, during which Castrillo is to be named the twin village of an Israeli community, Kfar Vradim.”
“Sayanim – Israel’s and Mossad’s Jewish helpers abroad”
“Sayanim (sing. Sayan; Hebrew: helpers, assistants) is a term for a Mossad operative recruited from among the Jewish Diaspora to help the Mossad with operations outside Israel, utilising the capacity of their own nationality to procure assistance.”