(National Library of Medicine – National Center for Biotechnology Information) A 2011 genetic study titled “The History of African Gene Flow into Southern Europeans, Levantines, and Jews” found in all eight groups of Jews studied — Ashkenazi Jews, Syrian Jews, Iranian Jews, Iraqi Jews, Greek Jews, Turkish Jews, Italian Jews — a Black sub-saharan African DNA admixture ranging from 3 to 5% and up to 15% in Levantine Jews:
“Previous genetic studies have suggested a history of sub-Saharan African gene flow into some West Eurasian populations after the initial dispersal out of Africa that occurred at least 45,000 years ago. However, there has been no accurate characterization of the proportion of mixture, or of its date.
We analyze genome-wide polymorphism data from about 40 West Eurasian groups to show that almost all Southern Europeans have inherited 1%–3% African ancestry with an average mixture date of around 55 generations ago, consistent with North African gene flow at the end of the Roman Empire and subsequent Arab migrations.
Levantine groups harbor 4%–15% African ancestry with an average mixture date of about 32 generations ago, consistent with close political, economic, and cultural links with Egypt in the late middle ages.
We also detect 3%–5% sub-Saharan African ancestry in all eight of the diverse Jewish populations that we analyzed. For the Jewish admixture, we obtain an average estimated date of about 72 generations. This may reflect descent of these groups from a common ancestral population that already had some African ancestry prior to the Jewish Diasporas.
Southern Europeans and Middle Eastern populations are known to have inherited a small percentage of their genetic material from recent sub-Saharan African migrations, but there has been no estimate of the exact proportion of this gene flow, or of its date.
Here, we apply genomic methods to show that the proportion of African ancestry in many Southern European groups is 1%–3%, in Middle Eastern groups is 4%–15%, and in Jewish groups is 3%–5%.
To estimate the dates when the mixture occurred, we develop a novel method that estimates the size of chromosomal segments of distinct ancestry in individuals of mixed ancestry. We verify using computer simulations that the method produces useful estimates of population mixture dates up to 300 generations in the past.
By applying the method to West Eurasians, we show that the dates in Southern Europeans are consistent with events during the Roman Empire and subsequent Arab migrations.
The dates in the Jewish groups are older, consistent with events in classical or biblical times that may have occurred in the shared history of Jewish populations.”
These findings confirm earlier hematological studies conducted by Oxford-educated chemist Arthur Mourant — published in his 1978 book, The Genetics Of The Jews — which showed that both Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews have between 5% and 10% Black sub-saharan admixture.
Ironically, it is within the “Middle Eastern” genetic origin which Jews claim “proves” their “Israelite” ancestry that we find this Black sub-saharan African admixture.
One of the problems with the study of genetics of the Middle East is that very few studies have been done on populations prior to the Arab invasions and conquests — after which the entire genetic makeup of the ME changed through rampant and widespread race mixing.
And it is this middle eastern Black sub-saharan African admixture which proves that Jews cannot possibly be legitimate Israelites — the ancient Israelites of the Bible show no sub-saharan Black ancestry — nor can any sub-saharan Black Africans trace their ancestry back to the original Genesis 10 nations — nor by extension — back to Adam.
The children of an Israelite-Black African “marriage” would have been considered racial “mamzers” — per Deuteronomy 23:2,
“A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD.”
“Bastard” here comes from Strong’s Concordance H4464, “mamzer”, which clearly means a racial mongrel, born of an Israelite father and non-Israelite/non-Adamic mother.
The definition of “mamzer” must include not just non-Israelite mothers but also non-Adamic mothers also — otherwise all of Jacob-Israel’s twelve sons — and his grandchildren — who all have been “mamzers.”
All genetic studies that attempt to prove today’s “Jews” are Israelites do so by showing some common “Middle Eastern” admixture — conflating “Middle Eastern” with “Israelite” — and nothing could be further from the truth.
As a 2013 genetic study conducted by Marc Haber concludes,
“[These] studies did not make clear ‘whether the factors driving this structure would also involve other groups in the Levant.'”
Many Jews will point to the controversial 2010 study by Harry Ostrer — which used a very small sample size — claiming that all three major groups of Jews — Ashkenazi, Sephardic, and Mizrahi — had common Middle Eastern ancestry — but that same study showed that all of these groups, though distantly related with many genetic differences, showed greatly varying degrees of admixture with non-Jewish groups.
Most significantly this Ostrer study showed — as many other genetic studies have shown — that Ashkenazi Jews have up to 60% White European admixture — and genetic studies on the maternal lines show that this White admixture arose from Ashkenazi men traveling into Europe alone and taking wives from European populations — and then practicing intense endogamy — or inbreeding — which accounts for their high level of genetic and psychiatric disorders.
And the greatest irony of this White European maternal line is that halachic “Jewish identity” is allegedly conferred through this maternal line — whereas all genetic studies show that any “Middle Eastern” ancestry comes through the paternal lines.
Once again, these contradictions prove that today’s “Jews” cannot possible be Israelites who conferred Israelite — not mixed spurious “Middle Eastern” — identity through the father.
And Jews — in their 1980 Jewish Almanac — have all but admitted to the fact that they are neither legtimate Hebrews or Israelites:
Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a Jew or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew.
Given the strict rules of marriage practiced by the biblical Israelites, if today’s “Jews” were actually Israelites, we would expect them to be highly genetically uniform with very little signs of admixture — and we would expect that they would have fulfilled God’s promises to Abraham:
“And he brought him [Abraham] forth abroad, and said, Look now toward heaven, and tell the stars, if thou be able to number them: and he said unto him, So shall thy seed be.”
—Genesis 15:5
And more specifically,
“And I will make my covenant between me and thee, and will multiply thee exceedingly. And Abram fell on his face: and God talked with him, saying, As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations….And I will make thee exceeding fruitful, and I will make nations of thee, and kings shall come out of thee.”
—Genesis 17:2-6
Today’s “Jews” most certainly have not fulfilled these promises to Abraham’s “chosen” bloodline through Issac, Jacob, and Joseph — through his sons, Ephraim and Manasseh — they have remained a tiny, highly inbred ethnic group that has never been a “company of nations” ruled over by kings.
The one racial group that has, in fact, fulfilled these promises to Abraham has been the White European race — not only have they been “exceedingly fruitful” comprising many nations ruled over by many kings — and consistently practiced the religion of Israel though Christianity — they have remained remarkably racially pure and consistent.
Genetic studies of White northern Europeans consistently have shown that they are genetically closely related on both the paternal and maternal lineages — and fall within the R1a and R1b genetic hapotypes from West to East Europe — exactly what we would expect to find in legitimate Israelite populations.
Jews, on the other hand, believe that the “lost tribes of Israel” were all “Jews” like themselves — and they falsely believe that all “lost Israelites” are much like themselves — highly racially mixed — which is a complete contradiction to the biblical injunction against “adulterating” their seedline.
And it’s interesting to note that of all European populations, Jews are most closely related to southern Italians — and Greeks to some extent — which shouldn’t be surprising considering that these European populations were subjected to Muslim invasions and conquest — creating a White and “Middle Eastern” admixture that is also found in Jews.
It should be noted here that most of the Italian immigrants who came to America originated in the more impoverished southern Italian regions — which explains their dark, swarthy look — similar to many Spaniards because of the Muslim conquest of Visigoth Spain and the high rate of Jews converting to Catholicism on the Iberian peninsula.
And so it is the ultimate irony that as Jews vainly try to prove that they are Israelites through genetic studies, all they have ended up proving is that they are a highly mixed race people who merely self-identify as the original and legitimate tribes of Judah and Levi — one of the greatest masquerades of all time.
Edgy Name
Okay, this is a pretty petty comment on a great article, but you managed to fit 6 em dashes in one sentence. That has to be a contender for world record.
Edgy Name,
Who are you replying to???
Missouri Confederate
Good that means that Ethiopians now can claim the right to return.
This is where Leviticus lets us know the person mixed with Israelite at 50% has to go through 3 generations of pure Israelites to get their kids back to being considered Israelite by God. That means no more than 6% of something else could be considered a true Israelite. There’s the exact 3-generation standard applied to Edom elsewhere in scripture, so we can tell with God, 6% is the mix limit for something to still be what it originally was.
And not mixed with just anything else either. Moab was disqualified not because of being a different kind, but because they were a people founded on incest. We know some folks (Edom, Hittites, etc) were flat-out not considered Israelites ever due to how they had treated Israelites in the past.
I believe the tares mixed with wheat is likely not just a spiritual metaphor, but also applies to mixed Israelite with X, where you don’t know what you’ve got until it matures to show its dominant nature. Like with wolfdogs and or hybrid seeds. God is partly waiting to see which nations actually show the character of Israel vs chasing after satan.
Everything you just said is malarkey. God does not have a “mix limit”. A mamzer (bastard ) cannot enter into the congregation of the LORD, EVEN to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD. In other words, NEVER.!God said in Jeremiah 31:35-36 that Israel would not cease from being a nation. Just about every “white” person I know has some Asian, African, ME, Indian (both kinds) or Ashkenazi Jew in them, albeit in small percentages.
Nonetheless, they are not pure. Only a remnant of true Israel and other pure Adamites will exist at the end of the age.
Furthermore, it is not Leviticus that talks about a 3rd generation, it is Deu 23:7-8. It says: “Thou shalt not abhor an Edomite; for he is thy brother: thou shalt not abhor an Egyptian; because thou wast a stranger in his land. The children that are begotten of them shall enter into the congregation of the LORD in their third generation.”
The Strong’s number for “Edomite ‘ is H130. Looking at the Strong’s info it says: “Strong’s Definitions
אֱדֹמִי ʼĔdômîy, ed-o-mee’; or (fully) אֱדוֹמִי ʼĔdôwmîy ; patronymic from H123; See H726. an Edomite, or descendants from (or inhabitants of) Edom:—Edomite.
Now go look up H726 in your concordance. It says: “אֲרוֹמִי ʼĂrôwmîy, ar-o-mee’; a CLERICAL ERROR for H130; AN EDOMITE (as in the margin):—Syrian.
God hates the Edomites and would never allow them to enter into His Congregation. That text should have read: “Thou shalt not abhor an SYRIAN; for he is thy brother: ”
Laban was a Syrian, as were Rachel and Leah. Pure Adamic stock. There will be no hybrids in God’s congregation, PERIOD. As for the Egyptians in that passage, they were pure until they were not. This directive was given to ancient Israel because none of the pure Israelites living today were a stranger in their land. No sane, pure, modern Israelite would take a modern mixed Egyptian for a mate and have to wait 3 generations before God would except their children’s children’s children. Once tainted, always tainted.
Yes, I agree with you, Elle.
Whether we, in today’s touchy-feely age, like it or not, Yahweh, The Lord our God will not have mixed blood sheep in his fold. No cross breeds. Pure White as the winter snow rams and ewes only.
I know heapppppssssss of mixed blood peoples – who doesn’t in today’s multicultural hellscape? – and some of them are nice enough, some are pretty cool even, and some are mates… but none are pure caucasian, and at times it certainly shows! The mixed blood part always appears at some point in their actions or deeds.
As it is written: God’s ways are not our ways, and a vast multitude of Christians would do well to remember that, says I.
Paul Kent
The article mentions that Ashkenazi Jews are genetically closely related to southern Italians and Greeks.
Here’s a picture of the CEO of Anheuser-Busch, Michel Doukeris, a Brazilian of Greek origin. If you told me he was a Jew, I wouldn’t doubt it:
James Smith
Josephus said Lacedaemonians came from Abraham. I believe it, but Jews and Greeks also have strong Hamitic ties like no other European groups. Greeks and Egyptians exchanged genes. The Hittites were actually heavily Greek in terms of ancestry, and Jews in turn descended from the Hittites.
Emmanuel D'souza
Greeks descend from Yāwān, a Son of Yāfet, a Son of Nō’aḥ. But, the Judaeans descend from their father Yəhōḏeh, a Son of Yiśrā’ĕl, a Son of Yiṣhāq, a son of father Ābrahām.
So, Greeks are not descendants of Ābrahām according to the Bible.
James Smith
“Javan” only speaks to the origin of the Ionian Greeks. That’s just one group.
Maccabees is often not considered canonical, but 1 Maccabees 12:21 says: It is found in writing, that the Lacedemonians and Jews are brethren, and that they are of the stock of Abraham.
So are Southern Europeans and Greeks pure Adamic White, or are they mamzers? If they are mamzers, wouldn’t this fully affect the genetics of nations like Italy and Greece?
It’s likely that there are still some pure Adamic Whites in Greece, Italy, Spain, and Portugal. And also the Balkan nations.
In Italy, for example, traditionally northern Italians looked down on marriages with the darker southern Italians for that very reason.
In Spain you still find very fair, light-eyed Spaniards in different areas, but they are far more uncommon than the common swarthy type.
Portugal is probably even more mixed than Spain because they imported black slaves and then emancipated them and absorbed them into the larger population to add to the Muslim admixture.
Both Greece and Portugal have the worst performing economies in Europe. Coincidence?
Of all European nations, the Balkans in the south eastern part of Europe show the most Turkic/Arabic admixture because they felt the brunt of the invasions and occupations. Though I’m sure there are still some legitimate Whites in those areas. Croatia seems very White still.
Depends on whether a person has passed the 6% line. I’d say some aren’t, but many are. Brown hair and eyes are the genetic norm for the white guy. The loose spiral curl in hair is the normal average type of hair. Skin that’s fair but can suntan a light brown is also more normal than not.
Southern Europeans are folks from large population civs, and so have had a huge gene pool to end up mostly rolling these average traits. By contrast, the farther north you go, the smaller the population that can be supported. So people are married more closely to a smaller number of families. Recessive traits tend to pop up more in these populations. You can’t totally go by looks, and certainly not by the ridiculous Arayan blonde blue-eyed myths.
Also be wary of family myths. American Whites often claim “Indian” blood somewhere, but in colonial times “Indian” was slang for someone born outside of the motherland. IE someone whose bloodline couldn’t be verified back when smart people considered those things important. Those would have been other whites, not literal tribal indians.
I would like to know what percentage (DNA) a Jew has of Shem.
We could finally debunk the antisemitic bs
James Smith
Academics have a false sense of what Semitic means. They consider Canaanites a Semitic group solely because it’s where Jews keep getting traced back to. Journalists call Y-DNA haplogroup J Semitic even though there’s as much of a case to call it Hamitic. It was already found in the Levant before the Israelites moved there.
Ken Rainey
Well, isn’t the White race descended from Shem as Israelites? Also, the original Aryans in Persia were also descended from Shem. If Ashkenazis have a large percentage of White admixture, as the article states, then that would mean they get their Shemitic ancestry from those Whites, not from being Israelites from the Near East. How ironic.
DNA studies prove that jews have as much as 36% Negroid genes, and NO Israelite, Caucasian, or White genes. Other jewish sources report that jews also have Turkish, Khazarian, and Mongolian genes
James Smith
The study is really saying 36% of African Lemba Jews have a Y-DNA haplogroup of sub-Saharan African origin, not that European Jews are 36% negro. Y-DNA is not useful for determining one’s race because it only works in a straight line on the father’s side. Autosomal DNA is more useful.
James Smith
An “Askhenazi Jew” took the MyTrueAncestry test. They came back with Canaanite, Hittite, Amorite, and many other groups the Israelites were not supposed to intermix with. Their number one ancestry, however, was “Ottoman”.
So how did it come up Ottoman when the Ottoman Empire was Muslim? The most likely answer is that the test couldn’t differentiate between Ottoman and Khazar, just like they couldn’t differentiate Canaanites from Semites.
I believe the only reason anthropologists deny the link between Ashkenazi Jews and Khazars, despite the evidence being so strong, is because the Khazars came from the Seir Mountains. You know the significance of that.
James, the Khazars were supposedly a Turkic-Mongol people, which would explain why a Jew had “Ottoman” ancestry, which is Turkic.
In a Tweet from Matt Walsh 2018, he figures God is Jewish without a DNA test. LOL
Matt Walsh
Jews are our elder brothers in faith. For a Christian to be anti-semitic is not only evil but extremely idiotic. Jesus was a Jew. It is beyond me how anyone could claim a faith founded upon Judaism with a Jewish messiah and yet hate Jews. Baffling. Moronic. Wicked.
6:11 PM · Oct 27, 2018
If Matt Walsh thinks Christianity is based on Judaism, he himself is “moronic” and “wicked”. Jews themselves have admitted that Judaism is not based on the Old Testament faith but rather straight outta Babylon.
I guess Walsh has his head so far up the Jews’ ars who pay him literally millions of dollars a year to say such nonsense.
Make no mistake, Matt Walsh takes the lucre of the Jews and it has made him wealthy being a kosher “conservative”, a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
He makes my skin crawl.
His whole shtick about “what is a woman” is so retarded, yet that’s his role – to argue with psychotic trannies and radical LGbTs about “gender”. What a waste of a life.
Who is Matt Walsh???
Matt Walsh is a so-called “right wing conservative” who specializes in criticizing the LGBT movement. You can find a lot of his videos on YouTube, which tells you that he’s 100% kosher approved.
He’s a Catholic, but he obviously doesn’t know anything about the history of the Catholic Church and their traditional stance against the Jews.
He hates any kind of White nationalism, and he thinks people who admire Hitler are “evil”. Just another Judas Goat who is paid handsomely to distract White people away from the Jewish Question.
Lehigh ….
I read on his Wiki — “….He has called multiculturalism a “failed experiment”
So, he says many of the right things. Sounds no different like all the rest — guys like Tucker and Hannity, the late Rush Linbaugh et., al., and the list goes on and on and on and on. Bring up Henry Ford’s treatise on the International Jews and their eyes turn red.
Money is a powerful motivator. And is the root of all evil.
I’m glad I didn’t know who he was. 🙂
So the Question now is —- Agent or just Deceived.
We will never know that answer, but I find it interesting to think about. Do these guys “know” what they are? Or is it simply Supernatural Deception.
I’d have to be in a room with a person to have a gut instinct.
Matt Walsh looks rather odd to me in his videos, he doesn’t look like a “good Catholic boy” to me. Perhaps it’s the Jewish style of glasses that he wears that is throwing me off, but are we sure he’s not a jew?
On a side note, I was once linked a site by a fella who used circumstance evidence and genealogy to maintain that certain celebrities are Jewish. An example being Tom Selleck, based on the supposedly-jewish symbology on his ring back in Magnum, PI as well as his present resemblance to (((Bill Barr))).
Anyhow, the fella insisted that Pratt was a Jewish name and contended that actor Chris Pratt was a jew.
Both Pratt and Walsh publicly espouse Christianity, but there’s something about their appearance that seems a bit off from the “goyish” norm. Am I barking up the wrong tree with this?
Ah, Yes, the favorite old One-Two punch of the devil. Jab with the forever-victim-class african , and try to land the jew power shot on White Christendom behind the jab. This is satan’s favorite formula, like the Secret Recipe for Kentucky Fried Chicken.
In media, jews use their black reporter shields to deflect from themselves and try to give their endless lies and scams legitimacy. Heck, the jew even brought the waves of slaves here and uses them like a genocide bomb on White Adamites. jew uses blacks in sports ball and movies to leverage blacks into White society as ‘Legitimate.’
There is Nothing new under the sun. The jew uses the same strategy again and again and again. ‘The Secret Relationship between blacks and jews’ is that they are family. Kind of like the Addams Family, but way uglier and way more psychotic.
NCR (Strong’s 5235b 5236 5237) = blacks are misfortune and calamity, and they are aliens and strangers. Deuteronomy 17:15 – you will Not set a NCRi (black=NCR/NGR=Nigeria/NiCaR agua, ‘black water’) as King over you. Non-Whites in leadership positions in Adamic nations are a CURSE. Always have been, always will be.
We have been given Dominion over all that the LORD hath made, and are not to step aside from our leadership, or we are promised that we will reap the negative consequences.
We stepped aside alright!!!
What was the adage — “The sun never set on the British Empire”.
We here today can see things so clearly.
Question — why didn’t our Ancestors?
Is the answer as obvious as “Sin”?
Television was the death of our western culture and societies. It created homogenization of all white nations, with the same socialist, anti-white “values”. Television was more devastating than multiple atomic bombs. It gave the Jews the tool they needed for mass brainwashing into accepting their anti-White worldview.
Yes, satanic television lead us into rampant sin.
Feeneyite ….
Yes, well observed. I was thinking “international travel” via Ship. But I think you are right.
Thank you!
Leonard Feeney said having a television in your home is like having a jew in your living room
It seems to me the brainwashing went on long before television and even widespread radio, as the Federal Reserve and 16, 17, 18, & 19th Amendments also predate it.
Somehow Woodrow Wilson tapped into some serious Jew-Jitsu as he went from winning re-election by campaigning on keeping us out of WW1 to throwing us into that grinder within days of being resworn into office.
So the so-called Black Hebrew Israelites and the Ashkenazi & Sephardic Jews are not really that much different from each other.
Both have Black genetics.
Both claim to be the ancient Israelites or Hebrews.
Neither believe having Black ancestry precludes them from being an Israelite.
Neither can read the Bible without twisting its meaning.
Both of these groups are LARPing (live action role playing) as Israelites.
James Smith
For anyone to claim the Israelites were black, they must first prove the ancient Romans, Ionian Greeks, Thracians, Persians, Philistines, Iranian Medes, Assyrians, Lydians, Hittites, Canaanites, and Egyptians were black too since they shared a common ancestor. They can’t do it.
They would have to make the argument that Assyrians are “fake Assyrians”. Modern Assyrians have Hindoo blood that shouldn’t be there, but there is still continuity between the ancient ones and modern ones, and they don’t resemble black Africans.
Mount Ararat is located in the Caucasus Mountains, and I’ve never heard of negro bones being found there 6,000 to 5,000 years ago. And of course the idea that Noah was Caucasian but had black descendants is a clown idea. There would be no reason for God to create the white race and then decide to create a more primitive race to oppose them.
Modern church ignores the parts of Genesis that deal with prehuman men. Instead they insist Cain married his sister and ignore that he moved to a city long before they could have produced that many people. And that he was banished from humans and wouldn’t have gone to a city with more family there in the first places. This doesn’t fit into Babylon’s “we’re all the same” propaganda, and Babylon can’t have that.
James Smith
Adding the fact that Cain’s descendant Tubal-Cain was a skilled metallurgist, it’s highly unlikely that there is a connection between Cain and the negro race. The Kenite/Cain link DSCI makes doesn’t sit well with me either because if it were true, the least you could expect is for Kenites to be listed as a nation in Deuteronomy 7 to make no covenant with. They were apparently not bad figs.
The Bible does say that Cain’s descendants moved east. The only possibilities I see are that Cain’s descendants either died in the flood or were absorbed into some eastern groups like the Mongolians or savage Turkic tribes through race mixing.
Merely want to add that if 5% of jews (Esau-Edom) have black DNA, it has been measured that upwards of 19% of black DNA is of an unknown-ghost DNA.
To ratiocinate, from the five percent black DNA in jews, around one percent of jew-ish DNA is also unknown-ghost DNA.
I would like to love the Jews, but they have got to do a few things to get any of that agape from me: relocate the’ State of Israel ‘to Antarctica, stay out of politics, banking, jurisprudence, the film, music and publishing industries; pharmaceuticals, academia;practice better personal hygiene and stop eating bagels.. 😆
Atreides ….
If they did all those things — what would you love about them?
They are gifted in many ways — but all those gifts seem nefarious to me.
Comedy? If you like that sort of thing.
I think you were being sarcastic. 🙂
Ps…. On a side note — in my career I knew a few. They were on the Caucasian side of the scale. They were very nice and generous with me. I believe this was their “caucasian” side shinning through. Imagine that inner conflict! A person is say 80% Adamic with 20% non-adamic blood. That is an internal fight that will never cease.
Is it no wonder the prohibition against race-mixing???!!!
Partners in crime for a very long time.
Anybody have a list of Jews and they’re sidekikes in “entertainment”?
It’s a mile long.
Sarah Perry
RE: White World Wrap (2023-04-25) – https://www.kirksvilletoday.com/20230424/white-world-wrap-2023-04-25/
SCIENTIFIC FACT: Blacks are Sub-Humans
“Blacks are proto-humans; modern man evolved from Blacks by hybridizing with the large-brain Neanderthals:
• Blacks = 2% Archaic hominid admixture and 7.9% non-human ghost DNA
• Whites = 3% Neanderthal
• Asians = 3% Neanderthal + Denisovan
“Modern man evolved from Blacks when they cross-bred with the large-brain Neanderthals (literally a different species). Blacks are the only race with no Neanderthal DNA.”
Could it be that modern man [jews] evolved when Blacks cross-bred with Neanderthals?
False: “All non-African humans have some Neanderthal DNA.”
@25:21 “Some humans today have as high as 10-15% … [host] suggests he was talking about jews and he knows that they know and are sitting on the fact that it’s jews that have that high Neanderthal DNA count, NOT Whites…”
Sarah Perry …………….
Is this a promotion of this theory? In other words ….. is this what you believe? Just curious why you plugged the site “kirksville”…..
Since you are here, I will assume you are a Christian who believes in Israelite Identity.
How do you square the Scriptures with the above theoretical model?
Sarah Perry
I’m here looking for truth. Since 9/11/2001, I find myself connecting dots. Check out this link I included. – https://www.bitchute.com/video/dkV72LH3vdTJ/
Kirksville Today was the source for the post that comes from an academic study:
Archaic Hominin Introgression in Africa Oxford Academic: Molecular Biology and Evolution Published: 21 July 2017
ABSTRACT: A divergent MUC7 haplotype likely originated in an unknown African hominin population and introgressed into ancestors of modern Africans.
Would you like for me to post the entire article?
Most of my affiliation with religions was Baptist (not Christian Identity) – General then Missionary.
I don’t think the Bible talks about the jews’ origin. Abraham came from Ur into Egypt. Anyway, location is not genetic origin.
After thinking about these findings, I remembered Louis Farrakhan saying that whites come from the Blacks. Where did he get this idea? Could it be that the whites he is talking about are the jews? I faintly remember being told that everyone came from Africa. Many people have the idea that the jews are White, they are not.
Thanks for your reply.
Hi Sarah,
Thanks for introducing yourself so to speak. So glad you are here to learn.
I have a few resources to suggest —
Look into the Theory of Pre-adamites:
Have you ever read men like Madison Grant or Lothrop Stoddard? They are not “Christian”, but they were Anthropologists.
It seems pretty clear — at least from my research — that there once existed 4 Primary or Original Tribes of People — White, back, yellow and red.
Most of us here believe that the black, yellow and red races were “planted” in various places across the world prior to the Creation of Adam — Genesis 1:25
It’s just my opinion, when people start talking about Neanderthals and other pre-historic peoples …. it just confuses everything. I suppose it is possible that some pre-historic creatures did exist, but it would be impossible to prove.
History proves that there was once 4 Pure Races of “Peoples” — (Peoples -loosely defined)
It wasn’t that long ago that we could see this clearly in history. We had blacks in the center of Africa. Yellows in the far east and Red or aboriginal peoples scattered — Australian Abos; Amazonian abos etc., etc.
It wasn’t until International Travel via Ship where all of a sudden there is now interaction between these races. Sure of course there must have been some interaction prior to the invention of Ships. Cain found a civilization of pre-adamic peoples shortly after the Creation of Adamic Man. But I suspect the interaction of the Races was very limited. I suspect Adamic Man interacted with the Yellows first. That’s just an opinion based on location.
You then wrote — “…I don’t think the Bible talks about the jews’ origin….”
This is a loaded or Nebulous statement. The entirety of this Website is devoted to clearling up this ambiguity. When we talk of “Jews” here, we are speaking of Modern Jewry. So, Abraham was not a “jew”.
Great article — must read — https://christiansfortruth.com/who-are-jews/
Anyway ……………………. hope this helps.
Great to meet you and see you here. Hope you stay.
Btw ……….. there are a few really wise men here. Ask questions and I’m positive they will get answered.
I seriously doubt White people have any Neanderthal DNA. Any DNA count below 5% or 4% in these DNA tests is within the window of statistical error. It’s a theory, not a fact.
White people did not “evolve” out of Neanderthals or any other sub-humans.
This kind of nonsense is meant to demoralize White and to make us think we come from some animal species through evolution.
“The most specific threat as a group we Jewish people face in America is the omnipresent threat we Jews will always face, the threat of Christian nationalism, including forms of Christianity that are deeply and sophisticatedly based on Christian teachings. It’s Christian nationalism that maintains that Jews must play a subordinate role in the workplace and elsewhere to Christians. These forms of Christianity have for countless centuries been our most dedicated ideological enemy.”
“What I Tell My Black Jewish Children About Kanye West” by Jason Stanley.
Tintagel …
Great share, thank you.
I am noticing more and more white liberals complaining/worrying about Christian Dominionism. Which, I knew nothing about. I was a judeo-christian for over 20+ years of my adult life and I had never heard of the term. So it is something that has emerged in the past decade.
I can see now that it is the jews who are driving this narrative to scare White atheists. Keep them away from thinking about Christianity.
Fascinating, but it makes total sense.
I believe Trump is their man to “inflame” this idea. So many White liberals are afraid of Trump and MAGA. And then of course it keeps the Christian Right into that camp blinded and wounded.
Every time Jews try to prove something that benefits them, they do the exact opposite. They just can’t keep all their lies straight, and they depend on most people not looking too closely at their b.s., like this CFT article does.
I once used to frequently run across a young jewess, a very Americanized gal who presented as being very air headed and politically benighted. When one of my pals mentioned to her that the demonym for people presently in the country of Israel is “israelite” she launched into a fiery tirade about how that was incorrect as they were israelis.
The way she flew off the handle at modern jews being called Israelites was part of my awakening process.
Thanks for the article CFT.
I am a bit surprised that (((they))) haven’t had the chutzpah to hoax that they’ve dug up King David’s bones and are a 100% genetic match to them.
Though I do wonder still about the degree of the relation between the Ashkenazi and the rest of Jewry as they all look so alike.
Also I’m still stymied by the idea that the Ashkenazi were warlords who ruled Europe for centuries. I’ve read articles on the Kosher Nostra here, so I know that there are violent Jewish gangsters to this day, as well as Jewish pugilists, but still…have I just been psy-op’d into assuming they’re mostly Woody Allen types?
RB, actually we decided to write this article because of a comment that you had recently left asking about the genetics of Jews.
Thank you for the follow up. I’m reviewing the wealth of information that this article has provided with the aim of being better informed for the next time.
I salute your impressive encyclopedic knowledge of past articles on here, the referential cross-links in this article are chockablock with info that I’ve wondered about but didn’t know how to begin searching for.
RB …
Just from my observation — the more white dna a jew has the more subtle their evil. They can appear to be righteous (non-spiritual righteousness) — but their deeds under the surface are meant for evil. We see this in Hollywood. Mel Brooks is a good example. And of course Woody Allen as you rightly point out. He seems harmless, but his movies are pure evil. A different kind of evil.
The less white dna a jew has their evil is evident on the surface i.e., the jewish mafia. Murder, porn, mayhem etc.
Shlomo Bergsteinowitz
“OY VEY! This is not Kosher, you vill be reported to the ADL–Another Damn Lie–for spreading truths!”