German prosecutors are recommending that a 93-year-old ex-guard who is on trial for allegedly being an accessory in the murder of 5,230 Jews at the Stutthof concentration camp should be given a inexplicably light prison sentence of only three years:
“The accused is charged with accessory to murder on 5,230 counts,” prosecutor Lars Mahnke told a court in Hamburg.
The defendant, Bruno Dey, was aged 17 and 18 when he served as an SS guard at the Nazi concentration camp in Stutthof between August 9, 1944 and April 26, 1945.
He is being tried by a juvenile court, because of his age at the time of the World War II crimes.
The prosecution argues that Dey had known at the time what was happening at the camp, located near the city of Gdansk, namely that people were being shot in the crematorium. He is said to have recognized that the regime’s mass murder of Jews was wrong.
“In such a situation, loyalty to the perpetrators must end,” Mahnke said, arguing that the man should have quit his post in the watch tower.
The elderly defendant confessed at the beginning of his trial at to having served as a guard at the Stutthof camp, where more than 60,000 people are thought to have died. It was one of the last Nazi death camps to be liberated.
He was drafted to the Wehrmacht armed forces in 1944 but sent to Stutthof — purportedly against his will — because he was not deemed fit to serve on the front lines.
Dey said he saw many dead bodies during his time there but never used his own weapon.
The German national is accused of having “supported the insidious and cruel killing of mostly Jewish prisoners,” according to the prosecution.
One of his tasks was allegedly to prevent prisoners from escaping, revolting or being liberated.
During the trial, Dey also acknowledged witnessing inmates being locked behind a door but insisted that he did not know that it was a door to a gas chamber.
Yes, you read that correctly — this ex-prison guard is accused of preventing prisoners from escaping. Let that sink in.
His other ‘crime’? Seeing prisoners being locked behind a door at a prison.
Why bother putting this man on trial if you’re only going to sentence him to 3 years in prison for killing over 5,000 Jews?
Why aren’t Jewish groups protesting this judicial slap on the wrist?
They probably don’t want people looking into what really happened — or didn’t happen — at Stutthof.
Up until 1944 toward the end of the war, most of the internees at Stutthof were ethnic Poles, not Jews.
As the Soviet army advanced west through the Baltic states in the second half of 1944, the Germans evacuated many Jews — mostly women and children — to the safety of Stutthof — and these Jews were not required to work at this camp.
In January of 1945, as the Soviet army approached the camp, the Germans evacuated the Jewish inmates at Stutthof to the safer interior of Germany — a historical fact that Jewish Holocaust ‘expert’ Yehuda Bauer has acknowledged completely contradicts the notion that Stutthof was a ‘death’ camp.
In March and April of 1945 Soviet planed bombed the Jewish hospital at Stutthof, killing 28 Jews who were too sick to be evacuated — according to Jewish eyewitnesses.
A West German court ruled in 1964 that the eyewitness testimony of ‘homicidal gassings’ at Stutthof lacked credibility and had not be proven — a fact that is conveniently absent from the show trial of wheelchair-bound Bruno Dey.
Lake of fire is for the jews a little bastards of satan race, the pay of from our Father YHWH. This satanic bastards have no shame, same as they done to many others, like Ursula Haverbeck is still in prison, denied early release. I have been waking our people for 20 years and it’s much easier today to wake somebody than was 20 years ago. There will be no peace with satan children, till they gone from this Earth back to eternal hell, where they belong !!!
So when are we going to throw the Jews into jail for committing the longest ongoing holocaust in the history of mankind against the Palestinian people and their neighbors? They are committing a holocaust today, time to get our priorities straight.
Strange how he wasn’t given a life sentence for killing five thousand Jews–their vengeance has no limits….even for an 18 year old soldier just doing his job, not hurting anyone….
The report this last Vernichtungslager (death camp) with crematoria and other fancy stuff and is another abuse of the unlimited liberty of the jew monopoly on everything. Perhaps this “SS guard” was making plea bargain. Denial of any allegation would be to deny the holiest law or only law in BRD.
Angela Merkel will have to pledge another $$$ion EU for his sins and her atonement. Could be commuted to less sin to accept that a 17 year old “dienstunfaehiger”( kid unfit for duty) in Wehrmacht much less WaffenSS should shoot unarmed jews and arouse the self righteous nature of ignorant , moribund audience. Already a 92 year old woman languishes in thier prison for blaspheming holycost.
They claim it was among last VNL or concentration camp to be “liberated.” Danzig (polish Gedansk Gedanija ) was occupied by the Russians in March of same year. WHy wait to free the thousands (millions) of jew ( the whole purpose of the war) ?
Like Prague was “last city to be “liberated” because dictat from the little crumb communist in London ,Eduard Benes’ did not not want American troops or even Mongols arriving to interfere with the murder and “reprisals” of the psychopath partisans (antifa) which actually schocked the Russians . In Gedansk the Poles were also baptizing in innocent blood thier new destroyed city ,enjoying thier maniacal collection of debt in murder and rape . Even here Russians (believe it or not) would defend German people who were left to this Untermenschen . Could it be the nice jews and their german stooges , psychopathic traitors in AMerica and EUrope are enjoying the same today ?
It is clear this holycost nonsense is an obstruction and obfuscation of truth and justice that has monopoly to make history their story . And the earth will groan beneath this cruel unimaginably evil race when they learn the guilt for it will be thrown at their feet .And there is no Heiland (Saviour) for them.
Il Fascismo
May this poor old patriot be blessed in his final days.
His final days as a captive to a lie, the BIGGEST lie ever perpetrated upon mankind, by the satanic killers of Christ.
The entire world need prayers of protections from the demonic jews, and their satanic agenda, but this man especially.
Heavenly Father help this innocent man.
This whole thing — the constant holocaust propanda/pressure — feels like mental, spiritual and emotional TORTURE.
But the only people who are being tortured are us — those who know the truth!
Your average White Normie is not tortured. They could care less.
Frustrating………………….I realize all of this is happening because of our disobedience. Our Ancestors blew it and now the majority of our peoples are blowing it. But the only ones who seem to be affected are those of us who know the Truth.
How long must our Redeemer wait? And “who” is He waiting for? They ain’t coming around…..I’m most assured of that.
I’m entirely EXHAUSTED trying to wake up our brethren. Exhausted.
Thanks for allowing me to vent. See you all on the other side.
We can’t allow ourselves to fall into despair, which is certainly a falling away from God, losing faith. We are told that in the end times the whole world will be deceived–and that only a few will have eyes to see it. You are obviously one of those few–and Christ assured us that if we picked up the cross with Him, we would suffer for it–and also be rewarded.
If you haven’t read it before, I’d recommend reading Sheldon Emry’s booklet “America Will Turn Suddenly”….
Thank you. I appreciate your sentiment. And thanks for the ‘read’.
It is hard for me not to be a Preterist. I suppose I am a preterist UNTIL I see Jesus Himself.
One thing I am assure of — I will not fall away from this! Yes….I grow tired and frustrated. Mostly because I’ve lost my entire blood family. But I didn’t lose everything, to simply fall away because I am frustrated.
But the thought of living 20 more years without some kind of Spiritual Intervention……
I thank our Lord He has blessed me with 5 dogs! 🙂 And a place of refuge high in the Pacific Northwest.
Blessings to you. 🙂
Well, Sheldon Emry is one of my favorite pastors who understands who the true Israelites are. He’s not doom and gloom, and his message, for me, is always one of hope and optimism. I don’t agree with everything he says, but he’s pretty good all told. His audio sermon archive is here–and he’ll definitely cure you of your preterism:
Just what I needed. 🙂
I share in your vexation westwins. This is what I’m tired of, most especially from so-called Jesus loving Christians who keep the GREATEST LIE alive. My disgust can’t even finish witnessing such lies. So here is (what I saw briefly during a live Trunews (God)cast today 7 July 2020.
Countless times I have sent emails condemning their ‘Nazi’ lies and call for their accountability for Truth. I have sent many links to them. After the brief watch of today’s blasphemous LIES while they accuse zionist christians of aiding and abetting ISRAEL. I grow tired but somewhat self condemn myself for continuing to hope that their eyes for Jesus is all encompassing. But I digress 🙁 We are to encourage each other in the faith. Take a break, stay in the Truth and be at peace knowing you are doing the right thing. Even the Almighty doesn’t go against our will. And keep in mind this passage:
Matthew 7:13-14 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
The Narrow and Wide Gates
13 “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. 14 For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.
God bless and renew your spirit.
Thank you!
And thanks for flushing out Wiles’ true spirit. It is one thing to be ignorant….it is entirely another to be willfully ignorant. I have encountered the same problem/
issue with Chuck Baldwin. I pray that their eyes be open, but at the same time will rejoice in their eternal misery, simply because they do not understand the simple concept of humility in being wrong. When they ignore “Truth”……they are without excuse. Peace and blessings to you my brother.
I’ve listened to WIles. It shows you can say anything so long as you resurrect Herrn Hitler and evil “Nazi” to condemn and kill again. My opinion , he is a cheap disinformationalist , probably CIA.
I wondered about that Paul. Once after leaving a comment rebuking their Nazi lies I received a phone call from a # who NO ONE COULD ATTACH A NAME TO. You may be right. I continue to get those calls but I ignore them. Another day about six military helicopters flew so low over my house it shook so hard I thought the roof had blown off. I still march on…for truth and justice. How desperate they are!!!
Remember Rick worked for TBN/ Paul Crouch right before starting his “TruNew” venture.
Right smack across from the entrance to Disneyland is the Assembly of God’s Melodyland Christian Center, the birthplace of TBN (Trinity Broadcasting Network). The Assembly of God denomination has been heavily infiltrated by the Illuminati, and has been heavily used as a front for programmed slaves.
Paul Crouch, president of Trinity Broadcasting Systems, Inc., was affiliated with Melodyland in 1973 when TBS was getting started. At that time, Melodyland was a rich heavily infiltrated charismatic church, with its share of programmed multiples. In 1973, closet homosexual minister Jim Bakker, and his wife Tammy Faye, a programmed multiple were with Paul Crouch in Anaheim at Melodyland.
Paul Crouch had been the assistant pastor of Bakker’s home church in Muskegon, MI. Crouch’s right hand man was Alexander Valderrama, a charismatic Roman Catholic. TBS used an abandoned military base as their TV complex, using hangers as studios. In the early 70’s, ABC put Bakker and Crouch’s early shows on their affiliate stations on Sunday morning.
Bakker had already gotten his career kicked off with Illuminatus Pat Robertson and his 700 Club.
Jim Bakker split and went to the east coast. To help Bakker with his money, Bill Perkins, who had been a financial analyst for the New World Order’s mind-control research at Sandia National Labs in Livermore came to help Bakker run his ministry’s finances. Later, televangelist Bakker began building Heritage USA, which was to be a big-money resort.
Bakker hired people who had worked for Disney to construct Heritage USA. Bakker studied Disneyland, Disneyworld, and other Disney places as a model for Heritage USA. After Disneyworld opened in Florida, Jim Bakker was a REGULAR visitor to it. Heritage USA’s Ft. Heritage was modeled after Disney’s Ft. Wilderness, Main St. was modelled after the Magic Kingdom’s Main St., and Disney’s wrought-iron fencing was also copied.
Most people are aware of Jim Bakker’s $265,000 payoff to Jessica Hahn to keep her sexual services to him a secret, his longtime homosexual relationship with his right hand man David Taggart, and his prison sentence. James Orson (named after Orson Welles) Bakker was from Muskegon, the same place that Cathy O’Brien, a freed Mind-controlled slave came from. He was born pre-mature, and had some interesting family situations that make his family suspect.
While Cathy O’Brien got programmed via the Catholics, Jim was part of another denomination which also was into programming, the charismatic Assemblies of God. His grandfather, who lived next door to Jim, and where Jim spent much childhood time with was popularly known in town as a “huckster”, and nicknamed Kingfish after the manipulative character on Amos and Andy.
Tammy his wife grew up in International Falls, MN in poverty in the home of her stepfather and mother. Besides having a “shopping demon,” she has had her share of phobias and mental problems, as can be expected from someone who has had to suffer through programming.
It would be worth pointing out who has come to Jim Bakker’s rescue when he was under attack. For instance, on Thursday, Oct. 4, 1984 when Jim was under attack, Jim Bakker’s show had six people give endorsements and praise of Jim Bakker.
Those were:
Ronald Reagan
Dale Evans
Robert Schuller
Oral Roberts
Billy Graham
Rex Hubbard
Of those, this author knows for sure that all are masons, except for Rex, who may or may not be.
Robert Schuller, Billy Graham and Oral Roberts are “Christian ministers” who participate in using and handling mind-control slaves. These three ministers all participate in secret Satanic rituals.
Sparrow, for Judeo-Christian “normies”, I suppose Rick Wiles does tell a lot of truth about the Jews and Zionists, but his Judeo-Christian doctrine is false–he’s a typical born again dispensationalist–the “Jews” rejected Jesus, so God changed His mind and adopted the Gentiles as His people. This is contradicted by the Gospel everywhere, but it’s mainsteam, Jew-friendly, Christianity, and it’s a huge deception.
Also, Rick Wiles sidekick, Edward Szall is a Russian Jew–who admitted his real name is Russian “Szalinsky” who promotes a false multicultural Jesus. And the other one, Doc Burkhart, is a race mixer married to a Filipino, which is condemned in Jude 1:7, going after “strange flesh”.
Thank you for the info lla. You answered a lot of the questions I had. I wondered about Edward Szall as I only knew he was an immigrant. I DIDN’T KNOW HE WAS A RUSSIAN JEW…WOW! That certainly explains the Nazi propaganda. I knew Doc was married to a Filipino. Thanks to you and everyone for enlightening me on issues I wondered about. It confirms the ‘propaganda’ and, for me, an agenda. Russian Jews are the most ruthless of human beings (Bolsheviks) and I have to wonder if Szal is a descendant. Putin is a closet believer as his strong relationship with chabad is first and foremost. I don’t know if you’ve seen the knew monstrosity WAR cathedral just unveiled in Moscow. Here is the link:
It portrays Stalin as a great hero among others. They boast that the steps are made from Nazi tanks. Pretty sickening. And when it was officially dedicated Putin had this to say:
For me this horrifying cathedral is a seat of satan/harlot. This has cemented all of my red flags about Putin. He is no liberator. He is part and parcel of the antiChrist. (2 Corinthians 11:14 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
14 No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.)
…then watch Hellstorm about what these monsters (along with US/UK) did. No words can describe this utter horror.
If I remain alive I will rejoice at the destruction of J’s and their monstrous allies.
Hi there, Westwins. I’m new here, came across this site thanks to someone posting a link in the comments section of a conservative news site, and I’m so thankful for it. I thought maybe I was going crazy, because I seemed to be one of few on the right that can see the Jews for what they are.
Coming to the truth is maddening, especially when all the dots are there, just waiting to be connected, but everyone refuses to do so. They’ll say Hollywood and the MSM are bad, but they’ll stop short of admitting who run both. If they do have the guts, they’ll soften the statement by blaming ‘secular Jews’, which I find laughable.
Oddly enough, I came to the truth while at Disney. I was in line for Rise of Resistance, with a Jewish couple behind me. Our boarding group had been called, but the ride broke down, because it can’t run at full capacity more than four hours at a time. This was 2019 technology, with Disney imagineers, and their huge budget behind it. If Disney can’t make it happen, how could the Germans? At first, I felt awful, how could my mind go there, while at Disney, making conversation with this Jewish couple behind me? I was beating myself up over it, this poor couple could’ve lost relatives in the Holocaust.
I felt guilty for days, so I started doing research. It took a while, but I started to find the truth — the Germans weren’t capable of wholesale slaughter. Even worse, there isn’t a shred of proof they ordered it. Only confessions by torture, and eyewitness accounts, those same accounts that claimed they could tell when it was Jews burning by the color of the smoke.
I find the truth can sometimes be more depressing than the lie. Things were easier when I was ignorant, because I wasn’t filled with the rage I am now. I’m angry with them, and I’m angry with those that refuse to wake up, but most of all I’m angry with myself for believing it all this time.
I try to lead others to the truth, I post on conservative sites, with facts, not emotional diatribes. But they don’t care to hear it, they call me names, shun, and block me. My hope is that I can wake one person, who can then do the same, and so on. That’s all we can do, is continue to fight the good fight, and maybe win on ideas.
Hi Janie,
Here are some links to add to your journey for the truth (in case you haven’t already seen them). Jim Rizoli has been exposing the holycost for years. ‘Six Million Jews’ 1915 – 1938 – 10 Newspapers The Final Secret of Pearl Harbor
by John T. Flynn October 1945 No Homicidal Gas Chambers in Auschwitz (from Free Speech Monika website) EUROPA: THE LAST BATTLE (2017) – FULL DOCUMENTARY HD EUROPA – THE LAST BATTLE [PART 10] British Historian Details Mass Killings and Brutal Mistreatment of Germans at the End of World War Two By Mark Weber
Some Revisionist to look up: David Irving, Fred Leuchter, Germar Rudolf, Ernst Zuendel, Ditlieb Felderer, Fred Toeben, Hans Schmidt, Sylvia Stolz (honorary man), Wolfgang Fröhlich, Gerd Honsik, Horst Mahler, Alfred Schaefer, Robert Faurisson, David Cole…
0:24 / 46:31
Benjamin Freedman’s 1961 Speech at the Willard Hotel (Complete) Missing Links Movie: The Definitive Truth About 9/11
0:07 / 1:21
“Anti-semitic, its a trick we always use it”
There is so much more Janie…but now one has to search through other places because youtube has censored most of it. Use a search engine other than google (ie etc). Vimeo, Bitchute, dailymotion and others are where the truthtellers have been forced to go.
May the Truth be with you!!! God bless
Eisenhower’s Rhine-Meadows Death Camps – Documentary
Wow, thank you for the links, I’ll have to go through them. Google sure makes it awful difficult to find anything off script. I bookmark everything on my iPad, so I don’t have to go digging all the time, but I’ll have to try another browser as you suggested.
Hi Janie…..thank you for contributing. I think we all feel the same at some point in this crazy journey. Just the other day I realized — “Ignorance is truly bliss”.
I would never, ever choose to go back to that place of ignorance….but you get the point.
For continuing edification and encouragement, you are welcome to email me. I have a protonmail account. Peace and safety to you. I hope you are in a place of safety. Sincerely. WW
Thanks so much! I hope you’re doing well and are safe too. I’m doing well, whenever I get too stressed, I go play fetch with my German Shepherd, or we take a jog around the neighborhood. I actually live next door to Mickey Mouse, so it’s been fairly quiet here for the last few months.
It’s just so nice to find a place with like minded people.
Indeed. “When two or more are gathered….”
It will not be that easy . DO you think elected bureaucrats , who imprison 90 year old Omas for Meinungsverbrechen , speech crimes or search restlessly for any survivor of the generation , who were children then to persecute for their holycost business $$$$$ infinitum will pause before suppressing lesser dissidents .
Congressman Jim Traficant was imprisoned for it and Demjanjuk , an innocent man was executed in the new Weimar. American presidents are there most dedicated converts . President Donald trump condemned “antisemitism” with capitol punishment . And yet he will be reelected . The seeing are blessed with perception but cursed their testimony is stumbling block to the blind and the lex non scripta is the only law.
Yes, let’s not forget the late Jim Traficant whom the Jews falsely charged and jailed for simply criticizing Israel as a U.S. Congressman.
An absolute must-read is “Target Traficant” by Michael Collins Piper….you can download a PDF here: