A German teenage girl who became pregnant by a migrant Arab was attacked with knives by the Arab’s friends when she refused to keep her pregnancy a secret:
A 17-year-old German girl, who was five months pregnant, was the victim of a brutal knife attack by four boys with migrant backgrounds, tabloid Bild reports.
On Thursday the 6th of September the pregnant teen, who is called Marcella, was stabbed several times, in her hometown of Duisburg. Although heavily bleeding, she was able to escape by alarming the residents of a nearby house.
Marcella says she was lured on Thursday around 9 pm by her ex-boyfriend (16) to Duisburg’s Friemersheim district. His pretext: He wanted to talk to her about the failed relationship.
About two years ago, she met the 16-year-old student, Rifai B, via friends. They became close, had sex, but were never a couple, says Marcella.
Five months ago, Marcella informed him that she was pregnant by him. “He wrote to me that no one should know that he is the father. He threatened to kill me and the baby,” Marcella says. She is certain: “He lured me into a trap, wanted to kill me and my child.”
On 6 September, she accepted her ex-boyfriend’s invitation and met him for a walk. “We walked a few meters and he said that his father would kill him if he learned about the child. Suddenly, three masked men jumped out of the bushes with knives.”
Marcella tried to run away. But the perpetrators stabbed her several times causing her to bleed heavily. The girl saved herself by entering a nearby garden and alarming the homeowners.
She was taken to hospital and needed several stitches. As a result Marcella cannot walk yet. “Thank God nothing has happened to my child,” she says.
Rifai B. was arrested that same evening. His three suspected accomplices (15-17) were caught the next day.
Two of those arrested have German and Turkish citizenship, one is German with a Turkish migration background. The 15-year-old was born in Iraq but has Swedish citizenship. They are all in custody for attempted murder.
This is the future for White Europe promised by their jewish overlords — race mixing, rape, murder, and do-it-yourself abortions. German “nationalists” will defend this girl because she was attacked by Muslims, but they won’t have the guts to speak out about the real problem here: her child represents what Germany is becoming, and unless that is stopped, there will be nothing worth fighting for.
German girls who consort with migrants should be ostracized by all White Germans, including other German women. If German women continue to give birth to mixed race arabs, then it’s only a matter of time before Germany is handed over to the Jews lock, stock, and barrel.
How many German girls need to be stabbed, raped, and murdered before they understand just how dangerous these invaders are?
Roger waters
It is with utter discouragement, and sadness that I look at the plight of white Europeans, and can’t help but think this racial chaos is a judgement upon all of us for turning our back on the true God and Christ of the Bible , The Christian Germany of Martin Luther would have driven the Jews and Muslims into the sea……✝️