(Jerusalem Post) Jews have never been content with merely accepting that it’s natural and rational that host nations in which they have lived often oppose them and their Jewish “values” — rather, they have felt compelled to pathologize those who resist them as irrationally “hating” them “just because they are Jews”:
Two Jewish German philosophers made what is perhaps the best case for grounding contemporary antisemitism in social psychology – the “scientific” [CFT emphasis] study of how people’s thoughts, feelings and behaviors are influenced by the actual, imagined or implied presence of others.
Theodor W. Adorno (1903-1969) and Max Horkheimer (1895-1973) formulated the theory of guilt-defensiveness antisemitism to explain post-1945 German responses to the Holocaust.
This theory holds that pathological guilt about the Holocaust causes Germans to lash out at Jews.Put simply, it says that Germans are immersed in culpability about the crimes against humanity committed directly or indirectly by themselves or by their family members, and shift the blame to Jews in order to purge their distorted emotions.
A 2017 German federal government report revealed that 40% of Germans hold modern antisemitic views.
The study showed that nearly 33 million Germans – some 40% of the population of 82 million – are infected with a contemporary antisemitism: hatred of the Jewish state. According to the study, these millions of Germans agree with the following statement: “Based on Israel’s policies, I can understand people having something against the Jews.”
Accusing Israel of crimes in a process of psychological projection – in order to purge pathological guilt associated with the Holocaust – has a long, unsavory history in post-Holocaust Germany.
Does this mean that a great swath of Germans suffers from a kind of collective madness? Answering this question is a tall order.
The German-Jewish author and journalist Henryk M. Broder, who has written exhaustively about this phenomenon, neatly described the toxic mix of pathological Holocaust guilt and a burning desire to destroy Israel. In a “Die Zeit article” he wrote in 1981, he addressed contemporary Germans: “You’re still your parents’ children. Your Jew today is the State of Israel.”
The social-psychological qualities of contemporary antisemitism are best illustrated by crude responses to the Holocaust. Take the example of the stridently anti-Israel “Der Spiegel”columnist Jakob Augstein, who said that Israeli policy toward the Gaza Strip, controlled by the terrorist organization Hamas, is comparable to a concentration camp. Augstein invoked the German word “Lager” to describe Gaza − a term that can be translated merely as a “camp” for prisoners, but which German speakers frequently associate with Nazi-era concentration camps.
Deniz Yücel is a prominent German-Turkish journalist, who was imprisoned in 2017 by Turkey’s Islamist government on a trumped up charge of espionage, and released after a little over a year.
He wrote in the left-wing “Die Tageszeitung” newspaper in 2013: “Augstein contains everything that defines contemporary antisemitism, from the manic-obsessive preoccupation with Israel to the one-sided blame that makes Israel appear as a global arsonist; from an omnipotence attributed to Israel (or to the ‘Jewish Lobby’ in the US) to fantasies about the mess to which Israel is contributing; to formulations that allow an analogical connection to be drawn between Israeli policies and German National Socialism; to the claim that Jews themselves are guilty of antisemitism to the point of accusing Israel of profiting from the Holocaust.”
Yücel noted that this antisemitic world view of Augstein’s is “expressed with the certainty of being free of being accused of antisemitic sentiment, convinced of a human right to criticize Israel, and formulated with the attitude of one who pronounces and is prosecuted for pronouncing an insubordinate truth.”
The merger of left-wing antisemitism with antisemitism fueled by guilt-defensiveness is a strikingly dangerous amalgam, because the vast majority of German leftists believe they stand above the fray and remain immune against charges of stoking Jew-hatred…
…So-called “criticism of Israel” has long become a national pastime in Germany and, one could argue, throughout Western Europe. What motivates the intense, disproportionate German media, political and societal attention and criticism regarding the Israeli-Palestinian territorial conflict, as opposed to the more than 100 other border disputes across the world? A new generation of academics, sociologists, psychologists and psychiatrists will need to devote much attention to this ubiquitous form of antisemitism in order to understand and combat it.
The prevalence of guilt-defensiveness antisemitism across Western Europe, in countries that were complicit in carrying out the Holocaust, raises the question: Can Europe be cured?
…The twisted logic of the antisemite….does not lend itself easily to a methodology of psychological reason. Antisemitism is a remarkably devious phenomenon. To return to the core question of this analysis − whether antisemitism is a psychological disease − depends on the particular manifestation of antisemitism one is referring to among the multiple forms of antisemitism out there.
Jews are obsessed with psychoanalyzing the Germans — it is inconceivable to them that the German people rose up against them for entirely rational and noble reasons — for them it was a matter of national survival.
The two “German” Jews who concocted this guilt theory of the German mindset — Adorno and Horkheimer — were card-carrying members of the notorious Frankfurt School whose sole raison d’etre was to pathologize and tear down white Christian culture, as Professor Kevin MacDonald has exhaustively shown in his writings.
The post-war so-called “Denazification” program of Germans was perhaps the most draconian form of collective punishment and psychological torture of any vanquished people in the history of warfare — contemporary critics at the time recognized it for what it truly was — a “counterproductive witch hunt.”
The Jews didn’t want to “denazify” the Germans so much as they wanted to “Judaize” them — a mindset completely alien to their German nature — the psychologist Karl Jung recognized this conflict when he pointed out the Freudian psychoanalysis was Jewish and could not be effectively used on non-Jews.
“The Jew is not satisfied with de-Christianizing, he Judaizes, he destroys the Catholic or Protestant faith, he provokes indifference but he imposes his idea of the world of morals and of life upon those whose faith he ruins. He works at his age old task, the annihilation of the religion of Christ.”
—Benard Lazare, L’Antisemitism, p. 350; Rabbi Benamozegh, quoted in J. Creagh Scott’s “Hidden Government,” page 58).
It is impossible to change a vanquished people using brutal force and censorship — but that’s exactly how bolshevik Jews naturally approach any “problem” — while General George Patton saw these efforts for what they truly were — self-righteous Jewish vengeance. He wrote,
“The stuff in the papers about fraternization is all wet… All that sort of writing is done by Jews to get revenge. Actually, the Germans are the only decent people left in Europe. It’s a choice between them and the Russians. I prefer the Germans. So do our cousins [the British].”
—George S. Patton. Senior officer of the United States Army. In a letter to his wife on August 31, 1945“I am frankly opposed to this war criminal stuff. It is not cricket and is Semitic. I am also opposed to sending POW’s to work as slaves in foreign lands, where many will be starved to death.”
—George S. Patton, letter to his wife, October 14, 1945“I have been at Frankfurt for a civil government conference. If what we are doing [to the Germans] is ‘Liberty, then give me death.’ I can’t see how Americans can sink so low. It is Semitic, and I am sure of it.”
—George S. Patton, letter to his wife, 1945
While inter-generational denazification of the German people is still ongoing — using the full force of the police and courts to keep the people in line — German “shame” is based on the complete fiction of the Holocaust — and eventually this psy-op will fail — and the Jews fear this to the point that they now demand physical protection from the military.
Which is why the Jewish overlords in Germany have resorted to Plan B — which is to literally breed the German people out of existence through flooding the nation with Third World migrants — and promoting abortion as a way of permanently “ending” the German bloodline.

It must be understood, that whatever allegedly unsavory proclivities or conditions which the jew accuses non-jews of being afflicted with, it is ALWAYS a lie… and actually it is the jew accuser, himself, which is afflicted with them. He is PROJECTING his guilt onto those whom he hates (those better than him, in reality), and thus longs to destroy.
Whatever they accuse others of, is precisely what they, themselves, are actually guilty of.
They incessantly project their misdeeds, crimes and dysfunction [read: guilt] onto others. This is also an act of INVERSION — particularly of the truth — which, of course, is completely anathema to the jew. They seek to invert and destroy EVERYTHING within the Natural Order — the order as established by God.
What a foolish war.
“Our [American] Destroyed German Heritage Continued: Creating the Self-Hating German”
“By 1919, 27 states had banned instruction in and of German. Schools that didn’t burn their German books silently disposed of them, encouraged by the government to ban teaching or speaking of German. Philadelphia, Newport, Kentucky and Lafayette, Indiana all banned the teaching of German, and many other areas, including Milford, Ohio tried to ban the speaking of German. One phone company even banned the speaking of German on its telephones, and English was demanded in most courts. Libraries in Detroit, Denver, St. Louis, New York, Cleveland, Portland and Washington, D.C. all banned German books. Like Scouts in many other cities, Columbus, Ohio’s Boy Scouts burned local German-language newspapers.”
“The bombing must be directed essentially against working class houses.
Middle class houses have too much space around them, and so are bound to waste bombs.”
Frederick Lindemann, Lord Cherwell
Proceed to: The Allied Bombing Campaign – HELL HOME
“The Myth of German Villainy – WW2 – International Jewry vs Germany”
“WW2 – Germany was the Victim – International Jewry manipulating it all from behind the scenes”
“(From the Book the Myth of German Villainy – Brenton L Bradberry)
[PIF]: WW2 – President Franklin D. Roosevelt meets with the National Jewish Welfare Board — (L to R) Walter Rothschild, Chaplain Aryeh Lev, Barnett Brickner and Louis Kraft ….
“When the National Socialists and their friends cry or whisper that this [the war] is brought about by Jews, they are perfectly right.” – The Jewish magazine Sentinel of Chicago (8 October 1940)
Gilad Atzmon, the self-described ex-Israeli and ex-Jew, writes:
“Jews are tormented by anti-Semitism because they assume that their own ‘goy hatred’ is echoed by ‘Jew hatred’ from their gentile neighbours. As Martin Heidegger noted in the 1930s, the Jews opposed in the Nazis the racism which they recognized from themselves. Heidegger wrote in his “Black Notebooks”: “the Jewish people, with their talent for calculation, were so vehemently opposed to the Nazi’s racial theories because ‘they themselves have lived according to the race principle for longest.”
Mentioning the things a Jewish person says or does = antisemitic
The concentration camp (also used in America) were holding outdoor prisons for lawless people, why is this never mentioned? Would the world look at the Jew (held in Auschwitz) in a different light if they knew this?
britannica – concentration-camp
concentration camp, internment centre for political prisoners and members of national or minority groups who are confined for reasons of state security, …
Jews are masters at controlling the meaning of words, and rewriting meanings of words to suit themselves.
Jews often conflate “concentration camp” with “death camp”, so that when the average person hears “concentration camp”, they automatically think of gas chambers disguised as showers.
Rarely if ever will you hear Jews admit that there were no gas chambers on German soil. They know there weren’t any, but since they lied about it from the beginning, they allow people to continue to think so, and they never correct anyone who believes it, including those leading tours at work camps like Dachau.
Even though the gas chambers at Auschwitz are admitted to be crude “reconstructions” erected by the Soviets after the war, no one dares challenge them. The mystique of Auschwitz was safely protected behind the Iron Curtain for 50 years after the war, allowing for no independent investigations, so the Jews in the West could make any fanciful claim about what happened there knowing they couldn’t be challenged.
As Rabbi Moshe Friedman admitted, “the Holocaust is a successful historical fiction”. For Jews, all history is historical fiction that suits their purposes. As the ultimate pragmatists, objective truth has no value to a Jew….that’s something they let the idealistic goyim to debate, unless it’s the Holocaust, which they have to pretend is objectively true because so much depends on it being seen as true.
When we allow the Jews to be the sole arbiters of the meaning of words, the conclusion of any dialogue is predetermined in the Jews’ favor. And they know this.
Matthew 13:39-43…..!
That is Jesus talking about the workers of iniquity….
The Holocaust Unveiled – The actual truth about Holocaust and the persecution of Revisionists.
The Immovable Force of Auschwitz.
If you’ve noticed that the Holocaust story appears more centered around Auschwitz than usual, it’s because this is the last straw Holocaustians have to grasp on.But here too, we are beginning to see official omissions of previously claimed homicidal gas chambers, for example at Auschwitz I (Stammlager), the main camp tourists visit. The USHMM now specifically distinguishes only Auschwitz II (Birkenau) as the site of homicide gassings. Revisionists like Robert Faurisson have always contended that the gas chamber shown to visitors is a fake. Even thought the French newspaper L’Express was able to get the Auschwitz Museum to admit that the gas chambers they show to people are phony, official tour guides still present the exhibit as an authentic homicide gas chamber. On the infamous Deborah Lipstadt’s website, it says that the gas chamber isn’t a fake intended to fool visitors, it’s a “recreation” meant to be “symbolic”! https://national-justice.com/op-ed-last-days-holocaust
Auschwitz children_ What happened to children in the concentration camps during World War II.
American soldiers with deloused clothing airing outside the disinfestations chambers, 1945. The disinfestations chambers and Zyklon-B continued to be used after the Allied liberation of the camp, something that the Holocaust storytellers always neglect to tell.
Sorry Mom I was wrong about the Holocaust..
Monica Shafer.
Footage from Concentration Camps.
Daily Life in Auschwitz
from British Intelligence decrypts, 1942
British Intelligence successfully decoded messages from the German labour-camps through the year 1942. It happened at Bletchley Park, where the famous Enigma codebreaker, with the huge calculating-engine called Colossus beside it, opened the German codes. That had a key role in Britain winning the War by giving vital info about submarine positions etc, – but, little attention has been given to its disclosures about the concentration-camps. Kept as top-secret for fifty years, that material was finally released in the mid-1990s. Before that, historians had little more to go on, than a summary of it made by the British intelligence-analyst F.H. Hinsley, back in 1981, where he obscurely stated:
“The return from Auschwitz, the largest of the camps with 20,000 prisoners, mentioned illness as the main cause of death, but included references to shootings and hangings. There were no references in the decrypts to gassings.”[1]
Once this data was released, an unexpected problem arose: the priceless decrypts – the most authentic information anyone could possibly want about daily camp life under the Nazis – yielded no crumb of evidence that any ‘Final Solution’ had been ongoing! Quickly, experts had to start started apologising for how British Intel had somehow ‘failed to apprehend’ the Holocaust.[2] More recently the historian Nick Terry has concluded, ‘It would therefore seem as if British intelligence was largely hoodwinked in the first half of 1942.
BuchenWald-dum dum portrayal..
Corpses at Dachau Buchenwald German Soldiers.
We are all familiar with the pictures and film footage of piles of dead “Jews” discovered at the liberated “death camps” Dachau and Buchenwald at the end of World War II, but what we were never told is that most of those corpses were actually dead German soldiers that were dumped there as part of an elaborate psy-op by British Intelligence, and many of those ghastly images were filmed by none other than horror film master, Alfred Hitchcock.
(((Experts))) always agree with whatever Jew pathology is being touted.