In the wake of the disastrous migrant invasion, the tax burden on German pensioners has increased five-fold within ten years in some cases, according to figures released by the Finance Ministry on Wednesday:
For example, new pensioners now have to pay €430 in income tax per year on a monthly gross pension of €1500, compared with €79 in 2010.
The figures were released on Wednesday, as part of an inquiry submitted to the Federal Ministry of Finance by Die Linke.
For an individual with a monthly gross pension of €1700, €294 was due at the start of pension payments in 2010. This year that figure has risen to €758.
If the monthly earnings were €2000, €679 in taxes would have been due in 2010. Now the figure has risen to €1326.
Die Linke Left Party leader Dietmar Bartsch criticized the increasing pension taxation as a “de facto pension cut”.
Why is there an increase?
The sharp increase is due to a change which was introduced in 2005. Until then, a tax-free allowance of 50 percent of the pension was permitted.
Since then, the tax rate on pensions has risen by two percentage points annually.…
There is currently a push around Germany to raise the pension age to 69, up from 67, in light of rising lifespans.
There is no explanation given for this increase, of course, besides the fact that there was a “change” made. Soon Germans will be told that it’s always been this way.
Germany already had a huge welfare problem prior to the migrant invasion of the last 5 years, with the burden of supporting and sustaining this welfare Ponzi Scheme falling squarely on the shoulders of the ethnic Germans who worked their entire lives and will now see their pensions redistributed to support 80% of the unproductive migrants who have and don’t want jobs.
By some estimates, only 20% of the German population today pays income taxes, which are expected to bankroll the rest of the country, but since that’s impossible long-term, they will now go after the pensioners and tax their pensions that have already been taxed their whole lives.
Eventually, they will have to completely get rid of the pension system altogether and keep people in the workforce until they literally drop dead. No that’s the kind of “progress” we can expect when “diversity is our strength.”
wait ! how much europa + specialy the germans will pay for the Ukrainian/Russian war of
idiot + evil ZIO/US/UK . but they are more evil than idiots because they see the best way to
destroy germany + europa !
Yes you stupid german pensioners. you have merited to pay for the invaders because you voted for this green leftist liberal traitor idiots . and the jewish polish Merkel surely is no idiot . she just did the Rothschild/B´naí B´rith bidding to decompose + destroy the germans in 2-3 generations !
some of you rich pensioner house owners or landowners have guns. why you don’t shoot those political traitors ? because you are cowards. and cowards have to go into the ABYSS ! with you the whole germans will go + the jew will joke !
Pensions should never be taxed, that is a disgrace. The country was built on these people’s blood and sweat, the government can’t stop taking from them.
“There is currently a push around Germany to raise the pension age to 69, up from 67, in light of rising lifespans.”
“rising lifespans” is a hoax, performed in USSR style with total support of the Statistics Bureau ( Ministry of Truth) & fake news MSM.
It’s just te way to redirect budget money from ingenious people, who worked hard all their life to the parasite invaders.
The psychological warfare leveled at the vanquished German people after WWII was unrelenting and brutal. No matter what humiliation and injustice is heaped upon them, for the most part they accept it as their just desserts. But they can be pushed too far, like any people, they will eventually fight back, but will it be too late?
Sy Bergsteinowitz
And who will stop the pension thieves? Tens of millions brave, healthy and astute German men were murdered in the WW1 and WWII meat grinders, so ‘Jews’ could steal a nation from which to terrorize and loot the world.
The weak, sickly ones that stayed behind fostered the next generations and you now see the outcome of this white genocide; a nation too paralyzed with phony holoHOAX fear to rise up and take back their country.