Despite passing many new draconian laws making any criticism of Jews subject to fines and imprisonment, Foreign Minister Heiko Maas warned Sunday that Jews could leave Germany on a “massive” scale if even more ‘urgent action’ was not taken to stem rising antisemitism:
Writing in Der Spiegel weekly on the eve of the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Auschwitz death camp, Maas said anti-Jewish insults and attacks, in real life and online, had become “a daily occurrence.”
Almost one in two Jews has considered leaving Germany, he said, a country that has long taken pains to confront its Nazi past.
“We need to take urgent countermeasures to make sure that such thoughts do not turn into a bitter reality and lead to a massive departure of Jews from Germany,” he wrote.
The fight against anti-Semitism would be a priority when Germany takes over the rotating EU presidency in July and the chairmanship of the Council of Europe, the bloc’s leading human rights body, in November, Maas vowed.
Germany will push for tougher legal consequences for anti-Semitic acts, he said, and for more EU nations to make Holocaust denial a crime — currently illegal in over a dozen member states including Germany, Belgium and Italy.
Berlin will also step up the battle against anti-Jewish hate speech and disinformation on social media, Maas wrote, saying perpetrators “should feel the full force of the law across Europe.”
An anti-Semitic attack in the eastern German city of Halle in October — in which a gunman tried but failed to storm a synagogue before killing a passerby and a customer at a kebab shop — showed that “Jewish sites and communities” needed better protection “everywhere in Europe.”
To help make that happen, Germany will contribute 500,000 euros ($550,000) to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) this year, Maas said.
The diplomat stressed the importance of educating young people about the horrors of World War II, when six million Jews were murdered by the Nazis.
Research had shown that “a third of young Europeans indicated knowing little to nothing about the Holocaust,” he said.
Reading between the lines, ‘the full force of the law’ can mean only one thing: reintroducing the death penalty could be on the horizon in Europe for anyone who criticizes Jews or the state of Israel.
Germany may become the first ‘democratic’ country in the world to make so-called ‘antisemitism’ a capital offense. Is there any other reasonable way to stop people from criticizing Jews for no reason whatsoever?
And Germans will agree to the death penalty in a vain effort to prove to the Jews once and for all that they have no intention of ever throwing them in gas chambers ever again.
Yes, they are willing to start executing German citizens, if that’s what it’s going to take, in order for Jews to ‘feel safe’. The Bolshevik Jews did exactly that in Russia, murdering 60 million Christians to create a ‘safe space’ for Jews.
Instead of enacting the death penalty, perhaps it would be best for everyone concerned for all 275,000 Jews in Germany to make aliyah to Israel. That way no one has to die, no one has to lose their freedoms, and Jews themselves won’t have to live in irrational fear ‘another’ Holocaust.
it will never happen in germany ! they are too much brainpissed by holocaust, by jewish media, and additionally
mixed too much by 3rd worlders to loose their german culture + identity due to communist jewess merkill.
false flag to earn the sympathy vote and carry out the extermination of white people unopposed. They invented the 6 million holocaust myth back in the 19th century to make Americans take pity on them and let them get away with everything. 6 million were killed in Ukraine, another 6 million in Poland, 6 million in Palestine, 6 million in Egypt, 6 million in Russia, 6 million everywhere, they can even predict the future by saying Iran will kill 6 million jews if Putin don’t let netanyahu exterminate the Syrian Christians and the tolerant alawite ruling minority.
Germany should be so lucky…
but of course, the antiChrist yid bastards won’t leave, they have it too good; I mean they can do no wrong, they whimper and money comes rolling in and they get to destroy what was once the finest and most advanced civilisation the world had ever, or probably will ever, see. what more coud a ‘destroyer’ – their own word – want?!?
Also pissing on the floor, instead of using the bathrooms. Also, filthy
Per the Great General.
According to the survey, half of the Jews in Germany basically believe that they are not wanted there in one way or another. And yet they stay. That’s been the history of the Jews in every White country they’ve ever lived in and gotten kicked out of, only to return and face the antisemites yet again. It’s almost as if, despite all their kvetching about antisemitism, it doesn’t really bother them much at all–it’s all part of the cost of doing business with the “goyim”.
Historical stuff no one was intended to know is the fact that the last ritual-murder trials took place in the Weimarer Republik 1928 & 1932. Since then the cases of serial killers in Amerika started – or am i wrong?
Wow, I get the feeling that Jews actually believe that we really don’t want them to leave our countries en mass. That we will bend over backwards to do whatever it takes to convince them to stay, as if we need them. We got along fine in Europe and America when the jewish population was microscopic, some might even say those times were our “golden age”. Don’t let the door hit you on your way out…..
They may leave in large numbers, but international jewry will not release it’s death grip on Germany or any other country under its current control. They will still work harder than ever to destroy white populations and Christianity. The jews will still squeeze Germany for every penny they can swindle in their holo-fraud reparations racket. 75 years later they are still trying to hold up all their disgusting lies but thank God he has awakened many people to the evil jew. I’m waiting to see what these filthy jews will do once the truth about them becomes common knowledge to all people.
General George Patton memoirs all I
Needed to read!
Yeah, his diaries were a real eye opener for me, too. A great man of great stature who saw the Jews for what they are–a corrosive, destructive force. Quote:
“Evidently the virus started by Morgenthau and Baruch of a Semitic revenge against all Germans is still working. Harrison (a U.S. State Department official) and his associates indicate that they feel German civilians should be removed from houses for the purpose of housing Displaced Persons. There are two errors in this assumption. First, when we remove an individual German we punish an individual German, while the punishment is — not intended for the individual but for the race.
Furthermore, it is against my Anglo-Saxon conscience to remove a person from a house, which is a punishment, without due process of law. In the second place, Harrison and his ilk believe that the Displaced Person is a human being, which he is not, and this applies particularly to the Jews, who are lower than animals.”
– George S Patton September diary entry 1945
Also pissing on the floor, instead of using the bathrooms. Also, filthy
Per the Great General.
Heiko Maas is a trustee of the (((Magnus Hirschfeld))) Foundation. That should tell you anything you need to know about him.
Anyone who is a mouthpiece for these murderous liars tells us what we need to know about them, lol 😉
It was because of Magnus Hirschfeld that the “Nazis” had public book burnings–to get rid of his degenerate “studies” on sodomy and transgenderism.
An article that pretty much explains Magnus Hirschfeld’s degeneracy. This clown would’ve fit right in the modern LGBTQ agenda. The Jews keep pulling the same sort of stuff over and over. Too bad the schools studiously avoid warning people.