(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) Since 1634 the Passion Play has been traditionally staged in Oberammergau, Germany every decade — and now finally after years of complaints from Jewish supremacy groups, the play has finally been sanitized of any “anti-semitic” content which portrays Jews in a way they don’t find flattering:
Nestled in the Bavarian alps, the city of Oberammergau has one major claim to fame: every 10 years, it hosts the world-famous Passion Play, which tells the New Testament story of Jesus’ death and resurrection.
It has been doing so since the 17th century, almost without fail, and it happens to be on now, after a two-year, pandemic-related delay. About half a million spectators are expected to flock to the town by the time this season is over, on Oct. 2.
Over the centuries, the play — in which all roles are filled by local residents — has been a vessel for some of Germany’s most virulent, religious-based Jew-hatred, feeding into the antisemitic conspiracy theories of the Nazi years and beyond.
But things have changed, observers say.
No longer are Jews depicted as eternal murderers of Jesus. The play now highlights the Jewishness of Jesus and his followers and clarifies that only the Roman Pontius Pilate — and not the Jews — could condemn Jesus to death.
Such shifts came about largely through the commitment of Passion Play director Christian Stückl, himself a native son, who has now helmed four rounds of the production. He has worked with Jewish organizations including the American Jewish Committee and the Anti-Defamation League, as well as with educational groups in Germany, to raise awareness about antisemitism and reshape the narrative.
This week, the AJC recognized Stückl’s commitment with its Isaiah Award for Exemplary Interreligious Leadership. Stückl has helped turn the Passion Play into “an educational tool for post-Shoah Christian and German self-reflection,” said Rabbi Noam Marans, AJC’s Director of Interreligious and Intergroup Relations, in an award ceremony held Wednesday in Oberammergau. Stückl has been engaged in dialogue with AJC leaders since the late 1980s.
At the award ceremony, he said his greatest concern upon becoming the play’s director in 1990 “was to eliminate [its] anti-Judaism.”
The Passion Play was initiated in 1634 as a religious offering against the return of the plague to the alpine village. In keeping with contemporary Church teachings, the play depicted Jews as greedy and deicidal, proclaiming them guilty for all time. According to local legend, the plague never returned to Oberammergau, so to keep it that way, the town staged the play every 10 years…
…Ahead of this year’s performances, Stückl inaugurated a pilgrimage to Israel for the principal actors. He has been trying to view the play through the eyes of Jewish viewers, and to that end has met with Jewish leaders and with students, noted Jo Frank, director of the Ernst Ludwig Ehrlich Studienwerk, a Berlin-based scholarship program for gifted Jewish students. ELES students first met with Stückl in Oberammergau some 11 years ago, and they have met with him again recently, Frank said.
Stückl had invited them not just to have Jews in the audience, but so that he could get their feedback before and after.
“It was really impressive, because he is always trying to reform the text in particular,” Frank said in a telephone interview. “And within the Christian setting, this is an interesting task to undertake, because the Oberammergau Festspiele still has this very strange papal status: the idea that what they show is basically the truth.”
In that context, to change things is “highly commendable. What he has done is reform and bend the rules as far as he could.”
This year, Stückl also engaged a Muslim actor, which “would have been unthinkable 10 years ago,” Frank added. “He really does deserve all the praise that he gets.”
“For over 300 years we have told the story of Jesus in a spirit that has led to prejudice and hatred. For over 1,900 years the Church had told that the Jews murdered Jesus,” Stückl said at the award ceremony, noting that an American rabbi who saw the play in 1901 — Josepf Krauskopf — came away despondent, doubting that Jews would ever be “cleared of the heinous accusations that have been heaped upon [them].”
It is doubtful that such hate can be fully eradicated, but Christian Stückl “has demonstrated the power of one individual to make a tremendous difference,” Marans said.
Clearly, the Passion Play has been rewritten to conform to the compromises of Vatican II — and the more recent International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s (IHRA) new and improved definition of “antisemtism.”
And still the Jews will not be satisfied — they never are even when they get their way — they approve of the changes, but what they really want is for the play to be completely canceled — preferably banned forever.
True Christianity — not the ersatz “judeo-Christianity” currently preached from most pulpits — is implicitly “anti-Jewish” — and no amount of tinkering with the narrative will change that.
Sure, they’ve successfully coerced the Catholic Church to go along with the idea that it was the “Romans” idea to crucify Christ — but clearly the disciples themselves put the blame squarely on the shoulders of “men of Israel” (Acts 2:22).
But we know that today’s “Jews” are not Israelites — by their own admission — but in falsely claiming that they are, they have to accept the baggage as “Christ killers” that comes with that identity.
The Jews want the entire Gospel of John thrown out of the New Testament — and all unflattering references to “Jews” removed — in fact, at the 1947 International Emergency Conference on Anti-Semitism, Christian leaders agreed to the following principle of “reconciliation” with Jews concerning John:
“Since medieval times the Passion texts and presentations on the crucifixion of Jesus have led
acts of violence against Jews. The Gospel of John is especially prone to anti-Judaic interpretation, given the manner in which it presents a collective role for the Jews in Jesus’ trial. Therefore, the commission requests the composition of a very careful interpretation which will not incite hatred against Jews.”
They especially don’t like the part in Matthew 23:33 where Jews are called a “brood of vipers” — so Matthew has got to go too.
They are also moving toward replacing references to “Israelites” with “Jews” — and the “land of Israel” to the “land of the Jews.”
Perhaps that’s why Jews want to institute communism — rebranded as “inclusive capitalism” — here in the West with The Great Reset — so that they can simply outlaw Christianity just as their Bolshevik predecessors did when they took over Russia and murdered 60 million Christians.
Why change a winning formula?
Will they be ”modernising the Talmud’ to make it less anti-Christian?
Rhetorical question of course since Cabalistic censorship ..er I mean ‘interfaith dialogue’ only works one way.
Many Christians aren’t aware of the hatred eviscerated toward Jesus and Christians in the Talmud, which is the highest authority of Judaism. It sets the entire course of law by which Jews must live, boasting that Jews themselves were the ones who executed Jesus, not the Romans. It also claims that they are boiling Jesus in excrement for eternity – and that this fate awaits His followers.
This may sound farfetched but was laid out in a recent treatise by the head of Princeton’s Jewish Studies Department called “Jesus in the Talmud” endorsed by prominent Rabbis.
If they’re willing to endorse THAT publicly, imagine what the rest of it must say behind closed doors.
Daisy …….
Daisy from Disqus? I hope so. If so ……….. glad to see you here and in the land of the living. 🙂
(I deleted my protonmail account, just so you know)
Daisy—The Princeton link is 404. There is, though, a book called ‘Jesus in the Talmud’ (2007), published by Princeton University Press. It can be downloaded gratis here:
Luke Chapter 3
John the Baptist Preaches
1 Now in the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar, when Pontius Pilate was governor of Judea, and Herod was tetrarch of Galilee, and his brother Philip was tetrarch of the region of Ituraea and Trachonitis, and Lysanias was tetrarch of Abilene,
2 in the high priesthood of Annas and Caiaphas, the word of God came to John, the son of Zacharias, in the wilderness.
3 And he came into all the district around the Jordan, preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins;
4 as it is written in the book of the words of Isaiah the prophet,
Tiberius Caesar was Emperor of Rome
Pontius Pilot was Governor of (Judea a name given by Rome).
Herod (all Idumeans by decent and had high favor with Julius [Tiberius] Caesar), Antipas was tetrarch of Galilee (and Perea), Philip was tetrarch of Gaulanitis and Archelaus was Idumea, Samaria and Judah. (https://www.bibleodyssey.org/tools/map-gallery/h/map-Herod) The Herodian Kingdoms
(I) Herod, surnamed the Great (Matt. 2:1, 3, 7, 12, 13, 15, 16, 19, 22; Luke 1:5), the son of Antipater, an Idumean in high favor with Julius Caesar. At the age of fifteen, Herod was made procurator of Galilee in which he was confirmed by Antony with the title of tetrarch, about 41 B.C. An opposite faction caused him to flee to Rome where, through the help of Antony, he was declared king of Judea.
“declared king of Judea”
2265. Ἡρωδιανοί Hērōdianoí; gen. Hērodianṓn, masc. pl. proper noun. Herodians. A Jewish political party originating probably in devotion to the Roman emperor and Herod his deputy (Matt. 22:16; Mark 12:13). They were the court party and submitted willingly to the government of Rome, thus being at the opposite pole from the Pharisees. It may be that some of them were among those who regarded Herod as the Messiah. They combined with the Pharisees in the attempt to destroy Christ (Matt. 22:16; Mark 3:6) and are probably referred to in the expression “leaven of Herod” (Mark 8:15).
This is the reason why Pontius Pilot washed his hands at the guiltless Jesus when brought before him.
Mathew 27
24 Now when Pilate saw that he was accomplishing nothing, but rather that a riot was starting, he took water and washed his hands in front of the crowd, saying, “I am innocent of this Man’s blood; you yourselves shall see.”
The jewish ‘Herodians’ were allied with Rome and the Pharisee’s.
Luke 23
8 Now Herod was overjoyed when he saw Jesus; for he had wanted to see Him for a long time, because he had been hearing about Him and was hoping to see some [d]sign performed by Him. 9 And he questioned Him [e]at some length; but He offered him no answer at all. 10 Now the chief priests and the scribes stood there, vehemently charging Him. 11 And Herod, together with his soldiers, treated Him with contempt and mocked Him, dressing Him in a brightly shining robe, and sent Him back to Pilate. 12 And so Herod and Pilate became friends with one another that very day; for previously, they had been enemies toward each other.
So trying to sum up a long recent study…
Mark 8:15
And He was giving orders to them, saying, “Watch out! Beware of the [a]leaven of the Pharisees, and the leaven of Herod.”
Today stands an archaeological site called Herodium built by King Herod located in the West Bank.
Because we:
Eph 6
12 For our struggle is not against [a]flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.
…we are currently existing under Rome 2.0 , and the Herodians/Rome (US, NATO) occupying Palestine to this day. Remember in Matthew 2
13 Now when they had gone, behold, an angel of the Lord *appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Get up! Take the Child and His mother and flee to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you; for Herod is going to search for the Child to kill Him.”
Herod Slaughters Babies
16 Then when Herod saw that he had been tricked by the magi, he became very enraged, and sent men and killed all the boys who were in Bethlehem and all its vicinity [j]who were two years old or under, according to the time which he had determined from the magi. 17 Then what had been spoken through Jeremiah the prophet was fulfilled:
18 “A voice was heard in Ramah,
Weeping and great mourning,
Rachel weeping for her children;
And she refused to be comforted,
Because they were no more.”
Do we not see how this is going on today? IT IS!!!
So according to this article…these jew/Herodians, and Pharisee’s the (anti Christ) will be doing their part until the end. Beware my brothers and sisters that we are hidden in Christ as the Word tells us. Be obedient to the Holy Spirit, study the Word and test all spirits whether they are from God or not. Jesus and later Paul warns us constantly. It was Herod who beheaded John the Baptist. It was Herod who Paul was brought forth. The Roman empire was filled with incest marriages and the Herod was Idumean, Edom, son of Esau, of whom the jewish Herodians were allied with Rome…SAME AS TODAY…who are bent on killing Christ ever since.
Truth is bigger and will never cease unfolding in eternity!
bearbeitet von Klaus Jäger
Good video.
The Germanic people are the tribe of Judah from the Old Testment. We originally come from the area in and around Jerusalem. Then we were taken prisoner in Babylon. After we escaped Babylonian captivity, we passed through the Caucaus mountains into Europe. That’s why were called Caucasians. The pass where we passed through is still to this day called the Pass of Israel. Israel was always a people, never a country. Then we settled in Northern Germany/Denmark on the Jutland peninsula, named for the tribe of Judah. That’s why all of the Germanic languages are so similar, because they were all originally the same language.
History of Germanic Languages
And what is the symbol for the tribe of Judah? The lion! You will find the lion on the flags and coat of arms of many cities and all of the provinves of the Germanic countries: Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, Austria, Sweden, etc. And if you look on the flag of Jeruslem here, you’ll find the same lion because that’s where we originally come from.
During the Reformation, they changed the word Judah into Jew during the translation to steal our indentity and birthright. We’re the chosen people of Yaweh!
Adam in Hebrew means to turn red in the face. Well, Caucasians are the only ones that can blush!
100 Proofs The Israleties Were White
Maybe HAMburg got its name from the tribe of HAM?
Maybe, hater.
Go and drink your Haterade somewhere else.
When will someone say, “No”? This Stückl creature sounds as if it were strategically chosen. To “adapt” the Passion Play in any way vitiates the whole. If one goes into their closet to pray, are they followed by the importuning jew , who wails and moans his pain if they do not censor their prayer?
All churches I have visited in this area are apostate but reborn Zionists. Character, E. Michael Jones plays the hero for the church, but they are interested not in Christ Jesus but the Roman Church.
The jew is now the judge of worlds and offers a sacrifice of his diabolical character as the impostor and new savior of the world. And many will be deceived.
Paul, I once had a Catholic priest tell me that he didn’t care what the actual Scripture said. He said that Church doctrine is more important to him than the actual words of the Bible. A priest!
Like the Jews, the Catholics are obsessed with the rituals and “traditions” of man, and maybe that’s why the Catholics welcomed Jews with open arms into the Church.
Jesus asked God to forgive his murderers.
But there is no evidence to show that God agreed.
The Jews remain the most reviled and repulsive people in humanity, and despite even the massive advantages they have leveraged for themselves in countries like Germany and America, they remain as ugly and as disturbed and as evil as they ever were.
Chosen people, most likely. By Satan, absolutely.
So you don’t think Jesus is God?
Jesus is GOD according to John, Chap.1
Jakob Lorber (Austria, buried in Graz) was told this again and had to write it down what Jesus told him (inner voice in his heart) according to John 16:12, 13.
This happened in Austria between 1840 and 1864. Lorber wrote down about 30 books, all given by Jesus through the inner voice Lorber heard.
Here is a book which gives you an idea, what the Lord revealed to Jakob Lorber because of the dark times to come for mankind before the return of Jesus Christ.
It is truly grounding and indeed fully compatible with the Bible, no contradictions, but more details.
Here is an English online Version of the book (PDF) by Kurt Eggenstein on the works
of Jakob Lorber (a kind of introduction), where you can read the most important parts of the book: The Prophet J. Lorber Predicts Coming Catastrophies and the True Christianity
For me it was just breathtaking when I read it and I was urged to find it, all connected to my real life and experiences and a line of syncronicities.
Of course you can go down the road to HIM with the Bible only, but I have been very grateful to have come across what J. Lorber had to write down for J.C. (John 16: 12,13).
He may have just been a chosen tool of our Savior and it has nothing to do with sects and make ups – his friends tested him thoroughly, among them Franz Schubert, the Composer. – It is more for free minds who want to expand their spiritual potentials (as always some provocations/tests included) – more a way which enables the brain to follow the heart.
http://www.j-lorber.de/kee/0-eggen.htm You can choose the English version here.
Laura, how is this Jakob Lorber not violating the warning of Revelation 22:18, against making their own prophecies?
“18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book.”
Jakob Lorber was given the inner word by Jesus Christ himself via Holy Spirit – according to John 16: 12,13.
Johannes 16,12–13 — King James Version (KJV 1900)
12 I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. 13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.
It is not man adding anything to the Bible in the case of the “New Revelation” only written down by J.L. not invented by him.
The “don’t add anything to the book … ” refers to man and it refers to the book of revelation itself not the complete holy scripture (as a bible teacher explained to me).
This is interesting: “…the play depicted Jews as greedy and deicidal, proclaiming them guilty for all time. According to local legend, the plague never returned to Oberammergau, so to keep it that way, the town staged the play every 10 years…”
So the Black Death was hitting that town till they kicked out the Jews? No one left to drop plague infested animals into wells & cisterns?
If the Jews were dropping plague-infested animals into the drinking water, how did they do this without themselves catching the plague?
We’re told that the plague spreads by fleas spreading from rats, but if that’s a hoax then it would explain how the Jews could handle plague rats without themselves getting poxed.
Although my trust in (((mainstream))) history is so low now that I’m tempted towards tossing the entire plague idea and suspecting that the Jews were just pouring some diabolical poison chemical into the wells.
They didn’t drank the water from the well. Jews brought alcoholism to the
profitable German lands after they collapsed the Roman Empire. They brewed beer, made wine and distilled schnapps and certainly did not drink Volvic from PET bottles in times of plague,
but sterile beer.
Jews carry a genetic mutation call FMF, giving them immunity from the plague.
Wherever the Jews go, their enemies always suffered from plagues and diseases.
Only sephardic Jews carry the FMF mutation, and they share it with other “mediterranean” peoples like Greeks, Italians, Armenians, and Turks and Arabs. So it’s not just “Jews” who have the mutation, and it’s only a small subset of Jews who do have it. And only 10% of sephardic Jews carry the gene.
That means, if the FMF mutation did carry with it some protection against the bubonic plague, only 10% of sephardic Jews would benefit, and none of the Ashkenazi Jews would be protected.
Oh, and they are now questioning whether the plague was even carried by black rats in the first place….
The reported number of Jews who carry FMF has changed dramatically since the start of the Covid Plandemic. Prior to 2019, it was regularly reported that close to 50% of the Jews carried the gene. Too many people were researching the Jewish role in Covid. And why Jews are relatively immune to Covid. But, that research often led to researching other diseases, such as, HIV, and the Plague. That’s when the revisionists stepped in.
In the article that you cited, it stated, “almost 10% of Turks, Jews, Arabs and Armenians carry at least one copy of an FMF-causing genomic variant.” By casting a wide net over many nationalities, it hides the high percentages that the Jews carry.
This article published in early 2020, still claims 20-40% of Jews carry FMF. https://www.heraldopenaccess.us/openaccess/immunologic-aspects-of-plague-immunity-and-familial-mediterranean-fever. Obviously, Ashkenazis Jews don’t carry the FMF gene.
Jews did not kill Jesus. The Judahites did.
Today’s converted Jews are not the Judahite Hebrews of the Bible. What Christians need to do is to remove the word Jew from the bible and replace it with Judahite.
The Jews love to be seen as the “Hebrews” of the bible, but they don’t want the guilt associated with it. Because they want to keep their genocidal grip on Palestine.
Just a Warning to those “young in the faith” —- this website cited above is Leaven.
The author or the creator of this site is also very rude and does not exhibit the Spirit of Love.
Maybe those articles cited above are good ……………….. but a “little leaven, leavens the whole lump”.
Just be careful.
“for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before our God.” Revelations 12:10
Well, West, obviously you seem to be following in the steps of a certain someone.
Biblicism Institute has been quite a pioneer in opening the eyes of many regarding many taboo subjects.
But apparently, you don’t like it since the truth makes you uncomfortable. You must be a little hatter pretending to be something else. Again, following in the footsteps of a certain someone.
“for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.” 2 Cor 11:14
So you agree with their article — “The Hebrew Disease?”
Hey Harry, who is this “certain someone” that you are being so coy about but won’t name?
Are you suggesting that this “biblicisminstute” is above any criticism? Are you suggesting that anyone who dares question some of its material is “satanic”? Sure sounds like it.
We Christians are advised, “Examine all things; retain that which is good.” (1 Thessalonians 5:21). Are you suggesting we should blindly accept this material without question?
Volt ….
I appreciate your thoughts. Mine too. I think he is subtly calling me an “anti-christ” aka an accuser of the brethren.
All one has to do is read the comment sections of biblicalinstitute and just witness how “loving” BI is to the “brethren”. And all I said was for anyone who may be new to biblicalinstititue is to just be careful. Are there worthwile articles to read at BI? Maybe.
But, BI is very much against who we are and the position that we have taken here at CFT.
Biblicalinstitute is a slap in the face to CFT.
I have no problem with men who have a different “opinion”. But when the “slander” and the “patronization” enters the picture, now I have a problem. BI could have handled himself in a much different manner. It is his “opinion” that the Israelites are all dead. He offers zero proof but one verse. And he calls us “looney” and full of Pride. I could go on here, but I’ll stop. All one has to do is check it out for themselves.
If anyone should be rebuked for not loving “the brethren” it should be BI.
I’d like to see BI come here and argue his point. Why? Because if you go there to argue a point, he will delete your comments and not allow you to say what you want to say. I tried to discuss marriage with him several years ago. He treated me like a child — deleting certain points that I made and then finally closing the comment section.
I wonder if he has the courage to come here and argue his point that we are all crazy for believing the White race are the Israelites/Adamites of the Scriptures.
CFT is very gracious to those who disagree. Maybe Harry will speak for BI and kindly tell us how we got it all wrong.
West, we certainly do allow for people who disagree with our views to comment here, as long as they can do it with civility and reason. Unfortunately, that is all too often not the case. But we must be able to defend our views in a public forum like this, and do it in a reasonable, succinct manner. And we must be able to modify our views when confronted with facts that may contradict them.
The truth isn’t a popularity contest, and if it were, we’d lose every time. And many of our detractors try to shame us into conforming to more popular, less controversial opinions, especially universalist Christians. They won’t argue with God for arbitrarily choosing Jacob over Esau, but they will battle us tooth and nail over the idea that God also chose Adamkind over those who are not of the generations of Adam.
These Christians tend to believe that Christ literally wiped the slate clean with His advent, and He brought about a “Great Reset” that nullified everything that came before it. We have yet to see any of these universalists concede one single point on Scripture or admit they need to rethink their position. It’s a one-way street for them.
Thank you for the input.
“…..as long as they can do it with civility and reason…..”
I completely agree. I do not appreciate it when someone calls me a “Racist” or “Prejudiced”. It is a form of intimidation/manipulation. Like a playground Bully. To me, this is not civility and such a person should be warned and then banned.
I get plenty of “White Guilt” in the real world and pretty much everywhere on the Internet.
But I also realize you guys have your own lives to attend to and you can’t police every comment.
CFT is the only place for me to have “Fellowship” with like minded Believers. It pains me when the “white guilt” follows me to the comment sections here at CFT.
I appreciate you guys providing the platform for Study and Fellowship.
West, we try to monitor the comments, but sometimes things slip through. We often delete personal attacks from comments if we think it’s otherwise worth addressing.
But you are right, we should be more vigilant about monitoring accusations of “racism”, because, as you’ve pointed out before, we don’t hate other races. Loving our own is not hatred of others, except when whites do it apparently, and we’ve always have done it, and will continue to do so. We have never followed other races around the world trying to live with them or off of them.
But when others do that, it somehow makes them noble.
Either way, we’ll try to do a better job screening comments that include any ad hominem attacks. Thanks for pointing it out.
To Harry Stantz ……….
“….But apparently, you don’t like it since the truth makes you uncomfortable…..”
Harry, what “Truth” makes me uncomfortable?
You’ve made some bold accusations and have now been challenged not only by me.
Are you going run and hide, or face the questions that have been set before you?
Do you agree with BI’s article — “The Hebrew Disease”? If you do agree …… why are you here at CFT?
One of CFT’s main talking points/platform, is the promotion of the idea that the White Peoples of the world have always been Adamic peoples and then the peoples who made up the Tribes of Israel. And we still exist…..obviously.
Biblical Instititue is completely opposed to both of those ideas.
What say you?
I read the article you mentioned from Biblicism, The Hebrew Disease.
I thought it was well reasoned and thoroughly researched with plenty of links.
I also read the comment section, and I found no evidence of rudeness from Biblicism towards the brethren.
But you, on the other hand, has been quite rude towards Harry and Doug.
And what’s with the Janus conversation between West and CFT, which appear to be the same entity. At one point, West is even addressing West and starts writing as if CFT. This is deceitful.
Anti-Zionist, that was an error on our part. We mistakenly attributed the comment to West when it was from us. When we submit comments, we have to manually put in our name just as regular readers do, and we inadvertently put West’s name in the heading because we were addressing West. No deceit intended. We have corrected our error.
West has been a regular contributor to the comment section at CFT for years. But he has no official affiliation with the website. He has his own website, if you’d like to visit it, just ask him for details.
One question —- Who do you think the Israelites of the Scriptures are?
Where are they today?
Thank you.
“Who do you think the Israelites of the Scriptures are?”
Christians everywhere, regardless of race, are the new Israel.
“There is neither Judahite nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all ONE in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3: 28
The Israel of the flesh (i.e., the Ancient Hebrews) are all dead – as evidenced by the historical writings of Josephus, Tacitus, and Eusebius. And as evidenced by the prophecies of Jesus in the Gospels, and by the prophecies of John in Revelations.
“They will be killed by the sword when all of them are made captives by the Gentiles. And Jerusalem will be trodden down by the Gentiles until the time of the Gentiles is fulfilled.” Luke 21:24
You seem to have cemented a fixed belief that Whites are the Israelites of the flesh. Your theory is based on the flesh and is not of the Spirit. The flesh will rot and decay. But the Spirit is eternal, regardless of race. And like Jesus said:
“…an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth… God is SPIRIT, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” John 4:23,24
Even if whites are the Israelites, so what?
“God does not show favoritism.” Romans 2:11
That would not make whites any more special than other non-white Christians. It’s time you repent of this sin of the flesh, where you put the color of the flesh above the spirit man.
“For everything in the world–the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life–comes not from the Father but from the world.” 1 John 2:16
Luke 21:24 is not “proof” that all Israelites are “dead”. You twist the meaning of this verse to suit your universalist agenda. It’s clearly a figure of speech to mean “many” as opposed to “all”. Even if all Israelites in Judea were to die at the hands of the Romans, which didn’t happen, then still the vast majority of Israelites, the ten northern tribe outside of Judea, were unaffected.
In fact, you are wrong to use Josephus as a “witness” that all Israelites had disappeared. He wrote that there were countless Israelites beyond the Jordan to the east. And Christ said He came to regather all of Israel, and to say that the only Israelites left in the world were in Judea is just plain wrong. Wrong.
Israelites must be in existence when Christ returns, according to prophecy. If they are all dead, the prophets, including John, are liars.
The Catholic Church was the first to claim that it had replaced Israel according to the flesh, and that the Church was the “new Israel”. The Church is the Great Whore, not the new Israel. Israel is Israel, no one else will ever be Israel. Replacement theology is a lie started by the Catholics and repeated by the universalist Protestants. Same dung, different pile.
Right, the Israelites are “all dead”, which explains why the Welsh language is so closely related to the language of the ancient Khumry, an Israelite people.
Even secular, non-Christian historians like Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett are firmly convinced that the Welsh, who call themselves “Cymry/Cymru” in the Welsh language, are in fact living descendants of the ancient Khumry Israelites. And they have had attempts made on their lives for making that claim.
Anti-Zionist …………
You must be new here. Which is fine and I hope you continue to come here to learn, study and fellowship.
That being said —- the entirety of this Website speaks against you. I will recommend a few articles at the bottom of my comment to support my point.
HOWEVER ………………… now that I have your attention, I’d like to talk to you about a specific point. I spent 20+ years of my adult life believing just exactly as you.
To make a long story short, I no longer hold to those beliefs.
But I am very curious as to “WHY” you believe as you do because when I believed as you, I didn’t know “why” I believed. I simply accepted certain things because my church, my family and my Christian friends all believed it. But it was never TAUGHT to me.
Question —- Do all the races of men (White, yellow, black and red) all come from Adam and Eve?
If you answer YES …………………… would you kindly please explain how that is possible and what Scriptures would you use to support your position? Thank you very much.
If you continue to come back to CFT, please study these articles —-
Anti-zionist writes, “You seem to have cemented a fixed belief that Whites are the Israelites of the flesh. Your theory is based on the flesh and is not of the Spirit. ”
This is a false dichotomy. God breathed his Spirit into Adam’s flesh. That’s what made Adam a unique creation. Adam and his descendants had the Spirit of God, unlike the other peoples — those whom Cain married.
It’s not Spirit versus flesh with Adamkind. It’s both. To have the spirit, you must have been born into the “generations of Adam” (Gen. 5:1). To be saved with Christ, you must be “born from above” (John 3:3, 3:7, 1 Peter 1:23), mistakenly mistranslated as “born again” (which is a masonic term).
But you fail to understand that we here do not believe that our Adamic flesh will save us without professing and abiding in Christ. So there is no “lust of” or “confidence in” the flesh here. Adamic or Israelite flesh qualifies you for, but does not guarantee you anything, which is what Paul said in Philippians 3:5-8. His Israelite flesh counts for nothing IF he does not walk with Christ. You need both for salvation. Nowhere does Paul say his Israelite flesh is meaningless, otherwise why mention it at all?
Who Killed Jesus?
According to the Talmud, Jesus was executed by a proper rabbinical court for idolatry, inciting other Jews to idolatry, and contempt of rabbinical authority. All classical Jewish sources which mention his execution are quite happy to take responsibility for it; in the talmudic account the Romans are not even mentioned.
The more popular accounts — which were nevertheless taken quite seriously — such as the notorious Toldot Yeshu are even worse, for in addition to the above crimes they accuse him of witchcraft. The very name “Jesus” was for Jews a symbol of all that is abominable, and this popular tradition still persists. The Gospels are equally detested, and they are not allowed to be quoted (let alone taught) even in modern Israeli Jewish schools.
Israel Shahak, Jewish History, Jewish Religion: The Weight of Two Thousand Years (London: Pluto Press, 1994), 97-98.
p82 of this pdf
Matthew 27:20 tells us that the Judahites in Jerusalem were “useful idiots” for the elders, chief priests, and scribes.
Acts 2:41 implies that some of them possibly repented, since its 3,000 who repented included an unknown number of Israelites from foreign lands in Jerusalem as a pilgrimage, and I’m not certain that they had a vote in the lynch mob that had Christ crucified.
Is it more convenient to leave “Jew” in the Bible? Acts 20:19 and 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16 are much easier to invoke when they read “Jew”, and we don’t know for certain that today’s Jews are not descended from those of Matthew 16:21.
(((They))) say to themselves that they are not Israelites, and they seem to kvetch when called Israelites, but if we could trace back their lineage through all their millennia of miscegenation, perhaps they once were.
Yes, but don’t forget that the Israelites were so unrepentant and wicked that God sent them into captivity. And the ones that came back from Babylon to Judea were certainly no angels having been steeped in the occult. It’s not hard to believe these Israelites would be capable of killing Christ.
Jews wouldn’t have any power in white nations if the whites weren’t sinful themselves. That’s how Jews get a foothold, our weak natures.
Hear, hear.
The “biblicisminstitute” is just another universalist Christian website that thinks its edgy because it dares to criticize Jews, like Pastor Steven Anderson does. It ignores all evidence that the New Covenant would be with the same people, Israelites, as the Old Covenant, per Jeremiah 31:31. The Gospels are full of evidence that Christ came to regather Israelites, but this guy ignores all that and claims Israelite identity means nothing per Galatians 3:28, the go-to verse of all universalists who ignore that the Galatians were Israelites.
The “Holocaust” is the Jewish version of the Passion of Christ. With the “Holocaust”, the Jews have revised the gospels of Christ, substituting themselves for Christ, and His suffering for their own. That’s why they want all Christians to repeat the mantra “Jesus was Jewish”.
They want Christians to believe that criticizing any Jew, or Jewry in general, is the moral equivalent of crucifying Christ again.
Hello, hello! You are very right. They themselves have published this heretical Anti-Christians narrative, and they are slowly implementing it! Rabbi Ignaz Maybaum states in his book;
“The Golgotha of Modern Mankind is Auschwitz. The Cross, and the Roman gallows was replaced by the gas Chamber. The Gentiles it seems must first be terrified by the blood of the sacrificed scapegoats to have the mercy of God revealed to them and be converted, become baptized gentiles, become Christians………. In Auschwitz, the Jewish people were the High Priest, and the Sacrificial Lamb in One. They died because of the sins of others…….. The world is cleaner because the unclean passions of savagery is spent, because the modern view on technological progress have revealed their nihilism, leading to destruction. The world is cleaner because the work of Atonement has been performed. The Cross is but a symbol. The Historians are still divided as to whether the cross points to a mare myth or to a historical event. in both cases the cross concerns bygone times. Auschwitz happened before the eyes of Mankind in our times. The Jewish people was not involved in the evil, the Jewish people was the victims of the evil. The Priest cannot fight evil but he is a stumbling block in the way of the evil doer. The priest makes the evil visible as evil by the suffering meted out on him by the evil doer. The sacrificed of the priest and the sacrificed priest atone for mankind. In Auschwitz, the martyred Jewish people suffered vicariously, suffering for the atonement of future generations. ( See Pp 36 & 71 “Face of God After Auschwitz”. By Rabbi Ignaz Maybaum (1965)) .
So, three! Dim-Wit “Christians” just do not get it. “The Holocaust” narrative is a “New World Order” brain washing gimmick. Be warned!
Jewification is synonymous with “Modernism” It’s the New World Oder! It is “Tikkun Olam” It is “Repair And Rectification” It is Jewish Messianism. Jewish Messianicism views God as being in Exile. And therefore everything God has created, is “in Exile” This also explains “ Jewish Exile” The world is in exile.
Lurianic Kabbalah, interprets the Jewish Religious texts, as point to the Jewish people as “The Messiah” who is left to perform the difficult task of “Tikkun” to restore everything back to where it was intended, which includes God Himself. This New Messiah, abandons the Old Torah of Beriah, and arms himself with the Torah of Atzilut, which is another name for The Law of Therema, “Do-What-Wilt-Thou,-Shall-Be-The-Whole-Of –The Law”
This Jewish Messiah, dons new garments of Marranism, (Retaining loyalty to Judeo-Talmudism under the mask of religious conformity) while he advocated secrecy, and subterfuge, as he “repairs” and “restores” the World and its God into their “proper place” “Holiness Of Sin” became the gospel of Jewish Sabbateans dogma of Messianism following the “Satanic” principle of “Redemption Through Sin”
Jewfication of the World, hence means deconstructing the none-Jewish world, and reconstructing it in Jewish Kosher way. As Albert S. Lindemann quotes;
“All mankind will have been Jewfied (verjudet, the same term used by the anti-Semites ) and joined in union with the B’nai B’rith. In short, Verjudung mean Aufklaerung. Jewfication equalled enlightenment. It was in truth a broad and humane vision, but it cannot come as a surprise that many non-Jews were wary of it” ( Esau’s Tears: Modern Anti-Semitism and the Rise of the Jews By Albert S. Lindemann Pg 331 Google Books)
This is the secret behind the Judaising of Christian World. And therefore Judaising Passion Play With Kosher Seal Of Approval
ty Bigfoot, interesting
We need to stop having these yids tell good Christian men and women how to worship our Lord. If I’m going to find out (((who))) conspired to crucify Christ, I’m going to look in my Bible to find the answer, not to some stupid Gentile-Guilt farming group like the ADL.
Maybe the laws will change to let people off that pay hitmen only the hitmen can be charged for the crime. But this is jewish supremacy from the talmud .
“When the Jews are happy, we are all happy.”
–Said no one, ever.
Germany is under foreign occupation. There was no peace treaty at the end of the war. There are still American troops stationed here.
Jews are gloating about this “victory”, as they know that the Oberammergau Passion Play was a favorite of Hitler:
“How Hitler’s Favorite Passion Play Lost Its Anti-Semitism”
Wait a second, the Jews are admitting that Uncle Adolf had a favorite Passion play?
But how can this be when (((they))) have spent decades insisting that he was some sort of atheist occultist?
Yeah, the whole Hitler “hated Christianity” accusation came from dubious sources, especially the book “Hitler’s Table Talk” allegedly from transcriptions from the anti-Christian Hitler assistant Martin Bormann. The book was “edited” by MI6 British intelligence officer Hugh Trevor-Roper who also claimed “Hitler’s Secret Diaries” were legitimate. All part of British WWII psychological operations against Germany, nothing more.
If the National Socialists were so anti-Christian, why were belt buckles with “Gott Mit Uns” (“God is with us”) standard issue in the army?
A more accurate book on Christianity and its relationship to the Third Reich would be
Positive Christianity in the Third Reich by Professor D. Cajus Fabricius
Videos by Dennis Wise:
Hitler’s Christianity
The Secret Masonic Victory of World War Two Part 10 The Seeds of The Holy War
The Secret Masonic Victory of World War Two Part 13 The Last Holy War
NWO: Communism By The Backdoor Part 6