Ghislaine Maxwell, a “British socialite” who was accused by numerous women of helping procure underage sex partners for Jeffrey Epstein, was arrested Thursday in New Hampshire, according to the FBI:
Maxwell, who lived for years with Epstein and was his frequent travel companion on trips around the world, was taken into custody around 8:30am, said FBI spokesman Marty Feely.
An indictment made public Thursday said Maxwell “assisted, facilitated and contributed to Jeffrey Epstein’s abuse of minor girls by, among other things, helping Epstein to recruit, groom, and ultimately abuse ” girls under the age of 18.
Epstein killed himself in a federal detention center in New York last summer while awaiting trial on sex trafficking charges.
Maxwell was accused by numerous women of recruiting them to give Epstein massages, during which they were pressured into sex. Those accusations, until now, never resulted in criminal charges.
The indictment included counts of conspiracy to entice minors to travel in order to engage in illegal sex acts, enticement of minors to travel in order to engage in illegal sex acts, conspiracy to transport minors with intent to engage in criminal sexual activity, transportation of a minor with intent to engage in criminal sexual activity and two counts of perjury.
Messages were sent Thursday to several of Maxwell’s attorneys seeking comment. She has repeatedly denied wrongdoing in the past and called some of the claims against her “absolute rubbish.”
Among the most sensational accusations was a claim by one Epstein victim, Virginia Roberts Giuffre, that Maxwell arranged for her to have sex with Britain’s Prince Andrew at her London townhouse. Giuffre bolstered her allegations with a picture of her, Andrew, and Maxwell that she said was taken at the time…
Maxwell was described in a lawsuit by another Epstein victim, Sarah Ransome, as the “highest-ranking employee” of Epstein’s alleged sex trafficking enterprise. She oversaw and trained recruiters, developed recruiting plans, and helped conceal the activity from law enforcement, the lawsuit alleged.
No, Ghislaine Maxwell was not a merely a British “socialite” — she helped the Mossad run an international blackmail ring out of Jeffrey Epstein’s homes, using under-age girls as the bait for rich and powerful men, such as Alan Dershowitz and Bill Gates — according to a former Deputy U.S. Secretary of State.
Her father, Robert Maxwell, was an Israeli “super spy”, who ran afoul of the Mossad when his publishing empire ran into financial difficulties and he threatened to reveal Israeli secrets if the Mossad didn’t bail him out — instead they simply murdered on him on his own yacht — named after his daughter Ghislaine — according to author Gordon Thomas.
And according to new revelations, it was indeed Robert Maxwell who initially brought Jeffrey Epstein into contact with the Israeli Mossad.
As we previously reported, after Epstein’s death/disappearance, Ghislaine Maxwell was hiding out in Israel, under the protection of some powerful ‘friends’ there.
If she was worth protecting only a few months ago, what changed? Why is she now arrested in America?
This whole Epstein scandal apparently left many Jews very uncomfortable — because it confirmed many negative stereotypes about Jews.
So has the Mossad decided to throw her under the bus — just as they did with her father?
If she’s expecting any loyalty from the Mossad, especially after becoming a public relations liability, she’s greatly mistaken.
According to the Jewish Talmud, it’s perfectly fine to commit crimes against the goyim, but only as long as it doesn’t bring unwanted attention to the Jewish community.
That’s where Epstein and Maxwell crossed the line.
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
Prince Andrew: Ghislaine Maxwell Resembles Madeleine McCann Suspect
Prince Andrew’s friendship to Jeffrey ex Epstein’s girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell further highlights Madeleine McCann concerns
Madeleine McCann case raises a lot of questions and something not quite right about it and why so much money is lavished at the case
Chaplain Bob Walker
Maxwell’s real name was Hoch was an eastern european talmudic yiddish one. Watch she shall “die” in custody and end up in the Israeli state with her friend Epstein sipping champagne. Israelis have no extradition with the USSA, so they are safe there with their fake deaths.
This allegation that, the Jews in West Palm Beach were an Israeli spy ring used to blackmail important people is absurd. One learns most politicos are liberals whatever their political party they pay homage to Israel . A liberal cannot be damaged nor compromised with scandal . It only enhances their reputation . And the ubiquitous Ghislaine is finally arrested for what?
Prostitution , white slavery, sabotage, extortion, conspiracy and regicide if the moon is correct is what nice, jewish people do . This article above is antisemitic. Why isn’t this dark, homeless, unemployed, jewess being protected by ADL, ACLU and numberless NGO’s tax supported? Is she enticing people in New Hampshire to vote in the coming of the new lord?
“………….This article above is antisemitic……………………..”
I suppose you also say implicating the Jew’s involvmeent in 9-11 is also anti-semitic?
Anti-Semitism doesn’t exist you fool. It is a Jew created Mind Weapon and you are infected.
Study the Website in full!
Enquiring Mind
It’s about time, but something fishy about it all. Why now? Why was she back in the country? Could it be a double?
Sy Bergsteinowitz
Hillary Clinton is in the process of planning Ghislaine’s funeral.
What didn’t happen and should of, before Jeffie absconded to Israel, is how many more of these Mossad Honey Pot ops are out there and still doing Israel’s dirty work?
Israel has access to vast sums of money at their disposal in order to facilitate their spies- likely our own tax dollars. These kinds of dark and twisted scandals have followed this evil tribe for millennia.
I Dunno
killing the White male
The "Goyess" knows
In an interview I listened to a while ago, 1 of Epsteins victims (I think her name was Maria Farmer?) had claimed Ghislaine had told her that Lord Rothschild (he who was behind the creation of Israel) was the main protector of Ghislaine and Her father Robert Maxwell.
He is always whining that the public dislike him and he doesn’t know why, (as if!) so maybe he has thrown her under the bus to avoid the spotlight?
It’s totally ridiculous that it has taken them so long to locate and arrest her. Highly suspicious too.
Yes, even stranger is that in late June, the major media reported that Ghislaine Maxwell had been “spotted” in Paris, not far from the Israeli embassy actually. And two weeks later she’s arrest in New Hampshire. Yeah, right. The whole thing stinks.
The "Goyess" knows
Thanks. Yes very strange. The press claim the FBI have been tailing her all these months whilst they gather the evidence. Nice how they have given her plenty of time to dispose of any evidence she may have kept as a souvenir.
And another interesting thing to happen yesterday, Ghislaines very good friend Stanley Johnson (father of the totally corrupt compulsive lying Jewish traitor PM of England, Boris) decided to take a little holiday to Greece yesterday to prepare his holiday home ready for holiday makers. (((Not hiding some evidence are you Stanley?)))
What a coincidence. (If you believe in them).
The Greeks despise Jews as much as we do. Hopefully they will arrange a little accident for him. There’s me and my wishful thinking gain.
Stanley also applied to become a French citizen a while ago. We were hoping he’d emigrate to France but alas he hasn’t yet.
The FBI has been tailing her for weeks? The FBI can legally operate only in the U.S., so how have they followed her in Europe where she was only until the last few days it seems? Interpol? How about the CIA/NSA? That’s more like it–the CIA has known exactly where she is all along. All of this arrest must have involved negotiations with Mossad.
Interesting point about Boris Johson’s father, a friend of Ghislaine. Should look for Stanley’s name on Epstein’s flight manifestos to Pedo Island. Boris looks like a creepy pedophile–no doubt his blond hair is dyed to make him look more White than he really is. Crazy how the British people don’t realize he’s Jewish.