A collaboration of 500 rabbis and other leaders across every denomination of Jewish religious life are urgently calling for action to combat climate-chaos, floods, famines, and fires, which includes a recommendation for all people to adopt kosher food practices:
The Rabbinic Call is entitled Elijah’s Covenant Between the Generations to Heal Our Endangered Earth. It is inspired by the words of the Prophets and draws on Jewish and other religious teachings. The Rabbinic Call list is still in formation and additional signees are expected in the days ahead.
Created by The Shalom Center in Philadelphia, the Rabbinic Call addresses not only the planetary climate crisis itself, but also the power configurations behind that crisis. It contends that this ecological imbalance has been created in large part by unaccountable concentrations of corporate and government power that make change difficult, as well as the disastrous role of hyper-wealth in fueling greenhouse gas emissions…
The Rabbinic Call provides specific personal and political actions. These deeds, mandated in ancient Jewish scriptures, translate into contemporary actions such as (full list in the Rabbinic Call):
-Urging our banks and politicians to move our money from burning carbon to investments in renewable wind and solar energy.
-Reforesting the Earth and defending our natural wildlife refuges.
–Welcoming refugees who have fled the storms, floods, and famines that beset their homes because of global scorching.
-Creating solar-energy co-ops; establishing car pools to lessen reliance on gas; and adopting modes of kosher practice for foods and energy sources that heal, not harm, our planet.
-Joining in the campaign to enact a Green New Deal that weaves millions of well-paid jobs, social justice, and eco-sanity into one program.
As we’ve previously observed, the global warming scam is a kosher endeavor which has the enormous power and wealth of the Rothschild financial syndicate forcing all First World countries to participate in their environmental Bolshevism.
It should surprise no one that 500 rabbis are pushing this Talmudic-Communist agenda under the guise of doomsday environmentalism. Jews created communism not as a vehicle for social justice but rather as a way of ‘redistributing’ the world’s wealth into Jewish hands.
And it’s probably safe to assume that when the rabbis advocate ‘welcoming’ climate refugees, they don’t mean Israel or their wealthy Arab neighbors like Saudi Arabia. They mean White countries which have uniquely been targeted for race replacement.
“Judaism is communism, internationalism, the universal brotherhood of man, the emancipation of the working class and the human society. It is with these spiritual weapons that the Jews will conquer the world and the human race.”
“For thousands of years the Aryans will work, struggle and achieve; they will clear the swamps, they will bring out a beautiful world and make mankind a free humanity living on a free earth; but then the Aryans will die; they will die as Aryans and will be born again as Jews. Not as Aryans will they enjoy the fruit of their labor, but as Jews.
—Rabbi Harry Waton, A Program for The Jews and An Answer To All Anti-Semites: A Program for Humanity, 1939
“Judaism is communism, internationalism, the universal brotherhood of man, the emancipation of the working class and the human society. It is with these spiritual weapons that the Jews will conquer the world and the human race.” (p. 100)
After coming across over 10 years ago and every passing day, I’m more convinced of the true nature of the jew.
John 8 :44
Proof that “religious” Jews and “secular” atheistic Jews are really all on the same page…..
Oh, their barbaric practices will undoubtedly have an effect…on their pocketbook. Since the whole ‘climate change’ BS is a hoax – they tell us theyre gonna pull it in the protocols and other writings – then its not hard to change something that doesnt exist.
Theres a reason they call us dumb goy…
John 3
They think we’re dumb because we generally and historically have had ‘high-trust’ societies. The Jews, on the other hand, have always been a very distrustful, nervous, and paranoid people who never relax, are always vigilant, and always plotting their next move. You couldn’t find two more different mentalities and spirits. The only thing they have in common with us is basic biological functions, nothing more.
The arctic and antarctic are shrinking. The arctic may be gone within a few years. 74 degrees in Boston the second weekend in JANUARY. I’ve read the top 2,000 climate scientists agree global warming is real and a serious threat. For about the last 20 years nearly every year is warmer than the previous year consistently. The great barrier reef is dying. Flying foxes in Australia are dropping from the trees in death from the heat.
Where the F does anyone get off calling anyone who believes global warming is real an idiot? Are these deniers trying to sound tough? I stopped visiting and reading Northerntruthseeker because he called anyone who believed in global warming an idiot, every week. Deniers NEVER give facts, just incredible vitriol.
An industrial society is mostly to blame. Geoengineering is a great contributor.
You know 9-11 was a zionist operation? Good. You’re right. Mass shooting are staged events or the mind control of a shooter? I agree. The elite aim to dumb down the population and are succeeding? Yes they are. 5G is very bad news? Yes. AI is a threat? Yes. But I don’t quite understand the hostility towards anyone who believes the planet is warming. The proof is all around you.
Nothing personal Luke, I just get tired of people denying what I feel is the obvious truth.
We know changes in the climate have happened, no one would dispute that. Desert areas of the Middle East were lush and green 3,000 years ago. Desert areas of the southwest U.S. were also green at one time, according to the fossil record.
Those radical changes in climate in those areas cannot be blamed on so-called man-made “greenhouse” gases. What we do know is that when CO2 atmospheric levels increase, so does the greening of the Earth for the very simple reason that all plants use CO2 as food. Increase food supply, increase plant growth, and O2 levels.
Half of Europe and North America were under glaciers only 50,000 years ago. What caused the glaciers to recede without SUVs and factories to cause it? The reality stares you in the face every time you look in the sky. The sun, which is over 100 times the size of Earth, fluctuates in intensity and heat. Indisputable fact. Solar activity has been proven to affect our weather.
It is remarkably arrogant to think that the temperature fluctuations in your brief lifetime are somehow unheard of in the history of the world. The fossil record testifies otherwise. 40 years ago, the experts were telling us we were entering another Ice Age and that we’d all freeze to death within a hundred years. The oldest maps we have of Antarctica show the shorelines to be green, no ice. How could that be?
You’re being conned in the worst way, and the Rothschilds intend to use global warming hysteria to rake in trillions while ushering in global communism to “fight” that natural warming.
I Dunno
The Sun is 333,000 times the mass of Earth, although diameter is only 109 times Earth’s.
First it was “Global Warming”. Then they changed it to “Global Climate Change”. Why? Because the ‘spin’ they have been putting on (((their))) own DELIBERATE geo-engineering scheme has not been working according to their plan. Please do NOT mistake this ‘climate change’ for anything other than deliberate ‘weather modification’ as a means to fear monger a global population into Marxist compliance – pure and simple.
No one is denying that our global weather is getting completely freakish, but we must put it into the proper perspective: While this ‘climate change’ IS man-made, it is NOT occurring according to the jewish narrative…just like everything else they lie about. God will not be mocked. Christ predicted this, but does the Scripture say we are supposed to worry about it? Absolutely not. It is but another sign proving the veracity of the Word.
‘Climate change’ IS real, obviously, but it is the narrative that is the hoax being shoved down our throats as a means to force compliance to a draconian global governance completely devoid of Christ, and I am completely confident that is the perspective Luke is coming from.
‘Climate change’ has always existed anyway, as Chesterton said. Just within Biblical records is there plenty of evidence of the drastic change in known geographical areas. And there is only one time in Biblical history where ‘climate change’ was a problem – The Great Flood – and we all know how that turned out. Not only are there no further warnings in Scripture of impending doom by weather, but God promised He would not do that again…
Weather engineering technologies do exist and are used, but their ability to influence the weather on a massive scale is still minor compared to normal solar activity.
I will spin that to say that while jewish geo-engineering does not hold a candle to the natural laws of God, it is wreaking just as much havoc as jewish social engineering;)
I think these rabbis should take the tide pod challenge. Tide pods are certified kosher by the orthodox union after all.
Kosher/halal certifications are such a racket. There’s nothing humane about the way they slaughter animals. I’ve seen it in person and I wish I hadn’t. Even the ancient Greeks/Israelites had the sense to knock the animal unconscious before bleeding it out.
Also, they’re willing to slap that ou or K symbol on any product even if it violates the food laws of Leviticus and Deuteronomy. I know of a few certified kosher products with carmine as an ingredient which is produced by boiling scale insects. GMOs are kosher too even though they violate the law of kind after kind. It’s just another way to fleece money from gullible Whites.
Yes, ‘kosher’ has absolutely nothing to do with the clean food laws of the Bible. The fact that ‘koshering’ is actually a Talmudic ritual to supposedly ‘cleanse’ should clue everyone into the fact that ‘jewishness’ has nothing to do with the Torah. Cleanliness is determined by God, according to what He preordained, as per His Word.
It’s a shame Wally Butterworth’s video on the kosher food tax was scrubbed from the internet, but here’s another. 98% of the American public pays a little bit more for food to satisfy this jewish scam whether they like it or not.
Kosher slaughter is cruel and barbaric. Uncle Adolph outlawed the practice. Never, ever buy Kosher or anything produced in Israel.
But, Karen, if you refuse to buy kosher slaughtered meat, you’re an antisemite, don’t you know that? It’s much better if you just accept jewish ritual blood-letting, whether it’s on Christian children or on animals, rather than being called an antisemite. Remember, Jews know better. They are our “spiritual elders”. Trust them. We have a lot to learn from their ways. If they say something is “kosher”, then who are we to question them?
Praise Christ for our sense of humor 😀
Otherwise we would just be depressing the hell out of each other lmwao!
Wow, two jewish scams rolled into one big one. If we can only make the entire planet kosher, all of their problems will be solved. Sounds reasonable.
So how exactly do the Kabbalistic sorcery rituals that include twirling chickens over their heads have anything to do with combatting ‘global climate change’? In the mind of the jew, it just does…and apparently that’s all that matters these days. Their “ancient jewish scriptures” being referred to is NOT the Torah – it never is, despite the lip service (((they))) give it to fool the foolish.
There is no evidence whatsoever that kosher foods are “cleaner” and therefore contribute less to global warming. All kosher certification means is that a random rabbi showed up at the food processing plant at one time, looked around, mumbled some passage from The Talmud, and left his invoice with the billing department. Kosher is meaningless except in the mind of a Jew.
oh, its the ‘torah’…in as much as its the first 5 books. BUT, its the torah of the talmud! (((they)))admit it ; wish I could remember the cite from which of their books, but a small aamount of research will produce it Im sure – tho dont use joogle obviously. The whole ‘torah’ thing is just more jewish doubletalk that relies on the stupidity of the goy.