In a fascinating and in-depth video, Adam Green of ‘Know More News‘ lays out the evidence of predictive programming in the media that a potential False Flag Attack on Seattle may have been planned for this weekend, Sunday November 3, 2019:
This video is packed with information, evidence, and analysis, it is worth listening and watching. However, you can scan through the video, doing your own quick overview.
What Adam presents (with the help of a German scholar) is an abundance of Predictive Programming in the media, over many years, with the target being the Seattle Seahawks Home football game against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.
Much like the evidence that was found after 9/11 showing advanced knowledge of that event, a similar amount of pop culture media seems to depict this date, time, location, and type of event.
The event would be a micro-nuke on or near the Seattle Space Needle.
Adam goes through much of the 9/11 Predictive Programming to demonstrate the significant amount of media used in that event.
In conclusion: At the very least, there is an alarming amount of Seattle Destruction in TV, films, and print media.
If 9/11 was planned years in advance (some say as far back as 1970 or even before), then the question comes down to why do the planners of these events find it necessary to show the public in advance through cryptic methods?
Some believe it is part of the Black Magic being used, and is necessary for those involved to be free from guilt because the “dumb” public was too “stupid” to see the signs to prevent the event from happening.
If this is the case, and an event has been planned for Seattle, is it possible that by sharing this information such an event could be averted?
Maybe we will never know if nothing happens.
We certainly hope this event will not take place, as we denounce any acts of violence to bring about political ends, but there can be no doubt that the oligarchs who planned and executed 9-11 are far from done staging similar false flag terror attacks to further their agenda if necessary.
The Zionists are frustrated that the U.S. refuses to go to war with Israel’s ‘existential’ enemy, Iran, so what better way to get America behind such a suicidal war than to stage a terror attack on Seattle and blame it on “radical” Iran which is conveniently now manufacturing “nuclear material”?
Satan’s time is short, as the Book of Revelation clearly states, so we should expect these terror attacks to increase with frequency until Americans and European become so exhausted by the violence that they beg the oligarchs to do whatever is necessary to stop it, and their answer will be an international “world court” in Jerusalem ruled over by their hand-picked “Moshiach” or Anti-Christ who will occupy the ‘Seat of Judgment’ in the ersatz “Third” Temple.
Ritual sacrifices will commence in the new Temple, and any deaths in these false flag attacks will be part of that blood ritual.
That’s the end game for them, and world events are being manufactured and manipulated into making that scenario become “reality”. And a major attack in Seattle would serve to accelerate the Kabbalistically pre-determined time table.
Christians For Truth
You must have a serious problem with reading comprehension because nowhere in this article did we “predict” an attack on Seattle. We merely reported that others were presenting compelling evidence that an event MAY HAVE been planned, and that we hoped it didn’t happen. We don’t appreciate your false accusations and self-aggrandizement at our expense. Try humbling yourself.
I guess the real problem with this proposed attack on Seattle was that it involved the NFL, and if any of the NFL teams or the stadium were injured during the attack, the entire NFL season would be over, and since it is largely owned by Jews, or promoted by the jewish-controlled media, they would stand to lose billions by such an attack.
My advice to the Zionist master planners would be to plan something that wouldn’t disrupt America’s greatest pacifier, the NFL. Destroy anything you want, just don’t interrupt football on Sundays and everything will be fine. There would be a civil war if America had to go without their beloved football.
Jesus is laughing at big brother and their false flags. this one won’t happen,
i promise you. otherwise my people would be there with cameras and drones just like we had on 9 11. 40 cameras were there, and in 2020 we’re going to show the world what really went down. Jesus loves you, big brother.
thanks for making our job so easy by hiring people who can’t keep their mouths shut. we know about your next big one and we can’t wait. lol
Interesting choice of illustrations for this Seattle news site:
I’ve discovered an astonishing NEW, previously undiscovered, cryptic message in the ‘The Economist: The World in 2018’ regarding Seattle, the Space Needle, and November 3rd.
Travis G.
So glad you covered this! Thank you fellow warrior! ???
Blood rituals will commence?
What do think this is?
They never stopped giving blood
Blood rituals are given outside under an obelisk (remember the Vegas shooting?) The space needle is the obelisk.
The football game is an open air (outside) event.
The reason they encode it is not so much mockery as it is a legal matter of “full disclosure” and “due notice”
The legal definition of ‘consent’ is not only explored agreement but also “by implication of behavior”
So they can say you were warned and you didn’t object -hence one “consented” legally.
God bless us all
Blood rituals will commence on the actual altar of their new temple that they plan to build. Some suspect it won’t be just goats, calves, or chickens, but rather humans too.
Yukon Jack
I was happy to see this article posted up at and I check out your site “christians for truth”.
May I humbly suggest that if you are really for truth that you stop believing in the Jew religion call Christianity.
Jews are liars, they lie and lie and lie and to believe in a religion put together by Jews is the believing in the exact opposite of truth.
Christians For Truth
If Christianity is a “jewish” lie, then why are the Jews doing everything they can to discredit, censor, subvert, and destroy it? If it were such a detriment to the White race, the Jews would constantly promote it, but they don’t, they hate it with every fiber of their being. You need to truly humble yourself to the truth, and the truth is that it’s you who is repeating the mother of all Jew lies, which is that real Christianity is “jewish”.
Read the following to understand how you’ve been deceived:
It is astonishing………….so many are waking up to the JQ. They recognize how Evil the Jew truly is. But then they never ask “why”? And if they do ask “why”…they just fumble around with ‘theories’ that never fully explain the Jew’s nature.
Biblical Christianity or Israelite Identity, is the ONLY rational explanation for Jewish Perfidy. Period. End of story. Esau vs. Jacob.
They can’t see the Forest through the Trees.
The only kind of “Christianity” that Jews will tolerate is evangelical zionists who falsely believe the “jews” must return to Palestine and rebuild the temple in order for Christ to return. And as long as these dupes and useful idiots support Israel, the Jews will gladly accept support from these Christian “Rapture bunnies”:
Time travel and the Mandela effect
Have all the jews in seattle gone on ‘vacation’? If so, its on. If not, it aint.
If there was……………….I’m sure they scrapped it by now. Which is a good thing.
Although………….their Chutzpa knows no bounds. If they try to pull it off, let us hope they leave a ton of clues. With 9-11 they left a ton of clues; but maybe this time the Goyim will wake up.
Fool me Once………..
I recall seeing a poll that was conducted about 5 years after 9-11 which showed that 60% of Americans didn’t believe the official explanation of the attacks. Despite not believing the official narrative, nothing changed, Americans just went on with their lives. When they pull off these big events, they know a certain percentage of people will know it’s fake, but they rely on the majority doing nothing even if they do know the truth. And that’s exactly what will happen.
I completely concur. Not to mention I will have to feign surprise if something does happen on Nov. 3rd. I fully expect terror attacks every day at this point…
Good point!