Giving evidence to Members of Parliament on Tuesday, Sir Andrew Pollard — the head of the U.K. Oxford Vaccine Group — and who also just so happens to be Jewish — asserted that reaching herd immunity is “not a possibility” with the current Delta variant:
Prof Sir Andrew Pollard said the fact that vaccines did not stop the spread of Covid meant reaching the threshold for overall immunity in the population was “mythical”. “The problem with this virus is [it is] not measles. If 95% of people were vaccinated against measles, the virus cannot transmit in the population,” he told the all-party parliamentary group (APPG) on coronavirus.
“The Delta variant will still infect people who have been vaccinated. And that does mean that anyone who’s still unvaccinated at some point will meet the virus … and we don’t have anything that will [completely] stop that transmission.” Although the existing vaccines are very effective at preventing serious Covid illness and death, they do not stop a fully vaccinated person from being infected by the virus that causes Covid-19.
The concept of herd or population immunity relies on a large majority of a population gaining immunity – either through vaccination or previous infection – which, in turn, provides indirect protection from an infectious disease for the unvaccinated and those who have never been previously infected.
Data from a recent React study conducted by Imperial College London suggests that fully vaccinated people aged 18 to 64 have about a 49% lower risk of being infected compared with unvaccinated people. The findings also indicated that fully vaccinated people were about half as likely to test positive after coming into contact with someone who had Covid (3.84%, down from 7.23%). About 75% of all UK adults have now received both their jabs.
The health secretary, Sajid Javid, said on Tuesday that plans were in place to start offering Covid booster jabs to the most vulnerable groups in the UK from next month. He said that the flu jab would be offered at the same time.
But Pollard – who chairs Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) but is not specifically a member of the Covid JCVI committee – questioned whether boosters would be needed. “The time we would need to boost is if we see evidence that there was an increase in hospitalisation – or the next stage after that, which would be people dying – amongst those who are vaccinated. And that is not something we are seeing at the moment,” he said.
Even if vaccine-induced antibody levels waned, our immune systems would probably remember the vaccination for decades and offer a degree of protection if exposed to the virus, he said. “So, there isn’t any reason at this moment to panic. We’re not seeing a problem with breakthrough severe disease….”
So-called “herd immunity” in vaccinated populations has never been achieved — never — it’s a bogus concept invented by the vaccine producers to incentivize sales of their useless and dangerous products.
We were promised by the experts back in the 1960s that when we reached 50% vaccination levels, we would reach “herd immunity” — but when that didn’t materialize, they kept increasing the target until they basically said we will have “herd immunity” when we have vaccinated everybody.
Problem is that we have seen measles outbreaks in populations of children with 99% to 100% vaccination rates — because they may have artificially-induced antibodies to the attenuated measles virus, not the wild or natural type — and those newly vaccinated children actively shed the measles virus for weeks after injection — so they, not the unvaccinated, are the real “super spreaders.”
Regardless, the whole concept of “booster” shots was contrived by Edward Jenner, the inventor of the smallpox vaccine — when confronted with irrefutable evidence that newly vaccinated people were still getting smallpox, Jenner glibly said they needed a “booster” to increase immunity.
Boosters serve two purposes — neither of which is legitimate — they provide a cover-up for the failure of the original vaccine — which shouldn’t surprise anybody, considering that a successful vaccine for any flu or cold strain has never been developed — for the simple reason that coronaviruses mutate continuously.
The second purpose of the boosters is to endlessly enrich the vaccine manufacturers with customers for life — until the multiple vaccinations eventually kill the customer, which is another side benefit for the Big Picture.
And in reference to “COVID,” the boosters will serve to kill off those who didn’t die after the initial vaccinations — starting with the “most vulnerable” immuno-suppressed “useless eaters” who are least like to be able to tolerate the vaccines.
for some musical relief:
from the BigVirusHoax.com
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Welcome to the Hotel COVID-19:
Mate, these articles just give me the willys! Seriously, who is right, and who is wrong? One bloke says one thing, and then some other bloke says different… surely science should be able to be in agreement ACROSS THE BOARD!? Who do we, and, what are we, supposed to believe anymore when the big wigs talk?
It gets me down in the dumps, all this double talk from the powers that be. But I stay strong with ONE WAY: JESUS!
Although the existing vaccines are very effective at preventing serious Covid illness and death, they do not stop a fully vaccinated person from being infected by the virus that causes Covid-19.
Goyim, we’re performing lab experiments on you! You won’t be “infected” with Coof-19, because it doesn’t really exist aside from goofy looking drawings we put out on the electric Jew, but your body will be making “Coof-19” on its own as long as you live.
Remember, Goyim! It’s you unvaxxed heathens spreading variants…even though you’re likely not exposed and variants can only be formed with interaction with a host. Ignore those vaxxed virus factories, will you? Also ignore Debbie Birx counting every death as a Coof death. Please ignore PCR tests being a scam and just take your gene ther….umm, your live saving shots, goy!
The Education Level Of The Most Vax Resistant Americans.
1. CDC Director, Rochelle P. Walensky, is a jew.
2. CDC Deputy Director, Anne Schuchat, is a jew.
3. CDC Chief of Staff, Sherri A. Berger, is a jew.
4. CDC Chief Medical Officer, Mitchell Wolfe, is a jew.
5. CDC Director, Washington Office, Jeff Reczek, is a jew.
6. COVID Czar, Jeff Zients, is a jew.
7. COVID Senior Advior, Andy Slavitt, is a jew.
8. HHS Ass. Secretary, Rachel Levine, is a dude and a jew.
9. Pfizer’s CEO is a jew.
10. Moderna’s vaccine created by a jew.
11. Johnson & Johnson’s CEO is a jew.
12. Teva is an Israel pharmaceutical company with a jewish CEO.
13. Regeneron Pharma CEO is a jew
14. AstraZeneca’s CEO was to take over as CEO of Israel’s Teva Pharmaceuticals which means he’s a jew.
The Side Effect is Death.
Teen is forced to get the vaccine. She doesn’t want it. She is BEGGING not to get it. 5 adults are against her. They are all guilty!
A Victim of EVIL.
Thanks Pfizer.
More Pfizer.
Private plane travel is a whole different story folks…….