Perhaps Jews should lower their expectations — and instead of pushing for a complete erradication of antisemitism, Jews should instead declare victory that another day goes by where there isn’t “another” Holocaust.
Rebranding Zionism As A “Movement Of Peace”
The “supposed” subjugation or oppression of the Palestinians has never been a central tenet of Zionism — just an “unintended” and “inevitable” consequence.
Jews were the greatest advocates of “free speech” until they became the Establishment — and then they declared free speech to be “problematic” and potentially “antisemitic”.
Traditionally Christian Women’s Day Magazine Hires “Rabbi In Residence” For Its Faith Coverage
No objection to an anti-Christ Jew giving advice on faith to a largely Christian audience — rather, certain readers want to know why a female rabbi wasn’t chosen.
Another Rabbi In Ohio Arrested For Sex Crime With Underage Child
Apparently, Ohio has recently become a “hotbed” of illicit and illegal sexual activity between rabbis and minors — according to Orthodox insiders, more than 50% of all boys in Jewish schools have been sexually assaulted — it’s become a “rite of passage.”
Why Did Emmanuel Macron Use Yiddish Terms During His Nationally Televised Debate With Marine Le Pen?
Macron is a Manchurian Candidate for the Jewish oligarchs who control France — and his deliberate use of Yiddish during the debate was to reassure the Jews that he was their manlet.
Laws intended to protect children from online sexual predators will now apply to Holocaust Deniers.
The Good Old Days When Card-Carrying German Templar “Nazis” Roamed The Streets Of Haifa
The Christian German Templars who emigrated to Palestine long before the Zionist Jews ever did were enthusiastic supporters of Adolf Hitler and the National Socialist Party — and the British turned the Templar communities into virtual concentration camps behind razor wire fencing — then, starting in 1941, forced them to emigrate to Australia.
Unapologetically Jewish Actress Tracy-Ann Oberman Forced To Pay “Substantial Damages” To U.K. Professor Whom She Accused Of Using “Jew Block List” on Twitter
Ironically, Oberman — who found out she looked “too Jewish” to star in Pride And Prejudice — recently threatened to sue Twitter users who criticized her for accusing Labour Party of widespread “antisemitism”.
Police fear that if they start arresting Muslims for incitement of violence against Jews, they could precipitate a race war/civil war in the U.K. — Jews sponsored the flooding of Muslims into the U.K. to destroy white Christian hegemony — and they are just going to have to learn to live with some of the inevitable antisemitism that is inherent in their age-old relationship.
And if Israel is “wiped off the map” — and the worlds’ Jew can’t regather in Israel — then Jesus won’t return — and they won’t get “raptured.”
Liverpool “Antiracism Festival” Sparks Backlash From Jews For Omitting “Antisemitism” From Program
Black Mayor of Liverpool proceeded to invite Jewish participation, but was turned down — Jewish suffering cannot be put on the same level as the sufferings of others.
Jewish Manipulation of World Leaders.
Jewish control Media.
I’m sorry but this site needs to provide a comprehensive but SUMMARIZED article and explanation for that blasphemous article about the devil. I have been very turned off by it and I don’t think the article is right. You don’t need to be a biblical scholar to know the devil is real.
Robert, if you’ve got a specific problem with that article, please refute it using scriptural evidence. We posted it to generate discussion, but apparently you are offended that even the idea should be discussed. Maybe you should ask yourself some serious questions about what you think you believe. Read more of our articles at CFT, and we guarantee you’ll be even more offended.
160,000 COVID Deaths? – NHS confirms just 5,115 people have died of COVID-19 in England since beginning of Pandemic.
Thanks for shareing that info and website. Most interesting. 🙂
I saw the article on the caves. We liked it so much we’re preparing to visit the caves. We live in North Eastern Oklahoma. It’ll be a long trip but
We’ve been to the runes in Hefner Oklahoma. Though it was interesting , the Animus site should be even more important.
Majority of Christians Evangelicals believes Iran wants to bring out second holocaust and wipe Israel off the map with nuclear weapons . Well we can hope so . There is so much evil stupid sick Evangelicals that will and do sign off with israel for any evil they do so they can keep following the carrot of rapture .Thats like Islam .