Prominent And Powerful Rabbi In Germany Ensnared In Gay Sexual Abuse Scandal Protected By Environment Of Fear And Intimidation
The rabbi’s “husband” was also intimately involved in the sexual abuse of students — and yet it’s the Catholics we have to worry about?
Angry Orthodox Jews claim this not-so-unique traumatic episode was reminiscent of how Jews were treated in the “Holocaust”
This JTA article claims these Jews are victims of a “Czarist pogrom” — in reality, these blood-thirsty communists terrorized the local Ukrainians and got their just deserts.
Zionist Jews did nothing wrong — Palestinians wanted to put all Jews in Palestine in Gas Chambers™ and kill them all after the end of WWII, but this NGO better move fast, because Israel is actively purging their archives of any incriminating evidence that contradicts this white-washed narrative.
New Study Claims Severe “Long COVID” Can Cause Brain To Age 20 Years And Drop IQ By 10 Points
Many vaccines such as the MMR have been associated with premature brain again and significant drop in IQ — they trick the body into attacking the neurons in the brain — why would COVID “vaccines” not cause a similar neurological auto-immune response?
400 Year-Old Passion Play At Oberammergau, Germany To Resume Cleansed Of Its Traditional “Antisemitism” And Emphasizing Jesus’ “Jewishness”
Jews are not Israelites — nor was Jesus a “Jew” — so they didn’t kill Christ — technically speaking — but an essential part of Jewish identity today is to kill Christ and His followers every day in every way — through a thousand cuts — they are certainly the spiritual inheritors of the original Christ killers.
You can’t get more pro-Franken-family than that — and you’d never know that Disney was taken over by anti-Christ Jew Michael Eisner and his minions in 1984.
Pope further claims that God does not reject any of His children, regardless of their active state of sin and rejection of God’s laws.
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot Vows To Make Chicago Abortion “Oasis” If Roe V. Wade Overturned
Lightfoot loves dead Blacks — having turned Chicago into the murder capital of America — and now she’ll make sure that every Black baby can exercise its right to be aborted on demand.
Poland To Formally Propose Sending NATO Troops Into Ukraine At Summit This Week
Poland is playing with fire here — just as they did running up to WWII — thinking they could out-smart the Germans with the backing as assurances of the West — since joining the EU, Poland has quickly become just another whore of the West.
jews are the opposite of the chosen.
Nobby Burden
Synagog of Satan. Forsaken by the Lord.
Christ Is King
No swastikas please… unless you’re a jain, buddist, flower pot man, etc… but no offending jews by telling jews that they’re jewish, or pointing out the things jews do and did to others, is what I think the Victorian gubbmint people are trying to say. It’s pretty open-ended, so ya could be punished for looking at a jew soon.
“The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance defines antisemitism as a “certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews”.”
Poland a whore of the west?
Dude you’re from america literally the great satan
So you honestly believe that Poland has a snowball’s chance in hell of doing the bidding of NATO and the EU, and not suffer serious consequences, political and economic, vis a vis Russia? What power does Poland actually have? They oppose the Marxist and anti-Christian agenda of the EU, and that’s good, but at what price? I visited Poland in 2007, and was astonished at how naive the Poles were in embracing EU membership and the euro currency. The EU has puffed up Poland and is using it as a pawn in a larger game against Russia, painfully obvious. And, yes, America, too, has become satanic, and hopefully Poland doesn’t believe for a second that the USA has any moral standing in the West.
-“What power does Poland actually have?”
Whataboutism since normal people from all over the world from all nations are pretty much powerless against the zionist machine.
-“They oppose the Marxist and anti-Christian agenda of the EU, and that’s good, but at what price?”
Stay calm amerimutt nobody will take your drag queen story hours away afterall those are the same “people” you happily entrust your children to en masse.
-“I visited Poland in 2007, and was astonished at how naive the Poles were in embracing EU membership and the euro currency”
Hopefully you were deported and banned for life after this unwanted visit.
-“and hopefully Poland doesn’t believe for a second that the USA has any moral standing in the West.”
Absolutely and the same goes for russia who invaded Poland and murdered, raped, deported and injured milions of Poles since 1750 also Poles are no Ukranians, we’ve beaten ALONE russia in the 1920s and if it was to happen again we would win again cause you can’t crush the Polish nation but I think the same can’t be said for the amerimutt nation who is less than 50% White.
Lori LIghtfoot called for an armed “insurrection” to prevent the overturn of Roe v Wade. We’ll see how many of those gun-grabbing pro-infanticide crusaders listen to her call.
That article about the jews on the Lufthansa flight didn’t contain the best quote, which I read on…
In footage purportedly filmed by a passenger during a heated exchange with an airline employee on Wednesday, the staffer is heard saying “everyone has to pay for a couple,” referring to those who ran afoul of the masking requirement, and that “It’s Jews coming from JFK. Jewish people who were the mess, who made the problems.”
Responding, the bewildered passenger demanded to speak to a supervisor, “because this is 2022, this is a western country, and there’s a lot of history of antisemitism around the world, and this is gruesome. This is unbelievable.” He added “why do Jewish people pay for other people’s crimes?”
The correct, default position should always be to expel the Jews. Trouble follows them, and they know it, and they don’t’ care. It’s never their fault. Airline employees are powerless against them and cannot just do their jobs. There are rules for Jews, and rules for everyone else. That’s what their “holy” book the Talmud is all about. Supremacism. Exclusivity. Deference. Our two worlds can never be reconciled.
Shlomo Bergsteinowitz
That German rabid Rabbi who assaulted at least 10 boys almost got away scot-free, since the local authorities didn’t want to prosecute.
Maybe he could change to a Mohel Rabbi, where he’d get to orally molest baby boy’s & get paid to do so!
I will like to know who were these young vendor boys you use as posters for these articles these days.
Roger Shrubber
Most of them probably have died of old age. Looks like many pictures from the ’10s, ’20s, ’30s, ’40s……