Brenda and David McDowell, the parents of triplets, experienced every parent’s worst nightmare when all three of their children became autistic within hours after receiving their pneumococcal (pneumonia) vaccinations at 9 months old:
Part of the misinformation campaign unwittingly being promoted even by the anti-vaxx crowd is that it is the MMR (mumps, measles, rubella) vaccine that causes autism. In reality, as the case with the McDowells attests, all childhood vaccines can cause autism-spectrum disorders. And also contrary to what even many anti-vaxxers claim, it is not the adjuvants (additives) that are the culprits causing autism. They have taken thimerosol (mercury) out of most vaccines, and the autism rates are still going up, so that is a red herring.
The most pernicious part of vaccines is that they circumvent the natural immune response by being directly injected into the bloodstream. The immune response that is induced by vaccines is not only unnatural but it’s also unresolvable, which is why children who have been vaccinated often still contract the diseases that they’ve been vaccinated against. Vaccines trick the immune system into attacking the child’s own tissues, such as the neurons in their brains, stripping them of their insulation, causing autism-like symptoms. Vaccine “science” is nothing more than sophisticated voodoo.
“They have taken thimerosol (mercury) out of most vaccines, and the autism rates are still going up, so that is a red herring.” They have added aluminum and a number of adjuvants that accelerate the effect on the immune system. No difference.
Exactly !!! Same crap!
I did only 1 to my oldest baby and sensed smth different in her. My intuition told me to stop. I didn’t vaccinate other children and was able to recover my oldest.
If I could share my story and therapie hopefully that could save some lives 🙏🙏
Praying for you all! ❤️
1. When you add mRNA to your DNA you blank up your DNA. You willingly gave yourself transfections or gene mutations..This can’t be undone. Other Examples of gene mutations are cancers and bells palsy…
2. graphene oxide is a BIOWEAPON found in shots and nasal swab tests, Causes clots, strokes and import the heart since the nanoparticles are MAGNETIC and the heart has a magnetic component to it.
3. PEG is Antifreeze in the shot and causes sterility, toxic when injected. 300% increase in miscarriages since the shots.
4. Spike proteins bring on a whole cascade of autoimmune events but simplistically they are toxin making factories in the body. The more shots you took the more toxin making factories you have in your body.
They took your immune system which is self teaching with your T cells and taught it to go against itself.
I’ve 2 girls. Eldest is 3 yo. Young one is 2 yo. In Taiwan, the gov gives parents a booklet for vaccine record. The gov coerces people giving their kids about 20 shots before 2 yo.
When my eldest daughter turned 3, the world was hit by COVID. I began studying about vaccine.
I noticed slight changes to my eldest daughter after she received all her shots. She was bright and happy, full of life, and she turned into temperamental, sometimes dull child, something is definitely wrong. When she was about one yo, she developed atopic dermatitis. About a year later I learned that this could be the result of the vaccine shots, but doctors wouldn’t tell me that, usually doctor told me it’s genetic, but I don’t have atopic dermatitis, their mother doesn’t have atopic dermatitis.
I gave up on western medicine. I took my daughter to traditional Chinese medicine clinic, she went on treatment for almost a year, and she is a lot better.
I hope the McDowells could some how read this message, and try traditional Chinese medicine on their children to detoxify. I believe this would be beneficial. They should detox while they are still in developing stage before it’s too late.
Jay, atopic dermatitis is a common side effect of the measles vaccine. Even mainstream sources acknowledge this fact, but they certainly don’t have pediatricians warning parents of the potential risks:
Something made me believe that some followers would be interested in this item.
Searching articles, I came across a video someone put on the internet. It showed a very poor impoverished family’s children putting the long swabs that are inserted in people’s nose’s to check for the Corona Virus.
It was awful the conditions, and the children, and awful unsanitary. I am not condemning them for it ,because we have no idea the things people around the world have to do to survive in different environments and cultures.
They were sitting on the floor placing the swabs in plastic bags that may be of the zip lock type, with things on the floor scattered about them. Nothing indicated that it was expected to be sanitary, apparently by the people or organization who had responsibility for packaging them .
I’m not describing the conditions as I said, people all over the world live differently than we do and we have no idea or little of what poor people must do to survive and eat or what they go through in providing foods and articles for us.
Also a website, shows and surprised me, but it showed a mural in Egypt with a person inserting a swab like reed type object up another person’s nose and the article referred to it being inserted up into or near the pineal gland. I do not know how to put it on the internet, but anyone familiar with the new age and mysticism will know what it refers to and may want if they find it to put it up for others to see that what we are being put through more than we know.
A lot of knowledge is suppressed and held by secret groups and being used against us and why so much money {black money } is pilfered from our government and put into secret projects like mind control, etc.
English genocide of the red-headed race is no secret. They hate the Irish, yet their regressive genes need them so they must iner-marry with red or fair haired women to keep from going “full retard”. It’s true.
This is why they breed with reds or blonded (dianna/fergie/etc) but then discard them (diana/harry), this is why red heads are villified in her queens MSM and hollywood (the red heads are usually villified ex: “beaten like a red-headed stepchild” you see this is MK (royal or heirarchal) programming. This phrase degrades redheads and condones beating them. It’s ok. They are red heads.
The truth is we red-heads scare them and they try to keep our numbers down, yet preserve our genetic line for their purposes. Perpetuating their BS draconianm, draculean, piss poor struggle to “feel” life as they degrade and struggle for meaning using vicarious means. They are truly sad creatures. Intelligence and power and tech, but quite inhumane.
I’ve NEVER had a ‘flu shot, and I haven’t had the ‘flu or anything like it since about the mid 1970s. Some people take the poison every year, almost as a religious (or re£igious) ritual and ALWAYS become ill afterwards.
Tell them it was the vaccine that made them ill, and they’ll admit it, but then add something to the effect that it “would have been worse” had they not been “protected”!
These ignoramuses really do swallow the LIE that they’d get the disease every year if they didn’t allow themselves to be injected with poisons. Some people are just beyond helping.
1940 -2 vaccines (some children got 4 shots before age 2, NEVER more than 1 shot per visit)
1980 – 8 shots before age 2 and NEVER more than 2 shots per visit.
2012 – 49 doses of 14 vaccines by the age of 6.
2018 – 54 doses what they mentioned on the Tin Foil Hat podcast/show.
This is an effect of making the vaccine costs cheaper, pumping them full of preservatives (thimerisol, heavy metal) pushing them in mass, and where they don’t have thimerisol, they are giving kids / BABIES multiple doses in 1 day which is too much for the body. It’s in human and at this point, it is no longer being done on accident. It’s on purpose. Perhaps for the purpose of making money or something more nefarious, but I see this as a Human ‘tragedy of the commons’. I almost think this applies, if you’re not paying for the product, you are the product. I can’t count how many ‘free flu shots’ I’ve seen. I know that health insurance pays for it but makes it no cost to you, but still, I don’t even get those anymore.
“. . .if you’re not paying for the product, you are the product. . .”
. . .free cell phones, better to watch over you
. . .free education, better to supply left wing brainwashing
. . .free tv [in olden daze] and free radio, better to fill empty heads
. . .free health services, better for control of every stripe
Dr. Strangelove fluoridation scene:
I thank God as often as I remember for keeping our children safe after they’ve been forced to receive shot after shot, year after year. By the time I truly learned about the medical industry and the vaccine agenda, it was too late, I already ‘allowed’ the shots I was fearmongered into accepting for my children. I never believed in the stuff in the first place…