(Forward) On Thursday, when Mark Zuckerberg unveiled the new name for Facebook — Meta — to mark its transition to what he calls “the metaverse,” he raised a few eyebrows among Hebrew-speaking Jewish communities:
While the word, now applied to such narratively self-aware works as “Adaptation” and “Deadpool,” derives from the Greek prefix meaning “after” or beyond,” and indicates something that transcends the word it latches onto (think metaphysics), in Hebrew the word “Meta” means “is dead….”
Hebrew speakers may have chuckled at Zuckerberg’s pronouncement, from an eerily art-directed room, that Meta was chosen to better reflect “who we are and what we hope to build.” The metaverse he’s building, may be a subtle multilingual counter to Trump’s golem-esque Truth platform, with the Hebrew words “Emet” (Truth) and “Met” (Death) both playing a big role in the golem story.
It would be funny if it wasn’t all so morbid, seeming to portend the flailing end of a tech empire hoping to distract from intense public scrutiny prompted by a litany of scandals brought to light by reporting and a whistleblower. Is the birth — or rather, naming — announcement really a proof of death? Only if Zuck is being meta in the self-aware sense and knows some Hebrew.
Zuckerberg’s company, by any other name, is now alleged to be a major source of societal rot, from devouring the self-esteem of teenagers to peddling misinformation to maintaining a startlingly feckless — or worse, laissez-faire — approach to policing hate speech.
So what really died here, with the rise of Meta? Society? Society as we know it? The pre-Zuckerverse, where us poor plebes couldn’t text via Ray-Ban-branded augmented reality glasses while pretending to be paying attention to an in-person conversation?
The answer, far from an acknowledgment of defeat to the slings and arrows of Congressional investigation and investor distress, appears to be an invitation to a danse macabre, implicating us in the demise of life as we know it as he strives to “bring the metaverse to life….Our mission remains the same, it’s still about bringing people together,” Zuckerberg insisted. Sounds like a shiva.
Yes, Facebook has always been about “bringing people together” — under the watchful eye of the post-911 mass surveillance octopus called Total Information Awareness, a DARPA project.
Facebook is a massive psy-op where people literally give all their personal information, photographs, and social connections to a for-profit private intelligence collecting company with deep connections to the CIA, NSA, FBI, and the Israeli Mossad.
Never the brightest guy himself, Zuckerberg was shocked at how willingly the public gave him their personal information to enrich himself, derisively calling them “dumb f*cks” for doing so.
Only a naif would believe that Zuckerberg himself created the new name, Meta, for Facebook — and that it was created, as this article suggests, in reaction to this latest orchestrated and false “crisis” in the company.
Basically, the gist of the so-called “whistleblower” controversy was that Facebook wasn’t censoring anyone to the right of Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky — a gripe that the Anti-Defamation League had been orchestrating since Facebook had allowed Holocaust denial among its users.
The Facebook leviathan acquired the Toronto-based AI company Meta back in 2017 — so the plan to rename Facebook has been in the works a long time — but usually when a large company takes over a tiny company, the larger company doesn’t take on the tiny company’s name.
We don’t doubt an army of Kabbalah experts were consulted about the occult significance of the name “Meta” — satanic corporate names and logos have become the new normal.
But there can be no doubt that the “Chan-Zuckerberg Iniatiatve” is a type for the Judeo-Masonic plan moving forward — a Jewish-Chinese alliance which will orchestrate the merging of the West with the Chinese communists — who have already instituted this model “social credit” control matrix that is incrementally being introduced in the West.
And this new Meta “death cult” is intimately tied into the global “pandemic” surveillance control grid — which has been described as “halachically Jewish” in its design — and will be used for contact tracing and engendering a global “snitch culture.”
This “snitch culture” is based on life in the Jewish shtels of eastern Europe — a yiddishkeit where everybody was watching everybody under the watchful eye of the busybody yentas — popularized on the 1960s American television sit-com Bewitched! by the nosy Jewish neighbor, Mrs. Kravitz.
Except this new “Meta” shtetl will be no laughing matter.
Always did call it FED BOOK, way before these stories came out… The info is all after the fact now, which is no good to the “plebes”… The masses never understood that when government or other entities promote and push something, it’s not for their good…
Pete Griffin
I had two different accounts on FaceBerg, using pseudonyms, only to communicate with a few like-minded people, and post some truthful but politically incorrect stuff. I got a few “naughty boy” suspensions, then they terminated both my accounts. I had a few laughs, though.
Before they terminated one account, they wanted me to send a photo of myself to prove I was legit. Online I found a mug shot of some black dude with gigantic lips, downloaded it, and sent it to them. Those dumb effers at FB accepted it and I was good to go for another few months until I got spanked a couple more times, then whacked permenantly.
Mr. Bill
A long time ago, I had a “phony” account on FB too, but realized that if you’re not running a VPN, or maybe even if you are, FB knows who you are, Right to your doorstep, Some years later, watching my connections in real time, I noticed that FB was connecting to me as I surfed, even though I never had an association with any FB account, real or otherwise, on that machine. No matter what site I went to, FB was there, following me around the web like a kid’s pull-toy. Clean cache and cookies, even a hand cleaned registry…still there. That was disturbing, and it was then I remembered an old trick…the HOSTS file.
At last count my Windows HOSTS file contains over 150 entries to block FB. I downloaded an original list I found online with Duck Duck Go, then added to it as time went on. This really works.
Every time a FB url is called, HOSTS says “got it right here”, and displays what it’s got…nothing, without ever looking online.
FB is NEVER there anymore. Suck canal water, Zuck!
Google’s got it’s share too, but many web developers still run on Google APIS platform and if I block them, websites are broken. All other Google bull shirt is blocked.
Locks are for honest people, and you can’t stop a thief with a lock. The thing is to slow them down! Fight Back! Stand in their way! Lock them out! RESIST! … or our freedoms, including “a reasonable expectation to privacy” will be lost, and only WAR will bring them back.
Al Liguori
The history and form of that ” Jewish-Chinese alliance”: https://www.judaism.is/perpetrators.html#kaifeng
Death Book: sounds like Talmud. Oh!you Christians dump the lot of social industrialists. Tell all your congregation in one month his Death Book will be Talmud Book. Martin Luther on the Jews and there lies. Never contract with Canaanites its was the Law. Divest your self and god will bless you shortly, see?
I have no idea what you’ve tried to say here, birnie. This is incomprehensible to me and I”ve reread your comment a number of times. You mind trying again and rewording it? Unless you just want to have a conversation with yourself….
META is good for the jews. Jews finally did and dig for them self last grave on Earth.
Thanks jews.
The Covid Injection Depopulation Perpetrators
Am a Snitch! Haha, Conter-intelligence that is bc I ain’t jew and no ‘moser’.
‘Mark Zuckerberg’ is pseudonym and fake identity. The Real life jew larper playing the role is Jacob Greenberg who has a Greenberg and a Zuckerman for parents from which they concocted the pseudonym surname.
In ‘mark'(pun) with the usual kosher nostra criminality when the role was set-up and he was placed as Facebook CEO the actual actor Jacob Greenberg was just 22yrs old which was in complete violation of securities-exchange regulations & laws which require a Minimum age of 27yrs for a CEO of a corp. on the stock market.
Then again they’re jews huh? The Law doesn’t apply to them.
Steven Fowler
Oh, I knew what he meant when he said both real and digital life with this Meta Verse, and what came to mind? The Matrix for real!.
Ol Miss
And Facebook is the ultimate normie “blue pill”….
Steven Fowler
Very much so and I am glad I left it behind 5 years ago but now wish I had never bothered with it back in 2007.