In his essay, “Heirs Of The Promise,” Sheldon Emry includes an interview with biblical archeologist, E. Raymond Capt, on what happened to the ten “lost” northern tribes of Israel, and who their descendants are today based on the fulfillment of prophecy.
Of course, most Christian ministers and priests will tell you that these peoples — numbering perhaps in the millions after the Assyrian captivity — were simply lost in the mists of time, absorbed into the surrounding peoples, such as the Persians and Medes.
But the 19th century excavations of ancient Nineveh — most notably by Austen Henry Layard — unearthered thousands of cuneiform tablets that revealed the identity of these Israelite captive tribes — along with their subsequent movements.
Capt’s work was later confirmed by Welsh archeologists, Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett whose work connects the Welsh people — Cymry/Cymru — with the ancient Khumry of the Assyrian captivity. Wilson and Blackett maintain that the Welsh language is virtually the same as that of the ancient Khumry.
Ironically, the Israelite tribes that have been “lost in the mists of time” are the three southern tribes of the captivity — Judah, Benjamin, and Levi — collectively known as “the Jews” in the New Testament. After the Roman destruction of the temple in Jerusalem in 70 AD — and then the Bar Kokhba Revolt in 132 B.C. — these three tribes were indeed scattered to the wind, absorbing the genetics of all kinds of peoples along the way — Arab Syrians, Mongol-Turks, Babylonians. They literally became a different, non-Israelite people.
While today’s “Jews” are wont to claim to be the legitimate descendants of Judah, nothing could be further from the truth. By their own admission, these so-called “Jews” stopped tracing their Israelite identity through the father around 200 AD — opting for matrilineal descent instead, in complete violation of Old Testament law — essentially reinventing themselves with this new identity as non-Israelite Judahites .
Not only do their fathers not have to be Israelite, they can literally be any race or ethnicity as long as the mother is “hallachically” Jewish — which has resulted in today’s Jews being perhaps the most race-mixed people on Earth — rendering Jewish identity virtually impossible to define outside of banal and superficial “traditions” — such as keeping “kosher” or lighting candles on Hanukkah.
So here we present the Emry’s interview with E. Raymond Capt, followed by Emry’s own commentary. Following this essay, you will find Capt’s short film What Happened To The 12 Tribes Of Israel.
“Heirs Of The Promise”
Emry: As a minister, I know there is an abundance of prophesy concerning the destiny of Israel, but there is no Bible history of this portion of Israel referred to in 2 Kings 17:6. In the ninth year of Hoshea, the king of Assyria took Samaria and carried Israel away into Assyria, and placed them in Halah, and in Habor by the river of Gozan, and in the cities of the Medes.
So Bible history of this major part of Israel ends here — and yet the prophets and the New Testament promise an increase in numbers, great blessings, and an eventual restoration.
With the passing of 2,500 years since this Assyrian captivity, one might think that all hope of tracing these Israelites is lost. Ray, can archeology answer this question?
Capt: Yes, Pastor Emry, it has. During the last hundred years a number of archeological teams have been working in the Middle East. They have unearthed and published the original contemporary accounts of the Assyrians who took the Israelites captive. It is from these records that vital clues have come to light. In fact, these records are found in the form of cuneiform tablets — these tablets were found at Nineveh in 1900 and published in 1930. However, their relevance to Israel was overlooked then because they were found in complete disorder and amongst about 1,400 other texts.
The tablets were Assyrian frontier post reports, dated about 707 B.C.. They describe the activities of the people called “Gamira” who lived in the land of “Gamir.” The descriptions of Gamir described the area in which the Israelites had been placed just a few years earlier.
One tablet stated that when the king of Urartu came into the land of Gamir, his army was routed, as the Gamira counter-attacked, entered the land of Urartu, and killed their commanders.
Assyrian Captivities
In the ninth year of Hoshea, the king of Assyria captured Samaria and carried Israel away into exile to Assyria, and settled them in Halah and Habor, on the river of Gozan, and in the cities of the Medes. (2 Kings 17:6)
The first archaeological evidence to establish a chronological link in the contacts between Assyria and Israel are found on inscriptions on the side of a limestone stele found at Nimrud, known as the “Black Obelisk.” The stone was inscribed with the records of Shalmaneser the third and an illustration of the Israelite king — Jehu — bringing tribute to the Assyrian king. An inscription above the illustration says,
“This is Jehu (Iaua), the son of Khumri (Omri).”
Omri in Hebrew begins with the consonant, “Agin” — formerly called “Gayin” which was pronounced with a guttural “H,” that is “Gh” or “Kh.” The Israelites would have naturally pronounced Omri as “Ghomri” — which became “Khumri” in Assyrian.
As this inscription was executed nearly a century before the captivity of Israel, we know now the reason secular historians found no mention of the exiled Israelites in ancient records — it was simply because the Assyrians who took the Israelites captive did not call them by that name.
Historians are now aware of the fact that the Gamira were the same people — who, about 30 years later, during the reign of Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, again were called Gimira. (Notice the slight changes in spelling).
We find in another and later Assyrian tablet that in the second year of the reign of this same king — which would be about 679 B.C. — the Gimira, under a leader named “Teuspa,” sought freedom by moving north; but the Assyrain army pursued and defeated them in the upper Euphrates district. Nevertheless, they reported a large number of the lsraelites escaped to the shores of the Black Sea.
The Greeks also recorded the same activity including an invasion of Sardis, the capital of Lydia, in 645 B.C. In their records, they refer to the Gamira as “Kimmerioi,” which we translate into English as “Cimmerian.”
About 600 B.C., the Lydians drove the Gamira — or Cimmerians — out of Asia Minor, where they settled in the Carpathian regions west of the Black Sea. We find them called in the Second Book of Esdras, the people of Ar-Sareth (2 Esdras 13:40-44).
We now also know what happened to the larger body of Gamira — or Israelites — that did not escape the Assyrians. They formed an alliance with Esarhaddon, the king, when he came under attack of the Medes and the Persians.
This treaty allowed the Israelites to establish colonies in Sacasene in the north and Bactria in the east. With absolutely no help from the Israelites, Assyria fell in 612 B.C.. Soon the Israelites themselves came under attack by the Medes.
Now those that had settled in Sacasene moved north through the Dariel Pass [aks, “The Pass Of Israel“] into the steppe regions of south Russia. There they became known by the Greek name, “Scythians.”
The Israelites that had settled in Bactria were forced north and east, and in the records of the Persians they were called “Massagetae” and “Sakka.”
Archeology has solved two of the greatest archeological problems — first, what happened to the hundreds of thousands of Israelites who disappeared south of the Caucasus? And second — what was the origin of the Cimmerians and the mysterious nomadic tribes known as “Scythians” who “suddenly” appeared north of the Caucasus – both at the same time in history? They were one and the same people — they were Israelites.
Now may I point out what the Bible has to say concerning these same people:
For behold, I am commanding, And I will shake the house of Israel among all nations As grain is shaken in a sieve, But not a kernel will fall to the ground. (Amos 9:9)
Our history books pick up the story at this point, recording the westward migrations of the Scythians as they came into collision with the Cimmerians, who had earlier settled west of the Black Sea. Their kinship lost over the centuries, the ensuing battles forced the Cimmerians west and north to become the Celts, Gauls, and Cimbri. By the end of the fourth century B.C., the Scythians had established themselves as the great and prosperous kingdom of Scythia.
Later, the Sarmatians, were a mixed, non-Israelitish people of Iranian origin. They in turn drove the Scythians northwest to the shores of the Baltic Sea. At this time in history, we find the Romans introduced the name “Germans” in place of the name Scythians, in order not to confuse the Scythians with the Sarmatians, who now occupied Scythia. Germanus — being the Latin name for “genuine” — indicates the Germans were the genuine Scythians.
During this time the Celts were expanding in all directions from Central Europe. Some of the Celts invaded Italy and sacked Rome in 390 B.C. Another group moved back into Asia Minor, in 280 B.C., and the Greeks called them “Galatians,” as they did another group of Celts that had settled in Gaul, or modern France. This also indicates that Paul’s letters to the Galatians were written to his kinsmen Israelites — or at least descendants of the earlier Galatians.
Some of the Celts moved into Spain and became known as “Iberes,” the Gaelic name for “Hebrews.” Others poured into Britain to form the bedrock of the British race. Later, the Iberes moved into Ireland as “Scots” — and later into Northern Britain to establish the nation of Scotland.
Your history books also record the Germanic tribes breaking up into many divisions – the Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Danes, and Vikings to name just a few. Other Germanic tribes later poured into the lands vacated by the Celts and established the Gothic nations of the Vandals, Lombards, Franks, Burgundians, and others.
The so-called “lost tribes of Israel” — really — were never lost. They [merely] lost their identity as they migrated westward over the centuries from the land of their captivity.
(End of interview with Capt)
Pastor Emry: And there you have it, my friends. Mr. Capt has given us an answer to our question: “What happened to the millions of Israelites who were dispersed out of old Canaanland seven centuries before Christ, and who never returned?”
They migrated onto the continent of Europe and were the ancestors of the white, European race. And in answering our one question about Israel’s disappearance, Mr. Capt has given us the key to several other mysteries of world history.
Mr. Capt has revealed to us why it was these people of Europe who became the great nations, and who were blessed by God above all other nations, not only with fertile land and abundance from the seas, but with arts, science, literature, inventions, and discovery.
God bestowed upon that one race almost every invention and discovery that has improved man’s condition and lot upon the earth. Certainly God made these offspring of Abraham a blessing to all the families of the earth.
Mr. Capt has answered another question which is often asked of ministers, but seldom answered:
“Why, of all the people of the earth, has it been only this white Caucasian race, these so-called ‘Gentiles,’ who have claimed Jesus Christ as their God, and who have taken the Bible as the foundation of their religion?”
The answer — the truth which is avoided and even denied by the clergy — is simple. These people are the Israelites — the children of Abraham — God’s chosen people. And that explains why every true gospel preacher and missionary for Jesus Christ for over 1,900 years has been of this one race. They are dispersed Israel, fulfilling Bible prophecy even while blindness in part is upon them — blindness of their own identity as the Chosen of God.
Biblical promises have become historical facts. In the Old Testament, God had promised to regather divorced Israel unto Himself:
“My sheep wandered through all the mountains, and upon every high hill: yea, my flock was scattered upon all the face of the earth, and none did search or seek after them. For thus saith the Lord God; Behold I, even I, will both search my sheep, and seek them out.” (Ezekiel 34:6,11).
Jesus made it plain — He was the instrument of Israel’s return to God:
“For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost.” (Luke 19:10).
“But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” (Matthew 15:24).
The word “lost” appears 13 times in the New Testament in relation to Israel. The Greek word means “put away and punished.” So Jesus was saying in Matthew 15:24, “I am not sent but unto the put away and punished house of Israel.” In Matthew 10:6, Jesus instructed His disciples to go to “the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”
In Luke 1; Zacharias, the priest (who was John the Baptist’s father) said that Jesus came to redeem His people and . . .
“To perform the mercy promised to our [Israel] fathers, and to remember his holy covenant; The oath which he sware to our father Abraham.” (Luke 1:72, 73).
Paul, an Israelite, wrote to Israelites in the dispersion in Galatia:
“When the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law…” (Galatians 4:4, 5).
Only the Israelites had been under the law. Romans 15, verse 8 says:
“…Jesus Christ was a minister for the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers.” (Romans 15:8).
These promises, as we have seen, were of great national development — a great increase in numbers, blessings of the earth and of the sea, that God would be their God, and they would be His people.
After the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, His disciples carried the good news to dispersed Israel in Europe, beginning what we know as the Christian era. For 1500 more years, Israel remained in Europe, continuing to grow in numbers as God had promised their Fathers — Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Then God began to give them inventions — one of which was the printing press — which made the Bible available to all of the people, bringing with it the Age of Enlightenment, the Reformation, and the Age of Discovery.
A new continent to the west — a New World — was discovered by Columbus and other explorers. Persecution of Christians in Europe began a migration to the New World — that began as a trickle and later became a flood.
2,5OO years before that — while Israel was still in Palestine — God had told King David in 2 Samuel 7:10:
“Moreover I will appoint a place for my people Israel, and will plant them, that they may dwell in a place of their own, and move no more; neither shall the children of wickedness afflict them any more, as before time.”
The prophet Isaiah and others who had written of Israel’s regathering made it plain Israel would be regathered into a new land as Christian believers. In Isaiah 11:12 we read,
“And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.”
Verses one through ten identify that “Ensign” as Jesus Christ — and verse 14 indicates their regathering would be toward the west.
“But they shall fly upon the shoulders of the Philistines toward the west.”
Psalm 72 and Zechariah 9 describe that land of Israel’s regathering as a land between two seas — and one that would run to the ends of the earth.
In Hosea 2:14, God had prophesied to cast-off Israel,
“Behold, I will allure her, and bring her into the wilderness, and speak comfortably unto her.”
Our pilgrim fathers, who were Christian Israelites from Europe and knew God’s promises, called this North American continent “The Wilderness” and “New Canaanland.” They said they had come hither to establish the Kingdom of God.
God turned Israel from Antichrists in Europe, and God took them one of a city and two of a family, and He brought them to Zion:
“Turn, O backsliding children, saith the Lord; for I am married unto you: and I will take you one of a city, and two of a family, and I will bring you to Zion: And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.” (Jeremiah 3:14, 15).
He gave them Christian pastors who fed them with knowledge and understanding. In the early histories, they called themselves “this wandering race of Jacobites, — “a vine out of Egypt” — and “the seed of Abraham.” They named their children with Israel names — and God blessed them above their fathers in Europe.
America is that new land — New Israel. America is the nation born in a day on July 4, 1776, exactly the prophesied 2520 years after Israel had gone into the Assyrian captivity. In America, God made a little one, a thousand, and a small, a strong nation:
“A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation: I the Lord will hasten it in his time.” (Isaiah 60:22).
It is here that is fulfilled the promise to Joseph — “blessed of the Lord be his land . . .” (Deuteronomy 33:13). It is in America that the wilderness and the solitary place was glad for them — and the desert has rejoiced and blossomed as the rose (Isaiah 35:1). It is in the North American wilderness that waters have broken out, and streams in the desert (Isaiah 35:6). America is “Hepzibah” and “Beulah land” (Isaiah 62:4); America truly is God’s Country.
The heathen look at America and say, “Certainly they are the seed which the Lord hath blessed.” (Isaiah 49:6). America is the nation from which the light of God’s Word has gone to the ends of the earth. (Isaiah 49:6).
You who are descendants of the people we have traced in the Bible and in history are Israelites — heirs according to the promise — and the Bible is about you and your race. Do not take what you have read lightly.
True to His promise to our fathers — Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob — the God of Israel has redeemed us with His own blood. He has kept His Word to our fathers. He will most certainly keep His promise with us — their children — of the Kingdom of Christ upon the earth.
I believe the time has come when God is casting down all lies, exposing the false prophets, and revealing the Truth to His Israel people. The key to understanding the Bible is the truth that we are Israelites — redeemed by Jesus Christ — heirs of the promise — Abraham’s children.
Today the great Israel nation of America is surrounded and invaded by the socialist-Humanist Antichrist forces. The wicked of the earth, who are the enemies of Jesus Christ, have grown strong and arrogant in our land. They have infiltrated our schools, the news media, even churches and government in their attempt to keep you in ignorance of your identity as Israelites. They are attempting to steal your heritage that they may conquer America and take rule over the whole earth.
But God Almighty has decreed the destruction of those who hate Jesus Christ and His true Israel People. In a last battle they shall be defeated — we shall be delivered — and the earth will be prepared for the return of Jesus Christ and the great Kingdom Age. Even so, come, Lord Jesus. Amen.
Video: What Happened To The 12 Tribes Of Israel by E. Raymond Capt:
An excellent documentary on the Lost Tribes of Israel:
Steven M. Collins discusses his book, “The Lost Tribes of Israel….Found!”
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
just asking you good people at CFT , would you please consider an article on the stone of destiny aka jacobs pillow seems a great subject for an article
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
The Stone of Scone (/ˈskuːn/; Scottish Gaelic: An Lia Fàil; Scots: Stane o Scuin)—also known as the Stone of Destiny, and often referred to in England as The Coronation Stone—is an oblong block of red sandstone that has been used for centuries in the coronation of the monarchs of Scotland.
for a monarch to be crowned must be on the ancient stone of destiny
so where did it originate from Other traditions contend that the Lia Fáil remains at Tara. (Inis Fáil, “The Island of Destiny”, is one of the traditional names of Ireland.) Other legends place the origins of the Stone in Biblical times and identify it as the Stone of Jacob, taken by Jacob from Bethel while on the way to Haran (Genesis 28:10–22).
Some claim it was brought from the Holy Land. Not only that but it is the same stone that Jacob once laid his head upon and dreamt of his very own ‘Stairway to Heaven’. This version refers to the stone as ‘Jacob’s Pillow’ and variations suggest it arrived in Scotland from Israel via Ireland.
the current queen is not legaly queen since she was crowned on a fake stone the original was taken by scottish patriots leaving it open for a worthy monarch to take the throne , parts of the original constitution was mainly based on christian ethics in uk they have line of succession but that does not apply with the original still legal laws the people of the realm can choose their monarch if that person is accepted they are crowned monarch also the original laws forbid usury and against handing power to foreign entity . the house of windsor is a fake name given to saxe coburg gothatha at least my nobel house is legit on irish side ancient nobel clan Ó Donnchadha and noble ancient house of flavel. uk is governed by an enclave greater london crown corporation acting like a country within a country if this makes sense to you . this is article i found on stone of destiny that links it to the israelites
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
Jacob once laid his head upon and dreamt of his very own ‘Stairway to Heaven’. it is thought he saw the angels , i had a similar dream to that of jacob i saw the angels i saw my own stairway to heaven and even a representation of heavens gates but what does that say about me
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
1926 — 1985
Pastor Sheldon Emry Remembered
“And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding. ” Jeremiah 5:15
some information about him i discovered
these are two great websites to learn the truth,,,,,,,,the real history channel….formally tomato bubble .com
and……….i’m blessed the lord led me to these two men ,who reveal the truth about the fake jews and christian identity.
There is a man, who in the early 19 th century , read the Bible for every year of his life. In other words , if he was 30 years old, he read it through thirty times. He had it so memorized that he was able to give demonstrations and quote from memory any passage of the Bible. I have read the Bible through once.
But to study and keep in mind relationships of people and how they fit together , one needs a paper and pencil and plenty of paper.
It seems that the reason , most Christian’s do not understand and , I’ m guessing present a problem , is because most ,even if they hear it preached about various tribes ,do not see how they fit into the picture and are related or not related to each other.
If the White race is of the ten tribes and someone made a collection of the proofs and put them all together, than leave it up to the individuals to have the enlightenment to see the truth.
But as long as it is believed by the Christian world and pushed by the Jews that the Holy Land belongs to them, that they are God’s chosen people, we are going to get nowhere and have war after war and tragedy after tragedy , until they get what they have been working for from the beginning of time, or since the crucifixion of Christ or the 1917 revolution in Russia or whenever they came up with their scheme of being the superior race out to dominate the earth.
It isn’t so strange when a Jewish Rabbi claims that the Jewish race is an alien race from out of the vast reaches the Solar System sent to Earth of conquer it, when , today there is so much talk of alien’s and the push to get into outer space.
We can’t depend upon our religious leaders any more to present our beliefs to us, because they have accepted to be a part of the world, accepting all sorts of worldly things to get along with the government who wants to make us a pot of soup , all the same, no differences.
No longer are they against homosexuality , drugs, abortion and other things. They create groups and organizations to solve these problems , made to seem as individual problems, that money and society can solve. Biden has shown that he intends to make everyone as one kind and for us to see no differences in others.
I remember as a boy , reading books , when Hypnotism was a new discovery, of people in public demonstration’s to show how hypnotism works, being put into trances and of telling of seeing and describing other life and people’s on other planets and ,even today can be found books, telling of such descriptions of life on other planets. This has to be where the Jews get all of their ideas for the fantastic mystical, demon, alien, creatures etc. they put in movies.
You can find books of descriptions of the Heavenly world. Belief is what we are exposed to and our subciousness tells us to accept.
That is why we are bombarded with pornography, racism, antisemitism, alcohol, drugs, crime , television, and many other things to disassociate our spiritual side of life from the physical world and believe a lie. And practice things that keep our spiritual side suppressed . That is exactly another reason the Jews want to pollute our blood stream’s with their filthy vaccines . To more and more destroy our spiritual side or sense or intuition. Maybe someone else can explain it better.
You explained perfectly 🙏🏻
I cannot believe how naive people are in 21-st century, especially Christians. Israel broke God’s covenant and they were punished. They became slaves and disappeared. This article is a speculation.Remember Rev.2v9
I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
ryder red
I guess you are comfortable completely ignoring the prophecies that Israel would be regathered together after the captivity? Rev. 2:9 applies specifically to one small part of Israel — the Israelites in Judea, not the other 10 tribes. Sounds like maybe your understanding of Scripture is a little superficial.
Note Worthy
You just called God a lier. God said he promised Abraham.
Great article!
Although personally I believe modern day jews are descended from the Idumeans that were converted by John Hyrcanus around 200 BC.
The Re-Gathering ……………………….
It seems to me the prophecy of the Two Sticks and the Dry Bones is the same event — Jeremiah 31 and Ezekiel 37.
If true, “Two Sticks/Dry Bones” is simultaneous with the New Covenant.
“….Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah— not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers …” Jeremiah 31:31
Clearly this is fulfilled in Jesus Christ.
I have always found it crazy that “christendom” says 1948 was the fulfillment of this prophecy — but then this begs the question — why was not the New Covenant offered to 1st Century Israelites???
So it was offered to the Apostles and those Israelites living at the time of Christ — and then God will AGAIN offer His New Covenant to His people some time in the future …… again?
Doesn’t make sense.
Now, if I missed some other passage that implies a “regathering” of Israelites after the New Covenant is given …………… someone please point that out. Or if someone wants to make the case that Jeremiah 31 and Ezekiel 37 are two different events.
It seems to me, Acts 2 (Pentecost) is the fullfillment of both passages/prophecies — Jeremiah 31 and Ezekiel 37.
One thing we know for sure …………… those people who reside in the UN recognized borders they call “Israel” are NOT Israelites.
Whether there is some gathering of Israelites in the future. ………………. I’d like to see those passages.
I’m all ears.
Baker Street
Westwins: “It seems to me the prophecy of the Two Sticks and the Dry Bones is the same event — Jeremiah 31 and Ezekiel 37.”
Well, they are very similar, but one difference I’ve noticed is that Ezekiel 37 foretells of some sort of resurrection of the dead, not merely a regathering of living Israelites (verses 4 to 9).
There are a lot of verses concerning the gathering of Israel:
Jews insist that only “Jews” will be regathered in the literal land of Israel — an astounding and brazen lie that contradicts so much of Scripture, but they’ve done a masterful P.R. campaign convincing naive Christians that “Jew” and “Israel” are synonymous.
Can we say that Israel was “regathered” when the lost tribes migrated into Europe and settled there, or was the establishment of the USA the regathering? Or neither?
I’m not sure how one could argue that Israel was not, in a sense, regathered in Europe, though I know that’s not a popular thesis.
I appreciate the comment.
I guess the immediate problem I see in some kind of “future” regathering of Israelites specificaly would be Romans 10:12.
Of course judeo-christians butcher this verse, but we here understand WHO the Nations are and aren’t.
The Adamic 10 Nations are essentially the same Adamic peoples who were designated as Abraham’s descendents i.e., the 12 Tribes of Israel. We all come from the same original two peoples — Adam and Eve.
The Adamic 10 Nations are now “Grafted In”.
The Law of Moses has now been fulfilled in Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ is both Lord of the Israelites and Lord of the Nations. According to Paul, there is now no distinction.
So to make a distinction AGAIN, doesn’t make sense.
The forming of the European Nations as well as Australia and North America could for sure be a continuation of Acts 2. But it was both Israelites and Adamites.
“…And there were dwelling in Jerusalem Judeans, devout men, from every nation under heaven….”
“…And with many other words he testified and exhorted them, saying, “Be saved from this perverse generation.” Then those who gladly received his word were baptized; and that day about three thousand souls were added to them…… So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved….”
why so many christians are blinded to these truths and can’t use their common sense amazes me, satan and his minions are doing an incredible job subverting the truth in all things historical, biblical and secular
i’ll admit i was blinded by my ” the jews are gods chosen people”……then a few years ago i snapped out of my blind ignorance …….i asked myself shouldn’t christians be gods chosen people?……of course they are. the lost tribes weren’t lost they just migrated over the caucus mountains into europe…….ISRAEL is the caucasian race…….i learned a lot from this great website CHRISTOGENEA.ORG…… yourself a favor and visit this site. you will learn all you need to know about christian identity………..god bless
Baker Street:
If you’re interested, there is a song called: “Dry Bones.”
Johnny Cash may have made a recording of it.
It’s an old religious spiritual song that was popular on many religious radio shows. Religious people who had radio programs in the 1940’s and 1950’s would sing it.
They would beg people to call the sponsors of their shows to let them know how much listeners love the shows to keep them on the air as they felt country and religious music was dying .
Search the internet. You find it. There are some versions sung and some animated.
Note Worthy
Where did the disciples go to preach. Europe.
“Lost Israel Found In the Anglo-Saxon Race”
By E. P. Ingersol 1886
Watchman Willie Martin Archive
“The knowledge that the Anglo-Saxon race is Lost Israel (The ‘Lost Ten Tribes of The Bible) And that North America is the land of regathered Israel is very heavily suppressed in today’s society.”
More Willie Martin Archives:
“I am a Watchman in the House of Israel,
Which I believe to be America,
And the other so-called “Christian” Nations of the West
So my Message is to Them:….”
I’m amazed, Flander’s , at the time you spend and sources you give on topics. I looked up your source , and it turned out to be
Wilie Martin whom I came across last year.
It’s funny . As I scanned pages, after I found his site, to come across a site that tried to portray him, if I remember as an uneducated person. And I believe his trade was mentioned to further make his articles seem unworthy of believing. I don’t remember his trade, but I read and downloaded all of his articles and they seemed interesting to me.
They’ve done the same thing to Elizabeth Dilling and others. If I remember correctly of what I ‘ve read of the criticism of Elizabeth Dilling is that she was not an educated person or qualified in her field.
The opposition seems to always have a criticism of someone to make them seem unqualified, racist, anti sematic, uneducated, unskilled in the topic, and anything else to embarrasses the work.
I was thinking for some reason, about some of the articles and comments on this site. For some reason, a lot of people seemed concerned about the Lost Tribes of Israel. As I have visited a farmer who has Black angus cattle, something made me think that if one looks at pure bred cattle or any species of pure breed animal, wild or not, they are uniform in size ,color,temperment, weight, looks, behavior , health, etc.
But the human’s which we see everyday are of every weight , size, temperament, looks, intelligence, attitudes , behavior, health , spirituality and other characteristics and qualities.
Maybe that is why , as I just saw today that there is another shooting in Texas by a young person. Biden and his kind make guns an issue , when these things never happened until it was made to became a part of the religious and political agenda to influence voters to entice voters to cast their votes for the issues they wanted most to make conscious in society and make an everyday concern until it could be made law. Marijuana is a natural plant, made into a political issue, that caused many to lose homes, cars, planes, jobs, careers, savings, freedoms, prison records and now it is legal to grow. Promote a topic to make an awareness in the public’s mind and the item will grow by itself. Make an issue of guns and it ,will become an obsession with some to use them in crimes until , people will clammer for them to be taken away or restricted. Make child pedophilia , an issue like Alex Jones does, to make people aware of it, and expose the public to it enough until laws can be passed making it acceptable in slight ways . They’ve done this with guns, abortion, homosexuality, racism, etc. until the public lets the special interest groups pass their wanted laws making it acceptable.
I have a strange feeling that we are able to be influenced by radio waves broadcast through the air. It has been shown that subtle messages , that have been put on television ads and movies to influence one’s behavior and thoughts. Some have shown how Disney movies and ads have hidden sexual themes and objects embedded in them to subconsciously influence children.
I’m trying to say something that just doesn’t seem to come out right. An article says , I believe ,that 70% of these types of mass killings are done by young people. So , somehow, I guess, I’m trying to say that maybe the variety of people’s, background, races, behavior, spirituality, culture etc. intermingling of races has changed the temperament and attitude and spirituality over the ages of people’s to result in all we see today happening.
When I came across books about Eugenics, they were not and did not preach the elimination of races as the Jews love to pretend and make them out to be.
They taught people to select mates they wanted to represent the qualities and temperament, health, and pass them on to their children.
It is the Jews who have taken over our lives , culture, history, attitudes, countries and have distorted them to their benefit. There’s just too much involved .
CS Michael
I think why this truth is so important is because, once this variable is set it does many things.
1. Proves the Bible/Prophecy accurate — bringing glory to God
2. Explains who isn’t an Israelite — breaking Gog & Magog’s spell.
The only countries with forced immigration are Christian and white. Gog and Magog gather them (proxies) to surround the camp of the saints.
3. Shows there was a 1000yr Christian World Kingdom — Byzantium before Pope usurped (Jonah’s worm).
4. Explains who the 2 Witnesses are in Revelation 11 — Northern & Southern Kingdoms.
“Ye are my witnesses that I am God.” —Isaiah 43:12
5. Gives meaning back to the most hated group of people on the earth (True Israel aka White people) and explains Mark 13:13..
“And you will be hated by all for My name’s sake. But he who endures to the end shall be saved.”
“To destroy a people you must first sever their roots.” —Alexander Solzhenitsyn
The Lost Tribes of Israel
Gil Robles
I remember when I used to think all CI people were insane. But now I see the true. It all makes sense to me now. This is why the Jews and other non whites want us gone.
Also, It’s true with the founding of America and New England. They must have know who the Canaanites were and in Connecticut there’s a town called New Canaan. Go figure
There are a few books published about the lost tribes. They can be found. I believe one may have been published by the Wiley company.
Doug Ryler
There are no LOST tribes of Israel. They’re all dead.
canto libre
Sorry, Doug, but your source completely ignores all the verses and prophecies, some of which are cited in this above essay, that make it clear that God would REGATHER Israel from their dispersions. There’s more wrong with its assertions, but that’s where it goes wrong right from the start.
It’s an anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian site, which is fine, but in doing so, it tries to completely discredit the Jewish presence in Palestine from a biblical perspective. Unfortunately, the Jews don’t belong in Palestine for a completely different reason….they aren’t Israelites. It’s not that Israelites “disappeared” from history. It’s that today’s Jews are not, and never were, Israel, and have no claim to that, or any other, land.
There is another 32 page PDF, whose main article is named, “THE LOST TRIBES OF ISRAEL”,
“a great people, or nation, and a company of nations .”
“Still Lost in Church Theology”, which I think many will want to see.
It shows to be, “FROM THE WATCHMAN’S CORNER” by
Lt . Col Jack Mohr, one of my favorite watchmen.
There are also these articles, which are below the maps section.
“An Introduction
to Biblical and Historical Records
of Israel’s Tribal Trek to the West”
“Facts – or a Forcibly Imposed Holocaust Religion?
Those who teach us Holocaust history “are not educators, not intellectuals – they are priests.”
“A Warning for Americans : A Message from a South African”
There – Can Be No Deal Between Christians and Jews”
… and a few more.
Doug Ryler
Those “LOST” tribes of Israel are LOST, otherwise these white Europeans who call themselves “Israelites” today should identify which of the 12 tribes they belong to.
Remember? There were 12 tribes.
Applying a blanket “Israelites” name to yourself, without being able to identify which of the 12 tribes you belong to, doesn’t make you a Hebrew Israelite – especially given the fact that Jesus said…
“Behold, your house is being left to you desolate!” Matthew 23:38
In addition, this whole thing reeks of sin because it goes against this bible verse by making a distinction that God doesn’t want:
“There is neither Judahite nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all ONE in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3: 28
Doug Ryler
The regathering came about when the apostles obeyed the following command of Christ:
5These twelve Jesus sent out with the following instructions: “Do not go onto the road of the Gentiles or enter any town of the Samaritans. 6Go rather to the lost sheep of Israel. 7As you go, preach this message: ‘The kingdom of heaven is near.’…Matthew 10:5,6
THAT was the regathering, or the coming into the Kingdom of God to fulfill those prophecies mentioned. Not some fiction invented by people who want to feel “special” as “Israelites”, and as if being Christians is not enough for them.
If those people you claim today are Israelites, why don’t they look like Arabs since the Hebrews were a Semitic people just like Arabs?
People who believe in this nonsensical theory are suffering from…
Jon Mayall
Your logic escapes me. The individual tribes were lost, much like many European people today don’t know which European countries their ancestors came from. So what? Some claim that individual Israelite tribes became entire countries in Europe, such as Dan became Denmark, but I’m not persuaded by that easy identification. Nor does it matter.
Maybe the meaning of the lost Tribes is that they , like most people don’t know who they are or recognize their brethren, just as today, most people cannot go past two or more generations and tell who their ancestors are.
And just like today, we are laughing at the Russian’s apparent defeat and loss of lives of young soldiers, and equipment when they are of the White race and a Christian nation, but under Jewish communism have become the villain of the world because the Jews intend to keep it that way until Russia and China can be used to fulfill the Bible prophecy preached so much in the past of the End Times scenario and the Jews regain their kingdom on Earth they have been working for , ages of time. and we are helping them bring it about by not recognizing them as the villain’s of humanity they are.
ryder red
The regathering you speak of did not happen with all 12 tribes, no way, no how. Where in the NT does it say that the 10 northern tribes of Israel from the captivity were regathered with the southern tribes already gathered in Judea? It doesn’t.
Such a regathering would have been hard to miss, considering that millions of people would have been brought together, and no such an event is documented anywhere in the NT. The “lost tribes” largely didn’t know they were lost, and didn’t know their past, so how would they know they were being “regathered”? They wouldn’t. Now, 2,000 years later, with the help of history and perspective, we can see the regathering that took place in the New World.
CS Michael
I just sent that documentary to a good friend over the weekend. Out of all the materials that old team up with those two massive oaks of righteousness – Emry and Capt, is my go to ice breaker. It doesn’t trigger a ton of programming since it doesn’t touch much on the J’s but establishes a clean and clear beach head to study and explore from. Thanks for sharing in this format CFT – well done & blessings in King Jesus.
“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.”
—Arthur Schopenhauer
The people of Israel were chosen by God…
For Service, Leviticus. 24:55: “Unto me the children of Israel are servants.” See also Isaiah 43:10, 21; 44:21.
For Witness, Isaiah 43:12: “Ye are my witnesses that I am God.” See also Isaiah 49:3. 32
For Blessing, Genesis 12:1-2; 22:16-18: “I will bless thee, and thou shall be a blessing.”
Not for Favoritism, or special righteousness. Ezekiel 36:22-24, 32: “I do not this for your sakes, O House of Israel, but for my Holy Name’s Sake.”
To be a Kingdom of Priests, Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people; fore all the earth is mine; And ye shall be unto me a kingdom of priests, and an holy nation. These are the words which thou shall speak unto the children of Israel. —Exodus 19:5-6 33
I have always been very interested in history, including the ancient period.
This article filled a lot of knowledge gaps and answered some historical questions for me on the origins that I’ve had on the Cimmerians/Scythians/Celts/Germans/Europeans (Israel).
Like many of the articles here, I have saved it, and the accompanying video.
A great site, with interesting commenters.
Great explanation for our true heritage in your posting. Evil responded to intervene..
The Great Red Dragon or Money Power of London [1889], by L B Woolfolk
“In revealing JEHOVAH on the side of humanity now, as of old, leading our Race in the prophetic PILLAR OF LIGHT out of the bondage of the present Era into the glorious Millennial Canaan promised to Man,..”.
“It is rapidly progressing toward its ultimate aim, of possessing itself of
all the world’s wealth and all the world’s property. If things remain as they are, these Jew Money Kings will, at no distant day, have achieved their aim, and will own the
earth in fee simple.” [Intro]
“They let the Brit-ish government and the powers warring against France have all the money they required,- and they supplied to Napoleon and his allies the loans necessary for his cam-paigns.
At that time, for the convenience of the Money Kings,the great house of Rothschild was established. The rise of the house of Rothschild has always been shrouded in the mystery that veils all the operations of the Money Power. The house took immense contracts on both sides; and made to both sides immense loans. Where the money came from has always been a mystery. The common ex-planation given of it is wholly inadequate to account for the sudden rise of the house of Rothschild into such enor-mous wealth. The only way to account for it is to sup-pose that the Rothschild family was chosen by the Jew Money Kings as the head and fiscal agency of a grand Jewish syndicate formed at that time, to concentrate un-der one management the money of the Jew capitalists.” – [PDF pg 18]
Thanks Flanders,
Another nice rare find, saved, will peruse…
Tom Kantz
FYI, Video will not play beyond the 2:12 mark…..even if downloaded.
Thanks for the heads up, Tom. We re-downloaded/uploaded the video using a different program, and it seems to work now. Let us know if there are any more technical problems.
What did you think of the Lost Tribes of Israel video I embedded onto your site, CFT ?
Truthwillout, excellent documentary, thank you! We embedded into the main article above. CFT
Wonderfully written CFT…thank you. This explains why the antichrist is trying for so long now since we have been a nation to destroy it and us! And the same with Germany and now the whole of Europe being yoked with NATO by the synagogue of Satan. In Matthew 24 Jesus speaks of the deception, wars, famines and earthquakes, tribulations, being hated, betrayal, false prophets, lawlessness and the endurance of the faithful until the end. I needed this today as everyday my hope needs encouragement. So many lies being carried out one after another. Time is up for the evil one as it constantly runs the race to destroy God’s people. God Bless everyone, keep the faith as we hold each other up. God bless you all at CFT.
Hi Sparrow,
I am located close to Deutschland, and I wish all the best for the future of the German people and Germany.
I am very sorry for the history that has happened, that has been deliberately engineered.
Unfortunately, my male relatives travelled a long way to fight against your male relatives in both of the planned world wars that were intended to cull and/or maim both our (goyim) populations, and enrich the ‘elites’. Personally, my relatives did not survive either war, just like many young Germans you undoubtedly know of.
The subsequent waste of human potential of both sexes for all affected countries is huge (and unforgivable), and the resultant missing descendants are sorely missed. All to benefit the selfish, satanic, few who consider us all ‘Amalek’. (This epithet applies especially to the German people who are considered the embodiment of ‘Amalek’. I can’t find the saved supporting video with primary evidence right out of the horse’s mouth at the moment but I will continue to look so I can post it).
Once you wake up and your eyes have been opened to the huge evil conspiracy and the last 3000 years of historical lies, things are never the same again. At least that is the way it is for me.
But overall Revelation of the Truth is a positive thing, and I think we are all privileged to live through this time of the ‘Apocalypse’ (NOT a nuclear ‘holocaust’/’burnt offering’); but of the Greek meaning, whereby all the falsehoods of the evil-ones are being Revealed from day-to-day.
No more fratricidal wars for the benefit of the murderous, evil, ‘elites’.
No more exterminations.
No more manipulation of our peoples, the ‘goyim’ by the evil, satanic, ‘elites’.
Thank you JB for your eloquent reply of words much needed. In the beginning of my awakening (before my walk with God), I stayed in Germany (via military dependent) and lived on the economy (not in base housing). The first day arriving I enrolled in a German language class to be able to speak to my neighbors, shop, ride the bus, etc. It didn’t take long for me to feel sorry for the protesters at the base gates and then learning the arrogance of the US military along with their families occupying the native public.
I was changed after the 3 year hitch and wanted to know more about the ‘true’ history of WWII and all of its fallout ever since. No computers in those days, but it started with my landlord who was in the National Socialist Navy…you can’t imagine the long friendly conversations we had…even when he demanded to speak in English.
Fast forward to today…after the shame of believing indoctrinating lies…repenting for them all…I wish I could have had the opportunity to apologize to my landlord (Gunther) for all that my nation did to him and his beautiful Germany. I have German blood via my Grandmother (her father was an immigrant who married her mother also German descent).
After the computer age I spent many years gleaning for the truth, as you mentioned, there’s no going back. I have tried to convince many of the truth…but their ‘good life’ always drowned it out. After too many mocker’s shaking their heads not wanting to receive the truth…I don’t share anymore unless someone has the rare inclination to know what the truth is. I have shared it far and wide on social media and with my conviction also share the need to repent for all the ‘wicked’ this nation has done to others. That’s the only way God will hear us. The day is coming that the verse… Hosea 5:15 will be the turning point:
[15 I will go away and return to My place
Until they [i]acknowledge their guilt and seek My face;
In their distress they will search for Me.
Of course the whole chapter applies.
Thank you for your words dear JB…you certainly lamented in like presence. God Bless you and keep you safe.
Excellent concise article.
Ray Zerwitt and Mel Gibstein would approve.
God speed.
truth fin
What happened to blogger melgibstein? Was greatest blog on JQ Imo.
A yid, I believe,exposed melgibsteins whereabouts and the exact location where he was blogging from and put him in mortal danger.
Not long after,his excellent informative and Christ praising site was taken down!!
I believe the erudite poster, Flanders and Chris and occasionally Barney used to post on his blog as well.
He was relentless in his pursuit of exposing satans spawn, the jews.
God speed.
olly ox
Also, Mel Gibstein unfortunately used wordpress blog software and siting which allowed them to ultimately shut him down for “hate” content. Same thing happened to the excellent site, semiticcontroverseries.