Authorities in northern Germany have appealed to thousands of people to get another shot of a COVID-19 vaccine after a police investigation found that a heroic Red Cross nurse may have injected them with a saline solution to spare them from deadly and debilitating side effects from the experimental vaccines, according to a report by Russia Today:
More than 8,500 people in a town in northern Germany, who thought they were vaccinated, might have been left without protection against Covid-19 as a nurse allegedly injected them with saline instead of a real vaccine.
Thousands of people in the small town of Schortens in northern Germany might have to go through the vaccination procedure all over again, just months after they supposedly got immunized against Covid-19, the local authorities have revealed following an investigation in what was deemed a minor cover-up issue but developed into a major vaccination scandal.
“A total of 8,557 people might have received no vaccine protection in part or in full,” said Sven Ambrosy, the administration head of the Friesland district, where the town is located. The local authorities are now trying to contact all potentially affected people and have set up a hotline for those willing to clear up their situation, the German media reported. Those affected mostly include elderly people over 70 years old, who took the supposed vaccine shots between March 5 and April 20 at a local Friesland vaccination center in Schortens-Roffhausen. The problem is that they never actually got the jab but were most likely injected with a simple saline solution instead.
“We have well-founded suspicions of danger,” said Peter Beer, the deputy head of the local police department. The incident appears to be not just a simple mistake, though. It ultimately comes down to just one woman – a former employee of the German Red Cross entrusted with preparing the syringes with the Covid-19 vaccines. [Another] woman that had been working at the vaccination center since early 2021 confessed to her colleague in late April that she filled six syringes with saline after she allegedly dropped and broke an ampule with a Pfizer vaccine and supposedly attempted to cover up the loss.
At that time, the authorities had to test around 200 people, who received their shots on a certain day, since it was not immediately clear who was injected with saline. The nurse was immediately terminated as the authorities also launched a probe into the incident.
It soon became clear that many more people were affected than previously thought. In May, the confirmed number of those who did not receive the proper jab grew from six to 22. According to Beer, the police also obtained some evidence pointing to further cases during witness questioning in June. A total of 9,673 people received their shots between March 5 and April 20, although not all of them might be affected.
Now the police believe that the whole incident might be politically motivated. The investigators discovered that the nurse in question shared posts criticizing the vaccines and the German government’s measures taken to fight the pandemic on social media even before April 21. The woman also shared information “critical” of the Covid-19 pandemic in various chats, Beer confirmed, adding that it is “all that we have found so far in the course of the investigation.” Now a special police commissioner for politically motivated crimes has taken over the probe. The nurse is staying silent on the new accusations, according to the German media.
Germany is not the only nation that saw such incidents during its vaccination campaign. In neighboring France, some 140 people who attended the vaccination center at Reims University Hospital in the town of Epernay, 130km northeast of Paris, received injections of saline instead of real jabs as well. The incident that took place in April was a result of an unexplained blunder by French medical workers.
The “authorities” will do everything they can to make sure these 8,000 unvaccinated elderly people get quickly vaccinated so that they do not become an obvious control group that will show not only how ineffective the COVID vaccines are — but also how dangerous they are with multiple side effects, including death.
Of course, if any of these elderly people who received a saline injection die for any reason — while testing “positive” for COVID — this nurse will be charged with murder — with much fanfare and gloating by the sycophantic media.
The first “commandment” of the Hypocratic Oath that every doctor takes is to “do no harm” — and every vaccine causes harm — sometimes the harm is immediate and obvious, but often it is delayed and subtle, which few doctors and pathologists are trained to recognize.
And with the way the mRNA COVID vaccines are designed, the slow accumulation of spike proteins in our internal organs may take a number of years to cause serious damage and death — making it easier for the “experts” to deny any connection between those serious side effects and the vaccines.
“Of course, if any of these elderly people who received a saline injection die for any reason — while testing “positive” for COVID — this nurse will be charged with murder…”
Of course, the real question to be asked, is: “Will Fauci and Gates be charged with murder- or better yet, as doctors and nurses around the world have stated, ‘Crimes against humanity.’
Somehow, das glaub’ ich schon nicht.
ICU Nurse “They Are Lying To You About Covid19”
The Frisians ( Frieslaeder) have inveterate history of resisting oppression . Long ago a monk, Boniface (Winfried) from Albion ventured to domesticate this northern tribe with the Roman church of foreign Christianity. It was not the new religion they resisted; but that it was compelled by foreigner. . Boniface was killed and became a saint. The British would be revenged in 1945 when the largest bomb in history was exploded in Helgoland Beight to destroy thier island to satisfy an inexorable, unnatural greed for vengeance unknown to Germanic peoples but a unique characteristic of the Levantine jew.
Have never heard this story of this heroic nurse (Krankschwester). Give her the iron cross. . Good news, Germans are resisting jew oppression.
May God bless and protect that wonderful woman. Not only has she saved countless lives and much misery, but giving the finger to the government is in and of itself praiseworthy.
“OY VEY, its anudda Shoah! Now send 6 gorillion shekels to my Miami Beach ocean side mansion or I’ll scream that you’re anti-Semitic & sic the ADL on your Jew-hating ass!”