At the behest of powerful Jewish supremacist groups, a French court has sent another “unrepentant” goy to prison on Friday for daring to alert the public of historical facts that implicitly contradict the state-sanctioned Jewish version of what actually transpired in World War II:
Hervé Lalin — who also goes by the name Hervé Ryssen — has now begun a 17-month jail term at the Fleury-Mérogis prison near Paris for the three offenses, committed between 2017 and 2020.
The court convicted Lalin for a series of antisemitic postings on Facebook and Twitter, as well as for a video he published on YouTube in 2018 — called “The Jews, Incest and Hysteria” — in which he attacked Jews as a “people of incest.”
A book-length screed by Lalin — published in 2018 and titled “Antisemitism Without Complexity or Taboo” — was condemned for denying the truth of the Nazi Holocaust, a criminal offense in France.
In a recent analysis of the French far right, the newspaper Liberation identified Lalin as an integral member of a network of propagandists who were dedicated to the denial and distortion of the Holocaust.
As well as Lalin, the group includes Jerome Bourbon Rivarol, Alain Soral, Yvan Benedetti and Vincent Reynouard — all of whom engage “in systematic denial of the crimes of the Third Reich and the rehabilitation of the murderous [Nazi] regime,” the paper noted.
France has been under the boot heel of the Rothschild banking dynasty since it orchestrated the French Revolution through its Illuminati sayanim in the Judeo-Masonic lodges throughout France.
Pawns In The Game by William Guy Carr is a must-read for anyone interested in who orchestrated these European “revolutions”.
The Scottish novelist, Walter Scott (1771-1832), wrote about the hidden hand behind the French Revolution is his book The Life Of Napoleon, which has been all-but memory-holed by now.
There is very compelling evidence that the Protocols Of the Learned Elders Of Zion were composed by Jewish members of the Mizraim Masonic Lodge in Paris — according to Paquita de Shishmareff in her must-read Waters Flowing Eastward — and that one of the most likely candidates who oversaw the composition of the Protocols was Adolphe Cremieux, a Jewish attorney and prominent Mason.
Cremieux gained his fame by defending fellow Jews against charges of ritual murder in the notorious “Damascus Affair“. This incident was one of the earliest examples in their sordid history where Jews banded together to defend their co-ethnics in another part of the world against serious criminal charges — and it became the blueprint going forward for international Jewry.
It just so happens that it was Cremieux who established the powerful Alliance Israelite Universelle, a Jewish supremacist society that was the precursor to today’s Anti-Defamation League in America, which was founded to defend the Leo Frank, the Jewish factory owner in Georgia who raped and murdered a young child, Mary Phagan, and tried to blamed his heinous crime on a mentally retarded Black janitor.
But the purpose of the Alliance Israelite Universelle isn’t just to defend Jewry but rather to aid and abet the destruction of their enemies — clearly the Christian nations of the world — according to a statement in their foundational documents, “The nationalities must disappear! The religions must pass! Israel, however, will not cease, for this small People is the chosen one of God.”
Rest assured, Hervé Ryssen is now in prison because of the enormous power and control of Jewish supremacist groups like the Alliance Israelite Universelle — which is literally hell-bent on punishing and persecuting anyone who opposes their satanic agenda of world domination.
And the fake Holocaust narrative clearly has judeo-masonic fingerprints all over it — and it would be worthwhile to research the connections between Henri Monneray, the French prosecuting attorney at the Nuremberg Trials and the Alliance Israelite Universelle — the archive of his related papers can be found here.
You can still see Herve Ryssen’s factual — and jailable — video “Jews, Incest And Hysteria” on Bitchute here.
Satan in Hollywood
Hervé Ryssen – The Jews & The (((Russian))) Revolution
Searches for more of Herves work.
There ought to be a law against this.
Gauche Banke
A law against what?
This is what people need to understand: Jews are the number one supposed minority in Western countries, and for centuries this religious minority in Christian nations Jews by law received special privileges from the ruling classes, Kings et. al, that others in the general population do NOT have. Jews are thus by virtue of their Jewishness and minority group status abuse these granted privileges and government created Rights and engage in Abuse of Rights with impunity.
When people wonder why “Jews” do what they do, remember this….Jews have legal rights that others in the general population do NOT have, if people really want change the human conditions in their country and protect themselves from malicious prosecution en Jewish persecution they need to start, with the Law, La Loi…..invoke the Abuse of Rights doctrine to make your case against the violations of their natural and inalienable right to freedom of thought and freedom of conscience. Just like Frederic Bastiat said…..”The law perverted! And the police powers of the state perverted along with it! The law, I say, not only turned from its proper purpose but made to follow an entirely contrary purpose! The law become the weapon of every kind of greed! Instead of checking crime, the law itself guilty of the evils it is supposed to punish!” This tampering with the law
Robert Purnell
There are TWO sets of Jews, the “True Jew” and the “False Jew.”
Revelation 2:9.
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.
Revelation 3:9.
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
Check who (from behind the scenes) is running this present world.
And who, in your estimation, is an example of a “true Jew”?
Ureil beach
Jesus: But he never claimed to be a Jew. For in Christ, there are neither Jew, nor Greek, nor Roman.
So, in Christ’s time they were the Pharisees, the rabbinical sect we now see today, of whom now follow
the Talmud, Zohar and Lurianic Cabala.
So, the true Jews would have followed Christ. Do any modern Jews today? No. So they are of the synagouge of satan. The huamnist Jews who are atheistical, if they are not communists, would be more easily swayed to follow Christ, but they don’t for some reason. Possibly because they are atheistical humanists And help crypto-Zionist views.
Galatians 3:28 “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.”
This is one of the most misunderstood and oft-quoted verses of the NT. Christians rarely quote an important verse preceding this:
“16 Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.”
There is only ONE seed from Abraham to whom the promises were made — to the Israelites, of whom Christ is their kinsman redeemer. So, in context what Galatians 3:28 is actually saying is, “Among this SEED, the regathered Israelites, there is neither Judean, Greek, slaves or freemen, male nor female, because you are now one in Christ.”
This is a fulfillment of the prophecy of Isaiah , 62:2 and 65:15 that Israel would be known by a NEW NAME, “And ye shall leave your name for a curse unto my chosen: for the Lord GOD shall slay thee, and call his servants by another name.”
That new name? Christians. That’s what Galatians 3:28 is about. It is not about Christ coming for everyone regardless of “seed” or origin.
Here we have a Jew calling DT Hitler while he is surrounded by Jews and works in the Jews, MAGA became MIGA……
France and Germany are notorious for sending people to prison because they question the conventional narrative which is based on half truths using perverted laws…..Frederic Bastiat said it best…..The law perverted! And the police powers of the state perverted along with it! The law, I say, not only turned from its proper purpose but made to follow an entirely contrary purpose! The law become the weapon of every kind of greed! Instead of checking crime, the law itself guilty of the evils it is supposed to punish! The laws in Western countries have been perverted to justify and glorify the evils that it is supposed to punish…..that is void of conscience secularism. The people complained about the Monarchy but they are exactly what they oppose.
Revisionist Ernst Zundel tells Jewish interviewer about the coming revolution in Jewish-occupied Weimar America–that it will not be a repeat of what happened in Germany because Americans are “armed to the teeth”:
Thank you, Ernst Zundel is a perfect example of how ruthless and wicked those Jews who constantly point the finger at others are….they also put a 90 year old woman Ursula Haverbeck in jail, call her Nazi grandma…..everybody who questions these supremacist is a Nazi….the fact that they also call me a Nazi, while I was not even born at the time of WWII tells you much about how wicked this supposed god chosen people really are. Mrs Haverbeck dared to question the lies and was put in jail, that is tyranny…..
james schmitt
i just want to thank you all at cft and your site great and so needed god bless you all .
I am not 100% convinced that sending Ryssen to jail isn’t just an Intelligence psy-op, scare-tactics to the public and to potential genuine researchers: ‘don’t go there or else..’, J Assange, Linda Thyer/David Noakes (alternative cancer-treatment gcMaf) etc all sent to jail, the latter sent to same jail (Fleury) as Ryssen. As a critical thinker, you can never rule out, these people who all tell 80% truths, are intelligence-assets…just saying
Not likely. Revisionists have a long established history by now in Europe, many have gone to jail who are quite legitimate researchers, like Zundel, and Haverbeck. Yes, jailing these people is a form of intimidation and a psychological game–but it won’t work and will backfire ultimately. The White race has never allowed itself to be dominated by another race, especially one that relies on psychological trickery. It will all come crashing down on their heads.
I have to second that without a reasonable doubt, they can use the law and the might of government to suppress but when natural law takes its course they will not be able to control it, history is my witness. Thanks Chesterton….I am now more than ever convinced that I am not crazy or the only one….:-)
paranoid goy
“Natural law”? You mean the ones like, a woman will breed with the best possible male specimen, and marry the best provider? As in, the African physique strutting Euro streets next to pasty liberals feminised by food additives and Roundup? The jobless pale male surfing porn in mommy’s absement versus the Ferrari-driving drug dealer or pimp wearing Armani?
Yeah, brother, ‘Natural Law’ sure has White man covered!
Be careful of using the words the Bolsheviks taught you while they stirred your hatred for the Jews. …and for pete’s sake, learn enough about Hitler to defend your own culture! International Jewry declared war on Germany in 1936 already, you cannot find one single statement where Hitler actually declared war on Jews, he even helped pay for them to start invading Palestine and illegally occupy it.
Israeli’s are not Israelites! Remember Dresden and Nooitgedacht, and take every opportunity to educate people about the con of the political implications of that mythical 6Millions(TM). If an old granma can do it, so can you!
Exactly….taking things to the extreme because you are totally indoctrinated by propaganda. Go check your history because it is all over the place, in case you care to know for do some digging where the Constitution comes from. What is Christianity based on?….Religious fundamentalist who cannot understand the mysteries of nature put everything thing in the flesh because what eyes can’t see people cannot believe. Christians blame Jews but they follow exactly the same debased belief system of the Jews, everything is in the flesh and material sphere….”I only do it if it feels good”.
Natural Law:
“Naturrecht: Ein System rechtlicher Normen, die für alle Menschen immer und überall verbindlich sind und das sogar die staatlichen Gesetze und Weisungen übersteuern kann.“
“Natural law: A system of legal norms that are binding for all people always and everywhere and that can even override state laws and directives. “
Natural law overrules the unjust/perverted laws created by people who abuse the law and legal system to justify tyranny as it happens all over the Western world today. Example….charging Hervé Ryssen with a thought crime for challenging the Jewish Version of World War II.
Natural law is about equal protection under/before the law and not the class and ‘minority group’ injustice administered all over the supposedly civilized Western world today.
During the days of slavery Black people were not allowed to read because they would get smart and revolt against the slave-master, well it is no different for White people (Christians) today. They are not allowed to use their natural abilities to freely think, question and govern their countries as they say fit, everything is done from a Jewish perspective. They are put in jail if they dare to question the Jewish perspective. White opposed the class justice for majority Christian aristocrats in Europe but they approve and administer the same class justice for Jews. It makes me wonder who is fooling who….?
Judea declared war on (Nazi) Germany in 1933, after Hitler came to power.
“C H A B A D M A F I A”
chabad = lubavitch = cult = mafia = crime = fraud = abuse = drugs = fake
“The Jewish People have a big problem. This problem is an organization known as Chabad, Chabad-Lubavitch, or Lubavitch. This website describes this problem,..”.
This website was created by Jews for Jews.”
[Flanders – Keep that last statement in mind, and let’s move on to the international drug dealings — along with many other things.]
“In addition to their free schools, Chabad has thousands of Chabad houses all over the world. Interestly enough, most of these Chabad houses are located in remote places where there are no Jews, such as rural parts of South East Asia and South America. According to Chabad, the purpose of these Chabad houses is to provide Kosher food and free housing to Jewish travelers if they go to those places. But once again, where do they get all the money for all these Chabad houses? And why would anyone want to build a free Kosher restaurant, that also provides free housing to the occasional Jewish traveler, in a remote place where there are no Jews?
It is a widely known fact, in Jewish religious circles, that Chabad finances their international network of thousands of Chabad schools and Chabad houses mostly with the profits from their drug trafficking and drug dealing activities. Chabad houses have been strategically located in areas where there is a high volume of illegal drugs activity. Take for example the city of Tijuana in Mexico, a city where there are no Jews. The Chabad house in Tijuana is the oldest Chabad house in Mexico, and Tijuana is the most important city for drug traffickers moving their drugs from Mexico to the USA. Chabad houses also provide money laundering services to drug dealers and other criminals.”
“Contest: A $100,000 US Dollar prize will be paid to anyone who can find even one respectable Israeli Rabbi who says that Chabad is Jewish. You will never find any such Rabbi, but try to find it anyway as an educational exercise if you still think that Chabad is Jewish. ”
“Across the street from the headquarters of the European Commission, in the very heart of the European Union, is the office of the Rabbinical Center of Europe. It looks like a war room: Stretched across one wall is a gigantic map of the European continent, stuck with hundreds of pins from Ireland to Kyrgyzstan. Each pin represents a Chabad rabbi affiliated with the center.
This is a map of Chabad-Lubavitch’s sphere of influence in Europe. Sitting beneath it and surrounded by the flags of the E.U.’s 25 member states, Rabbi Menachem Margolin, the Rabbinical Center’s secretary-general, is proud of what his group has achieved in its four years in Brussels.
At a time when anti-Semitism and Israel’s image in Europe are occupying the international Jewish agenda, the battle for political recognition, influence – and public funding – has intensified.
“It’s a great sadness that this duplication exists in a Europe of 25 states where for the first time ever Jews are protected under the law and can cast off their shackles,” says Jonathan Joseph, president of the European Council of Jewish Communities. “It’s such a pity that having come this far, we should dissipate our energies with factionalism.”
“Chabad – Lubavitch Centers in Europe”
Chabad-Lubavitch of Austria
Chabad-Lubavitch of Belarus
Chabad-Lubavitch of Belgium
Chabad-Lubavitch of Bulgaria
Chabad-Lubavitch of Croatia
Chabad-Lubavitch of Cyprus
Chabad-Lubavitch of Czech Republic
Chabad-Lubavitch of Denmark
Chabad-Lubavitch of England
Chabad-Lubavitch of Estonia
Chabad-Lubavitch of Finland
Chabad-Lubavitch of France
Chabad-Lubavitch of Georgia
Chabad-Lubavitch of Germany
Chabad-Lubavitch of Greece
Chabad-Lubavitch of Hungary
Chabad-Lubavitch of Ireland
Chabad-Lubavitch of Italy
Chabad-Lubavitch of Latvia
Chabad-Lubavitch of Lithuania
Chabad-Lubavitch of Luxembourg
Chabad-Lubavitch of Moldova
Chabad-Lubavitch of Netherlands
Chabad-Lubavitch of Norway
Chabad-Lubavitch of Poland
Chabad-Lubavitch of Romania
Chabad-Lubavitch of Russia
Chabad-Lubavitch of Scotland
Chabad-Lubavitch of Slovakia
Chabad-Lubavitch of Spain
Chabad-Lubavitch of Sweden
Chabad-Lubavitch of Switzerland
Chabad-Lubavitch of Ukraine
Chabad-Lubavitch of North Cyprus
Chabad-Lubavitch of Serbia
Chabad-Lubavitch of Portugal
Chabad-Lubavitch of Monaco
Chabad-Lubavitch of Malta
Chabad-Lubavitch of Iceland
Chabad-Lubavitch of Montenegro
Chabad-Lubavitch of Crimea
Chabad Locator [Chabad International site]
Chabad House and similar referrals:
“Who we are
Jewish Heritage Europe is an expanding web portal to news, information and resources concerning Jewish monuments and heritage sites all over Europe. A project of the Rothschild Foundation (Hanadiv) Europe, JHE fosters communication and information exchange regarding restoration, funding, best-practices, advisory services, and more.”
[Go to the “countries” listing at the top, and highlight with your browser to see other locations.]
*[Be sure to see Baldur’s comment at September 22, 2020 at 5:13 pm]
“A Pictorial History Of The World’s Governments”
“A Pictorial History Of The United States Government”
“Chabad Links Bind Alt-Media Darlings Trump and Putin”
“Rabbi Schneerson taught that Jews could hasten the arrival of the Messiah if they practiced the traditions laid out in the Hebrew Bible and interpreted by the rabbis in the Talmud and other classical texts. Some of the Rebbe’s followers believed that he was the Messiah, the savior promised by the Prophets, but Rabbi Schneerson mildly discouraged such talk. His critics charged that his disclaimers were too mild and that he should have put an end to such speculation long ago.
Under his leadership, the Lubavitch movement opened hundreds of centers, known as Chabad Houses, around the world where Jews could study, pray, receive social services and learn about Judaism. Chabad is a Hebrew acronym for the words describing the three levels of wisdom that the Lubavitch strive for.
Although the group did not make its financial statements public, Rabbi Yehudah Krinsky, a close aide to the Rebbe, estimated in 1992 that the group received more than $100 million a year in contributions.”
“Beginning with President Carter onward, this collective and individual responsibility to education is proclaimed each year on the date that corresponds to the 11th day of the Jewish month of Nissan (four days before Passover), anniversary of birth of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, of righteous memory. This is done in respect to the Rebbe’s tireless work spearheading this national focus on education, along with the towering personal example his life and teachings provide to direct and apply this educational emphasis.
Pursuantly, in 2018, 40th anniversary of Education Day, the president of the United States signed the traditional declaration of the Rebbe’s birth date (March 27, 2018), as Education and Sharing Day, as did the governors of all 50 states in the Union:”
“The passage of this law, HJ Res. 104, is especially troublesome to me because I was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives at the time it was passed. Even worse, I was in the House Chamber the very day that is was passed, voting on other legislation. Yet I, as a U.S. Congressman, had NO KNOWLEDGE that it had been passed or even that it was to be brought up for a vote.”
“Government Leaders Encourage Adherence to the Seven Noahide Laws”
“Other world leaders have joined the call for further observance and knowledge of these laws. For example, Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Union wrote (in July, 2014) that he seeks greater “dissemination of the universal values known as the Noahide laws” and Major General Michael Jeffery, Governor General of Australia, lamenting family breakdowns and drug and alcohol abuse in modern society in a 2008 letter wrote that he believed that observing the fundamental values of the Noahide Laws can be an antidote to such ills of society.”
“The Old Charges of the Free and Accepted Masons: Charge 1 – Concerning G-d and Religion.
“A Mason is obliged by his tenure to observe the moral law as a true Noachida*;…”.
*Noachidae or Sons of Noah was the first name of Masons according to old traditions.”
Doesn’t rich Jewry keep the prices high on some books!?
“The Jewish Mafia”, by Hervé Ryssen – [2016 review]
“This book, meticulously detailed and documented largely from Jewish sources, is a fearless examination of organized Jewish criminality from ancient times to the present, in all parts of the world, with an astonishing catalogue of serious crimes.
The author of this book, a resident of France – the land of Voltaire and the French Revolution, of “I Am Charlie” and regional and intellectual eccentricities of every imaginable stripe – where it was once thought inconceivable that an intellectual could be imprisoned for merely writing a book – has been tried 13 times for writing 7 books.
His most recent condemnation, in 2015, was to 3 months “hard time” simply for the original cover to the present book – a stock cartoon of 1940s-style gangsters in zoot suits, accompanied by a list of the criminal activities described in the book, listed (I quote) as “racketeering, arms dealing, contract murder, drug dealing, money laundering, pimping, casinos and discotheques, pornography, kidnapping, burglary, armed robbery, diamond dealing and smuggling, white slaving, the African slave trade, trafficking in stolen artworks and financial swindling”.”
“5 results for Books : Hervé Ryssen”
“The Jewish Mafia is the “Mafia”
“As journalist Hank Messick and Michel Collins Piper taught us. That it is a myth that the underworld is completely Italian or Sicilian. This is a very important myth that is kept alive by the Jewish controlled media”
“In the book The Jewish Mafia, Hervé Ryssen reveals the extent of how powerful the Jewish Mafia really is, and who really are mafias by other names are in actuality the Jewish Mafia, the most important being the “Russia Mafia”. When people say the Russian mafia they of course mean the Jewish Mafia. The term “Russia Mafia” is code for Jewish Mafia. But the term Jewish Mafia seems to seldom be used. And again, as basic rule because of the media power, most Americas think of the mafia as being exclusively Italian.”
“Billionaire Marc Rich, a friend of former President Bill Clinton, avoided jail time for massive tax violations, and was completely pardoned by President Bill Clinton
There are many king pins like Mr. Marc Rich out there, and new ones on the way. They are not all Italian. Not by a long shot. The mob is Jewish and they are very proud of this fact. See the book Tough Jews: Fathers, Sons, and Ganter Dreams by Richard Cohen.
Jewish mob men are heroes, just as spies, assassins, and prostitutes, so long as they advance the goal of bringing their Messiah into power..
One Jew to Another
Open Letter To: Mr Simon Wiesenthal
Subject: Nazis Chasing Sixty Years After The War
From: R. D. Polacco de Menasce France 6-27-4
My Dear Sir,
I do think that no Jew will ever dare to tell you the truth.
I am probably the only Jew left who can tell it to you.
I have learnt that you are still chasing very old persons who had responsibilities in the Nazi regime. Sixty years after! People who are eighty-five years old! How shameful!
Do you know one ethnicity who did such a thing in the course of the History of Mankind? You are the very symbol of Talmudic hysterical never-ending hatred.
This is the more egregious as the Nazi regime gave work, sane economy and balance to a whole country, whereas today, everything (when I mention everything, I mean absolutely all) is both Jewish and entirely rotten.
Jewish Capitalism has collapsed the world into all forms of pollutions. Jewish Marxism has slaughtered 200,000,000 people.
To crown it all, everybody knows that there were not 6,000,000 Jews (a country the size of Switzerland) in occupied Europe in 1941 (The American Jewish Year book, mentions 3,300,000 Jews and from that date (1941) on, we all fled to the Free Zone or to Spain towards England). And it is only one million Jews whom Hitler wanted to exchange for trucks at the period of the so-called Shoah. Besides we know that Zyklon B cannot gas 1000 or 2000 people at one time (see M.Roubeix, chief executive of the factory of Saint Avold producing cyanide acid) in gas chambers which have strictly never found norms.
I suppose you would rather have a Jewish USA government enshrined in Jewish finance, pinching petrol in Iraq, spreading Jewish one-worldism, Jewish pornography, 13 Jewish press, Jewish puppets in all governments, than the cleanness of the Nazi regime which made a miracle out of the Jewish rot of the Versailles treaty—the negotiators of which were the Warburg brothers, and that of the Weimar Republic.
You are 95 years of age: if you are not insane what will you tell the Lord when you soon appear in front of Him?
I do wonder.
Entirely disgusted,
R. D. Polacco de Menasce
(Docteur de l’universite de Paris. Thèse de morpho-psycho-endocrinologie—Ret.)
Thanks for posting, Baldur. I hope there is a chance of seeing more from you.
Here is Mr. Zundel is interview with Professor Roger Dommergue Polacco de Menasce, who wrote the letter to Mr. Simon Wiesenthal, the man who put the elderly in jail (video is censored on Youtube)……
We also have to get away from the “judeo-Christian” mindset, as well…
Using the “Old Testament” for “laws” is wrong. Yes, the Ten Commandments are a good guide which proscribes certain behaviors, but the rest of mosaic law relies on a vindictive, vengeful “god” to exact “punishment” on “his people”.
That my work fine for jews, as they have their evil “talmud” to rely on, but “for the rest of us”, it won’t wash.
Judaism is an insular belief system that shuns outsiders, prohibits proselytization, and promotes a form of supremacy, relegating all gentiles (non-jews) to the status of livestock-subhumans with souls, only to be used for the advancement and benefit of jews.
In fact, slavery (of goyim) is still condoned and encouraged in the jewish Talmud. In addition, the jewish Talmud condones pedophilia, allowing lecherous old jews to rape children as long as they are “three years and a day” of age.
The barbaric practice of circumcision (male genital mutilation) is also suspect, the mohel fellating the infant after the “deed is done” passing on who knows what STDs to the infant. Sick…
In fact, every jewish “holiday” (holy day) is based on the celebration of genocide and destruction of gentiles.
Our present troubles are a result of a jewish cabal taking over political decisions in our nominally “multicultural” country.
Tying Judaism to Christianity was a clever trick used by the jews to “cement” their claim to the “land of Israel” and of the covenant, to which I reply, “God is not a real estate agent”.
Jews rejected the covenant when they murdered Jesus Christ. Their covenant with God was then “null and void”.
It is the flawed Schofield translation of the Bible that elevated jews to the status of Christianity’s “elder brothers”, which was then reinforced by the Catholic (flawed) “Vatican II Ecumenical Council” in the 1960s.
I cringe when I hear well-meaning people talk about out judeo-Christian heritage.
Nothing could be further from the truth.
The only common thread between Christianity and judaism may be the Ten Commandments, nothing more.
The god of judaism is a vengeful god, totally unlike the merciful and welcoming God of Christianity.
Christianity welcomes ALL, regardless of nationality or social status, not true of judaism.
Sad to say, even the present-day (post-Vatican II ecumenical council) Catholic church has bought into absolving the jews for Jesus Christ’s murder.
As always is the case, even today, the jews got others, the Romans to do their dirty work for them, the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
How can Christians have the same values as the Jews; the very people who denounced and betrayed the founder of Christianity, Jesus Christ, and call for his execution (by others, of course, that is the Jewish way)?
It makes absolutely no sense at all.
Jews have no respect for Christianity, for Jesus Christ or Mary, his mother, who are both honored as Prophets in Islam, but instead, Jews spit on hearing their names and do the same while passing a Christian of any kind or a Christian Church in Israel. They have no respect for Christians or any other religion.
It is time the Jewish lobbies and the American Government leaders as well as the evangelical Christian leaders who mislead the poor American young into joining the military and believing that they are doing something for God and Christianity by fighting Israel’s wars were named, shamed and arrested and tried for treason.
In a perverse sort of way, israel’s favorite “war song” is “Onward Christian Soldiers”…
There…I’ve said it…
Christians For Truth
Judeo-Christianity is NOT authentic Christianity, so you are making a strawman argument here. Also, today’s Jews are NOT the Israelites of the Old Testament, so that argument is null and void. They are imposters. The God of the Old Testament is the same God of the New Testament, who is Jesus Christ–they are NOT different–the idea that they are different is a Jewish lie. Read the following to learn where you’ve made a wrong turn:
I agree with you, so why do you censor my posts when I bring up the Khazar Ashkenazi jews
Christians For Truth
We don’t “censor” you, Peter. We thoroughly dispute your contention that the Ashkenazi Jews are legitimate Japhethites, who were a pure White people, and who populated early Europe prior to the later Israelite migrations. All Jews are race mixed, and have no legitimate claim to any of the White bloodlines of the Bible.
The Jews are racial bastards of Khazar, Edomite, Canaanite, Hittite, Arab, Asian, and Black admixture. If you took all the DNA in the world and put it in a blender, you’d get the modern day Jew. It’s an insult to Japheth to claim that Jews are his legitimate descendants, regardless of whether or not they appropriated their name from Ashkenaz, just like they appropriated Judah, which they have no legitimate claim to either.
Push HOLODOMOR education everywhere you can …..
“they” say holocaust – you say HOLODOMOR.
If only this was an Intellectual pursuit!
I pray every day that more and more of our people will begin to seriously examine Eternity. I fear things will get much, much worse before they get better.
Thank you CFT for this platform. Literally the last bastion of truth.
I see our brothers over at Renegade Tribune put out a hit piece on us. With friends like them, who needs enemies!?
“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour…” 1 Peter 5:8
Are you referring to the article Renegade Tribune published “refuting” the “100 Proofs that the Israelites Were White” by TruthVids? That “hit piece” is typical of their superficial and condescending understanding of Christianity and history. They claim it can all be written off as mere “word play”.
I noticed Christogenea has done a long series analyzing that “100 Proofs” video, though I can’t claim to have listened to any of it yet.
The “pagan” gods and warriors they worship as the “true” spiritual leaders of European people are actually connected to Israelite history any mythos, but those Renegade writers and lackeys are too sophisticated and erudite to humble themselves to the truth rather than the Jewish lies they’ve embraced. Jews love paganism and encourage White people to embrace it and reject Christ. And Renegade is doing the bidding of the Jews.
Odin’s Ancestry traced back to Jacob-Israel:
……And Renegade is doing the bidding of the Jews……………..
Agreed. It is very sad because at one point I believe their “mission statement” were the 14 words. They sadly lost the plot. At a minimum, they could simply leave the topic alone.
I don’t have a problem with them scrutinizing Judeo-Christianity. But clearly Racial Christians recognize Jewish Perfidy and we live our lives as a witness to that perfidy. Thus, we are their allies when it comes to the 14 words. I guess it just proves the power of the spirit of anti-christ.
i.e., they could ignore us; but instead they deliberately go out of their way to ridicule and besmirch us. It’s bad enough having the jew as our enemy………..we have to deal with our own people as well.
I feel now more than ever for what Moses must have felt when he came down the Mountain!
There isn’t one great civilization that wasn’t created by the White Adamic race. And surely ancient Israel, a mighty and wealthy empire, is among those, yet somehow those Renegade Tribunites think non-White Edomite Jews somehow created it. The descriptions of Israelite civilization in the Bible should convince any objective observer that only White people are capable of achieving such heights. But the Renegaders are not rational when it comes to Jews–they know the Jews lie about everything, except of course not about being the Israelites, the bloodline of God. It’s so absurd that it’s got to be part of a dark comedy.