To celebrate International Holocaust Remembrance Day, we are republishing an article featuring historical revisionist, David Irving.
In this video from a book tour in the 1990s, British historian David Irving explains how he had come to the conclusion that the Hungarian Uprising of 1956 had actually started out as an anti-Jewish pogrom, and how this factual conclusion had so offended a group of Jews at one of his lectures that they tried to shut him down.
Irving’s response to the disruptive Jews goes right to the heart of “The Jewish Question,” a question that they collectively refuse to ever ask, and even more certainly will always refuse to answer:
A book I wrote in about 1975 was….the history of the Hungarian Uprising against the communist occupation of Hungary, for which I had access to a certain number of C.I.A. files, which are very interesting because the C.I.A. carried out in-depth psychological interrogations of a large the Hungarian refugees who came to this country after 1956.
And there was no doubt in my mind, a very interesting discovery indeed, which I wasn’t aware of until I began investigating that. I didn’t realize this. The reason I began writing a book about the Hungarian Uprising was entirely irrelevant. I decided to write a book about something other than Hitler and the Third Reich just to show that I wasn’t in a rut.
But the odd thing was when I began writing that book, I discovered from the C.I.A. files that the Hungarian people, when they started that uprising, it began as an anti-Jewish pogrom. It was essentially an anti-Jewish revolution, not an anti-communist revolution to begin with for the first few days.
The Hungarian people regarded their government in the 1950s as being a jewish government, and they regarded the secret police, the dreaded [AVH] as being a jewish secret police, and essentially it was because when the Red Army entered Hungary in 1945, they brought back into Hungary all the Jews who had taken refuge in the Soviet Union, and they were the ones who got the plum jobs, and they were the ones who got the trustworthy jobs, the secret police chiefs and the torturers.
And that’s why the Jews were so hated in Hungary by 1956 because they were regarded as the people who had inflicted this nameless misery on the Hungarian people, and so the Uprising began as an anti-Jewish uprising.
Every one of the ‘Hungarian’ leaders at that time in 1956….they were all Jews, and I never realized that when I set out to write it. It was an extraordinary fact the way these things are kept away from the public consciousness.
And, of course, when the book came out, I was accused of ‘antisemitism’, but what am I supposed to do when you discover something, as a historian, are you supposed to pretend that it isn’t that? And if you do pretend that, you are doing the Jewish people more harm than good, I think.
[Irving then tells how a group of Jews tried to disrupt one of his lectures in Louisiana…]
I know — I said to this Jewish mob in my audience — that I am disliked, and I know why I’m disliked. Now you people have been disliked for 3,000 years. Do you ever look in the mirror and ask yourselves why you are disliked?….They never ask themselves that question, do they?
He was the leader of the [disruptive Jewish gang in the audience], and he said, “Are you accusing us? Are you saying that we are responsible for Auschwitz ourselves?” And it was a bit of a dazzling question, and I said, “Well, the short answer is yes.”
But that’s a cruel answer because to do the question justice, you’ve got to have a lot of intervening stages, of course. But the short answer, if you want to hop from A to Z, is yes. If you hadn’t behaved the way you have as a race for 3,000 years, first the Russians, then the Poles, then the Galicians, then the Austrians and the rest wouldn’t have harried and hounded you from pillar to post so you end up finding yourselves at Auschwitz. And you’ve never asked yourselves, “Why?”
Hard copies of David Irving’s book on the Hungarian Uprising have become very rare and expensive, but you can download it here for free.
Backup of video:
David Irving once said:
“There are two Hitlers: the real one, and the Hollywood one. I write about the real one – that’s why there are police at my door.”
My haulocast survivor uncle who was saved by Catholic nuns, adopted by my family, later served in USMC agrees with this, ‘the Jews brought it on theselves…’
Kenneth Frequency
Your uncle didn’t survive the “Holocaust”. Your uncle, like tens of millions of people, survived World War II. Jews were rounded up and thrown into camps because the Germans considered them “enemy combatants”, a term that the U.S. Army still uses today. Jewry declared war on Germany in 1933, so from a German perspective, all Jews in Europe were considered hostile parties and subversive elements. They put them in camps so that they couldn’t subvert their war effort, and at the same time use their labor to support their war effort. It’s really that simple.
Did many Jews die during the war? Yes, of course.
Did the Germans intend to “genocide” them? No, that would have been a waste of valuable resources.
Did many Jews suffer just like everyone else in the war? Many did, but unlike the Jews, “gentiles” who suffered didn’t try to get remunerated for their suffering, rather they just went on with their lives.
The Zionist Jews knew the world had to perceive them as suffering in a unique way in order to convince the world to let them have Palestine as a “homeland”, so they invented the “Holocuast”, one of the greatest public relations master strokes in world history. Sadly, it’s become a psy-op to basically make sure Jews stay loyal to their “tribe”.
freedom fighter
Oh it really is a breath of fresh air when I come across real people who can see past the conditioned brainwashing.
ulysses freire da paz jr
1. The only thing at Auschwitz resembling a human gas chamber was constructed in 1946 by Stalin.
2. Not a single diagnosis of death by cyanide poisoning is on record for any German labour camp.
3. No trace whatever remains of the millions of bodies allegedly gassed in the German labour camps.
4. None of the war generals after the war who wrote their memoirs made any allusion to human gas chambers or indeed to any intention to exterminate an ethnic group.
5. The Red Cross made normal, routine visits to Auschwitz during the war, and its published reports made no allusion to any ongoing human gassing there.
6. No authentic documents attesting to “The Holocaust” exist anywhere.
7. The Bad Arolsen archives list everyone who lived and died in all the German labour camps. The question naturally arises as to what is the total number recorded in this tremendous archive. Clearly the managers of this archive are not at liberty to tell of this or they would be jailed for so awful a crime.
Great answer! I was asked that the other day: “Why would they lie about it (The Holocaust)?” Answer: To trick you into supporting their claim to Palestine. In truth it is their land but they cannot reveal they are actually Canaanites not Semites, so they pervert everything.
“And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother’s blood from thy hand; When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth…And the LORD said unto him, Therefore whosoever slayeth Cain, vengeance shall be taken on him sevenfold. And the LORD set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.”
Genesis 4:11-15 KJV
David Irving Holohoaxer says there were Gassings at Auschwitz and 1.4 Million+ killed in the Operation Reinhard Nonsense .He also believes in the Fake Hitlers Table Talks anyone that promotes that is a Shill or misled. e.g.
She also did piece with Carolyn Yeager, Yeager has do good work on the Holohoax but promotes’ Hitler’s Table Talk’ as does David Irving TT which is pure garbage.
Carolyn Yeager Lana Lokteff
Holohoax Tales-David Irving Excerpts From Jail 2006 – Says-Gassings at Auschwitz over 1.4 Million+ holocausted in Op.Reinhardt (nonsense…)–rheinhard-camps:4
Is David Irving Jewish? – A Footnote of Irony. The Revisionist · 2004 · Volume 2 · No. 2 · p. 122
David Irving on Hugh Trevor Ropers – ‘The Table Talks’ content is more important in my view than Hitler’s Mein Kampf, and possibly even more than his Zweites Buch (1928). It is unadulterated Hitler. He expatiates on virtually every subject under the sun, while his generals and private staff sit patiently and listen, or pretend to listen, to the monologues.’
Irvings mentor Trevor Hugh Roper taught Jacob Rothschild at Oxford.
Jacob Rothschild was educated at Eton College and then at Christ Church, Oxford, where he gained a First in history, tutored by Hugh Trevor-Roper.,_4th_Baron_Rothschild_-_Biography
Jürgen Graf on David Irving and the Aktion Reinhardt Camps
Irving does not mention this either:
“Churchill and Stalin negotiated the starting of co-operation in a war of many fronts against Germany since April 1939……….
July-August 1939: Roosevelt’s Jewish aide Felix Frankfurter visits Churchill for negotiations (documents are classified to this day). Frankfurter brings the message, that United States will participate in the war against Germany.
Summer 1939: Churchill and Stalin make a secret framework-agreement in Crimea – prior to the actual contract signed 15. October 1939.
23. August 1939: Soviet Union and Germany sign a non-aggression pact (the “Molotov-Ribbentrop-pact”). Hitler is assured, that the pact prevents a war on two fronts. Which is what Stalin and the Western allies anticipated. Now Germany is certainly going to attack Poland to take back the areas Germany lost in the Versailles Peace Treaty.
Britain, France and Soviet Union have a negotiated war plan how to defeat Germany.
Hitler believed, that Poland would collapse when being attacked from two sides. Hitler already had a proposal to Poland about swapping areas. He presented these peace offerings on 6. October 1939 to the Western powers.
The trap was set, would Hitler walk into it?
Poland had guarantees, France and Britain – maybe even Soviet Union – would come and help them,at least that’s what the Poles were thinking.
Book Finland in the Eye of a Storm Eng.
I checked to see what he said about the Bromberg Massacres that Hitler invaded Poland to stop the atrocities that no-one talks about. Irving did mention them but placed the mention of them out of context such that it seems as if they occured after Poland was invaded..
David Irving on the Bromberg Massacres. P226
Hitler’s army had fallen upon the hated Poles with well-documented relish. Colonel Eduard Wagner, as Quartermaster General initially responsible for occupation policy, wrote privately on September : ‘Brutal guerrilla war has broken out everywhere, and we are ruthlessly stamping it out. We won’t be reasoned with. We have already sent out emergency courts, and they are in continual session. The harder we strike, the quicker there will be peace again.’ And a week later: ‘We are now issuing fierce orders which I have drafted today myself. Nothing like the death sentence! There’s no other way in occupied territories.’ Hitler and his generals were confronted by what they saw as evidence that Asia did indeed begin just beyond the old Reich frontier. In the western Polish town of Bydgoszcz (Bromberg) the local Polish commander had ordered the massacre of several thousand German residents on the charge that some of them had taken part in the hostilities. Göring’s paratroopers were being shot on the spot when captured by the Poles. The population was instructed, for example, to pour gasoline over disabled German tanks and set them on fire. ‘Against Germany the Polish people fight side by side with the Polish soldiers, building
barricades and combating the German operations and positions by every means they can.
Neither to my knowledge has he ever mentioned the Osobaya Papka files that no-one talks about either other than IHR and Irving would have known about that.These files prove that Hitlers operation Barbarossa was pre-emptive to save Europe from Stalins Operation Thunder Storm plan to Invade Europe.
But in retrospect, with greater knowledge, one can see that David Irving’s truth-advocacy was never entirely free of hesitation. While David Irving seemed to be an uncompromising truthteller, one can just barely discern the influence of calculated self-interest and the moistened finger in the breeze, even in his most outspokenly controversial period. The seed of retreat was always there.
The Bombings of Auschwitz Oil Refinery and Synthetic Rubber Plant Four times, how could Irving miss that, Arthur Butz didn’t…
Document by J Eastman -Maxwell Airforce Base 1973 – WW2 Combat Chronology 1941 to 1945 Compiled by Kit C. Carter Robert Mueller (inc. Auschwitz Raid 1944 Dates) also Nordhausen raid.
Auschwitz Synthetic Oil and Rubber Plants 15 th USAAF Bombing Raid Dates also Nordhausen Bombing Raid Date….
8/20/44 Fifteenth AF – 460-plus B-24’s and B-17’s, some ftr-escorted, bomb A/F and M/Y at Szolnok, and oil refineries at Dubova, Czechowice and Auschwitz.
9/13/44 Fifteenth AF – 350-plus ftr-escorted B-17’s and B-24’s bomb Auschwitz oil and rubber works and Odertal and Blechhammer oil refineries, hit Cracow-Auschwitz area and bomb M/Y at Vrutky. Over 100 other HBs attack Avisio viaduct, Mezzocorona and Ora railroad bridges.
12/18/44 Fifteenth AF – 560-plus HBs hit oil refineries at Blechhamer (2), Odertal, Vienna/Floridsdorf, MoravskaOstrava, and Auschwitz; M/Ys at Graz, Studenzen, and Sopron; Bruck an der Mur industrial area, and various scattered T/Os. Ftrs fly escort and rcn missions.
12/26/44 Fifteenth AF- Around 380 B-24’s and B-17’s bomb Odertal, Blechhammer S, and Auschwitz oil refineries, railroad bridge at Ora and viaduct at Avisio, plus scattered T/Os 26 P-38’s bomb railroad bridge at Latisana. P38’s and P-51’s escort the HB missions.
A Far Superior source of Truth about the Alleged Holocaust produced before Irvings involvement to deflect attention from it.
The Hoax of the Twentieth Century Holocaus Holohoax. Arthur Butz
I think you missed what I was saying. What you call a ‘jew’ today is what’s left of the neanderthal species. We went to war with the neanderthals and won. These ‘jews’ are what’s left of them. The pure Neanderthal was wiped out yet these ‘jews’ are the mixed breeds. Probably stupidly spared out of compassion since they were mixed.
There is a huge difference. Homo sapiens have commonality with some neanderthal DNA, however we also share commonality with pigs and dogs and monkeys.
The ‘jews’ percentage comes direct from interbreeding not commonality. In that way they really are a different species or subspecies. Get it?
Also, most people are only aware of history back to the flood roughly 12,068 years ago. Our history is really within the confines of the last 12,068 years.
The thing is, the flood is caused by a polar reversal and subsequent solar nova.
In fact it’s happening now. The poles are beginning to reverse. And it takes days to complete the cycle not years. This is what Major white wrote about in world in peril and cia classified chan thomas work concerning this subject.
Look at all the river canyons running off nearly every continent to the bottom of the ocean floor. Fresh water floats on denser salt water. The pacific and atlantic sea beds are actually exposed cooling mantle. Just look at the planet it’s scarred, melted in places like Iran. The eastern Himalayan range looks like a dam burst and it did.
Many cultures knew this catastrophe happens cyclically.
So the coming ‘revelations’ is the next pole reversal and solar nova.
Which all stars do like clockwork. And all ancient cultures knew.
Anyway, the Neanderthals are antediluvian. How many catastrophes ago are they from, who knows. Maybe they do.
Neanderthals were evil, manipulative, and scary looking. They hunted us, raped us, pillaged us until we rose up and defeated them. They are the ‘jews’ of today, or modern day neanderthal.
Original sin was probably that the species were not to intermix.
Neanderthals were good with numbers but could not draw or perform music.
They were forbidden to draw any images of god because they simply couldn’t.
Only female Neanderthals could bear mixed young. Interesting, no?
Since the ‘jewish’ bloodline comes from the mother.
So, what we are dealing with is a surviving antediluvian sub species.
And the traits they have that make them a problem is the Neanderthal DNA
And if i remember correctly the Romans nearly wiped them out in 70ad with the siege of Jerusalem. Or was that the hebraic Abraham bloodline, can’t remember. Now only around 40-50 million mixed breed Neanderthals live amongst us, a different species, and all the problems that come with them. Their ‘characteristics’ that get them booted from country and country because they want to control and take over. Every time.
So this is revenge for nearly wiping them out.
What if israel reconstructs the Neanderthal DNA with the intent to resurrect the species?
And give them guns and nukes. I mean exactly where does the DNA they steal all over the world at check points and dui stops really go? Or is it a sniffing mission to collect missing remnant Neanderthal DNA from us to rebuild the Neanderthal genome? Then it’s a small step to clone 😉
Regardless if they are seen as a different species or subspecies this will become very interesting. They will no longer be seen as entirely human.
In fact John Carpenter’s classic They Live really means they live and really are survivors both from the last catastrophe and our justified near genocide against them.
A mistake it’s actually 15% neanderthal.
The human genome project scared the neanderthal ‘jews’ so right away some ‘jew’ showed up to try and control the narrative but the info leaked out.
15% neanderthal from intermixing, not commonality.
The ‘jews’ will then attempt to say their neanderthal race is stronger and blah blah blah.
So , goyim, jesuits, etc are homo-sapiens with DNA commonality…like how we share DNA with many animals. The neanderthal ‘jews’ are originally neanderthal with homo-sapien intermixing. They are originally Neanderthal not homo-sapien.
Just face it, they really are another species of human. And being another species, an invasive species, they need to be isolated from real homo-sapiens. They are incompatible with us, that’s why we nearly wiped them out.
Ask yourself, what might the human genome program, random DNA stealing all over the world by cops and governments, child trafficking, organ stealing and the concentration of neanderthal ‘jews’ in Israel.
To me there is one conclusion. The ‘jew’ neanderthal; remnant is attempting to rebuild, piece by piece, the Neanderthal DNA and give rise to the race of giants, give them modern weapons and wipe us out.
It’s revenge against us for nearly wiping their evil asses off the planet the last time.
Flek wrote, “It’s revenge against us for nearly wiping their evil asses off the planet the last time.”
What are you talking about? What “last time”? No one has ever “nearly wiped” the Jews’ “asses off the planet.” The Holocaust was fake….didn’t you get the memo? All the pogroms were greatly exaggerated. Considering all the harm and misery that Jews have brought upon the world, especially western civilization, they have gotten away with it, relatively Scot-free.
Their paranoia about “violence” against them is their fear that their luck with finally run out, and there will be a real day of reckoning for them — and there will be. God promised it. Obadiah 1: 16-18:
There’s no question about it, the ‘jews’ 45% neanderthal DNA is a PROBLEM.
They are NOT us. We have commonality, the ‘jews’ intermixed.
Seth Friedman
Evil Jews ( as opposed to the vast majority of normal Jews ) are just one brand of Satanism/Saturn Worship. It’s easy to prove. Two examples: 1. The Tefillin and the Muslim Kabba are both symbols of Saturn. A black cube. 2. A hugh number of mega corporation’s logos are Saturn Symbolism not Jewish Symbolism. There’s plenty of other evil players besides the tiny minority of evil Jews. Like the Jesuits. Or the fact that the Planned Parenthood HQ in Texas is clearly modeled after the Aztec Sacrifice Pyramids. The Aztecs weren’t Jews. I encourage the reader’s of this website to look at the big picture. I recommend David Icke on what he calls Sabitian Jews.
Jewry is clearly being led by an evil cabal, notably the Rothschilds, but where are the Jews speaking out against them? Why don’t common Jews denounce them–“not in our name”? Is it because of the “snitch culture” in Jewry? “Mosers” who betray Jewry to the goyim? Do common Jews live in fear of speaking out for fear of harm? Why are Jews so silent about these evil Jews among them?
“Why are Jews so silent about these evil Jews among them?” Jews, operate with tyrannical system, even amongst themselves. There is a saying that the worst enemy of a Jew, is another Jew. One can understand this paradox, by considering the Mafioso oath of “Ometa” which in Jewry is called, “Massa Duma” (burden of silence )
Its an old law, which operated amongst the Jewry, even during the time of The Christ. As you read the bible, a sinister statement is repeated, why those Jewish people who recognized the supernatural nature of The Messiah, could not openly declare this in public, “For Fear Of The Jews”
“ There was a great deal of talk about him in the crowds. Some said, ‘He is a good man’; others, ‘No, he is leading the people astray.’ Joh Yet no one spoke about him openly, for fear of the Jews. John 7:12-13
Jews do kill errant Jews! Jews do torture errant Jews. If you don’t know this, then understand, that there is even a ceremony (I do not know if it exists today) where the Jewish community go through a procedure of excommunicating and errant Jew. (They did this with Baruch Spinoza. So, Jews, are fearful of their own system of leadership. Ant they know the brutal consequences of “going astray”
For example, General Horst Hoyer stated that The Jews knew, that the Elite Jews, were about to have them massacred during World War II in the so-called “Holocaust” H e stated; “Thus, I got insights which left me speechless, for “my Jews” knew full well, what World Jewry had in store for them and they were as helpless as the German people themselves.” Lieut. General Hoyer gives their names. “See Hoyer Memorandum, By SS Lieutenant General Horst Hoyer, Appearing in the Article “Wartime Collaboration Between Zionists And The German Government By Dr. Harrell Rhome 7-17-8)
Judeo-Talmudism is the origins of Totalitarianism. That is the “New World Order” for you. And this Totalitarianism does not spare anybody, Jew or gentile! The Jews are boxing themselves and everybody in a tighter and tighter spot, as they historically have done, until the masses cannot take it any more, and they explode. The ordinary Jews, even if they do not get a major share in the spoils, (most only get scraps that which falls from the High Table) normally are the ones who receive the heaviest blow for the sins of their elite leaders.
Logos, (The Christ) would advise one to abandon such deadly adventurism. But the Jews hate Logos. Their Religion, is based on hatred of Logos. And Logos returns the complement by making them a hated people. Can it be otherwise?
As sure as the Sun rises, Judaism is very predictable. It creates a vicious circle of a destruction and ruin. This makes it a self-cursing religion, which drives a people to repeat error, they get whacked, but always expecting a different result. There is another name for such behavior.
Normal Jews? What planet have you been living on? Well, your name provides that answer. Me thinks you have the wrong website. Tell me Seth; how’s the weather on the beach at Tell Aviv? Are you enjoying your view from the West Bank as Palestinian children get their caps blown off?
Ezekiel 16:2
Son of man, cause Jerusalem to know her abominations,
Ezekiel 20:4
Wilt thou judge them, son of man, wilt thou judge them? cause them to know the abominations of their fathers:
R. Clive Corbyn
Can anybody give me a good link on the Jews’ program of sexualizing children, which I remember reading somewhere was the final straw that triggered the revolt against Hungary’s all-Jewish communist leaders? The same thing is going on in the U.S. and G.B.
Damn, CFT does good work, i just saw this re-posted over on Russia Insider
there is also excellent info in that Unfinished Victory book that could make for some good articles and there’s the history of Hungary in 1919 – the short lived jew-controlled Hungarian Soviet Republic as well as what went on in the Baltics under the Soviet occupation from 1940-41.
The Baltic people noticed that most of the Soviet NKVD were actually jews and so when the middle class and business owners were hauled off to the gulags the Baltic people remembered and took their revenge when the Germans liberated them in 1941, no doubt reported as another “pogrom” by the eternally victimized jews
Our people need to know about these things so they understand that the jews aren’t the victims they claim to be.
Communism = judaism – they said it (((themselves)))). just ask rabbi finklestein of the ‘sanhedrin’.
As teh Bible plainly refers to the antiChrists as ‘of their father the devil’ ‘and NOT of My sheep’ etc etc, jesus tells us that they are of their father the devil who was a liar and a murderer from the beginning. Liars cannot stand the mighty light of Truth…hence, they get upset and strike out at the truth teller. Like Irving, Zundel, Peters, hundreds of youtubers, etc etc.
That David Irving has been beaten, threatened, smeared, sued, arrested, jailed, banned, denounced, and vilified is proof that he’s telling the truth and that the Jews are lying. Few men have ever given their lives to the truth as Irving has.
Dr Robert Faurisson, Ernst Zündel…..
Right, but the difference is that David Irving was a very successful mainstream historian who had a lot to lose materially by writing what he did. He was so successful that he was able to buy a brand new Roll Royce at on point, which is unheard of for a historian. And unlike Zundel and Faurisson, Irving wrote about many different subjects, not just the Holocaust. But clearly we owe an enormous amount of respect to all these men of courage….