(Forward) Say it isn’t so! A “Holocaust” survivor — who grew up in Amsterdam with Anne Frank and knew her family — said she didn’t like Anne — a “typical German Jew.”
Jewish writer Philip Graubart tells the story of his friendship with “Trudy” — a contemporary of Anne Frank:
“…I became acutely conscious of [Trudy’s] survivor status about 20 years ago, when I suddenly put together a few of the facts I knew about her – Amsterdam, Westerbork, 1929 birthdate – and asked what should have been an obvious question: Had she known Anne Frank?
She scowled, shut her eyes, then nodded. “Yes,” she said slowly, grimacing as if reliving a particularly bitter moment of indigestion. “I knew Anne.”
“Huh,” I said, noting the unusual frown, the down-turned eyes. This wasn’t sadness or loss, it was — irritation. “You didn’t….”
“Arrogant girl,” she snapped. “Snobby. Self-absorbed. Typical German Jew. I didn’t like her.”
She didn’t like Anne Frank. At first I couldn’t absorb the sentiment, couldn’t really believe my ears. It was like hearing a Catholic say she wasn’t fond of the Virgin Mary, that she was sick of all her tiresome bragging. Virgin birth – big deal. But then I realized that Trudy’s distaste for Anne Frank the person – whatever girlhood tiff set it off – returned the Holocaust to where it belongs, in prosaic human history.
It’s not a myth, or a sacred narrative, with demigods and martyrs and supernatural heroines. It’s not a biblical story, a tragic moment pointing to redemption. It’s a story of girls and boys, Annes and Trudys, and their brothers and sisters and parents, murdered and tortured the way humans have murdered and tortured since time immemorial.
But the next day, at lunch, I discovered that Trudy’s Anne Frank induced scowl wasn’t merely personal (it was mostly personal). “Of course, she was a mean girl – like you see today in the movies, yes?” Trudy said. “A mean girl. That was Anne. But that wasn’t really her fault. It was her father, you see, who spoiled her, and, well, never mind, I’ve said too much. But to me, what became insufferable was her optimism. ‘I know in my heart that people are good.’ That was from her diary, yes? People are good? Do you think she believed that in Bergen-Belsen?”
I’m not sure she realized it — she didn’t follow Jewish intellectual arguments — but Trudy had stumbled onto one of the key controversies surrounding Anne Frank’s diary: its supposed optimism. It was actually the hit Broadway play that highlighted Anne’s line about the essential goodness of the human heart; both the play and the movie end with the quote. The diary itself includes the line, but also Anne’s observation that the world would be better off without any people. Critics of the play, including Cynthia Ozick in an influential Commentary piece where she half-wishes the diary had never been found, accuse the playwrights and their supporters of using the diary – and therefore the Shoah – to promote an anti-Zionist, anodyne universalism that negates Jewish national concerns.
But Trudy wasn’t responding to the diary’s politics, or to the political uses others made of the book or the play or the movie. She was just pissed off at Anne Frank because, in her opinion, Anne got it wrong: People aren’t basically good.
For Trudy, the Shoah was never a rhetorical weapon or a political tool – it wasn’t up for grabs to the loudest shouter. It was her personal story. To me, it felt like Trudy longed for Anne to have survived, just so that Trudy could have told her off, survivor to survivor, person to person….
Not only did Otto Frank “spoil” his daughter Anne — he wrote much of her iconic diary after she died — as another one of his business scams.
And Otto clearly spoiled Anne — at the height of the Depression, judging from the numerous photographs of Anne throughout her childhood, the Franks enjoyed a very comfortable and prosperous life in Amsterdam.
For those who find it inconceivable that Anne Frank’s diary was largely a fabrication of her father to cash in on her death, we strongly recommend you read Ditlieb Felderer’s 1978 book, Anne Frank’s Diary — A Hoax.
And the “supposed” quote of Anne Frank that so irked “Trudy” is clearly a post-war fabrication by Otto Frank — or the ghost writer whom he hired to embellish her diary:
“In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at heart. I simply can’t build up my hopes on a foundation consisting of confusion, misery, and death. I see the world gradually being turned into a wilderness, I hear the ever approaching thunder, which will destroy us too, I can feel the sufferings of millions and yet, if I look up into the heavens, I think that it will all come right, that this cruelty too will end, and that peace and tranquility will return again.”
Her seemingly prescient use of the phrase “sufferings of millions” is clearly an allusion to the tiresome Jewish mantra of 6 Million™ — a transparent manipulation by Otto Frank to turn his “self-absorbed” child into some kind of Jewish prophet — or the equivalent of the “Virgin Mary” turning the other cheek.
But “turning the other cheek” is a Christian sentiment — and Otto Frank clearly had her diary written to “sell” this exotic Jewish girl to a young, gentile — and gullible — audience — which would also explain why he censored Anne’s actual graphic musings about sexuality.
Let’s face it — if this famous passage had truly been written by a Jew — for a Jewish audience — it would instead have read, “Never forgive, never forget, never again!“
Maybe she stole her ballpoint pen.
Well I believe ballpoints only came to Europe áfter World War II.
But in any case I believe people should not speak ill of the dead.
After all they cannot defend or justify themselves anymore.
I disapprove of this whole article; it’s cheap.
nancy nor man
Anne Frank must have “offended” her fellow Jew here — the now 95 year old Holocaust survivor who has born a grudge 80 years or more. Shows just how psychologically obsessive Jews can,holding grudges over common childhood sleights. And would we really wan to hear Anne’s side of this childhood spat? “Yeah, Trudy didn’t me because she thought I stole her boyfriend, a boy who wasn’t even her boyfriend, except in her mind.” Childish dramas. Trudy has probably bragged about knowing Anne Frank her whole life, and gotten a lot of mileage out of the stories. An otherwise insignificant use of her short time on earth.
A Fellow White Man
>But in any case I believe people should not speak ill of the dead.
Jews speak ill of dead whites every single day, while calling for their statutes to be torn down and their history erased. You know who else jews speak ill about? Christ.
A Fellow White Man
The Nahtzees had super science we are still unable to reproduce to this day.
They had ovens that could cremate a body and bone completely to ash in only 20 minutes.
The had an underground rail system conveyor belt that could automatically eject bodies into these super ovens 24/7 for years.
They had rooms that inspired Mortal Kombat levels filled with spinning blades for Fatalities.
They had swimming pools with electrified floors that dropped out, capable of pumping out atomic-levels of power capable of turning 1000 jews to ash in a matter of seconds.
They created airtight seals to pump toxic gas into rooms with wooden doors and glass panes, and never had a problem with those doors opening inwards towards the piles of bodies.
They had bluetooth smokestacks that weren’t even attached to crema.
They had medical doctors 80 years capable of feats of transplant we still can’t accomplish to this very day! They could sew jewish babies head’s onto the bodies of dogs. They could cut off your hands then sew your left hand onto your right arm and your right hand onto your left arm.
They had a secret communication network in which, despite the Enigma being cracked for nearly the entire war, not a single communication talking about the mass killings of jews was ever intercepted, and were capable of purging every single physical document so not a single piece of evidence remains.
They hid literal mountains of ash from aerial observation, and did it all on just a few acres of swampy land.
Remember, to deny ANY of this is illegal in all of Europe, and now Canada. (And Florida, thanks to Based DeSantis and his Disney Army.)
To think that these geniuses couldn’t have invented the Kugelschreiber? The truth is, BIC stole that technology from the Nazis, just like Nasa stole everything they knew about the moon mission.