(The Jewish Chronicle) This week, the Jewish press announced the death of a prominent rabbi — Dow Marmur — who, like many diaspora Jews, somehow managed to “survive the Holocaust” and live in six different countries — Poland, Uzbekistan, Sweden, Britain, Canada and Israel — as if he were a “citizen of the world.”
And like millions of other Jews, Marmur managed to escape his native Poland as the Germans swept in from the West by fleeing east — and finding safety deep behind Soviet lines, as his obituary in the JC freely admits:
…When the Germans invaded [Poland] in 1939, the family fled to Lwow (today Lviv in Ukraine) but were promptly transported by the Soviets to Siberia. After more than a year struggling to survive, they “escaped” to Uzbekistan where, from the age of seven, the young Dow helped feed the family by selling soap on the streets of Fergana.
When the war ended the Marmurs were repatriated to Katowice [Poland]. Only in 1948 did they finally manage to join his father’s sisters in Gothenburg, Sweden and nine years of living in constant fear came to an end…
What did Jews have to fear living safely behind Soviet lines during the war? As we have previously shown, there are plenty of photographs of these Jewish refugees smiling for the camera while they lived out the war in relative peace far away from any fighting.
Dow Marmur’s experience in World War II was hardly unique — according to a 1943 Carnegie Peace Foundation report, millions of other Jews found refugee behind Soviet lines during the war:
Of some 1,750,000 Jews who succeeded in escaping the Axis since the outbreak of hostilities, about 1,600,000 were evacuated by the Soviet Government from Eastern Poland and subsequently occupied Soviet territory…About 150,000 others managed to reach Palestine, the United States, and other countries beyond the seas. (April 1943, No. 389, as quoted in The Fraud of Soviet Anti-Semitism by Herbert Aptheker, p. 6, 1962)
And right after the end of the war, Collier’s Weekly Magazine — in its June 9, 1945 issue — stated the following:
Russia has 5,800,000 Jews, 41 percent of the present Jewish population of the world, of whom 2,200,000 have migrated to the Soviet Union since 1939 to escape the Nazis.
Louis Levine, President of the American Jewish Council for Russian Relief, wrote on October 30, 1946,
“At the outset of the war, Jews were amongst the first evacuated from the western regions threatened by the Hitlerite invaders, and shipped to safety east of the Urals. Two million Jews were thus saved.”
And David Bergelson, Jewish journalist, wrote in the Moscow Yiddish paper Ainikeit, on December 5th, 1942,
“Thanks to the evacuation, the majority (80%) of the Jews in the Ukraine, White Russia, Lithuania and Latvia before the arrival of the Germans were rescued.”
So here we have two independent sources that account for around 2 million of the alleged 6 Million™ Jews who were supposed to have been killed in the Holocaust — but actually survived the war in the Soviet Union. Why hasn’t the official 6 Million™ total been adjusted down to accommodate these facts? Need we ask?
According to the highly unreliable U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum — a pro-exterminationist propaganda mouthpiece — there were only 2,000,000 Jews left in Russia in 1950 — but that actual number is still debated today — 5.8 million cited by Collier’s is probably high.
The exterminationists will claim that if these 2 million Jews had not escaped to Russia, then 8 Million Jews would have died at the hands of the “Nazis” — but that would be impossible because the Kabbalistic rabbis would never allow their magical 6 Million™ figure to change.
Yet the Jewish population in Russia today is allegedly only 165,000 — which means that almost 6 Million™ Jews who were alive in Russia after the war have somehow “disappeared” — yet no one seems overly concerned about millions of unaccounted for Jews since they officially died in Gas Chambers™ and disappeared into the sky as smoke from the crematoria at Auschwitz somehow without leaving a literal mountain of ash behind.
We know millions of Russian Jews went to Israel since the end of the war, but what about the rest of them? Probably they went to the U.S. and western Europe, just like Rabbi Dow Marmur, and hoped that no one would notice.
Why did the Germans feel compelled to cremate all of the “gassed” Jews, but they didn’t need to cremate the Jews they allegedly shot on site in the “holocaust by bullets”?
The Jews have a real obsession with being “burned” after being gassed. And what’s interesting about that is that many of them forget about the “gassing” part and just believe that all “6 million” were “burned” in “ovens”.
No one was thrown in an oven alive except maybe a few Germans at the hands of the psychopathic bolsheviks.
The burning comes from the Great plague when Jews serded the Wells across Europe with bubonic plague. When the jews were discovered doing this by the Christians, they were burned alive — this this was the first Holocaust of the Jews.
This is some more of the blind religious Holocaust defamatory propaganda we fight against…
“Jews were amongst those first evacuated from the western regions threatened by the Hitlerite invaders, and shipped to safety east of the Urals. Two million Jews were thus saved.”
Here, then, are the two million Jews written off as dead, and enrolled among the six million martyrs for world publicity and for “evidence” at the Nuremberg Trials….. P162
The World Conquerors- Louis Marschalko ( essential reading)
Really good find Normant; p162
The question can always be asked as to whether it would have been
physically possible to destroy as many Jews as the propagandists state
were destroyed. Had the Germans enough time for it? Did they
possess adequate facilities for it? And then, why was it necessary to
build additional crematoria so quickly for shooting scenes in
propaganda films? Is it possible that the Jews built these additional
crematoria to make their unbelievably high statistics more credible?
Was it necessary for the Germans to destroy the Jews systematically,
when they were at all times short of manpower and could use the Jews
very well for purposes of war-production?
The alleged “extermination” would not have begun before early part
of 1944. Is it credible that during this short time, i.e., from early 1944
until the end of the war, the Germans could destroy six or five or even
three million Jews, as the various “sources” state? After all, it is a
well-known fact today that the German population knew nothing of
the existence of the Jewish camps. It is therefore unthinkable that the
Germans could have staged massacres on the scale of those committed
by their enemies on the public squares of Prague. There were only
small units on guard duty in the camps and these were later replaced
by camp police, often partly consisting of a few Jews, who kept order
and watched over the prisoners. Such an enormous gathering of Jews
equal in number to the total German armed forces can hardly be
conceived. At a time when the Germans faced the most difficult
problems concerning the transport of ammunition, food and petrol, is
it likely that they would have transported and concentrated Jews only,
instead? Can it be reasonably supposed that the mass-destruction of
millions on such a vast scale could have been kept secret? Why did
the Russian radio remain silent? And why did Western propagandists
say nothing about these would-be exterminations? Since they knew
the most intimate secrets of the German General Staff and of the
National Socialist party through spies and traitors, they would surely
have known of these “exterminations”. Why did they begin to speak
of these horrors only towards the end of hostilities?
[Page 162]
The real truth about the extermination of six million Jews must
therefore be found behind the Iron Curtain, and behind the purple
plush curtains of American politics in 1945.
How was it possible for such huge Jewish crowds to appear in
Czechoslovakia, in Poland, in Hungary and Bulgaria in the autumn of
1945 and the spring of 1946 that the populations of these countries
had to face a second occupation?
An apparently authentic Jewish witness gives the right answer to
many of these questions. He is Louis Levine, President of the
American Jewish Council for Russian Relief, who made a post-war
tour of the whole of Soviet Russia and subsequently submitted a full
account of the status of Jews in that country. “At the outset of the war,”
said Levine in Chicago on October 30th, 1946;
“Jews were amongst those first evacuated from the western
regions threatened by the Hitlerite invaders, and shipped to safety
east of the Urals. Two million Jews were thus saved.”
Here, then, are the two million Jews written off as dead, and enrolled
among the six million martyrs for world publicity and for “evidence”
at the Nuremberg Trials. After the “war criminals” were executed,
these two million Jewish refugees came out of their hiding places
behind the Urals and from other safe spots in the Soviet Union. They
emerged as fully-fledged ruling-class Bolsheviks to take over power
in the countries pushed behind the Iron Curtain.
What happened to the rest of them? Where are the other “dead” Jews?
The unbelievably rapid growth of the Jewish population in America,
Canada and South America gives a further answer to this question. We
have already referred to those Jews, about one and a half million in
number, who emigrated from Europe in 1945. We also happen to
know that forty-one thousand Jews, with the help of influential
relations and sworn affidavits, were successful in emigrating from
Europe direct to America before the Displaced Persons’ Act was
passed. We have also mentioned that before and during the Second
World War, twenty-seven to fifty percent and even sometimes as much
as eighty percent of immigrants to the U.S. consisted of Jews. During
the next five years directly following the Second World War, another
flood of Jewish immigration was sweeping through America. They
arrived either as D.P.s or as ordinary immigrants from England and
France, or perhaps as luxury passengers from behind the Iron Curtain.
[Page 163]
They came wearing the badges of Christian organisations such as the
Catholic Welfare Conference or the World Church Service. Some
came with their papers in order, others with forged passports. Jewry
had a larger share in the D.P. quota than all the other nations together.
But this did not satisfy Herbert H. Lehman, the New York Senator,
who stated that the Displaced Persons’ Act was “anti-Semitic”. But
the immigration authorities at the ports of New York and Boston and
the officials at American Consulates were far from being “anti-
Semites” for they were, almost exclusively, Jews.
According to the latest statistics, the total number of world Jewry is
about fifteen million. But if this is the case it is absolutely impossible
for either six million, or even one million, Jews to have been
“destroyed”. The number of American Jewry has risen by almost two
million since the war. Before the war, Jewish synagogues had only
4,081,242 active members. The atheists, agnostics, converts and
Communists who regarded themselves as Jews on political but not
religious grounds are not included in this figure which, in any case,
must be regarded as unreliable, since it was prepared with the sole
view of furthering Jewish interests. But we can demonstrate the
tremendous increase in the number of the American Jewish population
from the figures contained in the linguistic statistics, which, in any
case, are more reliable than those relating to creed and religion.
Last Lost Amalek
Let’s try a little mathematics:
The actual number of people disbanded divided by the number of days the camp was in operation gives a grotesquely fantastic chutzpah embellished with obscure lies.
Shame on us all for not thinking all the years. God bless you all for starting it now. 💟✝️
I have also read of the Germans moving the concentration camp victims that they had in areas outside of Germany towards Germany as the communists advanced towards Germany. And it is amazing the size, number of buildings. Number of camps the German’s built to house prisoners alone should be proof that they never intended to or did kill 6 1/2 million Jews. I don’t know if they still can be found , but there are videos of Jews claiming they had bands , entertainment, swimming pools, , a money and barter system and other things in the camps.
Some sites claim the 6 1/2 million figure goes back. Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds if years ago , the Jews using the figure whenever they wanted to use it to describe and embellish some situation the Jews were in. I’ve read many times of the Jews killing millions of Ukrainian’s under communisn, but now only find and read sympathizers stories of Jewish Holocaust victims in Ukraine.. I ‘ve read and have a few books on the Armenian Holocaust, but you only today hear about Jews being the victims. Oh! And I always wondered why Kim Kardashian loved blacks and marries them. She is an Armenian .
Jim Rizoli
Since the Soviets had control of half of Poland it makes perfect sense that many thousands of Jewish Poles ended up in the Soviet Union, and eventually other places.
They just don’t want to accept it because it messes up the 6 million deaths figure. David Cole, Eric Hunt, David Irving, and even Mark Weber might want to take note, that you can’t believe the poof theory anymore. The Jews ended up somewhere they just didn’t evaporate into thin air.
Jim Rizoli
Peter London
The six million figure is purely religious in origin. It’s a simple multiple of the six hundred thousand adult male Jews who stood on Mount Sinai with Moses at the giving of the Law. This magic number of 600,000 occurs repeatedly throughout the text of the Tanya, the chief holybook of the Lubavitch Hassidim , and it was a Lubavitch rabbi who set up the Centre Pour Documentation Juive Contemporaine, the leading promoter of the six million nonsense after the war.
Dear CFT,
I bought the copy of 1943 2nd report titled International Conciliation: Commission To Study The Organization Of Peace published by the Carnegie Peace Foundation, which does indeed confirm the 2 million jews transferred to the USSR.
I didn’t want the evidence to “disappear”.
I will post a pdf in the coming months…
I must buy a scanner first and scan it.
JB, Most printers today can scan documents and create pdfs, no need for a dedicated scanner anymore. Let us know when you get it scanned, and we’ll post it in the library. Or you can just take photos of the relevant pages with your phone, and then convert those photos to pdfs…..
Big Foot
CFC wonders,
“Why hasn’t the official 6 Million™ total been adjusted down to accommodate these facts? Need we ask?”
Actually, we should. This is the 6 million Dollar question, which needs an answer. An answer which touched on the Sabbatean Frankist Messianic Kabbalistic “prophesy” It is a Messianic Idea, extracted from the hearsay of Jewish Mysticism of Kabbalah, which “prophesied” that before the Jews “returned” to Israel, and before “Redemption” and the coming of their “Messiah” Six Million Jews would have to first disappear” in the “Burning oven” in a kind of Kabbalistic Holocaust sacrifices,
Its also treated as “An Article Of Faith” as a figure prophesied in their religious books, Therefore that number of the dead Jews during World War II, had to agree with the Kabbalistic prophecy, which claimed that God said, “You Shall Return Minus Six Million”. So, it is useless to explore the reason why the number is not changed, even if authentic reports , from reputable authorities, have tended to reduce the claims number of the Jews who died, by more than a half.
“The Holocaust Dogma of Judaism Is an Article of Faith and a Doctrine of Belief of Jewish Religious History Adjudicated By Their Rabbis According To Talmudic Law and Kabbalistic Tradition As such, no scientific evidence as used in the courts of the West—whether documented in a statistical, forensic, engineering, chemical, or mechanical form—can alter the Jewish Faith in their Dogma.” (Ben Weintraub, Holocaust Dogma Of Judaism.)
The Six Million figure plays the role of convincing the International Jewry, that the Kabbalistic prophesy of “Return” and “Redemption” had now been fulfilled, and that the prophesied “Messianic Times” are now at hand. This legitimizes the creation of the state of Israel, the return of the Jews, as a kind of divine justification for the persecution and uprooting of Palestinians. It is all Messianicism!
Most Jews believe in the “Holocaust” the way white Christian children believe in Santa Claus. The difference is that the white Christian children grow up to know better, and the adult Jews still believe.
However, the vast majority of Jews are not religious, and they do not believe in Kabbalah or Frankist nonsense, or “messianic” right to return. Only a small fraction of Jews believe that.
There are religious Neturei Karta Jews that do not believe Israel is legitimate, because they say the Jews had to repent of their sin before they could return, and they haven’t.
Most non-religious Jews if pushed on the issue would probably concede that 6 million Jews didn’t die in the Holocaust, as the number to them is not sacred, per se, but they still would insist that it happened, like your mentor Henry Makow, who pushes this “frankist sabbatean” distraction.
Del Conover
Most of the original founders of the state of Israel were not religious at all. They were hard-bitten atheists and communists mostly from Russia and eastern Europe who actually hated religious Jews.
David Ben Gurion was one of those atheists who thought that religious Jews were a nuisance and an impediment to creating a modern, progressive political power in the Middle East. Most high-level Israeli politicians today merely give lip service to the rabbis, tolerate them and nothing more.
Most Israelis are atheists, who believe Jews need their own country and army to protect themselves from “another” so-called Holocaust. Pragmatic, not religious.
There are two types of “messianic Judaism”: the religious and the secular. Since most Jews are atheists, the secular form of messianic Judaism is the most practiced and well-known.
Secular “messianic Judaism” is communism, and communism has always had its messianic figures, all Jews, of course, like Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, and even Castro.
And it is a historical fact that the charge of “6 Million” dead Jews in World War II came largely from communist sources, both Soviet and their fellow travelers in the West.
Today, those secular Jews use the 6 Million mantra to destroy and discredit anyone who opposes their communist agenda.
The 6 Million is the ultimate blood libel against not just National Socialist Germany, but against the entire white Christian race, the number one enemy of these secular messianic Jews.
Here’s another prominent one who literally ‘struck gold’ to gain his fortune, a common method jews use to legalise smuggled gold:
“Gutnick’s father, Rabbi Shneur Chaim HaKohen Gutnick, was born in Zolotonosha, Ukraine, in 1921. He studied at the Telshe yeshiva in Lithuania until 1940 when the country was annexed by the Soviet Union and, via the far east, came to Cairns, Australia in 1941.”
The Jews have many and powerful friends in Europe, men of their own race occupying positions of great influence. – New York Times, 1905
339 A.D. – Rome banned jews from owning [White] Christian slaves
[jews use C.E. (((Common era))) to avoid having to use Christianity’s A.D. [Anno Domini, meaning (‘in the year of Our Lord’).]
Shlomo Bergsteinowitz
“OY VEY, the Goyim are getting too smart! Maybe we should knock down some more skyscrapers & this time, have our MSM blame it on White, rosary clutching Christian Nationalists!”
By either exposing the holohoax or that 9/11 was an Israeli masterminded false flag, either one would slowly crumble the Zionist stranglehold on Gentiles.
“The majority of the German Jews succeeded in leaving Germany before the war broke out.”
–World Jewish Congress publication “Unity in Dispersion” (p. 377)
The same is true of Poland.
It had over 3 million Jews prior to WWII, but at Nuremberg they claimed the Germans had killed all but 80,000. This was a blatant lie. Well over a million Jews fled Poland prior to the German invasion in 1939, seeking refuge deep in Soviet territory.
Only 40% of the inmates at Auschwitz were Jews. That fact alone demolishes the Holocaust narrative.
After the war, there was a pogrom in Kielce, which caused almost 150,000 Jews in Poland to flee to West Germany, an amazing accomplishment if there were only 80,000 Jews left in Poland in 1945.
This is probably true of younger Juden. But many remained in the “Vaterland” still claiming their city , unter die Linden.
Jews profited from therr penultimate victim before , during, and after the war . (1and2) .
Many hopped over into the Schwiez (Switzerland) a real israel and waited until the end . Never underestimate Satan . Millions , who would enrich the USA with jewry in Jew York, Miami and Milwaaaaakie … that begins another episode of their life of parasitism.
I recall reading (in a mainstream book) that there were tens of thousands of Jews still living openly in Berlin at the end of WWII in 1945. Many of them, it seems, were married to ethnic Germans.
Øh Mæn
This website never ceases to amaze me. So many lies exposed. I used to think I was pretty well-versed in Jewish dissimulation, but every other article I read here peels back another layer of the onion of corruption.
President of Israel, David Ben Gurion knew all about the shell game being played on the world and the missing Jews.
Ben Gurion stated that although the official Jewish population of America was said to be 5,600,000, “the total number would not be estimated too high at 9,000,000” (Deutsche Wochenzeitung, November 23rd, 1963).
In other words, millions of Jews who died in the Holocaust actually emigrated to America after WWII, often entering illegally and “unofficially” with the help of the likes of Lyndon Johnson in Texas.
J. Barth
Jews considered forced emigration to be the moral equivalent of “mass extermination”.
If a Jew is forced to leave Germany, he has been “murdered” in the eyes of Jewry, or so claimed Gollancz and Feuchtwanger in the 1936 polemic “The Yellow Spot: The Extermination of 500,000 German Jews”
Texan, You can find more about Crypto LBJ,
and his (((associates))):
“Johnson’s Hidden Loyalties” [Secret Ethnicity]
And even more in the comments on this USS Liberty post: