During a recent interview on the Stew Peters show, Patrick King — a private citizen in Alberta, Canada — explained how he represented himself in court after being fined $1200 dollars for protesting against the COVID lockdowns — and challenged his fine in court. He issued a subpoena to the Provincial Health Minister — Dr. Deena Hinshaw — for scientific proof that the so-called COVID-19 “virus” has been isolated and exists, which forced them to admit that they had no such evidence whatsoever to justify the lockdowns and restrictions.
The virus has never been isolated, and thus the government had no legal grounds to impose any of the punishing restrictions they have inflicted on society. Since this shocking confession by the court came to light, the Province has since rescinded all COVID restrictions — and predictably, many Albertans who are suffering from Stockholm Syndrome — a situation where hostages develop an unhealthy bond and identification with their captives — are upset that these draconian and useless restrictions have been lifted.
When asked by the press why she lifted the restrictions, the Provincial Health Minister involved in this case — Dr. Deena Hinshaw — made no mention of the fact that her office bungled the court case and had admit to the court that she had no legal standing to continue to enforce these restrictions. Instead, she lamely and disingenuously said, “With the vaccine readily available, the need for the types of extraordinary restrictions we used in the past has diminished.”
A so-called “fact check” news site claimed to have debunked the idea that Patrick King successfully challenged the lockdown in court, but in doing so misrepresented the finding that the Justice of the Peace did not have jurisdiction to issue the subpoena — a technicality that Mr. King challenged because the judge had the obligation to advise the self-represented Mr. King that the Justice of the Peace did not have proper jurisdiction for the subpoena — but rather another judge needed to sign the subpoena. In order to get the case thrown out on this jurisdictional challenge, the court had to violate Mr. King’s legal rights in doing so — which provided the legal “template” for any other citizen in Alberta to challenge their fines in the future.
Even so-called Rebel News — the Jewish-controlled strictly kosher alt-right group in Canada — ran a hit piece on Patrick King, completely ignoring the legal nuances of the case — while promoting their own legal challenges that have utterly failed. They clearly want to discourage others from challenging their COVID tickets in court the way Patrick King did.
It should be noted that there has been a virtual media blackout in Canada about his case — and even the video of Patrick King speaking to reporters after his court case has been censored.
The Vice website posted clips of the presser as part of their superficial hits piece to discredit King — but you can watch Patrick King explain why this case is not over — many more legal challenges will follow.
And keep in mind, the Canadian government wants you to think that Patrick King utterly failed — which is why even many of the controlled non-mainstream news sites attacked him. They want you to believe that the system is “rigged” and that you, as a citizen, cannot fight them. This is a textbook tactic of “demoralization” that the communists entrenched in the Canadian government use to consolidate power — as explained by KGB defector, Yuri Bezmenov. “Resistance is futile.”
Clearly what happened is that after the court debacle with Patrick King, Alberta’s Health Ministry decided to lift the COVID restrictions — at least temporarily — before another citizen successfully challenged their ticket in court without making the snafus in King’s case — which would force the court to compel the Health Minister to lift the restrictions legally. This gives the corrupt courts time to discuss how they are going to handle any future citizen challenges like King’s — and bog down any similar cases with mountains of legal hoops and roadblocks.
Watch the interview with Patrick King explaining exactly how he threw a legal monkey wrench into the works that sent panic through the powers-that-be in Canada:
Is the Stew Peters show legitimate? I heard he used to have a show on Alex Jones’s Info Wars.
I have stopped watching Steve Bannon’s War Room thanks to your posts. You say Trump is not a Patriot right?
Blue collar intellect and common sense is a highly underrated commodity.
“resistance is futile”… kinda makes me think of “who can make war with the beast? – Revelation 13:4…
This has Already Been broardly done like in Ireland since last year using Free of Information acts with the govt. failing completely in supplying any virus isolation or indentification data whatsoever Yet restriction enforcement et al continued unabated. In reality a judge would simply consider any such request irrelevant to the charge being faced and throw it out. Also too the restrictions ended there in Alberta a Full Month before this character claims he ever appeared in court—-> ITS A FAKE NEWS PSYOP
That’s incorrect. The Health Ministry announced the lifting of the restrictions on August 4th, the same say that the court “dismissed” King’s case. But the case had been brought the previous week or earlier, and it was obvious at that time that they had a serious legal problem on their hands. Recall that King was recalled to appear in court on the weekend of July 31st/Aug 1st, which was a violation of his rights. So King initially fought his case during the week of July 26 to July 30, a week before the lifting of the restrictions were announced on the 4th.
Wrong. I live in Alberta.
Restrictions were lifted July 1st.
NOT August 4th.
Pat King is a grifter who has run every protest movement anytime anything happens in this province. He is simply trying to claim credit and make himself look like a hero.
Watch his fall from grace as the restrictions either come back in the fall, or the “private sector” totally mandates vaccines as they’re already doing here. Banff just announced that all their employees, in the WHOLE PARK AND TOWN must be vaxxed.
Thanks, Pat!
You’re blaming Patrick King for the lockdowns and mandatory vaccines? They’ve been planning this for years. According the following article, dated July 28, 2021, during King’s trial, Alberta announced that it was set to lift restrictions, but hadn’t done it yet. That’s 25 days after you are claiming:
Win Back The West, Is that you Ezra Levant?