On Friday, President Donald Trump threatened to close the US-Mexico border if Mexico fails to stop migrants from entering the US. With Mexico known to be the number one supplier of avocados to the US, media quickly predicted fruit shortages in the country:
Steve Barnard, chief executive of Mission Produce, the world’s largest distributor and grower of avocados, told Reuters that Americans would run out of the green fruit in three weeks if their imports from Mexico stopped.
“You couldn’t pick a worse time of year because Mexico supplies virtually 100 per cent of the avocados in the US right now. California is just starting and they have a very small crop, but they’re not relevant right now and won’t be for another month or so”, Barnard warned.
The remarks came a few days after US President Donald Trump pledged that he would close the Mexican border to “all trade” if the US neighbour did not stop migrant caravans from reaching his country.
Mexican Secretary of Foreign Affairs Marcelo Ebrard responded by saying that Mexico “does not act on the basis of threats”.
…Forbes, in turn, claimed that Americans should not worry too much about running out of avocados because the US also gets them from California, Peru and Florida.
If we are to believe this fear propaganda, Americans have become so addicted to their Mexican food that they are willing to let millions of Mexicans and other assorted ethnic Latinos illegally swarm over the border. The thought that they might not have guacamole for their tortilla chips makes their blood run cold. A few million migrants roaming our streets and raping our women and children is a small price to pay for all-you-can-eat nachos on Taco Tuesday.
There was a time less than 40 years ago that California produced enough avocados that we didn’t need to worry about getting them from Mexico. But all those avocado orchards were cut down to make way for the demand for cheap housing, which was caused by virtually unrestricted “immigration” from Mexico, forcing Whites to move further out into land formerly dedicated to agriculture. But for some, this has become a serious “moral” dilemma: low-cost avocados versus a secure border. That it’s even a consideration suggests that America has seriously lost its way.
This is certainly the chuckle of the day! I couldn’t agree more…
Hmmm…Ive made it over 50 years without eating an avocado, think I’ll survive a border closure. Lemme see…tacobell running short of guacamole or no mexicans murdering, raping and stealing from the welfare system, clogging the public institutions like hospitals and bringing diseases in…wonder which I would choose…