What was once thought to be a scattering of ancient stone huts on the outskirts of Johannesburg, South Africa, has been transformed into a “thriving city,” lost to history for 200 years, thanks to White technology and White archeologists:
Beneath the dense vegetation, there isn’t much to see with the naked eye. And after three decades of careful research, archaeologists in South Africa have barely scratched the surface of this long-lost settlement.
Now, however, thanks to the cutting-edge laser technology of LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), this site has been revealed for what it truly was: a veritable metropolis, made up of hundreds of households and trade networks.
The research has brought this city, called Kweneng, back to life. Home to a Tswana-speaking ethnic group, Kweneng’s 800 homesteads are now thought to have housed no less than 10,000 people.
“What this means is filling in a huge historical gap, especially for southern Africa, because we know pre-colonial history of southern Africa has no written record,” explains Fern Imbali Sixwanha, an archaeologist at the University of Witwatersrand involved in the research.
“So now we’re starting to fill in the gaps using this LIDAR technology.”
It’s the same technology that scientists used to locate that ancient Mayan megalopolis early last year. Today, it’s helping to fill a massive historical blindspot in southern Africa.
Bouncing billions of laser light pulses off the lower western slopes of the Suikerbosrand hills near Johannesburg, the researchers were able to virtually ‘see’ through all the vegetation and preconceived notions that have obscured this once bustling city.
Studies now reveal that Kweneng, which spanned about 20 square kilometres (8 square miles), was at its prime between the 15th and 19th century. And in its heyday, the researchers think it was probably a rich and thriving city.
Several pairs of parallel rock walls suggest there were numerous passageways into the city, many of which look like cattle drives, built to herd cows and other livestock through parts of the city.
What’s more, in the middle of Kweneng are remnants of two massive enclosures, which together take up a space estimated at 10,000 square metres (108,000 square feet). Archaeologists on the case think these may have been kraals that housed nearly a thousand head of cattle.
But just like many other Tswana cities, this one is also thought to have fallen into decline after civil unrest.
Gone are the citizens, the stone towers, the homesteads, the livestock, the wealth. Thanks to LIDAR, however, the history will live on.
Blacks can’t falsify history on their own, so mostly White do-gooders are more than happy to do it for them, and in this case, using sophisticated 3-D computer modeling.
Judging from these computer-generated pictures, what we are looking at is not, in fact, a “city” by any White standards — by White standards it can only be no more than a collection of stone huts and animal enclosures, but by Black standards, that’s the equivalent of ancient Rome, one would think.
But this is just one example of how far Whites are willing to go to make Blacks feel like they’ve accomplished something in their collective past that’s worthy of anyone’s attention.
As the article above freely admits, prior to White colonists, there was “no written record” anywhere in sub-Saharan Africa.
With no written language, the Africans had no way of transmitting their history or “culture” from one generation to another.
Whites had to teach Africans how to read and write in their own languages, and now they are teaching them to make up a history that never happened, just so Blacks can feel better about themselves.
I have insight that is relevant to this that may explain alot….
Years ago, I am ashamed to say, I was a textbook “Liberal” before our eternal king, Christ called me home…I was also a mid-tier musician career wise. While most of my family was made up of a legacy of 400 years of fishermen/Baptist missionaries, I had rebelled, and found moderate success in the heavy-metal/progressive metal scene. Although we didnt get “famous” per sey, we did open up for many famous musicians and therefore were invited to parties with wealthy Liberal elite from all careers and various business, political, and financial backgrounds. This, by the way, is not a humblebrag. I am DISGUSTED with that period of my life…Full of drugs, and fornication, and sin. In fact, I am STILL shocked and humbled that Christ would even call out to scum like me.
Anyway, that context is needed, so that you understand that these were self styled “important people”. Back then in fact, I didnt even know what a “jew” was other then being told they were special and “chosen by God”….What a fool I was…..
They were discussing how to make multiculturalism work. It was the 1980s, and since they had desegregated blacks and whites through Jewish influence as most Liberals believed it was “time to make up for our wrongs” and other fake morality (yes, myself included I am ashamed to say) blacks and whites were still self segregating. One big problem was that whenever blacks DID move into white communities, crime and drugs followed. And so they discussed over drinks how “Its only because of thier low self esteem. If we invent stories and histories that raise that self esteem, they will feel better about themselves and inter-mix easier with the American and European caucasians. By raising thier self esteem, and putting some of them in respectable professions, they can feel equal to whites and be less inclined to commit crimes”.
ALL they got for thier efforts, was a people who were arrogant violent criminals, who now felt justified and cheated out of thier “rightful place at the top.”….Now the race that has accomplished the least, HATES races of accomplishments, because they now believe that these racial groups (especially whites and asians) hid thier “Great history” from them….When in fact its Jews and Liberal elite who sold them a false history….White Liberals thought they were fixing black high crime, at least most that I knew. Jews, I am convinced, had a more “sinister” motivation.
I also believed that excluding blacks was “racist” and wrong back then….God humbles those who exalt themselves with self righteousness. In 1996, some of these “same as us” blacks and a Latino, kidnapped my 11 year old daughter from a school bus stop, along with the neighbors 10 year old daughter. They assaulted them in the worst ways, beat them and left them for dead. My daughter has brain damage from the incident, and all these years later still has speech impediments and emotional trauma. The neighbors daughter didnt survive.
When they played the race card in court , snickering at our family, and got light sentences, I lost my cool and attacked one of them, getting more time in prison then they did for the assault and branded a “racist”.
Our people have NO IDEA how the lies they are immersed in will eventually destroy them, or those they love.
The only way to move on the right path, is through Christ our Lord. And the only truth is Christ. Not the “Judea Christian” nonsense that corrupted our people, as they forgot that Judaism is the antithesis of Christianity….But through the TRUE word of God, putting what the good book SAYS before what people WANT to hear.
I dont want to lie to any of you, so I did change the date of the attack on my daughter to hide my identity.
Thanks for reading, brothers and sisters.
God bless, protect, and strengthen you all!
What a horror. God bless you and your daughter and family, I hope everything goes well now. Do you live in SA? I feel you because I have such a similar story though now I try to live by the word of God and atone for the same type of life. I thank God I found Him, before I lived blindly. I really was touched by this post. The things we believed then! The lies we swallowed! The scales fell away from our eyes when God directed it.
So blacks had no written language up until whites arrived, really, who said so, the white man?
Whites said that Australia was uninhabited and then proceeded to try and commit genocide against the indigenous people there.
So many of you whites are just plain ignorant, but don’t let that stop you. Whatever blacks do, you won’t believe. What makes whites think that they are more truthful, honest and better?
Keep on believing the fiction that the ignorant keep on telling you.
The burden of proof is on you, Laquan. Tell us, what written language did Black Africans have prior to White exploration and colonization of Africa?
Whites were the ones who wrote down and systematized Swahili because the Blacks had never done it for themselves. Go ahead. Give us an example of just ONE written sub-Saharan Black language that you can prove was used and survives even to this day. Just one.
You don’t refute a point merely by saying you don’t like it or you disagree with it–you refute it by giving concrete proof that it is demonstrably false. You have failed to do this. Calling into question White’s honesty is not “proof”.
Whites have helped Blacks in Africa for hundreds of years to develop their countries–why would we “lie” about your history?
Whites were the ones who first created museums of African art and culture–not Blacks. Think about that.
If Whites are trying to “hide” Black culture and history, why did we spend millions of dollars creating these Black history museums? You make no sense, Laquan. Think about it.
Well said, brother Lanny!
Laquan is like many of his brethren, he hates out of envy. Over time I have begun to understand that blacks who go on about how evil whites exploited them all over the place this way and that way – cannot stand the truth that whites progressed faster and reached higher civilizations achievements than they did.
Whites can admit when northeast Asian or Ashkenazi Jews have higher IQs. However blacks truly hate whites and would rather believe fairytales. Like more melanin is better, all whites evolved from Africans, etc. We were in caves when they were living in Wakanda (a fictional place that today many black people actually think crosses into reality somehow). Hmmm….
Jews and Asians do not have higher IQs than Whites. How do we know this? Objective proof? If Jews and Whites had higher IQs, their societies would be more advanced and they would be inventing everything, not Whites. It’s that simple. And they do not.
When the Jews took over Russia in 1917, they ran it into the ground and destroyed everything, produced nothing. Israel is a welfare state, dependent on Germany and America. It is dependent on White technology. China is dependent on America and Europe for all its wealth and technology.
So whatever those IQ tests are measuring, it’s not real intelligence.
Because he or she or even it
has the lowest I.Q. in the world
this fool doesn’t seem to realize
everything or most of what he or she typed
mirrors, reflects their kind meaning race, ethnicity
they never show proof in what they say they just expect people to take their word for it like their word is actually
truth what a laugh. white people have been exhibiting
the truth to blacks for centuries, decades about how
inferior they truly are than they have the audacity
atrocity to call white people ignorant when they
themselves are the number one naive, ignorant
oblivious, benighted, clueless, uneducated
unbeknownst, vacuous, vacuity, troglodytes
in the world.
Don’t confuse laquan, his brain exploded about one paragraph into your statement. U should write it in ebonics
Lanny thanks for posting!
Dindus like that CLOWN laquan think they WUZ KANGZ!
No one has to tell anyone anything. “Know them by thier fruits” as Christ said.
Whites built nations that people cant trip over each other fast enough to get into.
Blacks have nations that they cant trip over each other fast enough to get out of.
When whites were set free from the Barbary slave trade, they fled the middle east as fast as they could.
When blacks were freed in the Trans Atlantic (BOTH situations ended by whites, at the cost of hundreds of thousands of white lives) they couldnt have tried harder to STAY in the white nation they claim they were “oh so oppressed” in….
If the prospect of getting off ones butt and moving to your home continent is more of a hassle then your so-called “oppression”…Believe me, your NOT oppressed.
Blacks slaughter each other in mass numbers, from the Bantu Expansion to the Liberian Cannibal wars..From the Congolese massacre to the Streets of Chicago…The Haitians, the streets of LA, We see this wholesale bloodshed in REAL TIME in our own, observable age…When it comes to the “Sins of whites” you all dwell on, its ALWAYS sometime in the mists of the past….NEVER something observable and without justification.
In a natural disaster, whites assemble to help and get relief to those who suffer.
Blacks create carpools to loot the victims.
When whites riot, they do so for political justice, not for personal gain, such as the tea thrown into the Ocean….
When blacks riot, they loot and pillage smiling as they run down the street with a new TV.
Blacks have a ZERO percent pass rate in studies in New York, South Africa, and elsewhere, and blame “whites” and the “racist system” for thier own low achievements….
Whites had to BUILD schools, because when they began there WERE no “systems” or schools to blame.
Sorry, but the afro-centric lies are dying out, because people can SEE the truth with their own eyes. And despite our enemies manipulating some of our “White Liberals” through media and universities, every time blacks gun each other down, loot a dollar store, or carjack innocent whites, they wake more and more of our people.
People are turning back to God, and God is opening thier eyes to the truth of the beasts of the field. The ride is almost over for the heathens who plunder the lands given to the children of light by God.
More and more, people SEE, which means your only lying to yourself.
Good post!
Just proves Blacks are a sub species and are the dumbest animals in the world since they all think they are so oppressed!
PLUS The don’t even have the morals to take any responsibility for their own actions since it’s always blame DA WHITE MAN!
Yes, blacks are beasts of the field since they are descendants of HOMO ERECTUS.
You have so much knowledge, can you show us how this is wrong? Do you have the receipts so to speak? No. You don’t
“Laquan”, the jokes just write themselves, with your name.
Mesopotamia was where civilization came from.
Everything you use to insult us, electricity, the computer, the ‘Net, language didn’t come from “Mother Africa”.
You are an offshoot, a subspecies of human, we are NOT the same, and I’m tired of pretending we are.
That Bobby Jan Swatz’s farm. Apparently foot and mouth coupled with another land theft collapsed the great economic endeavour.
This must be the predecessor to Wakanda, so in the absence of a written language, why don’t the archeologists try to find out what these pre-Wakandans left on their advanced computers?
/sarcasm off
The reason why Cultural Marxist archaeology can get away with this job on African ruins that clearly belong to the Nuragic civilisation of Sardinia and Africa is because they have airbrushed the Rephaim and their Phonecian / Canaanite peoples out of the historical narrative. Does not fit the evolutionary theory that the goys are supposed to believe. An outfit called Gen6 is tracking this with expeditions and videos and lectures.
All this multiple dimensions and string theory and other such related crap is really just Jewish mystical Kabbalah lies!
But we wuz KANGS an shit….
This is the high tech version of lying on your back and staring at clouds. utter crap!
“the citizens, the stone towers, the homesteads, the livestock, the wealth”
Citizens? Blacks have no concept of “citizenry”.
Stone towers? You mean piles of rocks.
Homesteads? Is that what dirt floor, one story mud and dung huts are now?
Livestock? There is no evidence being presented that these “enclosures” housed “livestock”. I find it more realistic that it is where they herded their human cattle.
Wealth? Seriously? No written language, no running water or sewage system, no roadways…but there HAD to be wealth. Yeah, wealth alright – a wealth of savagery, poverty, disease, death, and…flies!
Well said.
Dats Wakanda! I seent it! Dats Wakanda
And the Blacks waited for the Jews of Hollywood to create a make-believe African Utopia, Wakanda, (in the movie “Black Panther”) for them because they couldn’t make even a fictional Black civilization on their own, let alone a real one.