England and Ireland have the largest and fastest growing populations of Africans in Europe, and Black missionaries from Africa are converting them to ‘Christianity’ at such a rate that they now comprise the majority of Christians in many cities:
Africa was once known as the “Dark Continent,” but Europe may deserve that label now. A majority of African nations today are Christian. A majority of Europeans say they are now either atheist or have “no religion.”
In the past 20 years, church buildings have been shut down by the thousands and put up for sale.
But Europe is being re-evangelized just like early European missionaries to Africa and Asia had prayed for back in the 1800s.
Dr. Harvey Kwiyani, professor of African Christianity and Theology at Liverpool Hope University in England, grew up in a Malawi village first evangelized by British missionary David Livingstone.
He says what early missionaries had prayed for something called “the blessed reflex.”
“That there’s going to be a reflex in the future when Christians from Africa, from Asia would come back to strengthen British or European Christianity,” he said.
And today, dynamic Bible-believing immigrant churches can be found in virtually every European capital.
After years of decline, church attendance in London is finally growing again. But it’s not growing because of traditional churches. It’s growing because of African churches.
“In London, on any given Sunday, over 60% of people who attend church are black Africans going to African Pentecostal churches,” Kwiyani said.
African heritage Britons, just 14 percent of London’s population, now account for over half of the city’s church attendance.
After Ireland made a radical turn away from the institutional catholic church to secularism, there is now fresh fire, thanks to Christian immigrants known as “the new Irish.”
Pastor Tunde Oke oversees the Nigerian-based Redeemed Christian Church of God in Ireland, which now has more than 100 churches.
“The Irish came to Africa many years ago and did so much. They didn’t just bring a religion, they brought a better life…schools, hospitals, and all of that,” Oke said, “and the Africans are bringing it back here. And for us to come back to Ireland and to see Ireland in the state that it is in, it encourages us to do a whole lot more.”
…Pastor Sean Mullarkey of St Marks in Dublin says there are now church plants all over Ireland because of the immigrants, “in little rural towns that could never have been reached if it wasn’t for the fact that God has brought in these people. They’ve become these new Irish.”
And Kwiyani believes this new movement in Europe “will redefine what it means to be a missionary in this century.”
“Somehow God has a sense of humor,” Pastor Oke said, “because now that things are becoming a lot more secular, God is bringing the harvest back to the people who brought Jesus to us.”
This has nothing to do with God’s ‘sense of humor’ and much more to do with His anger toward the English and Irish who have turned their back on Him.
Yes, the Catholic Church did a brilliant job to ensure that the Irish would turn their backs on Christianity, but the Protestant churches have done their share in making a mockery of true Christianity as well.
And God will use these African migrants — and all other racial aliens — in England and Ireland as ‘rods of chastisement’ to punish His true children for turning away from Him.
And yes, as our White European lands become flooded with these racial aliens, it better re-Christianize our people because that’s the only thing that is going to save us from being consumed by them.
But the English and Irish don’t need missionaries from Africa to re-Christianize them. The Irish have known who the one true God is for the last nearly 2,000 years.
There’s a reason that the Lia Fail, Jacob’s ‘stone of destiny’ was in Ireland. The Irish legend has it that Jeremiah brought the stone of destiny to Ireland along with Israelites to marry into the Irish nobility.
There’s a reason that the term “British” comes from the Hebrew “B’rith” and “Ish” or “People of the Covenant”.
It’s time to rediscover who they really are and ask God to return to them.
mr white
Ireland is for the Irish people!
blacks dont belong in Ireland! period – deport all of them
Nothing wrong with blacks being Christians. They can do it in Africa. They don’t need to do it in white countries.
If whites aren’t going to church, it’s the fault of the churches. They are preaching Jew-worship instead of Jesus-worship.
Yes, blacks (and any non-white for that matter) can consciously choose to follow the tenets of Christianity for which they would be blessed, but they can never be considered actual ‘Christians’. To do so makes a mockery of Christ Himself, His family, and the entire purpose of His life and sacrifice.
Eric T.
CINO’s, or Christians In Name Only. The Age of Fishers ended over 1,000 years ago when the Good News of Christ had reached all of the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel across Europe. Since that time, Christians have risked life and limb to bring the Word to those for whom it was never intended with very little to show for it.
Without the constant vigilance of White missionaries, Christianity in the Third World always reverts back to totemism and voodoo. God clearly did not right the truth upon their hearts as he did the Israelites.
Good Lord! What a lot of scriptural ignorance is on display in some of the comments here. Now, I am no biblical know-it-all; far from it! but, it begs the question: do people really just read the Holy Bible and not pay attention and try to link things together? I try my mightyest to join the dots, so to speak. But, I really don’t mean to sound harsh and be too judgemental, for God decides when to reveal His truth to His sheep.
It says in Judges that the Israelites kept battling the Moabites and eventually defeated them and went and lived in the land of Moab… and then in Ruth that she was from Moab… so, if Ruth was a Moabitess, why would God let a Moabite, whom he told Israel to battle, then suddenly say it was all fine to intermarry with them, letalone be an ancestor of Jesus Christ Himself!? A purebred cat that has a scruffy street cat as a mum is no longer a purebred cat. Jesus was PURE. As people have pointed out, to read those passages as God allowing racial intermarrage is a very poor misreading. Ruth was an Israelite living in Moab. An Indian from New Delhi living in England does not make him an Englishman! The same goes for those contending that the Ethiopian was a darkie! Yahweh God commanded Israel to be a separate people… so why would Philip take the Word to a darkie? That is such a silly notion. The Ethiopian was obviously white. GOD HATES FORNICATION (race mixing)! I pray that Israel awaken soon. Thank you and God bless. May God open more of our brethrens eyes to the truth.
The book of Ruth makes it quite clear that she was a Moabitess. That may not fit with your warped view of scripture, but scripture says what it does and God could not careless what you want to twist.
John 3
Nowhere does scripture say that Ruth was a racial Moabite. All we know is that she lived in Moab. All throughout scripture we see examples of people living in lands different from their kinsmen. We know from the Bible that it would be inappropriate and unacceptable to take a wife from an alien tribe. Look at how troubled Rebecca was when Esau took the wrong kind of wife. Use common sense, and don’t be so literal minded.
Emmanuel D'souza
“Moabite” in Hebrew is “Mō’ābī (מוֹאָבִי)” which is formed by suffixing the letter “Yōd (‘)”, which means “of” or “my” to “Mō’āb (מוֹאָב)”, which means “from father” since it is formed by prefixing “Me- (מ)”, a short form of “Mīnne (מִן)”, which means “from”, “so that” to “Ab (אָב)”, the Hebraic term for “father”.
Thus, “Mō’āb ” means “from father” because Moab was a product of marriage between Lot (Loot) and his daughters. So, a daughter of Yisrā’ēl could not marry a son of Mō’āb because he was a BASTARD.
Anti-Christ Jews were the one who started lecturing the world about the “evils” of “racism” about 100 years ago. Prior to that, racial realism was accepted as reality in polite company. But Jews used their domination of the media to make us feel guilty about wanting to racially separate ourselves and keep our societies homogeneous.
The same Jews infiltrated Christianity and brought their ‘anti-racist’ dogma into the churches and started preaching against it, and elevated it into the status of a sin, which is completely anti-scriptural. God created the different races and separated them and wanted us to keep it that way, especially the Israelites.
If we don’t separate ourselves racially, we will end up worshiping strange gods, and take racial aliens as wives and lose our connection to our God forever. That’s the game that’s being played on Christians to guilt them into not being ‘racists’.
There is such a interesting irony that occurs in the comments here at CFT that I have taken notice to. I have nonticed that CFT obviously deals in racial reality, and if you didn’t see the same theme, you would not even read the articles, let alone comment on them…and that is where the phrase “Christians for Truth” presents itself unabashedly.
If you consider yourself a Christian, and you are searching for what you consider “the truth”, you will come face-to-face with racial reality. There is no other way around it – unless you are searching for substantiation to dogma and doctrine rather than TRUTH. I’m here to tell you, I came to ‘racial reality’ through Christ and not through some ‘racist organization’. I understood what it was going to mean to accept ‘racial reality’ even at that time. But it’s time to wake up, my universalist brethren – ANY propaganda backed by the jew is ANTI-CHRISTIAN, and that is exactly what ‘racism’ is.
Here is a link to my blog. Much of my writings are in notation form as they were written as an oral presentation – maybe it’s time I made audio recordings – but still very much understood when read. One such blog entitled “Biblical Race?” lays the groundwork for the Scriptural validity of the ‘evil’ known as ‘racism’… https://www.reverbnation.com/page_object/page_object_blogs/artist_4811607
Typical msm claptrap – da black man gonna rescue Whitey!
Irish Savant
Africans see Christianity in a totally different way to Whites. Africans would see nothing wrong in praying to Jesus to infect an enemy with ebola. They see the Christian God as the most powerful ‘big man’ who they need to honour and then reap the earthly rewards.
Those black Christian leaders are the only ones to stand up against sodomy and other forms of degeneracy. They put the white ‘Christian’ leaders to shame.
If we need the moral guidance of Blacks to deal with degeneracy, we might as well hang it up right now — we are done. We don’t need Blacks, but they need us. It’s a one-way street.
Blacks are also known to be very hypocritical about homosexuality, publicly speaking out against it, then engaging in it on “the down low”. If women aren’t available to have sex with, Blacks will have sex with men, as in prisoners. Black male prostitutes will have sex with men then claim they aren’t really gay. Black sexuality is ‘polymorphically perverse’ and their stance against homosexuality can hardly be taken seriously.
I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Jesus also said Go ye therefore unto ALL NATIONS. Always you select a verse in isolation and destroy the universal call of the gospel. Please reconsider your positions.
Scripture cannot contradict itself; therefore, how can they both be true? When Christ said go unto all nations, He must have meant to all the nations where the 12 Tribes of Jacob/Israel dwelt. Otherwise, you’ve made Christ a liar who contradicts Himself, and He cannot do that. Therefore, the term ‘all nations’ must be contained within the phrase ‘the lost Tribes of the House of Israel.’ And it certainly is. Your motivation to make Christ contradict Himself is dishonest to say the least.
Russ, you make a mockery of God just to satisfy your morbid racial egalitarianism that is nowhere in scripture.
John 3
It’s obvious from watching Black congregations that they don’t understand or apprehend Christ they way Whites do. For Blacks, “Jeeeesus” is much more a figure of superstition who arbitrarily doles out punishment and rewards. For Blacks, God is the “Big Cadillac Dealer In The Sky” who showers them with goodies if they can restrain themselves from rape, robbery and murder.
For White people, as Paul observed, Christ is our “kinsman redeemer”; he shares our bloodline. He is literally a member of our extended ancestral family. Blood is thicker than water, as they say. Our connection to Him isn’t merely a mental abstraction or a metaphysical posturing. We, as a people, have followed Him from the time He walked on earth to this very day. It is both a physical and a profound spiritual connection we share with him.
Yes, some truth for a change.
I have witnessed many white American Christian prosperity preachers tread the sky and streets in their multi million dollar enterprise vehicles while living in their mansions and on their ranches… Who have manipulated and deceived the sheep. Who have led a faux church full of idolatry and tax evasion…and many more sins. Christ is for all people of all nationalities, of all races, of all tongues. Did he not tell his disciples to go out and preach the gospel to the four corners of the earth? Missing the mark makes a mockery of the Holy Spirit. It would be mindful that American Blacks were originally introduced to Jesus by their Christian slave owners…the only positive outcome of that terrible American national sin.
Some of the most notorious ‘prosperity’ preachers in America are Black–like John Perkins. It’s not just a White thing. Both are wrong, and this proves nothing.
Among African preachers in Africa, the prosperity gospel is huge:
What does James 1 say? Read it. To take the gospel to the 12 Tribes of Israel….that means wherever they may dwell, to the ‘four corners of the earth’ as it were. And what other people besides White people traveled the seven seas, explored and mapped the entire planet, and established colonies everywhere? None. Only White people did that. And those White colonies are the ‘nations’ where the gospel was to be spread. It’s very simple. Don’t complicate it with your multi-cultural universalistic non-scriptural dogma.
Christian slave owners, eh?
Have you forgotten that it was not just Christians who owned slaves? Awful lot of free blacks, Jews, and Native American tribes also had black slaves.
First, where do you get – other than (((media))) and the public indoctrination centres [school system] that slavery was a “terrible American national sin”? Cant find it Biblically. Its not wise to enslave other races as it brings into contact a society with foreign – in our case, pagan – practices and peoples, and we are told to remain separate, but nowhere can it be foubnd to be sin.
And quit laying the blame on America; we were the least of the practitioners. It still is rampant throughout the world, most notable among africans and arabs.
Plus, remember that the first listed slaveholder in the Colonies was a free black man [who should not have been here to begin with] and that 98% + of all slave ships and slave dealers were jewish enterprises. So turn your tv off and learn something.
Secondly, no one – well, at least very few – have ever said that Christianity isn’t GOOD for all people, everywhere. Any group would benefit by following its tenets and adopting the moral code of God. HOWEVER…the FACT remains that Jesus told his Apostles to preach the Gospel AS they go and to take it to the Nations. The nations are those of the true ‘diaspora’ – actual Israelites that were scattered to the four winds. Deal with it.
No one here would argue that the Gospel has been and is being misused and abused, ‘prosperity preachers’ just being the most obvious. But nothing is new under the sun – that was true in the first century; remember Simon the Sorcerer?
I imagine that you have little to no actual experience with Africans; anyone that does seldom rushes to their defense. As one that does regrettably, I assure you that the africans view of Christianity is, on the whole – there are exceptions but the exception proves the rule – VERY different from ours. Not only is God and Jesus seen mostly as an ATM in the sky, but their ‘services’ are often littered with voodoo-like incantations and dancing around that would do ‘Soul Train’ proud.
I know of an instance where a group of africans all pray to Jesus for a ‘bountiful harvest’ and that THEY don’t get hurt all the time…right before committing burglary and armed robbery…
The african is a wholly different creature.
Name ANY other race of people who made it to the ‘four corners of the earth’ – without riding our coattails? White people are the only race who not only voluntarily live in every environmental extreme, but THRIVE. No other race can make that claim. We are also the only purveyors of ‘civilization’, which is the result of all the ‘blessings’ bestowed upon us by our Father as enumerated in the Scriptures.
The church closest to my house, a Lutheran church about a 1/2 mi away from here in Amish country, has a black as spades preacher. I don’t know how the congregants tolerate it, but it does not seem to have a booming attendance, praise Christ.
Every white nation is being chastised by our Father. Exactly what He said was going to happen if we turned way from Him is happening. Not ‘kind of’ and not ‘sort of’, but EXACTLY. And God is the liar?
Only when Mystery Babylon collapses will our people begin to wake up to their ultimate responsibility, as a return to our roots will be the only thing that will necessitate our ‘rise from the ashes’…and still yet we will need the return of Christ to set us straight once and for all!
This blackening of Christianity provides no better way to illustrate the biblical concept of “throwing your pearls before swine.”
With kind respect…and all glory to God…it was an American black friend who caused me to seek God. Her constant praise and thanks flowed over me and caused me to seek Salvation. Racism can not allow that. God can speak from a donkey…meaning ‘a servant’ and a ‘burden bearer’ that I couldn’t even imagine fulfilling like she did for me. God bless her for it. If we have ears…The Almighty can speak through anyone who is in need of His strength, compassion, encouragement, love, wisdom…through anyone whose heart is open. “Throwing your pearls before swine” = throwing what you have learned by Holy Spirit and the Word to a worldly mind that can’t possibly understand and so be mocked (by the flesh…any flesh). Our pearls are to be kept safe for salvation’s sake, so no one can boast. I couldn’t link this article because the comments don’t demonstrate what Jesus teaches us…instead they demonstrate what Jews would be happy to exploit. Let us rise above that and foil their plans.
Let’s look at the influence that Christianity has had on Black America. After being in America freed almost 150 years ago, have they prospered? No. They still live largely as dependent slaves. The part that is not living off government welfare lives off government-related jobs that have to hire them to fulfill government racial quotas. The entire Black Middle Class is essentially employed by the governments: federal, state, local. The tiny Black ‘upper class’ is employed by jewish Hollywood and sports owners. Perhaps 10% live independent of all that.
Despite being only 14% of the population, they commit the vast majority of murders and violent crime–all crime for that matter.
The Black churches are filled with Black women mostly. It’s the men that need it, but they don’t show up until they are past their prime crime-spree years. Then they ‘repent’.l
Same thing is going on in Africa–Blacks give lip service to the ministers and priests, but they drift away when they are not continually prodded. It’s mostly for the women, and even they have trouble staying with it.
Clearly, Christianity has done little for the Blacks as a people in permanently changing their lives for the better. Perhaps it’s time to reassess whether or not it was truly intended for them at all.
Sorry, Sparrow, but it was Jews who originated the universalism of the gospel that you so deeply believe in. It is you that have swallowed that jewish lie. Christ rejected teachings of the elders, and universalism is an example of that. Christ rejected the Edomite Jews because God hated Esau, and they were from that cursed bloodline. Yes, those things mattered to God, which is why Christ’s genealogy was given twice in the Bible. If it mattered to Him, why doesn’t it matter to you?
You are warped and you twisted scripture. Clearly, the Holy Ghost and Phillip, the apostle, didn’t get the memo. It was the Holy Ghost who told him to go to the Ethiopian eunuch who was in a carriage reading Isaiah 53. (Acts 8:29-30) “Then the Spirit said unto Philip, Go near, and join thyself to this chariot. {30} And Philip ran thither to him, and heard him read the prophet Esaias, and said, Understandest thou what thou readest?” You see, Ethiopians are black people who live in a black country called Ethiopia on the continent of Africa.
Stormer, it’s you who seems to lack the historical background to understand the scripture in its original context. Ethiopia 2,000 years ago was not the same place it is today, nor are the so-called Ethiopians. By the way, there were two Ethiopias. And originally Ethiopia was inhabited by White Israelites but eventually God gave up the land of Ethiopia to ransom his Israelite people (Isaiah 43:3), after which the land was given over to racial aliens, mostly Nubians. And keep in mind, no Black Ethiopian would have been allowed in the temple in Jerusalem, so the scripture makes no sense for the Ethiopian here to be Black.
God created nations and borders for the people to be separate. Many portions of the Bible, including Ezra 10:2 and Tobit 4:12 clearly forbid race mixing. Deuteronomy 28 mentions that the presence of immigrants and their success is a punishment for turning your back on YHWH.
Let these Africans be Christians in their own countries, no one objects to that. They have no reason to come to the UK and Ireland or any other white country.
Its had nothing to do with race mixing. Please read the reason in the bible: Deuteronomy 7:3
Do not give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons, 4because they will turn your sons away from following Me to serve other gods. Then the anger of the LORD will burn against you, and He will swiftly destroy you.…
I really do not see your race issue as definitive to no intermarrying with nations that practice false religion. Otherwise how on earth could Ruth a Moabites be chosen in the DNA genealogy of the Messiah. What of Rahab who was a prostitute and a foreigner also included. Perhaps Uriah the Hittites wife was she also a non Jew place ever so carefully in the Messianic genealogy.
Russ, you know nothing. What is God’s point of displaying the genealogies of His people for time immemorial if not to demonstrate His focus and method for delivering the Line of Promise through the genetic principles He created and demands we honour. It is fallen man’s perversion and arrogance to rebuke God’s creative order and attempt to ‘make’ (fornicate) a ‘new’ (racial confusion) man in his image believing the serpent’s lie to Eve.
Ruth was born in the land of Moab, but that doesn’t make her a racial Moabite. The Israelites had occupied that land previously; obviously, she was one of the Israelites who still dwelt there otherwise she would NOT have been acceptable in marriage to an Israelite.
And Rahab was an inn keeper, not a common whore. Read a concordance concerning her profession, and you’ll see. Read your Bible again, carefully this time.
And the description of Uriah “the Hittite” was NOT a reference to his geneology, but a common term meaning “fierce warrior”. As Thad said, read your Bible again (with a Concordance and/or Lexicon), but carefully this time…
And if what you say is true, please explain to me the relevance of the story of Judah and Tamar, and what made Tamar “more righteous” than Judah?
Chaplain Bob Walker
Bible book Song of Solomon 5:10 – My beloved is WHITE white and ruddy, the chiefest among ten thousand.
Bible book Lamentations 4:7 – Her Nazarites were purer than snow, they were WHITER whiter than milk, they were more ruddy in body than rubies, their polishing was of sapphire:
Revelation 1:14 – His [Jesus] head and his hairs were WHITE white like wool, as WHITE white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; 15 And his feet like unto fine brass,
[Brass is made of copper which is REDDISH GOLDEN BROWN, not black] as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. The world hates white Christians esp.
2 Chronicles 14:12 So the LORD smote the Ethiopians [BLACK ETHIOPIANS?] before Asa, and before Judah; and the Ethiopians fled. (so how can Judah be black when they smote the black Ethiopians?)
Zephaniah 2:12 Ye Ethiopians also, ye shall be slain by my sword.
Ezekiel 30:5 Ethiopia, and Libya, and Lydia, and all the mingled people, and Chub, and the men of the land that is in league, shall fall with them by the sword.
Isaiah 43:3 shows that originally both Egypt and Ethiopia were lands where Israelites dwelt, but God gave them up for their ransom: “For I am the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Savior; I give Egypt [to the Babylonians] for your ransom, Ethiopia and Seba [a province of Ethiopia] in exchange [for your release].
Ever since that time, both Egypt and Ethiopia grew dark, given over to the surrounding non-Israelite dark tribes.
There are many passages in the Bible that are impossible to understand unless you see how certain peoples racially changed over time, like the Philistines. And also understand that geography doesn’t necessarily equate to racial identity. That is, someone can live in Canaan without being a racial Canaanite. Someone could be from Ethiopia without looking like Haile Selassie.