(Substack) Benighted Blacks have always been putty in the hands of the Jews — easily manipulated and molded into willing “golems” — a mythical Frankenstein-like monster created by rabbis to destroy their perceived oppressors and enemies.
As the earliest European explorers have attested in their extensive writings, what they witnessed when first setting foot in sub-Saharan Africa was utterly appalling — a primitive people living as bare subsistence hunter-gatherers, no written language, clothed only in animal skins and grass skirts when not completely naked, practicing cannibalism, brutal slavery, and wanton and gratuitous cruelty to each other.
Left to their own devices, these Europeans believed this savage black race with the mental capacity of mere children would probably go extinct within 200 years — consumed by constant butchery, disease, and malnutrition.
Unfortunately, Europeans did not leave these savages alone — instead do-gooder Christians foolishly believed that the only reason Africans were so backwards is that they lacked the civilizational benefits of Christianity — but as we can clearly see, 500 years of evangelization and monetary aid in Africa has wrought nothing but an unsustainable population explosion, more misery, hopelessness, poverty, and violence.
For further reading on this subject, we highly recommend the 1868 book, The Negroes In Negroland by Hinton Helper.
In this light, the preposterous idea that these people who could not even conceive of a wheel or cloth were somehow the progenitors of Egyptian, Greek, Roman and European culture is beyond laughable, but that’s exactly what a group of anti-White communist Jews set out to do — with typical Jewish chutzpah — to convince child-like Blacks that they are the rightful heirs to these glorious civilizations, which were “stolen” from them by brutal, cold-blooded Aryan “racists”.
This Jewish Afrocentric revisionism would ultimately culminate in Critical Race Theory — another Jewish brainchild created solely for the benefit of Jews — to inculcate White school children into cultural Marxism whose goal is to instill deep shame in their own “racist” history and ancestors.
Here we present an essay which shows how a small group of Jewish communist “intellectuals” rewrote western history and handed it to gullible Blacks on a silver platter — which they accepted uncritically — never suspecting that this material wasn’t meant for their own benefit but rather for the benefit of the Jews who created for their own selfish political exigencies.
This essay appears on a Substack blog — apparently republished from the unfortunately now-defunct blog Semitic Controversies — including the original footnotes for those who wish to do further reading on the subject. We have also embedded links to many CFT articles which corroborate everything this article contends.
Martin Bernal and Melville Herskowits: The Jews Who Created Afrocentrism
Afrocentrism – or the claim that (sub-Saharan) Africans were central to the creation of civilization as we know it (both historically and currently) – is one of several major quack historical theories out there that hasn’t been subjected to intense intellectual scrutiny — because it is protected by political defenders who throw just about everything they can think of in terms of abuse at their detractors. (1)
Whatever you may think of Afrocentrism as a theory, it is undeniable however that the jews have played a disproportionate role in creating it in its modern form. This jewish influence dates right back to the beginnings of Afrocentrism with the creation of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) in which jews — most notably [Romanian Jew] Henry Moscowitz — played a highly conspicuous role in organizing and funding. (2)
[Black communist] W.E.B. Du Bois was already by this point promoting the bare bones of an Afrocentric view of history that was heavily derived from the controversies between the British Egyptologists Flinders Petrie and Wallis Budge (the former was promoting a European origin of Egyptian civilization while the latter was promoting an ‘Afro-Asiatic’ origin).
At around this time pieces of Freemasonic influence came into Afrocentrism particularly with the increasing idea of the ‘Greek debt’ to Egypt — derived from Freemasonry’s pseudo-historical self-descriptions of its ‘Egyptian’ origins (3) — which saw its first full expression in [Black Guyanese-born] George James‘ 1954 book “Stolen Legacy” that was based almost entirely on Freemasonic works and ideas derived from them. (4)
[CFT Note: George James uses a dishonest intellectual sleight-of-hand trick here — claiming that the destruction of the Library of Alexandria purposefully “hid” the Black African contributions to civilization. What he fails to mention is that the original civilizations of North Africa were created by Whites — Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Phoenicians, and Israelites.]
This was also the time of the rise of jewish cultural anthropologists under the tutelage of a jewish Marxist crank named Franz Boas (5) — one of whom was a jewish anthropologist named Melville Herskovits. (6)
Herskovits is not a name well-known today outside of anthropological circles, but he was a key figure in providing the intellectual framework and evidential padding for Afrocentrism by stressing the importance of African ‘civilizations’ and denigrating European civilization. (7)
Without Herskovits’ involvement — as well as that of his Boasian cultural anthropological fellow travelers — it is unlikely that Afrocentrism as a theory would have got off the ground in an intellectual sense and would — in my opinion — have continued being the preferred fantasy of a small group of the more intellectual black nationalists.
This is especially true if the kind of woeful offerings still offered by ‘black scholars’ in their supposedly ‘peer-reviewed’ publications are anything to go by. (8)
However the contribution of Herskovits pales into obscurity compared to that made by [British Jew] Martin Bernal. Bernal — often wrongly assumed to be black by readers of his works — is the author of the infamous three-volume series “Black Athena” (1987) wherein he claims to ‘debunk’ the ‘Eurocentric’ arguments of the entire of classical scholarship in regards to Egypt, Greece — and to an extent Rome.
In the preface to the first volume of “Black Athena,” Bernal informs us that his personal jewishness is uppermost in his thoughts in writing “Black Athena” because he feels concerned about ‘virulent anti-Semitism’ — especially the ‘Holocaust’ and the Nuremberg Laws — and that it is to take on this ‘Aryan view’ of history (which, he claims, is championed by orthodox classical scholarship [which isn’t actually true]) — and is a threat to his ancestry that he has felt the urge to put pen to paper. (9)
Indeed Bernal believed that those he primarily attacked in “Black Athena” — both classical scholars (10) and the Greeks themselves – (11) were inherently racist and anti-Semitic. Bernal himself identified the ancient Egyptians as a black semitic people and thus conformed to the ideas of Wallis Budge that W.E.B. Du Bois had originally championed for much the same reason: as a way of justifying the ‘aggrieved nature’ of a minority in order to turn a revised version of history into an intellectual weapon against the European oppressors (12) whom Bernal frequently styled in terms of proto-Nazism. (13)
Like Boas and Herskovits, Bernal was a ‘popular front’ Marxist being the son of the jewish [and communist] scientist John Desmond Bernal (who unlike many long-time Marxists slavishly apologized for Stalin long after the latter’s death) — and like his father, Martin Bernal was a devoted communist, but one who had a shift in intellectual interests to his jewish and broadly-speaking ‘minority’ heritage in 1975 when Maoism — Bernal’s own philosophy and that which he studied as a Sinologist — was imploding due to the sustained failure of the cultural revolution for a decade or so.
That shift was the result of an evolving fashion on the Left for a form of Gramscian (i.e., ‘popular front’) Marxism called Eurocommunism — which was based on the re-reading of Marx as a ‘philosopher of liberation’ by Marxist thinkers like Louis Althusser, (14) which argued that the revolutionary class was not the urban workers (as Marx, Lenin and Trotsky believed), or the peasants (as Castro, Guevara and Mao believed) — but rather students and ‘liberation’ movements (for example homosexuals, blacks, feminists and so forth) were.
One of the ways that Eurocommunism worked — and still works — is to ‘re-write’ (or revise) the perceived self-description (or ‘autobiography’ as it is oft-referred to) of those it perceived/perceives to be ‘reactionaries’/’counter-revolutionaries’ — the White Anglo-Saxon Protestant [or WASP] being the most common target. (15)
This was a rather nice fit for Bernal’s need for a new intellectual raison d’etre in that he would re-write the ‘origin myth’ of Western civilization to be a non-European affair.
It fulfilled a fundamental need in Bernal to discredit the ‘racist historical narrative’ that — in his view — belittled jews and other minority groups in the West as being barely civilized barbarians and argue by way of intellectual revenge that the Europeans were really little more than barbarous half-educated savages who simply stole the legacies of minority groups — especially jews and blacks — and claimed them as their own creation after the fact.
To build such a theory from whole cloth is clearly a difficult thing to do, but Bernal did not have to perform this arduous task unaided. He could simply draw on the earlier themes and arguments of the half-baked ramblings of W.E.B. Du Bois, Marcus Garvey and George James.
Hence Bernal’s otherwise incomprehensible defence of Freemasonic, Kabbalistic and Hermetic traditions that were used as the basis for their arguments by these authors as being supposedly ‘historical’): (16) place them inside the radical anthropological rubric of ‘black suffering and exploitation‘ by Europeans — developed by Boas and Herskovits among others — and then use his own academic training and pure brainpower to flesh the theory out with whatever evidence he could find. (17)
This would provide Bernal with a powerful tool to discredit European ‘colonial’ and ‘imperialist’ historical narratives that he believed had their origin in the study of the classical world and informed a ‘Eurocentric’ worldview that was inherently racist towards jews and blacks in particular — and was responsible in his view for producing the Third Reich and the ‘Holocaust’). (18)
Part of this transformation of Afrocentrism into a weapon to stigmatize, belittle and dehumanize Europeans affected by Bernal was to legitimize and institutionalize ‘black suffering’ as a historical fact and by so doing transform it into a political weapon to be used against the ‘white racist establishment’. (19)
This institutionalization of ‘black suffering’ was also done by Bernal — and Afrocentrists more broadly — in direct imitation of the institutionalization and sanctification of ‘jewish suffering’ by the Holocaust industry in the home of achieving the same results. (20)
That this is a consciously and deliberately constructed weapon is indicated by Bernal’s slipshod methodology (21) and his own fanatical but intellectually insubstantial attacks on his opponents. (22) In addition to the fact that Bernal’s work is almost tailor-made to appeal to those who perceive themselves ‘oppressed’ by a ‘white racist government‘. (23)
In essence Bernal — as the intellectual founder of modern Afrocentrism — is the jewish communist titan of a historical theory whose sole reason for existence is to denigrate, revile and spread hatred about Europeans as being the origin of all the evil in the world and against whom blacks must fight and who they must remove from power if they are to restore the ‘glories’ of their alleged past (since those of European origin are institutionally and inveterately racist against them according to Bernal and other Afrocentrists).
That Bernal created his theories — which culminated in ‘Black Athena’ — as an ideological weapon against the West to ensure the status and importance of minority groups (and provide a counter to the supposed ‘Eurocentric’ narrative of classical history) — and then make them politically conscious (as ‘Black Athena’ is hard to see as anything else than a proverbial ‘call to arms’ for ‘national liberation’ from white people) as a group (per Marxist theory) which then in turn would act as the catalyst for revolutionary anti-racist change — thus paving the way for a communist and then a socialist state (per Bernal’s Eurocommunism).
Therefore we can see that modern Afrocentrism is quite literally a jewish anti-Western conspiracy of a sort with the prototypical jewish communist Martin Bernal at the centre of the intellectual web pretending to be a harmless champion of ‘anti-racism’.
(1) For examples see Mary Lefkowitz, 1997, ‘Not Out of Africa: How Afrocentrism Became an Excuse to Teach Myth as History’, 2nd Edition, Basic Books: New York, pp. 182-183
(2) http://rac.org/Articles/index.cfm?id=21347
(3) Lefkowitz, ‘Not Out of Africa’, Op. Cit., p. 10
(4) Ibid., p. 134
(5) On Boas’ political agenda see Gary Bullert, 2009, ‘Franz Boas as Citizen-Scientist: Gramscian-Marxist Influence on American Anthropology’, Vol. 34, No. 2, pp. 208-243; as to his being a crank see Roger Pearson, 1997, ‘Race, Intelligence and Bias in Academe’, 2nd Edition, Scott-Townsend: Washington D.C., pp. 106-107
(6) Ibid., p. 107; Kevin MacDonald, 2002, ‘The Culture of Critique: An Evolutionary Analysis of Jewish Involvement in Twentieth-Century Intellectual and Political Movements’, 2nd Edition, 1st Books: Long Beach, p. 25
(7) http://www.nathanielturner.com/twoscholarsdiscussafrocentrism.htm
(8) See: https://karlradl14.substack.com/p/ex-nihilo-nihil-fit-the-consequence
(9) Emily Vermeule, 1996, ‘The World Turned Upside Down’, p. 269 in Mary Lefkowitz, Guy MacLean Rogers (Eds.), 1996, ‘Black Athena Revisited’, 1st Edition, The University of North Carolina Press: Chapel Hill
(10) Ibid.
(11) Ibid., p. 272
(12) John Coleman, 1996, ‘Did Egypt Shape the Glory that was Greece?’, p. 280 in Lefkowitz, MacLean Rogers, Op. Cit.
(13) Robert Norton, 1996, ‘The Tyranny of Germany over Greece?’, p. 404 in Lefkowitz, MacLean Rogers, Op. Cit.
(14) Louis Althusser, 1993, ‘The Future Lasts Forever: A Memoir’, 1st Edition, The New Press: New York, pp. xiii-xvii ; on Althusser’s relationship with the jews please see my article: https://karlradl14.substack.com/p/louis-althussers-jewish-problem
(15) Thomas Schmitz, 1999, ‘Ex Africa Lux?: Black Athena and the debate about Afrocentrism in the US’, Gottinger Forum fur Altertumswissenschaft, Vol. 2. pp. 38-40
(16) Ibid., pp. 22-23
(17) This is clearly indicated by the lack of sustained critique that Bernal offers his opponents and rather than argue his views: he simply makes up arguments and lies about the work of his opponents. For example see: http://bmcr.brynmawr.edu/1996/96.04.19.html
(18) That this is utter drivel is easily understood by reading say Ian Shaw (Ed.), 2003, ‘The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt’, 2nd Edition, Oxford University Press: New York
(19) Clarence Walker, 2001, ‘We Can’t Go Home Again: An Argument about Afrocentrism’, 1st Edition, Oxford University Press: New York, p. 117
(20) Ibid., p. 121
(21) Schmitz, Op. Cit., pp. 25-28
(22) Ibid., pp. 29-30
(23) Ibid., pp. 47-53
African in England believes blacks “invented everything” including the computer…..thanks Jews!
She can’t be serious… can she? My mind boggles: how could she actually think all of that is true?!
The explorers that described the blacks must have missed her tribe or the blacks hid their inventions from the White’s so that they wouldn’t be stolen. From what I’ve read of the blacks, her ancestors, the the king was supreme, had life and death over them, they ate their young , dead, enemies, had no understanding of health, cleanliness, chief could have any women he wanted, kill any member. . So many practices I have to go back to look them up to be truthful mentioning them. . If the blacks in White countries were so inventive they must have suppressed them in Africa, because the blacks in White nations enjoy civilization. This is an example of : if you blacks were so inventive and want black history taught in schools, tell it all. Why do the successful blacks whine instead of enjoy this world? Could it be to be superior? Aren’t they already supposed to be equal?
Communism is Jewish – ADRIEN ARCAND.
Jacob Schiff, who was a millionaire banker from New York and who had financed
the first revolution in Russia in 1905, bragged many times that, “without money from Jewish
bankers, Lenin and Trotsky could not have succeeded in their revolution.” His son continued
this boasting and it is estimated that the Schiff family alone gave from $20 to $70 million to
the Jews who overthrew the Czarist Government.
In his book The Life of Lord Bentinck, Benjamin d’Israeli, who was the first Jewish
Prime Minister of England, speaks about this alliance of plutocrats and Jewish agitators in
their effort to promote revolution. He says that the leaders of subversive revolutionary
organizations “find themselves to be men of the Jewish race.” A few pages later when
writing of the Commune of 1848 he says, “Without Jews these insurrections would never
have occurred.”…………
The Jews later claimed that Ford repudiated what he had written earlier. The truth
is that his private secretary who feared for the survival of the company, signed a statement in
the name of Mr. Ford while Mr. Ford was out of town. The statement had been prepared by
the Jew Louis Marshall. Ford never gave in to the Jews and later made statements attacking
them for trying to pressure him into hiring Jews who had fled Hitler’s Germany……..
The propaganda put out on the Ford “retraction” resembles the Jewish lies put out in
regard to the Protocols Trial in Switzerland in 1936. A Swiss lower court judge ruled in 1936
that the Protocols were a “forgery.” The Jews then broadcast this propaganda worldwide in
an effort to discredit any activity against them. However, not a word was carried in the “free
press” of the world when a higher court, which took the case on appeal, ruled against this
lower court….
Thereupon, the Jewish propaganda is of hermetic muteness, the same as the Allied
and Canadian authorities! It was a conspiracy directed by Jews from various countries with
the connivance of England, Canada and Germany who were as thick as thieves, even though
“at war” to destroy the Christian government of Russia and erect in its place a government
run by the Jews and their minions. As the Jew Benjamin d’Israeli wrote: “The world is
governed by different persons than those who are not on the inside can imagine. In politics,
all is race.”………………
Communism is a total negation of God, the human soul, a world in the hereafter, the
necessity of religion, Christian morals, the rights of the family, private property, personal
initiative, free enterprise, and free trade…..
Thousands of priests, ministers and other religious personalities have been murdered,
assassinated, imprisoned or starved to death in the Jewish-run concentration camps in the
Soviet Union but not one rabbi has met the same fate! Under the Soviet regime thousands of
churches have been transformed into dance halls, houses of prostitution, cinemas, theaters,
schools to teach atheism, etc. but not one Jewish synagogue has met the same fate. Christian
religious symbols have also been confiscated and sold or destroyed by the Soviet
government, but not one Jewish “religious” item has met the same fate. After this “Russian”
revolution Jewish rabbis in the Soviet Union were wishing The new leaders of this “workers’
paradise” the best and rabbis who were visiting there from Western countries reported in
Jewish newspapers how their co-racialists were given special rights.
More by Canadian -Adrien Arcand
Adrien Arcand.
H.H. Beamish,Adrien Arcand and Robert Edward Edmonson 1937.
Henry Hamilton Beamish.
The congregants in said article need to jump ship or drown. Or take these charlatans to a noose and end this crap. WE DO NOT OWE THESE CONS A DIME. IF THEY KNOW GOD THIS WOULDN’T TOUCH THEM !
You will never convince me that this black is the same species as Whites. Never.
Look at it. It. What is that? Homo Erectus.
If you saw this in a zoo in a cage, would you think it’s human and needed to be let out?
—– radio radio ——
It’s just Climate + Time and a few genetic mutations.
No Worries Mate.
(S a r c a s m )
Afrocentrism is JEWISH COMMUNIST GARBAGE! I know in my heart of hearts that my LORD and saver JESUS Christ was a White American Christian man and NOT a JEW, NOT A BLACK, nothing more, nothing less! Anyone who thinks otherwise can kiss my PROUD WHITE GRIT!
Radio, Radio:
You just showed the proof and perfect example of how or how close the black race are related to the Ape family. And any growth in intelligence and progress is or caused by the interaction and intermarriage of the Whites and others with the so called blacks of today. Good job. There are others today showing various features also.
Radio , radio: you are the first to have gotten actual proof of Bigfoot or Sesquash. Just to look at him or her makes one feel creepy. and want to run. Unbelievable how much this resembles a monkey, Oranatsugn, Ape Gorilla. What group would it belong to.? Our ancestors were more truthful and inquisitive.
Lol their like
this on twitter always stealing ( culture appropriating )
other races, ethnicity’s and they wonder why no body likes
loves black people if they cant steal things physically that’s
bolted, tied, nailed, screwed, stapled, taped, glued & super
glued down to the floor, ground they revision an rewrite history
to their liking and claiming as their own like the parasite leeches
they are. its already bad enough when it comes to black on white
crime an black on yellow crime now they have too steal cultures
civilization’s, heritages that doesn’t belong to them. blacks will always say ” well we’re not all like that!” please considering for the moment until these guys would be like that if things didn’t go their way an not to mention my favorite statement is when those blacks get caught red handed doing crime it’s always (” I didn’t do nothing “) of course if you watch them in there natural habitat an leave them with their own devices the environment that they lived in would decline just like Haiti and Sub Saharan Africa blacks govern a nation an continent they make things go down. when whites and yellows have a nation an continent they make things go up.
I mean its already bad enough they do crime against humanity
an what I mean by that is creating,doing crime where ever they go
and than blame it on the white man as usual another thing they’ll always
blame the white men,women,people for their actions,failures,issues within there community’s since other races and ethnicity’s would be the only ones to maintain theirs while they cant an we know for a fact they will scream,raise their voice yell racism & pull every known,unknown card to man. few more things before I go the only reason why the good blacks would side with humans that are
white,yellow,brown people especially white people is because their trying to be or get into good graces of white people and that nice behavior you’re talking about them having is just a front they really don’t care about anyone but themselves if they did we wouldn’t be having this conversation. cause sooner or later they’ll show you their true colors.
Haitians engaging in cannibalism….
No one will ever convince me that this black guy was “made in God’s image”. When the White man first set foot in sub-Saharan Africa, cannibalism was rampant. The impulse is still in their DNA, no matter how “civilized” they may seem while living in our nations.
Well at least he isn’t gonna starve!
QUICK! send a missionary to save him and stop him from eating people!
QUICK! send more money to Christian charitys to help to feed the starving africans!
What’s better then? starving black Christians or well fed savages?
hmmmm… a conundrum for our age. Either way it will apparently be all White mans fault somehow.
“Shocking” to find out that the de facto power in Haiti orchestrating the chaos is a billionaire jew…..
Sweden put out this public service video to show the “evolution” of Swedes from White to black….
—–radio radio ——
Where would one find the original? Are they showing this in Sweden like on Tv?
It surprises me at first thought — but then again, I shouldn’t be surprised. And National Swedes are going along with it?
More information if you have it. Thanks.
So here’s what these Jews are up to now in the US TO KEEP STIRRING THE POT. Knowing who is always behind TOURIST memorials, like the Holocaust, check this out.
Get your tickets now !
why don’t the blacks go and kill and eat each other in Haiti, like they’re doing at the moment?
if left to their own devices the blacks will kill and eat anyone… imagine the whole world as one big Haiti. It could happen. It’s happened before, and it’s happening in Haiti right now.
It’s amazing how the hive mind works from the tree of good and evil.
Two different black men from my former life before giving all in to Christ, who were hard workers, morally good even friends of mine, have grabbed hold of this evil and has openly proclaimed of white privilege and/or anti Christ statements that align with radical teachings of black so called leaders.
It is truly a complete separation of friendship and open dialog we once had. To keep the jew slave train alive, whilst being professional businessmen making well over six figures and living a good life far away from the ghetto street fights and filth…boggles the mind.
God is revealing true hearts and sending them off to their own devices AWAY from me. The amazing thing about this jew black memorial is that it is built on NATIVE INDIGENOUS LAND and ultimately looks to the jew as emancipator.
I see so clearly how the antichrist works. How evil and easy to fall in it’s hands via ego and lifting self up as a victim. That land is now POLLUTED with statues of idols 😑
Explorers to Africa tell of their cannibalism of their infants, enemies , even dead.
But being sent to other parts of the world and not being able to practice their true nature for decades and centuries, forced to eat and eat and learn and live under other civilizations changed their diets and outside behavior.
So in a White world, they see themselves as the same because they live in a society that allows different views, so they believe or are told they are the same and equal, , but are not , even though our government and society, may try to force us to accept it.
Russia’s Kabbalah guru Laitman admits Zionism ‘negligible’; we are after the whole world
“At first, I had the word “demagogy.” Then I began to think about what I said and came to the idea that it was necessary to clearly distinguish between “world Jews” and Israel. The world’s Jews, led by their Organized Jewry, have a Mission, a World Mission”
As we are witnessing with the horrid debacle portraying out in Palestine, humans being sacrificed on the jew god altar (Satan), to then be the controlled opposition of ending this sacred activity of bloodlust vs hypothetical righteous holiness.
imagined or suggested but not necessarily real or true
As has been the norm in this theatrical abomination, the gap of “Israeli Jews” and “world’s Jews” is causing un-imaginable (lol) earthquakes in so called elections and politics for sudden imagined pro Palestinians against genocide.
As the antichrist fills it’s nets with hordes of human souls with the promises of future enlightenment, TO END THE ATROCITIES IT STARTED…how quickly it will be forgotten.
Matthew 24:15-22
New American Standard Bible
Perilous Times
15 “Therefore when you see the abomination of desolation which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place—let the reader understand— 16 then those who are in Judea must flee to the mountains. 17 Whoever is on the housetop must not go down to get things out of his house. 18 And whoever is in the field must not turn back to get his cloak. 19 But woe to those women who are pregnant, and to those who are nursing babies in those days! 20 Moreover, pray that when you flee, it will not be in the winter, or on a Sabbath. 21 For then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever will again. 22 And if those days had not been cut short, no life would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short.
Original link.
Trinidad and Tobago Space Program – “Rocket to the Sun”
Zambian Space Program 1964 “First Rocket to the Moon”
-Robert M-
I’m replying here as there’s no room below.
The curse is on Canaan, Ham’s son, for “uncovering the nakedness of his father”. I believe this is a euphemism for having sexual intercourse, in this case Ham with Noah’s wife, Ham’s mother.
Noah gets drunk as a lord and nods off to sleep… Ham uncovers Noah’s body and sees him in the nude! How dare you Ham, your future son Canaan is cursed, says God!
Noah gets drunk as a lord and nods off to sleep… Ham creeps in and has a root with his mum! A baby will be born – Canaan. Naughty boy, Ham, says God, your future son is cursed!
Which of the two is more likely?
The brothers reaction, as it is written, speaks volumes as to what has taken place, I reckon. also, this is in an age where men being naked is not a big deal at all: fighting, wrestling, fishing, farm work… all done nude for the most part, so being observed naked is not a sin.
just my 10 cents 🙂
The White Christian Israelite race is at a crossroads. Soon we will have to make a choice or perish.
Please read this important book, “Which Way Western Man?” by William Gayley Simpson
“Afro-German” lecturer claims that Germany’s “African roots” have been “obscured” by colonization.
Yep, Africans in Germany are now being taught that Germany owes its civilization to African contributions.
As German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche said…
“Nobody is more inferior than those who insist on being equal.”
For me a black is never a german, like calling a donkey a horse. THe programming on racemixing is sure out of bounds, this article is part of that.
I am always disgusted when rushing through supermarket flyers, easily 50%+ are none native, most times black models, programming and normalizing.
My little town is the total contrast, zero blacks, we sure have lots migrants too, but the people in positions took care we got only white migrants, lots rich from Hannover live here, small town 20 mins from H.
Scandinavian Airlines has a new commercial with a black guy saying “We’re no better than OUR Viking ancestors”
White replacement.
The treasure of ancient Aegypt will not be the discovery of Tutanknamun., nor thier discoveror Howard Carter: nor in the pure gold and beautiful sarcophage ; not even their mysterious picture writing or Rosetta Stone. Nor the enigma of the Sphinx nor Pyramids , how they were constructed or why over 5000 years ago .
It should be in the discovery by inspired people like Flinders Petrie of thier identity of a beautiful race., their religion (culture) and how it endured
As a moral code that, preserved a culture , who was the hope of the world , that was a source of refuge for almost 5000 years even in the last of the MIttel Kingdom for the biblical races . 1500 years after this the Greek Queen Cleopatra the VII would wish to emulate them and name herself last Queen of Aegypt ; and the Romans desire to preserve their glory , which had no desire for empire.
And most importantly, how they declined and are lost except through the derisive, cheap holliwood films that , preempts any respect or significance of their true identity. And what kind of race would traduce and desire them to be destroyed?
Even though I keep my eyes on Jesus Christ our Lord, money (mammon, antichrist) has been a curse throughout all time. A So as it doesn’t control me anymore but His Promises to liberate me from it and to see it for what it really is (slavery) has been fulfilled in my life.
But for those just coming out or wish to, be ready for the ride. Here is the hidden history of Western slavery, true Israel, of the control by the god of this world exacted by it’s seed (Jews) that Jesus Christ our Lord WARNED us about.
Keep in mind the words bankers, central bankers, THEY, et al are the jew catch words. Some info may not be clear…so glean appropriately. Since I am liberated from this predatory scum…it does not rule over me nor my decisions.
All Wars Are Bankers Wars
***The only way to be liberated from the antichrist, is through Jesus Christ. ***
Please share how you have been liberated from money.
There is only One “I Am”.
As I said, my Lord Jesus Christ has liberated me as He Promised. The details are relevant for true seekers and hidden to those who aren’t. ASK. SEEK. BELIEF in the One who was sent to free us from bondage that separates us from it 🙂.
I AM is from 1Corinthians 15:10, “But by the grace of God I am what I am…” with the intent to share the meaning of a man’s name towards “coming out of her”. I have written some replies on this website with the hope of finding someone like-minded.
Mate, I’m sure you meant no offence, but calling youself I AM is blasphemy.
Thank you for your thoughtful reply, however I AM is not a name. It is a verb.
Psalm 83:18 That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth.
To call myself JEHOVAH would be blasphemy.
As I have been writing about “coming out of her” to this website since 2020, clearly, I have asked, sought and believed, and as I have explained the use of I AM, I have addressed your concerns.
Your reply is unclear to me, so I re-phrase the question with the hope you will reply.
How do you provide for your sustenance without the use of money, if indeed you do?
Hello C.F.T. and Visitors.
I hope and pray all the true Israelite people of God are happy and doing well.
Forgive me going off topic for a moment.
Psalms 78:51 “And smote all the firstborn in Egypt; the chief of their strength in the tabernacles of Ham:”
Psalms 105:23 “Israel also came into Egypt; and Jacob sojourned in the land of Ham.”
Psalms 105:27 “They shewed his signs among them, and wonders in the land of Ham.”
Ham is of the white race until Exodus 1:8 “Now there arose up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph.” I believe by this time the Egyptians (Hamites) had mixed their blood with other races and that is why they new not Joseph, and God didn’t have a problem killing the first born of all flesh and blood in the land. There was a mixed multitude of people that came out of Egypt that never saw the promised land. They died in the wilderness.
Ham was not cursed. His son Canaan was cursed by Noah before he was born. (I will give you the answer if you don’t already know it.)
Genesis 9:18 “And the sons of Noah, that went forth of the ark, were Shem, and Ham, and Japheth: and Ham is the father of Canaan.”
Genesis 9:22 “And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without.”
Genesis 9:25 “And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.”
Genesis 9:26 “And he said, Blessed be the LORD God of Shem; and Canaan shall be his servant.”
Here is the answer to what really happened when Ham looked upon his father’s nakedness.
Leviticus 18:8 “The nakedness of thy father’s wife shalt thou not uncover: it is thy father’s nakedness.”
Canaan was the inbred son of Ham and his mother.
Now back to topic. History for all time tells the world that the white race are the true children of God. We, the true Israelite people have always led the world with the covenant of God’s promise to Abraham. All the nations and families of the earth would be blessed by us, His people Israel. History tells us this. (We the people of God our Father) have taught the whole world how to become civilized whether they believe in God or not. They don’t have a choice. Whether we want to believe or not, God is in charge and there is nothing anyone can do about it. His will is his will, and His will,will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
Isaiah 55:8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD.”
The Babylon economic beast system is starting to crumble. (come out of her my people)
Deuteronomy 4:31 “(For the LORD thy God is a merciful God;) he will not forsake thee, neither destroy thee, nor forget the covenant of thy fathers which he sware unto them.”
Deuteronomy 31:8 “And the LORD, he it is that doth go before thee; he will be with thee, he will not fail thee, neither forsake thee: fear not, neither be dismayed.”
Hebrews 13:5 “Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.”
The Beast As Saint. The real story of Martin Luther King Jr. ://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dFbb8QtfUM
Wait. What?! Megachurch Pastor (John MacArthur) Claims Martin Luther King was ‘Not a Christian’ | WATCH | EURweb *A prominent megachurch pastor has asserted that Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. was “not a Christian
at The Gospel Coalition is “woke,” and Martin Luther King Jr. wasn’t a Christian at all, according to John MacArthur.
Even though MacArthur is a believer that Jews are God’s chosen people, he has this correct.
May the Holy Spirit of God bless us all.
I’m not sure where you get scriptural support of your theory that Canaan was inbred. Care to share?
Agreed, there is no “curse of Ham” in scripture, but there is a curse upon Noah’s son, Canaan. No one is in agreement what this “curse” is specifically, but it seems clear that later God commanded the Israelites to wipe out Canaan’s descendants who occupied the “land of milk and honey”.
I just don’t see how that “curse” has to be racial in its nature. But I’m open to be persuaded with a few scriptural witnesses.
Hi Robert M.
Canaan was not the son of Noah. He was the son of Ham. Maybe this will help.
Genesis 9:18 “And the sons of Noah, that went forth of the ark, were Shem, and Ham, and Japheth: and Ham is the father of Canaan.” Canaan is mentioned here before he was conceived and the sin occurred.
Genesis 9:22 “And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without.” Leviticus 18:8 tells us the sin when we look upon our father’s nakedness.
Leviticus 18:8 “The nakedness of thy father’s wife (Ham’s mother) shalt thou not uncover: it is thy father’s nakedness.” Other than the first line written here and (Ham’s mother) all was copied from the K.J.B.
Thanks for the reply and may the Holy Spirit of God bless you.
Sorry about the typo. I meant Canaan was Noah’s grandson.
I would agree that none of Noah’s grandchildren were on the Ark, just his sons and their wives.
So by Genesis chapter 9, I would assume time had passed and his sons had children by then. For example, in Genesis 9:20 we learn that Noah planted a vineyard, and eventually made wine from those grapes. That would take many years, wouldn’t it?
So that by the time of Genesis 9:18 when Canaan is mentioned as the son of Ham, there was plenty of time, after they “went forth” from the Ark, to start families of their own.
So by the time Noah gets drunk and Ham sees his “nakedness”, it is entirely probably that all of his sons would have had children by that time, including Canaan.
And considering in Genesis 9:7, before Noah planted the vineyard in Genesis 9:20, God commanded him and his sons to “be fruitful and multiply”, this would confirm that prior to Ham seeing Noah’s “nakedness”, Canaan had mostly already been born.
That said, if we believe that only Noah and his immediate family survived the Flood, and were responsible for repopulating the land, then all of Noah’s great-grandchildren must be the product of incest – otherwise who did they marry outside of their own family?
Hi Robert,
Nothing like a good old fashioned debate. We’ve been bickering among ourselves for thousands of years, no reason to stop now. There is one thing that we will always agree on.
Christ is the Son of God who saved us and redeemed us from our sin through his blood on the cross.
I didn’t mean it as racial in nature. That’s why I said I was going off topic.The time it takes to grow a vineyard is three years if you have the correct soil.
Noah’s sons still had their wives before and after the sin so all were not of incest. Canaan was the fourth born of Ham. Why is Canaan mentioned at the specific time of the sin?
Genesis 10:6 “And the sons of Ham; Cush, and Mizraim, and Phut, and Canaan.”
I question what really happened because of what is written in Leviticus 18:8
“The nakedness of thy father’s wife shalt thou not uncover: it is thy father’s nakedness.” I believe the wording is too close to be a coincidence. Why would Noah only curse Canaan and not all the sons of Ham? The Canaanites are mentioned in the bible (53) times and Canaanite is mentioned (14) times. One of the disciples of Christ was a Canaanite. Matthew 10:4 “Simon the Canaanite, and Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed him.”
I think Abraham knew that these people were about a half bubble off level and this is why he wanted to keep his blood separated from them.Genesis 24:3 “And I will make thee swear by the LORD, the God of heaven, and the God of the earth, that thou shalt not take a wife unto my son of the daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I dwell:”
Here is something else I find interesting. The Edomite can enter into the congregation of Israel in the third generation.
Deuteronomy 23:7 “Thou shalt not abhor an Edomite; for he is thy brother: thou shalt not abhor an Egyptian; because thou wast a stranger in his land.” Deuteronomy 23:8 “The children that are begotten of them shall enter into the congregation of the LORD in their third generation.”
Genesis 8:22 “While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.”
My intention here is not to “bicker” with you, or even debate you. I’m honestly trying to understand your theory because I’ve never heard it before. And if there is compelling evidence, I would have no problem accepting it.
I would agree with you that in the context of Leviticus 18, the term “nakedness” is certainly used as a euphemism for incest.
However, I did a simple word search for “nakedness” in the KJV, and found that “nakedness” is used in numerous other contexts that clearly do not have any connotation of incest.
In fact, I’d say that “incest” is the exception to the rule of how “nakedness” is used throughout scripture.
See for yourself:
Hi Robert,
The majority of the word nakedness are written in Leviticus chapters 18 and 20 and in most verses are associated with the word uncover.
Leviticus 18:6 “None of you shall approach to any that is near of kin to him, to uncover their nakedness: I am the LORD.”
It wasn’t the fact of looking at someone’s nakedness. It was an act of sex. These people lived in tents and I’m sure they saw nakedness all the time.
Genesis 9:22 “And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without.”
Leviticus 18:8 “The nakedness of thy father’s wife shalt thou not uncover: it is thy father’s nakedness.”
I would like for someone to give me an answer as to why Noah would put the curse of slavery on Canaan, other than what I’m saying. Yes Robert this debate has been going on for many years as to what really happened in Genesis 9:22. This is the only answer I can come up with.
I like what C.F.T. is doing here on their site. This is great thing to be able to discuss the bible and the true Israelite people that we know that we are.
May the Holy Spirit of God bless you.
The curse on Canaan came from Noah, not from God.
“And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him. And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.”
(Genesis 9:24-25)
How much power does Noah’s personal curse on his grandson have? Canaan will serve his brethren. Nowhere does it say that all of Canaan’s descendants would inherit that curse.
Unlike God’s curse of Cain:
“And now art thou cursed from the earth, which hath opened her mouth to receive thy brother’s blood from thy hand; When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth.” (Genesis 4:11-12)
The “Black Panther” movie, produced by Jewish Hollywood, is based on a character created by two Jews, Stanley Lieber (aka Stan Lee) and Jack “Kirby” Kurtzberg. The producer of this movie was Kevin Feige, who has Jewish ancestry. He also is the CEO of Marvel.
So Blacks are so incompetent that they needed Jews to create a black superhero character, and they needed Jews to produce the movie for them. This is what the black Utopia looks like.
Mandingo people on the average have IQ far below global average of 100.
In fact, Blacks in Africa have the lowest IQ, and the ones in the New World are not far behind.
Stupid people are easily fooled. Violent. Good at making babies, and not care for them. Their babies grow up to be teenagers, sell drugs, die young.
Only very few make it to productive and respectable adults, and become decent people.
Semitic Controversies should still be up. I believe its Karl’s Substack who sends emails Karl from Semitic Controversies and signs off on articles with “Thank you for reading Semitic Controversies”
Semitic Controversies used the WordPress Blog hosting service, owned by Jews, and they eventually shut him down.
I know people warned him that eventually he’d be shut down and should change to a different service, but he didn’t do it. I hope he backed it all up, as it was great material.
Very good essay CFT thanks for sharing –
It’s no wonder the jews and their negro lackey’s promote movies like Wakanda, or movies depicting an ancient european figure as a negro.
The mainstream narrative is anti-White – the info you provided on the NAACP and the jews involved in the creation of afrocentrism makes this all make sense. It clearly a jewish agenda to demonize Whites.
But in the end the White man shall win! If Christ is for us, who can be against us?
Dear CFT, the point you’re missing is that the rejection of a “White Egypt” and a “White middle-east” is not coming from crazy black lunatics and their jewish masters but by the inhabitants of the very same places you claim as your own.
Egyptian, Berbers, Levantine, Syrians, Armenians, Kurdish, Assyrians, Mandeans, Copts, Persian and many more populations have lived in the places you claim since the dawn of times.
The Lebanese, who are not White but light brown, are the closest to the ancient Phoenicians with northen europeans being the most distant according to DNA studies.
The same counts for Egyptians with their ancient counterparts, with Kurds and Arabs with ancient Sumer and Babylon, with Syrians and ancient Levantines, With Persians and ancient Aryans.
In one article of yours you even claimed Genghis Khan was a Scythian.
Maybe you are just as mislead as those black supremacists.
Also why the hate towards black historians?
Egypt did have a black dinasty of Pharaohs, aren’t they too part of Egypt’s history? If not and then I am stupid explain to me how having a black dinasty doesn’t make blacks part of Egypt’s history.
White people aren’t made to live in the hot and sunny climate of the middle east and africa, without sunscream white people would go extinct in a couple generations because of skin cancer and melanoma like it happened to 95% of all albinos in subsaharan-Africa, how do you explain that?
The fact that white people get skin cancer is proof that whites can’t live in those regions with those climates.
Ancient middle-easterners never once complained about skin cancer or skin burns.
Ironically it’s white, very fair skinned, blonde/redhead and blue/green eyed people who die the most of skin cancers and melanomas, for example like ashkenazis in Israel compared to local Palestinians.
Even Persians who live in colder climates are still brown skinned and those are the real Aryans.
The truth is that White people don’t have much to do with the middle east except for the period of their invasions.
Do theseEgyptian Nobles from the early Egyptian period in these contemporary drawings look white or nordic?
Ancient Egyptians had very big lips while White people have very small and sometimes don’t even have them visible.
I am open to be objected to, prove me wrong
It’s easy to prove you wrong. Both the Greek and Roman Empires had similar “hot” climates to the rest of the Near East, and no one disputes they were White. Same with the Byzantine Empire, which occupied what is now Turkey or Anatolia. No one disputes they were White. The sun was no problem for them.
The original Persians were Aryans, and they were White. The original Egyptians were White, according to DNA tests done on King Tut and many other rulers. Sure, Egypt became darker over time, but all that proves is that it was overrun by non-whites over time. According to descriptions in the Bible, the ancient Israelites were White, ruddy (pink skinned) and fair.
I met a guy from Lybia many years ago, and he told me that it was “common knowledge” among people there that the entire northern coast of Africa along the Mediterranean was White in ancient times. So it’s not just White people who believe that. One look at the blue-eyed and freckled Berbers should convince you of that.
Whites have lived in South Africa for over 500 years now and have not died out because of “skin cancer”. California, and the entire Southwest, is equally hot as the Near East, and White people have thrived.
The other reality is that the climate of the Near East has changed over the last 4,000 years. In ancient times it was far more green with vast forests in places like Lebanon, but it was turned into a hot desert by over-grazing, clear cutting the forests, and in efficient farming. Archeologists have even found evidence that the Sahara Desert was once green.
Unfortunately, the brown people who live there now can’t imagine that it was very different thousands of years ago. But then again, it has always been White people to practice archeology and anthropology, so may you’re just not interested in the subject because what you discover won’t be what you think.
Heinrich, I agree and furthermore Fra is likely a jewish troll. There are so many that come to CFT to troll and demonize White people. Almost all of them are hasbara unit-8200 trolls.
Of course Fra would never admit your points, that the ancient near east was more green, a different climate, or White’s living in South Africa, California etc. Thank you for sticking up for our people.
Talking to Fra goes thing like this….
I was going to say the same. The mazar Edomite trash that styles itself “jew” is just a bunch of garbage bound for Hell. God has rejected them for salvation, which is why they are such hard-hearted garbage they can’t hear and accept truth.
“…I am open to be objected to, prove me wrong….”
Fra — the entirety of this Website is Testimony that you are wrong. So…… happy reading.
Fra… have you been to New Zealand or Australia? It gets hot. Really hot. Parts of Aussie are like ovens and are uninhabitable. NZ and Aussie have a hole in the ozone layer above them, which makes it really bad for sun burn and skin cancer as the ultraviolet light is very bad. Despite this, White man has built these two nations from the ground up, and stone-aged Aborigines, and Maoris, didn’t.
Yep, we all wear hats, and sunglasses, and clothes, and sunscreen to-day! but prior to 50 years ago no-one bothered much with being “sun smart”. White man has been living down in Sydney for approx 230 years now… White man still hasn’t gone extinct through sunburn.
Conquers always steal and lie about history. Copts, for example, have been proven to be recent immigrants to Egypt, in spite of what they claim. Notice they all consider themselves black, inspite of the fact they’re vaguely mixed? Yeah, same psychology as blacks.
All these losers in the Middle East have spent the last thousand + years proving they are not the same people by squatting on the ruins their supposed ancestors created.
People seem too dumb to ask, if their people did all that, then why are they too stupid and violent to create the same quality of living that once existed
The answer is they aren’t the same people.
“are the closest to the ancient Phoenicians with northen europeans being the most distant according to DNA studies.”
No, West Africans would be the most distant. Post a link to back up your claims so I can see which groups are being compared and what timeframe is being measured. The Phoenicians changed over time because the term is a geographical term, not an ethnic one. From roughly 1400 BC to 700 BC, the Phoenicians were Israelites. Outside of that period, they were Canaanites. Regardless, both of those groups were Caucasian.
The idea that whites couldn’t live in the Middle East is false because the Philistines were genetically identical to Greeks. Old Arab writers described the Persians as white, and the Temehu are an example of a white group that existed in North Africa.
Ancient Egyptians had to have been lighter skinned than modern Egyptians because a 2017 study showed that Egypt experienced an increase in sub-Saharan African DNA in the post-Roman period.
Every. Single. Time.
Jewish “comedian” Jon Liebowitz “Stewart” says that blacks and jews should stop fighting each other and gang up and “fight whitey” but it’s too bad for him that blacks see him as white, and since jews are so “privileged”, they will be the first “white” people targeted by blacks when they chimp out….