[CFT Note: This article is a re-posting of an older article which we have updated for its timely subject matter.]
(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) Since the founding of the United States of America, Jews have fought against any attempts by the overwhelmingly Christian majority to recognize any holiday as Christian — and their efforts to remove Christ from Thanksgiving was one their earliest victories:
Thanksgiving seems to have all the right ingredients for a holiday that most American Jews can embrace: It doesn’t fall on Shabbat, its roots and message are nonsectarian, and its only real ritual is a multi-course meal.
That’s why prominent Orthodox rabbis of the mid-20th century, including Rabbi Joseph Soloveitchik and Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, gave Thanksgiving their hechsher (seal of approval). Shari Rabin, associate professor of Jewish studies and religion at Oberlin, told me that American Jews are comfortable with Thanksgiving for the most part because “it’s not as directly connected to Paganism or Christianity as Halloween or Christmas.”
And yet like so many aspects of the American-Jewish experience, Jews didn’t accept Thanksgiving — and Thanksgiving didn’t accept the Jews — without some struggle. As a 19th-century skirmish between Jewish leaders in Pennsylvania and their state’s governor demonstrated, Jews made sure that Thanksgiving was a day they could celebrate on equal standing with Christians.
Well before President Abraham Lincoln declared Thanksgiving a federal holiday in 1863, there were national and local “proclamations” that officially established a day of gratitude each year. In the first year of his presidency, on Oct. 3, 1789, George Washington issued a Thanksgiving proclamation by the new government, designating “Thursday the 26th day of November next” as Thanksgiving. The proclamation calls for “a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God” — religious, but not specifically Christian. Gershom Mendes Seixas, the cantor of New York’s Congregation Shearith Israel, welcomed the president’s declaration in what is regarded as the first Jewish sermon about Thanksgiving.
Washington goes on to urge gratitude “for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed” — a message consistent with his letter, one year later, to Seixas’s brother Moses, of Touro Synagogue in Newport, Rhode Island, promising “liberty of conscience” to all people, regardless of religious belief.
Other Thanksgiving proclamations did not communicate Washington’s nonsectarian message. Many were, in fact, filled with Christian language. According to Laura Yares, assistant professor of Religious Studies at Michigan State University, when the United States was in its nascent stages, “there was no blueprint for creating a non-sectarian public holiday.” Yares told me that “in the long evolution of customs and language for celebrating Thanksgiving, we shouldn’t be surprised to find that there have been public figures who have used the cultural resources of their own traditions to describe Thanksgiving, including Christian theology.”
And it was that kind of theology that set off a number of Jewish Philadelphians in what can only be described as a 19th-century version of a Twitter war. In 1848, Gov. William Johnston of Pennsylvania issued a Thanksgiving proclamation calling for the day to “be set apart, by all denominations of Christians within this Commonwealth.” That did not sit well with some Jews, and they made their displeasure known in the pages of The Occident and American Jewish Advocate, a Jewish newspaper published in Philadelphia.
The November issue of the paper quoted A.T. Jones, a Jewish Philadelphian, who complained to the governor that “Israelites never forget to pray for their rulers — yet your excellency seems to have no recollection of their existence… treat[ing] them as though they were not worthy of it.” Jones lamented that Jews “fought and bled” with their fellow American citizens and expressed great disappointment in a proclamation that clearly omitted Jews in the celebration of Thanksgiving.
The North American and United States Gazette, a secular Philadelphian newspaper, noted that a similar dustup had occurred a few years earlier over a proclamation by then Gov. Francis Rawn Shunk. In a forgiving tone, the Gazette suggested that such proclamations “are seldom written by governors themselves.” The most powerful exchange, published in the same paper, was between a prominent Jewish lawyer in Philadelphia, Joseph Moss, and the governor himself, a few weeks prior to the holiday. Learning that Gov. Johnston was in town, Moss immediately wrote, complaining that in a commonwealth with over 15,000 Jews, the proclamation “seems entirely to have lost sight of these undeviating followers of the Holy Bible.”
The governor responded the following day with an epic apology: “I cannot permit you to suppose that the spirit of intolerance has a place within my bosom,” he wrote. “The terms of [the proclamation’s] composition or its phraseology were not designated by me. It was issued by the Secretary of State during my absence, and I presumed [it] would be in the usual form.” The governor concluded his response by officially inviting the Jewish community to observe Thanksgiving and signed it, “Truly your friend, Wm. F. Johnston.”
This crisis-averting resolution — and the new “friendship” it supposedly created — sounds almost quaint after 170 years. But these Thanksgiving proclamation mishaps, which occurred throughout the 1800s in various states — including Ohio, Pennsylvania and South Carolina — turned into opportunities for Jews to assert and insert themselves into the national narrative. Yares notes: “Since Moses Seixas’ letter to George Washington in 1790, Jews have openly and publicly taken on the task of holding political leaders to the task of preserving America’s commitment to the separation of church and state.”
Thanksgiving this year arrives on the Thursday before Hanukkah, and we’ll be thinking about our dual loyalties to turkey and latkes. Hanukkah celebrates the right of Jews to worship without being coerced into the ways of the majority. Thanksgiving celebrates the ways people of all faiths — and none — can express thanks on equal terms.
To paraphrase the late 19-century Jewish philosopher Ahad Ha’am’s maxim about Shabbat: More than the Jewish people have kept Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving has kept the Jews — and enabled them to consistently affirm their rightful place in these United States.
Imagine if the Christian majority insisted that the Jews stopped celebrating holidays like Purim, Passover, Yom Kippur, and Rosh Hashanah as Jewish holidays and made them secular holidays so Christians would celebrate them too — they would have fits and cry “Persecution!” and “Antisemitism!”
The Jews of Philadelphia conveniently ignored the original 1776 Pennsylvania State Constitution, which clearly stated that any elected officials — and that would include the governor — must declare the following beliefs:
And each member, before he takes his seat, shall make and subscribe the following declaration, viz : I do believe in one God, the creator and governor of the universe, the rewarder of the good and the punisher of the wicked. And I do acknowledge the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be given by Divine inspiration.
Clearly the citizens of Pennsylvania expected all of their elected officials to be Christians — and to uphold the “divinely inspired” New Testament — kryptonite to any Jew — which is why the Jews made sure this Christian clause was removed when Pennsylvania revised its constitution.
The expression “separation of church and state” exists nowhere in the text of the U.S. Constitution or Bill of Rights — it was derived from an expression Thomas Jefferson used in a private letter that he wrote in 1802 to the Danbury Baptist Association, reassuring them that the Constitution protected their right to freely practice their particular sect of Christianity:
Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should ‘make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,’ thus building a wall of separation between Church and State.
The issue of “freedom of religion” for Jefferson and the Founding Fathers wasn’t about the freedom to be a Jew, Muslim, or Hindu in America, but rather that no particular sect of Christianity would dominate or compel other Christians against their beliefs.
And contrary to what the Jewish writer above contends, the roots of the original Thanksgiving among the Pilgrims was, in fact, undeniably a Christian celebration of thanks — it most certainly was not a “sectarian” feast with pagan Indians on equal terms.
The Pilgrims risked everything to come to the American colonies not to be free from Christianity, but rather to pursue their chosen form of Christianity — free from the oppressive intolerance and abuses of the likes of the Church of England and the Vatican.
The Pilgrims came to America to establish their freedom in Christ, as Galatians 5:1 tells us,
Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.
The concept of “liberty” for Christians in colonial America was inextricably tied to Christ — there was no true liberty without Christ.
The Judeo-Masonic version of “liberty” without Christ ultimately leads to enslavement to our passions:
And that because of false brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage” (Galatians 2:4)
Freedom in Christ — not freedom from Christ.
The idea that the Founding Fathers fought and died to ensure that Jews, Muslims, Hindus, and Buddhists — all enemies of Christ — could freely worship their strange gods on equal terms with Christ in America is not only preposterous but comical.
But that is exactly what Jews want us all to foolishly accept — that when they wrote the U.S. Constitution, the Founding Fathers envisioned a nation founded on Marxist-inspired Jewish “pluralism” — a Judeo-Masonic weapon to overthrow all Christian nations.
And what have Jews done with their “freedom” from Christianity?
On Thanksgiving Jews now openly celebrate kissing lesbians, race mixing, and sodomy in their annual, nationally-televised Macy’s Thanksgiving parade.
This is the “legacy” that Jews have wrought when we allowed them to remove Christ from Thanksgiving.
How the Jewish Money Kings of London took Americas businesses -excerpt from 1890 book by L.Fry The London Money Kings-The Great Red Dragon.
Everybody gets into debt. Then, in Order to Make Hard Times, the MoneyKings have only to lock up the money they make as profits out of their various enterprises in the country.They stop building railroads : they stop all outlays for city improvements: they stop all investments in new
enterprises; and they stop loans to borrowers. They simply lock up their profits, and let the money lie idle.
And at once business is at a stand still : the improvements which had given activity to business cease : established businesses, such as farming, manufacturing, railroading go on ; everything else stops. There is universal stagnation : prices fall : a flood of bankruptcy sweeps over the land : thousands are ruined : —and the Money Kings revel in low prices of produce, and cheap purchases of bankrupt property.
This was the way in which the Money Kings operated the hard times of 1873, and several years afterwards. But they had to have a visible cause that would account for the hard times to the public, on accepted business principles. The failure of Jay Cooke did this. It destroyed confidence, and in the eyes of the public justified the locking up of the money, with all the subsequent ruin.’ They thus made our people believe that the crash was an unavoidable disaster, due to regular business.
1926 The Hidden Hand.
Edouard Rothschild V-th in Paris and the 300 Judeo-Mongols, who are composing the World Government (the Hidden Hand), made 100 billions out of this First World War .
Of course, not counting their “lust of murder,” they are willing to stage a Second World War . They are preparing it against rich America .Controlling the World press, they can easily stage any war.
“If Wall Street should say the word tomorrow, all the editors and preachers would be for the war”
–Eugene V . Debs, The Sun, May 4, 1925
So it’s good to celebrate the shipping of Europeans to N.America by the jews via the jew instigated wars in Europe?
Thanksgiving is everyday for me
The first English and Dutch came to North America to escape religious persecution, not because of “Jew instigated wars in Europe”….
Later the Irish came to America because of the Potato Famine, instigated by the British.
And later, the biggest wave of immigration came in the later 19th century, but there were no major wars during that time in Europe.
America promised freedom and better opportunities than Europe offered. Plain and simple.
[“…American Jews are comfortable with Thanksgiving for the most part because “it’s not as directly connected to Paganism or Christianity as Halloween or Christmas.”]
Christmas was ruined from being a Christian holiday because the j000s maintained a multi billion dollar industry from it…from BLACK FRIDAY all the way to Christmas Day and the ridiculous fallout of SALES afterward until the beginning of the New Year when all the debt accrued cause misery and suffering. THIS is what caused me many years ago to BOYCOTT this fallacy. They turned it into an industry just like they do with everything. Did I mention all of their jewlywood movies and music DEDICATED to the hated Christians that THEY made billions from even singing O’ Holy Night…and still do? How about the multi billion dollar alcohol sales celebrating these high helly days? You can’t go into a public space without being manipulated with the broken record song of Bingy’s White Christmas. Just imagine a professed porno lover making her mark in the dreaded holiday…
The day I came away from this insanity is the day I met Jesus Christ.
Rant over…
Paul Kurt
Thank you for the “rant”.
Hello ! I am so curios about your opinion over this subject.
“How do Christians explain the similarities between the Ten Commandments and the Egyptian Book of the Dead ?(Papyrus of Ani)”
“8 of the 10 Commandments originate from the Ideals of Ma’at. ”
This subject is very interesting and many speculate over it.
Johnny Rottenborough
Assuming the quote is correct, Founding Father John Adams thought well of Jews:
‘I will insist that the Hebrews have done more to civilize men than any other nation. If I were an atheist, and believed in blind eternal fate, I should still believe that fate had ordained the Jews to be the most essential instrument for civilizing the nations. If I were an atheist of the other sect, who believe or pretend to believe that all is ordered by chance, I should believe that chance had ordered the Jews to preserve and propagate to all mankind the doctrine of a supreme, intelligent, wise, almighty sovereign of the universe, which I believe to be the great essential principle of all morality, and consequently of all civilization.’ (16th February, 1809)
I wonder if that opinion was held by other members of the ruling class.
I think John Adams was projecting on to the Jews the accomplishments of the ancient Israelites, not knowing that they were completely different people. A common error among Christians throughout history. It’s a common and forgivable error. And he probably had no experience with Ashkenazi Jews to sour his opinion.
He didn’t have the advantage that we have today of having more access to historic sources to prove that the Jews are not who they claim to be.
Johnny Rottenborough
Edward—Adams may not have had contact with Ashkenazi Jews but he must have been aware of the criticism of Jews made by Martin Luther and other Christians; it is strange that he would disregard their opinions. The worst case scenario is that America’s ruling class shared Adams’ naive understanding of Jewry.
I suspect you’re on to something here, as Jefferson and Paine took the opposite tack because they couldn’t accept the nobility of the kikes doctrine.
(I’d like to believe that JA was “based” and knew that America was founded by Israelites, and he was referring to them/himself as jews)
Adams’ most famous quote might be: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
By that, there should be no Jews in the USA.
Johnny Rottenborough
RB—It sems to me that, for whatever reason, the fledgling United States missed a golden opportunity to expel its Jews and forbid their return. This is from Chapter IV of A History of Central Banking by Stephen Mitford Goodson:
‘On 25 February 1791 the Bank of North America was succeeded by a second central bank, which was chartered as the First Bank of the United States…The new bank had a capital of $10 million, of which 20% was held by the US government and the balance by private investors. The bank was strongly opposed by future presidents John Adams, James Madison and Thomas Jefferson.
‘In 1811 the bank’s charter came up for renewal…Thomas Jefferson was one of those who “violently opposed” renewal of the bill. What particularly irked the legislators was the fact that the bank was now 100% in the ownership of foreigners.
‘When the principal shareholder of the First Bank of the United States, Mayer Amschel Rothschild heard about the deep dissension regarding the renewal of the bank’s charter, he flew into a rage and declared that “either the application for renewal of the charter is granted, or the United States will find itself involved in a most disastrous war.”’
wilfred john
Wow, great quote, Johnny
I’ve never seen that before. How many people know that the first central bank in the U.S. was owned by the Rothschilds? Meet the new boss, same as the old boss.
My understanding is that J.P. Morgan became the U.S. frontman for the Rothschilds thereafter….
Australian nurse claim that vaccinated people are dying of the vaccines, not the virus:
AMERICA VANQUISHED, Part 1: America as an Israeli Colony
Lasha Darkmoon October 31, 2011 Articles, Recommended Reading
“We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it.”
— Israel Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, October 3, 2001
“I don’t care if Americans think we’re running the news media, Hollywood, Wall Street or the government,” Jewish columnist Joel Stein wrote in the Los Angeles Times in December 2008. “I just care that we get to keep running them.”
Mr Stein’s reckless candor in admitting that the Jews ran America was to cost him his job at the LA Times.
If Americans have lost their country to organized Jewry, they lost it slowly and imperceptibly. Indeed, most Americans remain unaware that their country no longer belongs to them. They fervently believe they still live in a democracy. This was a takeover not without precedent, however. It had happened to Germany. It had happened to Russia. It has now happened to America.
Take Germany and Russia.
Germany, a mere shadow of what it might have been, is now a defeated and demoralized nation, thoroughly browbeaten by Jewry and terrified of their masters in Israel. Without stretching it too far, one could say that Germany has become Israel’s cash cow.
According to Solzhenitsyn in The Gulag Archipelago, 66 million Russian Christians were put to death on the orders of the Cheka or Russian secret police. Those devising the tortures, and giving the orders to rape and kill ethnic Russians, were mostly Jews. Yuri Slezkine’s candid quote from historian Leonard Shapiro is too well known to be casually dismissed: “Anyone who had the misfortune to fall into the hands of the Cheka stood a very good chance of finding himself confronted with and possibly shot by a Jewish investigator.”
Out of 388 members of the new revolutionary government in Russia, only sixteen were real Russians. “Apart from one negro,” we are told, “the rest were Jews.”
These revolutionaries did their best to hide their Jewish identities by taking new names. Lenin was originally Ulyanov, Trotsky was Bronstein, Zinoviev was Apfelbaum, Sverdlov was Solomon, Zinoviev was Radomyslsky, Radek was Sobelsohn, Litvonov was Wallach, Kamenev was Rosenfeld, Parvus was Helphand, Martov was Zederbaum, Bohrin was Nathanson. Not one of these Jewish revolutionaries was prepared to go under his own name or be identified as a Jew. Under Stalin, merely to draw attention to the fact that unpopular officials were Jewish was to incur the death penalty.
Another interesting titbit of information that court historians prefer not to mention is this: many of the Jews propping up the new Bolshevik government, happy to issue instructions for the torture and execution of Russian Christians, were actually Jews who had been shipped in from the East Side of New York. No surprise here. After all, the man who helped to finance the Russian Revolution from his base in Wall Street—to the tune of $20 million—was Jewish American banker Jacob Schiff.
A well-known French journal, L’Illustration, had this to say in its edition of September 14, 1918:
“When one comes in contact with the functionaries serving in the Bolshevik Government, one feature strikes the attention: almost all of them are Jews. I am not at all anti-Semitic, but I must state what strikes the eye. Everywhere — in Petrograd, in Moscow, in provincial districts, in commissariats, in district offices, in Smolny, in the Soviets — I have met nothing but Jews and again Jews.”
Some are calling it “Friendsgiving Day.”
Xmas, thanksgiving, New Years, Easter, Halloween etc. ALL have roots in paganism and are not of christ.. AT ALL
Anti-apron wearers
Why was George Washington so accommodating to the Jews? Did it have anything to do with the fact that he was a 33rd degree freemason?
Many early Christian colonial settlers believed that America was the “New Jerusalem” and that they were like the Israelites in the wilderness. Others believed that they had to allow Jews into America to fulfill prophecy, the Jews return to Israel. Maybe Washington was one of those misguided fools.
I think the Founding Fathers knew that they were the israelites.Just look at the Benjamin Franklin’s Great Seal.It shows Moses crossing the Read Sea.
I am curious why they agreed to become Freemasons and why they did not leave this evil cult.
Also,Masonry is created by the jews and Franklin was anti-jews.
“In whatever country Jews have settled in any great number, they have lowered its moral tone; depreciated its commercial integrity; have segregated themselves and have not been assimilated; have sneered at and tried to undermine the Christian religion upon which that nation is founded, by objecting to its restrictions; have built up a state within the state; and when opposed have tried to strangle that country to death financially, as in the case of Spain and Portugal.”
They say that he never said that and was misatteibuted to Franklin but this quote is true.
Many europeans say that America was built by Masons to destroy Europe,but I don’t know what to say.Probably they didn’t know that Freemasonry was created by jews.
Good article by CFT. Certainly, the Constitution’s prohibition of the federal govt from making a law regarding religion, i.e. assigning an official, state-endorsed sect of Christianity had everything to do with the Catholic vs. Protestant rift that had caused so many problems in Europe with various govts there being one brand while many of its citizens were of the other, with Mother England as the prime example.
It should also be noted that this is part of a very commonly misunderstood dynamic regarding the Constitution, in that the Constitution was merely an enumeration of what the FEDERAL govt could do (and thus by omission, what it was not allowed to do). It was not intended as any prohibition on what each STATE could do, and for example, some states did have explicit “religious tests” for holding public office, i.e. Christian. The concept was that states would still have a large degree of sovereignty in how each ran, and people were free to vote with their feet, so to speak, moving to another state of one didn’t suit them.
It was only upon the conclusion of the disaster that was the War Between the States with a 14th Amendment that would lay the pretext foundation for the much later interpretation of “equal protection” in that whatever the federal govt was prohibited from doing by the Constitution, the states would also now be prohibited from doing, an intention never originally meant and a radical departure from the original concept by the framers. No doubt, also one the states would never have ratified in the first place.
ham sandwich
This is the story of Jews in America: insert themselves where they are not wanted and become a deeply entrenched social irritant that everybody wants to avoid, and no one dare speak about above a whisper.
Jews are offended by the Roman maxim, “When in Rome, do as the Romans do.”
For the Jews, it’s, “When in Rome, the Jew makes Romans conform to and accommodate them, and keep complaining until the Romans give you what you want just to shut you up.”
The greatest lie the Jews ever told themselves is, “You like me. You really like me.”
No, we don’t. As a group, we tolerate Jews because they have made intolerance to Jewish shenanigans virtually illegal. And they don’t care. That’s the thing that gentiles don’t get: Jews do not care if you like them or not as a group. They’ve always got each other, and they really don’t like each other either.
From the article: “Israelites never forget to pray for their rulers — yet your excellency seems to have no recollection of their existence… treat[ing] them as though they were not worthy of it.”
Funny how their alleged prayer gets used as a weapon against those they disagree with.
“I prayed for you, so you’d better do what I say!”
It’s like their “good will” is a transaction that they expect returns on. That quote of theirs shows how little they actually care.
This becomes doubly sinister considering that we already know how murderous the Jews are. They obviously want white civilization to fall, so they’re psychopathic enough to play on career politicians’ horrifically misguided religious sentiments. In a bizarre way, they probably deserve one another.
We see this kind of behavior among white Christians as well though. Although in the case of white Christians the behavior is probably more narcissistic than psychopathic.
“The Bible says you have to be loving, so you’d better love me by doing what I say!”
“I did X for you, so I expect Y in return!”
Yet there’s a big “BUT”!… What does it say of us as Christians that we fall for these ploys? If we fall to narcissistic and psychopathic manipulations, then is our love a true love? Maybe this shows we seek approval of men, or have fear of abandonment, or some other worldly and fleshly motivation that makes us an easy prey for the wolves?
There is no doubt this offensive image was somehow put together by Jews.
In Medieval Europe, Christians observed up to 140 days of Christian observances and holidays.
In America, there is not one single day outside of Sunday that Christians set aside for Christ, and even then, it’s a stretch to say that Sunday is a Sabbath anymore, considering most businesses are now open on Sundays.
A nation that has no official Sabbath day has no right calling itself a “Christian nation”.
Sunday isn’t the sabbath day
Colossians 2,
16 Therefore, no one is to act as your judge in regard to food and drink, or in respect to a festival or a new moon, or a Sabbath day— 17 things which are only a shadow of what is to come; but the substance belongs to Christ.
Shlomo Bergsteinowitz
That’s correct Moshe, for those who pay dirty old men to first mutilate then slurp on a baby boy’s penis with his lips & mouth.
Many schools in American no longer have Christmas break….it’s now called “winter break”…..same with Easter break….now “spring break”…..don’t want to offend those Jews and Muslims who came to America so that they didn’t have to be subjected to Christianity…..