(The Forward) When Jews living in Black ghettos have been targeted in muggings and shootings, the Jews want to claim they are victims of ‘Black antisemitism’, but at the same time they don’t want to alienate Blacks who have traditionally been their political partners in subverting White social power, so they’ve come up with a solution to this dilemma: blame Black antisemitism on ‘The Man” or ‘systemic’ White racism:
The Jewish community has been pointing to this nebulous “Black anti-Semitism” since at least the 1940s, when Louis Silberman, a rabbinical student at Hebrew Union College in Cincinnati, wrote about “the rise of Negro anti-Semitism…”
“This rather new trend can be explained at least partially on psychological and partially on economic grounds,” wrote Silberman. “The Negro, filled with hidden resentment because of the inferior status forced upon him and not daring to express it in open anti-white terms, can find an outlet through his attitude toward a group that in one sense belongs to the dominant white majority, and at the same time does not completely belong, and therefore can be the target of hatred without inviting the wrath of the community as a whole… to the Negro [the Jew] becomes a symbol of general economic discrimination and injustice.”
…What is remarkable, though, is that a single factor underlies every attempt to diagnose a unique form of Black anti-Semitism: systemic racism. In analysis after analysis, antisemitism in the Black community is shown to be the symptom of the structures of racism in the United States – housing insecurity, lack of access to quality education, food deserts, access to political capital, discriminatory policing, and on and on.
Ultimately, the conversation about Black anti-Semitism is not actually about Blacks and Jews – a binary that not only serves to divide our communities further but also erases the growing number of people who inhabit both. The conversation is a microcosm of the larger issues facing American society today – and the Black and Jewish communities’ roles in it. And the solution? Working to address the well-documented social challenges faced disproportionately by Black Americans.
As Vorspan wrote, somewhat sardonically, some 50 years ago:
“Even if we beat every black anti-Semite into the ground with a two-by-four marked ‘Remember the six million,’ will we eliminate anti-Semitism? What we must do about it is not exhaust ourselves with symptoms but deal with the root problems which spawn hatred and violence and frustration. Until we deal with the misery of the slums, until we eliminate unemployment and underemployment, until we deal with the terrible plight of powerlessness, until we humanize our monstrous welfare system, until we deal with the social problems of the American city, there will be anti-Semitism and there will be every other kind of prejudice and every other kind of antisocial fury.”
So, in other words, Blacks really don’t have a beef with Jews moving into their neighborhoods, buying up their properties for pennies on the dollar, forcing low-income Blacks out or into government-subsidized rental housing owned by Jewish slumlords and profiteers.
No, that’s not actually happening at all, and when Blacks strike out at Jews as these real tensions boil to the surface, it’s merely misplaced Black resentment toward Jews, when in reality, Blacks really need to keep hating Whites for all their problems.
Remember, Jamal, it’s Whitey who created these slums to “keep you down”, not us Jews who love you and took part in your Civil Rights marches with you. Don’t mug, beat, and shoot us. Save that violence for those who really deserve it: For Whitey.
Sometimes Jews will tell the truth about how they really feel about Blacks, but they often do it in one of their “comedies” so it gives them deniability:
Last Lost Amalek
In the Middle Ages, Jews in Germany had to wear a yellow star to ensure that they would not be robbed, cheated, ripped off or beaten up by their fellow Jews. Perhaps they should reintroduce this fashion
A Black man apologizes to Whites for thinking that Jews were also White:
Sy Bergsteinowitz
Aren’t the blacks grateful enough when the Jew house stealers bring in drug dealers and prostitutes into their ‘hood to drive down house prices, which then the Jew grabs for shekels on the dollar?
Obviously, the first and most dangerous ((( lie ))) is — “You shall not surely die”.
But seriously…………………this “equality” like has got to be #2.
My entire family and friends from my college years are totally and completely bamboozled by this lie of equality. It keeps them from ever looking at the Jewish Question (now problem), let alone Race relations.
Which brings me to the 3rd most damaging lie — “God’s Chosen Jews”.
Then it all flows downward — ww2, the nsdap, the holycaust etc., etc., etc.
So thankful for CFT. I read this site everyday. Mostly, just to know there are others like me. Keeps me sane.
I sure hope there are many, many more people who come here, versus the amount of commenters.
Thanks for staying in the fight for Truth!
Me too. I come here to keep sane, never posted though until now. I remember first finding this site and was just floored that other people apparently know what I’ve known since literally 8 years of age, that is, Jews are anything, ANYTHING but “God’s Chosen People”. I remember telling my Great Grandpa (who was WWII and religious, so was pro- Jewish) that Jews were Satan’s chosen poeple. LOL Yeah, that didn’t go over well.
The jew developed ‘catch 22’ for the purpose of enslaving their hereditary enemies, the white man to his own guilt and desires. Problem is, they weren’t smart enough to have designed it so jews would not be susceptible to it just as we are. When they are ultimately subjected to their own devices (when their lies catch up with them), then will the facade shatter and our people will awaken from their own ‘catch 22’ slumber…
Since most Blacks see Jews as a kind of “White” people, this strategy of blaming Whitey but not Jews isn’t going to work. It’s too nuanced for Blacks to have the patience to absorb.
And essential part of the Jews’ road to power has been their ability to pass as White, now that ability is coming back to haunt them.
If a Jew isn’t walking around in a Jew uniform, like the Orthodox, very few Blacks are going to think “Jew”. They think “Whitey”, and yes, will blames White Jews just as much as real White people for their problems, because that’s exactly what Jews have trained them to do with their anti-White agi-prop for generations.