(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) Jewish historian, Matthew Dallek — while researching his new book on the John Birch Society — came across archival documents which showed how the Anti-Defamation League illegally spied on, infiltrated and subverted the JBS — nefarious actions which Dallek claims were justified and praiseworthy because of the threat the JBS posed to Jewish self-interests:
…The discovery of the Anti-Defamation League’s covert operation targeting the John Birch Society is the basis of a chapter in a new book by political historian Matthew Dallek of George Washington University. Published in March, “Birchers: How the John Birch Society Radicalized the American Right” is Dallek’s fourth book. It examines the roots of today’s emboldened conservative movement in the United States.
“Birchers” is a history of a group that at its height numbered as many as 100,000 members and “mobilized a loyal army of activists” in a campaign against what it saw as a vast communist conspiracy. He also examines how the Birchers’ mission to defend Christianity and capitalism morphed into a radical anti-civil rights agenda that groups like the ADL saw as an existential threat.
Dallek, who grew up in a Reform Jewish household in Los Angeles, recently sat with the Jewish Telegraphic Agency to discuss the rise of the Birchers, how the ADL infiltrated their ranks and whether such tactics are justified in the name of fighting extremism.
[The conversation has been edited for clarity and brevity.]
Mathew Dallek:
“The John Birch Society was a household name in the 1960s, becoming the emblem of far-right extremism. It didn’t have huge numbers, but it did penetrate the culture and the national consciousness. Its leader, Robert Welch, had argued at one point that President Dwight Eisenhower was a dedicated agent of a communist conspiracy taking over the United States. Welch formed the John Birch Society to educate the American people about the nature of the communist threat.
In its heyday, the group had about 60,000 to 100,000 members, organized into small chapters. They sent out literature trying to give members roadmaps or ideas for what they could do. They believed a mass education of the public was needed because traditional two-party politics was not going to be very effective at exposing the communist threat. They would form front groups such as Impeach Earl Warren [the Supreme Court’s chief justice] or Support Your Local Police. They tried to ban certain books that they viewed as socialistic from being used in schools. Some Birchers ran for school board seats and protested at libraries.
(((Critics))) feared that the Birchers were a growing fascist or authoritarian group and that if they were not sidelined politically and culturally then the country could be overrun. The Nation magazine wrote that Birchers essentially had given their followers an invitation to engage in civil war, guerrilla-style. Those fears sparked a big debate about democracy. How does one sustain democracy and, at the height of the Cold War and in the shadow of World War II, Nazi fascist Germany, and the Holocaust?
These papers are a goldmine. They’re this incredible and often detailed window into the far-right and, in particular, the John Birch Society. They show the ADL had an extensive, multi-dimensional counterintelligence operation that they were running against the Birch Society.
People knew at the time that the ADL was attending events where Birchers were speaking. But the ADL also had undercover agents with code names, who were able to infiltrate the society’s headquarters in Belmont, Massachusetts, and various chapter officers. They dug up financial and employment information about individual Birchers. And they not only used the material for their own newsletters and press releases, but they also fed information to the media.
Another layer is about a debate that’s been going on: Were the Birchers racist and antisemitic? The Birch Society always insisted that they did not tolerate white supremacy and didn’t want any KKK members. They said they accepted people of all faiths and races. And it’s true that they did have a handful of Jewish and Black members.
So, a few things: It’s the late ’50s and ’60s, and a civil rights coalition is emerging. Benjamin Epstein, the national director of the ADL, was friendly with Thurgood Marshall, the Supreme Court justice, and Martin Luther King. John F. Kennedy went to an ADL event and praised the ADL for speaking out very strongly in defense of democracy and pushing for the equal treatment of all Americans.
Isadore Zack, who helped lead the spy operation, at one point wrote to his colleagues that it was only in a democracy that the Jewish community has been allowed to flourish and so, if you want to defend Jewish Americans, you also have to defend democracy.
There certainly were other threats at the time, but the Birch Society was seen by liberal critics, including the ADL, as a very secretive group that promoted conspiracy theories about communists who often became conflated with Jews.
They were successful. They used surreptitious and in some cases underhanded means to expose the antisemitism and the racism and also interest in violence or the violent rhetoric of the Birch Society in the 1960s.
The ADL was at the tip of the spear of a liberal coalition that included the White House, sometimes the Department of Justice, depending on the issue, the NAACP, Americans for Democratic Action, labor unions, the union-backed Group Research Inc., which was tracking the far-right as well. The ADL was one of the most, if not the most effective at constraining and discrediting the society.
Clearly, however, the Birchers’ ideas never died. They lived on and made a comeback.
It’s important to remember that in the mid-20th century, law enforcement in the United States was often led by antisemites or people who were much more concerned with alleged internal communist threats — the threat from the left.
From the ADL’s vantage point, one could not rely on the government entities that were by law and by design supposed to protect Jewish Americans. There was a sense that this work had to be done, at least in part, outside of the parameters of the government.
When I first discovered the ADL’s spying, I didn’t quite know what to make of it. But I realized they weren’t just spying to spy, they exposed a lot of scary things, with echoes in our own times — like easy access to firearms, a hatred of the government, a denigration and defamation of minority groups. And this was all happening in the shadow of the Holocaust and World War II. I became much more sympathetic; they were very effective, and they had a vision of equality of treatment for all Americans.
It’s obviously controversial. I try not to shy away from it. But they had a lot of good reasons to fight back right and to fight back in this nonviolent way.
…[The] Jewish Defense League, led by Meir Kahane. He was a Bircher. Toward the end of my book, I mention that he was a member for a while, under his alias Michael King.
A lot of liberals in the 1960s and a lot of the leadership at the ADL grasped the axiom that things can always get worse…
…The sense that democracy is incredibly fragile is not just a theory or a concept: It’s an actuality, the sense as well, that the United States has only been a multiracial democracy for not very long and a haven for Jews for not that long either…
…The last thing I’ll say is that one of the admirable things in the 1960s about the ADL and the liberal coalition it belonged to is that it built support for landmark legislation like the Immigration Act of 1965, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Voting Rights Act of ’65. And a coalition eventually fell apart, but it was powerful, reminding us why Jewish American groups should care about or focus on issues that don’t directly affect Jewish people.”
Note how this article characterizes the Birchers who opposed the Civil Rights Movement as “radical” — rather than the radical movement itself — or the radical, communist-affliliated Jews who financed and orchestrated it for their own self-interest.
There was nothing “radical” about the John Birch Society — they were merely a continuation of a long conservative tradition which fought against communist subversion of America in the wake of the genocidal Judeo-Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.
However, after World War II under the leadership of William F. Buckley — the self-described “responsible conservative” and outspoken critic of the John Birch Society — the conservative “movement” made a tacit agreement with powerful Jewish interests to no longer discuss the Jewish Question or defend White racial interests — you could talk about liberal hypocrisy and incompetence while dismissing the “exaggerated” communist threat, but you could not mention the Jewish or racial elephant in the living room — and the JBS got the memo loud and clear and fell in line.
By 1965, not only had the ADL infiltrated and subverted the John Birch Society, Jewish interests had taken de facto control of it, as one of the original founding members, Revilo P. Oliver, had discovered after launching his own investigation — writing,
“I was not astonished, although I was pained, by the discovery that [Robert] Welch was merely the nominal head of the Birch business, which he operated under the supervision of a committee of Jews, while Jews also controlled the flow, through various bank accounts, of the funds that were needed to supplement the money that was extracted from the Society’s members by artfully passionate exhortations to ‘fight the Communists.’
As soon as the investigation was complete, including the record of a secret meeting in a hotel at which Welch reported to his supervisors, I resigned from the Birch hoax on 30 July 1966 with a letter in which I let the little man know that his secret had been discovered.”
One of Oliver’s close associates in the JBS agreed with his conclusions, describing what happened as a “Bolshevik take-over” which “…served the purposes of the very forces that it professed to be fighting.”
Oliver concluded his expose of the John Birch Society with the bitter truth that “American conservatism is dead” — reduced to an ineffectual, toothless form of nostalgia for what America used to be and what could have been — which culminated in Donald Trump’s disingenuous “Make America Great Again” sloganeering — a phenomenon anticipated by Oliver with his concluding remarks:
“But such nostalgic aspirations for the past are mere romanticism. They are dangerously antiquarian illusions today, when the only really fundamental question is whether our race still has the will-to-live or is so biologically degenerate that it will choose extinction — to be absorbed in a pullulant and pestilential mass of mongrels, while the triumphant Jews keep their holy race pure and predatory.”
In his book, The Judas Goats, the late investigative reporter, Michael Collins Piper, devoted an entire chapter (Chapter 22) to exposing the John Birch Society as controlled opposition — when Robert Welch allowed his company to be bought out by those who wished to steer the JBS away from its original purpose.
In fact, The Judas Goats confirms Revilo Oliver’s conclusions about the so-called “conservative” movement in America — that it has become infiltrated and subservient to Jewish interests — and all of its nominally “White” leaders and political pundits are nothing more than controlled opposition who have taken the Jews’ “thirty pieces of silver.”
As Matthew Dallek freely admits above, “only in a democracy that the Jewish community has been allowed to flourish” — which tacitly implies that democracies are antithetical to White interests and the preservation of our posterity — confirming Ezra Pound’s observation, “Democracy is now currently defined in Europe as a ‘country run by Jews.’“
I feel sorry for the John Birch followers. it’s been at least 4 years ago ,that I happened to read the ads in a newspaper or flyer and saw that a John Birch group was holding a meeting and the location was about one block from where I was living, so I made sure to attend because I wanted to see and find out and maybe make new friends in a subject area that I was interested in, and to see what was new.
I attended and was shocked to find that they were talking about the same exact things that I had read in their publications 40 years ago.
No wonder there are followers of Alex Jones and Donald Trump in prison, lost jobs, career’s, family, reputation or have a lifelong criminal record.
Alex Jones brags that for 30 years , the number of years always vary, that he has been exposing the New World Order. But when he gets callers, as Joyce Reilly of the Power Hour would , and begin to further reveal the truth about world affairs , they would always hang up, go into a diversion that they were not talking about the subject or like ,Alex Jones, claim that there are bad and good in all groups.
Alex Jones has criticized the ADL, Catholics, Rothschild’s and his favorite Soros, and certain other groups by name, but only when he knew that by doing so would not affect him , such as when the ADl was exposing him. Sort of like holding back what one would think a negative thing about someone until another person said something that was in line with what you know and then you are not afraid then to say it out loud or criticize them ,because you know others think the same thing now.
It ought to be oblivious by now how our politicians get us into wars. I forget things like Trump and Biden. The leader of Libya complained to Bush Sr. that Kuwait was angle drilling into Libya’s oil fields and stealing Libya’s oil. His Jewish Secretary of State, according to news , told him that basically, that was his problem. He invaded Kuwait and proved that he was a vicious villain like the United States made him out to be. It was said that angle drilling was a technique developed by the United States.
The Bush son used the World Trade Center disaster to attack Iraq and got us into a 20 year war.
Al Gore and George Bush Jr. are said to be relatives , but the election was settled with Bush Jr. being given the election win and his term gave us a 20 year needless war for that which he intended it is said from the beginning of his presidency, he intended to finish.
Hilliary Clinton according to the news was claimed to be going to win the election , but at the last minute Trump won, but served only 4 years. And for over , 3 1/2 , now almost 4 years has claimed that the election was stolen. But I heard on my radio early one morning before election day, stories of drug running, deaths , crookedness , Mena Arkansas, etc. of the Clinton’s and immediately thought that someone was trying to sabotage her election . According to the news , Trump was guaranteed to win the election, but at the last minute, people were encouraged to get out and vote and it showed many people and minorities in line to vote. So, was the election really stolen from crybaby Trump or did people who normally not vote, suddenly feel that they had to protect their feelings and beliefs by voting for someone they believed represented them?
So , Trump can brag all he wants that if he were President that we would have no wars because he is a strong leader and would make the world knuckle to him , because he was, according to the news , the guaranteed winner of the election until the last minute and Biden became President.
And so under Biden we have a war that could possibly lead to WW111 and the religious on a lot of sites want it because they want to see End Times, but under Biden , he has shown that he has, as he claimed supporting the New World Order giving the Jews , Israel, Ukraine all of the money , wealth, military , moral , technological support they want defying anyone in the world to cross the United States, unlimited money to rebuild Ukraine after deliberately destroying it by just not telling Zelensky , Ukraine will not join NATO.
Just like the Bush Sr. could have satisfied the leader of Libya by stopping angle drilling into Libya’s oil fields and did not, Biden refused to tell Ukraine that it would not join NATO. So both leaders went to war thinking and believing that they had to solve their own problems. So , the New World Order put their men in who they knew would do their will.
Why doesn’t anyone call Joseph Biden a ” traitor ” to his face which he is? Christian’s brag that man has freedom of conscience, free will, but the Bush’s and Biden both claimed that they work for a New World Order which everyone knows unless afraid to be declared a foolish, stupid conspiracy theorists , is a plot to rule the world. A New World Order makes people slaves to a clique and there is no free will or freedom of consciousness.
It’s almost funny to hear these new politicans , even ex -veteran’s tell us that they are running to cut the deficeit, prevent wars, improve the economy for us and yet ,they become just a part of a clique.
When a young Republican was asked why , when they went to Washington with the intention to purify government , they failed, he said that they could not get past the special interest group’s, cliques, and if they did not like or accept you , you did not get anywhere.
Joseph Biden is a traitor to this country and his fellow man. Is he really a Catholic?
How the Jews took over Japan without Christianity, note to E. Michael Jones Stein
CHABAD Japan maintains a “warm and special relationship” with ex-PM of Japan Yoshihide Suga
The Japanese are correct. If they converted to Christianity, they would become ruled over by Jews because the denominations that would dominate Japan would be fake Christianity which is very Jew-friendly.
But Jews don’t need Christianity to dominate a country. They just need a central bank. That’s their religion of choice for world domination.
And the Japanese are a very materialistic country that idolizes (((American))) pop culture.
Japan has been occupied by ZOG since 1945, and we have made it largely illegal to protest this.
“Our” current Ambassador, former Chicongo mayor Rahm Emmanuel, has teamed up with (((Taiwan))) to push homosexuality onto the samurai, and the jews’ feminism, which is so pervasive that it has gotten male politicians fired, has slain their birthrate.
I’ve seen folks, namely Andrew Anglin, mention that the Japanese are not under the thumb of jewry and plagued by feminism. I believe they’re under false intel and Japan is more jewed than the West.
Adam Green Burg and E Michael Jones Stein Anti Christian Rants
Elon Musk says he is a Pro-Semite.
Elon Musk said recently that the Anti-Defamation League should remove the “Anti” from its name.
He’s right. The ADL isn’t so concerned about the “defaming” of Jews as much as they are defaming anyone who criticizes Jews, especially anyone who criticizes Jews in a factual way.
“….a pullulant and pestilential mass of mongrels…”
English Tom
Excellent article. yes, the ultimate Machiavellian’s. Given that we are not human to them, they can do anything they want. Their ‘laws’ allow and facilitate this.
A. Clifton
Talmudic Terrorism…..it’s a small circle
bon s.
If Jews decide that any organization or individual is a threat to their power, any actions they take are “justified”, including assassination (JFK) or mass murder and terrorism (9/11).
We are dealing with the ultimate Machiavellians, where the means justify the ends. They never wrestle with moral questions and doubts. They are like a rabid dog that terrifies a neighborhood. They cannot be reasoned with.
They use our innate sense of fair play, nobility, and moral conscience against us. They laugh at us for not treating them as they would treat us. They know what they deserve from us.
Jews invented false flag terrorism as a political instrument of domination and control:
They had the Lusitania sunk to false flag us into WW1,
Blackpilled: How they stole your future 100 years ago – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iYO_gK3P2ls
Also see: https://files.catbox.moe/qaz3op.png, https://files.catbox.moe/29zd4d.png, https://files.catbox.moe/tqdz3d.png, https://files.catbox.moe/uvbt3b.png
Looking back, was JFK a threat to jewish power? Ole JFK kiked the USA horribly, with his social liberalism at literal gunpoint, and the modern cult of personality for him amongst conservatism is that he tried to undermine the (((Federal Reserve))) and stop Israel from getting nukes. It’s an open secret that Israel obtained its nukes.
It has been 60 years, has Israel nuked anyone?
Yes, I believe that the Israeli Mossad may have used some sort of mini nukes to bring down the World Trade Center buildings on 9/11.
Beirut blast 2020
Beirut port, 9/11, Bali, etc
Heeby Kikeburger
That explains why Alex Jones is always supprting the John Birch society.
We are told that it’s America’s mission to “make the world safe for democracy”. In other words, make the world safe for Jewish domination.
Exactly. ANY form of government that allows the jew to participate in it is the worst and doomed to failure. imo.
Democracy is a dark, moldy cave that the Nosferatu jew can lure the divided people in to.
I thank God for His Kingdom is Eternal – and the jews’ little shell game called democracy is just a blip on the map. Thanks
The Jew V. Lenin once said that people must think there are only two options in voting, Left and Right….and they must never understand that there are a thousand other possibilities.
Left/Right politics is just like professional wrestling. You know it’s fake, but you are still compelled to watch the show and lie to yourself that it might be real sometimes.
People are now referring to the Democrat/Republican “divide” as the “Uni-Party”. The Democrats are the fast track to communism and while the Republicans act as just a speed bump.
All human brain sly creations (EGO) will fail!
Here’s an interesting development as per your post:
“Is the United States Moving Its Capital to Jerusalem? American Politicians flock to Israel while dismembering the US Constitution in deference to Jewish power”
Good Lord
“unz.com” is a controlled opposition web-site.
Jared Taylor is one of its “jews’ ” ™ weap*ns of mass destructi*n (eg. JFK, Drumpf, JEWrdon Peterson).
I’ve analysed more than enough of its writers’ surnames to be satisfied.
I firmly believe that ((they)) hold a surreptitious and massive forum-playground, designed to let commenters’ freely express their true thoughts.
After those thoughts are submitted, those commenters’ email addresses are monitored by the “jews’ ” ™ Alphabet Agencies.
The comments also act as a “poll”, and a gauge; a gauge used to continuously guide and steer their media and U.S.S.A. government into a direction leading to mass, Ethnic-European imprisonment (i.e. National Defense Authorization Act), and genocide (i.e. Noahide Laws).
“jews” ™ use nouns, verbs, adjectives, and places for surnames so that they can disguise, mingle amongst, and infiltrate indigenous populations.
Example: Christian Dior; ‘D’ and “or”. In French it could pass as “of gold”.
Example: “jew” ™ actor Steven Bauer; “Bauer” means “farmer” in German. That imposter pretends to be Ethnic-German using a German word. (“jews” ™ do no labour. 🤣)
Jared Taylor isn’t a Jew, but I believe that he’s married to one.
Taylor was once asked on TV, “Are Jews White?”
Taylor responded, “Jews are white enough”
I realize they are false opposition, and know also which other sites are. My point in the article is the title of the article which you obviously missed. I don’t need a dissertation of what it and what isn’t.
perth caster
Jared Taylor had a “friendship” with Abe Foxman of the ADL, which entailed that Taylor would allow his readers to criticize blacks and other non-whites, but to stay away from Jews. If AmRen kept to that agreement, Foxman wouldn’t call out AmRen for promoting white supremacism.
AmRen is just one small step to the Right of Fox News.
The email address collection angle is possible with any website which encourages free speech including this one. Both AmRen and unz do NOT require an actual email address in order to post however. Surveillance may act via collection of data about the hardware in use.
Awesome Article.
This is the perfect Illustration of how International Jewry works. Full Stop.
This ONE single document has the potential to blow the whole JQ wide open for all to see.
But there lies the rub —- They can’t See.
This is a Supernatural Problem. Not an Intelligence Problem. Logic can never over-ride the Spirit.
Nevertheless ………….. for those with eyes to see and ears to hear will be blessed by this article.
And this site!!! 🙂