(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) An inter-religious group of Jews and Christians is “urging” Christians to further compromise their faith and embrace those who deny their promised Messiah and undermine all Christian nations:
A group of educators dedicated to solidarity between Christians and Jews is urging churches to take action against the growing prevalence of antisemitism in the United States — and to reflect on how their own practices may be fueling hatred against Jews.
“We implore all churches to redouble their efforts to denounce antisemitism publicly as antithetical to the very essence of Christianity itself,” the Council of Centers on Jewish-Christian Relations, which represents about 30 institutions working on inter-religious understanding, said in a public statement issued last week.
Published during Advent, the season of preparation ahead of Christmas, the statement opens by declaring that “the United States is facing the greatest crisis of public antisemitism in a century.”
Blame for the crisis rests on entertainers, athletes and politicians who vilify Jews and spread antisemitic tropes and conspiracy theories on the internet, according to the statement, which also calls out self-described Christian nationalists advocating for hatred against Jews. The spread of antisemitism is manifesting in attacks on Jews on social media, in the streets and at synagogues, according to the group.
In explaining what triggered the statement, the group said it was “increasingly alarmed that we may be witnessing the normalization of antisemitism in American discourse, which recalls events that happened in Germany when the Nazis rose to power in the 1930s.”
The Anti-Defamation League, which records antisemitic incidents, said its most recent annual tally saw a 34% increase between 2020 and 2021, reaching an all-time high. A 2021 survey by the American Jewish Committee found that an estimated 40% of American Jews changed their behavior over the preceding year because of fear of antisemitism.
CCJR’s statement calls on Christian clergy and educators not only to denounce antisemitism but also to examine how they might be inadvertently promoting antisemitic ideas.
“As students of history, we know that the roots of modern antisemitism and associated conspiracy theories grew out of Christian libels perpetuated against Jews in medieval Europe and out of centuries of Christian religious teaching of contempt for Jews,” the statement says.
Christian theology has evolved since the Holocaust and most denominations have long disavowed antisemitic teachings, including the idea Jews are responsible for killing Jesus and that he represents the negation of Judaism.
But, the CCJR statement says, remnants of this problematic thinking can persist, requiring caution from Christian leaders.
“We entreat the churches to look inward by examining their preaching, teaching, and theologies to eliminate any traces of anti-Jewish sentiments and look outward to act and speak against all forms of antisemitism they encounter,” the statement says.
The group’s letter follows initiatives in some of the world’s largest Christian denominations to address antisemitism in their liturgy and history.
Earlier this year, the Episcopal Church announced that it would review pre-Easter readings that blame “the Jews” for the death of Jesus and offered an alternative to them. Meanwhile, Pope Francis restricted the use of the Latin Mass, a traditionalist liturgy that includes a prayer for the conversion of Jews, out of concern that it was being used by those who did not accept the Catholic Church’s 1965 statement declaring that the Jews were not responsible for Jesus’ death; he has condemned antisemitism.
And the Church of England recently apologized to Jews for the antisemitic laws that led to their expulsion 800 years ago.
When Jesus Christ rebukes the Pharisees throughout the entirety of the Gospels, why didn’t they ever accuse Christ of “antisemitism”?
The very fact that Jews continue to work feverishly to have all “antisemitic” content in the New Testament censored and removed is proof that Christ was, in fact, “anti-Jewish” to put it mildly.
It is completely disingenuous for this “inter-religious” group to claim that Christianity at its very foundation was not a “negation of Judaism” — that is, Judaism being the occult teachings of the Pharisees which they brought back to Judea after their captivity in Babylon.
Contrary to what this group contends, Judaism is not based on the Torah — or first five books of the Old Testament — rather it is based on the virulently anti-Christian Talmud along with the babylonian occult practices of the Kabbalah.
This group neglects to point out that throughout the last 2,000 years of European history, the Catholic Church has numerous times ordered this talmudic, anti-Christian book of “Jewish learning” to be burned — not because of “antisemitism” but because of its threat to our spiritual well-being.
Jews have used the Holocaust™ — a “successful historical fiction” by their own admission — to shame Christians into denying their faith and the teachings of Christ vis a vis “the Jews” — culminating in the complete capitulation of the Catholic Church at Vatican II to Jewish demands that Christians ignore the plain words of the gospels and embrace a version of history that Jews find more palatable.
Christians have allowed Jews to literally replace the suffering of Christ with the alleged “suffering” of the Jews during the so-called Holocaust™.
The end result is that Christians now worship Jews more than they worship Christ — and if they do worship Christ, they do so with the tacit understanding that they are worshiping “a Jew”.
Yes, the head of the Church of England — the crypto-Jew Justin Welby — has been all too eager to placate his fellow Jews by throwing the Christians under the bus by blaming them — and their tradition of “antisemitism” for the Holocaust™.
So when this “inter-faith” group issues a formal admonishment of Christians for any types of anti-Jewish sentiments, they are essentially demanding that Christians stop being Christian and tolerate those who hate them and their faith.
Please support Ursula Haverbeck, you can write to her here:
Ursula Haverbeck
JVA Bielefeld-Brackwede
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33649 Bielefeld
Those with a public credibility who question Jewry’s “authority”, especially on the jews propagandistic “sacred program”, find themselves under attack in any country.
“Jewish Militants: Fifteen Years, and More, of Terrorism in France”
“This essay, written in June 1995, is based on documentation provided by Robert Faurisson. Copies of the French-language text have been sent to key French government and police authorities.
The report reviews 50 cases of physical aggression committed by organized Jewish groups during the period from June 19, 1976, to April 20, 1991. Not mentioned, therefore, are physical attacks committed by individual Jews (which are, in any case, rare).”
“Gold Teeth’ Ukraine Recovered From ‘Russian Mini-Auschwitz Torture Chamber’ Were Actually From Village Dentist – Report”
“‘Holocaust Education’: An Excuse to Bludgeon Everyone Into Accepting Jewish Moral Supremacy”
From an engineering and logistical standpoint, NONE of the claims made by holocaust™ “survivors” and promoters is possible.
–Killing jews with “bug spray” (Zyklon B) is not only impossible, but is laughable on its face.
–Transporting jews to “camps”, utilizing scarce energy sources, transportation and logistical difficulties only to kill them is not only problematic but impossible as well.
–Tattooing camp inmates only to kill them is also problematic.
–If the “camps” were truly “death camps” why would medical facilities, recreational facilities, brothels, movie theaters, and other amenities be needed?
–“Gas chambers” with non-sealed wooden doors and the lack of ventilation systems for such facilities, once again, disproves the claims made by holocaust™ promoters. Doors that “swing the wrong way” would make retrieval of the bodies impossible. Ordinary light fixtures, rather than explosion proof lighting fixtures are claimed to have been the norm.
–Claims by holocaust™ promoters that gassed bodies were blue or green (rather than bright red) from poisoning are totally false.
–Claims that the inmates could tell when jews were being cremated by the color of smoke emitted from the crematoria chimneys are patently foolish and false.
–Let’s not forget “lampshades, wallets, soap and shrunken heads” made from jews is also laughable,
–Crematoria running 24 hours a day, without “downtime” for maintenance on the muffles and flames “visible out of the crematoria stacks” are also impossibilities. Crematoria are designed to burn “clean” with no visible smoke and definitely no flames outside the stacks would be possible. Not only that, the claims that thousands of bodies were cremated daily are a statistical impossibility as it takes approximately 1.5 hours to cremate a human body. If cremation were used on “6 million” jews, the cremation process would have been operating into the 1950s.
–The lack of depositories for bodies and ashes is more proof that the “camps” were not “death camps” but rather “work camps” for the German war effort.
–Anne Frank’s “diary” partially written with a ball-point pen which was not invented till the 1950s. Time travel, anyone? lol
Germans were (and still are) excellent engineers and would not have engineered the grievous errors that are claimed by holocaust promoters.
Follow the shekels…
Joe Biden Inches Toward War with Iran, Makes Israel Full Military Partner
Holohoaxaninity is the stepping stone that Jewry is using to impose Noahide status against all free people whether people being forced into it are “religious” or not. It [Noahide] is the key to the NWO and the Jew World Order.
Bill Dannemeyer
U.S. Congressman, 1979-1992
“The passage of this law, HJ Res. 104, is especially troublesome to me because I was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives at the time it was passed. Even worse, I was in the House Chamber the very day that is was passed, voting on other legislation. Yet I, as a U.S. Congressman, had NO KNOWLEDGE that it had been passed or even that it was to be brought up for a vote.
How could this be? How could the deception be so pervasive that those of us who had sworn to uphold our country’s Constitution, particularly those of us (few, indeed) who really took our position seriously as the protectors of the people, could be totally in the dark regarding the content of this bill and its passage by the leaders of this country – by treachery and deceit?
Here’s how it happened!
On January 31, 1991, an innocuous-sounding Resolution was introduced, designating March 26, 1991 as “Education Day, USA.” It was purposely given this name to deceive the American people. It was, in fact, a Double Deception because not only did the Resolution have nothing to do with “Education,” it was also deceptively billed as a vehicle for recognizing the eighty-ninth birthday of Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson. But in truth, the Resolution was nothing less than a secret, under-handed plot to control the American people by the Noahide Laws – a subterfuge for the elimination of Christianity, the elimination of all Christians, and the enslavement of all remaining “Gentiles.”
The Resolution, first introduced by Minority Leader, Rep. Robert H. Michel of Illinois, was then referred to the House Post Office and Civil Service Committee.
Early in March 1991, 225 members of the House had signed on as co-sponsors of this Resolution, but it is highly doubtful they were given the full text of the document. They were probably told only that it was a Resolution in honor of Rabbi Schneerson’s birthday. Most likely they had no knowledge that the treacherous Noahide Laws were a silent attachment. I was not one of the co-sponsors.
The committee referred this Resolution to the House for a vote on March 5, 1991. But here is where the real treachery begins! The record states that the House of Representatives passed this Resolution by “Unanimous Consent.” But what the average American does not know is that “Unanimous Consent” is a euphemism for getting a bill passed “under the radar” with almost NO ONE present to vote AND with NO RECORD of who voted or HOW they voted.
A Congressman’s ears prick up when he hears the words “Unanimous Consent” because he is aware that this may be a signal for skullduggery. And in this case, it most certainly was!
On the day this Resolution was “passed,” the entire membership of the House of Representatives had already been dismissed after having been told that the day’s work, including all the voting, was over. We could all go home.
It was THEN, after virtually ALL members had left, that the traitorous authors of this Resolution brought it up for a vote on the House floor – with only four hand-picked members present. It was then deceitfully “passed” by “Unanimous Consent” on March 5, 1991, by voice vote with almost NO ONE there and NO RECORD made of their names or how they voted.
Two days later, on March 7 1991, the U.S. Senate passed the Resolution by voice vote, also with no recorded vote. On March 20, 1991, it was signed by President George H. W. Bush and became Public Law 102-14.
As you read on, you will discover the identity of the evil forces that have so much control over the U.S. Government that they can accomplish these dastardly deeds under cover of darkness.”
[A lot of detailed information about the jewish subversions leading to this followed]
[Site has been censored by removal]:
“Controversial Israeli Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh in 2015 asked then-House Speaker John Boehner to take make good on Noahide Public Law 102-14 which states Congress recognizes the obligation of the American government to educate the nation and even the world about the Noahide Laws so as to bring non-Jews to observance. Rabbi Ginsburg says this would allow Jews to fulfill their roles as teachers and guides to bring the non-Jews out of darkness via the teaching of the Seven Noahide Laws. Rabbi Ginsburg is on record stating that under Jewish Law if a Jew needed a liver transplant, it would be permissible to seize an unwilling non-Jew and take his/her organ; the Rabbi states this is because Jewish life is infinitely more holy than non-Jewish life. Rabbi Ginsburg also mentions Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson who is praised in Public Law 102-14 and the other laws recognizing the Noahide laws. Rabbi Schneerson has also stated that non-Jews have no other purpose in existence other than to serve Jews (here).”
“Why ALL Whites must DIE! The INTENSE Jewish HATRED of the White Race…”
Timeline of the subterfuge since 1900:
American Domestic Bioterrorism Program
Building the case to prosecute members of Congress, presidents, HHS and DOD secretaries and federal judges for treason under 18 USC 2381.
Katherine Watt
***Take note of 1960-1969 when the assassination of JFK, RFK and many others took place. The first order was to set up the seat of Satan (Vatican II).
1962/10/11 – Roman Catholic Pope John XIII convoked Second Vatican Council (Vatican II). Through the council, Satanic globalists expanded and deepened their infiltration to destroy the institutional Catholic Church and weaken Catholic faith around the world.
1963/06/30 – Enthronement of Lucifer ceremony coordinated with consecration of Pope Paul VI.
1963/11/22 – President Kennedy assassinated; President Johnson took office.
***Then came the coup to place demon israeli Johnson as President who then planned the destruction of USS Liberty, its crew and to start WWIII. It has been hell ever since. Read on…there’s lots to glean and be aware of. I’m not advocating Catholic religion, but it is Christian with many followers who love the Lord. JFK was a devout Christian. RFK was. MLK was. And so was A. Hitler a devout Catholic. Martin Luther. And a long list of followers and break offs. The bottom line is that we are all Christians.
Thanks for leaving that link and summary, Sparrow. I’ve D/L’d, and will examine it more.
…and thank you Flanders, Normant and many others for allowing someone to come hear and glean the demise of our country USA. So much information for someone new to this. God has been revealing much to me since early 2000’s when I received a used cp and haven’t stopped ever since. God bless…
Paul Kurt
The quotes above have the same conclusion . The replacement is the new “advent” called holycost. One must know the jew to know the “holycost.” But it is looking into the dark abyss and confessing, ” I know it .” The perverse churches and effeminate intellectuals stir vainglorious imaginations . The admission of error in theology proving they have no real testimony.
Holycost is announced through the false prophet as the new ” Faith” of anti-semitism . To affirm antisemitism is accepting the jew as the sole sovereign of the earth .
The bible is divisive but Truth reveal the jew or Israel the obloquy of the nations. The resurrected Israel of the Bible mocks Christ Jesus . They announce the Heavenly Father is defeated. Their deception is the new gospel of ACLU ,ADL, Congress and other prostitutes over the once CHristian EUrope.
That the jew or Satan has reformed to “alter” thier behavior as stated above provokes one to laughing.
With total power and Lord in every aspect of life , why should they ? And when discovered they are all the more obdurate and abysmal.
Joe Biden must be a jew like Trumper . But the people are abject disowning themselves conforming to this jew domination. Now, can one like a pet’s toy not even squeak , when it is tread upon and crushed.
I look into the dark abyss not, but behold the destruction of Creation . Moot silence the new confession . True witness is forbidden. Our lamenting is their laughter.
jon jon
I believe Christians have been manipulated through literature by the *Jew*
I believe there were Bibles several decades ago that hardly had the word *Jew* typed in them, I believe the *Jew* somehow changed the thinking of Christians (though modern Bibles) in such a way that the near mention of Jesus NOT being a *Jew* is antisemitic and I believe the *Jew* honestly believes that God is a Jewish God for the chosen people which in turn explains the constant ongoing theory that Jesus was a *Jew*.
Let’s remember, David was sincerely put in his place by Jesus on the topic of fatherhood, “You cannot be my father whilst calling me Lord”
Someone I can’t now remember — a brilliant mind — said —
Jewish Power is kin to a Tri-Pod — 3 Legs of Power:
1) Banking and Economic Control
2) Control of Information/Media
3) Holocaust Propaganda
If the “Goyim” can break just one leg, their entire Ruse is over.
The most vulnerable leg is the Holocaust Racket.
I believe this is why they work so hard to keep it going. It has so many flaws. But yet our people can’t see.
This is Supernatural Deception. Intelligence has nothing to do with it.
For myself personally, it has been easier to convince White liberals and Atheists that the holocaust is a hoax — versus White “Christian” people of my own blood, personal friendships and acquaintances.
It’s surreal.
Revelation 12:9 and 2 Timothy 4:3 have come to pass.
We will be forever neutered unless we, as a Nation of Peoples Repent and finally turn to the One True God of the Scriptures.
We have a long way to go. I know of not ONE brick and mortar church in America that teaches the true Gospel of Repentance and Obedience. Not one.
Every brick and mortar all follow the same precepts — Eternal Security/Once Saved Always Saved.
This is a false gospel — 2 Corinthians 11:3-4.
Just like sugar, Sin is too hard to resist.
This is because any time that Christian Identity people have tried to set up their own brick and mortar places of congregation like William Gales Manassah Ranch for example, they have been targeted and shutdown by the FBI/IRS and other such three letter organizations that are essentially little more than the American wing of the Mossad under a different name.
Comparet, Sheldon Emery also had public gatherings. Must have been wonderful to be able to do that. Nowadays we can hardly talk online without interference from shills AT A BARE MINIMUM.
Though its funny…five years ago or so, we had the original 8ch, VOAT and a version of 4ch that had not totally been corrupted. Media Matters, ADL and JIDF tried to meet us toe to toe on the battlefield of online forums and got their asses so thoroughly cut in half that they were forced to expose themselves and fully censor the entire internet.
You’re welcome, kikes. And let that be a lesson as to what happens when you face us head on. You know better.
Todd …………………..
….they have been targeted and shutdown by the FBI/IRS…”
You will get no argument from me. I understand exactly what you are saying and I agree. I once said in jest — “when three or more Identity believers are gathered together, ONE will be a jew or a fed.” A play on the verse — when two or more are gathered together ……..
I was exaggerating just a bit. I actually know of a brick and mortar Identity church in North Idaho. I only just stumbled upon it accidently. Relatives of Sheldon Emry I believe. But I do not know of their teachings on Salvation.
But my MAIN point was to point out that no brick and mortar church exists probably in the world that teaches God’s True Gospel of Obedience — rejecting the doctrine of Once Saved Always Saved.
I wasn’t even hinting at the Identity message. Amongst “Christendom”, they can’t even recognize the Gospel — let alone the racial message.
The Falling Away is Complete. In other words. Only Luke 18:8 is left.
Curious ……………….. will you weigh in on the Serpent Seedline debate — the link that I included? I’d like to hear your “counter arguments”.
Joe Biden has established a committee to study anti semitism. These types of things will keep up until Christian’s and anyone who criticizes Jews will suffer until laws are made , people sued for defamation, imprisoned etc. just as has been done for homosexuality.
The Jews have made the Holocaust their story and anyone who goes against it is in trouble . There seems to be plenty of material to counter Jews and to expose them, but , they keep coming after people as an excuse to keep antisemitism and WW11 and the Holocaust story alive , like prosecuting the 99 year old German women secretary for war crimes 70 years after the war had ended. This is proof that the Jews hold a grudge forever. Instead of Christian’s having to make the Jews defend themselves against all of the things said against them, they make sure to hold the upper hand. The Jews are accused of everything, but guilty of nothing.
The Halocaust is a cover for the Jews to protect themselves , just as racism and slavery is for the blacks to hide the real background of their race and the truth of slavery. I believe some blacks know what their African history is , and past practices of their people like cannibalism, their own leaders selling them and other tribes and wanting slavery kept as a vague topic.
Reading some materials, by early explorers, tells of the black’s culture ,and daily practices. Not pleasant at all. Makes me wonder how proud Whites would be that married into the black race and carry the genes to their future ancestors? But not hard to understand why black’s cause so much crime especially in the last 70 years when they have been shown favoritism due to civil rights legislation , under Lyndon Johnson and still cry racism, lack of education , voting rights, opportunities and etc. Just like the black South African leader who after almost 30 years or more of their black rule over a ready made White civilization given to the black’s still cries and blames their troubles on “racism.” The black’s are the most primitive and savage race on earth. Yet on the internet , they claim many things as belonging to them. No wonder , American blacks and their non White and White sympathizers , stopped talking and putting news about Rhodesia and South Africa after they succeeded in making the Whites surrendering their civilizations to savages. The black’s of Africa are still living in huts, shoeless, starving , warring etc.
Harvard is now said to be a minority dominated college and where the Obama’s sent their daughter’s. The blacks love to use and invade White institutions , like they claimed they were denied 50-70 and more years ago, but they never create their own car dealerships, grocery chains, golf , sports, educational , social, religious, cultural institutions with their own creativity , money and effort.
It seems that it is the successful blacks who are the ones who promote, encourage and push slavery , voting rights etc. I’ m guessing to cover for their success and avoid criticism while their fellow black ‘s suffer and do not share the same wealth and life style.
An example of how antisemism is kept alive as well as racism is David Duke, who no one knew or cared about except in his own home town or area , but the Jews made him known by the news stories all over the country to promote the idea of racism and antisemitism.
I’ve read the Protocols and the Jews supposed denial of it. It’s amazing . They deny and have an answer for everything to shift blame away from them as individual’s or a race. I just wondered why some Jews are prosecuted for crimes after years of publicity and it may be to just satisfy the public and sooth our nerves to forget about it or not care . Like Bill Cosby sentenced to prison, and eventually released and there was no outcry.
I wondered why Bernie Madoff was sentenced to 250 year imprisonment for cheating clients of money. The sentence made me curious. It seemed , at least to me, that most of the people he cheated of their investments were Jews. And other authors have said that a Jew is not allowed to cheat another Jew. So is this Jewish revenge for taking advantage of another Jew?
Now that Megan Merkel and her husband have gotten criticism of the Royal family and its behavior toward them out of the way, Megan Merkel and her husband Harry are now going to do a miniseries featuring civil rights leaders and their gifts to mankind. Leave it up to a black to only see racism as a topic of interest to make a mini series . Oh, but we musten’t forgot her desire and Harry’s to help humanity , another favorite .
This shows how and why Harry , born into a family of wealth, royalty, fame, respect, tradition, suddenly when he marries a black or bi racial women as the news calls it , has suddenly realized , not for over 30 years while single and living his life of luxery , but only after he married a black women that he hates the luxury , fame, constant attention, tradition , wealth etc. resentment of his brother and just wanted to be an ordinary type of person and do his own thing.
Megan Merkel resents having the Royal family wonder about the color of Her children’s skin. Well, no doubt she was glad it was White or appeared White, but what of the future when the black genes show up in her grandchildren ? Looking at her closely, one can see the black pigment in her skin or blotches of it.
Harry should have never married her and now defends her and accepts her racism and criticism of his own family as that is what we all do when married until the day a realization comes to us that we made a mistake , but it is too late to correct it. She has turned him against his own family , imparting the idea of racism into him like the Jews do to White’s with antisemitism or the blacks do with their racism and now , we can see at least one result with an over 30 year old aristocrat being taught to hate his own family and background.
I guess few , if any are noticing all of the women, blacks, Jews and other minorities taking over all aspects of our society, especially Congress where our laws are made. And our news media showing fewer White men
, more black’s , minorities and women, giving us our news. More black hosts on game shows, sports, etc.
On and on and on. I have noticed more and more all black casts shows being promoted so, the blacks will be used to dominate over us as our ancestors have warned us and many other things.
I believe , it was an all black show or music program devoted to blacks that it was said was a failure. They can’t even support and keep alive their own creations.
Laurence McGriff
Jews saw in blacks natural parasitic allies who would willingly help them destroy white society on their behalf. So they nurtured parasitism in blacks through government handouts and affirmative action hirings.
Half of the black population is dependent on government for their jobs. The other half is dependent, one way or another, on welfare handouts.
All black elites, that is, entertainers and athletes, are completely dependent on Jews who control Hollywood and the sports leagues.
Laurence …….
Perfectly summarized.
A Jew admits that Jews are part of an elite pedophile ring:
Can you give some examples of Bible verses the Jews would like to censor?
I want to see how the Bible is actually anti-Semitic.
Many verses speak ill of the Jews. Here are just a few of them that the Jews object to:
“I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.” (Revelation 2:9)
“Howbeit no man spake openly of him for fear of the Jews.” (John 7:13)
“Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?” (Matthew 23:33)
“Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” (John 8:44)
“Then said he to the multitude that came forth to be baptized of him, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?” (Luke 3:7)
“O generation of vipers, how can ye, being evil, speak good things? for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.” (Matthew 12:34)
“But the Jews which believed not, moved with envy, took unto them certain lewd fellows of the baser sort, and gathered a company, and set all the city on an uproar, and assaulted the house of Jason, and sought to bring them out to the people.” (Acts 17:5)
“Ye see this man, about whom all the multitude of the Jews have dealt with me, both at Jerusalem, and also here, crying that he ought not to live any longer.” (Acts 25:24)
“And after that many days were fulfilled, the Jews took counsel to kill him” (Acts 9:23)
“And brought them to the magistrates, saying, These men, being Jews, do exceedingly trouble our city” (Acts 16:20)
“His disciples say unto him, Master, the Jews of late sought to stone thee; and goest thou thither again?” (John 11:8)
“After these things Jesus walked in Galilee: for he would not walk in Jewry, because the Jews sought to kill him.” (John 7:1)
“For these causes the Jews caught me in the temple, and went about to kill me.” (Acts 26:21)
“But the unbelieving Jews stirred up the Gentiles, and made their minds evil affected against the brethren.” (Acts 14:2)
“The Jews answered him, We have a law, and by our law he ought to die, because he made himself the Son of God.” (John 19:7)
“For the Pharisees, and all the Jews, except they wash their hands oft, eat not, holding the tradition of the elders.” (Mark 7:3)
“And therefore did the Jews persecute Jesus, and sought to slay him, because he had done these things on the sabbath day.” (John 5:16)
“I think myself happy, king Agrippa, because I shall answer for myself this day before thee touching all the things whereof I am accused of the Jews:” (Acts 26:2)
“And when Gallio was the deputy of Achaia, the Jews made insurrection with one accord against Paul, and brought him to the judgment seat,” (Acts 18:12)
“And when it was day, certain of the Jews banded together, and bound themselves under a curse, saying that they would neither eat nor drink till they had killed Paul.” (Acts 23:12)
“But when the Jews saw the multitudes, they were filled with envy, and spake against those things which were spoken by Paul, contradicting and blaspheming.” (Acts 13:45)
“And from thenceforth Pilate sought to release him: but the Jews cried out, saying, If thou let this man go, thou art not Caesar’s friend: whosoever maketh himself a king speaketh against Caesar.” (John 19:12)
“For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews:” (1 Thessalonians 2:14)
“Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the sabbath, but said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God.” (John 5:18)
“So they took the money, and did as they were taught: and this saying is commonly reported among the Jews until this day.” (Matthew 28:15)
“But the Jews stirred up the devout and honourable women, and the chief men of the city, and raised persecution against Paul and Barnabas, and expelled them out of their coasts.” (Acts 13:50)
The Bible tells us that Shem, the source of “semite”, was a normal man. Judaism maintains that Shem lived for many centuries, outliving his two brothers by several centuries, as well as his multiple generations of his own children.
The Bible tells us that the Israelites were patriarchal, in contrast to the matriarchy of modern Jewry, yet modern kikes claim to be sons of Shem when they’re criticized.
I understand that many Christians are misled about Shem and so they put up with the Jewish fables about him, but how do atheists and other non-Christian people keep accepting the idea of semetism? They believe that Shem did not exist, so how can they accept the Jews inventing a magical version of him?
jews are NOT matriarchal. they are in fact more patriarchal than white people and allways have been.
the reason why the bloodline goes through the woman, is to give jewish man the ability to breed with any woman they want and to force their women to only breed with jewish men.
like this, jewish man have control over jewish women and the male offsprings of jewish men with non jewish women can easily breed back into the jewish fold and be considered “pure” again.
it is a total 180° spin on how we traditionally handle things. with our people it was the man who was controlled(through the [christian]law or shame) to not breed out.
and men generally have a higher tendency to miscegenate than women!
by pushing the bloodline unto the woman, jewish men have given themselves a free pass to do what ever they want sexually, and they have used that freedom to the fullest, mongrelising with everything that was possible.
all positions of true power in jewish society are held by men, not women! therefore it is a patriarchy. just because jewry has one aspect, that we would likely find in a matriarchy, doesn’t make it one. and that aspect is still controlled by and there for the (short term) benefit of men.
jewish women are allowed to run free in white society to further infiltrate us and to cause chaos(chaos allways works for the jew). jewish men alone would have never been able to bring us down to the horrible place that we find ourselves in at this point. jews need to use all they’ve got and that means their men AND their women(and all the other non-whites and even weaker whites) to attack and destroy us.
that this tactic had the side effect, that a lot of normie-jews have been breeding out with non-jews(on both sides, male and female) so much that it has caused a disconnect between them and the leading class of jewry is tolerable to those upper level-jews. jews never had a problem sacrificing their own for “the greater good”, i.e. total jewish control over this world.
stop claming that jews are the way they are because of women, it is not true.
people like you do this because you think it gives you the right to hate/vilify/infantalise and blame women for whatever you don’t like.
it is jewish men who are leading the way. jews are the way they are because they are jews and not because they are matriarchal (which they are not)!
this will probably not be posted because of the fake email, but whatever.
Paul Kurt
@ Wuetend( kein Umlaut)
the earlier comment was a reply to another contributor . I commend your perception of the jew and its malignant presence (miscegenation) in history.
wutend ……………
Great observation.
However — “….stop claming that jews are the way they are because of women, it is not true. people like you do this because you think it gives you the right to hate/vilify/infantalise and blame women for whatever you don’t like….”
This was a little harsh. Why make that kind of an accusation against a person you really do not know. You just ASSUMED. Don’t turn it into a divisive argument. You made a great point and then you had to go throw stones.
it is jewish men who are leading the way…”
Very true. But don’t forget women like Golda Meir, Barbara Lerner Spectre and the list goes on and on.
They are equally to blame. But then again …………. why are we blaming them??? They are only acting out of their nature.
You can’t train a Rattlesnake not to bite.
It is us who are to blame.
Paul Kurt
Are you serious!
Almost the entire book start to finish is racial and anti “jew”
I don’t know if this form field will allow me to post the entire bible here but basically the jews want all of it buried.
Which is hilarious because you can still buy a bible that calls jews the children of satan, enemies of all mankind RIGHT OFF THE SHELF OF A BARNES AND NOBLE.
they cant ban it.
God is forever trolling them. Take a moment to realize what a supernatural miracle it is that you can still buy the worlds most racist antisemitic book ever right off the shelf of a big name commie bookstore.
Johnny Rottenborough
Andrew Joyce, 2016:
‘A prostrating Pontiff, overseeing millions of compliant Catholics worldwide, is indeed critical to Jewish interests. Francis may be seen as the perfect culmination of the Second Vatican Council, which was orchestrated by Jewish converts to Catholicism and annihilated the remaining power of the Catholic Church as a force for European culture. The poisonous seeds have given rise to a truly rotten tree, or in the interpretation of Francis himself: “The Council, with the declaration Nostra Aetate, paved the way. It said yes to the rediscovery of the Jewish roots of Christianity, and no to any form of anti-Semitism and condemnation of any insult, discrimination and persecution derived from that.”’
II Corinthians 6:14…
All that needs to be said about ‘interfaith alliances’.
‘Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?”
2 Peter, Chapter 2
1 But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.
2 And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.
3 And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.” —->
“Now the Spirit speaketh expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils.” 1 Timothy 4:1
German philosopher Georg Hegel (1770-1831) hypothesized that history unfolds through dialectical processes of thesis, antithesis, synthesis. Karl Marx (1818-1883) adapted Hegel’s dialectical philosophy to the Communist Manifesto of agitating the masses toward world revolution. But alas for Marx and his successors the proletariat did not revolt against the bourgeoisie as planned when they witnessed the brutality and carnage of Communism; therefore a different strategy was needed….”
“Their completely JEWISH NOAHIDE LAWS have this part of the foreseeable future of what to expect in this nation under coming WORLD GLOBALISM/NWO. The NOAHIDE LAWS require TOOLS OF BEHEADING to enforce their dictates.”
Heeby Kikeburger
Christ must be demonized until this glorious day. That is Tikkun Olam.
Shlomo Bergsteinowitz
The Jews are worried that their most lucrative con job, the Holohoax, is getting exposed for the fraud that it is.
A. Clifton
Modern day meaning of the word… {{{JEW}}}.. = …a {{{TARE}}} …or Worker of Iniquity,
as mentioned in Matthew 13: 39-43.
and as the Messiah for all Israel ….and then some, famously declared ….
the only choice for a {{{TARE/JEW}}} is in a fiery FURNACE ..[OVEN] …of Truth….
and all {{{JEW}}} worshippers , to…. probably with a bit of….The…” GNASHING of TEETH” .
No One on Earth Has to be a…. {{{{PROSELYTE}}}}…. to Talmudic Judaism.
THERE ARE NO {{{JEWS}}} in the Old Testament
HOLOCAUSTIANITY … is for {{{JEW}}} worhipping….. BRAINDEADGOY !!!
Read Psalm 91….
Clifton —
Are you saying that Harvey Weinstein (as an example) could Repent, become Born-Again and inherit Eternal Life?
A simple Yes or No will suffice
The gospel message is yes. If he truly repented and accepted Jesus as Gods Messiah he would be saved. A faithful believer has to by default believe that is possible. Romans 1 though says that God gives certain people over to a depraved mind, so for Weinstein to repent is highly unlikely.
Rodolfo ………………
But you are not a believer in Christian Identity. I was hoping Clifton would have the courage to answer the question as Clifton speaks in very “vague” language.
But you are a Universalist……..right?
So, I would expect you to answer “yes”.
Clifton, on the other hand — we PRESUME — he is Christian Identity, but the way he speaks, it’s very confusing.
But thanks for weighing in.
I suppose I am a universalist as you say. It would be impossible for me to understand the seamless parabolic language that links both the old and the new testaments message about Jesus Christ. Genesis 1 through Revelation 22 is all about Jesus. The Holy Spirit in dwells me fulfilling Jeremiah 31. Perhaps you should concern yourself with keeping Christs commandments to love God and your neighbor as yourself instead of legislating who is welcome to the Lords banquet. It’s not for you to say. Merry Christmas.
“…for me to understand the seamless parabolic language that links both the old and the new testaments message about Jesus Christ. Genesis 1 through Revelation 22 is all about Jesus….”
A beautiful statement. And I would agree.
“…..Perhaps you should concern yourself with keeping Christs commandments to love God and your neighbor as yourself instead of legislating who is welcome to the Lords banquet……”
This is a HIGHLY presumptuous statement. It comes off as a rebuke but yet you offer no evidence of my sin. Where did I say that I do not keep Christ’s commandments and or that I do not love my neighbor as my self?
Now ……. I will make an assumption and you tell me if I am incorrect —
I’m not sure I see any of your comments on the following articles —
You have many questions to answer for if you want to say you are correct and we are wrong. We here at CFT have spent years studying this topic — scrutinizing every relevant passage.
Rodolfo …………………… I once believed as you. 20+ years I believed as you. But here’s the thing — I didn’t know “why” I believed as I did. I only believed it because it was what everyone around me believed.
Then I found “Christian Identity” and they asked some very interesting questions that my “teachers” nor my “peers” ever addressed or asked/answered when I spent every Sunday and Wednesday night in a judeo-christian church.
Anyway …………………… Rodolfo — I welcome people like you who come in here. I hope you read those articles and then challenge them.
For the Record, I would never tell a non-white person that they have no business following Jesus Christ and keeping His commands. I would never do that.
Whether God, in the end, will grant non-adamic peoples Eternal Life is up to God, and not me.
In Conclusion —- Please, go to those articles and make your arguments. Please. I’m very interested in your Scriptural defense.
Hi Rodolfo…
Thank you. While I was reading your response I remembered Naaman the King of Aram and what Elisha did for him in 2Kings 5. And what Elisha’s servant Gehazi did after that.
While I come here to read up on certain subjects, I am reminded to remember all of the ‘divided’ Christiandom because of one reason or another…even some falling into a cult that shuts the door on the Grace of God. Is it no wonder we are afflicted with this jew tyranny? Even while some hate the jew tyranny but act and speak the same way the tyranny possesses but thereby strengthens it. Under what chance do we have in uniting against a common enemy? These very things are what Jesus our Christ came against with the Pharisee’s. They ‘went by a law of death’ in which there was absolutely no Salvation, only chains of man’s power over another. Elisha caused Naaman to be washed of his leoprosy (which represents pride) and also to worship the God of Israel. He healed him and he was saved. Aram today is Syria and northern Palestine. Is it any wonder why Jesus spoke Aramaic?
Sparrow ………….
“…….even some falling into a cult that shuts the door on the Grace of God…..”
This sounds like a passive aggressive “rebuke” towards some here.
I was under the impression, from those more knowledgeable than myself on History and Anthropology, that the Syrians of that time were of the Genesis 10 Nations.
Sparrow …………….. do you have evidence to say differently?
I don’t hear anyone on CFT denying Grace to anyone. And even if Naaman was of mixed race, so what? Are we not to be kind to peoples who treat us with respect and kindness?
I will include CFT’s comment on this Topic from a different Article, because I think it is a good one —
“…..We believe you’re either Adamic or you’re not. And we believe the Bible proscribes race mixing. You cannot serve two masters. Mixed race people almost always identify with the non-white, non-Adamic side of their family. Paul did not write any of his epistles to non-white peoples. Why not?
God set down the rules, and He decides who will be saved. We don’t presume to know His mind, but we do know what the Bible says. Who gets saved is completely up to Him, and we must simply live by what we believe is written in the Bible, and leave the rest to God.”
Honestly Sparrow, I don’t have a beef with those who believe in Universalism. My problem is when they REBUKE me for not teaching it.
You know ……………. I hade 3 dearly beloved dogs that were my two sons and daughter. They comforted me during a very difficult time in my life.
I pray to God everyday that I will see them once again on the other side of this life. Will God save my dogs???
I don’t wish for anyone to not be saved and see Eternal Life.
I just don’t think it works this way. Our human heart wishes it so. But what does God say?
This is the Question that we are always working out in the Scriptures. Because only the Scriptures have authority. Not what someone thinks they believe about God.
What Scriptural evidence do you have Sparrow, that proves non-adamics have the opportunity to receive Eternal Life?
I’d like to know. It still weighs heavy on my heart.