(CODOH.Com) While many readers of World War II history may be aware of the infamous “Havaara” or “Transfer Agreement” — where Zionist Jews and the National Socialists collaborated to voluntarily move Jews and their wealth from Germany to Palestine — very few know about another — and far more controversial — agreement involving Jewish emigration from Germany — in which Jews who were actually detained in concentration camps were given their freedom if they agreed to be shipped to Palestine.
Not only did the dreaded SS allow members of an early incarnation of the Mossad into the camps to directly entice Jews to emigrate, they also provided these Jews with fake travel documents to help them circumvent the restrictive travel prohibitions directly to British-controlled Palestine.
The generous SS also reimbursed the Mossad for the cost of the special chartered ships that transported these Jews to Palestine — at least 10,000 of them were transferred from the camp to Palestine under this “secret” arrangement.
One would think it would be a lot cheaper, safer, and more efficient simply to shoot these Jews in the camps and be done with it — at least that’s what Hollywood Jews like the cynical Irgun-supporter — Ben Hecht — who wrote “Casablanca” — would have us believe.
This generous agreement completely contradicts the official narrative that the Jews were sent to these “death camps” to be either immediately exterminated or worked to death. Why would Heinrich Himmler — whom the Jews smear as the “Architect of the Holocaust” — who allegedly wanted to exterminate every Jew in Germany and Europe — enter into a formal agreement with the Mossad — and cover all the costs — to allow Jewish prisoners — even if they were convicted criminals — their freedom if they simply agreed to relocate in Palestine?
In her 1994 essay, “The Emigration of the Jews From the Third Reich,” German historian Ingrid Weckert reveals this rarely told story of the seemingly unlikely collaboration between the early Mossad and of the most notorious boogeymen of World War II — the literal embodiment of “genocide” and “Nazi evil” — Heinrich Himmler.
Why does the U.S. Holocaust Museum fail to mention in its history of the Sachenhausen camp that 10,000 Jews were voluntarily released to emigrate to Palestine — paid for by the “Nazis”? They certainly wouldn’t want their readers to get the wrong impression of the Germans, would they?
Ingrid Weckert writes,
“Mossad le Aliyah Bet” translates literally as “office for the second immigration,” and covered in fact the illegal immigration to Palestine. Out of this developed later the Mossad secret state police maintained by the modern state of Israel.
The original office was founded by Palestinian Jews in Paris, back in 1937. It grew out of the conceived necessity to counter British- Palestine-policies, for the English issued only a limited number of entry permits, and surely considerably fewer than the number of Jews who wished to settle in Palestine.
Potential immigrants were grouped into specific categories, considering their personal wealth and position/skills, and entry visa were issued according to desirability. If a person with some tough luck belonged to a category which according to the British Mandate administration was not desirable, that person could not count on an entry visa.
Between 1932 and 1945, [the British occupation forces in Palestine applied] the following immigration categories:
A-1: Persons with 1,000 Palestinian Pounds own capital
A-2: Educated people with 500 Pounds, to the extent the overall economic situation assures them a position according to the immigration authorities’ judgment
A-3: Craftsmen/artisans showing a minimum of 250 Pounds
A-4: Retirees with a minimum income of 5 Pounds a month
A-5: Persons of special, rare skill or knowledge with at least 500 Pounds of their ownCategory B: Persons with assured means of support
B-1: Orphans under the age of 16 whose support was guaranteed by a public institution
B-2: Persons engaged in a religious calling/profession
B-3: Students and pupils whose support had been assured until they completed their education.Category C were workers/employable labor between the age eighteen to thirty-five. The number of visa was determined twice a year by the Palestine British Mandate government.
Category D were wives, children and parents of Jews dwelling in Palestine, to the extent that the sponsor could support them.
“Jugendaliya” was a special category for young people between the ages of fifteen and seventeen.
One can understand that such cataloging of potential immigrants according to their utility enraged the Jewish leadership. This the more so since the Palestine Mandate, dated July 24, 1922, providing for an easing and support of Jewish immigration, though under proper consideration of other minorities’ rights. Subsequently they sought to circumvent British regulations and to organize their own ways of immigration, which according to British understandings were simply illegal.
Notably, those British rules were further tightened May 17, 1939. However, starting in 1937, the Mossad had opened offices in many European countries; the Berlin office established contacts with the SS and Gestapo and a close collaboration developed. Corresponding with their fundamental attitude toward Jewish emigration, SS and Gestapo often assisted the Mossad agents.- In December 1938 the Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler ordered the release of all Jewish concentration camp inmates who wished to prepare for emigration.
Mossad agents were permitted to recruit in the camps a following among those who were willing to make a run for Palestine aboard chartered ships.
To the extent Pino, the Mossad operative, could guarantee the Gestapo an immediate emigration, he could effect the release of many young Jews. A paper, signed by him, was sufficient to prompt their discharge.
Inasmuch as that Palestine route was not officially recognized, the emigrants needed transit visa and related documentation. The Gestapo assisted in providing the required cover as well as the charter of suitable ships plus payment for services rendered. Subsequently, in 1939, many ships carried thousands of immigrants illegally from Europe to Palestine.
The Gestapo-Mossad collaboration did not end with the outbreak of the war but increased in some areas.
Immigration papers to phony destinations were issued and the emigrants drilled not to reveal their true destination. This Mossad action was made possible by the SS/Gestapo and unofficial cooperation of other German offices. The departure of some 10,000 emigrants from German ports was scheduled for the summer of ’39. But the war started before the ships could leave those ports and the Royal Navy blocked all exit routes.
US Concentration Camps for Enemy Aliens WW2 (Japanese in this case)
see comments section for Japanese Skull Trophy Barbarity practiced by US soldiers.
Give me a few lines to rip this Christian Zionist bs..
Himmler died in 1945.
Mossad didn’t exist until 1949
And there was NO concentration camps in all of Germany…There were work camps and transfer camps..And the AlLIES bombed all supply lines..
A.H. did NOT want any Chazarian jew in Palestine..He wanted them in Madagascar.
The only “concentration camp”-POW was the death camp called Rhine Meadows built by order from Eisenhower. There were 19 camps built in the Allied-occupied part of Germany!!!!
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
There are lots of phoney articles out there – you have to be careful with some articles out there as I got into a row with a follower on Twitter. I posted an article about Hitler and the follower responded with article that showed a picture of a medal with swastika on one side occult jewish symbol on the other. It was a phoney story about how Hitler agreed to send jews to Palestine when it was not true so despite my protests that follower would not listen, so i showed that article to others – some responded with counter article that said the author of the article a follower sent in response was written by a jew to discredit Hitler.
Jews can alter pics to make it look like Himmler met jews as someone who has knowledge on how forgeries altering of pictures can be done – trust me on this. I did a course on photoshop showing how to fake pics and add content to it. I like to see how things work from the inside out. Documents can be falsified, made to look old. This is just my opinion of it, as i have learnt to question things. I have been told by many i have a suspicious mind, and that can be a good thing.
Paul, that commemorative coin with the swastika on one side and the star of David on the other is real.
It was issued by a Zionist group in Germany to commemorate the Transfer or “Haavara” Agreement, an official agreement that the National Socialists entered into with Zionist Jews in Germany to facilitate their emigration to Palestine.
Adolf Eichmann oversaw this transfer program as lead administrator. The program was stopped once the war began in 1939. The coin was NOT issued by the German government, rather it was issued by a private Jewish organization. It’s not a “fake”.
Read about the Transfer Agreement here:
IT is also true that Otto Skorzeny was working for the Mossad after ww2…And that he Killed a top German scientist in Egypt…
Ulf Thorsen
You say “Mossad” but Mossad did not even exist until 1949. Not wanting to split hairs, as I do appreciate this article but I like to share these things and the way people are today, if they see even 1 mistake they deem as ‘major’ in the info, they’ll reject the rest of it outright.
Ulf, we changed it to “an early incarnation of the Mossad”, but we couldn’t put that in the headline, too wordy and not readily understandable. The text from CODOH.com itself clarifies what part of the Mossad it was, and yes, it was the definitely related to that later organization of 1948.
A little forgotten history!
The OCHRANA, the secret service founded by the Czar Nicholas II, consisted of of several organizations that carried out all the usual functions of a secret service with secret agents, secret police and agents provocateurs. The OCHRANA was a very subversive and criminal group which greatly simplified the work of the Illuminati. The Bolshevik Revolution was heavily supported by the Zionist Jewish Bankers in the U.S. ( Jacob Schiff & Co ), and the Zionist Jewish Bankers in Germany ( Max Warburg & Co.).
Huge sums of money from the international Jewish bankers, among others Alfred Millner who later took over the secret ‘Round Table’, were poured into the OCHRANA that already had infiltrated the Bolshevik movement. Agents of the OCHRANA had entered the innermost circles of the Bolshevik party and steered many of its avtivities. The infiltration was so strong that in 1908 four of the five members of the Petersburg committee of the Bolshevik party were OCHRANA agents. They channeled the funds that came from the international Jewish bankers to the Bolsheviks who could therefore suppress their strongest opponents, the Mensheviks and the Socialist Party. Two agents of the OCHRANA were the editor and the financial ontrollers of the ‘Pravda’ and supported its beginnings.
The hidden Jew Joseph Stalin ( his real name was Jossip Vissarionovich Djugashvili ) was a member of the OCHRANA and an inportant contact between the Czarist police and the Bolsheviks.
After the deposition of the Czar in 1917 the OCHRANA was officially disbanded. In 1920 the name was changed to GPU, then to OGPU. In 1921 it was rebuilt under the name CHEKA , ’cause its membership had increased tenfold. In 1934 it was changed to NKVD. The Russian system of concentration camps ( Gulags ) that was built up under Lenin and reached its peak under Stalin was governed by the NKVD. The camps formed part of the Soviet economy and almost half of the gold and chromium production was mines with forced labor by camp inmates. After WWII the NKVD became the MGB, then the KGB. With the help of the Zionists many former NKVD moved to Israel and in 1949 the Israeli Mossad was created. In 1982 the KGB was the biggest secret service in the world, with 90,000 staff officers and 175,000 border guards until the end of 1991.
..Well..If not Mossad…Then the OSS or NKVD…They Murdered General Patton..
https://nationalvanguard.org/2022/02/instead-of-this/ This info is new to me about white being locked up for being racial nationalists ? and other news about bio labs in ukraine ?
I would like the truth, but no commie ideology here, Greg. one thing we agree on: jews are the biggest problem, right? lets see who is on the jews side if putin says only jews can be jew nationalists. we have to see if so, then all bets are off .
This “war” in the Ukraine is between two different factions of Jewry. The Chabad Jews and their puppet Putin vs. the Soros-Schwab and their Zelensky puppet Jews of the EU. This is an internecine dispute over carving up the spoils of the Ukraine, which Biden, Romney, McCain, etc. have been plundering for the last 20 years. The Israelis are pretending to stay “neutral” because they have interests/friends on both sides, and will benefit no matter who “wins”.
The real losers of this battle will be any Ukrainians who believe in self-determination and sovereignty — those who are naive enough to believe in those ideals are the “Nazis” that both sides agree must be destroyed. And the Jews have infiltrated the “neo-Nazi” movement among Ukrainians and installed a Jew to lead them, too.
The Jewish thirst for Ukrainian blood wasn’t satisfied with the tens of millions of dead during the Holodomor and the Soviet occupation and those murdered in the gulags. As far as the Jews are concerned, every Ukrainian was a Nazi collaborator, and they never forget, never forgive. Time to pay up.
Ulf Thorsen
You sir, win the prize IMO. I definitely believe you are onto something. Please check this out about Right Sector in Ukraine. Right from a Jewish publication –
Thanks James for this link! Kevin Storm view of Ukrainian events is interesting and largely true…
Sure Vladimir Im still hoping that Ukraine make A deal with putin to give up the jews in control for them to run themselves but thats just my opinion and it looks like its not that easy I pray for that.
Brahmin Believer
Hitler shouldn’t have let those infidels in to begin with (himmler, rosenberg etc).
Being unequivocally yoked with unbelievers can hardly be expected to bring God’s blessings to your party anyways.
America/Europe is Israel
@HKW…more blathering about the UN, an organization whose sole purpose is to help assist in the furtherance of the coming Jew World Order. Jews use the organization as a means to end. Not in anytime did the UN ever solve a national crisis, but has only added to the problem.
As JB has stated above, the leadership of all western and eastern governments are trained, subversive Bolshevik communists, whose sole purpose is the complete destruction of the Caucasian race.
We may be witnessing the beginnings of another Holomodor. Doubt it not. Putin is no hero. His mother is Jewish. He has his political and cultural roots in the KGB, the child of the notorious NVKD whose history is soaked in blood and shares the same ideology as the UN.
If putin mother is a jew, If his father is not, ya he came up through KGB, ya he has alot of dealings with jews, how could of that been avoided coming from people that should know who the enemy is better than anyone, that’s russia and ukraine they have that in common .
Putin has done alot with jew problems in russia, ukraine needs some help with their jew problems. Maybe putin is like brother nathan ? but he is doing somthing and that’s got to be respected better than a jew puppet like Brandon. Someone who has done things against jew entrusts and jew world order who has done anything? So don’t Blather about doing nothing if you see pics of a lot of Yarmulkes leaving ukraine, you will have to know you were on the wrong side of whites sticking together wether they or you like it or not .
A russian pensioner earns $120 a month. Pootin is literally exterminating the poor.
Pootin said that fall of the Soviet Union was the greatest geopolitical tragedy of the 20th century.
Pootin is a typical Oriental despot, Just like Stalin, Lenin…..
A worker in ukraine gets apx 250 a month the jews that run ukraine are so bad for the non jews there and every where thats what I think is whats important here . People that dont see that will have to face it like a white democrat should see that they are wrong for white people entrusts . the jews in ukraine and world wide order made this happen someone is doing something lets see .
So look at the media they are for what side your with them ?
It’s your right, James, to express your communist ideology and support a blood-soaked Oriental despot, who is right now killing thousands of innocent people.
You are essentially correct, Greg.
It’s yid v yid.
The endgame of course is our demise or total subjugation through insidious and pernicious kike propaganda.
Anyone that’s been paying attention knows this to be the truth.
Ulf Thorsen
Putin put laws in place against “antisemitism” and Holohoax denial.
Wow, proof the Mossad and the SS collaborated. Why isn’t this headline news? Oh, right, it’s not a story that anyone would be interested in…..move along….
Wow! That’s an interesting article …
http://www.informationliberation.com/?id=62903 Check out this info maybe helpful
Shlomo Bergstwinowitz
The Goyim also have woke to what really transpires in those yearly AIPAC sessions in DC, where American politicians come to grovel & debase themselves in front of the Khazar elite in the hopes of getting some shekels & MSM support to run for some office.
But the last two years, AIPAC has shut down that sleaze fest, blaming the shutdown on Covid, but its really because so many Americans find those displays of treason nauseating.
People should be aware that the commie despot Putin is hellbent on expanding his empire : He’s right now invading the Ukraine and possibly committing one more Holodomor on the Ukrainians..
The West can easily finish off third world shithole Russia (Russian GDP is the same as small Florida!!) If there is the will.
Herr Hitler Just wanted to destroy that evil Empire.
Shlomo Bergstwinowitz
Putin better bring along plenty of Rabbis to sanction anudda mass murder, like the way Stalin did during the original Holodomor.
The Secretary-General of the United Nations has stated that Ukraine has not applied for border registration since 1991, so the state of Ukraine does not exist….
04/07/2014 UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon made a stunning statement, the distribution of which in Ukrainian media and the Internet is banned. The conflict between the two countries was discussed at the session of the UN Security Council.
From this, the following conclusion was drawn:
Ukraine has not registered its borders since 12/25/1991. The UN has not registered the borders of Ukraine as a sovereign state.
Therefore, it can be assumed that Russia is not committing any rights violations in relation to Ukraine.
According to the CIS Treaty, the territory of Ukraine is an administrative district of the USSR. Therefore, no one can be blamed for separatism and forcibly changing the borders of Ukraine.
Under international law, the country simply has no officially recognized borders.
In order to solve this problem, Ukraine needs to complete the demarcation of borders with neighbouring countries and obtain the agreement of neighbouring countries, including Russia, on their common border. It is required to document everything and sign treaties with all neighbouring states.
The European Union has pledged its support to Ukraine on this important issue and has decided to provide all technical assistance.
But will Russia sign a border treaty with Ukraine? No of course not.
Since Russia is the legal successor of the USSR (this is confirmed by the decisions of international courts on property disputes between the former USSR and foreign countries), the lands on which Ukraine, Belarus and Novorossiya are located belong to Russia, and nobody has the right to be without them Russia’s consent to dispose of this area.
Basically, now all Russia has to do is declare that this area is Russian and that everything that happens in this area is an internal matter of Russia.
Any interference will be seen as a measure against Russia. On this basis, they can annul the elections of May 25, 2014 and do what the people want!
According to the Budapest Memorandum and other agreements, Ukraine has no borders. The state of Ukraine does not exist (and has never existed!).
Alexander Panin – https://www.simonparkes.org/…/ukrainian-is-a-part-of…
In addition, in 1991 Ukraine had very good relations with Russia and would not have any problems with registering its borders, but it did not do it for a particular reason.
When registering its borders the neighboring countries must agree to it, and Ukraine seem to have further territorial claims against Poland.
If the borders were registered, that would close her way for future annexation and/or occupation of some of the Polish territories for which she has claims, including almost the entire Rzeszów region. As if the Volynian massacre and expulsion of Poles from Lvov and its regions wasn’t enough ….
The problem with commie propaganda, as in your case. it’s that’is all lies and disinformation.
It’s the Ukrainians who decide about Ukraine, not the Russian commies like Putin.
It’s cristal clear.
The ukraines did not decide that the jews killed there grandparents and to keep running there country that should be clear . And the propaganda comes from the language of the jews liars from the beginning and kol nidrei prayer on yom kippur . you are wrong on your other comment too and the word despot is irritating .
Pootin is an oriental despot, mass murderer, low life gangster, Stalin worshipper, and worse.
There are tons of facts to support my claim.
sam wheat
Are Israel’s borders defined or recorded and registered with the UN?
I’m not sure that that is the case, Greg.
I view the situation as the NWO-controlled West trying to start an unnecessary war with the presumably non-NWO Russia and China. to distract from other things (forced vaccine deathshots, tyranny in Canada by Justin Trudeau-Castro, the economy and stockmarket, inflation and limitless money-printing…)
Putin did say that the Western elites are satanists (and part of the NWO, though that is presumably redundant), so there is that, but perhaps Putin and XI are captured and just acting their parts.
…Though I don’t think so, I think Putin and Xi are rebelling against the NWO…
My two cents.
Ulf Thorsen
You’re both only 1/2 right. Look at who Putin is surrounded by. Berel Lazar and his ilk. Chabad et al. He’s also passed laws against making any public statements refuting the official Holocaust narrative. On the other side, we can see who is also running the show in Ukraine with Jew run and funded “Nazi” groups
Also, take a look at the details of the 2003 situation in Georgia
@ Greg, I am of the opinion (may be wrong….I hope so) that Putin’s inversion into Ukraine is strategically designed to seal the fate of America and the West as a Super Powers. Russian and China are being propped up, and as we watch, they are raising like the Phoenix (Rings a bell?)
Though people have always believed that Communism is over, those who brought Russia down wanted the west to relax, so that they may not be aware when the Dagger is thrust from behind, and Communist Russia and Communist China recovers what they lost in 1989.
Analyse this;
Moldova, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Ukraine, were countries in the former Russia.
These were the cubs of the Russian Bear. The Bear wants the Cubs back. Who dare stop it? Grad-paps Bidden? C’mon! Crazy-hair Boris Johnson? Excuse me! Jean Castexe-reted? Ha! Who?
“Hank The Tank Putin” now will roam free, like that American Bear I read somewhere. Crimea is gone. Next, Ukraine. The rest of the Cubs better make a cue for Mama Bear! As Crazy Chinese Ninja Panda is Chewing every country in the Third world with dept. If you thought that Communism was dead, think again!
Your analysis is basically correct Bigfoot.
The West must wake up and counterattack, otherweise we will lose our freedoms and become serfs like the Russians.
People should know that Jews rule in Ukraine, make it clear to yourself. I am not a fan of Putin, but I know for sure that he is not a communist since 1990…
All the people around Putin Lavrov, Medeved…) are Soviet people.
The “privatisation” of the Soviet state owned assets all went to Putin’s oligarchs.
Putin is a commie despot through and through.
Everything else is romantisation of a hardcore mass murderer and despot.
But, of course, you do not think the same of the USA? Why not? The US empire is craven in its hellish lust for control & power. In fact, screaming hysterically about their crimes, their inhumanity just puts the whole scene on blast. Nobody believes that the usa is in any way “heroic”, especially after the latest fiasco in Afghanistan. Why laud the Americans? Iraq, Syria, etc. all testify against our exceptionalism.
Is America throwing a tantrum because they won’t let her play with the big boys? Why demonize Putin when we have yet to account for putting Saddam Hussein in power?