(History Collection) Every year at this time, we see headlines about an ongoing “War on Christmas” being waged by the Jews and their minions on “radical Left” — and while there is certainly truth to that contention, the first real “war” against the celebration of Christmas was waged in England by the Puritans and their blood-thirsty stooge, Oliver Cromwell:
“By the early 17th century, Christmas was one of the most important feasts in the English Calendar. It was a joyous occasion, when, for a twelve-day period, men and women marked the birth of Christ with religious observances – and ancient pastimes, Churches held services to celebrate the birth of Christ decked in the same holly and ivy as private homes.
Once the religious rituals were over, people distributed Christmas boxes, to tradespeople, servants and the poor. Then they relaxed into the seasonal revels: playing sports and games, dancing, and eating and drinking seasonal favorites such as mince pies, plum pottage, and Christmas Ale.
Then, in 1642 the English Civil War broke out, and Christmas, as well as the King, found itself under attack from the Puritan parliamentarians. In staunch Parliamentary areas, Christmas day services ceased, and Christmas became like any other day, as shops remained open and business as usual occurred.
In 1651, the Civil Wars were over and the monarchy defeated. However, the war against Christmas continued as the Lord Protector Oliver Cromwell continued Parliament’s offensive on the midwinter festival. Cromwell’s task was no easy one, for the fight to abolish Christmas met with no small resistance….
The Puritans never approved of Christmas. They saw it as a frivolous festival without Biblical precedent. No one knew when Christ was born and nowhere in the Bible did it say to celebrate the Savior’s birth with riotous festivities. Christmas, therefore, was sinful and immoral– and superfluous to the Christian calendar. Consequently, the Puritan campaign against Christmas was almost as old as puritanism itself.
Shortly after the establishment of the English Reformation, in the mid-1500s, the Puritan Pamphleteer Philip Stubbs published “The Anatmie of Abuses” in which he complained that at Christmas “more mischief is…committed than in all the year besides.”
Aside from being frivolous and entirely unnecessary for the salvation of true Christian souls, Christmas from the Puritan point of view was a source of ‘mischief’ for a variety of reasons. At best, it was a festivity with Catholic overtures, preserving as it did the “trappings of popery.”
These ‘trappings’ were a reference in part to the central role of the Holy family in Christmas celebrations and in particular to the Virgin Mary who Catholics viewed as semi-divine but who the Puritans viewed as a complete irrelevance….
…However, with the rise of [Protestantism], Catholics began to cleave to Christmas….because it contained so many elements that their faith held precious, such as the Virgin Mary, candles and other symbols of ‘idolatry.’ Writers recorded that after the Reformation, the surviving Catholic priesthood determinedly kept the old traditions of Christmas as best they could even when they were imprisoned or in hiding. It was almost as if celebrating Christmas had become a gesture of defiance to the increasingly staid reformists.
At worst, however, Christmas to the Puritans was a barely concealed pagan celebration. Its mumming, holly and ivy and blatant feasting nothing more than ‘rags of the beast,” barely hidden in a Christian context. Many puritan scholars noted that the celebrations of Christmas had more in common with the Roman festival of Saturnalia and numerous other pre-Christian midwinter festivals than the birth of Christ.
Joseph Hemmings, a Staffordshire Presbyterian minister, writing in 1648, recognized that the early church had deliberately established the celebration of Christ’s birth at midwinter to help reconcile new believers to the Christian faith — and to try and stamp out pagan worship. However, the plan to replace the rebirth of the sun with the birth of the Son of God had not worked out too well, from the Puritan viewpoint. For that reason alone, Christmas needed to be stamped out.
The protestant dominated Scottish Kirk managed to abolish Christmas in the 1560’s — although King James VI brought it back in a toned down form in 1617. However, Puritans in England remained sadly thwarted in combating Christmas because their influence was restricted….most Puritans preferred to ignore Christmas altogether.
This all changed with the outbreak of the English Civil War. In exchange for Scottish assistance against King Charles I, English MPs had to agree to the reformation of the Church of England to meet exacting Presbyterian standards. The radical puritan elements in the English parliament needed no further excuse. Finally, they could declare war against Christmas as well as the King.
Initially, Puritans banned Christmas in all areas that declared for parliament. On Christmas day, shops were directed to remain open, and church services were forbidden. Meanwhile, parliament itself was busy in London issuing legislation independent of the King that would ban Christmas.
In 1644, MPs passed an ordinance which confirmed the abolition of Easter, Whitsun, and Christmas as feasts of the Church of England. Christmas Day was a day like any other — and to prove the point, staunchly puritan MPs made sure they were at work on Christmas Day.
In January 1645, a new directory of Public Worship declared Sundays the only holy days, due to all other feast days “having no warrant in the word of God.” Now any minister found to be holding services at any other time — including Christmas- was to be imprisoned…
…Under Cromwell, legislation to prosecute those who attended Christmas services was extended to include members of the congregation — not just the ministers. As well as declaring shops and markets should remain open, the Lord Protector also ordered soldiers to patrol the streets and seize and food and drink that appeared to be destined for a Christmas celebration.
The measures were a mixed success. For although most churches did indeed abandon Christmas day services, it was harder to prevent festivities in private homes. As a result was, Christmas went underground. However, the celebrations went on. For the ban on Christmas was not a popular one.
Cromwell needed to reinforce existing legislation because the people of England refused to give up Christmas. Most people kept Christmas on the quiet. Resistance in some areas, however, was brazen…
Violent protests also occurred over Christmas decorations — and church services. In 1647 an angry mob physically prevented the mayor of London and his men from removing Christmas decorations that revelers had draped about a water conduit in Cornhill. When the constables began to arrest people, the protest disintegrated into violence, and one man died of his injuries in Newgate jail.
That same Christmas, The Kingdom’s Weekly Post reported how some eager Christmas churchgoers went to Christmas day services armed to ensure their worship was not interrupted and that “the church doors were kept with swords and other weapons defensive and offensive whilst the minister was in the pulpit.”
By far the most alarming incident of Christmas 1647 occurred in Canterbury, an otherwise pro parliamentary city. A large crowd gathered on Christmas day, demanding services and the all-around keeping of Christmas. When an overexcited protestor assaulted a soldier, the protest turned into a full-on revolt. The Christmas crazy crowd then attacked the Mayor’s house, and before they knew it controlled Canterbury. They held the city for the entire Christmas period, decking doorways with holly and ensuring plenty of Christmas cheer. However, a new slogan arose from amongst the festive greenery: “for god, King Charles, and Kent.” It seemed that some places were so tired of Puritan piety they were even willing to have the supremacy of the monarch back.
By the late 1650s, it seems that the best efforts of Puritans to persuade people to lay aside the ” jollity and vanity of the time” were largely in vain. More and more people were risking arrest to attend unofficial Christmas services. Some shops still refused to open and “taverns and taphouses’ were routinely full on Christmas Day.
In 1656 when a reverend Ezekiel Woodward admitted defeat in the face of a congregation who “go on holding fast to their heathenish customs and abominable idolatries and think they do well’.
….The Puritans had finally lost the battle over Christmas. The Pro Christmas victory, however, did not become decisive until 1660 when the monarchy as finally restored. Then, the Directory of Public Worship and all other legislation made from 1642 onwards was declared null and void. Finally, Christmas in all its secular and sacred glory could be celebrated in the open again.”
The dour Puritans were rightfully called “judaizers” — unlike the Catholics, they worshiped the anti-Christ Jews and sought to emulate their strict adherence to the letter of the Law.
Cromwell’s so-called “Puritan Revolution” — the English Civil War — was financed by wealthy Jews in Amsterdam as a quid pro quo for readmitting the Jews back into England after having been rightfully banished for the previous 300 years by King Edward I.
But Cromwell — a Freemason and early Zionist — was heavily influenced by his relationship with the Amsterdam-based Jew, Menasseh Ben Israel, whose book — The Hope of Israel — provided him with the rationalization that the readmission of the Jews to England, and their subsequent “conversion to Christianity” would hasten the return of Christ.
It appears that Menasseh convinced Cromwell and his Puritan minions that since the British could be counted among the ten lost northern tribes of Israel, the readmission of the Jews to England would fulfill the prophecy of the regathering of the tribes of Israel, which would signal the Second Coming.
Imagine the delight of these Jews stepping onto the shores of England after 300 years of banishment to find that all Christmas celebrations had been outlawed — this would surely be a country where they could now work feverishly to undermine and destroy.
What these judaized Puritans failed to understand is that it was irrelevant whether or not Christmas, Easter, or a hundred other Christian holidays could technically be found in — or endorsed by — the Bible.
And judging from how the Puritans utterly failed to ban Christmas in both England and America, we suspect that Europe would still be pagan today if the stiff-necked Puritans — rather than the Catholics — had been in charge with “selling” Christianity to these early pagan converts.
In fact, Christmas in Germany was originally a celebration of the conversion of the pagans to Christianity according to the story of Saint Boniface.
Yes, Christmas still retains many of the pre-Christian rituals and trappings of Europe, but that in no way negates the fact that the intent of the holiday is to celebrate not only the birth of Jesus Christ — but also His centrality to our entire culture — He — not just the Catholic Church — is the stone upon which our entire European civilization was built (Ephesians 2:20).
That said, today’s “war on Christmas” is not being waged by literal-minded fundamentalist Christians — rather it is now orchestrated by anti-Christ Jews who resent the fact that all of western civilization was built to glorify Jesus Christ.
The “Scrooge-like” Jews have changed the language we are now “allowed” to use at Christmas time — we have been brainwashed to avoid wishing anyone “Merry Christmas” for fear of “offending” or “excluding” anyone — i.e., the Jews — who gleefully rub their hands when we cravenly opt to use their banal, kosher-certified, anti-Christ slogan — “Happy Holidays” instead:
“No one spoke openly of Him for fear of the Jews.”
–John 7:13
Most of the famous Christmas songs which have become part of our popular culture were written by Christ-hating Jews — like Irving Berlin — who intentionally removed Christ from his songs and replaced Him with generic lyrics about snow, ornaments, and crass materialism.
To justify their hatred for Christmas, Jewish immigrants from the shtetls of eastern Europe have re-written history and now claim that Christmas was a time of “terror” for them, when Christians would celebrate the holiday by going out in the streets looking for Jews to “rape and murder” — the Great Christmas Pogroms™.
Even Francis — the crypto-Pope — has sided with the Jews — using the occasion of his 2019 “Christmas” address to reveal the ultimate goal of this Jewish war on Christmas, stating:
“Christendom no longer exists.”
This wishful thinking on the demise of Christmas and Christendom might best be summed up by Mark Twain’s response when asked about rumors about his death:
“The reports about my death are greatly exaggerated.”

Christopher Hollis 1937 The Two Nations .
Now it was true that through unhappy accidents the Christian bodies had by no means played the part that they should have played in the battle against usury in the first half of the nineteenth century. The Church of England, which had boasted so splendid a record in the reign of Charles I, had been captured in 1688 by those very forces against which it existed to protest. It was now, in these matters, little more than the support of English nationalism. It was not Herr Hitler nor Signor Mussolini but Queen Victoria who wrote.s .. It is natural that every one should have their own opinion, especially on religion, but, when the policy of Great Britain comes into considera-tion . . . all private feelings should be overruled.” The Nonconformists had in their blood no traditions against usury. The Catholic Church was in a yet sadder and more curious case.
The Emperor Napoleon was by no means a model Christian. Yet the force which he challenged was the
force of usury; the society for which he fought was a Christian society; the society which conquered him, if ever such a word may be used of any society, anti-Christian.It was a society, whose very fundament was usury. the eternal enemy of the Christian faith. The memory of Napoleon lived on as a dream in the minds of the poor… Long, long will they tell of him under the thatched roof.
In fifty years the humble dwelling will know no other history. Children, through this village I saw him ride,
And Kings followed him.”
NS Germany at Christmas Time.
During the weeks preceding Christmas the stream of letters grows to the
dimensions of a flood. Tens of thousands of children write to “Uncle Hitler,” to tell
him about their Christmas wishes. With a few words, and in childish handwriting, the
different toys and other matters are mentioned upon which the hearts of his small
correspondents are set. They believe that “Uncle Hitler” must surely be on good terms
with Santa Claus, and in this they are right. The National Socialist People’s Welfare
Organisation make it their business to see that the wishes of the children are fulfilled,
and among the hundreds of thousands of Christmas packets which are distributed
every year by this organisation, many thousands are destined for those children who,
full of confidence, have written to “Uncle Hitler.”
On every Christmas Eve since 1933 the Party sets up, at its own expense, great Christmas
trees before many of the church doors, and in many of the open spaces in the cities.
These are all aglitter with frost, and burning candles. Tables are spread beneath them.
And bands play the immemorial hymns and carols of the season. Speeches are made
calling upon those who are keeping up the feast at home, to remember their poorest
brethren without, and to show them the good comradeship and brotherliness which is
the very essence of National Socialism. This exhortation is closing everywhere with
the carol “Stille Nacht, Heilige Nacht.” P165
The Program of the National Socialist German Worker’s Party
The NSDAP party argues for a positive Christianity, although it is
not bound to any single confession. The NSDAP party fights against the Jewish-
materialistic spirit in and around us. We are convinced that the healing process of
our nation can only be continued on the basis of the principle that public welfare
has priority over individual welfare. P22
24 –
In the same way, the Government of the Reich, who regard Christianity as the
unshakeable foundation of the morals and moral code of the nation, attach the greatest value to
friendly relations with the Holy See, and are endeavouring to develop them. We feel sympathy
for our brother nation in Austria in its trouble and distress. In all their doings the Government
of the Reich are conscious of the connection between the destiny of all German races. Their
attitude towards the other foreign powers may be gathered from what has already been said.
But even in cases where our mutual relations are encumbered with difficulties, we shall
endeavour to arrive at a settlement. But in any case the basis for an understanding can never
be the distinction between victor and vanquished
Adolf Hitler’s Family Tree The Untold Story of the Hitler Family by Alfred Konder
It should also be mentioned here that without exception all of Adolf Hitler’s ancestors were Roman Catholic, so the parish churches listed in the following pedigrees are all Roman Catholic.
Adolf Hitler painting – Mother Mary with the Holy Child Jesus Christ (1913).
We have to remember God is punishing us because we deserve it. Blacks, Browns, Jews are just parasites who will act like parasites. They can only succeed because we allow them in our countries. It’s the traitor whites who need a severe beating to learn their lessons.
Unfortunately, people who are aware and have repented have to suffer along with them. It’s apparent to me that there is a better resurrection. In the holy days in Leviticus 23, Christ was the first of the first fruits, but there was also a sacrifice right after His called the first fruits. That is, it looks like the ekklesia is small subset of Israel that is going to rule over the rest.
“…Unfortunately, people who are aware and have repented have to suffer along with them….”
You took the words right out of my mouth! 🙂
However, I might add that I do not believe they are “suffering”.
Ignorance is bliss. I was there once. Unless they are a victim of crime, they just don’t seem to care.
Good to know others feel like I do. It is a lonely world out here. Cheers.
Another thing about Christmas that is deceptive is this focus on the baby Jesus. As Christians, we should strive to be mature men (Colossians 1:28), not be focused on the cuteness of a baby.
In a way, Die Juden have destroyed Christmas. It is no longer celebrated as the birth of Christ, but as the time to borrow money on your (((credit card))) to buy shiny presents to show your love.
Or to listen to Christmas songs that are about snow, reindeers, Santa or Xmas trees but not Christ. Guess who wrote those songs?
Merry Conspicuous Consumption Day!
Meet the Jews who wrote some of the most popular Christmas holiday songs.
Another hit piece on the replacement of white Christians.
Fitzinfo was right about Soviet Islam.
This is the time of Jacob’s Trouble. That’s why the entire world’s alien [to us] races are busily insulting and degrading white people everywhere.
It will suddenly end and at first whites will be thrilled. Then the truth will be exposed, too late.
Yahwey is about to be driven out of heaven, and when he is he’ll suddenly come to Earth, and will be white, as will the angels and the Nephilim who are coming with him.
First the earthly, Yahwey, then the heavenly, The Lord Jesus Christ, remember!
What Hollywood fantasy series have you been watching.?
Imagine that; stoners finding CFT and making silly comments.
The Time of Jacob’s Trouble
I’ve read that the 25th December is the birthday of Tamuz, born to Nimrod’s wife, Semiramis.
Do people here regard that as incorrect, if so, why?
There have been a few evil Cromwell’s in our History books. One worked for Henry 8th and was the mastermind of a lot of killings in northern England (where I trace my own ancestry to).
Obviously once Oliver Cromwell (the evil proselyte) had done the dirty on us Britons, by allowing the jews back in (which he had no right to, he was NOT an Israelite King like Edward), we had the great fire of 1666, then the ‘lady of Threadneedle Street’ (BofE), and we’ve been Usury-slaves ever since.
I think I’d automatically punch someone in the face if they told me their surname was Cromwell – they’re a disgusting family.
Many pagan cults celebrated the winter solstice on December 25th in honor of their “gods”. Same with the pagan celebrations of Spring and summer solstice.
No doubt the Catholic Church took advantage of this date to encourage pagans to worship Christ on that date instead, to win hearts and minds.
Some have twisted this fact into claiming that Jesus Christ is just another pagan god that we’ve been “tricked” into worshiping.
Hi CFT: I understand the solstice aspect, but the solstice is a few days prior to 25th December (unless the seasons worked differently then?). Wasn’t Tamuz the ‘origin’ though, and prior to all the other pagan beliefs? I believe you’re correct when you state the RC used such dates to usurp such beliefs (with remnants still continuing, e.g. the evergreen ‘Christmas’ Tree).
“Some have twisted this fact into claiming that Jesus Christ is just another pagan god that we’ve been “tricked” into worshiping.”
I know, I can remember a video years ago called Zeitguist. I guess this ‘twisting’ could work on those that regard scripture as ‘religion’ as opposed to a History/Prophecy Book(s) specifically related the race of Adam (whitey), right?
Merry Christmas everyone!
The 25th of December is the date that we Christian’s will celebrate the Lord and Saviour’s birth world wide! The most talked about, heard about, and read about Man in the history of creation! the 25th of December joins us Christians, regardless of demonination, together.
And that is a good thing! strength through unity… but beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing, as this great article shows. The devil sows division!
So Merry Christmas everyone! and God bless! 🙂
Christmas at the mall, 2023
yes, my feelings exactly!
Beautiful article !
Yes the Jews have turned it into a mass marketing campaign and are trying to destroy Christmas but I celebrate it as the Birth of Jesus Christ our Lord.
May peace and grace be upon you.
Merry Christmas Guy and Gals
Sounds like a fake out to me. The Jews make tons of money off of x-mas. They love the greed and depression it promotes. This is very grey area.
No grey area here. Jews want to continue to reap profits during the Christmas season but without people mentioning that it’s about Jesus Christ. They want their cake and eat it too, as always.
It’s not biblical. It’s pagan. It’s grey in that it’s a chance to get together with family. It has nothing to do with Christ.
Really? Christmas has “nothing to do with Christ”? Then why are all the churches packed in every town in America around Christmas time?
I just drove down the main street of my small town and the cars are lined down the street outside the churches.
Get out of the cities, and you will see the real Christian spirit of Christmas.
—— Randal ——
You said — “…and you will see the real Christian spirit of Christmas…..”
But are they Holy Spirit Filled – Born Again – New Creations in Christ?
If they were, would they not have an inner conviction that something is seriously wrong in Western WHITE Nations?
In my experience — and this is my experience; maybe your experience is different —
But when I try to share with these “Christians” you speak of about our Identity as the Israelites of Scripture —- they hate me.
When I try to inform them about “who” the jew truly is — they hate me.
If I were to share with them this site — CFT — they would call me a Racist and a Hater and probably compare me to what they believe to be the most evil person that has ever lived — Adolf Hitler
And then if I were to say that actually Adolf Hitler and the Germans were really not the bad guys after all — these so called “Christians” would probably call the Police on me or inform the ADL of my presence in their community.
I know for sure they won’t be inviting me over for the next Christmas gathering.
Can a White man have the Holy Spirit and be totally oblivious to what is happening to White People in all the world???
It is a serious question. Maybe they can. Maybe the Holy Spirit does not act in our minds and souls the way I think He does.
Is just a simple belief in Jesus Christ all that is needed; and all that is required to enter into Eternal Life?
It was a big day even before he was born. It’s the winter solstice, the Saturnalia. The Catholic Church tacked His name onto it. If you can’t beat the pagans, join um.
BREAKING🚨 Israel bombed a monastery on Christmas Eve. #ChristmasEve
First Israel lied about bombing the Christian Baptist hospital. Now Israel bombed a convent and are accusing the priests of lying about it.
They love bombing and lying on the Eve of Christmas.
“No one knew when Christ was born and nowhere in the Bible did it say to celebrate the Savior’s birth with riotous festivities.”
And as far as I know, the Bible doesn’t say we should not celebrate his birth.
“But Cromwell — a Freemason and early Zionist — was heavily influenced by his relationship with the Amsterdam-based Jew, Menasseh Ben Israel, whose book — The Hope of Israel — provided him with the rationalization that the readmission of the Jews to England, and their subsequent “conversion to Christianity” would hasten the return of Christ.”
Sounds like the brainwashed Judeo-Christian Zionuts in today’s churches.
“The “Scrooge-like” Jews have changed the language we are now “allowed” to use at Christmas time — we have been brainwashed to avoid wishing anyone “Merry Christmas” for fear of “offending” or “excluding” anyone —”
I always say Merry Christmas to people; if they offended, oh well, it’s not my problem.
“To justify their hatred for Christmas, Jewish immigrants from the shtetls of eastern Europe have re-written history and now claim that Christmas was a time of “terror” for them, when Christians would celebrate the holiday by going out in the streets looking for Jews to “rape and murder” — the Great Christmas Pogroms™.
It’s the old adage: a Jew will cry while he’s beating you.
I think we can agree, that today the Catholic Church is also is part of this “Judaeo/Christian” alliance.
Fish swim, birds fly, and jews lie. It doesn’t matter what time of year The Lord Jesus was born. Or if he was born, but how and when He dies, and rose from the dead.
He’s the only person who ever did both. Thank you for our now eternal lives!
Jewish owned U.K. retailer Spencer & Marks is running a violent, anti-white, anti-Christmas “holiday” commercial straight out of hell….
Wow ! Thats nuts ! Whats next ? Taking a pee in baby Jesus ? These people need to go bye bye
Wow ! Thats nuts ! Whats next ? Taking a pee in baby Jesus ? These people need to go bye bye
Already been done.
They are not people/human.
Israeli settlers hang severed donkey heads in East Jerusalem cemetery near Al-Aqsa Mosque
27 December 2023 16:18 GMT
This is the time of Jacob’s Trouble. He will be saved from it. Soon.
I’m assuming by your pseudonym that you’re from a similar neck of the woods to me, pal.
All our media (especially the adverts) would have people thinking that we’re not a predominantly white and heterosexual nation, yet we are. I live in an area of the north east which is 97% white (and most will NOT be gay).
At least the Kike-led M&S advert mentioned, “Christmas”. Think of those stuck in Bradford, Burnley, Blackburn etc that are forced to call this season, “Winter Festival” so not to offend the useless and parasitical Muslims that the kikes have imported.
We still have a chance, apparently whites are less than 50% in the US these days, after being over 90% in the 1950’s.
PS Turn off your TV, mate.
“I live in an area of the north east which is 97% white (and most will NOT be gay).”
You are fortunate. And hopefully it will stay that way and more! It was 100% that way in the small rural town I was born in. My school was all white since the early 19 century UNTIL gov pigs required UNWILLING BLACKS to integrate.
That’s when the hell started. Teachers and kids were attacked, pushed down concrete stairs, jumped on white kids in packs of which I was a victim of. Many white kids were stabbed by their afro picks. Teachers would not protect kids in hall ways. I graduated early to get out. My brother quit before graduating.
That year brought the very first RIOT in history as my classmates rose up. My school FELL from being the best in the county to the absolute pits of dark ness. It had high standards even in sports. Most of us were farm kids…but no nonsense.
Hi sparrow, sorry to hear that. The blacks are indifferent to each other and we cannot expect them to have the social norms as whitey.
My long time friend in Lancashire (where there are towns full of brown Indians and Pakistanis) was also beaten at his primary school by the browns, who targeted whites for fun.
His parents moved to my hometown (in the north west, I’m now in the north east) to get away from it all.
Mt current location is 97% white, and was never fully exposed to immigration. Our corrupt government are currently sending many of the boat people (Arabs and Blacks) to the north east to address this concern of theirs. Many simply don’t stay and we have ‘black flight’ where they move to the cities nearby (Middlesbrough and Newcastle). Blacks prefer cities because it’s easier to commit crime.
The end goal of all antisemitism laws is to make you deny Christ.