(America Outloud News) A new research paper has been published that shows how “trusted” Christian churches in the U.S. took government bribes — in the form of COVID relief grants — in exchange for pushing the deadly, experimental COVID “vaccines” on their unsuspecting congregations — which lead to the deaths and disabilities of untold thousands of “believers”.
Here we present key excerpts from this report to highlight its most important points — but if you wish to read the report in its entirety, see the link above.
The report reads,
“What if I told you powerful U.S. government officials – such as former NIH Director Francis Collins and U.S. Surgeon General Vivek Murthy – used religion in an attempt to convince faith leaders around the country to push the COVID-19 injections? A deep dive into the organization Faiths4Vaccines – a founding member of the HHS’ vaccine-propaganda machine COVID-19 Community Corps1 – has revealed just that.
That the HHS was tapping faith leaders in the spring of 2021 to push the uptake of COVID-19 vaccines was not a surprise. We uncovered this in our previous article that we broke on the COVID-19 Community Corps at the end of 2022.
But what did surprise us as we dug deeper for this article was the extent to which faith leaders were pursued to push the COVID-19 vaccines and the inappropriate – if not unconstitutional – manner in which government officials persuaded these faith leaders to push the shots.
With 86 founding members, the “faith leaders” category of the COVID-19 Community Corps was the most numerous. These founding members included both individual faith leaders and faith organizations from a variety of religions – including the American Baptist Church, Catholic Charities USA, the Episcopal Church, the National Association of Evangelicals, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America, and the New York Jewish Agenda, just to name a few.
Not surprisingly, many faith organizations received federal money during the pandemic. For example, an entity called “American Baptist Churches in the USA” reportedly received $1.5 million in COVID-19 relief bailout money – in the form of two forgivable “loans” that spanned 2020 and 2021…
…[At] a May 2021 national summit for faith leaders, NIH Director Francis Collins – referred to as “Reverend-Doctor” – would address hundreds of faith leaders across the nation, claiming that the COVID-19 vaccines were God’s literal “answer to prayer” and urging faith leaders to believe that pushing the shots was a “love your neighbor moment.”
In what was a sermon-like address tailored to appeal to these faith leaders, Collins admonished them not to believe “conspiracy theories” about “possible side effects” – which Collins falsely said were untrue.
In the spring of 2021, when COVID-19 vaccine uptake had leveled off, faith leaders seemed to be the Biden administration’s answer to getting hesitant Americans vaccinated. The reason? Faith leaders had vast untapped potential to convince vaccine-hesitant Americans to take the shots – particularly if they could be persuaded that COVID-19 vaccination was a moral obligation owed to others.
Like healthcare providers (which we recently wrote about), faith leaders were “trusted” – but arguably much more so than one’s doctor. Faith leaders were associated with the divine. They were often connected to deeply personal, intimate, and even sacred moments in Americans’ lives – spiritual moments that involved life and death, great joy, and deep sorrow – such as baptisms, christenings, bar and bat mitzvahs, weddings, and funerals.
As noted in one peer-reviewed article about the role faith leaders played in creating vaccine confidence, faith organizations were able to penetrate people’s vaccine hesitation in “hyperlocal” ways…
…Meet Faiths4Vaccines – a founding member of the HHS COVID-19 Community Corps. On its website, Faiths4Vaccines describes itself as a “multi-faith group of local and national religious leaders” seeking “to increase opportunities for faith-based institutions, particularly houses of worship, to engage and support the United States government in its efforts to increase vaccination rates” and combat “vaccine hesitancy.” Faiths4Vaccines’ top shared goal is shocking – it strives to “Demonstrate religious communities’ trust in the vaccine.”
According to a peer-reviewed study that assessed the impact of faith organizations on COVID-19 vaccination uptake, Faiths4Vaccines includes over 1000 faith leaders across the U.S. This study found that Faiths4Vaccines held 13 “bi-weekly roundtables” led by faith leaders who used their houses of worship as vaccination sites and had regular engagement with the White House, including the White House COVID-19 Task Force, as well as the CDC and HHS, as part of these bi-weekly calls. A spin-off initiative of Faiths4Vaccines – called Youth4Vaccines – pushed the COVID-19 vaccine among America’s youth and also held a roundtable “showcasing how youths of faith are leading in their communities within the COVID-19 vaccination efforts.”
…At the Faiths4Vaccines National Summit, NIH Director Francis Collins, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, and (((Jeffrey Zients))) (then White House COVID-19 Response Coordinator, who is now Biden’s Chief of Staff) – made virtual appearances, addressing the faith leaders directly. Under the auspices of their official government positions, Collins, Murthy, and Zients relied on religion to persuade faith leaders to push the COVID-19 vaccines. Shockingly, Collins even claimed that the vaccines were provided by God.
…However, when religious doctrine and the sacredness of one’s faith tradition are wielded with misleading information to push a risky, experimental biomedical government agenda – this shocks the conscience. When available, cheap and potentially life-saving medications with an excellent safety profile are withheld in order to further this experimental biomedical agenda – this defies ethical bounds.
…In our opinion, this is precisely what happened. As demonstrated at the Faiths4Vaccines National Summit, powerful government officials resorted to the use of religious doctrine to coerce faith leaders across the country to use their own spiritual influence, positions of trust, and sacred spaces to push the vaccines on their congregants.
Government officials claimed to know God’s position on the issue of the COVID-19 vaccines, failing to consider other perspectives or engage in open debate. In claiming that their vaccine “theology” was the correct interpretation, our government leaders implied that any faith leaders with a different view opposed God or had an incorrect understanding of God.
For those who dared question the government’s vaccine “theology,” Collins and Murthy use words that echoed pejorative tones – implying that faith leaders who had hesitancy about recommending the vaccine were inferior and/or uneducated –thus susceptible to believing in “conspiracy theories” (Collins) or “misinformation and myths” (Murthy).
…It is now incontrovertible that mRNA injections have been associated with serious injuries and even deaths of many in the U.S. and around the world. As just one example, a scientific database created by React1928 – an organization that assists COVID-19 vaccine-injured individuals who have been abandoned by the very government that assured them the shots were safe – documents 3,580 peer-reviewed case reports of serious adverse events following COVID-19 vaccination, as of the date of this writing.
Another website called OpenVAERS, which tracks global data about COVID-19 vaccine adverse event reports, shows there have been 1,615,020 reports of adverse events and 36,726 deaths following COVID-19 vaccination through November 3, 2023. VAERS, the U.S. system for reporting vaccine adverse events, is widely acknowledged to be vastly underreported.
A researcher affiliated with Ottawa research group Correlation, Denis Rancourt, PhD, estimates that 17 million global citizens have been killed worldwide from the COVID-19 vaccines as of September 2, 2023.
…Collins also told faith leaders that the vaccines were a literal answer to prayer – peppering his shameless appeal to push the vaccines with religious language that was sure to resonate with faith leaders:
…”Yeah, I was praying about this. Back in August or September as the trials were getting underway. Oh, if I just pray, well, we’ll be end up with something that’s at least 60% or maybe 70% effective, and then it turns out to be 95%. So this does seem like, OK, I’ve been praying for rescue from COVID. Here’s the answer. It’s coming through science. But it still feels to me like it’s God’s answer too, because God works through people and God works through scientists, even some of them who don’t know it.”
…The Faiths4Vaccines “Toolkit” suggests the use of theological interpretations and sacred Scriptures to push the COVID-19 vaccines and offers specific examples. Does this border on spiritual abuse? Consider that one of the hallmarks of spiritual abuse is taking Scriptures out of context in order to interpret passages to suit one’s own ends.
Another is using biblical-sounding words to give the appearance of virtuousness or righteousness – a tactic that we saw both Zients and Collins use.
Consider the propriety of this scriptural example, quoted from a “Trusted Source” in the Jewish community, according to the Faiths4Vaccines “Toolkit”:
“The Lord took us out of the narrow place (Mitzrayim) with a strong hand and an outstretched arm. (Deuteronomy 26:8)
[Their interpretation]:
“‘The narrow place’ refers to Covid.
‘A strong hand’ refers to the hand holding the syringe.
‘An outstretched arm’ is the arm receiving the vaccine.
The Bible’s message is clear: “Go forth and be vaccinated, that ye may live!”…The Faiths4Vaccines “Toolkit” also provides the following Scriptures to push COVID-19 vaccination, described as “Scriptures on the Value of All Lives”:
“So whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.” (Matthew 7:12)
“You shall love your neighbor as yourself. There is no other commandment greater than these.” (Mark 12:31)
“For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.” (Jeremiah 29:11)
“Behold, I will bring to it health and healing, and I will heal them and reveal to them abundance of prosperity and security.” (Jeremiah 33:6)
“And we know that for those who love God, all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)
In 2020, we reported in the very early stages of the fake pandemic how specifically the Catholic Church was pushing the COVID bio-weapon “vaccines” on their congregations as their “Christian responsibility” — and we reported on the first death of a priest who was killed by that “vaccine”.
We take no satisfaction in having exposed the satanic agenda of the COVID “pandemic” from its beginnings — nor do we feel righteous by thinking “We told you so!“
However, we were heartened to see that our numerous articles exposing the “pandemic” brought many new readers to our site — some of whom had the scales removed from their eyes and heard about the truth of the Christian-Israel message for the first time.
In reality, the purpose of the “pandemic” Purim was to largely target White Christian nations — which had the highest vaccination compliance rates — and the highest death rates due to the “vaccines” — upwards of at least 20 million deaths and counting.
We wrote how Jews — in government and the pharmaceutical companies — who “just so happened to be” the inventors and purveyors of the “vaccine” — likened the spread of “COVID” to the spread of “antisemitism” — by killing off White Christians, they eliminate their greatest “existential” threat to world domination.
They bragged that they were behind the “life saving” vaccines. Period.
But as this report points out, most Jewish-worshiping Christians trust their judaized pastors more than they trust their doctors — but ironically, during this “pandemic” there was no difference between the two, as both pushed these agents of death with equal zeal and authority.
When “judeo-Christians” go to church on Sunday, the vast majority of them turn off their critical thinking skills and sit passively in the pews — as if they are watching television — absorbing what comes out of the mouths of their pastors as if it is the unvarnished “truth”.
Even though the Gospels repeatedly warn Christians of false teachers:
“Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they?”
–Matthew 7:15-16
We have written about the treachery of these anti-Christ so-called “judeo-Christian” ministers — who are most concerned about pleasing this world than pleasing God.
But this should not surprise us, considering Revelation warns us that in the End Times deception will be the rule, not the exception:
“And the great dragon was thrown down, the serpent of old who is called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was thrown down to the earth, and his angels were thrown down with him.”
–Revelation 12:9
This verse doesn’t say that the whole world will be deceived except for Christians — and yet if you were to ask any “judeo-Christian” if they count themselves among the prophesized “deceived”, they will scoff at the notion — as if only “unbelievers” can be decieved.
And if these mainstream Christians wake up to the deception of the “pandemic” — and their own churches’ roles in promoting it — why aren’t they also questioning their pastors’ interpretation of the Scriptures — which they twisted to deceive them?
If Christians would only wake up and stop worshiping the anti-Christ Jews who plot their destruction — and put on the full armor of God — which is the Christian-Israel message — then and only then — can they hope to immunize themselves against Satan’s desire for their body and eternal soul.
The Plot Against the Church – Maurice Pinay 1962
His Holiness the Pope and the assembled Council in condemnation of Antisemitism experience the catastrophic event that the Church contradicts itself, and therefore, without giving account to this, silently also condemn Christ Our Lord Himself, as well as the Holy Gospels, the Church Fathers and most Popes, among them Gregory VII (Hildebrand), Innocent II, Innocent III, Pius V, and Leo XIII, who as we will show in this book, have fought bitterly against the Jews and the “Synagogue of Satan”.
Library Political Secrets Itsvan Bakony 11 books, Plot Against the Church Maurice Pinay, Protocols Elders Zion, Report from Iron Mountain.
Edgar for Christ
I am GLAD that I did not get the jew jab! Pure blood over here in more ways then one!
radio radio
Pope Francis doubles down on the COVID vax, claims that refusing to take it is “almost suicidal act of denial”
Russ D
This bogus virus has EXPOSED the church and it’s pastors. It has shown me the the majority of pastors are MORE CONCERNED about their jobs as a Pastor, then preaching the Word of God………..IT IS QUITE OBVIOUS!
Man says you will forsake assembling together
The Word of God says you will NOT forsake assembling together (Hebrews 10:25)
Man say we are to fear this virus and wear masks
The Word of God says I have not given you a Spirit of Fear (2 Tim 1:7)
And greater is He who is in us than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4)
Man says this virus can kill you
The Word of God says “No weapon formed against you shall prosper” (Isa 54:17)
Man says we are to social distance
The Word of God says “we are to lay hands on the sick and they shall recover” (Mark 16:18)
If your Church followed the government protocol of closing his church, wearing masks and social distancing then your Pastor is a LIAR and NOT following the Word of God………PERIOD!
And don’t tell me your Pastor is obeying the government IAW Romans 13:1-7, because that is a LIE. When Man’s laws or ways go against the Word of God we are NOT to obey them and in the case of this bogus virus, man laws ARE violating the Word of God.
Viorica Baciu
Am înțeles toate afirmațiile de mai sus și sunt total de acord cu ele ! Religiile ne- au umplut mintea cu ordinele lor : multe , complicate geru de înțeles și de respectat !
Domnul l-a trimis pe Fiul lui ca să învețe Adevărul simplu , direct și ușor de învățat, , dar a fost repede ucis , ca să ne sperie si .sa nu credem în vorbele lui ADEVARATE DESPRE TATAL , IMPARATIA LUI SI CREDINTA IN CUVANTUL LOR !
Mulțumesc !
Asa este și așa va fi !
“I understood all the statements above and I totally agree with them! Religions have filled our minds with their orders: many, complicated, hard to understand and respect!
The Lord sent his Son to teach the simple, direct and easy to learn Truth, but he was quickly killed, to scare us and not to believe in his TRUE words ABOUT THE FATHER, HIS KINGDOM AND FAITH IN THEIR WORD!
Thank you !
That’s how it is and that’s how it will be!”
These stones
11I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep. 12But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth: and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep. 13The hireling fleeth, because he is an hireling, and careth not for the sheep. 14I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mine. 15As the Father knoweth me, even so know I the Father: and I lay down my life for the sheep. 16And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd. 17Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again. 18No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.
Missouri Confederate
The Vaccines are impure. They Violate the Torah and the New Testament. The Pastor’s who told people to get vaccinated will be thrown into the Lake of Fire for being Liars. Telling people that Jooz are God’s chosen people or that Isho was a Jew. Most of them don’t that Isho came only for the Lost Sheep of Jacob Israel.
Top virologist whistleblower claims COVID-19 virus does NOT exist
Missouri Confederate
If you listen to Dr Tom Cowan you will know that isolating viruses doesn’t hold up to scientific scrutiny.
radio radio
“Trust the science”. The “science”…..
I trust no one in the flesh. I don’t care how versed they are in Scripture, what schools, college or university they went to, what uniform they wear regardless if it is civil or religious.
Jesus Christ is my God, my Savior period. I truly believe He provided me with enough intelligence and common sense to figure things out in life.
Anyone with a true sense of diligence can do it. If I can, anyone can; I was a slower learner growing up.
I refuse to run to the costumed clowns in the pulpits for any guidance about life. I figure at 68 years of age if I still live blindly it’s my own fault. To me the churches are dead. I also won’t debate with anyone.
My sympathies for you. It must be awfully lonely up there in the self imposed isolation.
Archie Grey
Actually it is freeing to know the truth.
Brother, I feel the same way. I spoke with my pastor and my church and we encouraged NOT to get this jab. It never felt right. “IT’s experimental” Is that not what we were told? What else needs to be said.
Archie Grey
I agree with you. Why accept what they say? Most are just regurgitating something they have read or heard. I can read and study the bible just fine myself.
The churches ARE dead. They have Ichabod written across their walls. They have a FORM of godliness but deny the power of God. Woe to anyone who trusts in their religious institutions. You WILL be judged.
Irene Groot
If this was government money, file a FOIA request and find the names of pastors who accepted the money and how much. Publicize the results
yes please publish the list of organizations that took the money and participated in this program. please
Jonathan N
LDS Church did the same thing. Told their members that the vaccine is a “Godsend” and “safe and effective” in an official statement sent out to the membership, urging all to get it, and they tried to mandate it for attendees to their universities (BYU) and for missionaries. To this day they’ve not acknowledged any error or apologized whatsoever.
Can you see it?
Removing Religious Protections For Antisemitic Expression
Good Lord
That bill was written by a kippah. Blanche[d] MEANS whitened. Kippahs always use colours for their surnames. Those colours can be translated into different European countries’ ethnic languages. Ex. white = blanc = weiss (wise) = bianca
Hence, Blanchet writes a bill to stifle goyim Canadians’ free speech, FOR HIS Tribe and for no other race or religion…..only HIS.
Covid VACCINES …. damning information
Israeli Lab Claiming To Have COVID-19 Vaccine Is an IDF Biological Warfare Research Facility.The Ness Ziona based lab was founded during the 1948 war as HEMED BAIT, on the orders of David Ben-Gurion. The goal of the unit was to develop weapons that could kill large groups of people, and was allegedly inspired by the Zionist terrorist organization Nakam, who with the blessing of many influential Jewish leaders attempted to murder millions of Germans by poisoning their water supply before being thwarted by British authorities in 1945. The concept of poisoning a population’s drinking water guided the idea behind one of the first weapons developed by the early incarnations of the lab. This ghoulish innovation was used against native Arabs in the town of Acre, when the Israeli military ethnically cleansed it in May 1948.
Chaim Ben Pesach proud that Jews invented the Covid Vaccines.
PRE-PLANNED: Weeks before COVID was even announced, Moderna shipped mRNA “vaccine” prototypes to UNC scientists for evaluation.Before the world had even heard of the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), Prof. Ralph Baric, PhD, from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC) knew about it, having received prototype mRNA (modRNA) “vaccines” from none other than Moderna.
Rabbi celebrates the Covid Pandemic
Placebo Covid 19 Vaccine Israel
((Dr. Carol J. Baker, MD))) of Houston, TX, on a panel with other Jews, said that all white people should be “gotten rid of” because they are the only “vaccine refusers” in the United States
In 1950, Senator Pat McCarran said to me, “If the American people ever find out what the Jews are doing to them, they won’t leave a Jew alive from coast to coast.” An official of the American Jewish Congress said “We must never lose sight of the fact that the only thing preventing pogroms in the United States today is our watchful control over the channels of communication.”
CDC Report Admits 94% Of Deaths Attributed To COVID-19 Actually Caused By Other Life-Threatening Diseases.
Prince Harry(Battenburgs) Honours Scientists Behind Oxford/Astrazeneca Vaccine, Slams Anti-Vax ‘Misinformation’ Peddling ‘Lies & Fear’
A study from Thailand found that at least 29 percent of children who received Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 vaccine experienced potentially life-threatening heart complications.
In a secret wartime memorandum, Winston Churchill (Jacobson changed to Jerome his mother Jennie) told his advisers that he wanted to “drench” Germany with poison gas.
Churchill’s July 1944 memo to his chief of staff Gen. Hastings Ismay
A Fifteenth Century “Protocol” .”The advice of the Grand Satraps and Rabbis is the following: make your sons doctors and apothecaries, that they may take away Christians’ lives. “The Revue des etudes Juives, financed by James de Rothschild, published in 1889 two documents which showed how true the Protocols are in saying that the Learned Elders of Zion have been carrying on their plan for centuries. On January 13, 1489, Chemor, Jewish Rabbi of Arles in Provence, wrote to the Grand Sanhedrim, which had its seat in Constantinople, for advice, as the people of Arles were threatening the synagogues. What should the Jews do?”5. As for the many other vexations you complain of: ar¬ range that your sons become advocates and lawyers, and see that they always mix themselves up with the affairs of State, in order that by putting Christians under your yoke you may dominate the world and be avenged on them.
Lord Pirbright (Rothschild) and his bankers at N.M. Rothschild & Co. were godfathers of the 2nd Boer War concentration camp vaccine experiments(1899-1902) Leading London Jews were running the first modern war concentration camps 60,000 whites and blacks died, including more than 14,000 white children who were subjected to Burroughs Wellcome & Co. (now Wellcome Trust–Coronavirus funder and GlaxoSmithKline) vaccine experiments
These Privy Council and Parliamentary records have been discovered after much difficulty and missing documents.
2021…-NHS(UK Health Service) Shoot – Guys and Girls Aged 25-35 to be People in a Nightclub. Thursday 23rd September. Paid We are shooting for the NHS between Thursday 23rd and Saturday 25th September and have a variety of requirements.On Thursday 23rd (afternoon call time) we are looking for guys and girls aged 25-35 to be people in a nightclub. Everyone will be confirmed on a rate of £120 but 2 people will be used as the Nurse’s friends and upgraded to walk on roles paying £250.
Payments are for a 10 hour day including lunch.
Please apply ASAP.
Hancock and Junkermann NHS
Kissinger quote from a speech to the WHO Council on Eugenics,February 25th 2009: “Once the herd accepts mandatory vaccinations, It’s GAME OVER. They will accept anything – Forcible blood or organ donation- “For the greater good”. We can genetically modify children and sterilize them- “For the greater good”. Control sheep minds and you control the herd. Vaccine makers stand to make billions. And many of you in this room are investors. It’s a BIG win/win. We thin out the herd, and the herd pays us for extermination services” Henry Kissinger~
CDC Report Admits 94% Of Deaths Attributed To COVID-19 Actually Caused By Other Life-Threatening Diseases.
mRNA COVID JEW JABS have caused silent HEART DAMAGE to tens of millions of people, a shocking new study suggests Moderna’s Covid booster caused 1 IN 35 PEOPLE to have heart injuries detectable with blood tests, Swiss doctors report.
Tom Dooley
When being a judeo-Christian and worshiping a false Jesus can literally cost you your life…..
Missouri Confederate
Your soul
France to pass new law punishing anyone who criticizes mRNA vaccines using “false” or “misleading” statements, that is, facts that the drug companies don’t like.
So-called “fact checkers” are trying to debunk this claim, but it’s all just talmudic hairsplitting. It will be state-approved “experts” who decide what “misinformation” is and is not.
Headline: “Conspiracy theorists keep getting it right. Experts say that is dangerous”…..”When conspiracy theorists get it right, it legitimizes them.”
King Kool
Before & After the Jab (You are now taken out of the 144,000 mentioned in the Bible).
You have 144,000 genes. 72,000 from your father & 72,000 from your mother. This makes up your double-helix DNA.
The Jab added another strand of DNA which now totals 216,000 genes.
Mark of the Beast = 666 or 600x60x6 = 216,000 genes.
Also, I invite you to watch a video called, “Divine Image Destroyed” on Rumble.
King Kool….
Where did you get this idea that humans have 144,000 genes? I can find no source that suggests anything even close to that? Sounds like Christian tinfoil hat stuff….
This has to be one of the most informed groups of commenters I’ve come across.
In my experience, most Christians just want to be told what to think and feel secure in being part of a group regardless of what is taught. Except for one thing.
They largely will not tolerate criticism of Jews or Israel.
The brainwashing is extensive.
Welcome Dean!
This is the importance of Covenant theology (Christian Identity), without realizing that White’s are the true Israelites, people continue to think that the modern bad fig jews are the real ones, but they are not.
The biggest deception & conspiracy is the one about God’s creation. Be a Berean… Check out Biblical Cosmology teaching: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DufRR03Uvik . This will give you true perspective on the capability of the enemy to deceive us and use government entities to control and indoctrinate us. NASA = Freemason liars vs God’s Word = Truth.
In the future — just give us a brief Summary. That would be helpful.
Claude Ramains
Forgiveness is one thing but letting these hireling “pastors” and wolves in sheep’s clothing off the hook is quite another.
They are accessories to mass murder even their own flock while they fleece the sheep and they should hang with the rest of the perpetrators.
Psychopaths love to hide behind Christianity.
Accepting murderous, greedy pastors actions only emboldens them to do it again.
Rip the rotten tree out from the roots and burn it before it can do any more damage.
Then let your real pastors can teach you righteousness.
Then maybe your congregations will come back.
Stop tolerating evil in the church in the name of a false love.
It’s destroying the church.
John Masello
Covid bioweapon is the 666 mark of the beast, proof is a MAC address in the damned, “vaccinated”.
Missouri Confederate
I agree it is so in your face,
The nanonetwork is a set of objects and elements with the ability to interact
with each other, by means of signals in the form of pulses, electromagnetic
waves and electric fields, being also capable of operating in the molecular
• These components may be already assembled or pending self-assembly when the conditions of temperature, magnetism and environment are suitable.
• Within the nanonetwork, two types or strands can be distinguished:
1. The one that is fixed in the brain
2. The one that is fixed in the rest of the body
Brain nanonetwork
• It aims to form a neuronal interface to interact with the cognitive, physical and electrical processes of brain activity for neuromodulation, neurostimulation and neurocontrol.
• This requires the introduction of carbon nanotubes that can be used to link neurons,
shortening the natural distance of axons. This can also be achieved with graphene quantum dots and graphene nanosheets, although the literature makes explicit that single-walled carbon nanotubes SWCNT or multi-walled carbon nanotubes MWCNT are the key element.
• The carbon nanotubes together with the hydrogel in which they are coated, act as
electrodes, picking up the fluctuations of the electrical activity of the neurons, with
sufficient sensitivity to determine the segregation of neurotransmitters.
• The electrical activity can be transmitted through the carbon nanotubes, as signals triggered by the molecular activity of the brain tissue that surrounds them, so that a map of the individual’s brain activity can be obtained in real time.
• Since the carbon nanotubes are tubular graphene structures, they can propagate the electrical signals to other components of the nanonetwork, these are the nearest nanorouter ornanocontrollers.
• The nanorouters are responsible for receiving the electrical signal, decoding it, configuring the data packets and the recipient of the information, providing MAC identification and a destination IP address. Additionally, this information can be encrypted to increase the security of the system and prevent bio-hacking.
• To transmit the signal to the outside of the body, a nanointerface is required, which could have several functions, on the one hand the encryption of the data packets and on the other hand, increase the frequency, so that it can be propagated outside the body at a sufficient distance.
Body nanonetwork
• Unlike the brain nanonetwork, it does not require carbon nanotubes to operate and can be based entirely on the theory of electromagnetic communication. Recall that the brain nanonetwork additionally works on molecular communication.
• This network employs all kinds of nanodevices and nanonodes, in particular graphene GQD quantum dots, but also nanodevices or nanosensors made of hydrogel, carbon nanotubes and graphene sheets (not necessarily pre-formed).
• All components, whether nanosensors, nanodevices, or GQD graphene quantum dots, can transmit and repeat signals, so that they act as nanoantennas, transmitters and receivers, in target organs and tissues.
• The possible data that can be obtained are vital signs, cardiac activity, respiratory activity, blood composition, degree of oxygenation, etc. The literature describes a multitude of nanosensors based on graphene and carbon nanotubes, among other components.
• It is obtained thanks to graphene GQD quantum dots, which circulate through the
bloodstream, arteries, capillaries… These components are electrically charged and can
transport proteins due to their adsorptive capacity. When passing near a fixed/attached
biosensor in the human body (e.g. a network of carbon nanotubes with graphene
nanosheets forming a simple circuit or transistor), it generates a potential differential and thus a signal that can be interpreted and transmitted. Do not forget the ability of the
nanomaterial to act as nanoantennas.
• The signals are transmitted to the nearest nanocontroller or nanorouter, reproducing the same signal propagation process, to the outside of the body, by means of a component that acts as a nanointerface.
——Claude Ramains—–
“…It’s destroying the church….”
It was Cooked along time ago. The Bricks and Mortars are dead. They haven’t had life in decades.
Reformed Theology has Leaven, always had. No need to mention Catholicism.
There are a few Identity Churches left, if you can find one.
Tell me how I am wrong.
There is a reason the Greek word “pharmakeia” is translated “sorcery” in the book of Revelation!:
Jeremiah 25.15f speaks prophetically to this evil scheme. In particular look at the response of the shepherds of the flocks when they realize what they’ve done in vv. 34f.
This is by far the most telling sign. It should make them angry and reject this evil, not make excuses.
Lindsey R
I have a question, it’s a bit off topic, but I was hoping someone could guide me in the right direction. It seems, as of recently (let’s say, last 3/4 years) the urgency on the war against whites, has accelerated, at a lightening speed.
I know many will say, it is The Bible fulfilling itself. I am not denying this claim, but why this exact moment in time? I have wondered, if more people are beginning to see the true evil of the Jews and are waking up; in turn, causing the acceleration of white genocide. I would love to hear opinions and thoughts on this, as I am just not sure, what to think.
—– Lindsey R ——
“I have wondered, if more people are beginning to see the true evil of the Jews and are waking up; in turn, causing the acceleration of white genocide….”
I have a few thoughts based on my own personal observation.
It is true that there seems to be an Awakening of sorts in regards to the “Jewish Question”.
I have been very active on FB as of late — exposing Jewish Perfidy and advertising Israelite Identity.
I am not getting the kind of push back with “Jewish Perfidy” as I am with “Israelite Identity”.
In other words — For White people, it is almost impossible to ignore everything that is happening in Israel and with jews in the news (anti-semitism laws; faux persecution etc.). I mean you just watch mainstream news for 5 minutes and the word “jew” will be uttered at some point.
My x-Social Circle were judeo-christian evangelical white peoples. I was so immersed into this culture. I went to Biola University for goodness sakes. My brother is a missionary for campus crusade for christ. My grandfather helped build the Calvary Chapel Movement. I know it all very well.
White people are indeed waking up — asking questions about the state of Israel; who the Jews are; Dispensationalism etc., etc.
I will use my sister as a perfect example. Months ago she was PRO-Israel 100%. Now she is asking me to remind her of all the things I was trying to tell her years ago.
Here is what she has concluded — She now agrees with me that Modern Jewry are not the Israelites of Scripture. That’s good.
Here is the Problem — She rejects the idea that White People hold any unique space in the Scriptures. She is a Universalist. And she also believes these Jews, were indeed persecuted and she still believes in the holocaust and that the Germans were evil etc., etc.
My experience with other Evangelicals who are asking questions about the Israel/Palestine conflict — will actually listen about the errors of Dispensationalism and the identity of the jews.
But for the most part — the majority are still rejecting the idea that White Peoples are Israel and White People are the Target of Organized Jewry. “Preterism” is now becoming popular among former dispensationalists.
It’s hopeful on one hand and then depressing on the other. At least in my experience.
I am coming to the conclusion that TIME has run out for White People. We are like Pharaoh. God gave Pharaoh so many chances. And then it came to the point where God Himself hardened Pharaoh’s heart.
A person either gets it and gets is ALL ….. or they reject the most important part — Their identity as an Israelite.
The most influential factor i.e., stumbling block, that I see is this idea of — Universalism. They just can’t accept that the poor helpless non-white peoples are not their ancestors and that they really play no part in the Story of Adam Man. “We are all Equal” they must believe. In other words … they do not see anything unique and special about themselves and their ancestors
I know this is going to sound Black Pilled and I apologize in advance for sounding so pessimistic — many CI people think a Revival is coming and that Jesus is going to use White People to rectify the world. I do not hold to this view.
All I see left is Luke 18:8. “I tell you that He will bring about justice for them quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?”
For White People who have the Holy Spirit — it’s time to hunker down; get safe and wait for God to intervene. We should continue to evangelize of course. But don’t expect for things to get better until God makes the correction Himself. How will that look? I don’t know.
I think the acceleration of “White Genocide” is God allowing evil to flourish. In symbology — Esau has Jacob by the neck. I do believe He will protect those who love Him and listen to Him. “Flee to the Mountains” was for the First Century Israelites. But there is Dual Meaning here. Flee out of the cities. Tough times are coming.
Get safe. Be with your family. Try to reach your neighbors — but not so hard that you isolate yourself from them. You may need each other in the coming days. Walk away from family and friends who reject the truth. Someday soon it will all be over and Peace will abound.
This is God’s final test — His final invitation.
I’m from the same background and this accurate. Amazing that evangelicals seem to be waking up to the jews, but not realizing who they are. I would have guessed it would be the other way around.
It is happening, like the wizard of OZ having the curtain they were hiding behind pulled back.
One thing the evangelicals are good at is looking at ancient history, which is how they caught the first Revelation 12 sign in 2017. IMO clear sign we are about to enter the great tribulation in the next few years. 3rd rep of this sign is in 2034. All signs point to it but this was a clincher for me. Even the satanics know, which is why agenda 2030 is around.
Thank God we have a Shepherd, because we need it!
Lindsey R
Forgive my ignorance, what do you mean by “3rd rep of this sign is in 2034”?
There have been 2 appearances of this sign, 1 in 2017 and then either 2018 or 19 if I remember correctly. There’s a third occurrence of this sign in the 2030-34 period (Wish I could find that old astronomy article on it, but I can’t seem to find the link to it). Seems like God is giving us a few more years to get our houses in order before we kick off the Great Tribulation.
Seems like Social Credit Scores are going to be how they stop commerce. NWO has been testing it in China for several years now: a cashless system where gov assigns you with points to buy what you need instead of money. Based on how “good” a citizen you are. Scary stuff.
Lindsey R
As always, wonderful to hear from you. You stated,
“I am coming to the conclusion that TIME has run out for White People. We are like Pharaoh. God gave Pharaoh so many chances. And then it came to the point where God Himself hardened Pharaoh’s heart”
I myself, have come to similar a conclusion. We, white people, have spit in the face of God, far too many times. We have allowed our churches and scripture to be turned upside down, in turn, being used to mislead and deceive the white race. We ignore, the beauty and uniqueness, of the white race.
The fools among our race, celebrate and encourage, the mixing of our white brothers and sisters with the mongrels of this world. It’s disgusting. Our own feeding us to the wolves; how could God, not turn his back on us!
And yes, I am in complete agreement with you, the roads ahead are going to be very dark and bumpy, so it’s time to buckle up.
I pity the little souls of this world, such as my two small daughters. What they face, will take the strongest of souls and bravest of hearts, to survive this coming war on the white race. God help them.
Talk with you soon 🙂
-Lindsey R-
Your answer is given here in full. It is the first conspiracy which all others hinge upon. Pastor Sheldon Emry – ( An open letter to any pastor who teaches the jews are Israel )
I would say that war has been fought against us for centuries*, it is only now that we have become starkly aware of it .If you watch old movies back to WW2 and even before in same cases you can detect the same anti-white messages of today that were more subtle but they were there.See how all the most undermining films were directed by Jews , the horror films films about death and murder.The Anti-German throw away lines slipped in all over.The undermining ‘criminal as victim’ theme played by many a lead Jewish actor and of course the sexual degeneracy and race mixing etc. and general degenerate behaviour beamed into homes daily.Each decade has seen increasing attacks against us, as fast as they dared ,hoping to remain undetected.With the Internet we have learned and communicated a great deal, maybe they feel its all or nothing time, many are waking up now to the Jew plot and seeing through the daily TV News for the Charade it is and always has been ,each politician World wide their puppet .Usury has given them unprecedented power ,banned by true Christians anyone to my mind doesn’t agree cannot be a Christian.
*A couple of examples of this linked below:
At the Versailles Conference(1919), it was actually proposed that no restriction should in future be placed upon international movements on account of Race. The only opposition to this outrageous proposal for mongrelising the world into a universal khaki-skinned mob, came from Mr. W. M.Hughes, Prime Minister of Australia, who intimated that the six and a half million people of that country were ready to defend themselves against the whole world rather than submit to Race-mixture.
And again at Nuremberg after WW2….
Dangerous precedents were also created by the Nuremberg court. Maurice Bardeche points out that the concept of having a native country was discarded. Everybody, or more correctly, every Jew, is world citizen. The Jewish migrant from Zhitomir is as much a citizen of your country as you are. He has equal rights to your land. You agricultural workers must respect the rights of Negroes on the land, and you must make room for him at your table. He will march in and take office in your city or rural council, so as to make you familiar with outside “world conscience”. His sons will, perhaps, become masters over you and they may sit in judgment over your sons. They
will rule in your own city and they will re-sell you your own land, for “world conscience” entitles them to do so..P179
“Wars are the Jews’ harvest, for with them we wipe out the Christians and get control of their gold. We have already killed 100 million of them, and the end is not yet.” Rabbi Reichorn, Chief Rabbi of France, 1869.
“Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation and I care not who makes the laws…” Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812)
Lindsey R
I am a lover of old movies: Casablanca, Gone with the Wind, The Ten Commandments, It’s a Wonderful Life, Seven Brides for Seven Brothers….I could go on and on. I enjoy these movies so much, because I always felt they were free of today’s propaganda-ie white hating, encouraging race mixing, homosexuality, etc.
You never saw whites with blacks, guys with guys, people who couldn’t decide if they were a guy/girl, you know, dysfunctional crap. But, I don’t doubt for second, there a little tidbits and snipes at white people: how evil and corrupt we are. How we, the white race, are the great ‘plague’ of the world.
Books are not much better, many authors, do the same. I am a huge fan of Anne Perry novels. In about every novel I have read, she has some derogatory comment about white society and how we ruin everything we touch. Her hatred of white Christian men is palpable!
I can only hope, there is a great awakening taking place, but not just whites, but all. Because, I am not sure, we whites, can defeat the Jews on our own. Other races will need to take part, as they too, have been brainwashed to believe, White man=Devil.
-Lindsey R-
Paul Kurt
@Lindsey R .
This recalls ascendancy of a video in 2012. It was made public by four young, southern , white women . It was excellent propaganda inspired by Bob Whittaker , Nearly half million viewed it . The epistle was the revelation of the great lie : racism is a communist dialect for anti white —- white genocide . ” ! Black and White can not coexist ! Miscegenation is an abomination. It has been “censored and disabled “. You see , it is supposed to be a big secret .
One of its advocates was Carrie Bowe , who was engaged as spokeswoman in 2016 by the West Virginia Attorney General , Patrick Morriesey . The communist news paper became alarmed as they learnt of this ” atrocity ” and advised Morriesey of his pretty staff member , who is a “white supremacist,”
She was summarily relieved . She offered gratuitous apology and repudiated her association with Whittaker and her testimony and self and Volk and Gott. All which was licentiously transcribed in the “ultra liberal ” newspaper . Her apology and contrition were unrequited and she suffered the inextricable ostracism . Most people learned nothing about it and others believed the liable of the paper.
In the same city , fine , young black men must punish young white women , who dare to free themselves from their control . They seem to have access to trade of white odalisque who they can manage exploiting integrated white frailty addiction .They murder them with aplomb and liberties if the girl tries to reform.”
There is an epidemic . It is violence against whites which the video above of 4 white women , who tried to express thier disapproval exclaims . Freedom for same is abject slavery for others. You have many proscribed civil liberties ; pornography , drug anti culture : fornication; divorce unaccountable auto homicide ; miscegenation; blasphemy : murder (licensed against white). But verbal expression , print words or to scream against the great lie and impostor God are not amongst them.
Lindsey R
I had a ‘premonition’ the other night, sometime in the future, a law would be made, whites are forbidden to marry other whites. Sadly, I do believe, at some point, this will happen. The Jews are just slowly conditioning the world, so there will be little pushback, when the time is right.
I have to be careful, the hatred and rage I feel against these ‘sons of perdition,’ could easily overtake me. I have to remind myself daily, not to let it control me, it sure is damn hard, though.
-Lindsey R-
Paul Kurt
@ to Lindsey R:
Here, on this forum the news is always bad ; it is -a sign of the times . Paradoxically, the freedom still to publish this irrefutable testimony by CFT or others is good news .
But I fear these Hiobs Bostschaften —–the encroaching events of our catastrophe
only inspire the groaning and unhappiness of our captivity ,like the panther , that can only move aimlessly back and forth in his cage until his soul dies.
We speak and communicate without their corruptions but all the books and words is to learn of our captivity and the wisdom of knowing the Truth with the chain of unbearable self recrimination , a witness our own impotence. The jew exclaims , ” that ‘s how it is, accept it. ‘ you are beaten already without a shot fired’.
Even your suffering and indignation and frustration we will appropriate as our own merchandise and sell it back to you for our profit. ”
they are the satanic masters of deceit and we retire like the mythical wounded animal ( their metaphor) into our own refuge to die with some peace or dignity. How magnanimous of them! Our reaction must be mediated by prophets so we learn from words and revelation (news report of another atrocity) and write instead of shout and reach for help. Communication is the binding thread . ..
instead of the volatility and violence of a wounded beast all alone which will not die but can only break the invisible restraints of our diabolical captors.
Consequently we become more intellectualized idiots like the deformed creatures, who rule us. But men , who are ignorant but serve righteousness , must react naturally implacable and merciless against unjust and cruel but craven and effeminate law makers. Is this not our subconscious ?
Yet patience prevails , which is virtue of the Holy Spirit and self control must be preserved as a wonderful council. Seek the unity and Gemeinschaft , which churches and guvmint have long relinquished .
Today our forbidden testimony is not only the finger or pen : but they are reshaped by a sound mind and Spirit into the hardened fist. How long before we send these demons to the hell from which they were freed.
Vlad I.
mRNA covid vax causes sperm in males to be replaced by spike proteins causing sterility
Paul Kurt
The Covid weapon was not seen nor suspected by any pastor , since they walk by faith and not by sight. Since the authoritarian determines what “is” then the consequence is to obey. One can infer that, most pastors should already suspect and know its government . Whether it be his enemy or God is the question?
The disease itself does not exist. That is , Covid virus does not . But influenza , common cold and other respiratory symptoms are almost constant with many. The atmosphere itself is more important to life than anything. Contamination of our air has been an inveterate complaint of many. The source of our mortal illness more to suspect .
In Europe smoke and darkness of the industrial revolution caused the fear of tuberculosis bringing an early death . Robert Koch invented a vaccine for TB. After deaths from his vaccine he abandoned his work and absconded since it caused the disease instead of the promised cure. Will man cease to believe in the great delusion , which the world jew government manufactures and distributes with liberty?
Were pastors of churches more informed or vigilant to the signs of times they should have recognized in Covid another government monopoly. One , which would make thier churches obsolescent. But since all doctors and nurses ( with few exception) were victims of the same authoritarian deception can one blame them much?
But to allow the church to be closed for any reason is unforgivable and betrays their real God. So it appears most if not all churches are poorer after Covid crisis as is everyone. There is more evidence that the Covid and its insidious panacea has benefited the SAtan and his stooges , who all are in high places .
Interesting, Eli Lilly often the first with the important preparation had no part in this parade of fancy nostrums with price tag commensurate with the fantasy nor Roche if I remember , A Swiss firm who still are hurt from the billions for Tamiflu that, for compensation for its victims a financial catastrophe . Its was administered mostly in Asia for thier epidemic , the bird flu —- which also was a lie . But Gilead from California conceived of it and George Bush sold it . His ministers Rumsfeld and George Schulz were also “board chairman” of the pharma behemoth and received thier generous recompense for their superfluous sinecure.
Thankful to CFT , who publishes these valuable facts and reveals the works of Satan are true for years . But how long ago was Donald Trump selling this Covid vaccine to his worshipers : aNd what was his condign reward? the same as George Bush’s for his good friends at Gilead?
The lesson is that Americans and others soon forget. Or never learn. And pastors in churches will have their reward also.
If they were really walking by faith and not sight, they would have heeded the HS warning.
They did not.
Walking by faith and not sight is not the same as being blind and naive.
Hydrogels in COVID Vaccines May Be Human Interface. Is Biological ID System Already Deployed?
Just read the article What are the signs of the end of times , especially the part Focus on the prize. Excellent read.Focus on the creator not the creation.Prayer and fasting.Arnold Ehrets book Rational Fasting is a very good read.Good book on health and directs us back to the garden.
Yeh, this isn’t surprising at all. People respect who they think they should respect.
I’ve had coronavirus three times (that I know of) and I’m still alive and well. I didn’t get the vax, but everyone in my immediate family and wider family did. Almost all my mates got vaxed.
My cousin got coronavirus in the early days before vaccines were concocted, and he lost his sense of smell for six months; my mate got the jab and lost his sense of smell for six months! He was very annoyed… it didn’t stop him getting his booster jabs though.
Everyone wants to let bygones be bygones now, but at the time family and friends were terrified of me and refused to let me in the same house as them lest they get coronavirus from me “the unvaxxed”. Ridiculous.
The lessons I learnt from all of it were:
-Laws and rules can change on a whim depending on who holds sway. God’s laws and rules don’t change.
-Don’t let people push ya round in the name of “public health and safety”.
-Trust no-one blindly, as they can turn on ya as soon as they feel you’re a threat to man-made laws, rules, and “public health and safety”.
Forget and forgive and just move on? Heck no… they’ll just do it again all over when they roll out the next one.
Over 40 children may have died in a Pfizer CV-19 trial in Ukraine….the original story and website where this story originally appeared has been shut down and scrubbed. Here’s a back up from the Wayback Machine archive….saved it if you can….
what's up doc?
90% of so-called “COVID” deaths occurred in the hospital among patients 80 years and older.
90% of those deaths were attributable to the “treatment” they received, which included being unnecessarily put on respirators and given the Israeli drug Remdezivir which causes multi-organ failure, including kidney failure.
Over 90% of the people who died had at least 3 co-morbidities, meaning 3 other life threatening diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, or kidney disease.
In the UK, many patients were administered the sedative midazolam, which was covertly used as a euthanasia procedure.
Just read an article confirming most of what you’ve written here about how the hospitals themselves killed the patients with the treatments and then blamed it on covid.
Happened to my Dad. They are good at denying medical treatment to Whites to kill off the ones that otherwise wouldn’t die.
from Protocols Of Zion:
Yeah, one of the other agendas of the pandemic and “great reset” was to severely limit the food supply and use “global warming” fear to put farmers out of business, another aim of the Protocols, to create fear of starvation.
To underline the protocols are NO Forgery i want to link the book about the court case in Berne/Switzerland 1934/35 again, the verdict is on the last page… the judge did hear the 15 jewish witnesses on the case but did hear none of the 40 aryan side witnesses and came to the verdict the protocolls are a forgery, lots podcaster like Bradford-Smith always repeated this wrong verdict, when the judge was obviously jew-sided.
Sorry for the long URL
(for more amazing books remove the pdf from the URL, there are hundreds treasures, also in the other folder german books until 1945 or after)
From their own mouths:
“Jews must always try to deceive Christians.” (Zohar 1160a)
“Murdering goyim is like killing a wild animal.” (Sanhedrin 59a)
“Even the best of the gentiles should be killed.” (Abodah Zara 26b)
“If a Jew murders a goyim, there will be no death penalty.” (Sanhedrin 57a)
“Extermination of the Christians is a necessary sacrifice.” (Zohar, Shemoth)
Knowing that the white race is targeted in anyway possible, and to kill people, any people of any race, and especially children has been obvious, as in Gaza!
They have killed over 30,000 mostly women and children, mostly children, with at least 30,000 more buried in the rubble!
Who but jews would do such anti human things, openly?
Mister 19
I wonder if this will be the groundwork to justify taking away religious exemptions for ”vaccines” in the future
During the covid pandemic, many states refused to allow religious exemptions. My brother who is a Christian and a doctor affiliated with a large hospital was told to get the vaccine or be fired, and they would not accept his religious exemption.
Many states are challenging this exemption….
Every single pharmaceutical company is headed by a jew.
That’s all you need to know about the ‘convid’ con.
The jews are a death cult…..not for themselves though, but for Whites everywhere.
It’s that simple!
We’re living in a global bankruptcy. The only remedy you have in bankruptcy is acceptance. So, conditionally accept their offer and make them prove their claims to you. Make your conditions such as you know they will never be able to fulfill them. Remember, a judge can only adjudicate over a dispute and you’ve accepted and stayed in honour, so there is no dispute.
The courts are Admiralty Jurisdiction and the law in Admiralty is Merchant Law which is the law of the contract. So whatever contracts you’ve signed, that’s the law. So we need to be aware of what contracts we’ve signed, such as Social Security contract, and what our obligations are under those contracts.
That’s illegal. I hope he sued them to high heaven.
They can challenge all they want, but this is one even the communists and jews don’t want to touch. It’s how they get away with things.
Some quotes… about Wars, wars on Viruses being one of them.. Wars on Climate,Wars on the Sexes,Race Wars,Hot wars,Cold Wars,Civil Wars(Ukraine),Wars on want,Wars on Poverty ,see all the Charities as scams and indicators, philanthropy one of the Trojan Horse’s ,Class War etc.
This list grew longer than intended ……..
Camouflaged political freedom—Universal suffrage—The rise of republics—Transition to masonic despotism—Proclamation of the “Lord of all the World”—
Martin Luther.
They are our public enemies and incessantly blaspheme our Lord Jesus Christ, they call our Blessed Virgin Marya harlot and her Holy Son a bastard and to us they give the epithet of changelings and abortions. If they could kill us all, they would gladly do so; in fact, many of them murder Christians, especially those professing to be surgeons and doctors. They know how to deal with medicaments in the manner of the Italians-the Borgias and Medicis-who gave people poison which brought about their death in one hour or in a month.Therefore deal with them harshly as they do nothing but excruciatingly blaspheme our Lord Jesus Christ, trying to rob us of our lives, our health, our honour and belongings … For that reason I cannot have patience nor carryon an intercourse with these deliberate blasphemers and violators of our Beloved Saviour.P63
Martin Luther- The Jews and their Lies
To sum up, dear princes and lords who have Jews under themselves: if my advice is not acceptable, you may find a better one, that all of us be relieved of the unbearable, devilish burden of the Jews and not
become partakers before God of all the lies, slander, spitting, cursing of the raving Jews against the person of our Lord Jesus Christ, His mother, all Christians,
all rulers and ourselves, as they freely and deliber- ately practice it. That you do not let them have pro- tection or safe-conduct, nor fellowship. Neither permit your money and goods, and the money and goods of
your subjects, to serve the Jews through their usury.P48
Martin Luther. The Jews and their Lies
They are our public enemies and incessantly blaspheme our Lord Jesus Christ, they call our Blessed Virgin Marya harlot and her Holy Son a bastard and to us they give the epithet of changelings and abortions. If they could kill us all, they would gladly do so; in fact, many of them murder Christians, especially those professing to be surgeons and doctors. They know how to deal with medicaments in the manner of the Italians-the Borgias and Medicis-who gave people poison which brought about their death in one hour or in a month.Therefore deal with them harshly as they do nothing but excruciatingly blaspheme our Lord Jesus Christ, trying to rob us of our lives, our health, our honour and belongings … For that reason I cannot have patience nor carryon an intercourse with these deliberate blasphemers and violators of our Beloved Saviour.P63
Capitalism and Marxism/Communism are two sides of the same coin with capitalist banking systems funding the exploits of global communism. Capitalism (democracy) and Communism (Marxism) are merely products of the Jewish mind manufactured to control slave Nations. Therefore, given the ‘divine right to rule’ both are ideologically lower than Judaism in the paradigm of the Jewish Zionist. The nature of the game for the Zionist Capitalist is to withhold a land’s wealth from its people. Henceforth the Zionist Capitalist gets immensely rich while the nations conquered suffer crippling dept. Consequently capitalism is basically state sponsored usury and any revolutionary response from the slave nations are corralled into Jewish Marxist (Communist) state funded trade unions whose organizers are earmarked to become the leaders of the new Jewish Zionist regime. Thus Jewish Zionism controls both rich and poor. This vicious circle is a representation of the Jewish Marxist one party state.
Pushed to the brink by the merciless greed of the Jewish capitalist banking system the mass revolts into Jewish Zionist produced Marxist unions and Zionist managed Communist organisations. The reality being that there is only one regime, the Jewish regime and one ideology-Zionism. Capitalism, Communism and their various off-shoots are merely tools to maintain the illusion of power.
The Hidden Hand 1926
Otto Kahn gave a tip of $25,000 to one clergyman. Then some 100,000 other clergy”began to think: “If reverend so and so received $25,000, why could I not have the same reward, if I would never denounce the Jewish crimes.”
And the 100,000 clergymen became “pro-Jewish”….The sympathy of each of them cost but 25 cents. Cheap! ….”The Jew has persistently shown himself ungrateful’ ‘ (N, Webster) P19
Princess Marie Adelheid…
Was the core idea of the SS to remove Christianity, and destroy the Church so Germans could go back to pagan times?
The belief of the Reichsführer-SS [Heinrich Himmler] and the Führer was that the Christian religion came from Europeans, by Europeans, and to Europeans, no one else. That is because the limited excavations the Ahnenerbe [ancestral heritage organization under the SS] and independent researches could do in the Middle East showed something.
They showed that the ancient peoples who lived several thousand years ago in the regions we today call the Middle East, were populated by fair skinned and eyed people who migrated up into Europe from these areas. I know the Bible says there was dispersion due to war and conquests.
We know the Scyths and many other tribes were Aryan and not anywhere close to the dark skinned people who are in the land now. When one group left or was forced out, another came in. Due to this practice all the white Aryan tribes migrated into Europe. You have to remember this was thousands of years ago; whole nations changed races in that time.
Look at Egypt, it was once a thriving Aryan civilization then it went into decline where they left and Negro slaves filled in the void. Now some claim it was black all along, they are naïve and foolish. One of the great crimes of our age was Jews coming into high positions in academia, especially in anthropology. By doing this they directed the flow of information and thus created a false history.
They are doing this again, but this time all over the world. This was the problem many saw and sought to combat. The Church was convinced over several years that the Jew was the one who was in the Bible; they adopted all manners of the ancient Israelites, through traitorous zealots who worked to teach them the old ways.
Because the true nature of God and who were his true people were lost, National Socialism wanted to use this thought and bring in a new way of thinking. The minds agreed the best way to do this was return the people to the roots of our ancient ancestors, and then build upon that. To National Socialism, and especially the SS, race was the bedrock of our foundation, race is very important to the creator, and our race was chosen to stand out. That is why blood purity was such an important point, a race that is productive and creative must stay pure to keep being productive.
When you look at all the other races of the earth, not one has come close to the Nordic race and what we have accomplished. All great civilizations, inventions, and thought come from us, not Africa, Asia, or Persia. This is so easy to see but the Jew has done all he can to do away with this obvious truth.
We needed to go back to the rock from where we were hewn, and the quarry from where we were dug. The idea was to bring back the solid Aryan ways of old that our folk understood. When the Christian disciples came into Europe they sowed seeds that worked well as the people understood the message was from their folk to the folk. As Jews came into Europe this message was lost and perverted turning the Christian religion into something it was not intended to be — a faith for all races. The SS fought against this message by using anthropology to show that the people living in the region were Aryan, not Jews or Arabs, and Christ was Aryan.
Christopher Hollis 1937 The Two Nations
Now it was true that through unhappy accidents the Christian bodies had by no means played the part that they should have played in the battle against usury in the first half of the nineteenth century. The Church of England, which had boasted so splendid a record in the reign of Charles I, had been captured in 1688 by those very forces against which it existed to protest. It was now, in these matters, little more than the support of English nationalism. It was not Herr Hitler nor Signor Mussolini but Queen Victoria who wrote. .. It is natural that every one should have their own opinion, especially on religion, but, when the policy of Great Britain comes into considera-tion . . . all private feelings should be overruled.” The Nonconformists had in their blood no traditions against usury. The Catholic Church was in a yet sadder and more curious case.The Emperor Napoleon was by no means a model Christian. Yet the force which he challenged was the
force of usury; the society for which he fought was a Christian society; the society which conquered him, if ever such a word may be used of any society, anti-Christian.It was a society, whose very fundament was usury. the eternal enemy of the Christian faith. The memory of Napoleon lived on as a dream in the minds of the poor… Long, long will they tell of him under the thatched roof.In fifty years the humble dwelling will know no other history. Children, through this village I saw him ride, And Kings followed him.”
Judaized Christians in countries like Scotland and the United States, have also facilitated the domination of those nations by the Jewish Imperialism. That is why Judaism now – in control of the Catholic Church – attempts to progressively judaize the church in order to change her into an efficient instrument to control the peoples that have that religion, despite of the desperate fight carried out by some courageous Catholic clergymen, who have publicly denounced this perverse maneuver, as the authors of the book “The Plot Against the Church”……. Pope Paul VI is a clandestine Jew descending from an Israelite family of Brescia, that falsely converted to Christianity centuries ago. That is why that Catholic clergyman says that the election of Paul VI to the Papacy is null and has no value,
During the papacy of Pope John Paul II (1978-2005 ), Catholic-Jewish relations, in many ways, soared to new heights
Dr Andrew Moulden.
Through my extensive research and my work throughout the years, I have discovered that vaccinations are causing impaired blood flow (ischemia) to brain and body from clinically silent to death. These are strokes – across the board for all of us. I have reason to believe that all are being affected and all vaccinations ARE causing the overwhelming rise in autism, specific learning disabilities, attention deficit disorders, sudden infant death, gulf war syndrome, dementia, seizure disorders, some cancers it would appear, and much much more.
Russian Orthodox Church – How the Chekists created the Russian Orthodox Church.
Living in Hitler’s Germany-A letter from Hans Schmidt.
At the very time when America’s allies, the Soviets, destroyed most of the Christian churches in Russia and Ukraine, about 2500 new churches were built in Germany. NOT ONE Christian church was closed. It was the law that school and church had priority over service in the Hitler Youth. As late as the fall of 1944, the Waffen SS barracks in Breslau supplied two buses to take youth to either the nearest Catholic or Protestant church every Sunday. To be a registered member of a Christian church did not prevent advancement in the National Socialist Party.
While researching and writing the book-in-progress titled “Jewish Persecution”, it became clear that Mendelsohn meant what he said, and it is true. There is no such religion as Judaism anyway; the religion is ‘Talmudism’ or ‘Pharisaism’. It IS a LAW which contains the plan for World Dominion, and
it is well-hidden ‘neath its cloak of religion.
No one condemned the Jews more severely than did Christ, and one wonders, if He came to earth to-day, how many professing Christians would be willing to receive Him; too often their sympathies are with the money-changers rather than with Him who drove them out.
Nesta Webster.1938
“The intended war will thus be a war of Bolshevism against Fascism, with Great Britain, to her eternal dishonour and eventual ruin, on the side of Bolshevism. ”
Nesta Webster 1938 Germany and England
It is perhaps hardly realized in this country that Christianity is not merely unacceptable by orthodox Jews but actually abhorrent to them. The plan of placing Jewish children in Christian schools or homes would therefore be as objectionable to them as to us. A Rabbi in a long article contributed to the Jewish Chronicle of April 6, 1923, on the danger of allowing Jewish boys to enter British public schools observed:“It is a sorrowful fact that, in this free England, Jewish parents, oftheir own accord, are allowing their children, Sunday after Sunday, to join in Christian prayers and inbibe Christiandoctrine.”
Extract from a letter of a British Officer. (October 27, 1938.)
. . . We did not realize the war scare much down here. The only
shock we had was the threat to billet 6,000 slum children and
women upon us, apparently for the “duration,” which might have
been some ten years. I never heard a more fantastic or ill-digested
scheme.I had a lot to do in the last war with billeting large bodies of
troops, and also disposing of refugees – and one thing I learned
was that to dump swarms of undisciplined strangers on ordinary
inhabitants and just tell the latter to carry on is the last thing to be
done. It will produce rows, rapes, robberies, murders, food and
water shortage and epidemics in no time at all.
Is the boasted Christianity of England then all a sham if those who have been brought up outside it, or even to hate and despise it, are judged to be the right companions for Christian children? The sentimentalist will answer that Christian influences may win them over. Alas! evil is more contagious than good. Should our children be made the objects of so dangerous an experiment?
The Octopus- B’nai B’rith Elizabeth Dilling 1940
Swain’s request that Norris speak in Swain’s church. Rev.Swain had written that he was unable to raise the $100 in
advance requested by Norris.“Temple Baptist Church First Baptist Church
14th and Marquette Sts. 4th and Throckmorton Sts.Detroit, Michigan. Fort Worth, Texas.
J. Frank Norris, D.D.Pastor June 1, 1938.
“Dr. Sam Swain, Sam Swain Evangelistic Party,
410 Fatherland Street, Nashville, Tennessee.
“My Dear Bro. Swain:
“In writing you yesterday I failed to state if you would go to the head of B’nai B’rith they would help in your ex¬
penses. Take the enclosed address, it will be one of the addresses that I will deliver. The Jews, of course, are
greatly interested. I delivered it in Milwaukee to a great crowd, and will also deliver it in New York.
Yours very sincerely,
“JFN :h (signed) J. Frank Norris.”
Note: See facsimile reproduction of this letter on page 201. But before Norris formed his B’nai B’rith connections he wrote the following which appeared in his paper,
“The Fundamentalist”, 8/6/37, p. 5, headed “Seventeen Years Ago In Germany And Now”: “What a contrast then and now! It was so depressing to a visitor. Everybody was in the depths of despair. The
German people are a great people. Woodrow Wilson gave them a solemn pledge in his famous ‘Fourteen Points’ as a basis for peace. Not a single promise to Germany was made good. For instance, they agreed to disarm and were forced to do so by the allies, but with the understanding and promise that France would disarm. How France failed p202 Norris on Religion in Germany—….. “Can you find a congregation singing, praying, preaching and teaching the fundamentals of the Christian religion as
I witnessed this morning right in the heart of this city of four and a half million souls, can you find that in Moscow ?”
(Fundamentalist, 8/20/37, p. 3.)
“HAPPY SERVICE IN BETHEL CHURCH BERLIN.“Whoever said they haven’t religious freedom in Ger¬many? Well, anyway I saw and worshipped just like we do in America. . . . The Bethel Baptist Church is a large con¬gregation and many churches in America, especially in the large cities would congratulate themselves on so large anaudience. The singing was wonderful. . . . The German Baptists have not gone over to modernism.“They looked greatly surprised when I told of the propaganda that had flooded America that churches in Germany could not hold their worship without interference from the
(Fundamentalist, 8/20/37, p. 3.)
Contrast the above with these warmongering cries from Norris: “THERE IS BUT ONE ISSUE BEFORE AMERICA—HITLERISM. . . .
Rush all possible aid to Britain.
. . . As Walter Lippmann points out. … We should repeal the cash and carry provisions of the Neutrality Act. We must act. . . (Fundamentalist, 9/27/40.)
Leon Birkhead
Until Birkhead went into full time work for Jewry, in 1939, as head of the “Friends of Democracy”, he ran the
“Liberal Center” in Kansas City, where Reds of all hues met, and called himself a Unitarian minister.P206
1926 The Hidden Hand.
Edouard Rothschild V-th in Paris and the 300 Judeo-Mongols, who are composing the World Government (the Hidden Hand), made 100 billions out of this First World War . Of course, not counting their “lust of murder,” they are willing to stage a Second World War . They are preparing it against rich America .Controlling the World press, they can easily stage any war .
“If Wall Street should say the word tomorrow, all the editors and preachers would be for the war” (Eugene V . Debs, The Sun, May 4, 1925) .
1926 The Hidden Hand
The Jews are so sucessfully making America ‘ “red,” that hardly any of them are willing to go to “bolshevize” Palestine .As the 12,000,000 Negroes here are incited by the agents of the Hidden Hand, they will be ready to help the 8,000,000 Asiatics here (the Judeo-Mongols) to start any revolt . The newspaper of the colored people, “The Messenger,” wrote (September, 1921)P17
I just linked the rising of the antichrist with today’s chaos. Taking in to account the timing and Airman Aaron Bushnell ‘s immolation at the gate of Israeli embrace in DC.
FIRST the mix of Truth with lie pushed by PUTIN ally Iran:
Lies being pushed that Russia is the only pure white race…not Europe/America. Also the fallacy that America was founded by godless people. Here is proof how our enemies are controlling both sides by using Airman Aaron Bushnell’s last words on his FB? page.
Time this up with Fitzinfo’s most recent post:
Multipolarism ‘the beginning of a new world order’, admits Multipolar Forum in Moscow
(The replacement of the Holy Spirit of God…)
In all the words of recent this rise has gone into warp speed imo. This makes A.B. immolation very suspect (as in MK ULTRA) because theyof this timing to fuel the hearts of demoralized WHITES to embrace the lies of the AC. The rhetoric coming from both sides of this abominable frenzy is glaring. Much more to read and understand @fitzinfo.com
All we can do as Believer’s is fight the good fight of faith, as this monster, the Goliath of all time, gathers in the multitudes. Even so called antizionists are caught up in it. God Bless you and thank you in helping us along with CFT. In Jesus Christ Our Lord Amen. May the Spirit of Martin Luther, our Prophets and Apostle’s stand in the midst of this darkness…darkness that is calling itself Light (Lucifer) and salvation.
I didn’t save the link, but I read recently that some LGBT group claimed (maybe on Twitter/X) that Aaron Bushnell, the guy that burned himself in front of the Israeli embassy, was a member of their group…..
I don’t know if this was disinfo to discredit him, or to discredit his Christian upraising, but I found it really odd that such a group would state such a thing….
If I come across the Tweet, I’ll post it…..
I understand that there is a lot of mocking being casted onto A. Bushnell. Keep in mind that it is to keep ‘both sides’ of the moral and immoral at each other’s throats. For the sake of the moral not rooted in faith by The Spirit of God in Jesus Christ, it will cause them to RUN into the embrace of the false Light that is claiming morality. It is easy to do when being shock by such evil. They are two sides of the same coin…or better, both arms of the Antichrist. Ie TRAP.