Here we present Pastor Sheldon Emry’s essay “Should Christians Love The Wicked?” where he shows how there is no scriptural basis for Christians to unconditionally “love their neighbors” — and to treat everyone regardless of who they are and what they believe as their “brothers.”
Many critics of Christianity have rightfully pointed out that this so-called “commandment” to love thy enemies unconditionally — and to “turn the other cheek” –have indeed helped our enemies to subvert and destroy our Christian nations from within. Unfortunately, many of these critics choose to reject Christianity outright because of these false teachings — instead of actually investigating what the Bible does — and does not — say on these subjects.
“Should Christians Love The Wicked?”
We are being told by some churches — and by worldly publications — that Christians are to love everyone, especially those who are, “less fortunate than we are.” Quite often in the less fortunate bracket they include, not just the poor and handicapped, but the criminals and the degenerates, and even the enemies of the Christians. We are told that no matter what the person is or what he has done, we are to love him.
Is that a Scriptural concept or are Christians being given unscriptural advice in this important matter?
The most common answer to that question today would be, “Yes, Christians are supposed to love everybody.” If asked for the authority for that commandment, most would say “the Bible,” or they might say “Jesus Christ.” Some insist that not only are we Christians to love everyone, but that we are to help everyone — even those people or nations who have been killing our Christian brethren. To justify that, they will quote,
“Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him.” (Romans 12:20)
And for good measure they will throw in, “We are to love our neighbors as ourselves.”
Is this a scriptural doctrine — that we are to love and forgive, and perhaps help the criminal, the degenerate, and even those who would destroy us? Or are we, Christians being misled by a wrong use or a wrong teaching of these Bible passages?
Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount is sometimes used to convince Christians that they must forgive wrong-doing under all circumstances:
“For if ye forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” (Matthew 6:14-15)
Without additional explanation, these verses seem to say that before Christians can have any grace and mercy from God, they must first forgive all other men all their sins.
If that is not enough, then sometimes this verse is quoted to convince us that we must forgive more than once.
“Take heed to yourselves: if thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him, and if he repent, forgive him. And if he trespass against thee seven times in a day, and seven times in a day turn again to thee, saying, ‘I repent,” thou shalt forgive him.” (Luke 17:3-4)
If that is not enough times to be required to forgive, then they can quote,
“Then came Peter to him and said, ‘Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me and I for- give him? Till seven times?’ Jesus saith unto him, ‘I say not unto thee until seven times: but until seventy times seven.’” (Matthew 18:21-22)
The liberal church men and writers in secular publications say, “See, Christians are supposed to forgive everyone, over and over.” However, they miss the whole point of the command as to who it is the Christian is to forgive — and they completely ignore that forgiveness is required only when certain specific circumstances prevail. Let us examine those passages in more detail and find out just what Jesus taught.
Is Everyone Your “Brother”?
I think you will see it is quite different than the liberal churches and our secular propagandists say it is. The person to be forgiven is identified in Jesus’ own words,
“If thy brother trespass against thee.” and then later He says, “Forgive him.” (Luke 17:3)
The person who is the subject of Peter’s question is right in the question for all to see,
“Lord, how oft shall my brother sin against me and I forgive him?” (Matthew 18:21)
Both Jesus and Peter were talking about other Christian brothers, not about non-Christians. The word ‘brother’ is used in the New Testament almost 100 times. And except for those cases where it is talking about physical brothers — sons of the same mother — it always means believers in Christ Jesus.
Those ministers — and our enemies — who claim Jesus taught that Christians are to forgive non-believers their trespasses are teaching error. Except for those passages where near-blood kin are meant, the word brother and brethren, in the New Testament, always means followers of Jesus Christ. They have no application to non-Christians. In addition, these passages are not a blanket command to always and under any circumstances forgive even our Christian brother.
There is something stated or implied in both passages which that brother must do — and that word is ‘Repent!’ Jesus said of His brother, “If he repent, forgive him,” and then He said that if the brother said seven times in a day, “I repent,” then the Christian was to forgive him seven times.
Jesus taught no such nonsense, that if any- one trespasses against you, that you are to forgive him. He spoke only of fellow Christians, and forgiveness was commanded only if the wrong-doer repented of his trespass against you. Jesus does not use the word ‘repent’ in reply to Peter’s question; however, it is plainly implied in His teaching which preceded the question, and which obviously prompted it from Peter.
“Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother.” (Matthew 18:15)
This is an instruction to a wronged Christian, however it does make it plain the wrong-doer here is also a Christian brother. Then Jesus says,
“But if he will not hear {thee, then} take with thee one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.” (Matthew 18:16)
Since Jesus uses the phrase ‘his fault’ it is certain He means to say the other brother is in the wrong. Therefore when He uses the phrase “if he will not hear thee,” He obviously means if he will not admit his error and repent — even though Jesus does not use the word ‘repent.’
After you’ve gone to your Christian brother with one or two witnesses, and the result is not one of acknowledgement of wrongdoing and repentance, Jesus commands,
“And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell {it} unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church,…”
…then forgive him anyway because, after all, you are a Christian. Oh, oh, Jesus didn’t say that, did He? No! Jesus said if this Christian brother who has wronged you refuses to admit his error and repent, after the church has been told of it, then,
“…let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.” (Matthew 18: 17)
Isn’t that something? We are told by all and sundry that we Christians are to forgive everyone — and everything relating to sins and trespasses against us. Yet Jesus told us we are not even to forgive a Christian brother if he refuses to repent of his wrongdoing. Certainly we have no more responsibility to forgive and forget the sins of unrepentant non-Christians than we do the sins of unrepentant Christians.
Paul uses a stronger word than ‘heathen’ in his letter to Titus — a word we seldom hear in modern Christendom:
“A man that is an heretic after the first and sec- ond admonition, reject; Knowing that he that is such is subverted, and sinneth, being condemned of himself.” (Titus 3:10-11)
And of course, this familiar passage,
“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness?” (2 Corinthians 6:14)
In verse 15, unbelievers are called ‘infidels’ — another word one seldom hears nowadays, although our land is filled with them.
We have touched on only a very few of the New Testament passages by which we are commanded to have no fellowship nor communion with the heretic, the unbeliever and the anti-Christian. In spite of that, it is commonly taught in many churches — and by many evangelists and, of course, by our enemies — that we Christians are not to speak against, nor to oppose, nor to avoid entanglement with unbelievers, but are instead to love them, forgive them when they trespass against Christians, and even help them in their nefarious works.
Do you realize what this false doctrine of love everyone and forgive unrepentant sinners has done to us? It has made us tolerant of all sorts of evil and of evil-doers. Instead of acting like our Christian forefathers, who would not tolerate open and unrepentant sin and wickedness in the community, but who instead punished the evildoers, or drove unrepentant sinners from the community; so that they could not injure and destroy the Christians.
We have been conditioned not to react to blatant sin. We put up with and tolerate and condone, and justify all kinds of sin and sinners in our neighborhoods, in our cities, in our states and our nation because we have been fooled into thinking that rooting out, and driving out wicked and evil people from the land is somehow not what Christians should do. “Why, we must love and forgive them, not hate and deport them” — and all sorts of other nonsense that comes from not understanding the true teachings of Jesus Christ. Our nation is being destroyed for lack of knowledge — for lack of knowledge of what true Christianity really is.
Our Christian forefathers of past centuries obeyed the true Gospel of Jesus Christ. They loved the brethren — their Christian brethren — not the wicked non-Christians, and they stopped the anti-Christians and the unbelievers from defiling their land and their people. In the 1600’s, when the first Christians settled on this continent, they would not even allow non-Christians to live in their colonies. Men and women who committed evil acts against the people were punished — and if they did not repent and mend their wicked ways, they were driven out, exiled, banned from the Christian community (ecclesia), and told not to return.
Even in this century, until less than 60 years ago, it was a common practice for the law authorities in a community to actually pick up criminals and known wrong-doers, escort them to the borders of the community, or city, and tell them to get out. I personally know this was done in many cities long after WWII. Were these authorities somehow evil for doing these things? No! They were protecting their children from evil, not fawning upon anti-christs, murderers, thieves, sodomites and rapists.
These same forefathers of ours — citing God’s laws for the punishment of evildoers — executed murderers and rapists and punished those who would destroy the morals of their children. As recently as 30 years ago, it was common to hear of the arrest of someone for “corrupting the morals of a minor.” Who ever hears of such a charge today? Instead the drug pushers, the printers and distributors of pornography, the makers of filthy movies, sex-perverts and blasphemers have the run of our land. They corrupt the minds of millions of our children every year destroying their morals and then their lives all without punishments.
If Christians really get upset and want to do something, along comes the clergy and propagandist, and smoothly reminds us that, after all, Christians must not judge. Christians must hate the sin, but love the sinner. And Christians must forgive, forgive and forgive. So the wicked prosper. Truth is fallen in the street — and wrong rules the land. We blame the criminals and the wicked for it, but who is really to blame? Is it not the Christians who have abdicated their duties to Jesus, to their country, and to their children?
After all, it is Christians who are to be a light to the world, not the non-Christians. It is Christians who are to establish their society that it might be as a light set upon a hill, that all men might seek after it. It is Christians who are to be God’s witnesses to His righteous and immutable laws. Nowhere in the Holy Word of God does God charge the heathen and the infidel with establishing a righteous nation. Always, and forever, His Word is to the believer, the follower of Jesus Christ.
Before we go on with what our relationship is to the wicked, I want to read a few passages in the New Testament where the word ‘brother’ is used. This is especially for new Christians who might still think that their ‘brother’ is their ‘fellow man,’ rather than their fellow Christian. There are scores of these passages in the New Testament. Jesus used “brethren” — the plural of “brother” — when He asked this question,
“Who is my mother, and who are my brethren?” (Matthew 12:48)
His answer was to point to His disciples and say,
“Behold, my mother and my brethren. For whosoever shall do the will of my Father which is in heaven, the same is my brother, and sister, and mother.” (Matthew 12:49-50)
The same is repeated in Mark 3:33-35. In Acts 9:17 and 22:13, we find that Saul — a persecutor of Christians — was called “Brother Saul” immediately upon his conversion. In Romans 14 the word ‘brother’ is used 4 times in reference to a fellow believer. In 1 Corinthians 1:1, Paul refers to a fellow Christian worker as “Sosthenes, our brother.” In 2 Corinthians 1:1, Paul writes of Timothy, “our brother” — Timothy was not Paul’s blood brother. Like Sosthenes, Timothy was a fellow believer in Jesus. In 2 Corinthians 2:13, Paul calls Titus, “my brother.” Again the word ‘brother’ means ‘fellow Christian.’
Paul writes of an unnamed person this way,
“And we sent with him the brother whose praise is in the gospel throughout all the churches.” (2 Corinthians 8: 18)
There is no other identification of the man, except he was a brother. Why was he a brother? Because his praise was in the Gospel; he was a Christian believer. In verse 23, Paul uses the term ‘brethren.’ Like all other places in the New Testament it refers to fellow believers. ‘Brother’ and ‘brethren’ are used scores of times in the New Testament.
Some we will read later when we discuss the commandment to love our brother. You should look up the word ‘brother’ in your Concordance and read the references. The word ‘brother’ is used for only two things – a real ‘blood brother’ or a fellow Christian. Never is it used in the New Testament to mean a non-Christian.
Don’t let anyone fool you by telling you that non-Christians are brothers to Christians. The Bible does not teach that at all. Some may ask, “But Pastor Emry, aren’t we Christians com- manded to love our neighbor as ourselves.” The answer is, “Yes, we are” — however, who is our neighbor? Well, that is also made plain in the New Testament — we will find that just like everyone is not our brother, neither is everyone our neighbor — even if he does live next door to our house, or next door to our country.
Is Anyone or Everyone Your Neighbor?
The Holy Word of God tells Christians they are to love their neighbor as themselves. Jesus gave that as a command in Matthew 19:19 and Matthew 22:39 — and both Paul and James repeated it their epistles. But, does that command really mean Christians are to love those who fit the scriptural definition of ‘the wicked’? Are they to love unrepentant sinners who continually commit sin and wickedness? The answer is “No!” — Christians are commanded to do no such thing.
In fact, the forgiveness was commanded only if the brother repented of his wrong-doing. Instead today, when Christian people speak out against sin and iniquity in the land, and suggest that the criminal should be punished, they are often told, “Oh you shouldn’t feel like that — you should forgive them. After all, if you are a Christian, you must love and forgive.” Then they will throw in something about loving our neighbors as ourselves, and the Christians are shamed into silence as if they were the wrong-doer instead of the criminal.
What about loving our neighbor as ourselves? In Matthew 19 we’ll find out two things:
— How do we fulfil the command to love our neighbor as ourselves?
— Just who is our neighbor according to this scripture?
“And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life? And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments. He saith unto him, Which? Jesus said, Thou shalt do no murder, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself” (Matthew 19:16-19)
Most Christians recognize the first five of those as the sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth and fifth commandments in that order; however, many think the last phrase — “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself” — was an addition by Jesus. That is not so. It is from the original Ten Commandments in the Old Testament. Jesus gave much more emphasis on that command to love one’s neighbor, seeming to make it more important than the last six of the original Ten Commandments.
“Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying, Mas- ter, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” (Matthew 22:35-40)
To help us understand what Jesus meant by that, seeming to make only two commandments instead often, we need to refer back to the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20:117. You will see that the Ten Commandments are of two different types. The first four define man’s relationship to God, and the last six define man’s relationship to man. The first four are:
No.1. No other gods,
No.2. No worship of graven images,
No.3. Do not take the Lord’s name in vain,
No.4. Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
Those four have to do with the relationship between God and man, then the rest with the relationship between man and man.
No.5. Honor thy father and they mother.
No.6. Thou shalt not kill, (Jesus quoted, “Thou shalt do no murder,” which is more correct).
No.7. Thou shalt not commit adultery.
No.8. Thou shalt not steal.
No.9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
No. 10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbors wife, nor his manservant nor his maidservant, nor his ox nor his ass, nor anything that is thy neighbor’s.
Now by reading those Ten Commandments, we can see that when Jesus gave only two commandments, He really condensed all ten commandments into two phrases. The first four commandments — establishing the right relationship of man to God — he summed up by saying, “Thou shall love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind.” If a man were to do all those things, he certainly would not have any other gods, nor carve graven images, nor use God’s name in vain, nor desecrate God’s Sabbath. The last six commandments, the ones dealing with a man’s right-doing to other men, Jesus summed up with “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”
By that, He meant that to really love your neighbor as yourself, you would honor your father and your mother; you would no not murder; you would not commit adultery; you would not steal; you would not bear false witness against your neighbor; and you certainly would not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his other possessions. Jesus was not putting aside any of the Ten Commandments — rather, He was in truth verifying them totally. He simply stated them all in two condensed phrases — one for each of the subdivisions of the whole. Then when He added “…on these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets,” He obviously meant these two divisions of the Ten Commandments support all the law and the prophets.
And of course they do. The other two parts of the law in the books of Moses — the statutes and the judgments — are all based and hang on the original ten. Also, all the messages of the prophets who came to Israel were based on the same Ten Commandments for they all came with the one message to Israel: Obey God’s Laws!
It is obvious that many in Christendom have been deceived into thinking that Jesus somehow in this passage put aside the original Ten Commandments and instituted instead some esoteric new law, embodied in the phrase, “all you have to do is love Jesus, and love your fellow man” for that is the sum and substance of much modernistic preaching. We seldom hear the cry of the ancient Israel prophets to His people: “Turn from your wicked ways, Turn from your transgression. Turn and obey God’s Holy commandments.”
Instead we hear endlessly how we are to love Jesus — how we are to be ‘filled with the spirit’ — and how we are to love the sinners and the wicked and all unrighteous. This kind of modern preaching has fooled many into thinking that if they evidence some sort of nebulous emotion- al attachment to Jesus Christ and to all other human beings, then that is enough to fulfill Jesus’ command to “love God and to love their neighbor as themselves.” They have not been told — nor have they found out for themselves — that if they really love Jesus, they would obey His commandments. Jesus said,
“If ye love me, keep my commandments.” (John 14:15)
John wrote,
“Hereby we do know that we know Him, if we keep His commandments. He that saith, I know Him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar and the truth is not in him.” (1 John 2:3-4)
“For this is the love of God that we keep His commandments.” (1 John 5:3)
That would seem to say that a professing Christian who claims to love Jesus but who refuses to obey God’s commandments is not a Christian.
If loving our neighbor is obeying God’s Laws, look how we are not loving our neighbor in the economic realm. Paul wrote,
“But if any provide not for his own house (the margin says his own kindred), he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.” (1 Timothy 5:8)
If we have been misled by wrong teaching, about who our brother is, or about how we are to love our neighbor, perhaps we have something to learn about loving our enemies, too. Perhaps we can even reconcile that command with John’s words,
“If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into {your} house, neither bid him God speed: For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds.” (2 John 1:10-11)
And with King David who wrote,
“Do not I hate them 0 Lord (Yahweh) who hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee? I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them my enemies.” (Psalm 139: 21-22)
You cannot find any passage in scripture which commands Christians to call anyone by the term ‘brother’ or ‘brethren’ — except blood kindred or fellow Christians. The so-called “brotherhood of man” is not a biblical doctrine, but a doctrine of those who would destroy Christianity by diluting it with other religions. By corrupting the Christians with pagan doc- trines, ruining pure Christian education and eventually destroying Christian government, they will bring in humanism and man’s laws instead of faith in Jesus Christ and God’s Laws.
Earlier I read passages which verified we are to ‘love our neighbors as ourselves’ and we say that was an Old Testament command. “Love thy neighbor as thyself,” was a summary commandment of the last six of the original Ten Commandments; those which have to do with one’s relationship with one’s fellow man. Jesus summed up the first four Commandments, those which command Israel to have only one God, in the phrase,
“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind.”
(Matthew 22:37)
Then when he said the Second Commandment was, “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself,” He was summing up the last six Commandments of the original Ten; those which define the right relationship between man and man.
To prove this biblical principle further, I will read a few passages in the New Testament about fulfilling the law.
Some anti-law preachers quote these and attempt to prove that fulfilling the law means ending it. Before we get back to the word “neighbor,” I want to read a few verses from Bible Law about capital punishment.
“He that smiteth a man so he dies shall be surely put to death.” (Exodus 21:12)
Here is the law on those who kidnap for ransom:
“And he that stealeth a man, and selleth him, or if he be found in his hand, he shall surely be put to death.” (Exodus 21:16)
God forbids a fine, imprisonment or damages to be paid, to free the murderer from death.
“Moreover ye shall take no satisfaction for the life of the murderer which is guilty of death, but he shall be surely put to death.” (Numbers 35:31)
The command “Take no satisfaction” referred to the common practice among the heathen that a murderer could pay a sum of money to the relatives of the victims and then be free. God does not allow His people to have any part in such a horrible practice, but commands that murderers are to be executed. God tells us that our well-being as a people requires the execution of murderers.
“Thine eye shall not pity him, but thou shalt put away the guilt of innocent blood from Israel that it may go well with thee.” (Deuteronomy 19:13)
The next two verses are sometimes used to teach that the ‘whole law’ which Christians are to obey is simply to love all other men.
“Owe no man anything, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.” (Romans 13:8)
“If ye fulfill the royal law according to the scripture, ‘Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself,’ ye do well:” (James 2:8)
On their own, these verses seem to say that all Christians need to do is have some sort of emotional attachment to their neighbor — some neighborly love — and they have done all that God’s Law requires. However let us read these verses with associated verses, and we will see a different meaning emerges.
“Owe no man anything, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled he law. For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet: and if (there be) any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thy- self.” (Romans 13:8-9)
When you read both verses, it is easy to see what Paul was saying, ‘he that loveth another fulfills the law by obeying’ – and then he lists what Christians are to obey – ‘the law.’ That is what the phrase ‘for this’ means. It could be paraphrased, “To do this, — loving your neighbor — thou shalt not commit adultery, thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal,” and so on. In other words, “Thou shalt obey the law.”
That is what we discovered earlier — that obeying the commandments of God toward your neighbor is the act which proves your Christian love. If you claim you love him, then physically abuse him by stealing from him, or coveting his property, or allowing others to do so in disobedience to God’s Law, then that would be no love at all. That is why we read,
“If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be {ye} warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what {doth it} profit? Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone.” (James 2:15-17)
The same is true of love. Putting Paul’s and James’ words together. “If you say you love your neighbor but do no acts of good toward him, nor refrain from doing him harm, what does it profit? Even so, ‘love of your neighbor,’ if it have not works, is dead.”
Let me insert a question here. Which do you think is a manifestation of brotherly love: to save murderers, rapists and child seducers alive, so they can wreak havoc on our neighbors and our neighbors’ children? Or would we be showing more genuine Christian love toward our neighbor if we put murderers, rapists and child seducers to death and saved our neighbors from them? To say we ‘love our neighbors’ — then to transfer that love to those who destroy our neighbors — is not Christian love. It is insanity. God condemns just such foolishness when He says to a rebellious people,
“And will ye pollute me among my people for handfuls of barley and for pieces of bread, to slay the souls that should not die, and to save the souls alive that should not live, by your lying to my people that hear {your} lies?” (Ezekiel 13 : 19)
God is saying that when Israel keeps alive those that should die, and thereby causes the death of those who should live, they are polluting God among His people. What a charge for disobedience; the very disobedience we manifest today under the false flag of “We must love everyone” — even those criminals who destroy our neighbors and our neighbor’s children – we have loved our neighbor’s enemies rather than our neighbor. Paul had said we were to obey the commandments as proof we loved our neighbor, then he concludes the thought,
“Love worketh no ill to his neighbor: therefore love {is} the fulfilling of the law.” (Romans 13:10)
Again to make this clear, we could paraphrase that sentence, “Love does no harm to your neighbor because love is doing the law.” What law? The law Paul listed in the previous verse – the commandments. Now Pastor Emry is not teaching salvation through obeying the law. Salvation does not come from obedience to the law. It never came from obedience to the law in the Old Testament. Abraham and all the Israel fathers were saved by faith; by believing God, not by their obedience.
Salvation will not come in the future by obedience to the law. Salvation is the free gift of God; it is by grace and not by works. What we are talking about here is not our salvation but our right relationship in this life with what is called “our neighbor” and “our brother.” That comes from one thing — from obedience to the precepts of relationships called God’s law. Here is some more proof that to fulfill is to obey. Jesus said,
“Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill.” (Matthew 5:17)
Since He denied that He would end’ or destroy the law, He must have meant that He had come to do the law — to obey it. And we know He did obey it because Jesus was without sin. Since “sin is the transgression of the law,” that means Jesus did not transgress the law. Instead He did the law; He obeyed it; He fulfilled it.
Paul concludes Romans 13 with this exhortation:
“But put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh to fulfill the lusts thereof” (Romans 13:14)
You could insert the word ‘do’ in that last phrase and it would read “Make no provision for the flesh to do the lusts thereof.” It would give the true sense. You can substitute the word ‘do’ for ‘fulfill,’ ‘doing’ for ‘fulfilling’ and ‘done’ for ‘fulfilled.’ Here are some examples:
“{This} I say then, ‘Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.’” Galatians 5:16. “Walk in the Spirit and ye shall not do the lust of the flesh.”
“Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.” Galatians 6:2. “Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so do the law of Christ.”
“Now all this was done, that it might be ful- filled which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying,…” Matthew 1:22. “Now all this was done, that it might be done which was spoken of the Lord by the prophet, saying.”
“… that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord.” Matthew 2:15. “That it might be done which was spoken of the Lord.”
“That it might be fulfilled (done) which was spoken by Esaias the prophet.” (Matthew 8: 17)
There are 35 other passages in the New Testament where the word ‘done’ can substitute for ‘fulfilled.’ You should read them. I am belaboring this point to be sure you understand that when you read that someone had fulfilled the law, it does not mean he has ended the law. It simply means that he has done the law — that he has obeyed the law.
When you understand that, and then read Paul in Romans 13 where he wrote, “Love is the fulfilling of the law,” you will know he definitely, absolutely, unconditionally and positively was saying, “Love is the doing, or the obeying of God’s Law.” Once you get that in your mind, and some modernist or liberal theologian, or an anti-christ university professor comes along and says, “All Christians have to do is love, love, love,” or says “Christians don’t have to obey God’s Law, all they have to do is love,” you will know that man is a deceiver. You will know that true Christian love is the doing or the obeying of God’s Law.
We have seen that God’s Law requires that we put to death those who kill our neighbor and our neighbor’s children, else we deny our neighbor our love. Therefore, the murderers could hardly be our scriptural neighbors, could they?
Who is our neighbor, according to the Bible?
The story of the good Samaritan was told by Jesus Christ specifically to answer that very question. The lawyer asked Jesus in Luke 10:29, “…Who is my neighbor?” Here is Jesus’ answer:
“And Jesus answering said, a certain (man) went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded (him), and departed, leaving (him) half dead. And by chance there came down a certain priest that way: and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. And likewise a Levite, when he was at the place, came and looked (on him), and passed by on the other side.
But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion (on him), And went to (him), and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave (them) to the host, and said unto him, ‘Take care of him: and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee.’ (Luke 10:30-35)
That is the end of the story Jesus was telling.
Then Jesus asks,
“Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbor unto him that fell among the thieves? And he said, He that showed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise.” (Luke 10:36-37)
Jesus approved his answer. But if everyone is our neighbor, wouldn’t all men in the story be neighbor to the injured man? Yes. But you see everyone is not our neighbor. Jesus didn’t even include the thieves in his question, yet they were probably local inhabitants. They were given no consideration at all as being neighbors.
Look who the others were who were excluded from the definition: a priest and a Levite. Certainly their position in the community would make them scriptural neighbors? No! Only the one who gave aid to the injured man — the one who obeyed God’s Law was a neighbor.
You have probably heard parents or older people use the term neighbor in this true sense. They will say of a good person, “He certainly is very neighborly,” or “He is a good neighbor.” They will complain of a nearby unfriendly resident that, “He is not very neighborly.” They didn’t mean he lived far away — rather they meant he was not Christian-like in his acts and attitudes; they denied him as a neighbor. They were using the term correctly according to Jesus.
That the word “neighbor” as used by Jesus for the Samaritan referred only to his character and acts, not his residence, is obvious from the story. It says the Samaritan was on a journey — and he was so far from home he had to take the injured man to the local inn to have him cared for, and then had to leave him with the host. Obviously, the Samaritan did not live nearby, but he was the only one called “neighbor.”
The word “neighbor” — like the word “brother” — is named only on those of good character; those of Christian action and those with a Godly relationship to those in need. We cannot call murderers, thieves and disobedient priests and Levites our neighbor. Since Christians are commanded to love only their neighbors, then neither Jesus, nor the disciples, ever commanded Christians to love the wicked and the ungodly.
Someone is sure to ask, “But Pastor Emry, what about Matthew 5? “Turning the other cheek” — giving your cloak if a man sues you for your coat — and going an extra mile with one who commands you to go one mile with him?” Smiting a man on the cheek is not a deadly assault with intent to maim or murder. It was a common way of one man claiming his honor against another who had insulted or injured him. The one being struck was the one who had committed the original offense.
Jesus was telling his followers, If you have done a man wrong, and he accuses you by smiting you on the cheek, do not respond with an invitation for a duel, as the heathen do, but turn away and acknowledge your offense. If you were sued at law and lost your coat, obviously you would have been the one at fault. Jesus is telling his followers: If you have been found to lawfully owe another something, pay him more than you owe — pay more than the law demands.
Has anyone compelled you to go a mile? It could have happened then, since it was Roman law that any Roman soldier could compel a citizen to carry his baggage up to a maximum of one mile. Again what is the instruction here? Simply this: Christian, you do more than you are asked to do — you go that extra mile. Jesus was telling His followers, “You do more good than the unbeliever.”
None of these are instances of mortal danger, robbery or of physical persecution. Jesus is not commanding us to accept any and all attacks on our person or family without resistance — that is not the object of Matthew 5 at all.
The tragedy is that so many false teachers among us try to use such passages to make pacifists and door mats of Christians. By them, they prevent Christians from stopping the antichrist and the murderers among us. They trick us into believing that Jesus has told us not only that we must love the wicked, but that we must not resist his wicked ways. Jesus has done no such thing — Jesus has not commanded Christians to love the wicked.
Certainly when Christians were told in 2 Corinthians 6 to “be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers, to have no fellowship with the unrighteous, and to come out from among them and be separate and touch not the unclean thing,” we should have known better than to accept the false philosophy that Jesus Himself commanded us to love and forgive, protect and defend the wicked. No! Christ commands Christians to love, forgive, protect and defend their brethren — their brothers — their neighbors — and their fellow Christians. Our forefathers obeyed Christ in this. May God help us to do the same.
Arch Stanton
So where is love thy white neighbor? Oh yeah, I forgot, they were erased.
What’s more hilarious is natall even publishes my opining or whatever it is from time to time, but this site does not. So who is showing more love to his race? Who is more “deserving” of my “love”? You or them?
If my “opining” is so “offensive” to you as to get you worried people will “fall away” and that’s why you don’t publish my comments. Then shame on you? Last time a checked faith is similar to a muscle.
Cas, we have published many of your comments. The comments were haven’t published are those that we can make no sense of. And if we don’t understand what you write, our readers probably won’t either. We don’t publish only comments that we agree with; but we do need to understand comments before we publish them.
Does a mother love her child if it has such a deformity? In probably 99%+ cases yes.
There is a physical realm and there is a spiritual realm. That is what the gospel teaches. The physical realm was given to mankind according to the “scriptures”.
1Jn_2:2 And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.
So why is is hard for you to understand that there is more than likely a judgement according to the flesh and a judgement according to the spirit? 2 separate parts of a man according to book of “hebrews”
The flesh obviously has already been judged i.e. death.
To each his own the bible teaches over and over according to “faith”
If the pentagon can make fag bombs, i.e. bombs that literally make people turn fag.
So what does “god” do to fish that turn fag? – which science has proven happens because of certain chemicals in the water.
Now that’s a news item from the topsy-turvy world we live in!
It would seem we truly are living in a time of evil being called good, and good being called evil.
After 20+ years of reading the “bible”. Not even John Weaver, probably the best american bible expositor of our day has honestly answered my sincere questions. Below it commands you to REBEL against your family which is part of a nation(race). Which i may add is natural affection
“rabbi” saul/paul litterally says nature i.e. your vessel is basically made by the enemy- so then the gnostics are right and the demiurge theory is right.
Then “rabbi saul/paul” contradicts himself and says the opposite of above.
Rom_1:31 Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: – (my comment your mom and dad made a covenant when they had sex and your vessel was produced)
2Ti_3:3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good,
“Luk 12:51 Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:
Luk 12:52 For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three.
Luk 12:53 The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. ”
“Mat_27:37 And set up over his head his accusation written, THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS.”
It is my working hypothesis is that all throughout the bible, probably also ever truly religious text there is lucifer (maketh nations(races) weak i.e. divides them causes trouble i.e. the jew for the most part. And there is in brief spots witnessed the truly Universal Love which is Christ. Where “sin” is permanently forever done away i.e. propitiation with in the eternal part.
Look at this confusion lol it is so blatant double-speak
Gen_11:7 Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.
Isa_51:16 And I have put my words in thy mouth, and I have covered thee in the shadow of mine hand, that I may plant the heavens,
What allows “christians” to go to war against “christians” which has happened for over 1700 years? The “soul harvester”? Or the Spiritual Saviour?
Heb_12:23 To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect,
Ecc_3:21 Who knoweth the spirit of man that goeth upward, and the spirit of the beast that goeth downward to the earth? – so if this be true then one can easily ascertain there are at least 2 “spirits” in a man.
According to Isa. Christ has at least 7 “spirits”
Isa 11:2 And the spirit of the LORD shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD
Rev_3:1 And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead.
Yall who condemn people for doubting something touched by man,made from tree,made by human hands
written by primarily jews.
No wonder many “christians” are going back to “is-ra-el”? Cause it started in a syn-a-gog?
The real God Almighty have mercy on you
bearing straight
The fact that you claim that the Bible was “written by primarily Jews” discredits everything you are saying here.
That you cannot even get that fact alone right speaks volumes for your ability to interpret the Bible.
Who are these “Jews” who wrote the Bible?
Are today’s “Jews” the same people as the “Jews who wrote the Bible”?
It sounds like you are really angry at God, Christ, and all who believe.
You speak of Christians as if they all agree on certain things, but if Christians have one thing in common it’s that they don’t agree on practically anything about the Bible because so few of them actually bother to read it, and those that do read it, read it with an agenda or through the prism of “tradition”.
This is my response to a similar article implying Christians are to hate God’s enemies.
I completely deny the false doctrine of common grace and hate all the evil that God hates but I can not see how this article is scriptural as we are all born enemies and haters of God and therefore according to this article we must therefore hate everyone from birth.
We all appear as the enemies of God before regeneration but there is never hatred from God towards His elect whom He loves eternally. Therefore we need to be careful not to hate those who may appear to be reprobate but could be elect and eternally loved by God. If it was assumed that someone was a reprobate enemy of God and the person was hated but later in life that person was regenerated and no longer an enemy of Christ then according to Christ that person would have to repent for the murder of that person because of their hatred, which is why we should never assume and condemn someone as reprobate with hatred.
It is impossible to genuinely both love and hate the same person at the same time. Try telling your wife you love her and then in the next breath that you hate her and see how that goes. We are to hate, loathe and grieve over the evil that wicked men do just as God does (Gen 6:6), and pity them for we were once blinded like them but also need to lovingly warn them to flee the wrath of God to Christ.
King David was inspired by the Holy Spirit to express the perfect hatred that God has for His wicked reprobate enemies in Psalm 139 but no man is able to perfectly hate just as no man is able to perfectly love this side of eternity. If it was possible to confirm who the reprobate are then it might be justifiable to hate them but nobody knows for sure who the reprobate are unless possibly they witnessed them on their deathbeds yelling obscenities towards God at their last breath. We all could have been considered as such at some time before our regeneration and need to believe that there is hope even for the chief of sinners.
Can anyone be said to thoroughly and completely hate someone unless they thoroughly and completely know the person? Hence, it is only our omniscient Lord who can justly do so. I take no issue with being sanctified from the world and also when possible from them who hate God (1 Cor 5:10) but this article goes further than that and states that we are to actually hate those who hate God and seek their destruction. The article tries to harmonise Psalm 139 with Matthew 5:44 by saying we are to love men who are our enemies and hate men who are God’s enemies but Christ told us that those who hate Him also hate us (John 15:18) therefore God’s enemies are also our enemies and we are commanded to love them by warning them of God’s wrath and not hate them. If we decide to hate them and not warn them then their blood will be upon us. Eze 3:18-19.
As the Lord has no pleasure in the death of the wicked who repent so we should seek repentance for the same according to the will of God. Jonah hated the pagan Ninevites and did not want to preach to them and see them repent but said “I know that You are a gracious and merciful God, slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness, One who relents from doing harm” Jonah 4:2, and came to understand God’s pity for the city, which shows we are not called to hate those who currently hate God but have pity on them, preach the Gospel to them and in humility correcting those who are in opposition, if God perhaps will grant them repentance, so that they may know the truth, and that they may come to their senses and escape the snare of the devil, having been taken captive by him to do his will. 2 Tim 2:25-26.
The principals of retaliation in the Old Covenant were distorted by many and were corrected by Christ (Mat 5:38-44) as well as Paul, not with hatred and vengeance but with love and to overcome evil with good (Rom 12:19-21). The hatred expressed in this article can not further love for the lost and would hinder any sincere effort to evangelise God hating sinners which we also once were. When the sons of thunder sought to destroy a city that rejected them they were rebuked by Christ with the words “You do not know what manner of spirit you are of, for the Son of Man did not come to destroy men’s lives but to save them.” Luke 9:55-56. We would do well to take heed of our Lord’s warning.
The Israel of old was commanded to be holy and separate from the heathen nations surrounding them. They were ordered to utterly destroy them and those who refused to do so came under God’s wrath as is seen with King Saul. Jehoshaphat disobeyed God by associating with the godless and the rebuke to him in 2 Ch 19:2 was in the form of a question relating to his supposed love of the wickedness that was evident in the ungodly. There is no direct command to hate men in this passage of Scripture but to hate their wickedness and not associate with it.
Even though Israel had the commandment to love God and neighbour they preferred to hate their enemies but we are in the New Covenant where the Israel of God is taught to love their enemies. The question to us today is, are we to help the ungodly and love those who hate the Lord? Does not Romans 5:8 state that God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Who is the us? Verse 6 tells us that Christ died for the ungodly. God is able to justify the wicked without being an abomination unto Himself (Pro 17:15) by propitiating their sins through Christ to justly show mercy. The Old Covenant was full of shadows and types pointing to this great truth.
The pride of the chosen nation of Israel blinded them to understand the covenant promise to Abraham of all nations being blessed and the truth revealed in Leviticus 19:18 to love ones neighbour as himself was not adhered to as most Israelites did not apply this to outside the camp as the previous verse stated “’You shall not hate your brother in your heart.” They were also commanded to love the stranger (Deuteronomy 10:19) which they also did not do and which is still evident today. King David, a man after God’s own heart to whom the Lord promised an eternal kingdom under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit vented not his but God’s perfect and just hatred for the wicked in Psalm 139. It is impossible for man to love perfectly and therefore it is impossible for man to hate perfectly.
In Matthew Chapter 5, Christ raised the bar regarding the law and showed that thoughts and motives were judged as well as actions. He exposed their hatred and hypocrisy in verses 43-44 and expounded on it further in the parable of the good Samaritan by their need to show mercy even to those they had usually hated. Christ loved His people who deserved to be hated and we are to do likewise to all. The greatest love we can have for men besides laying down our lives for them is to give them the Gospel with the same love we have received it. Only Christ shows us a greater love by laying down His for His enemies who are the elect and therefore in Christ we are to do the same. We are commanded to love what is good and hate what is evil but there is no command in Holy Scripture to hate our enemies which are also God’s enemies. It is against the principles of biblical hermeneutics to try to justify such an important doctrine on one verse when viewed through the lens of the New Covenant. This proves that any notion of hatred to men in the Old Covenant was clearly abrogated in the New Covenant.
The Lord commanded the prophet to sigh, cry and wail for the wicked in Israel (Eze 21:6,12) which would be impossible to do without sincere compassion. The Apostle Paul said “I have become all things to all men, that I might by all means save some.“(1 Cor 9:22.) Paul had much cause to hate many of his countrymen but in Romans 9:1-2 he shares the great sorrow and continual grief in his heart for them to the extent he wished himself accursed from Christ for their sake. This is not the actions of a person who hates the enemies of God. Paul instead does what he asks his beloved brethren to do in Romans 12:19 when he says “do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY,” says the Lord. Paul does not say he hates Alexander the coppersmith in 2 Tim 4:14 but hands him over to the perfect will and justice of God and not his own. He continues in Romans 12 to exhort the brethren to do opposite of what the world expects in doing good to those who do evil to us. The purpose of the hot coals in the illustration is to either shame the person by our good works to humility or allow God to further harden their hearts according to His just vengeance. It is the same with the Gospel (2 Cor 2:16) but there is nowhere in Scripture where Paul is seeking the destruction or hatred of any.
My main point is that we do not know for certain who the reprobate enemies of God are therefore it would be unwise for us to hate any person lest we bring ourselves into condemnation for condemning others in our hatred of them (Luke 6:37) and my great fear is that this doctrine will restrict genuine love for people and hinder the spread of the Gospel with the intercessory prayer that should accompany it as the motivation for doing so will be diminished by any type of hatred for the person and some may fall into the trap of hyper-calvinism, because if as the article says we are to hate the enemies of God and seek their damnation then what incentive is there to indiscriminately proclaim the Gospel to all?
I searched through the 127 Reformed confessions of the 16th and 17th centuries and did not find any confirming any hatred toward people or seeking their destruction. Instead I found many especially expounding the 6th commandment not to kill to also include any kind of hatred toward any person, such as is seen in the those below.
Calvin’s Cathechism 1545
196. M. Repeat the sixth commandment.
C. Thou shalt not kill.
197. M. Does it forbid nothing but murder?
C. Yes, indeed. For seeing it is God who speaks, He gives us law not only for outward deeds, but primarily for the affections of our heart.
198. M. You mean then that there is some kind of inward murder which God forbids to us?
C. I do: hatred and rancour, and desire to do evil to our neighbour.
199. M. Is it sufficient for us not to hate or to bear ill will?
C. No, for in condemning hatred God signifies that He requires us to love our neighbours and seek their salvation, and all this with true affection and without simulation.
Anglican Catechism (1553)
Master. What is contained in that commandment, “Do not kill”?
Scholar. That we hate, wrong, or revile no man. Moreover it commands us that we love even our foes, neighbor (whether he be my friend or enemy), but rather, shall bear and live with him in all meekness and above all, seek to sustain and protect both his life and soul.
The Heidelberg Catechism (1563)
105. What does God require in the sixth Commandment? That I do not revile, hate, insult, or kill my neighbor either in thought, word, or gesture, much less in deed, whether by myself or by another (Matt. 5:21–22; 26:52; Gen. 9:6), but lay aside all desire of revenge (Eph. 4:26; Rom. 12:19; Matt. 5:25; 18:35); moreover, that I do not harm myself, nor willfully run into any danger (Matt. 4:7; Rom. 13:14; Col. 2:23). Wherefore also to restrain murder the magistrate is armed with the sword (Ex. 21:14).
106. Does this Commandment speak only of killing? No, but in forbidding murder God teaches us that He abhors its very root, namely, envy (Rom. 1:28–32), hatred (1 John 2:9–11), anger (James 2:13; Gal.5:19–21), and desire of revenge; and that in His sight all these are hidden murder (1 John 3:15).
107. But is this all that is required: that we do not kill our neighbor?
No, for in condemning envy, hatred, and anger, God requires us to love our neighbor as ourselves (Matt 7:12; 22:39), to show patience, peace, meekness (Eph. 4:2; Gal. 6:1–2; Rom. 12:18), mercy (Matt. 5:7; Luke 6:36), and kindness (Rom. 12:10) toward him, and to prevent his hurt as much as possible (Ex. 23:5); also, to do good even unto our enemies (Matt. 5:44–45; Rom. 12:20–21).
If I am considered to be wrong in my criticism of this article at least I know that I have sought that which is greater than faith and hope (1 Cor 13:13), a God given fervent love which covers a multitude of sins. (1 Pet 4:8). But if I am right and the article is wrong then I sincerely pray that the fearful warning of Christ in Matthew 5:22 would be taken seriously.
Max ……
You wrote — “…..They were also commanded to love the stranger (Deuteronomy 10:19) which they also did not do and which is still evident today.
A very peculiar statement. Would you like to elaborate?
The White Race (Israelites and Adamites) are the most Empathic peoples in all the world. We go out of our way to “help the stranger” even if we are not “christian”. We open our Nations to peoples unlike ourselves. We sanitize their water and teach them how to by hygenic. We teach them how to grow things, build things, maintain things. Our good deeds to those who are not us beyond comparison.
Your statement is confusing. Please elaborate.
It is still evident today in Israel’s hatred and persecution of the Palestinians as well as all the people of all other nations who are still seen as dogs and called Goyim by them.
The New Covenant believer is called to love even those who persecute them (Matt 5:44) as seen in Stephen the first martyr who like Christ sought the Lord to not charge them with the sin of his murder (Acts 7:60) and all true Christians are called to reflect to all people the unconditional love of God shown to them in Christ.
1Jn_4:7 Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.
1Jn_4:8 He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.
1Jn_4:9 In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him.
1Jn_4:10 In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
1Jn_4:11 Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.
Max ……….
Do you have any idea the Website you are commenting on???
More and more it seems people who come here never bother reading the articles, but just want to have a platform to speak.
I would encourage you to study the articles on this site before speaking your opinion. There are plenty of blogs and websites that would welcome your opinion.
Start here —
Otherwise …….. don’t waste our time please.
I have read many of the articles here and agree with most including the one you linked to but not to this one which is why I felt it my duty to correct.
Love is the greatest mark of a genuine believer (1 Jn.3:14-19) and without it they are nothing but clanging cymbols (1 Corinthians 13).
Max ……… You wrote — “…and agree with most including the one you linked to but not …..”
Wait a minute ………… you recently stated you believe Modern Jewry to be the Israelites of the Bible.
When the entirety of this Website proves such a notion — Wrong.
White Peoples are the Israelites and Adamites of the Scriptures.
Help me understand here.
I never stated that modern jewry is the Israelites in the Bible who were judean and hebrew and ceased to exist as such in 70AD, though there be a nation called Israel who seeks to claim that.
Those who call themselves jews today are not related to the ancient tribe of hebrews commencing in Abraham but are instead Khazarian counterfeits of such and of the synagogue of Satan (Rev 2:9, 3:9) who have adopted not the Torah but the blasphemous Babylonian Talmud and are of the same religion as the pharisees who Christ condemned as children of the Devil (John 8:44).
It was to such as these that Christ said:
Mat 5:43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR and hate your enemy.’
Mat 5:44 But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you,
There is no where in the Torah where God commands them to hate their enemy but they perverted this in the Talmud and Christ rebuked them for it and corrected them.
The true Israel of God (Gal 6:16) and spiritual seed of Abraham (Gal 3:28-29) are not those who are circumcised of the flesh but circumcised of the heart (Rom 2:28-29) meaning they are spiritually born again and the image of God that was lost in Adam is restored to them by grace in true righteousness and holiness (Eph 4:24, Col 3:10) regardless of the colour of a persons skin.
Max ………………..
Would you please explain then why you wrote — “…It is still evident today in Israel’s hatred and persecution of the Palestinians as well as all the people of all other nations who are still seen as dogs and called Goyim by them….”
Those are your words.
Modern Jewry persecutes the Palestinians as well as all the people of all other nations who are still seen as dogs and called Goyim by them.
You seem very confused.
It seems you are the one who is confused. I already said that the nation calling itself “Israel” today still has the same hatred as those in the Old Covenant they seem to identify with.
canaday mike
No, Max, I can say that West is not the only one who is confused by your comment. On the one hand you state that the ancient Israelites were white people, and then all of a sudden, you compare them to modern Jews in Israel who don’t welcome the stranger, i.e., Palestinians. How can you deny that might be confusing to readers?
Today’s Jews in Israel and elsewhere insist they are the only remnant of Israel left on Earth, but their idea of “welcoming the stranger” is to flood other people’s nations, only white nations, with non-white aliens, which is proof they cannot be Israelites, as real Israelites would never subvert and destroy white nations in which they dwell in such a way. Their treatment of Palestinians is irrelevant to the Bible as neither people are Adamic or Israelites, no?
Canaday mike….
Thank you. 🙂
Max you have quote scripture in volume and I agree. Tell me brother was it loving of Jesus to turn over the tables . John 2 says it best: 14In the temple courts He found men selling cattle, sheep, and doves, and money changers seated at their tables. 15So He made a whip out of cords and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle. He poured out the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. 16To those selling doves He said, “Get these out of here! How dare you turn My Father’s house into a marketplace!”…
Be honest is this Love as you see it or is it not? What are you and your brethren doing to drive out the money lenders and market place corporations. Is it love?… as the old song asks. You give us versus but the example speak a subtle difference, don’t you agree? Or is Love whatever I say it is?. Love is Justice to the downtrodden. Now you cannot lay down your life to bring forgiveness to us. Or can you?. Drive out the viper lending us into debt slavery. Until that moment you are hateful not loving, I guess. I shall give you the right of reply. I hate money lending and parasites. Yet here we all are bulldusting ourselves with a love Jesus showed little of except to the needy. Jesus cared nothing for the Pharisee and scribe or lawyer. Why should I love them with kind words and tolerance. Jesus exposed them as vipers and they killed Him for it.
I see you quote from Anglicans. They who supported the King who stole Roman fiefdom and then taxed the Northern Presbyterians out of their inheritance. Taxes get you denominations every time. William Wallace of Braveheart fame brazened the truth into our minds. Land is our divine right and inheritance not so with unloving Anglican stooges for a false King. We Love one King Christ and He moves us to death confrontation and martyrdom. We do not recognize your kingdom on earth it is flawed as the Jews lend the money you seem a hater of your own. They, who are so in need of salvation!. This website irritates illuminates and drives us forward to inspect with a more open mind the challenges the serpents of the knowledge of good and evil, have brought upon us. Let Christ be our example and never stop fighting for a free divine monetary system. They cannot win forever. Remember. Love is not understood till it is discovered in context.
I thoroughly agree, to love what is good is to hate what is evil and expose it (Eph 5:11). Those who do not hate evil are evil but love also warns them who love evil which we are all born into (Gen 6:5) that a holy God who loves righteousness and justice will by no means clear the guilty except by grace through the life, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ and all are warned to repent and believe on Him lest they die in their sin and prove themselves to be reprobates justly hated by God.
The apostle Paul gives clarity to the way we are to respond to evil.
Rom 12:17 Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men.
Rom 12:18 If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.
Rom 12:19 Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY,” says the Lord.
Rom 12:21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
It is the goodness of God that leads a person to repentance (Rom 2:4) and the greatest goodness this world has and will ever know is the Gospel of Jesus Christ which acts like a two edged sword to both cut, wound, kill and humble as well as heal, save, make alive and exalt. It is also described as an aroma of life unto life to some and death unto death to others (2 Cor 2:14-16). To not take vengeance ourselves and leave it to the Lord and to do good to those who do not deserve it acts as hot coals which can either melt the hard heart into shame or harden the hard heart even further to greater judgement. Jesus warned that those who heard the Gospel and did not repent and believe were under greater judgement than those who never heard it (Matt 11:21-24).
God is supremely sovereign and has decreed all things that come to pass including the evil in this world to His greater glory (Gen 50:20). He is currently judging the evil in this world by handing people over to their sins (Rom 1:24,26,28), to store wrath for the day of wrath (Rom 2:5) and fatten them up for His just slaughter (Jam 5:5, Jer 12:3).
God’s patience with evil serves to embolden the wicked unto their greater judgement (Ecc 8:11, Psa 92:7).
Therefore it is the duty of every true Christian to proclaim the whole counsel of God in the Gospel to lovingly warn everyone of the wrath to come and point them to Christ Jesus who satisfied that which an eternity in Hell can never do in order to reconcile His people through the forgiveness of sins in His perfect death and grant them the repentance and faith He justly commands from all by regeneration in His resurrection unto justification and eternal life.
Every person deserves only the righteous wrath of a holy God and all who do not yet savingly know Christ deserve pity and not scorn because but for the grace of God we would be like them. Any person who fails to lovingly warn people prove that they do not yet know the love of God.
Max thanks for the smothering us in love, once again. The question was not a refutation of the verses you quoted, therefore I will ask it again.
When Jesus used violence to drive out the moneylenders from the temple was this love?
When He refused to speak plainly to them rather in parables – was this love? Why did he not proclaim clearly the whole council of truth to the hypocrites of his own ethnic tribe.
Can we call it love when he belittles their righteousness as unbecoming of the Kingdom of God.
Jesus focused his love upon the sinners and the downtrodden poor.
His words are rebuking and distasteful to the upper echelons of society in those days.
Is it possible to love one and hate the other. Jesus loved the disciples. These are my brothers and my mother….
Liberals love the refugees and asylum seekers and the foreigner who wants to subdue by Shariah or Noahide Laws. Yet our own women are being murdered and raped by this influx and often degenerates. This is not love when you fail to protect your own. Jesus does so but warnings , rebukes and violence demanding the ancient law of Israel be administered justly. Your definition of turning the other cheek is not born out by Jesus in his exampled confrontation with the Jewish leaders. Help the good Samaritan by all means but a degenerate one no thank you. Our whole monetary system is built upon the market place and the money lenders. When will you turn over the tables and rebuke is it love. Defend the poor and ask why are they so? You seem to miss many fundamental points of Jesus ministry. Do you have a bank account to partake in the sin of usury? Do you have insurance or do you turn the other cheek when someone steals your car? Do you make money of the stock market? Do you pay taxes to a government of violence and economic wars? Did you turn the other cheek in this regard? When God punishes nations he uses other nations in wars. Is God the Father not loving? Your love makes Muslims smile. Luke 11;11 What father among you, if his son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? 12Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion?…
Parents know what love is and it is instinctual. Liberal love denies the God given instincts that is in man. So too God the Father destroyed the earthly kingdom of Judah. God did not turn the other cheek so to speak. We ask not for Gods vengeance rather Law and order among the family nations God established. Try to define love without the desire for Law order and Justice and mercy for the brokenhearted. There is no love in that twaddle of hypocrisy.
It was love for the glory of His Father that caused Christ to expose the evil and hypocrisy of those in the temple who falsely thought they were the chosen children of God and use violence against them which was symbolic of the coming destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD. That does not mean that Christians should use violence against evil people because we do not know the heart like Christ does and trust God to justly repay them in.
Christ speaking in parables was judgement against them as prophesied in Isaiah 6:9-10 and other places. It showed that they were so proudful and spiritually dead that they could not even understand simple spiritual truth but to those who are humble the mysteries of the Kingdom are revealed (Matt 13:10-11).
Christ loved His own unto the end (John 13:1) who are His chosen sheep and not the goats. God loves those who love Him and they only do so because He first loved them (Pro 8:17, 1 Jn 4:19). If a person dies never loving God then they will know for all of eternity that God never loved them and justly hates them.
I firmly believe in self-defense and the right to protect yourself and those you love if necessary with violence but if possible would rather shoot a person in the legs to stop them than the head to kill them so that they could have the Gospel preached to them which as I have already said could save them or bring them under a greater condemnation.
God has instituted authorities to bear the sword to punish the evil and praise the good (Rom 13:1-4, 1 Pet 2:13-15) but unfortunately in this current wicked cursed world the tables have now been turned around and it is the good that are being punished and the evil being praised. Christians are not to submit to such tyranny which opposes God’s will but do everything they can to expose it.
Christian’s live by the words of a loving sovereign God who promises that all things work together for good to those who love Him and are the called according to His purpose (Rom 8:28) therefore there is no reason to worry because God is in control of all things and they work together for the good of His perfect mercy to His chosen people and to the good of His perfect justice to His enemies.
Max …………..
I will refer you back to your original comment —
You wrote — The Israel of old (White Peoples) was commanded to be holy and separate from the heathen nations surrounding them. Even though Israel (White Peoples) had the commandment to love God and neighbour…..The pride of the chosen nation of Israel (White Peoples) blinded them to understand the covenant promise to Abraham ….. Israelites (White Peoples) did not apply this to outside the camp as the previous verse stated “’You shall not hate your brother in your heart.” They (White Peoples) were also commanded to love the stranger (Deuteronomy 10:19) which they also did not do and which is still evident today.
In this entire paragraph, you are speaking of the Israelites of the Scriptures UNTIL you get to the last 6 words — “and which is still evident today” — in which you are now speaking of Modern Jewry and the apostate state of Israel. Because as I previously stated, White Peoples from all over the world are the most gracious, kind and empathetic to strangers. We are the only race of people who has this kind of empathy and kindness to those who are not us.
I’ll admit that I am getting old and my cognition isn’t as it was in my youth — but surely I am not the only person here who has recognized your error.
Look, I appreciate you making the correction that you do not believe Modern Jewry and the state of Israel today to have anything whatsoever to do with Scriptural Israelites. But at least you could admit you made a mistake.
I’m not sure why you felt it Ok to compare the modern state of Israel with White Israelites of the Scriptures. But Ok. Sometimes we all just need one more cup of coffee.
This article is about love and not about the colour of someones skin.
There is only one race and it is called the human race where everyone bleeds the same colour and that and that colour is SIN.
Mede Bede
Max, do you believe that every person on Earth, that is, every biped hominoid, is a descendant of Adam? The Bible says that it is the story of the “generations of Adam” (Genesis 5:1), which seems to imply that there are those who are not part of the “generations of Adam”, otherwise why mention it at all, why make that distinction?
Mede Bede,
Generations of Adam in Gen 5:1 KJV is genealogy of Adam in NKJV confirming there are no multiple physical generations coming from Adam but there are two lines of spiritual descendants.
Adam was created in the image and likeness of God (Gen 1:26) which is God’s spirit in man which was lost when man spiritually died (Gen 2:17) and every descendant of Adam is born in the cursed image of Adam (Gen 5:3) and guaranteed to die because of sin unless they are born again by grace in Christ who restores His image into His people.
All are born physically under the curse equally but those who are spiritually reborn are counted as the seed of the woman in Gen 3:15 and those who die never being reborn are counted as the seed of the serpent, represented in Scripture as the elect and the reprobate, sheep and goats, wheat and tares, children of God and children of the devil.
God promised to Abraham that in him all the nations should be blessed in him through faith in Christ which was not the physical seed but the spiritual (Gal 3:7-9), therefore…
Gal 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Gal 3:29 And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Max ………………………..
The article may be about love, but the people who write articles and the commenters should be about honesty, integrity and humility.
I asked you a question based on something you wrote. You pretty much lied to all of us here. If you are Ok with that …………… so be it. All you had to have done was explain your error.
So, it doesn’t help your case if you want people to listen to what you have to say.
But while I have you …………………. you say we all bleed red. Animals bleed red too.
Are you an Evolutionist? I suspect not.
Another question has been submitted to you —– “Does the red, black and yellow man originate from the loins of Adam and Eve?” Yes or No. It is not a complicated question. The answer may be complicated, but the question itself is very easy to understand.
If YES ……………… please explain how that is possible. How do we get 4 truly distinct groups of people (White, yellow, black and red) out of ONE homogenous couple — Adam and Eve.
This is a sincere question. I once believed this — but I didn’t know why I believed it. I only believed because that was what was told to me and I wanted to fit in with my family, peers and elders at my church.
But no one ever bothered to explain how this was possible.
Can you explain it??? If someone has a logical and reasonble answer and can respond to challenges to that paradigm, I may believe it again. But so far, “christians” simply dodge the question as it appears you are as well. This does not bode well to prove such a paradigm credible.
There are a few articles worthy of study here at CFT. I would encourage you to study them.
Start here —
I do not take kindly to baseless accusations of lying just because you fail to understand the context of the word Israel used today.
Further, you changed the words I used and then tried to make an argument against me. I said “everyone bleeds the same colour and that colour is SIN.” NOT red as do also animals.
In a similar way, everyone has the same colour skin which is a shade of brown dependent upon the melanin level they were born after being dispersed around the world from Babel which is clearly explained in this article.
I will not waste my time responding to the absurdity in the article you linked to and am starting to doubt whether this website is actually run by true Christians standing for truth when such errors are being published, with the greatest error being this article which denies the second greatest commandment given to man.
My accusastion was not “baseless”. I proved “word-for-word” from your own writings. You made a grammatical error and you weren’t willing to own up to it. I think the “why” is confusing. It’s just a grammatical error, what’s the big deal? We all make spelling and grammar errors on a platform that does not allow self-correction once the comment has been posted.
No big deal. I’m over it. Forgive me for questioning your integrity if you truly mean what you say —– Modern Jewry and the current state of Israel have absolutely nothing to do with the Israelites of the Scriptures. If you believe this …………. I’m good with that.
One more book rec for you. This is a very short, simple and concise pamphlet and I would encourage you and challenge you to have an open mind —
Always seeking His Truths. Sincerely, West.
Psalms 97:10
Let those who love the Lord hate evil,
for he guards the lives of his faithful ones
and delivers them from the hand of the wicked.
1 John 2:22
Who is the liar? Whoever denies that Jesus is the Christ. Whoever denies the Father and the Son, this is the antichrist.
Where are you told the love the arab or jew? You are actually told to hate them.
All fine and well. If your house or congregation is plundered. Don’t you call the police (to serve and protect with weapons). How is this turning the other cheek. If your government seeks new lands for economic advantage. Do they not send in the Marines. You are responsible your taxes and votes are doing the nasty. Confessions of an Economic Hitman tells all that USA has become. You support your nation and it makes sure foreign debts are in your countries currency. At what point do you remove the log from your own eye. In the words of the Arab in Ben Hur – as long as all men are not like you Ben. We must keep our swords sharp.
George Lawrence
Ehi guys one question:
Is it true that Jesus didn’t insult the siro-phoenician woman calling her “dog” but instead just called her “puppy”?
But I kinda doubt the latter explanation since I heard it from some mestizo who I think wanted to promote race-blind Christianity.
Hugh Ken
George, that’s correct….Jesus didn’t insult the Syro-Phoenician/Canaanite woman by calling her a “dog” in the pejorative sense. The Greek word for a “dog” worthy of being despised is “kuón” (Strong’s 2965), but that’s not the word Jesus used here; He used “kunaria” (Strong’s 2952), which indeed has the connotation of a lap dog or puppy.
Many try to argue that Jesus called the Canaanite woman a “dog” because Canaanites were non-Adamic people, but that’s false. Some of Jacob-Israel’s sons married Canaanite women, which is proof they must have been pure, Adamics. And we know that the original Syrians and Phoenicians from the Genesis 10 nations were pure Adamics also.
What’s at issue here in Matthew 15 is simply that the apostles were supposed to bring the gospel of Christ to the Israelites first, and this Canaanite woman was a non-Israelite “gentile”. Christ was impressed by this non-Israelite woman’s faith despite being a gentile, so He healed her daughter.
Here, here! Well said. That is a great summary.
HughKen, you are misleading in your reply and falsely teaching.
a) With the word “dog” the Lord used the figure of speech Hypocatastasis (which is an implied resemblance or representation) implying that she was only a Gentile, and thus had no claim even on that ground. Gentiles were known as “dogs” by the Hebrews, and despised as such (Matt 7:6, 1 Sam 17:43, 2 Sam 3:8 and 9:8, 2Kings 8:13. They considered the Gentiles as a race beneath them.
The woman’s reply: Matt 15:27 “And she said, Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table.” The woman confirmed she understood the Gentiles were only blessed through the Hebrews—in every way, shape, and form. There is no civilization without the Hebrew/Caucasian race. Gee, I still can’t drink the water in Mexico, Africa, India, et al. But all men are created equal. We’re force-fed this fiction and it’s propagated by self-appointed blind guides.
b) The Hebrews would not even eat with the Gentiles and sit at the same dinner table with them, until the infiltrator Paul came around. But that’s an entirely separate discussion.
c) Jacob’s sons intermarrying with the inbred Adamic Canaanites WAS TRANSGRESSING GOD’S LAW and has caused nothing but misery for Hebrews to this day. Abraham was told leave his “Adamic” family. The covenant was with Abraham’s posterity through Jacob only. The Hebrews/Israelite tribes were NOT to intermarry with those other Adamic races.
Deut 7:1 When the LORD thy God shall bring thee into the land whither thou goest to possess it, and hath cast out many nations before thee, the Hittites, and the Girgashites, and the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and mightier than thou;
Deut 7:2 And when the LORD thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them: Deut 7:3 Neither shalt thou make marriages with them; thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son. Deut 7:4 For they will turn away thy son from following me, that they may serve other gods: so will the anger of the LORD be kindled against you, and destroy thee suddenly.
And England is the most infiltrated and inbred of them all! Don’t even push the Britain/Covenant baloney with me. You want to see a good documentary on England and its people? Go to YouTube and watch: MADtv – The Ugly World of BBC News. They nailed it! You don’t breed with the Canaanites!
“Gentile” means nation and could refer to anyone, including the “Hebrews.”
Isaiah 56:10-11 His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber. 11 Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand: they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter.
Were His watchmen so-called “Gentiles” and therefore “dogs”?
Philippians 3:2 Beware of dogs, beware of evil workers, beware of the concision.
Revelation 22:15 For without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.
Hebrews can become all of these listed negatives, including dogs.
Was the alleged “Canaanite woman” Christ spoke to a Canaanitess or “of Canaan” the landmass?
Matthew 15:21-28 … a woman of Canaan came out of the same coasts, and cried unto him … And his disciples came and besought him, saying, Send her away; for she crieth after us. But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Then came she and worshipped him, saying, Lord, help me.
Mark 7:25-26 For a certain woman … heard of him, and came and fell at his feet: The woman was a Greek [G1674], a Syrophenician by nation ….
G1674. Hellenis hel-lay-nis’ feminine of 1672; a Grecian woman:–Greek.
She was a Greek Israelite dog. Jesus’ disciples besought Him to send her away, but He told them that He came for the children of Israel, and that’s why he conversed with her. Otherwise, the Lord contradicted Himself.
Being a “dog” is not something racial.
Steven, “G1674. Hellenis hel-lay-nis’ feminine of 1672; a Grecian woman:–Greek.”
“Hellenis” is most often translated or mistranslated as “gentile”, but so is “ethnos”, but “Hellenis” and “ethnos” do not mean the same thing.
“Gentile” has created more confusion about Christian doctrine than any single word in the entire Bible. Jerome had no reason to use “gentile” in the Vulgate. Makes me wonder if he did it on purpose to sow confusion.
What did “jesus” say to the pharisees about the “adulterous” woman?
Is it not interesting the earliest meaning of the word re?
from PIE *reh-i- “wealth, goods” (source also of Sanskrit rayi- “property, goods,”
What is this “universe” but a collection of different forms of stardust some more “refined (i.e. birds,ducks,human form) than others”? or goods
An aspect of “lucifer” . Since when did a manking Tyrus on the “holy mountain of god”?
Eze 28:14 Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.
Eze 28:15 Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee.
Eze 28:16 By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned: therefore I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy thee, O covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire.
This is a total theological mess. There’s a reason you didn’t touch on Mt 5:44.
It’s simple. You’re to love your enemy. And the means of doing this is calling them to repentance & condemning them when they don’t. This article could have been 2 sentences.
Sage, are you seriously arguing that Matthew 5:44 is addressed unconditionally to everyone? No, it is not. It is part of the ministry to bring the gospel to the Israelites. Loving thy neighbor and thy “enemy” is an Old Testament aphorism that applies only among Israelites, and no Israelite would ever consider a non-Israelite a neighbor, nor would they “love” the enemies of the Israelites.
Matthew 15:24, “I come not but to the lost sheep of the House of Israel.”
LOL! Only Jesus peoples hear and understand. You are most likely not one.
Mede Bede
Sage, when you cherry pick Bible verses, you can make Christian doctrine into anything you want. “Love thy enemies, Christians, or you will burn in hell.” “Be a doormat, Christians, or burn in hell.” I found a verse that proves it! Now, Christians, bend over and just take it. No wonder so many people turn away from the true faith when such demands are made that go against every fiber of Aryan-Israelite traditions.
That’s exactly right. We are a warrior people. Warring is in our blood. God gave Moses these laws so that we didn’t fight amongst ourselves constantly!
How do lovey-dovey Christian people seriously cope with the history of the Israelites? It is just endless killing. All the way thru the books of the Genesis, Kings, Samuel, etc, it’s total war. Samson killed HOW MANY?
And how do those same Christians cope with John’s Revelation? Where is the “love” for thine enemys on doomsday?
Thank you for explaining that, CFT.
Now to explain it to our young children.
Thanks for a deep an thoughtful overview on the matter. If we are to follow Christ and Stephen then how is it they do not demand the eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth, old testament Law.
Luke 23: 34 Then Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”
Forgiving the murderers is slightly at odds with the contention.
Saying that I concur with most of your observations, However I see this anomaly that I just cannot reconcile with the proposed doctrine. Do you have any thoughts regarding this antithesis?.
If the Law to put the sinner to death still applies why do Churches not practice such? Like the old state church of Rome and the National Protestantism of old. Perhaps it is because the external Kingdom and theocracy made nothing perfect. Jesus preached a Kingdom that is within not based upon civil codes. Rather upon the mercy of God.
birnie, “If the Law to put the sinner to death still applies why do Churches not practice such?”
Why do “churches” believe 95% of the false doctrines that they preach? They are subverted, plain and simple. Why do they teach that the Law was completely done away with with the advent of Christ, despite the fact that He made it abundantly clear that He came not to abolish the Law but to fulfill it (Matthew 5:17). We can dispute at what point He fulfilled the Law, or even if the Law won’t be completely fulfilled until His second coming, but we should be able to agree that He affirmed the Law, but did away with the empty rituals of the Law, which is what the Jews cling to, and what makes them spiritually dead because of it, along with the fact that they aren’t even Israelites.
Miche, I understand your point of view. Lets look closer!
Jesus defends the woman caught in adultery. Yet the Law required the death penalty. This is proof that Jesus was in the process of changing attitudes to sin and instituting a new Law and new covenant . Yods and tittles were passing from the Law by His own action and deeds.
The Law said some foods were unclean. Mark 7:19. Thus Jesus declares all foods clean.
Jesus has an demeanour directly opposite to the leaders who have no mercy for sinners. Jesus was starting the New covenant not ignoring the ideals of the Law but focusing instead upon mans inability to keep them.
Moses gave the Law. Grace and Truth came by Jesus Christ. John 1:17
16 From His fullness we have all received grace upon grace. 17 For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. From His fullness was the fulfilment of the Law. Thus a New Covenant not like the old one was given to the sons of Adam.
Are you saying the death penalty must still be applied? Notice the death penalty was not for non Israelite’s but brethren and tribesmen. The Law was for one nation only. Death penalty was never practiced by the primitive Christian communities.
Very good article and much needed..ty.
K8dsOther important ones…condem not changed to judge not.
To destroy good judgement.
Shall not murder to
Shall not kill.
By deception shall we wage war.
Gen ch 5 explains the Bible is all about the Adamic race only!! Jesis IS FATHER GOD…the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Matthew 5:17 ” Jesus the Father God did NOT come to change switch-a- Roney word-play about ANT laws or warnings>>>> Leviticus 21:18 kjv ” Do NOT approach he who has the FLAT NOSES, and do NOT offer to them the bread of your God because they are a BLEMISH before your God ” How many tens of millions break this law/warning/advice and get killed, maimed, robbed, beat, broken trust, etc..ect
If you can’t figure out the Bible is a WHITE CHRISTIAN MANS INSTRUCTIONS, WARNINGS, AND ADVISE WHILE ON PRISON EARTH…You will NEVER understand the Bible in the first place. I was told my entire life the Bible was a antiJesus, jew Bible all in itself and I was completely un-interested as Jesus leaving me and mine out and I was subject to sin like the evil jews and their duped followers and lovers of the Judeo-Christian’s unity cult wanted me. Once I became ” born again” and came out of Baylon and understood the opposite, I became BLESSED, and as wise and understanding to the Bible and most ALL Jesus parables. Its like having the key literally to Salvation and the truth.
Daniel, I see where you are going. Lets ask one question and get a straight answer. The Law says you may not add or remove from the Law. Do you worship on the Sunday or the old Sabbath? That is the question.
You cannot follow that Law it is for ancient Israelite’s, not you. If you say you are an ancient Israelite then why are you not killing people for adultery and Sabbath Breakers. You just persist that this Law was not done away. Yet Jesus has fulfilled the Law and it ceased to be applicable to the Church. The Law is not your salvation its a curse. Have you ever looked at a woman with lust. You should be dead. Death Penalty for morality did not work for the Israelite’s of old nor will it work for you. Romans 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free from the law of sin and death. Are you free? From that Law that brings no life but for the Monogeneis Son of God alone. He fullfilled the Law unto righteousness. Not your own but from God through His Son. Grace and Peace.
And Paul made abundantly clear that we are not under Old Testament Law. This is just embarrassing theology. Rom 6:14
What’s “embarrassing” is how you take verses out of context and think you’ve found some kind of sound judeo doctrine. You haven’t. Paul’s explanation of the Law in Romans is far more nuanced than you make it out to be. Read:
The Spirit Of The Law — Romans 7 & 8 (Part 1)
How Good Intentions Pave The Way To Hell — (Part 2)
Were The Romans Israelites? The Law Written On Their Hearts (Part 3)
Were The Romans Israelites? — Our Faith In Christ Or Abraham’s Faith In Us? (Part 4)
Paul tells you he lied!
Have you read JWO (Jesus Word’s Only)?
I have. It has helped me immensely, its introduction even helped me understand who Paul is and why his writings have been deemed “inspired” by Christians.
There are 2 Christs mentioned in the bible. Paul is counterfeiting.
Jesus was asking forgiveness for those that didnt know what they were doing, i.e. the sheep in the crowd that had been incited. He did NOT ask forgiveness for (((those))) that knew exactly what they were doing…
17 “And now, brothers, I know that you acted in ignorance, as did also your rulers. 18 But what God foretold by the mouth of all the prophets, that his Christ would suffer, he thus fulfilled.
Luke, I cannot agree in an ignorance of the people only and not the leaders. Acts 3 above says both the people and leaders acted in ignorance.
Salvation by way of repentance was offered to them. They did however loose their beloved city and nation for killing the prophets.
Acts 3:11 ff says they were to repent. No where are they an undesirable race group or ethnic abnormality. Jesus forgave the people and the leaders – No death penalty by a theocratic state nor an unforgiving church.
Moses says those who do not listen to the Christ will be utterly cut off. Cut off from the house of Israel.
Jesus said more than Moses and had other newer commandments and a New Covenant – Not like the old. The only unpardonable sin is to reject the work of the Holy Spirit.
The globalist left’s entire idea of government is based on networking, most of it from various jewish networks which work to “inspire” and to coordinate the others. They are constantly importing new troops [“immigrants”] to strengthen and consolidate their positioning – so that they can claim that their activities are “legal”. Many people have come to accept these types of subversions as being “normal”, it is happening daily and so often [with MSM full support], but actions to subvert your country and mine, and it’s main group of good and ordinary people, is NEVER legal. They need to go back where they came from, because most of these “globalists” are American in Name Only [ANO]. Turning America into an Internationalist power base for their treasons toward the entire world, and especially their trashing of America, will not be forgiven.
“Bend the Arc Jewish Action is a left-of-center advocacy group and electoral organization that focuses on racial discrimination and championing progressive policies at all levels of government. The organization believes that American Jews are under immediate threat from white supremacists who have been “inspired and emboldened” by the Republican Party. Behind the Arc Jewish Action is chaired and funded by Alexander Soros, son of billionaire financier and progressive mega-donor George Soros.”
There has been a name change for the main site:
“… tens of thousands of progressive Jews across America who are working together to achieve “our vision: to transform OUR country”
“Bend the Arc is a movement of tens of thousands of progressive Jews across America who are working together to achieve “our vision: to transform our country” – to be inclusive, equitable, and supportive of the dignity of every person across race, class, gender and faith.”
“Bend the Arc is proud to be a founding member of the Jewish Social Justice Roundtable, a network of 52 Jewish organizations working to elevate social justice to the center of Jewish life and to advance an explicitly Jewish framework in the pursuit of social justice.”
“Bend the Arc’s Selah Leadership Program, in partnership with the Rockwood Leadership Institute, is designed for Jewish social justice leaders working in Jewish and secular organizations.
In 2015, after thirteen cohorts with a majority of white Jews, Selah launched its first cohort specifically for Jewish Leaders of Color. We made this decision because while the American Jewish community is multiracial — current estimates are that between 10-20% of the American Jewish community identify as Jews of Color — there continues to be only a few prominent Jewish Leaders of Color in Jewish mainstream organizations.
“US Pays Capitalists $2 Billion to Hire Aliens”
[“… tens of thousands of progressive Jews across America who are working together to achieve “our vision: to transform OUR country”]
That’s the subversion…this country was opened up by God for Believers in Christ…the persecuted Believers in Christ from European Jewish overlords and all of their tentacles of control. The ‘tares’ that slithered in subverting/masking as identity theft TARES…just as their fruit is continuing in this abomination. This nation has been destroyed from their subversion. This is why we need full leadership of Truth & Spirit in that it is Jesus as the Word of Truth working in us by our Teacher The Holy Spirit. Without the Holy Spirit changing us…ie…dying daily unto lawless sins…and being filled with the Light of Truth able to be obedient to it, we absolutely can not fight this battle. Light cast out darkness…which gives us Psalm 91 and His Promise. He also reminds us of a remnant…
Thank you for your links Flanders as it keeps the understanding of His Words…”…be faithful until the end.
2Thessalonians 2:1-12
2 Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, regarding the [a]coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our gathering together to Him, 2 that you not be quickly shaken from your [b]composure or be disturbed either by a spirit, or a [c]message, or a letter as if from us, to the effect that the day of the Lord has come. 3 No one is to deceive you in any way! For it will not come unless the [d]apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, 4 who opposes and exalts himself above [e]every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God. 5 Do you not remember that while I was still with you, I was telling you these things? 6 And you know what restrains him now, so that he will be revealed in his time. 7 For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only [f]He who now restrains will do so until [g]He is [h]removed. 8 Then that lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord will eliminate with the breath of His mouth and bring to an end by the appearance of His [i]coming; 9 THAT IS, THE ONE WHOSE [j] COMING IS IN ACCORD WITH THE ACTIVITY OF SATAN (emph mine), with all power and false [k]signs and wonders, 10 and with [l]all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not accept the love of the truth so as to be saved. 11 For this reason God [m]will send upon them [n]a deluding influence so that they will believe [o]what is false, 12 in order that they all may be [p]judged who did not believe the truth, but [q]took pleasure in wickedness.
Mr Reynard
& Remember, if the gay, homeless, black, immigrant , refugee, Jewish, addicted , disabled neigbour hit you on the right cheek , show him the left to let him strike it ??
Storm Brooks
Excellent. A greatly needed article to combat the apostasy of our age.
Africa? No, Italy. Milan center, station area, invaded by thousands of illegal immigrants. The Democratic Party, Pope Francis, Mario Draghi and the JEU have transformed historic Italian cities into open-air landfills. A total degradation.
Africa? No, Italy. Naples center, station area, invaded by thousands of illegal immigrants. The Vasto district should be the visiting card of Naples, because as soon as tourists arrive at the central station they find themselves wandering around the center. A total degradation.
Italian retirees forced to rummage through the garbage and the leftovers of the markets because they do not make it to the end of the month. At the same time, the unelected banker sends money and weapons to Zelensky. Mario Draghi destroyed Italy, he must be stopped.
The daily silent war for bread in the economic capital of Italy, Milan. Mario Draghi and EU destroyed Italy.
Burned out NATO flag in Thessaloniki, Greece, during an anti-war demonstration.
viva voca
Africans are not, nor will they every be, Europe’s “neighbors”. Helping them in any way destroys us. Say no to Africa.
Doug Provenzano
Gil Robles
Exactly. Why would we as Israel extend our love to the wicked? These beasts do not have love for us. This why I cringe when I see white people going off to the godless lands to preach to these animals and or to give them things, it just enrages me and annoys me. Universalism and Jew led “secular humanism” are to blame. Help your own first and foremost.
I agree. It really gets on my nerves all this one world, one people rubbish. Why should I care two hoots about some cannibal jungle dweller aparently needing Jesus?! How does my life get enriched by inviting them in to God’s love? Makes me wana spit. But what makes me really wana spit are the Christians helping them to come to White lands! Multi culturealism is a bad, bad idea! Grrrrrr!
Roger Shrubber
The original Israelites would have never applied “Love thy neighbor as oneself” to non-Israelite people. Period. End of story.
It is not a universalist idea. And it shows how Christians who are ignorant of who the real Israelites are today completely misunderstand and abuse this simple maxim and subvert their own faith. Amazing.
America/Europe is Israel
Fantastic article!! A lot of apostasy evident in today’s Zionist churches can be laid at the feet of clowns in the pulpits who call themselves shepherds to the Christian flock. They are greedy, Mammon loving criminals in my opinion. They care for nothing but themselves or how much money they can extort from their gullible flock. They allow themselves to be a slave or prisoner to the shameless IRS tax code, 301(c)(3), which exempts them from paying taxes on the money they beg from their church members with guilt inducing sermons about how God will not bless you for not tithing who are taxed to the nth degree for their hard earned wages.
Also telling them those tithes are distributed to the many missionaries overseas; especially Africa. Savages who would kill them and boil them for the next meal. From my understanding, many missionaries have died at the hands of these beasts. Or after the missionaries leave, those same savages revert back to their savagery.
I guess my point is; what I have written here coincides with the misplaced love that the article speaks of. I know this to true because I attended the Zionist churches for many a year, until I actually stumbled on the truth of Christian Identity.
The error of unconditional love preached in the modern churches today is just the tip of the iceberg of doctrinal error being taught in the churches today.