We have received many requests from readers for information on how they can fight vaccine mandates in their particular area without breaking the law. Each country is different — and each state that you live in has different rules — so there isn’t a “one size fits all” answer to this question.
Lifesitenews has recently published two helpful articles addressing this issue for both American and Canadian residents. Just click on the titles below:
How Americans Can Resist Coronavirus Shot Mandates – A Comprehensive Guide
How Resist COVID Jab Mandates In Canada – A Comprehensive Guide
We are not endorsing this material, but rather just providing links to it so that you can make better decisions once you know your rights. If you have any questions concerning this material, please direct your questions to LifeSiteNews.
It is in a 1981 , I’m not sure anymore of the year, , issue of the Jewish Forward, and article telling of penis foreskins being used to manufacture Interferon, I believe that was touted as a cure or used to treat cancer. If one searches around the Internet, you will find articles and videos of penis foreskins being used to manufacture skin creams for women and treatments range in the hundreds of dollars. And women don’t seem to care if it makes them look younger, more attractive . And who would they care to appeal to except to their own vanity or men.
This should be proof enough as to why one should not get vaccines into our bloodstream to pollute us physically, mentally , spiritually. The pharmaceutical companies experiment with every conceivable form of creation to manufacture their drugs and even try to find other uses or diseases to use drugs for that do not work on the disease produced for.
I once got a tetanus shot, and my arm hurt for three months, was a pinkish red and ached constantly. Once, I got the shot and saw what it did to me, all I could do was to wait for it to go away, give me tetanus, or die from it. The same as some do from these corona virus shots. Even though this Corona Virus is created as a weapon of war , no one cares to expose it as such, blame government covert operations , but would rather ignore it as a weapon of war and just make it a serious disease that inflicts the whole world, requiring everyone to pollute their blood system with the filth of any kind of matter, the drug companies manufacture it with,
I still see no indication that Biden’s Executive Order requiring companies with 100 or more employees be vaxxed. I think it is pure jawboning with the media cooperating.
Another thing. It will be argued that the Supreme Court ruled in Jacobson v. Massachusetts (1905) that the federal government can mandate an individual be vaccinated. This is false. That decision affirmed that a STATE law ALLOWING a municipality to mandate its citizen be vaccinated if it was determined to be necessary fir public health. That is completely different in scope from what Biden is supposedly calling for.
Shlomo Bergsteinowitz
“The vaccine is safe and effective but we have to vaccinate everyone or else the people who got vaccinated will die because the people who didn’t get vaccinated will give them the virus they got vaccinated against.”
Bed Hopper Harris is getting tough on the unvaxxed, saying they need to be vaxxed to protect those who are vaxxed?
What a dummy, no logic or intellect whatsoever, only sexual skills that got her to where she’s at, ready to take over for Pedo Joe, & she’ll go full bitch on day one, mandatory masks & vaxxes or off to the FEMA camp for you Goyim.
P.S I can no longer add my Blogger blog, which I wrote from 2007 to January 2021. It was banned. Telling truths bout 9/11, Israel & the phony holoHOAX will get you in trouble.
You need to buy your own domain and get hosting for it. Putting content on a free site is like building a house on someone else’s land. You can buy a domain and have it for less than $10 a year, and get shared hosting for your blog for less than $10 a month.
Arch Stanton
“We have received many requests from readers for information on how they can fight vaccine mandates in their particular area without breaking the law. Each country is different — and each state that you live in has different rules — so there isn’t a “one size fits all” answer to this question.”
As long as we continue living by the Jews’ law, we will be consumed and die by the Jews’ law. Jews are masters at outmaneuvering gullible ignorant goyim on legal matters. That is why Jews’ have made their laws sacrosanct; laws that cannot be refuted or questioned except by Jews in Jewish courts.
And what does one find in the Jews’ courts?
Truth is No Defense
Amazingly, “truth is no defense” in this bizarre proceeding. Neither the truthfulness (factuality) of a “complained of” writing, nor the motive of the writer, may be considered in determining if it is “likely” to expose persons to “hatred or contempt.” As Chairman Pensa bluntly put it:
“It is the finding of this Tribunal that truth is not an issue before us. Parliament has spoken. The use of telephone messages for purposes prohibited by section 13 of the Act cannot be justified by asserting that such messages are truthful. The sole issue is whether such communications are likely to expose a person or persons to hatred or contempt.”
Observes CAFE director Fromm: “This mad hatter’s tea party has decided that ‘truth is no defense,’ that truth doesn’t matter. It’s only the feelings of the aggrieved minority that determines whether a statement is ‘likely’ to
expose them to hatred or contempt’.”
So we find in fact, the only real “law” is contained in those laws Jews say are just; those laws favoring Jews and their agenda. Now put this into perspective of the Covid “crisis” Whose crisis is this really? Cui Bono? And yet we are to believe one can expect to find justice in the Jews’ courts when confronting this issue?
All one succeeds in doing when filing law suites or attempting to stay within the Jews’ legal circus, is tie up the legal system while Jewish wordsmiths revise and revamp the laws until their legal dictates can until no longer be avoided.
After all, look at the present state of America. This is where Jew law has led the country.
These lawsuits have been working, many mandates have been challenged, and they have been forced to reverse their mandates….in fact, Jews themselves are involved in lawsuits that have challenged the mandates, especially the Orthodox….even the UK has been forced to back off some of their most draconian measures. If enough people say no, they can’t do anything.
Kernel Sanders
The Feds have no legal authority to enforce vaccine mandates. Only the states do, from that famous Supreme court case Jacobson v Massachusetts. Many of these mandate lawsuits will go back to the Supreme court, and hopefully they will overturn that bad Jacobson decision.
So, Arch, how do you propose people get around the legal system, even if it is corrupt? That’s the fastest way to go to jail without passing go.
One must become non-legal.
The King James Bible 1611 Authorized Version, in every courtroom in the fictional United States of America, is recognized by the legal society as having authority over all man’s laws. If the words of the English translation of those holy scriptures are defined in the language they are written, the escape will be revealed. That language is Latin.
From Black’s legal Dictionary 4th Edition; Latin-… (3) Words of art, known only to the sages of the law, and not to grammarians, called “Lawyer’s Latin”.
From Jonathan Swift, “Thoughts on Various Subjects”- “Laws penned with the utmost care and exactness, and in the vulgar language, are often perverted to wrong meanings; then why should we wonder that the Bible is so?”
That vulgar language is English spoken outside of the courtroom, apart from the legal society, known as Dog-Latin.
From Black’s 4th; Dog-Latin- The language of illiterate persons; Latin words put together on the English grammatical system.
Starting from the end… If a man notifies The Registrar General of his state of his rendering to that state the heathen, state-issued, legal surname, and the withdrawl of his Christian, God-given, first name from all public identity documents, and returns all those documents to their respective offices, he will be declared legally dead in three days.
To read more please see articles beginning with “Liberals blow a gasket…”, and “How God punishes his apostate white Israelite…”.
So, how does one actually go about redacting the given name from legal documents? And has anyone actually done this legally and not regretted doing so?
The birth certificate is the matrix, the womb, for all legal identification documents. The birth certificate is issued by the state’s (Caesar) Office of Registrar General. Return to Caesar what is Caesar’s (the birth certificate) with the notice of withdrawing the Christian name, which belongs to GOD, and abandoning the surname, which belongs to Caesar. Then return to their respective offices the driver’s license, social security, bank accounts, health card… any identification document with that strawman name.
Please see christianremedyinlaw on Youtube. There is a shared notice on a blog elsewhere, and more knowledge elsewhere. If interested, please reply again.
Search — Eric WhoRU aka Eric Williams. Find his radio archives.
If you live in the United States …………… his advice is the easiest to follow and makes the most sense.
Doing this search, I noticed someone has transferred a few of his presentations on to YouTube. If you can listen to a few of his presentations, it will become very clear to you what to do and how to do it. It is really very simple.
Good luck
About Eric Williams- this has nothing to do with man as sovereign. This is about: 1 Peter 1:15-19 (KJV)
But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; because it is written, Be ye holy,for I am holy. And if you call on the Father, who without respect of persons judgeth according to every man’s work, pass the time of your sojourning here in fear. Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold, from your vain conversation received by tradition from your fathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and spot.
I AM wrote — “…this has nothing to do with man as sovereign….”
Sort of a vague response. Would you care to elaborate?
The story of Eric Williams; The event of Eric William’s birth was not recorded, so Eric William’s had no birth certificate. Eric Williams went before a legal judge for help entering into the satanic, secular world. The judge could not help because the only entity known to the legal system is the body corporate. Eric Williams is a living man. Corpus- 1. “A human or animal body, especially a dead one”. (Collins English Dictionary). Corporation- “An artificial person or legal entity created by or under the authority of the laws of a state or nation”… (Black’s Legal Dictionary 2nd edition). Now Eric Williams calls himself a sovereign person. Sovereign- “A person, body, or state in which independent and supreme authority is vested”…((Black’s 3rd). “Supreme in power; superior to all others; highest in power; chief- independent of, and unlimited by, any other; possessing, or entitled to, original authority or jurisdiction; as, a sovereign prince.” (Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language 1886). Christians For Truth is a site for Christians. Christian- “One who believes or assents to the doctrines of Christianity as taught by Jesus Christ in the New Testament…” (KJV) Psalms 83:18 “That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth”. Christians recognize only GOD- 1.”The supreme being; JEHOVAH; the eternal and infinite spirit, The Creator, and the Sovereign of the universe”…(Webster’s 1828). The Christian does not recognize GOD- 3.”A prince, a ruler, a magistrate or judge”;… (Webster’s 1828). Man is not GOD. (KJV) Genesis 3:4 “And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil”.
(KJV) Romans 13:1,2 “Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. Whosoever resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God: and they that resist shall receive to themselves damnation”. (It does not say be a subject of the higher powers, the gods). Claiming sovereignty over the ordained higher powers by filing legal documents in court- the solution of sovereign powers- is resisting the ordained higher powers. The solution for the Christian is withdrawal of the Christian name, and abandonment of the secular surname.
I am pleased that you are familiar with Eric Williams and his story. One correction …
You wrote — “…Eric Williams went before a legal judge for help entering into the satanic, secular world….”
This is a bit distorted. The “authorities” dragged Eric into court. Eric wanted nothing to do with their Law or System. Eric never once volunteered himself before the court. He was always only forced. When they say you are under arrest and begin to place handcuffs on you — there is not much a man can do at that point.
Eric spent months in jail for his cause.
Look ……….. I’m not defending Eric Williams. Towards the latter end of his RBN tenure, Eric ran cover for the Jews. So ………. he is no friend of mine.
But Kraggy actually asked for your help — which you did not provide. Kraggy wants out of the system. The easiest way to exit the system is to simply follow Eric’s advice. Simple.
Kraggy would need to listen to Williams a few times to understand how easy it is. I hope he comes back to this thread.
In regards to your recent reply ……………. I agree with everything you said.
America/Europe is Israel
Unable to open the American link. I receive a message stating there is a typo error.
Okay, fixed. Thanks for the heads up on the error.
America/Europe is Israel
Thanks. Lot of good information. Hope the rest of your readers take advantage of it.