Recent remarks by Péter Niedermüller, a Budapest opposition district mayor, are “racist, inflammatory and indefensible”, ruling Fidesz MEP Tamás Deutsch said on Wednesday:
Niedermüller said on TV recently: “If we look at what’s left after you peel away the objects of the haters such as non-Hungarians, the others, migrants, the Roma … a scary formation is left in the middle: white, Christian, heterosexual men — there also women among them. That’s their vision of a family.”
Deutsch called Niedermüller’s remarks “the most serious scandal of recent times”, insisting that Niedermüller, who is the deputy leader of the Democratic Coalition (DK), “has launched an attack against the vast majority of Hungarians and Europeans”.
Deutsch said Niedermüller’s remarks were “offensive” and “stigmatising”, saying that labelling anyone on the basis of the colour of their skin, their religion or sexual orientation in Hungary and the rest of Europe in the 21st century was “unacceptable”.
He said Fidesz expected an explanation from the leaders of DK and party MEP Klára Dobrev, who is vice-president of the European Parliament, and sought to know whether they agreed with Niedermüller’s remarks.
Deutsch said his party would “defend the people attacked by Niedermüller” at a EP plenary session later in the day. “This is our moral duty.”
Meanwhile, István Hollik, the communications director of Fidesz, called on Niedermüller “to quit public life”. Hollik told journalists in Budapest that Niedermüller’s remarks could be interpreted as nothing other than “pure racism” and “hatred for family and Christians”.
Answering a question, Hollik said he will participate in a demonstration organised for Thursday to protest against the DK politician over his remarks.
Clearly, Niedermüller is not a Hungarian name, and people with German names in Hungary often turn out to be Jewish, which would explain his hatred for White Christian families.
This is a brilliant political strategy, using the ‘race card’ of the Left against them. And from that perspective, this self-hating liberal’s comments are exposed for exactly what they are: hatred of White people.
Hungary, unlike the rest of the West, is essentially making attacks against the White majority illegal for ‘inciting hate’ against an identifiable ethnic and religious group, White Christians.
The rest of Europe, Canada, and the U.S.A. had better follow Hungary’s lead on this issue before standing up and fighting for your White Christian families becomes a ‘hate crime’, which it already has in so many countries, such as England and Germany.
The following satirical cartoon, “How Multiculturalism & Diversity Destroyed The Native American Indians” is another example of how this political strategy can stigmatize the Left for the true anti-White racists that they are:
the sick part is that the jew felt so safe saying those things
Irish Savant
This guy is as Hungarian as Soros.
Hear yah, hear yah……Péter Niedermüller (born 3 September 1952) is a Hungarian politician of jewish origin, who, from July 2014 to July 2019, served as a Member of the European Parliament, representing Hungary for the Democratic Coalition. In the 2019 Hungarian local elections, he was elected as the Mayor of Erzsébetváros as the joint candidate of the opposition (MSZP-P-DK-LMP-Momentum)(with external support of Jobbik)
I Dunno
Adolf Hitler’s religious beliefs have been a matter of debate. Historians regard Hitler as having anti-Christian views[1] and establish him as a secular theist.[2]
Not sure what Hitler’s views on Christianity have to do with this article, but, yes, the jewish historians at Wikipedia like to portray Hitler and National Socialism as “anti-Christian”, which is both false and highly simplistic. The last thing the Jews want people to know is that Hitler defended Christianity, and that many of the principles of National Socialism were consistent with true, non-denominational Christianity.
In 1937, D. Cajus Fabricius, a theologian and NSDAP party member, wrote the book “Positive Christianity in the Third Reich” in response to those who were under the misconception that Hitler was anti-Christian. Take the time to read it yourself, if, in fact, you are genuinely open-minded about hearing the whole truth about this issue:
maybe see also the ‘mein kampf project’ at Christogenea – a very good case is made there. And, as has been said, whether overtly Christian or not, many of the basic fundamental principles of National Socialism – like outlawing usury which is what got the jew upset and started WW2 to begin with – are Biblical / consistent with Biblical teaching.
Oh! and good on Hungary as usual! may God bless them.
I have a friendly aquaintance who escaped Hungary some 40 or so years ago by riding a Vespa across the countryside and crawling under ‘the wire’. He spent two years in Italy trying to get to the US. [THATS the kind of ‘immigrant/refugee’ we can use!] These days, one is tempted to try and break INTO Hungary as opposed to breaking out!
Amen brother!
Why does someone use jewish sources to describe the jews’ biggest enemy?
Christians For Truth
“I Dunno” has often expressed anti-Christian opinions here, and yet this website seems to be one of his favorites. We have him on a short leash.
I’m sure there is a special place for self-hating whites, and all we can do is pray for them. And while Hungary may be the only Western nation taking the steps to legally ensure protection of white Christianity, Poland has unequivocally declared itself a white Christian nation and is way ahead of the curve – like the Third Reich was.