The Budapest Government Office on Tuesday ordered a Hungarian publisher to place a disclaimer on books that “display patterns of behavior that differ from traditional gender roles” after the publisher released a collection of fairy tales featuring LGBT and non-white characters:
The office claimed that the Labrisz Lesbian Association, an advocacy group for lesbian, bisexual and transgender women, had committed “dishonest commercial practices” by failing to inform potential readers of the contents of its book, “Wonderland is for Everyone.”
“Consumers may thus unknowingly encounter content that goes beyond the usual content of fairy tales, and may decide to purchase the book on the basis of misleading information,” the office argued.
Labrisz called the decision “discriminatory” and unconstitutional, and said it would challenge it in court.
The book, which sparked controversy in September after a neo-fascist politician fed it into a paper shredder during a press conference, re-tells traditional fairy tales using what the publisher called characters from “stigmatized or minority groups.” In one story, a prince marries another prince, and in another, a doe is granted a wish to become a buck. Other stories feature Roma and disabled characters.
Speaking about the book in an October radio interview, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán equated homosexuality with pedophilia, saying that Hungarians are “patient and tolerant” of homosexuality, “but there is a red line: leave our children alone.”
In a statement on its website, Labrisz encouraged readers to report other well-known children’s tales to the consumer protection authority for depicting non-traditional gender roles.
“Were you shocked that you had to watch two men, Timon and Pumba, provide a safe family background for Simba without prior notice? Are you outraged that Sleeping Beauty grew up in a loving household created by three women? Maybe another tale blew your fuse? Then your time has come! Turn to consumer protection!” the group wrote.
Labrisz has filed a defamation lawsuit against the publisher of pro-government newspaper Magyar Nemzet, as well as the author of an article published there which accused the organization of pedophilia.
“We must judge the book ‘Wonderland is for Everyone’ as we judge pedophilia, and judge Labrisz … as we judge a pedophile organization, because that’s what this is about,” the article’s author, György Németh, wrote in Magyar Nemzet.
Of course, this isn’t about “freedom of speech” — this publisher is using fairy tales to groom innocent children and their parents into accepting sodomy as “normal” — and thereby make them more susceptible to predatory pedophiles.
Even though homosexuals comprise only 2% of the population, they account for almost 40% of all pedophiles — a fact that they vociferously deny — as if we’d ever expect pedophiles to ever admit the truth about themselves.
And it’s not as if the Hungarian government is completely censoring this book — which they could do if they really wanted to crack down on sodomy and pedophilia — rather they are treating the book like a pack of cigarettes with a warning label to inform consumers of potential hazards associated with this product.
But it’s impossible, of course, to convince a sodomite that they are not “normal” — after all, homosexuality is no longer treated as an emotional and developmental disorder — by decree, rather than by any scientific proof.
From the perspective of homosexuals, traditional hetero-normative families are pathological and oppressive — repression of their perversions is the ultimate evil — they have the right to groom children without the interference of “the state”.
Next thing you know, governments that want to protect children from sexual predators will be throwing Jews in “gas chambers” — or something like that.
“….Are you outraged that Sleeping Beauty grew up in a loving household created by three women?”
Leave it to Jewish lawyers and sodomites to amoralize a situation and try to confound people by completely taking things out of context to try to prove a point an evil point.. It’s like an atheist saying that God is a promoter of human sacrifice and then quote judges 11 out of context.
It’s like, yeah.. let’s take an archetype of charitable sisters and somehow turned them into evil lesbians in order to further our agenda of the removal of morality… Good job world.
And “evil” Hungary reaffirmed their ban on gay adoption, how “offensive”!
While an imperfect country, like us all, i really respect this:
“Hungary defends the right of children to identify with their birth gender and ensures their upbringing based on our nation’s constitutional identity and values based on our Christian culture,” it says.
Things like this reminds me of ancient Israel when a righteous king would take over for an unrighteous one, and would begin work tearing down the idols and removing the prostitutes etc. Not many kings got it all right, but God blessed them for their efforts none the less.
Sure, that can be a stretch even. The bigger problem is the gnosticism they promote, as well as conditioning children to be rebellious and hate authority.
“No right, no wrong, no rules for me.”
Riiiiigggghhht. Just follow your heart and all will be okay…
Oh, youre absolutely right. Throughout most fictional tales, including Disney owned stories, there exists some sort of heretical gnosis or imagry. Not always, but often. But, we as Christians should understand that to be the case. It should be obvious to a true believer. We should have our eyes opened and alert to such things, being on guard always.
We should also be able to take the good and discard the bad. These sodomites making these statements are trying to corrupt the even obviously good parts of these tales in an attempt to retroactively corrupt your memories of these stories and amoralize what should or shouldnt be acceptable.
Even the following your heart narrative. These stories (the classic sort of stuff) make it obvious that good people following their heart do good things (but are capable of making mistakes). Often times these good characters are making sacrifices for the greater good and doing it from their hearts (or rather, their good conscience). Bad people following their heart do bad things (but capable of changing), and sometimes a bad person could repent and follow their heart (a now good conscience) and do good. Its relatively fundamentally true. But, youre right, it gets twisted into “do whatever you like, whatever makes you feel good in the moment”. Obviously, taking the good from anything is only possible if youre in Christ, or at the very least, within the target off His grace.
But, the point is that these people are trying to destroy archetypal good things and good ideas for the sake of their own agenda.
Disney has billions of dollars and satanic will geared for one agenda. What are we do stand up to it, or even understand the subtleties of its evil? What hope do the children have?
If your eye causes you to sin, gauge it out…
Youre right.
I wasnt defending Disney as a company, but rather sort of recognizing the fact that Christian morality is, or was, deeply seating in our culture and moral fiber. That moral center used to be more prevalent than it is today. For instance. Cinderella was created as a subservient female archetype, the perfect woman per se. That used to be desired by our culture. But, today, its demonized. Prayer used to be allowed in schools, now its demonized. Today’s world demonizes those old moral tendencies as apart of its crusade to tear down Christ in all forms.
Take the Lion King for example. The source material for that story actually included the story of Joseph and included ideas very prevalent in Christianity such as “your father lives inside you, youre his living image”, but then these sodomites take it and say “well, Simba, the idea of a messianic figure, was actually raised by a bunch of gays, and he turned out ok” when in fact they arent gays. But rather close friends who conquered their fear for the greater good. Sounds more like a David and Jonathan as opposed to an Adam and Steve.
If i can point these things out, surely others can too? Watching these things doesnt cause me to sin. Watching them with the lens of Christ causes me to see Him in it.
Im also not advocating for a Christian to go out and watch these things as a teaching tool, nor a supplement for the Word. Im just saying that when you have Christ, you can discern. And to be honest, its very, very, very hard to see much of any good in most modern movies. The corruption to good value waaaaaayyyy down. And most of the world thinks that the things which are corruption are actually good (such as strong woman warriors taking down men with brute force, or blacks being the intelligent underdogs who are oppressed by the world etc), when they arent. But, that level of corruption doesnt exist in these particular titles under attack by these sodomites.
What they are doing is basically of the level of calling Asland (a fictional character which embodies the idea of Christ, written by a Christian apologist CS Lewis) a pedofile and kidnapper because of his care for the children he brings to Narnia.
Cinderella comes across as petulent, lamenting and complaining when she’s alone of her servitude. The plot is contrived in such a way that her bad attitude is encouraged by the audience, and then through witchcraft and sorcery of a magical mother figure, she is liberated by her faith in her dreams. As she sings,
“A dream is a wish your heart makes…
Have faith in your dreams and someday
Your rainbow will come smiling through…”
Jeremiah 17:9 says,
“The heart is more deceitful than all else
And is desperately sick;
Who can understand it?”
The Lion King is rife with negro religion, ancestral worship and “culture”. The “wisest” character being Rafiki the shaman, voiced by an overtly negro voice. I don’t see parallels to the story of Joseph at all.
These movies are propaganda aimed at young child’s minds and are evil through and through.
Cinderella laments over being subservient to evil masters, but yet she overcomes anyway. She doesnt lament being subservient to a loving husband, on the contrary, that is her wish. How is that evil?
Jeremiah 17:9 and anywhere it talks about the heart being decietful, its obviously talking about the hearts of men whom turn away from the Lord.
But, if you are with the Lord he renews your heart:
Ezekiel 36:26
26 Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.
and will write his Laws on your heart:
Jeremiah 31:33
33 “For this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days,” declares the Lord: “I will put My law within them and write it on their heart; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.
How then is the heart evil of one whom loves God?
We cant draw too many parallels because Cinderella is a fantasy. Its stripped down in order to show some sort of a morality message. So, we cant sit here say “well Cinderella isnt a Christian, so her heart must be corrupt!” Thats defeating the purpose. Cinderalla does have faith and exhibits what could be correlated in the bible as the fruits of the Spirit, which would translate to her having received a good heart from God.
Yes, of course there are flaws with the movies. Yes, we can all easily point them out. I dont defend that it has black voice actors and tribal music and the such. But, none the less, there are Christian values contained within the movie that IF WE CHOOSE, we can see them. (Also, the Lion King’s story, the writers drawing inspiration from the story of Joseph isnt just a matter of observation, its fact as they have stated as such.)
You ask what can we do against some billion dollar company with a bad agenda?
Luke 10:19
“9 Behold, I have given you authority to walk on snakes and scorpions, and authority over all the power of the enemy, and nothing will injure you.”
They have no power over us already.
We can choose to see Christ wherever there is good present (which id argue is a component of grace):
4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! 5 Let your gentle spirit be known to all people. The Lord is [d]near. 6 Do not [e]be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and pleading with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. 7 And the peace of God, which surpasses all [f]comprehension, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Phillipians 4:8-9
8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is [g]lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, think about these things. 9 As for the things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you.
There is power given to us (Christians) via our perception of things. We choose to see the good, or choose to see the bad. Or both. Christ has conquered all things already. Paraphrasing some Romans 14 here:
5 One person [e]values one day over another, another [f]values every day the same. Each person must be fully convinced in his own mind….13 Therefore let’s not judge one another anymore, but rather [i]determine this: not to put an obstacle or a stumbling block in a brother’s or sister’s way. 14 I know and am convinced [j]in the Lord Jesus that nothing is [k]unclean in itself; but to the one who thinks something is [l]unclean, to that person it is [m]unclean. 15 For if because of food your brother or sister is hurt, you are no longer walking in accordance with love. Do not destroy with your choice of food that person for whom Christ died. 16 Therefore do not let what is for you a good thing be [n]spoken of as evil; 17 for the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit….20 Do not tear down the work of God for the sake of food. All things indeed are clean, but they are evil for the person who eats [p]and causes offense.
If you look at Cinderella and say “this is unclean, i shall not eat”, then good dont eat. If you do eat, its sin to you. If I look at Cinderella and say “I see cleanliness, ill shall eat” and then i eat it is not sin to me. But, if i say to the one whom thinks its unclean “Its clean, you should eat it”, then ive caused them to eat contrary to their faith, ive caused them to stumble. Similarly, if you say “Cinderella is not clean, you shall not eat”, then you have disrupted a man’s faith, caused conflict in his mind, and if he either eats or does not eat, he now does neither out of faith and sins. You have caused him to stumble.
Of course, these things only pertain to brothers and sisters in Christ.
I just wanted to add that I completely respect your stance and conviction regarding this topic 🙂
I do 100% agree with you that, absolutely, especially today’s day and age, all media has set it’s sights on killing Christ whenever and wherever possible. It’s really disgusting these days. And they are enabled to push the envelope incredibly far because most people’s consciouses and their morality is so very corrupted, there is no push back.
Which is why this sort of story is really a bit special. Praise Christ!
John wrote, “Cinderella laments over being subservient to evil masters, but yet she overcomes anyway. She doesnt lament being subservient to a loving husband, on the contrary, that is her wish. How is that evil?”
She’s petulant above her lamentation, and what is she made to do? Work? Heaven forbid a child should be made to do household chores and carry their weight in the house. But the story is contrived to demonize household work, especially for one’s own family. She’s not even made to do anything which is actually evil, but she is made simply to serve.
“Were you called as a slave? Do not let it concern you.” (1 Corinthians 7:21) Seeing through the story ought to be basics for a Christians, that it is better to be a servant than to be served. Not to believe we deserve a better station in life.
John wrote, “So, we cant sit here say “well Cinderella isnt a Christian, so her heart must be corrupt!””
On the contrary, that’s exactly what we should be saying. There is one way to the Father and that is Christ. Then as a reward for her “faith”, by sorcery, she is saved by some mother witch. She is given all of her heart’s material desire. That’s the point: Her heart desires a better material life. Her heart is evil. If we cannot discern this, what hope do we have? She doesn’t have the fruits of the Spirit, because her heart clearly hates the position that she is in. Why? Because she doesn’t have Christ, and neither do Disney screenplay writers who’ve adapted the story. “Be unspotted from the world”, says James.
John wrote, “Jeremiah 17:9 and anywhere it talks about the heart being decietful, its obviously talking about the hearts of men whom turn away from the Lord.”
I guess then we should all just assume our hearts are good, because we have turned to the Lord? (Sarcasm) Even David asked to be cleansed of presumptuous sin (Psalm 19:13), and are we better than he was, upon whom the Spirit came mightily (1 Samuel 16:13)? People want to imagine they are a David, or a Paul, or a Moses, but they want to be innately so, which is vanity and haughtiness. Even those who turn to the Lord are cast out for their lawlessness (Matthew 7:23), and sin is lawlessness (1 John 3:4). Therefore, it is explicitly not just referring to those who “turn away from the Lord”. They turn from the Lord by taking pleasure in wickedness, even though they imagine their hearts to be with Him. Being given a new heart is a covenant promise for those who truly turn to Him, so then let us make sure of that calling by being unspotted by the world.
Is the law not written for sinners (1 Timothy 1:9) and to know sin (Romans 7:7)? Deuteronomy 18:10-11 says,
“10 There shall not be found among you anyone who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, one who uses divination, a soothsayer, one who interprets omens, or a sorcerer, 11 or one who casts a spell, or a medium, or a spiritist, or one who consults the dead.”
Yet this is found in the Lion King and in Cinderella! We should all be careful, that we don’t find ourselves trying to find good in that which the law explicitly condemns. This is even aside from Cinderella’s material motives. Why is it so hard to just abstain from all appearance of evil? (1 Thessalonians 5:22) If these mistakes can be made, then has the heart turned to the Lord indeed? Can this evil tree that is Disney produce good fruit? It should be frightening to claim to see good fruit through the “lense of Christ” on an evil tree.
John wrote, “You ask what can we do against some billion dollar company with a bad agenda? Luke 10:19…”
Having been stung, you have the opportunity to walk away being unharmed, but you have to remove your feet again from those stingers… “Come out of her, my people, so that you will not participate in her sins and receive any of her plagues” (Revelation 18:4). It doesn’t say, “Stay in and taste as much as you can, as long as you can.”
John wrote, “If you look at Cinderella and say “this is unclean, i shall not eat”, then good dont eat…”
I am no burden to anyone over food. As Paul says, “Now food will not bring us close to God; we are neither the worse if we do not eat, nor the better if we do eat.” (1 Corinthians 8:8) And “the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 14:17) To equivocate a teaching on food with a shiny rabbi in the living room donning a pink dress for the sake of the kids — and even adults — is sophistry. This comes across as an especially blind argument, as the Lord explicitly differentiates between eating food and the condition of the heart in Matthew 15, Mark 7 and Luke 11.
Even so, you’ve missed the lesson which Paul was giving in Romans 14 and 1 Corinthians 8. The lesson, and Paul’s conclusion, can be summarized with 1 Corinthians 8:13, “Therefore, if food causes my brother to sin, I will never eat meat again, so that I will not cause my brother to sin.” The point is that if a brother sees it as sin, then in their company, we also should see it as sin. To try to use it against a brother to tell them to stop telling us that food is sin, is just not at all what Paul is saying.
John wrote, “Also, the Lion King’s story, the writers drawing inspiration from the story of Joseph isnt just a matter of observation, its fact as they have stated as such.”
It seems awfully convenient to take what they say at face value. Okay, then let’s discuss this “fact”. Let’s lay it open to criticism.
The Lion King:
A son is confirmed to be king by a negro shaman. His father is murdered by an evil uncle, and the son is chased away. He meets up with two care-free buddies, who essentially become his parents. He meets up with a child-hood friend, who tells him of the dire circumstances in his homeland. Then he seeks the “wisdom” of some negro shaman, and ends up talking to his dead father. He returns to take the kingdom, and ends up having his evil uncle killed inadvertently.
A younger brother is shown by dreams God’s choice on his life. His brothers betray him as a result. He serves Potiphar faithfully, but is betrayed by his wife, and is thrown into prison. Through his faithful service in the prison, and interpretation of dreams given by God, he becomes second in command of Egypt. He is used to save the land from famine, and in doing so, he saves his own family from certain death. Through a brilliant test, he tests the hearts of his brothers, who give one of their own lives for the life of Benjamin, redeeming themselves for their betrayal of Joseph. The whole family is reconciled and Israel is cared for.
The only parallels between the stories are the material ones, where someone is sent away, and there was famine where the one was sent away from. None of the underlying morals and truths are carried over, like forgiveness, love, meekness, faithfulness, righteousness, redemption and discernment. If the story of Joseph was used as inspiration, it was only to plagiarize the story arc.
Not only that, but Joseph’s hard work and humility is bastardized with “hakuna matata”. His forgiveness and discernment is bastardized with a failure to recognize his uncle’s evil, and accidental revenge — to the applause of the audience. His knowledge of God’s choice in his life is bastardized with guilt and self-loathing. His ultimate spiritual victory is bastardized with material success. His reliance upon God is bastardized with a negro shaman and talking with the dead.
Probably the most important lesson for this discussion, is that the evil intent of the brothers is confused with the overt evil of the uncle lion. It confuses people into thinking that the only people who are evil, are those who actually want to be evil. The brothers did wrong from corrupt motives, but they acknowledged their guilt, and they atoned for it. One of the most damning mindsets one can have, is to assume that the quality of one’s own intention will suffice to guarantee the quality of the outcome. The Scriptures warn against this repeatedly…
Homosexuals account for under 40% of pedophiles? So over 60% of pedophiles are heterosexual?
I find that a rather astonishing statistic, since homosexual men have a burning–flaming–compulsion to recruit, because they cannot reproduce.
— “Were you shocked that you had to watch two men, Timon and Pumba, provide a safe family background for Simba without prior notice?” —
Disney is pure evil, and parents have been subjecting their children to that satanic indoctrination for many years already.
And quite right too. Why does there need to be an LGBT children’s book of stories to begin with, I wonder?
“Even though homosexuals comprise only 2% of the population, they account for almost 40% of all pedophiles ”
First, congratulations to this CFT author for knowing that homos comprise much less than their claimed 10% of the population, their commonly used figure that was only ever based on a single source, namely surveys done by the bisexual pervert “researcher” Kinsey, whose survey of sexual behavior was done among male PRISON INMATES.
Next, the writer correctly asserts that homosexuals are disproportionately child molesters. The first reason is societal, namely that being such a small minority, they have fewer prospective sex partners that heterosexuals, and so prey on those who cannot assert themselves. Second, while in most cases there is most certainly something different about the brain of male homosexuals, it is not a female brain. It’s a male brain with abnormalities, and as a male brain, there’s still some typical male attributes in there given by biology. In other words, what are some of the things that normal heterosexual males are wired to find appealing about women? Higher voice, smaller stature, less pronounced facial features, less body hair, smoother skin. Those are also things which distinguish prepubescent boys from adult males. Until such time some type of a cure exists if ever, it would be a huge mistake as a society to be aggressive in oppressing homosexuals, since that merely drives them to hide their orientation (such as flooding the Catholic clergy for cover), as well as getting married to women and having children, which if there is a heredity component to homosexuality or to vulnerability to homosexuality due to environmental effects, societal pressure for them to marry women only propagates the very thing one seeks to mitigate. Rather, our societies up until the 50s seemed to strike the right balance, where so long as they kept it to themselves, nobody harassed or persecuted that middle aged same-sex couple who had “inexplicably” been living together for years, but homosexual acts in public were illegal and prosecuted. Incidentally, this was the same approach taken by those supposedly wicked and oppressive Third Reich Germans. Despite today’s propaganda about the poor queers who had to wear pink triangles in concentration camps, and how it’s one the reasons our morally-superior nations were right to destroy the Germans, those homos were ones who were serving sentences for the crime of lewd acts in public, the very same as was being done in England and the U.S. at that same time. The Hitler administration was not kicking in the doors of people in the middle of the night to see what they were doing in their bedrooms.
Orban speaks like a conservative in congress ; many are themselves Sodomite. Agreed , the political view of anything is tolerance and equality . Once there were moral laws protecting all people from obscenity . Language today is a malicious weapon from the same invidious source be it in Europe or America . It is a calculated and insidious method to allow nondiscrimination of “expression,” the first freedom this invasive species exploited . Now it is used only to convey subversive or perverse ideology , that is proliferated and protected by law. Words can be far more dangerous than “assault weapons”. Indifference is symptomatic; the narcosis of liberalism . The only healthy , responsible reaction is biblical . Why should it discriminate ?