Right in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, Hungary has published its new National Security Strategy (NSS), which lists illegal migration, demographic change, armed attacks, and hybrid warfare as some of the biggest threats the country faces:
[Hungary] regularly updates its NSS every eight years, with additional interim updates if and when warranted.
The NSS lists migration as one of the major security threats that Hungary faces.
“The crisis caused by mass immigration has a decisive effect on Hungary’s security. The crisis has made it clear that unexpected, uncontrolled, mass and illegal migration is a new type of challenge that could even jeopardize the security and stability of the European continent, while maintaining national security, public safety and security,” according to the document.
The security threat of migration is also not going away anytime soon due to the root causes of migration only worsening. Hungary’s NSS document states:
The primary cause of mass, uncontrolled and illegal migration is the significant increase in the number of politically, economically and socially unstable states in many regions of several continents, which are poorly governed and perform their basic functions only to a limited extent and to a low standard. They are usually characterized by overpopulation, widespread poverty, and negative environmental changes at the same time. The wave of illegal migration can also become a tool for hybrid warfare.
…The NSS document points to demographic changes, including those happening outside of Hungary, as a potential threat. It also outlines how Hungary has remained a source of strength for Europe.
“The key to the survival of Hungarians and the framework of our national existence is a strong, nation-based Hungary. Our millennial statehood, our Hungarian language and culture, our history and traditions, and our Christian values are a valuable contribution to the diversity of Europe,” the report states.
Hungary also emphasizes the benefits of being a homogenous nation with a shared language in terms of its security:
‘Our primary endowment is the unity, language and culture of a nation-based Hungarian consciousness and a community of shared destiny from here and beyond our borders. Our status as an ally and a member state of the European Union significantly strengthens the security and international advocacy capacity of Hungary.
The document also outlines how a “common language” and the “unity of the nation” help improve Hungary’s resilience to hybrid attacks, which the document defines as “coordinated and widespread diplomatic, information and secret service operations, coupled with financial-economic pressure, speculative financial attacks or military threats”.
Third World immigration is literally an undeclared war against all White Christian nations by international Jewry.
And, yes, it is a literal ‘hybrid war’ whose aim is to create nations of racial hybrids that are incapable of ultimately opposing the world hegemonic agenda of Mystery Babylon — the international mercantile system with Rothschild as the Cap Stone.
But here again we see Hungary very cleverly turning the rhetoric of diversity against the enemy — by remaining White and Christian, Hungary adds diversity to a continent that is becoming less White, more mongrelized, and thus less ‘diverse’ by the minute.
Nationalism preserves diversity while internationalism-globalism destroys diversity because it destroys and mongrelizes all White nations while non-White nations don’t change racially at all.
With its closed borders Hungary provides a much needed bulwark against the flood of Third World migrants trying to make their way to the most affluent and Marxist nations in northwest Europe.
The future of White Europe depends on Hungary, a geographical lynch pin, to remain migrant-free and Christian.
The goyim are being homogenized. The “vax” is not a cure or innoculation at all. It is a DNA homogenization drug for the goyim to dumb them down and make them more easily manageable by the 1 percent and to kill them to lower population numbers. CV both lowers birth rates and increases death rates. This is what the Club of Rome told the PTB what needed to be done for NWO global control.
Entire families have died from this “vax”. Bell Palsy and Grand Mal seizures are usually the real cause of death, but they call it CV.
God bless em!!!
The dangerous double dipping in western countries……people oppose the open-border uncontrolled immigration agenda and direct their anger towards immigrants aka non-white people, while at the same time worshiping the anti-Christian Jewish Zionist supremacist who push the open border uncontrolled immigration, multicultural diversity agenda. Viktor Orban is not the only politician playing this morally corrupt game….. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-israel-hungary-orban-netanyahu-idUSKBN1K919F
Edward I
They are both a problem–non-Whites do not belong in White nations, nor do Jews. The “right wing” in Europe is largely pro-Israel, no surprise. All Jews in Europe should move to Israel, and all non-Whites should return to their native homelands. But both groups love living among all those “racist” and “antisemitic” Whites for some reason, better than living among their own back home.
I second that….the Marxist communist socialist in Europe and America pushed the agenda of decolonization and wreaked havoc on non-western countries which resulted in the mass displacement of non-white people to European countries, the only people who benefit are the racist supremacist, multicultural god chosen diversity Jews. Non-white people are exploited to expand the underclass in Europe and America that keeps Jews in the comfortable liberal victim and oppressor position.
This so-called “non-White” underclass has no sympathy for the Jewish elite or their victimhood, which has thrown a wrench into that plan, if that is truly the plan, which I don’t believe.
Jews primarily bring non-Whites into White nations for these reasons: destroy the economy, dysgenia or race mixing, divide and conquer.
Cheap labor is not dependent on immigrants from the Third World–all White nations had cheap labor before they began importing those people.
White Fang Talks
This is a asinie request to have all non-whites move out. There is non-whites who are even better than liberal whites who are betraying their own race and nation. You also have mixed race people like myself who have white ancestry, and fully support white countries staying majority white. Half my race is Germanic and i fully embrace half of my European pagan-Christian heritage. The problem is not race its different cultures, religions or ideology coming into Europe. The Jews are just as white as white people, but they hate White European countries because they are Christian NOT because they are White. Their hatred is towards Christianity, you just happened to be the people who gained most from it.
You cannot have it both ways. While the white half of you is drawn to a culture built by pure whites, the non-white part of you wants to justify it’s inheritance of white civilization by denying ‘whiteness’. This is exactly why Western (read: White Christian) Civilization is falling into decay.
Jews are NOT “just as white as White people”. The fact that you think that is proof you have no idea what you’re talking about. White skin does not make you White. White means you are White, not mixed. Period. Asians and Arabs can have very white looking skin, but no one would say they are White, except you maybe. Jews deny they are White when it suits them.
And, no, non-Whites are not “better” than White liberals. White liberals can be cured of their liberalism. Like myself. But a non-White can never be cured of being mixed race. Mixed race people are always double-minded because they serve two masters. They sow racial confusion and create even more mixed race people when they reproduce. But it’s impossible to convince them that they are a problem.
The whole plan of the jews is to race mix us whites out of existence. Stop with your race mix bullshit.
Andrew Mackinnon
What Edward I has proposed is the only effective solution. African-Americans are a case in point.
Why do those who demand “diversity”, really HATE diversity, and demand everybody be the same? These people HATE diversity and are DESTROYING diversity: “The Eurasian-negroid race of the future, similar in appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples and the diversity of individuals.”
putting muslim minarets on notre dame to reflect diversity? then he wouldn’t be opposed “nor would the muslims, yeah right” to putting CROSSES ON MOSQUES TO REFLECT DIVERSITY TOO, RIGHT??
I’m trying to rationalise how you claim to believe in diversity and yet be INtolerant of Western Culture and Christianity
If cultural appropriation is wrong then how does a society benefit from diversity?
Anyone with a brain has a bias. In fact, that’s what it’s there for.
None of these Jewish groups that clamour for flooding the nations founded by White Europeans are complaining about 100% black Negro nations, and 100 Asian Mongoloid nations being “less inclusive” or in need of “more diversity”. And they CERTAINLY are not calling to “diversify” Israel.
The one nation in the world that has declared itself an ethno-state by LAW (Israel) is not targeted by Jewish groups, or ANY organization for that matter, for sacrifice on the alter of “Multiculturalism” because “diversity is a strength”.
It’s only White nations, ESPECIALLY INDIGENOUS White nations that are expected to lose their cultral, racial, and historical identities to a squabbling mass of lower IQ foreign dependents.
Europe is organically diverse, but the race obsessed and power hungry Jewish supremacist who are envious of that exploit non-white people to destroy that what came naturally and turn Europe into a sewer of their liking, just like they did in America. They used America to wage two wars against Europeans which forced them to embrace the soft-variant of the Marxist Bolshevik communist garbage disguised as freedom and democracy, while in fact it was imperialist subjugation….at the same time these barbarians were indoctrinating American’s that the Bolshevik communist garbage was liberalism. I am trying to understand…..what triggered Europeans to cave into this Jewish supremacist aggression that found a safe haven and violence and oppression with impunity paradise in America.
Patrick White
The Hungarians seem like the only sane people left in Europe.
And the Poles…
The Jewish supremacist Bolshevik communist anti-Christian agenda in a nutshell….. “uncontrolled, mass and illegal migration is a new type of challenge that could even jeopardize the security and stability of the European continent” They do the same in America and its not different than the human-trafficking of the trans-Atlantic slave-trade that Jews put in motion
Meanwhile, Hungary is under the ‘dictatorship’ of Viktor Orban. I’m surprised Hungary has been overtly targeted as the next ‘Nazi threat’ and Orban specifically labelled ‘the next Hitler’…
Yeah, he’s a terrible dictator–he just announced that he’s returning his special ‘pandemic’ powers back to the Parliament. A good dictator wouldn’t do that.