An Afrikaner farmer delegation from South Africa has officially marked its first visit to the town of Ásotthalom in Hungary for the purposes of discussing political and economic cooperation.
At the heart of the meeting, as reported by the New Observer, was the topic of providing sanctuary to Afrikaner farmers in Hungary:
“After long preparations, the first Boer delegation from South Africa arrived,” Mayor Toroczkai announced on Facebook.
Posting a picture of himself with three of the Afrikaner farmers, Toroczkai wrote that “here we are having an inspection of the border [near his town], but we are also discussing economic—primarily agricultural—cooperation opportunities and a larger Boer-Hungarian economic and political meeting.
“Tens of thousands of Boers are looking for a new home in the world because of extreme racism, discrimination and untenable public security [in South Africa], and Europe [the EU] is an accomplice [in creating this situation],” he continued.
“I would like our country to [be the first] in the European Union to start to [offer sanctuary to them] in the future, because they have European roots, and are persecuted Christians.”
Eastern Europe is starting to look more and more attractive to Whites who are tired and afraid of the ever increasing violence that comes with multi-culturalism. Any White country willing to help the plight of White farmers in South Africa will be accused of racism, but that canard will not work on the Hungarians or Poles, who know what a great benefit these Boers would be to their societies.
Watch the anti-White EU bureaucrats attempt to block any Boer asylum seekers – and punish Hungary for taking them.
White South African Farmer Starts a Successful New Vineyard in East Texas
White South African Family Seeks Asylum in Sweden
Once the Africans take control of a former
Aryan built society the savagery and
Cannibalism will return.
Hello to Whites South African!
I’m from Germany, 30 years old and I’d marry a white young girl (only virgin). So I could help a one white sister and maybe her family to come to Germany!
Bless you all my white brothers and sisters!
LOOK AT URUGUAY… No VISA you come as tourist and apply for your permanent residence while on “holiday” and then you stay…no age restriction…pensioners are welcome…cheapest country to get into 88% whites…go check out this website and send them an e-mail if you need to know more…
I read all these comments from my nation and the tears run down my face.
I am also living in SA and it is hard to stay focused and positief.
But please please…..i want to beg that we do not run.
We were given a message in the early 1900’s and things world wide is going to get terrible. Most of the predictions to date came to pass.
It was predicted:
WW3 is at our voorstel and will start in Europe. The UK will be devastated and will not exist post war. The US, Russia and Germany (Germany will have a pure right wing government) will form a coalition and will take on China and the UK. Frans will be devastated. The US will not be the economic powerhouse anymore. Million of Christians will run from Europe. South Africa will also go through turbulant times but the changes will be good. Million and millions of people in Africa is going to die from Ebola or some other biological virus.
We need to hang on to our Christianity and fix what is wrong in our lives. God will put every but every nation to the test. None will be spared.
Hallo, I’m currently a pig/dairy farmer in the Freestate South African. After this “listerose” problem on pig meat and the very poor milk prices and all the problems you all know of. Me and my wife decided it’s time to go. We just want to live in peace and make a living for our selves . How do we go about starting arrangements to immigrate to Hungary. After all our ancestors came from there. Hope to hear from someone soon. Thank you.
Hi Jaco,
Contact the Hungarian Embassy in Pretoria for help. If you have Hungarian ancestry you can apply for citizenship.
Address: 959 Arcadia Street, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0083
Postal address: P.O.Box 13843, Hatfield, Pretoria, 0028
Country code: 00 27
Phone: 12 430 3030
Emergency: 82 857 2026
Fax: 12 430 3029
Ambassador: András László Király
Embassy email:mission.prt[at]
Consulate email:consulate.prt[at]
First of all, thank you to all the people who are trying to help Afrikaner people. God bless you all. I have just one question. My husband and I are from a very small farm town in North West, South Africa. We do not have the funds to leave South Africa. What can we do to leave? Any advice will be welcome.
Worried Mommy
What about all the White people who can not afford to immigrate? Mothers trying to rais their babies who dont have a degree in a certain field or farms? What about the people who live just but not financially strong to immigrate? Will we be left to defend for ourself? The SA Government is as corrupt as come. When this is corrected, this will be beter. I am afraid for my life and that of my child.
South African do not need a Visa to enter Ireland..small population lots of land .. welcome.
Realy? Wow!! How does that work please?
Roald van de Munt
I am owner of Expat Accountant – have been helping over a decade to relocate English-speaking foreigners to Czech Republic, using a business visa based on self-employment. We’ve had quite a few South-African citizens as clients over the years. Contact me (via for more info. I am Dutch – after all those years there is still a connection with the Boers. Glad to provide info on business, visa, life in Czech Republic.
Thank you for doing it!!!!
If anyone intersted to get some info about moving up to czech republic, let me know on facebook: vlada vetvinsky and i will do my best to help you and save from the hell out there 😉
Rhodna McMullins
Please be careful so your wonderful country doesn’t end up like Italy, France, etc. My grandparents are from there and I am half Czech. Have always been proud of my heritage.
Dewald Potgieter
Excuse me but why and how would helping white South Africans to relocate cause that country to end up like Italy, France etc? White South Africans are know to be hard working people with ethics and standards. We would by assimilating and contributing be an asset to any country willing to give us half a chance. We are not parasites not would be expect a place to change to suit us, we would be the ones willing to adapt and change to be acceptable and worthy of the help extended to us.
Kathryn Kennedy
You are more than welcome to come to my home, and help build our new off grid community and farm in Alaska…We will take hard working people anytime.
Niel Boshoff
Good day we are from a small town just out side Pretoria, South Afrika. I am a 40 year all male, my wife is 35 and we have 4 kids. I have mre than 6 years farming experience. what would we have to do to join you? Niel Boshoff [email protected]
Many of us are also from those regions originally. There is a massive difference between us and the invaders Europe is allowing in.
For one, we would rather die of shame than ask for a penny assistance that we have not earned with work. We have strong Christian values. Perhaps you haven’t met a white South African before?
Thank you so much. Even if you can’t, it is really good knowing that someone cares.
Hard to know what post is real and what is a fake. But if you are looking for safe country to live, I live in one of such country in Europe – Czech Republic. We have immigrants from Ukraine, Vietnam, but they became a part of our society easily and mostly without big problem. But we do not want to follow France, Sweden, to become multiculti country with parallel law. If you are interested to live safe check
If any info help needed send me email [email protected] if I would know, I will answer
Debbie Sharpe
Wow I had no idea things are so bad in SA, I am so sad to read all these posts.
I am not sure how I even stumbled on this article.
I am a middle aged women living in Canada. Our Prime minister seems to forget we have a border, they are lining up and coming in by the hundreds daily, just walking over. Our country is going to be in for some big changes in the coming years, as most of the people seeking refuge are single black males from African countries and most are Muslim.Yes I know very scary! They are receiving upon arrival free health care and a monthly allowance and housing. Then they disappear and go cause shit and spread their hate of all other religions.Thank goodness our country is large and this could take several years, I hope they wake up and realize before we become saturated with those coming for the wrong reasons, no matter what their color is. Canada could sure use some hard working farmers, just saying 😉
Bless you all, I hope you can find a nice place to call home, and the safety & peace you all deserve.
Your country refused to admit the Boers. Who would come to rogue state like Canada anyway?
We did not refuse to admit the Boers it was our dirty pm as soon as his term is up next year he will be gone thank God We even protested to allow all of them to come here but he is only allowing in certain countries at the time nobody else and making our country racist by what he is doing denying everyone Else Canada wants them our pm wont allow it
The smallest village of Poland is looking for inhabitants. Left farms for peanuts.
For those seriously interested to immigrate to Poland, which is:
pros – mainly catholic christian, almost 100% white population, family friendly, rural, pro farming, land in eastern parts might be still affordable
cons – difficult to learn language, English works only in big cities, complicated legislation, poor public service, courts working inefficiently, land selling/owning allowed only for state-approved farmers
If still interested check
There were similar excursions to Georgia, now to Hungary and other places in the past. It seems all good & well in the beginning but one never gets to hear anything from there-on. Is it political pressure or financial issues that make the flow of info to just run dry to die a “natural death”!
No follow up articles on progress made, or even lack of progress made. Just nothing.
It makes one wonder about the authenticity of such articles.
If this is solid, please provide feedback. Any feedback.
Let’s hope this works. God will bless your country for it.
Willie Barnard
We all feel the same, do the same and live the same.
Go to work, after work stop for some quick shopping, get home before dark and lock yourself in.
Ever thought why the masses do not occupy municipal/provincial or government land?
All their land belongs to the financial institutions, as they have been used as security against loans!
That’s just one of the reasons the Government’s after white owned land, it’s the easiest.
Man am I happy I left that place 18 years ago. south africa will fall and the fall will be much worse than zimbabwe ever was. The international community, by large, is not interested in the least, as south africa does not have oil and feel that caucasians are getting what they deserve. Sorry, but this ain’t gonna end well.
I get the exact same feeling. I wonder how many whites are left in South Africa? I mean how many “single passport” whites. The ones who have dual citizenship will be OK but the others . . .
Corne minnaar
How do u go about to get info if u want to leave Sa and go
Hi Corne, we will be looking into this topic further and publishing an article with potential solutions in the coming weeks. Unfortunately, there is no easy answer to this question, especially since most Western governments want to turn a blind eye to what’s really happening in South Africa.
However, I have heard that there are some White South Africans who have taken a flight to Canada and immediately claimed asylum upon landing at the Canadian airport. There claims were focused on having a reasonable fear of violence, without help from the government of South Africa. From what I’ve heard, claims of persecution due to race (black on white violence and crime) have been rejected. But claims that have focused strictly on a fear of violence – without discussing the aspect of race – have been accepted. There are no clear answers, however, and any claim could be rejected for various reasons. We will be researching this issue more and publishing additional information on this topic soon.
I want to look for work overseas where can I get someone toe help me and what do I need
Melanie Shepherd
I have a way out, I’m looking for someone to come with me – contact me on FB – Rgd Melanie
Contact me
Danie van der Merwe
I would love to get out but not sure how to go about it
We will come with you…..look me up on facebook Martie van Jaarsveld
The reason for black persecution and farm murders are a direct result of european support for black rule in ZA. The only system that could successfully succeed in ZA is seperate development. But due to the european financial support for the ANC terrorists, it was destroyed. Europe therefor being largely responsible for the white genocide ,should support all efforts of our whites, either to leave ZA, or support the white Boer nation to have an independant homeland in ZA.
Susan Racine
I am in Canada. We have asylum seekers coming across daily, they are coming in illegally, but don’t get arrested or go to jail. It is called the 3rd Party Immigration, Safe country Law. They are given housing and all services until their status is determined. A lot of these “asylum” seekers are from Somalia, Nigeria, etc. What they do is fly into the United States, probably New York, then take a bus or something, into a small town across from the Province of Quebec, then they cross over into Canada at Roxham Rd. It is just a mud road, the police are there, will help you with your suitcases when you get to this side, then will find you a place to stay. No, it is not a joke, you should be able to google “Roxham Rd”, or Canada 3rd Party Agreement. Sorry I don’t have the complete information for you. I can try to find out more. Many years ago I had a friend, Annette, from Pretoria, and she told me how bad it was then. I hope you can get here, stay safe.
Thank you. Canada refuses to believe that the ANC government is hiding the actual statistics. There are people keeping a record of every white person tortured, raped and murdered on the farms, by identity number. Canada threw that out if court saying it’s extreme white supremacists alt-right propaganda. We will be thrown out if we did try to claim asylum there. You friend is right. Until now it’s been a slow hidden genocide, but it’s ramping up to mass murder now. And like Zimabawe, the world will ignore it and continue to give billions in support, which is paying for our deaths. It’s beyond belief! God bless you for your kind thoughts and words of concern.
Hilton Powell
I already left SA and live now in Thailand but it is difficult to farm here for you have to buy land on a Thais name and dont get a work permit or visa for longer than 1 year…..I would also like to relocate if possible !
I would love to farm in Thailand. I am curently a farmer, with sound knowledge in apple and pear farming. What do you farm there?
Try urugy in South America
My wife us 43 lecture at Varsity college i am retired 64and my daughter is in matrix next year ,what type of money do we need to leave South africa
Chantelle Swanepoel
Hi Jandorfling. It’s sounds if England is starting the cheapest Entrepreneur Visa for $100 000. Then there is many other Countries that start from $200 000-$300 000. But the big countries, USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand start at like $500 000 and then all the lawyer cost etc. Maybe Google Retirement Visa. I know in South America you can get away with much less I think Retirees must show they have a monthly income of $800-$1000. Just look for countries that have treaties with the bigger countries so in a few years when you get Citizenship it might be easier to get into the bigger countries.
Bruce Rainbird
If I could convince my wifee to leave I would be gone in a nano second. We went to uk to see. Rubbish place, Britain aint great anymore & south africans are looked down on. We came back after 3 weeks. Im doing contract work she has no job. Dont know how time is left for us whites.
I would also like to get my family out of the country, enough is enough. We could be living in a prison currently. How do I apply to get my family out, please help us, we are losing friends and family on a daily base and nothing gets done. Please help ?
Get on a plane and fly to Ireland for asylum.
Only farmers? I am a special needs & English teacher and my husband a town planner…but have also got a teaching degree. Please advise urgently? Many thanks. René Kotzee
Kathryn Kennedy
Alaska loves special needs English teachers and the fact your hubby has a teaching degree , you both would do very well here in Alaska, you can come stay with us until you are able to make it on your own, send a brief bio, pictures, facebook and you can also join our off grid community we are building and live for free, once you are hired you can help others get free as well, just a thought, you can help out with chores, meals and yard work, etc…we do not have much but are willing to share.
Any huminitaruim visas for Hungary? Id like to come to a Christian country where God is respected. South Africans are builders and where we land we prosper, because we believe we have to cherish the God given land….We believe strongly in the BIBLE. THE WORD OF GOD
United States of America has special visas for religious ministers/workers. I don’t know if that could be a path to citizenship here. Maybe that could be used. It sounds like that could fit you. Part time ministry and part time worker maybe? I know it could be researched online.
How can I apply to go over to Poland with my family.
Sharon Pieterse
Same situation. We also reside on a small holding. We had an attack on our land lord about 3years ago and several attemp there after. We live in fear day and night. Goverment and police do nothing. We are blatantly targeted. My grandfather forefathers decend from Poland. How can we seek assylim. This is a huge crisis as no country will take you in unless you have a teriaty qualifucation a certain amount of money or a job…..
It is not just about the land grab…or Poland being clever to get experienced farmers….it is about getting your family away from the murderers, because the government are doing nothing to stop this. The outside world are not interested because SA does not have oil. Good on Poland, you will receive the best farmers.
White Genocide is not limited to farmers only. We live on a small holding in a rural area. Our lives are constantly in danger. We have no money to move. We seek asylum!
Shame, I’m in the same situation !
Not only on farms and small holdings. My husband was stabbed 13 times, 5 am in the morning in our back yard in a normal housing area. Our dog came to his rescue and we were fortunite that they did not come into.our house. It is an horrific experience. Financially it is hard as my husband worked from home because with his qualifications he cant get work as he is “overqualified” or white also. (Auto electrician/ 25 experience in alot of areas / fridge technician on trucks etc) So everyday is a struggle and not to sleep so much is also taking its toll. I am Financial Adviser and have to be positive all the time which is really hard… we dont have money and we are trying to sell our home. But what about our animal pets. They are also part of our family….our children dont habe a future… as we also dont
Kathryn Kennedy
Start a Go Fund Me , all of you post yours stories on Go Fund Me, and within a few months you will have the funds needed to leave Africa…You can go to USA, Canada, anywhere . then seek asylum.
Russell Vogt
How do I apply for refugee status ..I would love to settle in Poland ..I have visited there us a fantastic country ..but I am now going on for 75 years old not have a lit if money ..but my pkee is to be helped as older people are been murdered like flies in south Africa ..please we need your help .
S Mulder
SA does not deserve white farmers, or their produce. Land grabs will be the ultimate betrayal of whites in SA. Farmers worked hard to purchase land & turn them into prosperous farms.
Today their farms act like magnets to get rich quick black people – unable (or to lazy) to develop their own!
White farming days here are coming to an end. White farmers can never expect too again own farms – the goverment wants all SA farmers to be black.
It is not only the farmers live in fear. Us that live in the suburbs are also afraid of when it will come to us.
Yes, but for now the suburbs are OK-ish. The rural whites are singled out because they are alone and easier target. But yes you are right, eventually blacks will run out of farmers and move into suburbs. #SoSad
I agree, this is a huge problem….we all have friends that are Afrikaners and it’s time they packed there shit and got out of that jungle of monkeys. The U.S. should allow all South Africans to come into the U.S……all at once! These people are literally being murdered, and they are not allowed to defend themselves. It’s time for them to cut their losses and desert the “dark continent”……….
We constantly hear of people crossing your borders or somehow end in “sanctuary cities/states”. Would you advise against such a move? Once there we can apply for asylum on basis (with ample proof) on economical/financial or even religious basis.
Alan B
It sounds like President Trump is going to green light the SA Afrikaners to get asylum. Don’t be surprised if in the next few weeks he announces the opening of doors to them.
These are the only refugees we should be taking in. Unfortunately, whites are too comfortable in Western Europe and most will ignore the suffering of the remaining whites in South Africa. At least some in the east are willing to offer a solution.
Sandra Batscher
This statement is untrue. Europe is fighting it’s own battles we are not aware of. Thousands upon thousands of refugees seeking homes from battles in Turkey and Syria.