Israel estimates that potentially “hundreds” of its citizens might be arrested and prosecuted for war crimes by the International Criminal Court — whose jurisdiction it conveniently rejects — and is working on strategies to help them avoid prosecution and accountability, the Defense Minister said on Tuesday:
Including himself among Israelis who could be threatened with arrest, Benny Gantz told Reuters: “I was never afraid to go across enemy lines, I will continue to stand wherever I have to.”
The Hague-based tribunal ruled last month that it has jurisdiction over the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem. The ruling could lead to criminal investigations of Israel and of Palestinian militant groups including Hamas.
Israel is not a member of the court and rejects its jurisdiction, a position backed by its close ally the United States. Palestinians have welcomed the ruling as a chance for justice for victims of Israeli attacks.
In an interview on Israel’s fortified border with Gaza, Gantz, who also holds Israel’s justice portfolio, called the ruling a “negative development” and added: “We have our own teams working in different (places) to try (and) influence (the ICC).”
Gantz was the military’s chief of staff during a 2014 war between Israel and militants in Hamas-controlled Gaza. The ICC has pointed to that conflict as a potential issue to be probed.
Asked by Reuters how many Israelis, including himself, might expect to be subject to arrest should the probe lead to criminal investigations, Gantz said: “I guess several hundred, but we will take care of everybody.”
Gantz called that “an estimate”, declining to say if Israel had drawn up a list of officials. Israel will provide legal assistance to any implicated Israelis and will give them legal warnings regarding travel if necessary, Gantz said.
Asked if he himself might change his travel plans in light of the ICC probe, Gantz said: “So far, no.”
Jews are the greatest advocates of international law, human rights, and protesting against genocide — except where Israel is concerned — and that’s why Israel refused to join or acknowledge the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court.
Ironically, it was a Jewish attorney — Ben Ferencz — who was instrumental in creating such a court to prosecute such war crimes — and the Jews were fine with that at the time because they were prosecuting “Nazi” war crimes.
Virtually everything Israel has done — by constantly expanding their borders and mercilessly crushing any resistance — and cynically calling that resistance “terrorism” — is prosecutable under ICC laws — and they know it.
Israel was founded upon the displacement and ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people — and the early Israeli leaders like David Ben Gurion and Menachim Begin accepted and embraced that grim reality — they were more than willing to commit genocide and terrorism if that’s what it was going to take to create and defend a Jewish Homeland™.
Nation building is not for the faint of heart.
Not only did they murder Palestinians — but anyone who stood in their way was considered fair game to be eliminated with extreme prejudice — British occupying forces, Count Bernadotte, or fellow Jews like Jacob De Haan who naively believed Jews and Palestinians could share the land.
Even John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King paid the ultimate price of questioning the Zionist dream of ultimately taking all of Palestine — including Gaza.
With the help and complicity of pro-Zionist Jews in Hollywood — and their Zionist media industrial complex — the ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians has been whitewashed and presented to the public in the best possible light — much the same way the Jewish media had decades earlier whitewashed the Bolshevik genocide in the most flattering way.
But it’s foolish to claim that Israel doesn’t have “a right” to exist — of course it does — Jewry had the wealth and political power to create Israel — and to manipulate America into backing them up — in realpolitik “might makes right”.
Countries arise out of conflict and bloodshed, with winners and losers — Israel is no exception — what is now happening to the Palestinians has happened throughout history — but we just don’t like to be reminded of it — genocide conflicts with the image we have of ourselves — especially hypocritical evangelical Christians who are complicit with Israel’s war crimes — and should be charged along with the Israelis.
Israel feels “singled out” by its critics — after all, they say, atrocities occur every day worldwide — but they wrongly conclude that they are “singled out” because of “antisemitism” — the problem with that canard is that many of Israel’s most vociferous critics have been Jews.
The late Shulamit Aloni — a former Israeli Member of the Knesset and Education Minister — admitted that the Israelis cynically invoke the “Holocaust” and “antisemitism” to deflect any criticism of their brutal treatment of the Palestinians.
Israel is “singled out” because it has falsely sold itself to the world as a beacon of white western democracy — while its victims are poor, defenseless people of color — and no one has sympathy for violent white racists — Jews themselves have made sure of that.
USA Not Party To ICC
The ICC has no jurisdiction over America Citizens. Neither does the IMF or any international company that does business in the USA. They want that, but we must know our rights. We are not subject to and do not “stand under” their laws. When one of their cops asks you “do you understand the charges or claims” NEVER SAY YES. That is an admission of guilt. You now have agreed to “stand under” their system and be punished by it. You just agreed to whatever the cop or operative accused you of. Tell them “I do not stand under your rules. I am not an employee of your company and do not wish to enter into a contract with you. You are harassing me. Please go away. Also, cops cannot enter your house without a search or arrest warrant signed by a judge, NOT rubber stamped.
“The illegal Zionist regime is a cancer implanted in the heart of the Middle East.”
To the world at large, thanks to the Anglo’s. They staged a war against the booming German economy, finance by the money lenders who controlled the bank of England, and in exchange were promised the land. They considered given the Zionist supremacist land in South America too, but with the Catholic majority in that region that move would not fly. So, they opted for the ME because it could justify with religion. It took a second war to subjugate continental Europe to make the steal look perfectly legal, and of course using Hitler as the boogeyman while in fact the Jewish bankers were really the culprits, they were the sole beneficiaries of both wars.
Martin Levi van Creveld, a well-known expert Israeli military historian, said during a Sept 2003 interview in Elsevier, a Netherlands [his birth residence] paper, while talking about Palestinians and world opinion said:
“We [Israel] possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force…. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.”
“Government by fear is no government at all.” – President JOHN ADAMS
Aldous Huxley:
Globalist and Corporate Multi-Nationals do have the means to scare you, and as we now see with the illicit “election”, are able to control the upper tiers of government. Where did they come from?
This information from a May 1, 2014 report told us about them. We now see that their purpose was more than that of merely looting. It was to gradually and stealthily gain full control of our American government apparatus.
“Project on Government Oversight says 7.6 million MULTl-NATlONALS in the SHADOW GOVERNMENT = nearly 4 TlMES AS MANY MULTl-NATlONALS as GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES!
2012 NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM ON FREEDOMS: “America’s leadership extends beyond our economic prosperity and military might – it is also rooted in our enduring commitment to a core set of universal values. These include an individual’s freedom to speak their mind, assemble without fear, have access to information, worship as they please, and choose their own leaders. They also include dignity, tolerance, and equality among all people, and the fair and equitable administration of justice. The United States was founded upon a belief in these values…”
President’s Review Group on NSA surveillance/related issues”
Oh yes, he did, but nobody made a stink about the admission that Israel has nukes pointed against all major European cities and also America. The Zionist supremacist Pamela Geller, from New York also said that Israel had to NUKE Europe for what they did to Jews, mind you this Muslim hater is big friends with Geert Wilders who by the way attacked Pim Fortuyn for challenging multicultural apartheid and Islamic fundamentalism in the Netherlands. Geert Wilders (a Zionist) attacked Pim Fortuyn in defense of Muslims, only to turn around and push the anti-Muslim agenda. The propaganda machine keeps spewing the Nazi garbage but they don’t say a word about the Jewish supremacist crimes against humanity.
Years ago she befriended me on Facebook until I apparently said something about the hypocrisy and extremism of Jews….LOL. America was going to do much better than Europe, and sure did, putting Zionist supremacist at the center of the universe.
john m
I believe the state of Israel shall not last another 100 years!
Palestinian viewpoints are given in several different tracts on this older site.
“Palestine was raped in 1948 by Zionists who had no right in that land. Neither Britain Nor the UN had the right or power to grant a land of an existing nation to Zionist outsiders. Palestine belongs to its indigenous people whether Muslims, Christians or Jews who lived there in harmony and peace for centuries until the illegal immigration of Zionists started after world war 1. The illegal Zionist regime is a cancer implanted in the heart of the Middle East.”
Do these recurring tactics sound familiar?
“… the moment the Zionist controlled media manufactured a reason (ISIS), that allowed the governments of US & UK (ZIONIST PUPPET TRAITORS) to resurrect what was the 6th stage of a 14 year old Zionist plan (PNAC)p;
the moment the Zionist controlled media manufactured a reason (ISIS), that allowed the governments of US & UK (ZIONIST PUPPET TRAITORS) to resurrect what was the 6th stage of a 14 year old Zionist plan (PNAC) to take out 7 Muslim countries (WESLEY CLARK), which by some extraordinary coincidence just happened to be all the countries Israel wanted creamed p;p;..guess what happened? .. EBOLA!
HEADLINE NEWS – a US citizens has been struck down by the virusp;p;p;shock, horror! Only another 320,784,612 to go! In the UK – a nurse may have caught the bug! OH DEAR! What the hell are we going to do about this? OH MY GOD – MORE HEADLINE NEWS – a 2nd US citizen has succumbed!p;p;p;.. Jesus – this could go epidemic! Only another 320,784,611 to go! Back in the UK, we hear how our brilliant government is doing all it can, making sure of this, doing thatp;p;p;p;p;p;just so none of us get it!p;p;p; PHEW! I was beginning to shit myself! Back in the States – we hear the US government is desperately trying to track down 130 people that were on some flight!p;p;p;..TRACK DOWN? How long does it take to get hold of a passenger list? Amazon (ZIONIST) report sales of expensive protective clothing is going through the roof. Ebola could be coming to get you!p;p;p;p;..Every day, it’s Ebola this, Ebola that. Forget about working out why they’re doing this – if you can’t see the blatant fear-mongering then you are one proper mug!
In the meantime, US war planes are dropping 1000’s of bombs on a country that’s never done anything to anyone!” [More – Scroll down past half the page for this section]
“Israel’s celebration of Jewish terrorism” [King David Hotel]
European Jews who immigrated to Palestine, flouted the immigration quota and set about to be so troublesome to both the indigenous Palestinians and British that they would voluntarily leave.”
NY TRIBUNE – MAP – 1917 Palestine – No Israel
Bibi Netanyahu has all the traits of a mafia don. He’s ruthless, thuggish, cunning, rabid, murderous, amoral, uncultured, crude, greedy, and cynical. A Jewish John Gotti. He’s exactly what you would expect and want as a leader of nation founded on mass murder and hellbent on world domination. The Israelis who despise Bibi refuse to accept that in order for Israel to exist and thrive, it needs a lot of Bibi’s to do the necessary dirty work. He’s the rabid dog that all other world leaders fear and want to avoid offending — and in that sense, Netanyahu is truly a great leader.
“Born 21 October 1949 in Tel Aviv to secular Jewish parents
Between 1956 and 1958, and again from 1963 to 1967, his family lived in the United States in Cheltenham Township, Pennsylvania, a suburb of Philadelphia, where he attended and graduated from Cheltenham High School.
Netanyahu joined Israel Defense Forces (IDF) during the Six-Day War in 1967 in special forces unit + Operation Inferno (1968) + Operation Gift (1968) + Operation Isotope (1972) + Yom Kippur War in 1973 = Rank of captain before discharge.
M.Sc. in Management Studies from M.I.T.
At that time he changed his name to Benjamin Ben Nitai — Netanyahu decided to do so to make it easier for Americans to pronounce his name.
Employed by Boston Consulting Group — he worked with Mitt Romney who said Netanyahu had a “strong personality with a distinct point of view.”
1978, Netanyahu returned to Israel and ran the Jonathan Netanyahu Anti-Terror Institute, a NGO devoted to terrorism studies
1994 Netanyahu publicly stated in Israeli publication Shishi that he was initiated into the Masonic Lodge while in USA and was active in Masonry along 4,000+ Israeli Freemasons = Rothschild-supported Hebrew University in Israel has erected symbol of Freemasonry in its courtyard.” [Continues]
… but I’ll bet the corporate merchants of death; Boeing, Lockheed, Rayethon, etc., etc., will defend their Zionist partner and customer, ….
So much the MSM keeps from us :
Haaretz Newspaper: Jewish Radicals Burn 53 Churches & Mosques.
Jewish Soldiers Torture & Rape Palestinian Boy
You are cracking me up with this one….priceless….”Israel is “singled out” because it has falsely sold itself to the world as a beacon of white western democracy — while its victims are poor, defenseless people of color — and no one has sympathy for violent white racists — Jews themselves have made sure of that.”
They constantly brag about being the only Democracy in the Middle East, run by cultured civilived Europeans among the heathen and inferior people….what a tangled web we weave when we deceive….LOL
It’s about time that the Zionist supremacist be held accountable for their crimes against others…poetic justice. Sorry to hear that Shulamit Aloni passed away….
Her interview with Amy Goodman spilling the beans on the Zionist supremacist was in 2002…..”its a trick we always use it” criticism of Israel coming from within the United States is anti-Semitism, and when criticism comes from Europe “we bring up the Holocaust.”
The American Jewish establishment has a lot of money and power….but when people dare to question that illegitimate Jewish power grab on the left and the right they call you Nazi, anti-Semite.