(The Jewish Chronicle) In his new book, Rabbi and “theologian” Dan Cohn-Sherbok covers the same old tiresome ground by trying to lay the blame for “anti-Semitism” at the foot of the Cross — proposing that as long as Christians believe that Jews are “Christ killers,” they will continue to hate Jews and struggle to restrain their collective desire to put them in Gas Chambers and rid the world of them once and for all.
It would seem, then, that the simplest solution for Jews to diffuse this Christian hatred toward them would be to come clean and admit — as they quietly did in the 1980 Jewish Almanac — that they are not real Israelites at all. Not only that, if white Christians want to blame Israelites for the death of Christ, they should simply look in the mirror to find true Israel today.
But they want their proverbial cake and eat it too — they want the world to accept them as the living embodiment of the ancient Israelites because this masquerade helps keep the irrational Christian hordes with their torches and pitchforks at bay — but they don’t want the responsibility and baggage that comes with this false identity:
Looking back over 2,000 years, it is possible to isolate a number of causes of antisemitism. Jews have been detested because they were different, despised on account of their financial success, and feared for their connections with Jewry in other lands. In addition to the various social, economic and psychological explanations for humanity’s longest hatred, the Christian roots of antipathy run very deep.
With the emergence of Christianity, the followers of Christ believed themselves to be the true heirs of the covenant. For these Christians, Jesus’ messiahship was understood as bringing about a new age in which the true Israel would become a light unto the nations. Given this vision, the Jewish people were regarded with animosity. The writers of the Gospels depicted Jesus attacking the leaders of the nation, and the Church taught that “circumcision of the heart” — rather than obedience to the Law — was what God required.
In the light of this teaching, the Fathers of the Church developed an Adversos Judaeos tradition which vilified the Jews. According to them, Jews were guilty of indecent actions, and they continued to be seen as a contemptible people. By rejecting Christ, Jews were rejected themselves and were doomed for eternity.
The tradition of Christian antisemitism as created by the Church Fathers continued through the centuries. During the time of the Crusades, Jewish communities were decimated throughout Western Europe. Such hostility toward Jewry was intensified by various charges levelled against the Jewish population. Frequently, Jews were accused of killing Christian children to use their blood in preparation for the Passover. Jews were also charged with blaspheming the Christian faith in the Talmud. Further, Jews were blamed for causing the Black Plague by poisoning wells.
Throughout the Middle Ages, the Jew was represented as a dark, demonic figure. Repeatedly, Jews were accused of possessing the attributes of both the Devil and witches. As the personification of evil, they were regarded as sub-human. In addition, Jews were viewed as sorcerers, able to work magic against neighbouring Christians. On this basis, the Jewish population was accused of desecrating the Host for magical purposes and of committing acts of ritual murder.
In the early modern period, centuries-old Christian prejudice, combined with commercial interests, provoked antipathy toward Jewish populations in western lands. In Germany, merchants protested against Jewish heretics, complaining that Jewish trade would destroy the economy and corrupt the Christian population. Similar antipathy was expressed in France, where the bourgeoisie resisted Jewish settlement. Jews were also subject to considerable hostility in Great Britain, where attempts to allow Jewish naturalisation were met with great resistance.
The Enlightenment bought about a dramatic alteration in the conditions of Jews. Nonetheless, a number of Christian writers continued to attack Jewry on rationalist grounds. In France, Protestants influenced by the Enlightenment sought to ameliorate the condition of Jewry, yet even they were unable to free themselves from Christian assumptions about Jewish guilt for killing Christ. During this period, a number of major thinkers sought to encourage Judeophobia.
By the end of the 18th century, the spirit of the Enlightenment encouraged Christian Europe to improve the condition of Jewish existence. Yet, paradoxially, the emancipation of Jewry provoked a hostile response from various Christian critics who denigrated Jews in terms reminiscent of previous centuries. In France, an 1840 blood libel known as the Damascus Affair stimulated anti-Jewish feelings and revived the medieval Christian charge of ritual murder, giving rise to widespread anti-Jewish sentiment. The Christian legend of the Wandering Jew, who was destined to roam the earth for having rejected Christ, became a major theme of French literature.
During the second half of the 19th century, the Jewish community suffered further outbreaks of hostility. In Germany, racist publications attacked Jews, and the researches of Christian biblical scholars undermined the traditional belief that the Torah was given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai. Similar attitudes were expressed in France by a variety of Christian writers who denounced Judaism and the Jewish nation. At the end of the century, the Dreyfus Affair raised fundamental questions about the viability of Jewish life in the diaspora. Russian Jewry also suffered persecution and many Jews emigrated to distant lands.
In the years leading up to World War I, Jews were viewed as scapegoats for the problems that beset German society. Such a situation led to the rise of the Nazism. In Russia, antisemites accused the Jewish community of betraying national interests. With the Revolution, Jews were charged with international conspiracy, and attacks on Jews occurred through the country. The US also saw the growth of antisemitism.
Such a climate of racial hatred crystalised in Hitler’s view of the Jewish people as an evil nation that sought world domination. Once the Nazis gained power, they instituted a series of anti-Jewish policies. During Kristallnacht in 1938, Jewish property and buildings were destroyed. The next stage in the Nazis’ plan of Jewish extermination occurred with the invasion of Russia, where mobile killing battalions were used to destroy the Jewish populace. This method of slaughter was supplemented by the death camps at Auschwitz, Chelmno, Belzec, Sobibor, Majdanek and Treblinka.
After World War II, Germany did not express great remorse for its deeds. Instead, most Germans continued to harbour anti-Jewish feelings. In Austria, similar attitudes prevailed. Similar Judeophobia was also expressed in Britain, where neo-Nazis and the ultra Right advanced the theory of a world-wide conspiracy. Likewise, in America, antisemitism intensified, largely because of the conflict between the black and white communities. French hostility toward the Jews after the war led to the condemnation of Zionism, attacks on Jewish property, and the emergence of a national party. Poland, too, witnessed the rise of antisemitism. In addition, throughout the Arab world, Jew-hatred emerged as the result of the Israel-Palestinian conflict.
For 20 centuries, Jews have suffered at the hands of antisemites. The injustices and pogroms inflicted on the Jewish community have been, to a large degree, the result of Christian contempt. Anti-Jewish attitudes in the history of the Church were not accidental — they were the direct consequence of Christian teaching about Judaism and the Jewish nation. In modern times, secular antisemitism was not always fueled by such religious convictions, yet the previous Christian denigration of Judaism and the inheritance of negative stereotypes of the Jew provided the basis for hatred.
Through this long history of suffering, Christian antisemitism has served either directly or indirectly as a fundamental cause of Judeophobia. In the ancient medieval and early modern period, hostility toward Jews was explicitly Christian in origin. In modern times, this legacy of Christian antisemitism provided the background and language of Jew hatred, even when it lacked an overt religious content. Yet in recent decades, the Church has become increasingly aware of this bloody history, and has sought to overcome Christian antipathy toward Judaism and the Jewish nation.
Church bodies have formulated numerous decrees denouncing antisemitism, and scholars have reformulated Christological doctrine and modified the traditional understanding of God’s covenant. In addition, many Christians today have modified the idea of a Christian mission. These are positive signs of hope despite the heritage of two millennia of Christian hatred of Judaism and Jews.
It’s hardly a coincidence that Rabbi Cohn-Sherbok’s book on antisemitism received an enthusiastic endorsement from the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby — who is a converso Jew who has repeated all of the rabbi’s talking points, including blaming Christians — not just Germans — for the “Holocaust.”
Either way, there’s no doubt that Israelites killed Christ — which is explicitly witnessed in Acts: “Men of Israel, Jesus the Nazarene you nailed to the cross.” (Acts 2:22-23)
There’s also no doubt that the vast majority of Christians today mistakenly believe that today’s “Jews” are legitimate Israelites — and also believe that their own salvation is intimately connected to these fake Israelites — most of whom are mixed race Khazar converts — a violation of Israelite law.
But in Acts 3, Peter explicitly tells the “Men of Israel” who killed Christ that they can repent of it and be forgiven: “
19 Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord… 26 God raised up His Servant for you first, and sent Him to bless you by turning every one of you from your wicked ways.
Jews, of course, can’t repent of something they did not do — but as long as they insist on their false Israelite identity, from a Christian point of view, they must repent of the killing and embrace Christianity — clearly, a fool’s errand.
And since Jews did not kill Christ, so-called “anti-Semitism” cannot be caused by Christianity — and Christian antipathy toward “Christ killers” — rather, “anti-Semitism” is caused by Jewish anti-Christian behavior — and their ongoing denial Christ as the promised Messiah of true Israel.
Would “anti-Semitism” disappear if Jews would simply admit that they are not true Israelites — and therefore, cannot be blamed for the killing of Christ?
Of course not — because even if they admitted they weren’t Israelites, their behavior wouldn’t change — and the resulting “anti-Semitism” would persist.
Not only that, Jews have painted themselves into a corner by claiming to be true Israel — God’s Chosen™ — and much of their ability to get away with their audacious and persistent nation-wrecking behavior is contingent upon getting undeserved sympathy from duped Christians who believe they are true Israel.
from jewish telegraph agency interesting description of article as much as saying jews are not israelites , Israel´s Chief Ashkenazi Rabbi Yisrael Meir Lau, left, president of Appeal of Conscience, Rabbi Arthur Schneier, center, and Klaus Schwab, president of the World Economic Forum, light candles at Ground Zero during a visit of the religious leaders https://www.jta.org/2002/02/05/lifestyle/religion-has-role-at-economic-forum
Okay, “Israelites” did not kill Christ, Pharisee-worshipping Judeans did. Judea was a real place and Jews have to be at least partially descended from the people who lived in Judea and were exiled to places like Babylon.
Romans are more to blame for Christ’s death than a potential ‘Israelite’ living in Britain at the time.
Also, it says the Israelites were mixed with other nations, which I assume must be descendants of Shem, because the Bible points to distinct racial groups from each progenitor, and basically aligns them & their offspring in a hierarchy of Shem (primary blessing) > Japheth (secondary blessing) > Ham (no blessing, no curse) > Canaan (cursed).
If all Europeans are actually Israelites, and we are held accountable for the actions of some of our distant ancestors, then Ashkenazi have considerable European Admixture anyway, so do Palestinians & Turks…
Except Ashkenazis still promote the same Pharisee cult which lead to Christ’s death- which some people say was inevitable & necessary anyway. They also spread Kabbalah cults like Freemasonry.
If only the pure count as an Israelite, then what is “pure”?
https://pic8.co/sh/sroY5Z.jpg https://pic8.co/sh/P8LSd5.png https://pic8.co/sh/NrWnYc.jpg
Germans had a system. If a person was 1/8th Jewish, 7/8ths German, the person was basically German, as it was permitted for them to intermarry with Germans as long as they saw themselves as Germans & were Christian. That’s after three generations, after ten generations of German mixing, the offspring would be 1/2048th Jewish.
What an ethnic “Jew” was, back then, is different to what could be considered a Jew now. The 1/8th wasn’t referring to someone like Scarlett Johansson or Timothee Chalamet, but someone that looked like: https://pic8.co/sh/yGwcKf.jpg
In the last sentence, I do not mean the one that is 1/8th, I mean what the Germans classified as a “Full Jew” in Racial Hygiene charts by the Reich’s Board for People’s Health.
This author is misinformed. Israelites did NOT kill Christ, “imposter” Jews did, and that can be proven throughout the new testament.
I do NOT state this information from a place of “self righteousness”. I have MANY sins for which I am humbled and grateful to have gained the grace and forgiveness of Christ for. If our good deeds are dirty rags, my deeds made me little more then offal.
I correct this because TRUTH IS IMPORTANT.
1) The “imposters” had already seized most of the power in Judea, as around 50,000 newly freed TRUE Israelites had returned to find over the last couple of centuries leading up to the time of Christ. This concerned the imposters, and so they were forcing true Israelites to register. Herod, an Edomite, was at the top of these imposters, and had destroyed the records of his birth to hide his Edomite Heritage and declare himself, and his people the lost tribes of Israel. “Jew” was short for “Judean”. Which could mean any person of any race living in the province of Judea. Just as anyone living in New York can be called a “New Yorker” no matter their race. This simple misundertanding has been the key to their masquerade.
Christ could see into the souls of others, and knew these Jews for what they were.
He said all the following to them, WHICH identifies them as “fake” Israelites. Pontius Pilate, (who like all white Romans was a “wild olive branch” aka unknowingly and ACTUAL true Israelite, DID let the Jews crucify Christ and “washed his hands of it”. The blood of Christ was on the hands of the imposters.
Ye vipers, ye generation of serpents! How will any of you escape the damnation that is hell (Mathew 23:33)
The word in Greek in the New Testament was “Genea” which means “race”
2) Where I go, you can never follow, for I was created above, and you were created from beneath ( John 8:22-23)
3) My people are sheep, and yours are goats. Your either BORN a sheep, or born a goat. There are good goats, and bad sheep, but one cannot become the other- (Mathew 25:31-40
4) You have murdered every prophet I have sent you, from righteous Abel, to Zacheriah, whom you slew between the alter and the steps (Luke 11:51. NOTE- This PROVES they are the children of Cain, NOT the children of Adam for how else could he hold those present responsible for the death of Abel)?
5) Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abodes not in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks his own tongue, for he was a liar, and the father of lies. (John 8:44)
He also said, when asked who the anti-Christ was “He who denies both father AND son are anti-Christ. Even now their are many anti-Christs”. Very revealing, as only Jews denied him during his lifetime.
And yet, their lies managed to convince MANY that they were the lost sheep. The children of light. No, they are anti-Christ. The man of sin revealed. And this is why they HATE Christianity, and white Christians, despite claiming that the bible was their work. (THIER book is the Talmud, OURS was the Torah)
So with all the above, we see that-
1) Jews cannot be saved because they are from beneath
2) Your BORN a sheep or Goat. You cant pray a few words and change from one to the other.
3) He said they were of a DIFFERENT FATHER, and could never know him.
4) He said they murdered every prophet from Abel to Zachariah (this identifies them as decendants of Cain, for how else could he hold those Jews present for the murder of Abel otherwise)
5) Christ said HIS SHEEP KNOW HIS VOICE. THEY WILL HEAR AND FOLLOW HIM! The crowds that worshipped and followed him were the white Israelites. If the true Israelites were guilty of anything, it was, like today, INNACTION in the face of something terrible. However, Christ came to DIE AND RISE AGAIN for the penalty of our sin. God COULD have given those Israelites the “Battle axe” spirit and they would have then mopped the floor with those fake Israelites and freed Christ. But God tethered their fighting spirit, because what happened was intended. Christ knew the fake Israelites of Cain would indeed kill him. He mentioned their desire to kill him MANY times.
Now to be clear, the Jews are NOT “Fake Jews”. They are indeed Judean ancestors from the province of Romes “Judea”. They are not JUDAHITES. So when they say they are “Jew” they are not lying. But when they say they are Israelites, wrote the bible, or are of the tribe of Judah, then they ARE lying.
God is not the author of confusion. Satan is. As are his children. But its all in scripture, if one reads and prays for wisdom.
Judea Christianity is the counterfeit lukewarm church. For Judaism is the ANTITHESIS, and eternal enemy of Christianity. “Christian” until 40 years ago and their mass deception/age of the beast, was an ethno-religious term for the white race recognized as such by the whole world!
I am sure the writer had good intentions. But sometimes we are wrong and need to be corrected to the truth of a matter. This is not to insult, or belittle him or anyone else. Its simply to correct what I believe is an innocent error and oversight of perception. We have to watch out for each other, and keep each other on the right path to the truth, and to the word of God.
Unlike Cain, we ARE our brothers and sisters’ keepers.
God bless and protect you all!
Allen Ahrens wrote, “This author is misinformed. Israelites did NOT kill Christ, “imposter” Jews did”
It sounds like your dispute is with the apostle Peter, not us. Peter is a much better and more reliable witness than you, no? Peter said, unequivocally, ““Men of Israel, Jesus the Nazarene you nailed to the cross.” (Acts 2:22-23).
No mention of “fake Jews” or “crypto Jews”. No, he said “men of Israel”. Not “men of Judea” but men of Israel, meaning Israelites. You can try all you want to explain this away, but only someone with an agenda like yours would dispute the plain, unambiguous words of Peter.
Please explain why Peter would say such a thing if it were not true.
His comment is simply the ravings of an agenda driven oddball. Such are legion.
The men of Israel he was referring too were from Judah and his Canaanite wife Shulah.
She was from the line of Cain. Yes, they from Israel, no they were not true Israelites.
Which isw hat you were told…Tey are not all Israel who are of Israel…Judah’s race mixed bastard sons are no more Israelites than you most likely are and unless you area 100% pure blooded Israelite God has no covenant with, Jeremiah 31;31, Hebrews 8:10, don’t care if you claim to accept Jesus he doesn’t accept you, Amos 3:1-2, the rest of you, get lost – Matt 7:23
@Allen Ahrens, you write your assertions as if they are self-evident in the Biblical text, but they are anything but self-evident.
“1) The “imposters” had already seized most of the power in Judea, as around 50,000 newly freed TRUE Israelites had returned to find over the last couple of centuries leading up to the time of Christ. ”
Nothing in historical record or the Bible suggests this. According to Josephus, Edomites converted so they could stay in their own land, which was south of Jerusalem. A few Edomites became rulers of Roman provinces. That’s basically where it all ends.
“The word in Greek in the New Testament was “Genea” which means “race””
No, it doesn’t. Unless you mean to say there were fourteen races from Abraham to David? (Matthew 1:17) “Thus there were fourteen generations (genea) in all from Abraham to David, fourteen from David to the exile to Babylon, and fourteen from the exile to the Messiah.”
“3) My people are sheep, and yours are goats. Your either BORN a sheep, or born a goat. There are good goats, and bad sheep, but one cannot become the other- (Mathew 25:31-40”
There can be bad sheep, but a good tree cannot bear bad fruit (Matthew 7:17). These ideas are irreconcilable.
“4) You have murdered every prophet I have sent you, from righteous Abel, to Zacheriah, whom you slew between the alter and the steps (Luke 11:51. NOTE- This PROVES they are the children of Cain, NOT the children of Adam for how else could he hold those present responsible for the death of Abel)?”
Nehemiah 9:26 says Israel killed the prophets.
5) Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abodes not in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks his own tongue, for he was a liar, and the father of lies. (John 8:44)
1 John 3:8 and 10 tell us you’re a son of the devil based on what you do. Christ said you’re a son of Abraham based on what you do (John 8:39).
“Genea” refers to both generation and race.
So sometimes it is used to mean “generation” and sometimes it is used to mean “race.”
“There can be bad sheep, but a good tree cannot bear bad fruit (Matthew 7:17). These ideas are irreconcilable.”
I do not understand your reasoning at all.
Both the sheep & tree illustrations confirm the Israelite belief that kind begets kind, if the father is evil, the son will be also, this is not a metaphysical issue of environmental influences, but one of genetic inheritance.
You can corrupt a good fruit into a bad one, but you can’t elevate a bad fruit into a good fruit.
Science confirms this belief although the academia won’t admit it: Genetic studies confirm that what is called “psychopathy” can be genetically inherited, and it is a very dominant trait.
The most genetic disparity between races is not in the overt ‘cosmetics’ but in neurological differences, which then manifest as different impulses/ habits, characteristics & predilections.
Greek poet Theognis of Megara wrote: “We look for
rams and asses and stallions of good stock, and one believes
that good will come from good; yet a good man
minds not to wed the evil daughter of an evil sire. . . .
Marvel not that the stock of our folk is tarnished, for
the good is mingling with the base.”
Dan, the concept of “race” as we use it today is rather recent, from the 16th century. That source for the meaning of “gene” you posted actually contradicts itself. While it says that “gene” originally meant “generation or race”, if you look up “race” on the same site, it says that “race” was an early 16th century word. When you claim “genea” means “race”, you are using an anachronism, a logical fallacy. The Greeks would have understood “genea” not as “race” but as “common birth”, which is very difference from how we understand “race” today. “Race” is a pseudo-scientific term that does not hold up under scrutiny. In fact, until recently in English “race” also meant family ancestry, which is probably how the Greeks would have understood “genea”.
You’ve obviously drank the New Age Universalist Equality coolaid.
It’s called “pseudo-science” because Jewish-owned Academia deny the concept of race altogether, despite the mounds of evidence, and what is clearly self-evident.
There is no truth in Race Denialism. You may as well join hands with the Jews and the Freemasons now, if you haven’t already.
>until recently in English “race” also meant family ancestry,
“people descended from a common ancestor”
Being descended from a common ancestor, like a “Rothschild,” is more like a “dynasty” or “lineage” really.
Look, this should spell it out for you. Genea – Natus – Nationem.
A nation is a very large family, all from the same stock, the same common ancestors. Even Egyptians made categorisations of race & nationality, and you can read Tacitus’ Germania too.
Race is sometimes used to mean “nation” or “common birth.”
It is also, later, used to refer to one of the three or four main groups, Negroid, Caucasoid, Mongaloid, Australoid. In Christian creationism, the first three groups are linked with the three sons of Noah, obviously this is taken to mean that Noah had widely divergent sons, but modern creationists tend to say it was inheritance from the son’s wives that made the offspring of each son divergent.
The four main racial groups are like an even larger family than a nation, they are groups of closely related nations. There are also nations that are mixtures between the racial extremes. (Australoid seems more like a mixture to me).
I’m not saying you have to believe the Creationist view, but race is definitely not “pseudo-science.” But mixed people are not going to appreciate this reality & will always try to diminish or deconstruct it.
Dan wrote, “I do not understand your reasoning at all.
Both the sheep & tree illustrations confirm the Israelite belief that kind begets kind, if the father is evil, the son will be also, this is not a metaphysical issue of environmental influences, but one of genetic inheritance.
You can corrupt a good fruit into a bad one, but you can’t elevate a bad fruit into a good fruit.”
Allen Ahrens said that there would be bad sheep according to the sheep and goats of Matthew 25. I said that a good tree cannot bear bad fruit according to Matthew 7. If we uniformly apply the teachings, Allen Ahren’s assertion is irreconcilable with Bible.
One is a sheep based on what one does, not based on what one is (Matthew 25:34-40).
One is a good tree based on what one does, not based on what one is (Matthew 7:23).
One is a wheat based on what one does, not based on what one is (Matthew 13:41).
One is a son of Abraham based on what one does, not based on what one is (John 8:39).
One is a child of God based on what one does, not based on what one is (1 John 3:10).
One is outside the city based on what one does, not based on what one is (Revelation 22:15).
One does not inherit the Kingdom of God based on what one does, not based on what one is (1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Galatians 5:19-21, Ephesians 5:5).
It’s just the plain words of the Bible. Do you disagree with the Bible? What you call “metaphysical issue of environmental influences” I call the divine work of the Holy Spirit (John 3:1-21).
Your “science” is useless, because every white, Adamic person has sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. Without Christ we are doomed no matter who our parents were.
We must obey His gospel and start to bear good fruit by His power (1 John 3:3, 2 Corinthians 7:1, 2 Peter 3:14). Then we will reveal that we were always good trees (John 3:21), based on the state of the end of our lives (Ezekiel 18:21-22).
Thank you
Excellent post. Especially regarding the imposters.
I like your explanation (in spite of a few spelling mistakes). I am a traditional sedevacantist Catholic who styles himself as an Israelite–but obviously not a Judean. My brother just died a few days ago… he was overly “sympathetic” to the Talmudic Zionist Pharasaical Judeans of today… I wish I had come across your post a few months ago so I could have communicated it to him; well he knows the truth now.
The jews created CRT, which is based on the teachings of Jewry’s selected sect of subversive jews known as the Frankfurt School, which had earlier laid the groundwork for “the critical study of anti-Semitism” [and Cultural Marxism]. The below is from, “Why Jews Should Embrace Critical Race Theory” [Tikkun – July 14, 2021].
“Critical Race Theory also built on the insights of the Frankfurt School, another influential group of social theorists, most of whom were Jewish. With the Nazi assumption of power, they fled Frankfurt in 1933 for Geneva and then went on to New York in 1935, initially setting up camp at Columbia. In America, they were supported by the American Jewish Committee to produce the pioneering “Studies in Prejudice” series, a set of groundbreaking works that appeared in 1950, which laid the groundwork for the critical study of anti-Semitism. The body of the Frankfurt School’s work is known as Critical Theory, which is where the term “Critical,” used in Critical Race Theory and Critical Social Justice, got its original significance.”
“People think loving one’s fellow means to give him a pat on the back. Loving one’s fellow means that if a Jew on the other side of the world has a problem, you feel it.”
– Rabbi Yisroel Friedman, the Ruzhiner Rebbe (1796-1850)
“Jews do not accept the world that is. They challenge it in the name of the world that ought to be.” – Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks
“The State of Israel wasn’t founded so that anti-Semitism would end. It was founded so that we could tell the anti-Semites to shove it.” – Ephraim Kishon
Jews refuse to take any responsibility for killing Christ because in the end, they don’t actually care. They are consciously trying to subjugate Christianity.
Real, white Israelites, who actually DID kill Christ according to the Bible, refuse to take any responsibility for killing Christ because they are self-righteous.
They can’t be seen to reject the the words of Peter in Acts 2:22-23, so they’ve invented a myth that modern day Jews were actually present in Israel. They’ll say that when Peter blamed Israel, he didn’t actually mean what his plain words said. It was a secret code only those “in the know” would understand. In the end, they simply reject Peter’s words anyway.
In that way the Jews are right; they have become a scape goat for white Christians. Well, at least the Jews and the real Israelites can agree on a few things.
The Jews fooled the real Israeltes, but the real Israelites fooled only themselves.
And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
“…..The Jews fooled the real Israelites, but the real Israelites fooled only themselves.,,,,,”
Good one. Profound.
Celtics, Scandinavians Germanics were not in Judea at the time of Christ’s death.
Are you guys just naturally stubborn & masochistic or are you some kind of cointelpro for Christian dissidents?
Some of the ancestors of Modern Jews actually lived in Judea and followed the Pharisees, obviously.
All MENA have European admixture, but Ashkenazi have much more, and in varying degrees, but the key thing is that they could not have the Talmud, if they were not the descendants of Judeans.
And they do admit to killing Jesus, they routinely boast about it depending on the circumstance. In their Talmud, they admit that they had Jesus sentenced to death for claiming to be God, and it also says Jesus is burning in boiling excrement for eternity for his blasphemy & black magic…
Would you like them to sign their confession? or what?
So jews are not the ones who did it since the jews are not the Real Israelites, but the jews today will be held responsible and prosecuted for something they did not do because they falsely claim to be Real Israelites, although they are the wrong people.
“…. but the jews today will be held responsible and prosecuted for something they did not do….”
Who is holding “modern Jewry” responsible for the killing of Christ? I would like to know who they are.
Most every “christian” I know loves the Jews despite their alleged involvement. In fact most “christians” would probably fail a lie detector if asked if they were glad the Jews killed Christ.
No one is holding modern Jewry responsible for the killing of Christ. Except maybe for a few Christian Identity peoples.
westwins wrote, “Most every “christian” I know loves the Jews despite their alleged involvement.”
So true. They “bless” the Jews even though the Jews reject Christ and engage in all sorts of sin, which is against everything the Bible commands. How can Christians have anything to do with Jews who actively deny Christ? We are supposed to have nothing to do with these people. What are “judeo-Christian” values? What does light have in common with darkness? Jews are antiChrist yet Christians revere them. So crazy….
I was able to demonstrate to some in my family that the Jews were behind Pornography.
What was their response?
We must pray for them.
Right, and the dictionary definition of an “antiChrist” is someone who actively denies or opposes Christ. That is the Jews. What values do Christians share with antiChrists? Apparently, many these days. Sad but true.
FYI this is a different “Dan” to me, I’ll use the Frisian “Daan” from now on.
This idea is nonsense, no matter what verse they cherrypick. European nations are not descended from people who lived in Judea at the time of Christ’s death, whereas Jews actually are, at least in part. If they weren’t, they wouldn’t have the Talmud or other religious/ cultural signifiers… including a vendetta against Europeans.
If Europeans are “Shemite,” then Jews are mixed or “ereb”
No matter what, they also have genetic heritage from Canaanites. Edomites were at least half-Canaanite.
Hittites were Canaanites and here is how they are described by Sayce:
https://pic8.co/sh/P6ZnKT.jpg (Armenoid with Hittite hairstyle)
Really, what they need to be saying is that the genuinely Israelite ancestors of the Jews are the ones that said “His blood will be upon us.” But instead they are trying to deceive Europeans into believing they are directly culpable for the actions of a Pharisee cult.
But I don’t know how that guy can claim that Edomites only ever lived in Edom, when the Edomites were the ones who opened the gates to Jerusalem for Babylonians and were then rewarded for it.
Daan, you seem to be having a conversation with yourself. No one here that I’m aware of ever said the European people were descended from the Judean Israelites of Scripture. Please show where you read that in any of the articles here. If there is Israelite ancestry in the European peoples, and there most certainly is, it comes from the northern 10 tribes of Israel, from the Assyrian captivity. The Cimmerians, the Scythians, Parthians, etc., aka the Celts and the Goths.
Dan wrote, “But I don’t know how that guy can claim that Edomites only ever lived in Edom, when the Edomites were the ones who opened the gates to Jerusalem for Babylonians and were then rewarded for it.”
This is exactly what I wrote: “According to Josephus, Edomites converted so they could stay in their own land, which was south of Jerusalem.” If you disagree with Josephus, you should take it up with him. Also where do you see that Edomites opened the gates to Jerusalem for the Babylonians?
Daan, you don’t seem to know much of the Bible or history, but you’ve been bewitched by this “science” you love so much. It has bewitched you into believing your opinion on the Bible should be accepted despite your ignorance of the Bible itself. I would suggest you clear your mind and read the Bible exclusively for a while and pray for understanding from Christ Jesus instead of whatever misbegotten place generated this “science.”
Must disagree; whilst there were certainly true Israelites in the crowd calling for Jesus’ crucifixion, the movers and shakers, the impetus behind His murder came from the jews, acting on behalf of their father the devil. Period.
But yes, there would still be disgust towards jews – they would not change their ways nor their inherent repugnancy.
Luke, could you please offer Scriptural proof, chapter and verse, to support your contention that the “impetus” behind Christ’s murder came from non-Israelite “Jews”, which I take it you mean, the same people as the modern-day Jews?
Certainly; start with John 5:18. Go on to chapter 7, vs 15-19, then John 10:31 and John 1:8. Look at Matthew 12:14 and 20:59. Move over to Mark 11:18, and there are many, many more.
Remember too that according to the [modern day] jews themselves, “phariseeism IS judasism’ and “jews are followers of the ancient pharisees and their ‘wisdom’ in the talmud”. So even tho jews are a mongrel race, with only a very very small minority of them even being Adamic, they are connected to the pharisees and their followers, the ‘squatters’ in Palestine at that time which the Romans drew a distinction of from the ‘genuine’ Israelites.
Now, yes, Christ died FOR and BECAUSE of the sins of True Israel , and there were certainly many in the crowd shouting for His crucifixion that were Adamic, True Israelites – no argument. BUT, since you apparently dont like the term ‘impetus’, lets substitute ‘driving force’ or ‘conspirators’ shall we? The answer is the same – jews – not Romans – sought to kill Him. jews hired ‘certain worthless fellows to stir up the crowd’. jews leveraged their political power and used blackmail against the Roman representatives in Palestine to effect the murder of Jesus. jews murdered the physical , ‘human’ Jesus. It is clear.
Luke 2236 —
You said, “…the ‘squatters’ in Palestine at that time which the Romans drew a distinction of from the ‘genuine’ Israelites….”
I am very interested in this statement — “…which the Romans drew a distinction of from….”
Could you provide a source for this? This would be very important to add to this discussion. If we could document actual quotes from that time of Romans making a distinction between Israelites and imposters …………. that is a powerful argument.
Sure, let’s start with John 5:18, “Therefore the Jews sought the more to kill him, because he not only had broken the sabbath, but said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God.”
You are basically arguing that because the Greek “Ἰούδα” or ioudaios (Strongs 2453) is translated as “Jew” that therefore, “Jew” cannot mean true Israelite?
Are you claiming that wherever we see the word “Jew” in the gospel that it does NOT mean Israelite? If that is what you are attempting to suggest, then you must know how absurd that is because “ioudaios” does NOT mean “Jew” in the modern sense; rather it means Judean, or from the Tribe of Judah (and Levi and Benjamin like Paul).
Proof of what I am saying is John 8:31, which uses the SAME word “ioudaios” as John 5:18, and says, “Then said Jesus to those Jews (G2453) which believed on him, ‘If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed.”
So even Christ is a witness proving that “ioudaios” here means an Israelite disciple.
Were there “ioudaios” who didn’t believe Christ? Of course. See John 9:18. But just because they didn’t believe Christ, such as the Pharisees, doesn’t mean they were no longer born as Israelites as you seem to be suggesting.
And just because modern day Judaism is based on the religion of the Pharisees and the rejection of Christ does not mean modern day Jews are the same racially as the Pharisees. That is not a logical argument.
Actually kramer, I mean Crema, it is logical. The jews themselves admit it. The Romans knew that there were ‘genuine’ Israelites and those that occupied the land after the Israelites were taken away into captivity. These creatures – which included the political class/’theological’ leaders were, in the main, the pharisees. They were the mongrel races from the surrounding areas and some edomites that had occupied the area for centuries before Christs time since the captivity. They were, to a large extent, also ‘babylonian’ in nature and philosophy, which, we note, the modern jew will admit that their talmud is an extension of.
Were there actual, physical, literal true Israelites in attendance at the crucifixion and screaming for Jesus’ murder? Certainly – the Word tells us that. [and I said so also] The fact remains tho that the people ‘behind’ His murder were the jewish leaders of the day, and they are racially kin to the modern day jew.
[one might note that the pharisees’ claimed to be Abrahams seed, yet they claimed that they had never been slaves or in captivity – that in itself would preclude them from being Israelites…]
To answer Mr Westwins, Im sorry that I cant give you ‘chapter and verse’ at this time; I have heard and read several articles and studies on this over the years- several have noted that the term ‘ germanus’ and genuina [Im trusting my ageing memory here on spellings, so please cut me some slack…] was used in writings of the period to distinguish White folk / genuine Israelites from the main inhabitants of the land. Also, Roman writings, such as the letter from Pontius Pilate to Caesar give physical description[s] of Jesus and of His accusers. Jesus is described as what we would call a White person with Celtic features, whilst the ‘accusers’ and pharisees are described as…well, stereotypical jews. I have seen more than one contemporary text quoted with the same basic descriptions and differences – Im sorry i dont have them at hand or cant give you cites off the top of my head. E Raymond Capts writing might be a good place to start.
Neither history nor the Bible say the Jews were in any ways involved in the crucifixion of Christ. There’s just no reason to believe it.
Also, we don’t NEED Jews to have been involved in order to understand that they are the scourge of the earth today. They’re bad enough without putting the death of Christ on them. That one’s on us.
Perhaps the traditions of the actual, white Israelite Pharisees of that time live on in Jews today to some extent. But the fact still remains that actual, white Israelites killed Christ; Pharisees and common folk together.
At the same time though, Pharisees of that time were still awake enough for some of them like Nicodemus would still come to Christ. Also Christ saved Peter and John’s lives through Gamaliel, a Pharisee. Yeah, the Pharisees were bad, but they were a far cry from modern Jewry. Phariseeism only started to approach Jewish Talmudism around 200AD, despite the fact that Jews claim Phariseeism as their source. Paul claimed to be perfect according to the letter of the Law, which is far off from Jewish tradition.
White people trying to do good according to their own judgement are capable of killing Christ. It is what it is. We need to drop the childish, comic book caricature of the Pharisees CI has created and see ourselves in them before it’s too late.
Luke, you merely are repeating yourself but don’t feel obligated to prove anything that you are claiming.
“The jews themselves admit it.”
Admit what? Which Jews? Jews in the gospel, or modern Jews?
…”the pharisees. They were the mongrel races from the surrounding areas and some edomites that had occupied the area for centuries before Christs time since the captivity.”
Prove it. Where is your proof that the Pharisees were “mongrels” or “edomites”. Chapter and verse please. That should be easy. Or where is your proof that edomites were “mongrels”? Chapter and verse?
“The fact remains tho that the people ‘behind’ His murder were the jewish leaders of the day, and they are racially kin to the modern day jew.”
You repeat yourself as if by repeating it you will somehow convince us of it. No so. Where is your proof that those “behind” the crucifixion are related by blood to modern Jews? Please show us the proof beyond wild speculation.
“the pharisees’ claimed to be Abrahams seed, yet they claimed that they had never been slaves or in captivity – that in itself would preclude them from being Israelites…”
I assume you are referring to John 8:33? The Pharisees are not saying that none of their ancestors were ever in bondage. Where does it say that? It doesn’t. You merely presume that’s what the Pharisees are saying here, but that’s not at all what they are saying. The Pharisees are misunderstanding Christ, and taking his words literally when He said to them, ““And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” Nothing about their ancestry here. He tells them they are in bondage to a lie, and they take Him literally. This has nothing to do with them being true Israelites.
And there’s no need for you to insinuate that I’m a Jew by calling me “kramer”. Like all people who believe what you do, you think anyone who doesn’t agree with you must be a Jew. That alone proves to me you have no argument, so you resort to ad hominem attacks. I assume you must also believe that CFT are “Jews” too, because they don’t seem to agree with your view either. Why are you here then if the site is run by “kramers”?
The rabbi states “that as long as Christians believe that Jews are “Christ killers,” they will continue to hate Jews and struggle to restrain their collective desire to put them in Gas Chambers and rid the world of them once and for all.”
Hmm? Funny he should say that since my understanding is that well over 90% of Christian churches here in the U.S., fawn and bend the knee to the Zionists, and worship the modern day Jew as God’s chosen. Either the Rabbi is not aware of that, or he chooses to ignore it.
“But they want their proverbial cake and eat it too, and of course talking out both sides of their mouth as usual.
Of course admitting they’re not real Israelites would put an end to their number one extortion racket:. The Holohoax. Gotta keep those shekels rolling in.
The answer that pops into my head after reading that headline is: “of course.” Regardless of what these critters were in the past, the horrendous behavior of modern jewry would, by itself, be enough to stir up contempt for jewry in the hearts of every non-jew who is capable of independent, critical thought and has a conscience. I think admitting they are not the real Israelites would only build MORE animosity toward them as our people would learn that, in addition to stealing our wealth and actively working to exterminate our people in the present day, they also robbed us of our ancient heritage. Furthermore, the fact that they’re not Israelites doesn’t change the fact that they murdered Jesus.
IMO, they are trying to deceive Europeans into believing they are directly culpable for the actions of a Pharisee cult from Judea.
I do not follow how asserting that Shemites were European, and modern Europeans have Lost Tribe Israelite ancestry equates to them all being held culpable for Jesus’ death. European nations were already distinct “barbarian” tribes in Europe at the time of Jesus’ death, where as modern Jews are, at least in part descended from genuine Judeans who followed the Pharisees. The Jews most certainly have European admixture anyway. They literally admit to having Jesus executed for Blasphemy, and the Talmud was the Oral Law of the Pharisees written down in Babylon, during the exiling of Judeans.