Rabbi Daniel Asor, a popular rabbi in Israel, has urged his thousands of followers not to be vaccinated against the coronavirus, warning them that doing so might “turn them” into homosexuals:
Rabbi Daniel Asor’s assertion goes against decrees issued by leading rabbis in Israel and around the world, who have called on ultra-Orthodox society to take every precaution against the global pandemic, including getting vaccinated.
The Haredi community has recorded extremely high morbidity rates due to repeated flouting of social distancing directives.
Asor, who has tens of thousands of followers on social media, is no stranger to controversy. In his latest online sermons, he argued that “any vaccine made using an embryonic substrate, and we have evidence of this, causes opposite tendencies. Vaccines are taken from an embryonic substrate, and they did that here, too, so … it can cause opposite tendencies.”
In addition to purporting a false link between vaccines and homosexuality, Assur also advocates various conspiracy theories about the coronavirus, claiming, among other things, that both the virus and the vaccines are the work of a “global malicious government,” comprising the Freemasons, the Illuminati, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and others, who are “trying to establish a new world order.”
He further argues that the virus was released to “cull global population” and that the vaccines seek to further this agenda.
Asor calls the World Health Organization and pharma giants Pfizer and Moderna “criminal organizations” that have deliberately mislead ultra-Orthodox leaders into supporting vaccination drives by presenting them with false data on its components and efficiency.
Further spinning his conspiracy theory, Asor claims that the US Federal Emergency Management Agency, a Department of Homeland Security that has joined forces with Israel’s National Emergency Authority to battle the pandemic, maintains a “brutal army” in Israel that will be secretly embedded with local law enforcement to further the global government’s nefarious agenda.
It should be stressed that leading rabbis in the Sephardi and Ashkenazi comminutes have deemed COVID-19 vaccines to be safe and are urging their followers to be immunized.
Responding to Asor’s assertion that the vaccine could change one’s sexual orientation, Havruta, an organization that acts to promote tolerance and acceptance of LGBTQ people in Haredi society, said it was “currently gearing up to welcome our impending new members.”
Israel has one of the highest per capita gay and bi-sexual populations in the world — and now they proudly claim that they have the highest per capita vaccination rates against COVID in the world.
But how can this be when surveys have shown that up to 75% of the population did not intend to get vaccinated — especially the Orthodox Jews? — so someone is lying, and it couldn’t possibly be those who are promoting the bogus, deadly vaccines, of course.
If what the learned Rabbi claims is true — then Israel will surely become the “gayest” country in the world — and at the same time, the most sterile country in the world, as homosexuals do not reproduce except by molestation of children.
And child rape and abuse is already rampant in Israel — with children literally being abducted off the streets in broad daylight.
But this twisted scenario is consistent with what we have reported previously — that Israel could be headed for a “vaccine Holocaust” — in their arrogance in “proving ” to the world that they are better than everyone else in fighting this fictional disease — they could bring about their own demise.
Either way, this article does a nice job making Asor sound as crazy as possible — even though everything he’s claiming is true — except for the fact that he — of course — leaves his fellow Jews out of the cabal that is pushing this “New World Order” through vaccines.
And it’s no secret Jews have been at the forefront of promoting homosexuality in our western Christian nations — and if you don’t think that is a good for us, then you are probably an antisemite™.
In fact, if you even quote Amy Dean, a Jewish activist who has openly bragged about the Jewish involvement in promoting homosexuality, then — again — you are probably an antisemite™:
“In a few short years, same-sex marriage went from being an untouchable political hot potato to a broadly accepted civil right in eighteen states and the District of Columbia. Jews, and their social justice organizations, helped make that happen. In fact, this magazine was a prophetic voice of marriage equality, supporting same-sex unions in the early 1990s and helping to lay the groundwork for the current wave of victories.”
–Amy Dean, “How Jews Brought America to the Tipping Point on Marriage Equality: Lessons for the Next Social Justice Issues,” Tikkun, March 16, 2014
The only Hope for America is Jesus the Lord. The Only way to in covenant relationship with the One and Only Holy God is through Jesus Christ our Lord.
If anyone wants to hear about sexual topics, homosexuality, listen to Alex Jones. Why do I pick on him? Because he is a know it all braggart, who then denies he is bragging. He is the most filthy minded and vulgar person on the internet and radio when it comes to talking about sexual topics, like homosexuality and people follow him and believe him like he is the source of all truth .Trump is just as bad. It reminds me of hearing a women say that she would vote for John McCain for President no matter what, just because he was a prisoner of war. Yet if you look up John Mc Cain , he was backed by criminal money. If you look up Nancy Pelosi, she is said to be part of the crime family network running California. That is the problem, today. We don’t have decent men , to select our leaders from. If you look up videos of Trump , you will find that over the decades he was instilled with the idea of being President , by the hosts whose shows he was a guest on. O Bama was a nobody , who suddenly appeared in the news .Clinton was an unknown governor in Arkansas, and I can’t remember how he came about any more, but there was many articles about his and Hillary’s background , yet we voted for O Bama and Bill Clinton for two terms. We voted for George Bush Jr. for two terms , even though he got us into a war on a lie. And for 20 years we destroyed Arab lives, homes, families, security, history, culture, governments, economies and now our Military secretly leaves the people of Afganastan on their own to fight the enemy Bush claimed to get us into war. I believe that is why Joe Biden is President. The One Worlders needed a change. Trump was a braggart, mean, vicious, insulting, arrogant, superior to anybody and anything, knew all things, self professed intellectual, demeaning , and hating any one of authority or seeming to be above him.
He gave Israel , Jerusalem as their capital as though he was god returning the Jews to their homeland, and the , it is said, ” mineral rich” Golan Heights. That reminds me of reading, years ago, that the Jews were satisfied for a homeland almost anywhere, until it was discovered and announced that the Dead Sea was rich in minerals , and suddenly the Jews set their sights on that area. He also gave the Jews HR 6421, The Anti Semitism Act, referring to colleges and universities , in general, I guess , education. It was passed by the House under Obama and put off for the Senate to vote on to see who won the 2016, election , and when Trump won, announced to be put off until “next year.” Trump passed HR 6421, the very day before his impeachment vote , by Executive Order , in spite of all his bravado that he would not be impeached , just in case he lost. Trump said that he supported Israel 1000 per cent. Trump gave the Jews , Jerusalem as a capital, making them officially a legitimate country. They are slowly stealing all of the land from the Palestinians. A big fuss was made by the Blacks about a Police man killing George Floyd by applying pressure to the side of his neck. We’ve been told that our Police are trained by Israeli personnel in the same tactics they use on the Palestinians. There are photos of IDF soldiers with their knees on the necks of Palestinians forced to the ground. The very same tactics, the Blacks , are using as violence against them to demand privileges, authority , powers and suppress Police powers to suit themselves. I heard on the news , about HR 6421 just after Trump was elected , yet in over four and one half years, I watched and waited for Alex Jones and others to mention it and didn’t hear it. Now , he whines about suppression and gets guests on to tell about being banned as though it is something only he and his guests are going through. No wonder, he didn’t talk about it. Now he has another topic to scream about. But I noticed that when he talks about the ADL and JDL, he talks softly. Listen to his 10 July 2021 program to hear him brag of God opening up Heaven to him and looking in and everything was so complete and perfect. Maybe Alex Jones may be the Messiah. No!! He can’t be because he’s bald headed making him “imperfect” but he does have the round faces like the Jewish Beatniks of the 1950’s and 1960’s.
Meanwhile Israel cements control of technology:
The low population Jews have ALWAYS had, is further proof that they are NOT the Israel of the bible, but rather the enemies of Israel…Edom.
God has MULTIPLIED Israel across the world, and kept Edom small in number….
Obadiah 1:2
This is the vision of Obadiah: This is what the Lord GOD says about Edom—We have heard a message from the LORD; an envoy has been sent among the nations to say, “Rise up, and let us go to battle against her!”— 2“Behold, I will make you small among the nations; you will be deeply despised. 3The pride of your heart has deceived you, O dwellers in the clefts of the rocks whose habitation is the heights, who say in your heart, ‘Who can bring me down to the ground?’
Exodus 1:7
7but the Israelites were fruitful and increased rapidly; they multiplied and became exceedingly numerous, so that the land was filled with them.
Jews have held a roundly 18 million population for as long as there have been census’. Just by CALLING themselves “The children of Israel” they call God a liar by thier very numbers…And that is in and of itself blaspheme.
While I agree with you that Jews are certainly NOT Israel, I do think their actually numbers are MUCH larger that they admit to. After all, how to do define “Jew” in terms of a census? I personally believe that anyone with any Jewish ancestry is a Jew, no matter how small.
That would, for example, make almost every single Hispanic person a racial Jew despite the majority of them being “Catholics”, but of course, Catholicism is the most Jewish of all Christian, or nominally Christian sects.
The origins of Catholicism can clearly be traced by to Babylon, as Alexander Hislop proved in “The Two Babylons”, and Babylon is also the cradle of Judaism.
Modern society is called Mystery Babylon and it is now dominated by racial Jews, and the most powerful “Christian” sect, the Catholic Church, led by crypto Jews, is leading its flock directly into this beast system.
Having Jewish ancestry makes you much more susceptible to seduction by Mystery Babylon–if your DNA is already compromised and corrupted, if you are not perfect in your generations, in some sense you already are marked. Mongrel races are much easier to dominate than the pure Adamic race, but your race is not enough to protect you. If you reject Christ, you reject God and His laws, including the prohibition against race mixing. Thus by rejecting Christ, like all Jews, your descendants will eventually become racial Jews through race mixing.
That said, there may be more people today with some Jewish ancestry than there are actual pure White Israelites whose population is rapidly dwindling every day while the Jewish population explodes. We know in the end times, the true believing remnant of Israel will be small, greatly reduced from the numbers once promised to Abraham.
More Vaccine Reactions:
n.b.This victim noted in previous comment, symptoms similar?
Over the course of the past few weeks, evidence has arisen which shows that there appears to be a direct correlation between the roll-out of the vaxxtermination agenda and the sudden spike in what the UK government claims to be ‘COVID deaths’.
Bill Gates’ Porn Addict Days
Bill Gates ticks all the boxes for a key Illuminati “Change Agent”:
– Pervert
– Crypto Jew
– Control Freak
– Killer
$4 Billion and Growing: U.S. Payouts for Vaccine Injuries and Deaths Keep Climbing.
The bed bound hospitalized patient in the previous comment I cannot prove with backing information is a Covid Vaccine victim others have suggested is a DTAP injury.
The others are listed at vaccineimpact.com or on
as Covid Vaccine Injuries.
125000 Vaccine Injury stories can be found here and can be filtered by Vaccine Type.
The late Patriotic American, Col. Jack Mohr, told us about this exchange in “Things Christians Need To Know (About Jews, Judaism and Zionism)” :
“When the well known Jewish author, Oscar Levy was asked: “How much longer MUST we (white Christians) be inflicted by your people? How do you propose to get us out of the morass you have led us into?” His answer was:
“You are right! This reproach of yours, which I feel for certain is at the bottom of your anti-Semitism, is only too well justified; upon this common ground I am quite willing to shake hands with you and defend you against any accusation of promoting race hatred . . . We (Jews) have erred, my friend, we have most grievously erred. And if there is any truth in our error, 3,000, 2,000, maybe 100 years ago, there is nothing now but falseness and madness, a madness which will produce even greater misery and wider anarchy. I confess it to you openly and sincerely and with sorrow . . . We who have posed as the saviors of the world . . . We are nothing but the world’s seducers, it’s destroyers, it’s incinderaries, it’s executioners. . . we who promised to lead you to heaven, have finally succeeded in leading you to a new hell . . . There has been no progress, least of all moral progress . . . and it is just our morality which prohibits all progress, and what is worse – which stands in the way of every future and natural reconstruction in this ruined world of ours. . .I look at this world, and shudder at its ghastliness: I shudder all the more, as I know the spiritual authors of all this ghastliness…” (From Levy’s preface to THE WORLD SIGNIFICANCE OF THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION, by George Lane-Fox Pitt-Rivers (July 1920).
I could literally quote hundreds of similar references from Jewish authors, concerning their own people and Zionist plans for a One World Government, with its headquarters in Jerusalem. (Our fundamentalist brethren say this is the fulfillment of prophecy, I say it is the fulfillment of the dream of the anti-Christ.)”
SEE: Jack Mohr’s Web Page
Does it mean it could also turn gays into heterosexuals?
Nope. That only comes from repetance 🙂
Interesting that this rabbi fella mentions this:
“Vaccines are taken from an embryonic substrate”
I tried to warn some catholics I know about dead babies being in the vaccine from Moderna that the pope is championing (as I read somewhere, I recall)… and that info was met with, basically, since the pope says it is okay, it must be okay. No problems or guilt on catholics consciences coz the pope says no worries.
And, also, apparently, according to heaps of learned scientists and psychologists these days, everyone is acctually gender fluid… you can just pick your sexual preferences as you feel: wana be a chick with a dick? no probz! Wana be a woman that loves trans women that think they are still men? No worries!… so how can a vaccine make you a faggot if we are all supposed to be poofters anyway either knowingly or unknowingly?
I think they make this stuff up as they go along. And most of the jews seem queer anyway!
You can read what the priest from Mount Athos in Greece – Saint Pavel monastery says the same thing about vaccine its not ok! to be made with aborted featuses.
And surprise: its the seal of the beast from the bible. The vatican pope is not with the True Christ …
Your right. This “vaccine” contains murdered children (for what else is abortion) sacrificed in modern times by the new”Priests of Baal” aka abortion doctors, and it contains animal DNA (for its “immunity” properties, of course…) and by shooting this garbage into people, they are truly bringing about the mark of the beast. As how can the spirit of God dwell in any “temple” that has such abominations put into it?
THIS is how they intend to cut off the population from God. And when the spirit of God departs these temples, and they become “hosts” for something else, I believe that is when the mass killing of Christians will begin in earnest….We need to hope and pray for the best, but prepare for the worse.
God bless.
Sad thing is I don’t think they’ll have to mass kill anyone. People are so busy lining up to get vaccinated, to get to the “doctors” who fill them full of poison they call “medication”, to abort their babies or to hand over their surviving children for generations for the state to raise and brainwash in their gulags (which they call “public schools”) and which now teach them how to be gay, transgender, etc, that people are literally killing themselves and stopping their own population growth. There are very few real Christians left even now. Oh, plenty of people call themselves that, but look how they live, look what they support. Nah, they did a great job showing us for generations how to do our own selves in, and most of the population has been obediently following all the instructions for self-annihilation since at least the WWII.
If the vaccine does turn people gay this isn’t necessarily a bad thing. For example when Jews are fleeing persecution it means we will be able to stuff more diamonds, rings, watches, crystal chandeliers, etc. up our butts.
Hahaha! Don’t forget the gold bullion and family silver!
(((they))) would love that…
The youngest vaccine candidate has Zero side effects…
A Nursing Home had Zero Coronavirus Deaths. Then, It Vaccinates Residents for Coronavirus and the Deaths Begin. ..
Shawn Skelton seeks help after convulsions from Mocerna Covid Vaccine:
UPDATE!!!! GOD IS GOOD!!! Finally I’m getting admitted to the hospital under the care of a neurological team! Thank you thank you thank you!!!!
Dr Andrew Moulden: Silenced by Big Pharma?
Dr Andrew Moulden discovered the clear link between vaccines and a wide variety of serious health conditions including autism, which he shows is caused by cranial mini-strokes, as evidenced by abnormal facial features clearly visible after vaccination. He had collected over 5000 photographs from parents in preparation for a class action lawsuit against vaccine makers. He died on Nov 14, 2013, before the lawsuit could move forward.
Dr. Andrew Moulden recognized that every dose of vaccine given to a child produces neurological damage and often the damage is obvious if we know what to look for. Before his death, he was working with Bright Steps Forward in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.