In 1877, a small boy following this father as he plowed a field on a farm in Grand Traverse County Michigan, found the “Grand Traverse Stone” which bore an inscription that conclusively connected it to the Celto-Iberian people:
The stone is slate, ½-inch thick, and 2½ inches on each side. The symbols on the Stone are similar to those in the Pan-Mediterranean alphabet in use about the time of Christ.
D.B. Buchanan, an American epigrapher, recently undertook the task of translating the Stone. Buchanan has built up an inscription data base containing the variants of symbols used in the Pan-Mediterranean alphabet. He found that most of the characters on the Stone could be found in his data base. Buchanan then converted the Stone’s symbols to Roman equivalents and tested sound values in Greek and other Mediterranean languages. He concluded that the Stone used a late form of Vulgar Latin. His translation:
“(I am) carrying (in accounts), 10 talents. To 10 (add) 1 voided (or useless). I am collecting (or sending) 11 only, 10 (of which) I can confirm. Transaction (is) 11 in all (or total).”
The Grand Traverse Stone therefore seems to be a financial document of some kind. Buchanan dates it between 100 BC and 100 AD.
(Buchanan, Donal B.; “Some Remarks on an Inscribed Stone from Grand Traverse Country, Michigan” NEARA Journal, 28:100, 1994. New England Antiquities Research Association.)
The Grand Traverse Stone is just one of hundreds of tablets, coins, and inscriptions on stone walls that suggest European contacts with the New World in ancient times. Of course, mainstream archeologists dismiss all as deliberate frauds or objects imported and dropped accidentally by post-Columbian settlers. The Grand Traverse Stone suggesting organized trade with the New World 2,000 years ago is particularly anomalous.
The myth that Christopher Columbus was the first White man to set foot in “America” must be maintained at all costs, and all evidence contradicting that narrative is consistently attacked and dismissed with ridicule and accusations of “fraud” or “hoax”.
Not only that, any researcher who claims that these inscriptions were not created by Native Americans will be smeared as a “racist” who is attempting to steal the “historical legacy” of the indigenous peoples.
While mainstream academia will begrudgingly entertain the possibility that the Vikings explored east coast of Canada before Columbus, they absolutely refuse to acknowledge the hundreds of archeological discoveries that clearly put White men in North America as early as the reigns of King David and King Solomon.
The reason for this concealment should be obvious: if White men were here that early, those White men must have been Israelites who were clearly NOT jewish, and any mainstream academic who casts any doubts that today’s Jews are real Israelites will quickly lose their jobs and research funding. White people must never awaken to their true identity, and anyone who tries to awaken them will be attacked and dismissed as a “racist” or “antisemitic”.
Anybody ever wonder why “whites” are called caucasians?
The caucasians [ before they acquired that name ] were sent into Assyrian captivity several decades before the House of Judah. Over time they escaped and travelled NW through the Caucasian Mountains. When the people that lived NW encountered them they assumed because of the direction they came from, they were from there, instead of much further. The name stuck even though it was inaccurate. They were trying to forget. They succeeded.
Max Power
Celto/Iberian is not White. Sheesh!
That’s a truly ignorant assertion. The original Iberians were White Israelites, and the word “Iberian” means “Hebrew”. Tarshish and Cadiz in Spain/Iberia were originally Phoenician (Israelite) trading cities. The early Celts descended from those Phoenicians, and the later Celts were Scythians who migrated up through Europe after the fall of Parthia. Therefore, the Celto-Iberians were undoubtedly White Israelites.
Of course today’s inhabitants of Spain are largely mixed with Arab and Jewish bloodlines, but that has nothing to do with the identity of the original inhabitants of the Iberian Peninsula.
Kennewick Man was reburied at the insistence of the ‘native’ Americans and the U.S. government. The USGS placed hundreds of tons of rock & debris on the site along the Columbia River where Kennewick Man’s remains had been found.
I have believed for quite some time that our people had spread to the ‘4 corners’ of the earth prior to the flood. It only makes sense that we were still more than capable afterward, especially when most of the earth remained covered in water. That is what kept the bastard races from regaining dominion of the earth (after they corrupted all flesh prior to the flood) ahead of the 8 true born children of God whom He saved to replenish the earth.
We have always been blessed with the abilities to outperform the bastard races, so it would only make perfect sense, and corroborate Scripture, that we would have settled all the post-flood land before the bastards did. Obviously not all ‘settlements’ produced a thriving civilization as it just wasn’t in God’s perfect plan. If our early predecessors in North America had not been apparently wiped out by the bastard races, “New Jerusalem” would not have been available to produce the greatest civilization in modern history…the united States.
I read quite a bit about the North American indian tribes in my youth. One of the biggest ‘facts’ that I remember being in numerous tribal legends, was that the indians were expecting the ‘bearded white men’ to “return”…
“We” were here from before the time of Christ; the evidence is irrefutable and numerous. There were white civilsations all over this continent that were genocided by arriving ‘indians’ / south american migrants and asian invaders from the north. [sound familiar?] Artifacts, carvings [like the albuquerque decalogue which is the 10 commandments written in the ancient Celtic Ogham] , runes, mounds, etc wetc etc are all over this continent. 10s of thousands of Roman coins from the time of Christ have been plowed up all along the eastern seaboard and are housed, but hiiden, in the Smithsonian. “Governors Mill” – which is actually a church – has the cornerstone inscribed as being way before columbo and built by Norsemen. See books like ‘Christians Before Columbus’ , ‘In Plain Sight’ , America BC’ plus dozens of others for examples. The facts are plain. Our true Israelite forefathers were here first. But the facts dont fit the (((narrative)))…
Thanx for posting this ; I LOVE this type of stuff and youre sure not gonna find it anywhere in the msm or academia.
Christopher Columbus will soon find himself on the ADL’s list of White Supremacist hate figures (along with the numbers 39 and 88) if he isn’t already. For this reason alone, he should retain his role in the European narrative – maybe just not as the discoverer of the North American continent. After the Asians migrating over the Berring Straits genocided the originals of the continent , namely the Solutreans or European peoples , whose artifacts and grave mounds are the most ancient in the Americas (as they are on the other continents) , Spain having won the war of Reconquista against Islamic conquest of the Iberian Peninsula sponsored Columbus voyage of discovery thinking it was time for the Europeans to return to the great continents in the Atlantic.
And in the Pacific Islands, the Aryan people of the Middle East also pre-date , on the Island of New Zealand – the Maori , for example.
New Zealand Ancient History Documentary
Columbus was Jewish.
Christobol Columbo was very possibly jewish – this has not been definitely nailed down. However…what IS undeniable fact is that his mission was financed by the jewess isabella and was looking for a place for marrano jews to escape the Inquisistion [as well as look for gold…typically jew].
Columbus/columbo was aware of North America and apparently had Norwegian maps. He knew of the land amss now known as America and went south on purpose; white folk – Celts, Danes and even the Phoenecians [tribe of Dan most likely] had been here before and for quite a while, even building Christian churches some 300 years before columbus’s voyage.
BUT! the facts dont fit the narrative, and w/o the narrative, ‘indians’ dont get their free ride and white college kids dont get to be made to feel ashamed of their predecessors accomplishmnets. My goodness…w/o the narrative, white folk might wake up, take their country back and ourge the bastard races from their shores, including the (((parasites))) who are behind the narrative!
Columbus and Isabella were white Christians. There isn’t a single shred of evidence of them being “Jewish”. Stop being autistic.
And why do whites HAVE to be in America prior to 1492 (or 1000’s with the Norse colony) anyway? Why do you insist on trying to prove something that simply isn’t true and doesn’t benefit us in any way? We need to be intelligent and have irrefutable facts when we engage the enemy, such as “The Israelites were white”, which can be easily proven with Biblical and other pieces of historical evidence, whereas “The Israelites became Celts” sounds laughable and simply has no basis in any sort of verifiable history.
Pushing bizarre conspiracies and pseudo-science does not help our cause!
DontCensorMe, there is overwhelming evidence that White Europeans are indeed the true Lost Tribes of Israel, and yes, there is verifiable history to prove it, but because you don’t know about it, nor have bothered to seriously study the subject, you deride it, which makes me suspicious of your true motives.
Want proof that the Celts were Israelites? How about the Scottish Declaration of Independence, or the Declaration of Arbroath from 1320, which clearly states that the Scottish people are Israelites:
“Most Holy Father, we know and from the chronicles and books of the ancients wefind that among other famous nations our own, the Scots, has been graced with widespread renown. It journeyed from Greater Scythia by way of the Tyrrhenian Sea and the Pillars of Hercules, and dwelt for a long course of time in Spain among the most savage peoples, but nowhere could it be subdued by any people, however barbarous. Thence it came, twelve hundred years after the people of Israel crossed the Red Sea, to its home in the west where it still lives today.”
Or how about the fact that the Welsh are direct descendants of the Khumry from the Bible?
I find it extremely disingenuous of you, apparently grasping the concept that the Israelites are white, to then discount everything else about the white nations of antiquity, the proper understandings of which refute all the false narratives of our enemies. The truth is only conspiracy and pseudo-science to those who either refuse to see and hear, or simply CAN’T…
Simply amazing. It’s not too far fetched considering that the renowned Phoenician mariners circumnavigated Africa prior to 500 b.c. according to Herodotus. Our ancient forebears were far more advanced than we give them credit for. Unfortunately, so much technology and knowledge was lost when the Arab horde mobilised against the Roman world.
I do believe that ancient Whites reached North and South America at multiple occasions prior to Colombus, whether accidentally or purposefully. However, I doubt any attempted colony was successful in the long term and probably fewer still made the trip home. One thing that bears mentioning though is the samples of nicotine and cocaine found in certain Egyptian tombs. I think those tombs were dated to over 1000 b.c.