Some 35 years after his arrest and conviction for spying for Israel, Texas-born Jew Jonathan Pollard has made aliyah to Israel with the intention of staying — where he is considered a ‘hero’ rather than a criminal who betrayed America’s military secrets to a foreign — and hostile — nation:
Pollard and his wife Esther arrived on a private plane provided by American billionaire Sheldon Adelson and were greeted at the airport by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the Jerusalem Post reported. The Pollards kissed the ground upon arrival.
A former civilian analyst for the Navy, Pollard was arrested in 1985 outside the Israeli embassy in Washington, D.C, where he tried to obtain asylum as counterintelligence agents were closing in on him for spying. The embassy turned Pollard and his then wife Anne away.
Pollard pleaded guilty to passing classified information and was sentenced to life in prison — the only American ever given that sentence for spying for an ally.
Pollard was paroled in 2015. In November, parole restrictions that had restricted his movements were lifted.
Netanyahu said two prayers with the Pollards: Shehecheyanu, the blessing traditionally recited to mark special occasions, and matir asurim, a blessing praising God as the liberator of captives.
“Now you can begin your lives anew in freedom and happiness,” Netanyahu said. “Now you are home.”
“We are ecstatic to be home at last after 35 years and we thank the people and the Prime Minister of Israel for bringing us home,” Pollard said at the airport. “No one could be prouder of this country or this leader than we are. This is a wonderful country. It has a tremendous future. It is the future of the Jewish people and we’re not going anywhere.”
To quote Jewish author Matti Friedman, author Spies Of No Country, “Double identity has always been a part of life for Jews.”
And what makes Jews so effective as spies is their ability to pass as White — or in the Arab world, many can pass as Arab — and like certain pernicious cancers, Jews are racially pleomorphic — which allows them to elude detection and “treatment”.
Richard Nixon infamously discussed the qualities that make Jews such effective and dangerous spies:
(President Nixon): All of the Jewish families are close, but there’s this strange malignancy now that seems to creep among them. I don’t know, the radicalism. I can imagine how the fact that Ellsberg is in this must really tear a fellow like Henry to pieces, or Garment, you know. Just like the Rosenbergs and all that. That just has to kill him. And you feel horrible about it.
(Ronald Ziegler): Couldn’t be a guy by name of Snyder.
(President Nixon): There ain’t none.
(H.R. Haldeman): It would’ve been a Rosenstein that changed his name.
(Ronald Ziegler): It is. Right. It’s always an Ellsberg or (unclear).
Nixon: They’re all Jews. Every one’s a Jew. Gelb’s a Jew. Halperin’s a Jew. But there are bad- Hiss was not a Jew. So that proves something. Very interesting thing. So few of those who engage in espionage are Negroes. Very lucky that way. And good. As a matter of fact, very few of them become Communists. If they do, they either, like, they get into Angela Davis, they’re more of an activist type, and they throw bombs and this and that. But the Negroes, have you ever noticed? There are damn few Negro spies.
H.R. Haldeman: They’re not intellectual enough. Not smart enough.
Nixon: It may be.
Nixon: The Jews are born spies. You notice how many of them are? They’re just in it up to their necks.
Haldeman: Well, got a basic devious abil- deviousness, that-
Nixon: Well, also, an arrogance, an arrogance that says- that’s what makes a spy. He puts himself above the law. Other than spies for the pay. I’m talking about the spies that do it because of idealism.
And that describes Pollard — as a Jew, his loyalty to Israel transcended any fidelity to America, the nation of his birth — and yet we are constantly reminded by the ADL that a Jew like Pollard who has obvious “dual loyalties” is a “canard” — an “antisemitic” smear with no real-world proof.
But Pollard is being rewarded handsomely for his service to Israel — they are awarding him a lifetime stipend that is equivalent to a retired Mossad agent — which makes sense because that’s what Pollard essentially was — a sayanim.
In fact, Jews have attempted to twist this dual loyalty accusation into a virtue — going so far as to claim that there is nothing “more American” than U.S.-Israeli dual citizens.
But the United States could have avoided every dealing with the “dual loyalties” of Jews by simply following the example of the Christian Byzantine Empire — and simply forbidding Jews from holding any positions in the government or schools.
All Christian nations should engrave the immortal words of Nikola Tesla, the world’s greatest scientist, into their consciousness as a national motto: “Miss, never trust a Jew!“
Godless jews
Persecuted endlessly from time immemorial, Oh God help them! /sarc
They are all rich. If they were truly so persecuted they would have all moved to israel the second they could. They don’t. Why? Because now it’s their HQ instead of New York (the jewish empire aka judeah state the “empire state”.
Chuck Fina
Ariel Sharon was right. America is owned by israel. So sad. If America falls, it’s Orwell time worldwide.
Edward I
And leave it to Donald Trump to set this slime free. To his very last day in office, Trump will do their bidding, even as they steal the election from him, he is still beholden to them. Sad, really….
Sy Bergsteinowitz
That turd not only did a great amount of damage to our national security, he also got dozens of agents & assets killed by the USSR because he outed them. Just what a special friend & ally does, spy so much on their friend that our security becomes comprised.
His spying even left the US open to USSR ICBM’s since he had gave them sensitive launch data:
Another major blow to U.S. security was Pollard’s gift to the Soviets was that of the firing locations, sequences and coordinates of the U.S. war plan against the Russians. Another was giving the Soviets information about the techniques used by the U.S. Navy to track Soviet subs around the world.
“An administration official explained in an interview that U.S. officials are certain the Israeli espionage is continuing.
’Mossad is the most active foreign intelligence service on U.S. soil, more active and more successful than the KGB,’ the source said.
I recently made a comment about the prevalence of jew spies giving lie to the slogan of “Israel, America’s greatest ally”. Someone replied that I was laughably naive to think that allied countries weren’t all spying on each other all the time. So I then asked him to name all the notorious Australian, English, French, etc. spies convicted of stealing American secrets for their home country. Funny how there was no response to that.
Patrick White
I hope every last one of them goes down with the Rona.
Rona is the Jews flu! Some people just don’t get it
Tucker Carlson
Above link was full of praise for Pollard yesterday , been erased today.
Edward I
Tucker become wealthy and famous by being a gatekeeper for Jewry. He is a Judas Goat, an entertaining Judas Goat who has given my father hope….but Tucker is an essential part of the demoralizing process of the American Right….as such, he’s one of the most deluded men in America who actually thinks he’s doing some good….
Edward …….. there is a video or pics floating around of Tucker wearing a Kabballah bracelet.
Do you know anything about this?
It certainly wouldn’t surprise me. It would actually make sense.
http: //www. renegadetribune . com/?s=tucker
( Not an endorsement of Renegade Tribune. Those people absolutely hate our guts )
Edward I
Not sure who Kyle Hunt hates more, Christians or Jews. One thing is certain, and that’s anger, not love, drives him. Anyone who doesn’t ascribe to his worldview is ZOG, a Fed, or shabbos goy. Who knows with Tucker? He’s a Zionist who has taken his 30 pieces of silver. Who knows what they have on him? Or maybe he knows just how far “right” he can go on air. The bracelet is a sign to the Jews in the know….’I got your back, don’t worry, it’s all just theater….’
Tucker has drunk deep of the Kool-Aid called jew-created-morality-for-the-goyim. He genuinely believes that acknowledging racial traits is morally evil and that therefore we should be prevented from making any societal or policy decisions based on those observations. If Tucker was allowed to wave a magic wand and remake society, all he would do is roll us back about 40 years, meaning we’d be destined to end up in the exact same place we are now in short order. Tucker and his worldview is a proven dead-end.
Reminds me of the meme of ole George Lincoln Rockwell walking around holding a sign that reads “90% of convicted Communist Traitors & Spies have been Racial Jews!”
It still astonishes me that Nixon was so right-wing in his private dialogue, as he was such a center-left “country club republican” in public. I also do not know how he can know the Jew yet still believe in the Six Million™ and the ovens, or why he had such a soft spot for the obvious snake (((Kissinger))), whom he even seems to give a pass to in the embedded audio clip.
BTW, did this communist Jew Pollard really spend all those decades in prison here?
Nixon was an unforgiveable idiot who did the bidding of the jews most of his decades-long political career, only beginning to become wise to them late in life, and only in the most adolescent, bumbling way.
Even as he blindly groped his way to the jewish problem eventually, he stupidly confided in Kissinger, showing that in reality, he HADN’T really grasped the racial reality of jews, (perhaps he thought the issue was just one of acculturation or indoctrination). And in fact it was probably jew Kissinger who brought Nixon down when the jews wanted him removed.
The jew reporter Bernstein at the jew-owned Washington Post only after Mark Felt’s death claimed he was their mole in the Nixon Administration, such that Felt wasn’t alive to deny it. Rather, their informant about the Watergate coverup (that Nixon so stupidly fell for) was almost certainly Kissinger whose notorious deep voice is why the jew Bernstein gave him the pornographic nickname “Deep Throat”, something that would have been nonsensically random if the informant had really been Mark Felt.
How prophetic like when the jews come home to Israel.
Pollard an analyst, like Freud? He was an actor playing a role of guiding jew, an alien in a foreign country showing the fools has to pronounce their names.. Yet born in Texas?
Today no such deception is necessary. Congress confers an award for deception and restitution for being caught. It is all one today not by act of congress but lex non scripta jew.
Richard Nixon made his reputation prosecuting nice jews, just who happened to be communist conspirators, except two, a communist, Arthur Miller and Alger Hiss, who is scapegoat for UN.
However closer investigation would reveal them as jew. Yet Richard Nixon always trusted “henry” or Kissinger, most powerful jew in Washington . But he was spectacularly absent when Nixon was persecuted by jew press for watergate. Like the jew absence from the Trade Towers in 9-11. Never be thou associated with evil or malfeasance.
What great reward will they have for their hero? Do they need civilian analysts in the unholy land? Thank you for new word, pleomorphic, must be neologism but certainly appropriate.
(((every))). (((single))). (((time))).
had (((pollard))) not been a jew, he would have been rightly executed. Even if not, he never would have been set free, nor allowed to emigrate to the country that paid for his treason. But, given his ‘special’ status, we see that he not only escaped prosecution, but was paid handsomely for his murderous treason and escorted around in a private jet belonging to the RNCs largest contributor! Hmmm…. wonder if that might have an effect on ‘foreign policy’ decisions…
[and make no mistake, adelson plays both sides – he controls dim o rats too…]
Barring Divine Intervention, America is finished.
When any jew says “Trust Me” they’re really saying “F** You!”