The Iowa Supreme Court has now removed the legal barriers that will clear the way for taxpayer’s to foot the bill for people on publicly-funded Medicaid to receive free sex change surgeries:
The court’s unanimous decision struck down the administrative code governing Medicaid in Iowa that classifies transition-related surgeries as “cosmetic, reconstructive or plastic surgery” and explicitly bans “surgeries for the purpose of sex reassignment.”
Transgender surgeries can range from $20,000 to $100,000, putting it out of reach of individuals who qualify for the assistance.
In affirming a district judge’s decision, Justice Susan Christensen wrote that the “express ban on Medicaid coverage for gender-affirming surgical procedures” contradicted the gender-identity protections in the Iowa Civil Rights Act.
Or, as Rita Bettis Austen, the ACLU of Iowa’s legal director, put it: “Any discriminatory ban on care — whether that’s from a medical provider, which is less likely, or it’s from an insurance provider, which is more likely — is illegal in Iowa.”
Advocates believe the decision is the first by a state’s highest court to hold that transgender people have the right to use public money for transition-related surgeries. As issues of LGBT rights swirl nationally, the decision could help open the door for challenges to bans in other states, about half of which have language like Iowa’s in their administrative codes.
Gender identity — or the deeply held sense of who one is, which may differ from the sex organs with which one was born — and sexual orientation were added to the Iowa Civil Rights Act as protected classes in 2007.
Under that statute, transgender Iowans have legal protections against discrimination in education, employment, housing and public accommodations. Medicaid, a state and federally funded program, is considered a public accommodation.
The first “doctor” in America to perform experimental sex change surgeries was a Jew named Stanley Biber who was born in Des Moines, Iowa almost 100 years ago when there were very few Jews to speak of in Iowa. The damage he caused reverberates even a hundred years later when the State decides to force taxpayers to foot the bill for a surgical mutilation that now passes as “medically necessary”.
This is being celebrated as a “civil rights” issue, but whose rights are we really talking about here? Do the White Christians who still comprise the backbone of Iowa have any “civil rights” to demand that their hard-earned tax dollars not be given to degenerate mental patients who want to cut off their penises, get breast implants, and compete against real girls in sporting events? Of course not, silly goyim. Instead, Iowa taxpayers will soon be paying for a public monument to Stanley Biber, one of Iowa’s greatest “native sons”.
John Kepler
I’m loving it! Perusing these headlines inspires me. How many times does a loving father have to flog his disobedient child before the child behaves? By flogging, I mean Yahweh raising up an army of devils and bastards to chastise, correct, discipline and punish his disobedient children to the point of having an epiphany! If He did not love his white children, then all of this multiculturalism would be taking place in China and South America LoL. His approach is making “those from below” unconsciously restless… like rats feeling the heat of the approaching fire!
Karl the Hammer
And so the “Iowa Supreme Court” is susceptible to the same insanity it now facilitates. Those who feed the mental illness of others can not be in much better straits themselves, unless their true motive beneath the surface is malevolent and subversive.
No wonder our people are so confused, depressed, and/or anxious. Mental derangement is officially normal in the society in which they live. And that is because their once Christian society that they not only took for granted, but now deny as its foundation, has become the GJU (Global Jewish Utopia). God does not exist there. Where there is no God – that is the definition of hell.
“Where there is no God — that is the definition of hell.”
Wherever there is no God, the Jew rushes in to fill the void. You will submit to Christ or to the Jews. There is no third option.