(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) Campus police are investigating an incident in which four men hung banners over a highway overpass at the University of California, Davis, that read “Communism is Jewish” and “The Holocaust is an anti-white lie”:
The white men wore black clothing and masks during the incident on Sunday, according to the Sacramento Bee. University Chancellor Gary May said in a statement that a similar incident had occurred the weekend prior, and university police are considering this a “hate incident.”
“We are sickened that anyone would invest any time in such cowardly acts of hate and intimidation,” May wrote. “They have no place here. We encourage our community to stand against antisemitism and racism.”
Davis Mayor Lucas Frerichs condemned the incident on Twitter. “Hate has no place in Davis, and a common denominator to Holocaust deniers is Anti-Semitism,” Frerichs wrote. “As Mayor, I stand in support w/our Jewish community in Davis, UCD & beyond.”
Multiple antisemitic incidents at UC Davis have been reported over the last few years, including antisemitic fliers in 2019 that were tied to a white supremacist group. In 2015, the campus chapter of the Jewish fraternity Alpha Epsilon Pi was spray-painted with swastikas.
Nearby Congregation Bet Haverim, a Reform synagogue, also condemned the incident and said in a Facebook post that they have been in communication with Davis City Council and the Davis Police Department and have not seen “any signs of vandalism or received any specific threats to date,” though the synagogue is requesting increased patrols. Bet Haverim’s security committee is also offering an in-person security training on Sept. 11th in the synagogue’s sanctuary.
Synagogue leadership urged community members to “consider responding to this incident by doing something Jewish: say a prayer, study a text, or support a Jewish cause. Whatever the intent of the banners’ authors, may their act today result in more Judaism in our lives and our world.”
Yes, the rabbi knows what he’s talking about — there’s nothing like a little old fashioned “antisemitism” to make Jews feel more Jewish and run to their synagogues to rediscover their Jewish roots.
And the Zionist Jews feel the same way — make Jews in the diaspora feel afraid of “antisemitism” so that they pack their bags and make “aliyah” to Israel.
Is the Holocaust not just anti-German, but also anti-white in general?
Yes, after bleeding billions out of the Germans in guilt-trip reparations, the Jews have turned their avaricious eyes on all European nations, accusing most of them of “complicity” or “collaborating” with the “Nazis”.
Their greatest trick is to blame the “Nazis” for war crimes against Jews when, in fact, it was Jewish communists who were responsible for the mass murders — not just at Katyn, but in other places such as Latvia, or Vinnitsa in the Ukraine.
And because Jews also blame Christianity for the Holocaust, they basically implicate all White people of European descent in this blood libel.
And while 100 million people were murdered under communism, don’t expect the Jews to pay even one slim dime in reparations to anyone — in fact, the Jews have the audacity to demand reparations from the Poles for their loses under communism — which was led by Jews in Poland.
But is it “antisemitic” to say that communism is Jewish? Not if you are Jewish.
Let’s let the Jews themselves tell us whether or not communism is Jewish:
“Anti-Communism is Anti-Semitism.”
—Jewish Voice, July – August 1941
“Communism is our supreme revenge against Christianity.”
-Jewish Chronicle, December 1918
“Judaism is communism, internationalism, the universal brotherhood of man, the emancipation of the working class and the human society. It is with these spiritual weapons that the Jews will conquer the world and the human race.”
—Rabbi Harry Waton, “A Program for The Jews and An Answer To All Anti-Semites: A Program for Humanity,” 1939, p. 100
“Everything can become a Jewish religion as long as it sustains a lucid concept of choseness. This includes: Communism, the Holocaust, solidarity, human rights, enlightened egotism, moral interventionism and also Judaism. Accordingly, Judaism is just one jewish religion amongst many.”
—Gilad Atzmon
“The Communist soul is the soul of Judaism. Hence it follows that, just as in the Russian revolution the triumph of Communism was the triumph of Judaism, so also in the triumph of fascism will triumph Judaism.”
—Rabbi Harry Waton, A Program for the Jews and Humanity and an Answer to All Anti-Semites (New York: Committee for the Preservation of the Jews, 1939),, p. 143-144
“Some call it Marxism, I call it Judaism.”
—Rabbi Stephen Wise, former Chief Rabbi of the United States, The American Bulletin, May 5,1935
“First of all, we have to understand what communism is. I mean, to me, real communism, the Soviet communism, is basically a mask for Bolshevism, which is a mask for Judaism.”
—Bobby Fischer, Jewish-American World Chess Champion
“The Jew is an inborn communist.”
–Otto Weininger, Jewish writer, from the book “Sex and Character”
How is it anti-semitic if it is the truth, the Bolshevik communist revolution in Russia was financed by Jewish bankers in America. “Trotsky’s day out: How a visit to NYC influenced the Bolshevik revolution”
Jews in New York ‘Thank God for the Russian Revolution’: When America discovered Bolshevism
The communist manifesto was written by Karl Marx born in Germany, from a Dutch rabbinical family. Using the antisemitism line to silence people who question Jews became common practice so this professor is trying his luck to label those who question the depraved ideology that slaughtered over 100 million non-Jews in Europe, unleashed WWI against Germany and subjugated Europe with WWII anti-semitic.
I wish him a lot of luck but I am not so sure his charges are going to stick, because they tried the anti-Zionism is anti-Semitism propaganda, but its not flying. They cannot dispute the fact that Marxism, communism and socialism as we know it is secularized Judaism.
I found out today that Karl Marx was inspired by Moses Hess “one of Europe’s most prominent socialist thinkers” https://mosaicmagazine.com/observation/israel-zionism/2022/05/how-a-founding-socialist-inspired-karl-marx-and-then-went-on-to-herald-the-state-of-israel/
I cannot find another article to post this but the claim floating around now:
“The untold story of the Torah’s impact on America’s founders and the political documents they codified.”
Jews stand first in line to call the founders racist slave-drivers….and persecute Black women such as Janice Rogers-Brown who challenged that notion and the Marxist ideology, which she called slavery under a new formula. http://ejournalofpoliticalscience.org/janicerogersbrown.html
Chuck Schumer and Barack Obama (the first African-Jewish multicultural POTUS) led the lynch-mob to assassinate the character of Judge Rogers-Brown and derailed her nomination to the SCOTUS because she was an out of the mainstream right-wing danger to minorities in America.
“Proclaim Liberty: How the Hebrew Bible Molded America”
According to Jews America is a very racist oppressive country, which means that the racism and oppression comes straight from the Hebrew Bible and not the Christian Bible as they made the world believe with massive propaganda. By this logic we can concluded that the selling of African’s as slaves in America was justified by the Hebrew Bible and not the Christian Bible.
If people in the Netherlands, who have been indoctrinated with “Jews are Gods Chosen people, Marxism is liberation, and Germans are evil” narrative, are openly discussing what Jews in America and South Africa do to White people there is hope for the future…..they cannot deny the 400 years of Jewish slavery in my country that is part of Anglo-Dutch history.
Thank you for keeping the lights on @CFT….
“Some call it Marxism, but I call it Judaism” – Rabbi Stephen Wise, “was an early 20th-century American Reform rabbi and Zionist leader in the Progressive Era. Born in Budapest, he was an infant when his family immigrated to New York. He followed his father and grandfather in becoming a rabbi, serving in New York and in Portland, Oregon. Wise was also a founding member of the NAACP.”
The eastern European Jews who migrated to America exploited the history of slavery (started by the Jews from the comfort of Amsterdam, Kingdom of the Netherlands) and Black people whose ancestors were victims of the Jewish human trafficking and sold as slaves in the supposedly new world. Two birds with one stone Jews exploit Black people to foment hatred against the White non-Jewish majority and continue the slavery that was abolished in 1864 under a new formula, while confiscating wealth and power from the White majority who they successfully put in a straight-jacket of guilt through psychological terrorism.
People who despise Christianity and glorify Marxism are in essence glorifying the depravity and hate of the Jewish minority. White Christian-Zionist are crypto communist who do the same. They call me anti-semite and Nazi all the time but they cannot dispute the facts.
Here is a great list: https://vk.com/wall602361295_702
Johnny Rottenborough
Michael A Hoffman II:
‘The bridge between not only Talmudic Judaism and Zionism, but Bolshevism as well, is personified by Moses Hess, who Karl Marx termed, “My Communist rabbi”. Hess was not a rabbi in a formal sense, but he was enamored of the Talmud, as well as Communist and Zionist ideology. Hess recognized that what unites all three, their common bond, is Judaic self-worship. The controversies and rivalries arise in the debate over which vehicle is best for the supremacy of the Judaic people over humanity: Judaism, Bolshevism or Zionism? Hess argued that depending on the zeitgeist, any one of the three would prove suitable.’
Two Rabbi’s Admit Communism is Jewish, and that Hitler was Right, more or less, https://www.bitchute.com/video/7gXQLbe7bakq/
” Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.” Matthew 13:30
” Therefore wait ye upon me, saith the LORD, until the day that I rise up to the prey: for my determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them mine indignation, even all my fierce anger: for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of my jealousy.” Zephaniah 3:8
Shlomo Bergsteinowitz
These holoHOAX truth sites are being dumped by Jewgle for some reason. Wonder why? You can damn well bet that a lot of this WEF nonsense is to help the holocost junkies keep their favorite fix; duping the Goyim to pay extorted monies for now until the end of time for an incident that DID NOT happen.
140 Occurrences Of The Word Holocaust & The Number 6,000,000 Before The Nuremberg Trials Began
Off the document you quoted, Schlomo;
Britain’s Rumour Factory
Origins of the Gas Chamber Story
An essay published in tribute to Prof. Robert Faurisson on his 88th birthday
25th January 2017 18pp
Eyes were poked out, tongues cut off, and victims were buried alive. Shootings by The writer Maxim Gorky describes Lenin’s reign of terror Jewish Communist Cheka (police) were common place and there where those who cut open their victim’s stomach, pulled out a length of small intestine, nailed it to a telegraph pole, and with a whip forced the victim to run circles around the pole until the whole intestine became unravelled.
All of those atrocities sound like the torture porn that the (((author))) of Game of Thrones revels in writing. No surprise there.
I’ve heard the intestines act also attributed to pirates in the Caribbean during the age of piracy. It struck me odd, because history holds that there was a “pirate code”, and the act is so bizarre, sadistic, and depraved that I don’t want to believe any white folk could have stooped to it.
Were there Jewish pirates?
Since most churches in America are dispensationalist in their belief system they are guilty for much of the abject ignorance of who the enemies of God are. Where is the salt and light from a typical church these days?
America/Europe are Israel
Hiding under the bushel of Christian Scofield Universalist Zionism. They will answer for their blind foolishness.
Johnny Rottenborough
From ‘The Church and Jewish Ideology’ by Joseph Sobran:
‘Nor does he [Robert S Wistrich] mention one of the principal incitements to anti-Semitism in this century: Jewish participation in Communism, with its terrifying persecution of Christians. Where is the corresponding statement of Jewish leaders repudiating and repenting the Jewish role in a cause whose crimes dwarf those of Hitler? Did major Jewish spokesmen or organizations condemn Communism as it devoured tens of millions of Christians? Did a few brave Jews in the Soviet Union and the other Communist-ruled countries act, at personal risk, to shield Christians from arbitrary arrest and murder? Even today, how many Jews condemn Franklin Roosevelt for his fondness for Stalin, as they would condemn him if he had shown the slightest partiality to Hitler?’
Mirror man
Revisionist Jews are now roundly condemning FDR for not saving more Jews from the “Holocaust”. They claim that FDR, despite being surrounded by Jews in his cabinet, secretly hated Jews and kept them out of America so that they would “die in the camps” instead of “taking over America”.
The same Jews also blame FDR for not “bombing” Auschwitz and other “death camps” to save more Jewish lives.
Jewish Author Claims FDR Let Jews Die In ‘Holocaust’ Because He Feared They’d Take Over America
Bishop Richard N. Williamson Condemns Communism, Lies And Covid
xray spex
Wow, is Bishop Williamson still around? I remember him from over 15 years ago when he came out and flatly denied the “Holocaust”. The guy has some balls, and he knew the fire that would come down on him.
Watch his historic interview where he denies the gas chamber myth:
Yes, he’s still around fighting the good fight.
Check out the Telegram channel TruthUnchained. His weekly sermons are posted there. He’s one of the few actual real priests left in the Church.
“Judaism is communism, internationalism, the universal brotherhood of man, the emancipation of the working class and the human society. It is with these spiritual weapons (LIES & PrOPAGANDA) that the Jews will conquer the world and the human race.”
— Rabbi Harry Waton p. 100 of his book “The Jew World Order Unmasked”
“The Communist soul is the soul of Judaism. Hence it follows that, just as in the Russian revolution the triumph of Communism was the triumph of Judaism, so also in the triumph of fascism will triumph Judaism.”
— RABBI RABINOVICH’S SPEECH OF JANUARY 12TH, 1952 recorded in A Program for the Jews and Humanity, Rabbi Harry Waton, p. 143-144).
“The Communists are against religion (Christianity), and they seek to destroy religion; yet, when we look deeper into the nature of Communism, we see that it is essential nothing else than a religion (Judaism).”
— Rabbi Harry Waton in “A Program for the Jews and Humanity” p. 138.
“For pure murderous evil, there has never been a force to compare with Communism and Leon Trotsky…never before or since did one people construct a vast industry of death for the sole purpose of rounding up and destroying every single member of another people. The Jewish Bolshevik under orders and overseen by Trotsky, killed so many Europeans the death toll surpasses 100 million.”
TO THE VICTIMS OF COMMUNISM, LEST WE FORGET By Jeff Jacoby The Boston Globe December 7, 1995
As was proved at Nuremberg, the S.S. guards were detached from the internment camps towards the end of 1943 and in the early part of 1944. In the camps, apart from the Commandant’s personal staff, only the Jewish KZ Police and the block-commandants were left.P166
“The Horrible Deeds of Flogging Nelly”
“She flogged her comrades in Auschwitz.” The paper records that “Tigress Klara” was captured in one of the fashionable restaurants.P167
“The Israeli Ministry of Justice in Jerusalem is looking for witnesses in the cases of several persons under investigation for having committed grave crimes against humanity and against the Jewish nation during the Second World War. Almost all of them are charged with crimes committed against internees (Jews).” And the following names were given: Andre Banek, Mordechai Goldstein, Kia Regina Hanzova, Jacob Honnigmann, Pinkus Pshetitzky, Moses Puesitz, Dr. Joshua Sternberg and Trenk Elsa. Of these eight people seven are Jews.P164
I’m not keen on the summation also stating that the author considers Catholicism to be the one way and Protestantism equates to golden calf worship and (((capitalism))), but I liked this novel idea (quoted) that Moses was the original Hitler.
Although the way that it is written made it at first appear to me to be saying that Moses was the foundation for all the Bolshevism that has come since. Hopefully it in actuality means all the “Fuehrership” that has come since.
David Westerlund
Davis & UC Davis is just west of Sacramento, CA. Sacramento, CA is the capitol of the 5th largest world industrial complex and also the capitol of the State of California, USA. GR8 article on the joo obtaining more power in the U(joo)SA. 88 Dave
The talmud is a evil communist marxist socialist anything they want criminal handbook to do evil am i wrong? So Yes the Truth is antisemitic is the Truth the opposite of the lie and the best weapon we have.
Is Communism Jewish? Of course it is. But concentrate on Communism, and you lose the big picture. There is a word, is Kabbalism, which explains the Jewish strategy for World Domination. And that word, is “Tension” Tension, may start for anything that creates social anxiety, allowing the hidden Master to stealthily, and slowly, maneuver the whole society towards this agenda. Listen to an Insider, whom some people claim that is was Otto Hermann Kahn. This is from the book; “Geneva Versus Peace” by Comte de Saint-Aulair and available in pdf Here, “ Salt is analogous with Social tension. My added comments are in brackets ( )
“But, to return to the subject of salt, do you know the saying of the men who salt cod fish? I picked it up on the fishing grounds of Newfoundland. Here it is ‘Too much salt (Tensions) corrodes meat, too little lets it rot.’ The precept can with justice be applied both to the human mind and to the peoples of the earth. We, Jews, apply it (Tension) wisely as it should be applied, salt being the emblem of wisdom. We mingle it (Tension) discreetly with the bread ( Reality) that men consume. We administer it (Tension) in corrosive doses (Revolutions) only in exceptional cases, (Such as Russian, China, South America, Vietnam etc) when it is necessary to get rid of the debris of an immoral past, as in the case of Czarist Russia( You heard right!). That gives you partial explanation why bolshevism finds favor in our eyes; (This is admission of Jewish involvement) it is an admirable salting tub in which to corrode and destroy and not to preserve. But beyond and above this particular instance we are in communion with Marxism in its purest form in the International, (Because its Jewish Messianicism of Communism International) in other words with our religion it is the weapon of our nationalism, in turn defensive and offensive, buckler and sword. You will say that Marxism is the very antithesis of capitalism which is equally sacred to us ( as a Kabbalistic Hegelian tool, by Jewish International Central Bankers). It is precisely for this reason that they are direct opposites to one another, that they put into our hands the two poles of this planet and allow us to be its axis( For the purpose of manufacturing reality, and turning the World Population into members of “ Reality Based Communities) These two contraries, like bolshevism and ourselves, find their identity in the International . These opposites which are at the antipodes to one another in society and in their doctrines meet again in the identity of their purpose and end, the remaking of the world from above by the control of riches, and from below by revolution.” (Comte de Saint-Aulaire Geneva Versus Peace pages 78-84.) You heard it right, ………again!) If you didn’t know……….now you know!
Øh Mæn
I suffer from SO MUCH JEW FATIGUE. That Jews take pleasure in kvetching is just about all one needs to know about them.
I know what you mean. My? is how can any other people let jews be judges prosecutors’ lawyers’ politicians or any power over us if you know what they are yom kipper is on our calendar and jews can go to a sin of god and ask their god satin for another year to lie misinform break all oaths and swears contracts and crimes they will commit for next year. Why? what else can they get away with. My friend text me that jews were harvesting organs in Ukraine I thought well it’s not the first time and getting text about jews was giving me JEW FATIGUE .
Keep up the good fight, Øh Mæn and James, we need to keep spreading the truth in real life to other people whenever and wherever we can 🙂
Thats right, there’s not any choice — and is there a more important danger to us? I guess Christian zionists think they can hide their head in the sand and just wait to die as victims and still go to Heaven as they fight against us or ourselves and not examine what jews are.