(Russia-Faith.com) Alexander Zaldastanov — aka, “The Surgeon” — the leader of the Night Wolves, Russia’s largest motorcycle club — is a “right wing” political activist, Orthodox Christian — and considered by many to be Russia’s “coolest Christian” — but is he actually cool?
What defines “cool” in today’s culture? Recently I watched a talk show in which celebrity pundits were debating why it is not “cool” to be a Christian in the West. They described the contempt and ridicule they encounter when they open up and share their experience of faith and church attendance….Western Christians experience growing intellectual and psychological persecution….However, fear of social marginalisation means that many no longer dare speak openly of their faith in God.
Christians in the Soviet Union felt the same fear. They were kept out of influence and high office, and faith was considered a mental disorder. It is no longer the case, quite the contrary. Modern Russia sees it as cool to be a Christian.
While Christians are denigrated in the West, Christian lighthouses arise in Russian culture as new moral and spiritual navigation beacons.
One of the most remarkable of these beacons is the leader of the Night Wolves, Russia’s biggest motor bike club. His name is Alexander Zaldostanov, nicknamed “Khirurg”, or “Surgeon” in English.
Western media do not depict him as a saint, but as a sinner of the Dirty Dozen variety. They demonise him for his close relationship with President Putin. The Night Wolves are depicted as “Putin’s Hells Angels”, because Putin has visited the club in western Moscow on several occasions….Putin awarded Zaldostanov the prestigious Order of Honour medal for his “active work on the patriotic education of youth” and for his efforts to preserve the memory of the fallen in the Great Patriotic War, or Second World War, as it is known in the West.
In connection with the 70th anniversary of the Russian liberation of Berlin, Western media once again heaped negative spin on the Night Wolves:
“The 5,000-strong Night Wolves gang made international headlines last month as dozens of its bikers attempted to follow the 3,700-mile path of the Red Army across Eastern Europe to Berlin to mark the 70th anniversary of Russia’s victory in what is known as the Great Patriotic War. The vast majority of the bikers, many with Soviet flags tied to their bikes, were forced to turn back after they were refused entry into Poland and Lithuania.”
Western negative and simplistic demonization is intended to hide a completely different reality. The Night Wolves are no mere bad boy bikers. Alexander Zaldostanov is actually one of Russia’s foremost Christian activists.
Christianity was certainly not the starting point. Since 1989, Khirug has been the leader of Moscow-based Night Wolves, a motor bike club. Initially the club merely copied its Western counterparts. Khirug wanted to be cool and ride a motorcycle to demonstrate his resistance to Communism. When the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, the Night Wolves started engaging in social activism to serve its community, especially among young people. They received much recognition ad commendation for this work.
In recent years, the identity of the club has developed a strong Christian element. Its core concept is now Russkij Put, the Russian Way, which aims to apply the motorbike subculture to reviving traditions, spirituality and patriotism in Russian society. Being a night wolf does not mean indulging in sex, drugs and rock’n roll. Instead, it means developing new forms and methods aiming to apply traditional Christian and spiritual values in combination with the activities appropriate to being a Russian motor cyclist. This includes organising several annual pilgrimages. Khirug developed from merely “cool” to Christian, and then to what he is now: a cool Christian.
Western media’s inability to moderating their demonization of Khirug and the Night Wolves as Putin’s Hells Angels testifies not only to the implosion of Western conceptual ability to understand personalities such as Surgeon, but also the fact that he is victimised by the same type of character assassination as the pundits on the talk show merely because he is a Christian. In addition, liberal democracy wages outright war on Christian values, be they conservative or Orthodox. However, the Night Wolves fight back…
…Inside the club, crosses are set up in various places, and the restaurant, which resembles a theme park of fantasy, is adorned with beautiful images of Orthodox churches. The prominence of traditional Christian faith makes the whole difference. This remarkable combination of masculinity, raw strength, metal and Christian faith resembles nothing I have ever seen in the West….Western culture has been sucked dry of men who will protect and defend Christian values. Men who dare to stand up to the spirit that suppresses Christians in the West and elsewhere. Spiritual warriors…
…The show starts with a legendary figure from Russian folklore stepping on to the stage and declaring the importance of prayer when encountering the threatening forces of evil.
The narrative framework is a touching fairy tale, in which a young girl, Snegurochka (Snow Maiden, the indispensable character in Russian New year’s mythology) is saved by the glorious Grey Wolf, which represents the combination of traditional Russian masculinity and the good forces of nature.
Christian Russia – Holy Rus – more a spiritual concept than a geographical entity, is under attack. The enemy is not merely political, it is spiritual.
“The forces of evil include such anti-Christian figures as greedy capitalists, seductive addicts of fashion, banal pop-singers and scheming foreign strategists. All of them very familiar to observers of NGO activities in Ukraine and Russia financed by various foreign agencies and billionaires, fomenting the 2014 regime change in Kiev and the on-going atrocities in eastern Ukraine. Add to these figures the foreign-controlled liberal mainstream media in Russia.”
…The sword that defends and saves Russia plays a key role. The sword represents the Word of God. The choreography also displays Jesus and the twelve disciples celebrating the Last Supper. They represent twelve Russian hero cities and Holy Rus.
The wolves, usually an aggressive predator, represent the forces of good. They speak of winning through love, friendship and hope. They speak of the lies oppressing their people. The wolves find their strength in loyalty to truth. They represent the good power that fights for Russia.
The ambassadors of freedom, Western diplomats, enter the stage driving in tanks and appear dressed in sheep’s clothing. The freedom they offer is false and deceptive. The wolves appear grim, but inside they are lambs that fight for goodness and truth. The message is that goodness requires a strong fist. Russia may seem brutal and blunt, but Russia is also romantic and touching. Truth requires masculine defence. Truth does not aim to kill and wage war under religious pretenses. Truth is concerned with striking the table to keep evil, demonic forces away.
Although several of the evil figures clearly represent the West, the show does not have a xenophobic character, as destructive and corrupt forces of Russian society are similarly exposed and denounced. The core message is the struggle to build a Christian world and fight against the forces of the Anti-Christ, one of spiritual warfare.
Children do not find it boring because Surgeon’s New Year bike show is a mixture of hard rock music, motorcycle acrobatics and a spectacular light show….Surgeon attracts a young audience and speaks a language young people understand. Yet the show differs in its aim from ordinary Western entertainment. The show teaches children that it is cool to be a Christian, and that Christianity is the only power to overcome evil…
…[Surgeon] is wearing the usual outfit – the black fatigues of a motorcycle rider: jeans, leather jacket and boots, and a black woollen cap. Round his neck he wears a thick metal chain with the Night Wolves’ emblem. He always wears a small Orthodox Christian cross hidden behind the black T-shirt.
Yet Surgeon does not look like your typical Orthodox churchgoer or like a typical Orthodox parishioner. He is an image of the Russian version of Mel Gibson’s Braveheart.
“…A bike is a modern version of a horse – we see ourselves as modern Christian horsemen.”
….Medieval Russia had no knights and castles, it just had “princes” (equestrians with bands of armed men), who were invited by towns and villages for protection.Surgeon tells me that in 2006 the Russian Night Wolves decided to adhere to the Russian and Orthodox Christian tradition, and they have stuck to this decision ever since.
“Our show is Christian, and there is an element of mysticism in it, even though we are referring to factual history – Russia’s survival and victory in the struggle against Nazism in 1940s,” Surgeon explains.
“I find an element of Christian symbolism in the fact that there are 12 cities that personify heroic values in Russia – cities that suffered most during the war of 1941-1945. This equals the number of Christ’s disciples, with one of them – Judas among the disciples and Kiev among the city-heroes – betraying good at the end…”
“I am a warrior”, Surgeon emphasises, and “the West is not only post-Christian but anti-Christian.” The Night Wolves represent to a higher degree the struggle between Christianity and the forces of Anti-Christ than a mere political struggle between Russia and the West.
…The growing oppression of Christians is due in no small measure to the fact that the Western church has failed to incorporate masculinity in the Christian faith…
…The modern Western atheist male finds no value in himself as a man. He is therefore denied the power and motivation to protect society, values, women and children. Politicians and priests alike address all and any issue in the terms of therapy. Soft secular humanism denies that evil is a reality. Where a watered-down version of evil is acknowledged, it is attacked with the “ferocity” of dialogue, understanding, open borders and feeble charity. Western Christianity has become so feminine it is no longer able to offer protection to anything, including Western culture. Today, Russia has become the example to follow.
The Night Wolves are not just a popular motorcycle club. They are a reflected image of the transformation Russia has undergone since the fall of Communism: from chaos to Christianity. Renewed and reinvigorated Christianity. The Night Wolves make it cool to be a Christian.
At the same time, the Night Wolves embody the fact that modern Russia is in the vanguard of the spiritual struggle of our day between Christianity and the demonic forces that seek to engulf the world in chaos. No person needs to be born as a Russian to be in this struggle. Being a Christian places you in the middle of this epic battle.
Zaldastanov grew up in a committed communist family — and was indoctrinated in the communist youth movement in Ukraine — ground zero for the Judeo-Bolshevik genocide of tens of millions Ukrainian Christians who were liquidated during the Holomodor.
And when the Germans invaded and liberated the Ukrainians from the death grip of their Jewish overlords who orchestrated this “Red Terror,” many Ukrainians — like Fedor Kazan joined the Germans to purge the nation of this scourge.
No doubt Zaldastanov’s “committed communist” family sided with the genocidal Judeo-Bolsheviks — which included outlawing the Orthodox Christian faith — though he disingenuously claims that his family “prayed to Russian Orthodox icons.”
It was Heinrich Himmler who gave the order to restore freedom to Ukrainians to once again practice their Christian Orthodox faith — an inconvenient fact that Zaldastanov is either blind to, or more likely completely ignores.
And when the Germans launched Operation Barbarossa to liberate Russia and save all of Europe from the Judeo-Bolshevik onslaught, they were welcomed by many Christian Russians — just as they were throughout all of eastern Europe.
In his June 1941 “Babarossa Proclamation,” Hitler explained Germany’s motivation to launch this attack against the British-Soviet alliance:
“This has brought us to the hour when it is necessary for us to counter this plot of Jewish-British warmongers and equally the Jewish rulers of the Bolshevik center in Moscow….The task of this front, therefore, is not merely the protection of individual countries, but the safeguarding of Europe, and thereby the salvation of all.”
Zaldastanov is still a great admirer of Stalin — perhaps the greatest butcher of Christian Russians — who systematically repressed and liquidated the Orthodox clergy — yet “The Surgeon” somehow has rewritten World War II history by portraying anti-Christ Jewish communism as representing the work of Christ and His apostles in its defense of Russia.
And it was the Jews in the West who made communism “cool” — a term that arose in American Black jazz circles in the 1930s and became mainstream in the later 1940s.
The “Birth Of The Cool” was the title of Miles Davis’ seminal jazz album — and communists were welcomed in many jazz circles — including behind the Iron Curtain — as they saw jazz as an instrument to subvert traditional standards of Western White classical music.
And it should come as no surprise that the “cool” Miles Davis — an anti-White racist who hated his largely White audience who made him a very wealthy celebrity — once famously said,
“If somebody told me I only had an hour to live, I’d spend it choking a white man. I’d do it nice and slow.”

Around that same time, the Jewish-produced and -directed film “The Wild One” was released — in which Marlon Brando played the “cool” leader of a motorcycle gang that invaded a conservative small town — at one point the daughter of the town’s police chief asks Brando,
“What are you rebelling against, Johnny?”, and he answers “Whaddaya got?”
This same theme of open rebellion against the Christian family as “cool” was dramatized in the Jewish-written and -produced “Rebel Without A Cause” — which promoted the “actor” James Dean as the epitome of “cool.”
In other words, what is “cool” is defined as the Jewish rebellion against traditional Christian culture — and it would be Stanley Kramer, the Jewish producer of “The Wild One” who would go on to convince the American public that it was cool to race mix with Blacks in the notorious movie “Guess Who’s Coming To Dinner” — which portrays the White father who objects to his daughter bedding a Black man as “un-Christian” and “uncool.”
But now that these rebellious and subversive Jews have replaced conservative Christians as The Establishment, this definition of “cool” no longer makes sense — because all their formerly revolutionary ideas are now promoted by the banks, corporations, and academia.
If being “cool” is rebelling against The Establishment, then the ultimate “cool” today is embracing anything that rebels against the bastion of Liberal Judaism — which is exactly what the National Socialists valiantly tried to do.
Young teenagers today have come to realize that the ultimate form of rebellion against this liberal Establishment is to think “naughty” thoughts like “Hitler was cool” — “Hitler was right” — and the “Nazis” were the epitome of masculinity, style, and “cool.”
In fact, a German professor is now acknowledging that during World War II, it was very chic among certain elite circles to think that “Hitler was cool” — which makes sense, considering many in these groups — such as Joseph Kennedy, Charles Lindbergh, Henry Ford, and even King Edward VIII — knew first-hand how Jews had already controlled our western nations and were pushing us into a needless war.
Just as Hitler fought against the Jewish powers of his day, so did Jesus Christ who waged a spiritual rebellion against the Pharisees who had highjacked the Hebrew faith with their occult Babylonian mysticism — the basis of Judaism — which would ultimately manifest itself as satanic genocidal communism — which was marketed to the public as “cool.”
During the height of the “Counter-Culture Revolution” of the late 1960s, we saw a revival of Christianity among the “hippie” generation — and “Jesus Christ Superstar” — the rock opera by Timothy Rice and Andrew Lloyd Weber — became one of the best-selling albums at that time.
In the song “This Jesus Must Die” — we hear the two Pharisees, Annas and Caiaphas, plotting the murder of of the rebel, Christ — and Caiaphas makes an astute observation about Christ:
“One thing I’ll say for him — Jesus is cool.”
So there we have it, directly from the satanic Jew’s mouth — the leader of the rebellion against the Jews is “cool” — as are those who today oppose those same Jewish powers — those maligned as “antisemites.”
Despite this, Jews today are openly asking “Why is antisemitism still cool?“
So-called “antisemitism” is “cool” because it is the ultimate rebellion against Jewish worldly powers — The Establishment — Mystery Babylon.
The problem with Alexander Zaldastanov’s “cool” Christianity is that it is still steeped in all the trappings of Hollywood’s Judeo-Bolshevik inversion of “cool” — and demonizes those who opposed worldly Jewish hegemonic money powers — the so-called “Nazis.”
The Jewish Sanhedrin that controls Russia — the Christ-hating Chabad-Lubavitch mafia that surrounds Putin — will tolerate Zaldastanov’s “return” to Orthodox Christianity only as long as he doesn’t bite the kosher hand that feeds him — as long as he continues to defend those Bolshevik Jews who destroyed Russia and mass murdered its people.
The so-called “moshiach” or “messiah” of the Chabad-Lubavitch death cult — Menahem Schneerson — openly advocated the genocide of the Slavic people — the people whom the Bolshevik mass murders acknowledged were the White European true Israelites — which is why they have to be destroyed.
As Rabbi Daniel Bogard recently confirmed in a quickly deleted Tweet (see below) — a reality that judeo-Christians have been brainwashed into denying,
“Antisemitism is no more separable from Christianity than racism is from whiteness.”
Like the so-called “judeo-Christians” in America, Zaldastanov has made a pact with the Devil — fashioning a common cause with this satanic cult that wishes to destroy them.
This compromised “judeo-Christianity” is neither hot nor cold — as Revelation 3:16 warns us,
“So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth.”
Zaldastanov and his blind followers are not “cool” — they are lukewarm — just as the “synagogue of Satan” wants them — and when they are no longer useful to the Sanhedrin in Russia, they too will be slated for liquidation — and God will spew them out of His mouth.

https://www.bitchute.com/video/XcaHEJSuQVY4/ or listed here:
3. By changing immigration laws, Putin opened borders for millions of non-white immigrants. Many non-native societies were formed in Russian cities. They are terrorizing local indigenous population with help from Putin`s protégés, who hold all of the key positions in administrations and law-enforcing structures. All protests are stamped by illegal arrests and non-lawful court decisions.
4. Putin de-facto acknowledged an independence of Chechnya and the fact, that 500 thousands of ethnic Russians were cleansed from this region, and also gave amnesty for all bandits and terrorists, who fought against Russia. Some of the terrorists even received the “Hero of Russia” award, the highest award in Russia. Russian refugees from Chechnya didn`t receive any help, although ethnic Checnen “victims of the war” received and continue to receive tens of thousands of dollars per person.
5. Putin systematically destroys Russian culture by giving control over all leading cultural, educational and media resources to non-Russians or to perverts. Medias systematically destroy traditional morale, discredit Russian history, defile Russian language and substitute cultural examples of Russian classics by low-quality filth. Higher education almost fully turned to be commercial and can only be afforded by a rich minority of the Russian citizens. School education is almost destroyed. In last years, those who leave schools lack even some elementary knowledge.
Catechism of the Jew in the USSR. Published in Tel Aviv in 1958.
B. Relative Status of Jews and Goyim.
1. 3. Everything that they know and capable of we are capable and know of too. All that we know and feel they should not know and feel. All that they have is their limit. All that we have is our means for gaining more. All that they have today is ours being in their temporary possession. To take from them what God promised to us that is our task.
C. Economics of the Struggle with the Goyim.
1. 4. Never reduce your pressure. The more rigid is the Goyim resistance the more significant are our expenditures and all the more higher our profit and our savings should be. Our profit today should cover the possible loses in the future pogroms which occur from time to time in every country. Let Goyim pay today for that part of their own which they somewhere would take back.
1. 5. We must always be ready to escape from the rage and hatred of the Goyim, to escape to that country where they would accept us on the account of our revitalizing for their economy capitals.
1. 6. A periodic change of countries of residence in search of a more benevolent environment for existence is a part of our strategy. In this is the symbol of the eternal Jew Agasfer the inexhaustible optimist and eternal wanderer.
1. 7. But we shall leave, if necessary, being not poor and sick but healthy and prosperous. Money are our feet.
1. 8. We move our center of gravity to that place where beforehand we transferred our money, our capital.
1. 9. After being strengthened materially by collecting our tax in the countries of our dispersion, from time to time we gather in the country of our ancestors to harden our spirit, our forces, our symbols and our faith in unity. We gather in order to disperse again. And so it be forever.
Greatest irony of this story: that Zaldastanov and his Night Wolves claim to be fighting against the depravity of the liberals of the West, who are all steeped in the Marxism that was imported to the West from Soviet Judeo-Bolshevism.
This is called textbook “blowback”.
Zaldastanov defends the Soviets who created this depravity in the first place.
Blind hypocrisy.
You seriously need to read Russian history. It was in the pre-Stalin years that the Christians, including of course the Russian Orthodox Church were “butchered”. Stalin actually stopped it. He made a concordat with the church in 1943, then, he sent the Jews packing. This is decried in our Western history books as his expulsion and persecution of the “intelligensia”. Stalin was no angel, but he stopped killing and imprisoning priests, and allowed the Orthodox to celebrate holidays and masses. Zaldostanov’s admiration of Stalin is only one small portion of what he does and how he thinks, and it’s the only reason you criticized him so harshly at the end. But, your basis is incorrect. It is the West the received all the fleeing Troskyite Jews that Stalin expurgated. Stalin knew they wanted to kill him. Compare his governments with those of Lenin and the Trostsky gangs… all Jews. And, he had nothing at all to do with the Holodomor.
Who are you kidding? Stalin was one of the greatest mass murderers in the history of the world. So were Lenin and Trotsky. Don’t pretend that Stalin was some sort of “white knight” who saved Christian Russia. He helped exterminate it. Both of his wives and his children were Jews.
Thank you Petr…
Actually, the difference between Lenin’s and Stalin’s policies is that Lenin exterminated only whites, and Stalin also killed reds.
Large 52,000 foot high blast @ Shiveluch Russia (NW Pacific).
Video of blast here:
5 hours ago
This only about a half an hour drive from where I live, east in the next county over. To the pastor of of this Judeo-Christian congregation; he is a race traitorous pig.
I’m sure that having a Jewish governor, Josh Shapiro, has nothing to do with the large influx of Third World migrants in Pennsylvania. And the Jewish U.S. Senator, John Fetterman….
Fetterman, what an ass clown. He’s from an area in Allegheny County he claims he brought back from poverty as the mayor. Like all Jews he lied throughout his campaign; the place is still a crap hole.
Hopefully this article will inspire deserved resistance. Viva LaFrance.
On Medvedev’s Twitter he is advocating the destruction of Ukraine – he also backed the overthrow of Libyan leader Gadaffi
Dmitry Medvedev
Russia government official
1. Europe doesn’t need Ukraine. The forced support of the Nazi regime, by the American mentor’s order, has put Europeans into a financial and political inferno. All for the sake of bandera’s unterukraine, that even the snobby, insolent Polacks don’t take for a valid country, and time and again toss in the issue of its western areas anschluss. There’s a nice perspective ahead: to permanently put the nouveau-Ukrainian blood-sucking parasites on the decrepit EU’s arthritis-crippled neck. That’ll be the final fall of Europe, once majestic, but robbed off by degeneration.
2. The US doesn’t need Ukraine. True, the military and sanction campaigns are attempted for PR by political blabbermouths, who long ago attested to their impotence and imbecility. Average Americans don’t understand what “Ukraine” is, and where “it” is. Most of them won’t show this “power” on the map on the first take. Why won’t the US establishment focus on inflation and job issues, or emergencies in their home States, instead of a country 404, unbeknownst to them? Why does so much dough go across the ocean?
Sooner or later, they’ll ask for that. Then, storming of the Capitol in January 2021 would seem like scout games.
3. Africa and Latin America don’t need Ukraine. The hundreds of millions spent by US on pointless fights in Ukraine, could finance many development programmes for Latin American and African states.
Latin America is gringos’ backyard – that’s what they’ve been rubbing in for decades. Africa’s had its share of suffering from the genocide, and colonial dependence, imposed by former western slave traders. That’s why the people of African huts and Latin American favelas ask a very reasonable question: for their former suffering and present-day loyalty, why is somebody else rewarded – very, very far away?
4. Asia doesn’t need Ukraine. By Russia’s example, they see “colour” technologies at work to eradicate the largest competing powers. They understand what scenario the America-led collective West has for them if they disobey. “Help us to overcome Russia, and we’ll soon come to you”, the utterly brazen Western leaders tell them. Such gigantic countries as India, China, and other Asia-Pacific states face the big enough challenge of post-pandemic economic recovery, let aside the drugged clowns, with their whining for aid.
“We are not interested in you”, Asia tells their messengers, responding to the calls to support Ukraine and confine Russia. The country, geopolitically many times closer to Asian powers, the one that historically has proven itself a reliable strategic partner. Do Asian giants need such headache coming from former colonisers?
5. Russia doesn’t need Ukraine. A threadbare quilt, torn, shaggy, and greasy. The new Malorossiya of 1991 is made up of the artificially cut territories, many of which are indigenously Russian, separated by accident in the 20th century. Millions of our compatriots live there, harassed for years by the Nazi Kiev regime. It is them who we defend in our special military operation, relentlessly eradicating the enemy. We don’t need unterukraine. We need Big Great Russia.
6. Finally, its own citizens don’t need the Nazi-headed Ukraine. That’s why out of 45 million people there’re only some 20 million remaining. That’s why those who stayed want to leave for any place: the hated Poland, EU, NATO, to be America’s 51nd state. Joining the Antarctic with its penguins will also be fine. As long as it’s quiet, and the food’s good. The ruling junta’s criminal ambitions forced Ukrainians to beg and roam around the countries and continents, searching for a better life. All that is for an obscure European perspective. Or rather, to let the harlequin in a khaki tricot and his band of thievish Nazi clowns to put the money stolen from the West into their offshore accounts. Would ordinary Ukrainians need that?
Nobody on this planet needs such a Ukraine. That’s why it will disappear
Well, well…the great Med has spoken, but not of Russian occupied Africa, Syria, Ukraine, S. America, etc. The mask is off and the AntiChrist is in claw mode lol. Allied with the traitorous American dog dung they are playing tuff with the American dumbed down.
All that this dragon spews is guilty of it all…a mirror image in the face of American Dung Capitol and it’s Beast Jew System…the very one that raped Russia and the world. Got your worthless number serpent Med. May the Russian people get their country back and stamp out Communist Jew AntiChrist. And even so the same goes for the West.
How you know Russia and NATO are in cahoots is the despicable execution that was done to Ghadaffi to steal Libya’s gold and oil. Funny how Russia never attacks their besty Israeli mafia goons, ie Syrian bombings. Thanks Paul.
Gadaffi he gave aid to Irish people and funding support to IRA for traitors Sinn Fien to betray the IRA. In 1970, the Libyan government declared the Day of Revenge, which celebrated the expulsion of Jews and Italians from Libya, a national holiday. Despite emigration being prohibited, most of the remaining Jews succeeded in escaping the country and by 1974, only 20 Jews remained in Libya.
Russia betrayed Ayria and Iran over the s300 weapon system. Putin did a backroom deal with Israel, selling the defense codes. It’s beyond me why Syria allows Russia in its country:
I remember when Israel shot town a Russian military transport plane, killing all of the Russian soldiers – no action against Israel. Not sure if there was another incident when a Russian plane was shot down by Israel – those onboard the plane were members of a much loved famous Russian choir.
That incident is what chilled me, Pisrael shooting down that plane full of Russian soldiers and not one word. But the Putin gets all emotional over a Victory Day LIE. That’s the give away . So sacrificing Russian soldiers has been the same game Stalin was good at.
President Putin unveiled the Leningrad memorial in Jerusalem.
I have a Facebook page that I run where I post select articles from this website and whatever else I can find – also warn of fake Christians and fake Christian groups when I find them because such groups lead Christians astray. Here is FB page link: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085940516678
Page name is Christians United For Truth and True Israelite Tribes.
Putin fires official who called Chabad a ‘neo-pagan cult’ – so putin got upset when a member of his inner circle told the truth about his Chabad Lubavitch comrades:
“Russia and Israel act from a common position against the distortion of the genesis and results of the Second World War’: Russian ambassador”
Fitzpatrick likes to link Russia and Israel, although the main pillar of the Zionist state is the United states. He is very tendentious – I debated with him on Twitter.
Vladimir, do you have a link to that debate you had with Fitzpatrick on Twitter about Russia and Israel?
Oh, I won’t find it right away… it’s about month and half ago… In the dispute, I recalled the Balfour declaration, and Fitzpatrick called it just a piece of paper, but it’s ridiculous! Lord Balfour himself considered his declaration the most important achievement of his life.
Fitz has done his research well and it confirms what I had done before coming across his info. But you on the other hand don’t present anything except a dumb debate that goes no where. Debate has nothing to do with truth.
I like him even more now!
These articles are always excellent. Helpful clarification on the cultural function of negroidic Jazz. Like Miles Davis, Elvis and Fonzi were also cultural marxist agents of cool subversion. There are probably a lot of these elements in the arts and academia.
Zaldostenov’s shallow carnival hustle reminds of the statement by Carl Jung, that the Aryan unconscious has more potential than the jewish.
Russia is currently in a state of radicalization, there are many issues developing; there will be changes that even many peoples now do not even imagine … — these two articles can perhaps explain much better what I am trying to say:
These liberal Jews left Russia because they opposed the war in the Ukraine, not because of general antisemitism. The most powerful Jews in Russia are Chabad, and they largely have remained silent about the war because they are on both sides of the conflict and will ultimately benefit from it.
Be patient … everything in its time, the historical events that lead to upheavals, walk at the beginning with very slow feet.
V Putin is a moderate into Russia, changes may happen in the future and someone more radical may come to power and put things in the right place, the Jews in Russia are still a considerable force of political influence.
Aleksey Palov is not an isolated case, there are also others, there is a historical awareness in groups of intellectuals and politicians of great influence also in the spheres of power. Notes that “No official reason was given for the dismissal of the assistant …” “…Pavlov was moving to another post, but no details were given either.
[Russian President Vladimir Putin has fired a senior national security official who recently drew widespread condemnation for calling Ukraine’s Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidic movement Chabad-Lubavitch a supremacist sect, Russian media reported.
No official reason was given for the dismissal Friday of Russian Security Council undersecretary Aleksey Pavlov. A Security Council spokesman told Russian news agency TASS that Pavlov was moving to another post, but also gave no details.]
He was not expelled, convicted or … why?
Because they are also a force behind the scenes!
Headline: Jews shocked to discover that antisemitism is cool.
What’s more mindboggling? That Hitler is still demonized or that Stalin is still revered?
How can the Russian people admire that butcher of his own people? There must be real Russians who can see through this brainwashing.
Stalin is admired by pro-Soviet people, but real Russians evaluate him correctly.
They need to hold some of their past leaders as heroes and Stalin was the most right-wing and pro-Russian of the early Soviet leaders. He ended the jewish-stranglehold on the Soviet Union and forced a great many of them out of power and caused more still to leave the country altogether.
He kept Russia together and defeated the invading Nazis who wanted to turn it into “lebensraum” for Germans. He is often viewed as the savior of Russia for this reason alone. Putin has said before that the Russian people cannot be brought up to hate their own history, so Stalin gets the historical hero treatment which is much better than holding up more true-Marxists like Lenin who hated the Russian people.
Under Stalin; the Soviet Union became a pre-dominantly Russian institution whereas when he first came to power the jewish bolsheviks were the dominant force in the Soviet government. The Soviet Union also became a super-power under his leadership after the war.
You are wrong about the liar opportunist Stalin. He in fact INSTALLED fake chimneys to steer the biggest LIE ever told, the Jew holocaust that has extorted hundreds of billions in so called reparations LIKE a king mafioso in all the West.
He was guilty of many millions bloodshed… ethnic Christian Russian and Ukrainian both. He was and still is a red bloody devil, filling full the depraved hands of the Jews (who are not). Damned is the memory of the ruthless Stalin who murdered any and every Russian soldier who fled his utterly evil deeds.
May The God of Israel take vengeance upon the this tyrant Stalin and his Jews memory blotted out forever. May the great reparations due Germany and the West suck Russia and Jews dry and let them blow away. Let their lies be poured out upon their own heads in the name of the true righteous God, son of God Jesus Christ.
Let their hideous dark deeds take them down 👎 into the Pit. Amen. Let me witness their destruction Oh Lord… ALL OF THEM.
Freezing Moon …
You act as if stopping the Germans was a good thing.
Are you ignorant or calculated?
Stopping the Germans was the worst thing to happen to Western Civilization in the 21st century.
We, today, are suffering from that action.
If you disagree ….. you are either very naive or very calculated.
Which is it?
The Night Wolves: Putin’s Personal Motorcycle Gang
***Keep eye’s on red flag***
The Bikers Riding for Putin
“Zaldastanov is a Rasputin look-a-like with tattoos.”
Very Christian. A “cool” Christian. A wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Rasputin: Dark Prophet (FULL MOVIE)
The end reveals a ‘suprising’ relationship with the jews.
The Russian version of “Mad Max”.
Who do you say “cringe” in Russian?
Orthodox Christianity meets “Mad Max”, a recipe straight out of Hell. Just another fusion of Christianity with paganism.
These motorcycles that the Night Wolves modify all look satanic, and this must be the “mysticism” that Zaldastanov speaks of as part of his shtick.
This pagan spectacle obviously is used to target young, impressionable children who cannot understand its hidden agenda.
And the fact that this cult is now state-sponsored, that they have been given free land to build their amusement park should raise “red” flags for any independent thinking Christian.
Bikers and heavy metal, adoring Stalin, whose name derives from “steel”, or Man of Steel.
And the fact that they can’t invent anything…as Satan can only pervert what has already been made whether from man or God. The majority of the bikes they ride are Harley Davidson made by an American. And the movie “inspiration” with Mel Gibson. Even the demonic inverted celebration (for me) resembled that of NS Germany. Make no mistake, with all of the ‘Nazi’ rhetoric.. Putin is trying to copy the greatness of NS Germany that once was. All they can do is copy and replace just like the Jews only know how to do. Pathetic.
A motorcycle club that recreates the post-apocalyptic cult movie “Mad Max”….are they suggesting that communism was the apocalypse in Russia?
It still hasn’t recovered because it’s now controlled by the Jewish-Israeli oligarchs, the real wolves in Russia, but it’s not “Christian” to mention that fact.
Well done to CFT.
How does one make a (masculine) blow to UTTER lies is by The Sword of The Spoken Word — that is the only power to break the CHAINS around our necks, and reveals our HIDDEN CROSS from beneath our BLACK COOL T-SHIRT. What METAL CHAINS (sin of this world) did Christ have? He was held captive and taken before the Sanhedrin to be condemned.
Cool = pride/arrogance…and it goes before a fall. This blasphemous tale is demonic and designed to be a net of no return. Here are catch words I made a list of:
Night Wolf (where in the Bible does it say anything good about wolves?)
Political (social) activist – also a term used by Bolsheviks before Russian coup.
Order of Honour/Commendation – is a Jewish manipulative to enhance pride to be spiritually enchained.
Theme park of fantasy
The show…
Touching fairytale
Strong fist – (symbol of Communism)
Masculinity – (making a mockery of Jesus’ humility.
In all of these words I can also identify most of American Christendom, their theme parks, idols and false worship of pride god. If we are truly going to be a servant of Christ and not a mockery clothed in black making the most horrifying noise that resembles a demonic gang of bikers, then we have a long way to go to end this fantasy 😈 show, shut down the ‘restaurants’ and put an end to the psychological manipulation THE SPOKEN WORD HAS NEVER ENDORSED.
God bless those who have the courage to do it.
With 5000 year experience and headstart these jewish supremacists have mastered all and everything.
Since today’s “Jews” are not the Israelites from the Old Testament, they have not had a 5,000 year headstart.
As a group they formed after the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in 70AD, and they began their current criminal mafia in Khazaria circa 700AD.
Their advantage over Christians has always been that they are amoral, and their creed has always been “the means justify the end” and “is it good for Jews?”
5000 years???
Modern Jewry really didn’t get their foot in the door before the French Revolution.
No doubt the Spirit of Anti-christ has been around that long. But the jew??? Not so much.
The Jews who controlled the Soviet Union were terrified that if they lost control, the Russian people would slaughter them wholesale in vengeance for what they had done to the Russian people.
That’s why they feared the Germans and “defended” Russia to the last man. If the Germans liberated Russia, the Jews would have been wiped out, and they knew it.
They didn’t defend Russia because of any love for the actual Russian people.