(Independent UK) After many years denying it, Israel finally admitted in 2013 that it had been secretly injecting undesirable immigrant Ethiopian Jews with birth control drugs to involuntarily sterilize them:
The [Israeli] government had previously denied the practice but the Israeli Health Ministry’s director-general has now ordered gynecologists to stop administering the drugs. According a report in Haaretz, suspicions were first raised by an investigative journalist, Gal Gabbay, who interviewed more than 30 women from Ethiopia in an attempt to discover why birth rates in the community had fallen dramatically.
One of the Ethiopian women who was interviewed is quoted as saying: “They [medical staff] told us they are inoculations. We took it every three months. We said we didn’t want to.” It is alleged that some of the women were forced or coerced to take the drug while in transit camps in Ethiopia.
The drug in question is thought to be Depo-Provera, which is injected every three months and is considered to be a highly effective, long-lasting contraceptive.
Nearly 100,000 Ethiopian Jews have moved to Israel under the Law of Return since the 1980s, but their Jewishness has been questioned by some rabbis. Last year, the Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, who also holds the health portfolio, warned that illegal immigrants from Africa “threaten our existence as a Jewish and democratic state”.
Haaretz published an extract from a letter sent by the Ministry of Health to units administering the drug. Doctors were told “not to renew prescriptions for Depo Provera for women of Ethiopian origin if for any reason there is concern that they might not understand the ramifications of the treatment”.
Sharona Eliahu Chai, a lawyer for the Association of Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI), said: “Findings from investigations into the use of Depo Provera are extremely worrisome, raising concerns of harmful health policies with racist implications in violation of medical ethics. The Ministry of Health’s director-general was right to act quickly and put forth new guidelines.”
The motivation to sterilize these Ethiopian women couldn’t be more transparent — the Israelis were forced to accept these Black Jews as immigrants because they practiced Judaism, and Israel is a jewish homeland for Jews worldwide, and to reject them based on their race would be a public relations disaster because Jews love to portray themselves as the most “inclusive” and “tolerant” people in the world.
So they allowed these Ethiopians to immigrate to Israel, but they secretly pharmaceutically sterilized them so they wouldn’t create more Black Jews in Israel who could potentially out-breed and replace the Ashkenazi Jews who now dominate Israel.
To Jews, Blacks are useful pawns on their chessboard in their strategy for domination over all White countries, but not, of course, in Israel.
They artificially promote and elevate Blacks in society ahead of Whites so that Whites become subservient to Blacks.
They also encourage race mixing especially between Black men and White women because Jews know that mixed race people like themselves have no loyalty to one race or the other, and are therefore easily manipulated and dominated by the State.
You will not find advertisements with inter-racial couples in Israel — that’s only for the goyim.
Kimberly Stratton
The Brits shoot EMF into the bellies of pregnant N. Ireland women to sterilize or miscarry their babies. They also aim it at mens testicles. DEW warfare is not reported as it can’t really be seen while it’s happening. The effects of DEW can range from simple low level long term damage and death to literally vaporizing a single human or an entire building or two….or three…..if those buildings have been coated with the proper nanothermite when the DEW catalyst ignites it. Where did the buildings go? They were literally painted as a target with nanothermite, then DEW detonated “pulled” and vaporized. Paint the target, then shoot it. Works with 5G/nano as well. You are painted by the nano, then “pulled” by the 5G. Get it?
Humans are EMF tranceivers and the “vax” will modify that to accomodate the frequencies from the 5G system. Ever seen footage of a bull with implants being controlled wirelessly? That was a long time ago.
Marjorie Rose
You note that these women were coming from a predominantly patriarchal society, and then you opine that ‘from what you understand’ black women are very intelligent and resourceful! You opined correctly! However have you ever encountered anyone who has been cowed, whose voice has been silenced by generations of traditions and customs that deny that woman a voice and relegates them to an existence of producing babies and domestic servitude? Then take that same woman and place her in a strange environment in a foreign land, and suddenly you think she’s going to find a voice to question what these seeming benefactors are telling them. Do you for example know or question what is in your childs vaccine when you are told that they have to be immunized to be able to attend school (unless of course you are an antivaxxer who merely protests, but really doesnt know either). I take it from your presentation that you are not yourself black either, so I can only presume ignorance on your part or at best unfamiliarity with the kind of scenario I outlined, or an attempt at an apology for the perpetrators of those racist acts which by the way makes you complicit in excusing and condoning their actions, and placing the blame on the victim! I hope you are hyper aware of the degree of contortionism I have to be engaging in, not to call your apology a racist one, and giving you the benefit of the doubt on the basis of sheer ignorance! Selah!
What a convoluted pretzel to attempt to divert from Israel’s racism…..
That commenter on your blog may actually be working for the Israeli government
Straight out of Avigdor Lieberman’s Foreign Ministry: a new Internet Fighting Team! Israeli students and demobilized soldiers get paid (with YOUR TAXES) to pretend they are just regular folks and leave pro-Israel comments on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and other sites. The effort is meant to fight the “well-oiled machine” of “pro-Palestinian websites, with huge budgets… with content from the Hamas news agency.” The approach was test-marketed during Israel’s assault on Gaza, and by groups like Give Israel Your United Support, a controversial effort to use instant-access technology to crowd-source Israel advocates to fill in flash polls or vote up key articles on social networking sites.
Will the responders who are hired for this also present themselves as “ordinary net-surfers”?
“Of course,” says Shturman. “Our people will not say: ‘Hello, I am from the policy-explanation department of the Israeli Foreign Ministry and I want to tell you the following.’ Nor will they necessarily identify themselves as Israelis. They will speak as net-surfers and as citizens, and will write responses that will look personal but will be based on a prepared list of messages that the Foreign Ministry developed.”
Noah Epstein
Israel is a Racially Exclusive, White Supremacist Ethnostate with laws against race mixing and legal apartheid. If you want to talk about human rights issues, let’s first talk about de-NAZIfying Israel and getting the young Snow White Jewish Girls to reproduce with Palestinian Men of Color.. Then maybe will take you seriously
Noah Epstein ….
“…Israel is a racially exclusive white surpremacist ethnostate ………………..”
Really confused here. First — this conversation is from over 2 years ago. Second — are you a jew, or just using a jew name?
Third — are you serious? Which then begs the question —- what do you consider “White”? What is your definition here.
Very confused by your comment.
“Snow White Jewish Girls” ………………… could you give us an example???
Starry Amethyst
Blessed. So true.
That’s why The Most High God of Israel is going to ✋ hand them their asses in the last day, when their ruling is up!! Wicked freaks!!!!
Not the true Jew of this world.
Stoutcat Anonyme
A) Sterilization is vastly different from birth control, which is actually what was involved.
B) This article is from 2013.
C) It is unclear from the article when these forced contraceptives were administered, and for how long.
After reading this article, I was left with more questions than answers: Is Israel still doing this? If not, when did they cease the practice? How many women were affected overall? Have any of the women subsequently given birth to children in Israel?
Exactly. This kind of paternalism is wrong, but it does not reach he level of forced sterilization. And the end of the article negates any validity that it might have had.
Samaritan Woman
Again it appears that people underestimate the intellect of Black people. I have questions I would like to ask of the Ethiopian Jewish women in Israel. They emigrated from a patriarchal society where reproducing was expected. Perhaps this was a choice they made between themselves and their doctors and they preferred their husbands did not know. An open secret among women they dare not share. From everything I understand, Black women are not only extremely intelligent they are fiercely resourceful, independent and adaptive. It is difficult to believe they did not question or seek answers if so many in their family and friends circles were not getting pregnant. If, on the other hand, they were unknowingly put on birth control, Israel has to be accountable. That would be an heinous criminal invasion of human rights. The article also quotes that some are ‘illegal immigrants’. If these people are (and I believe they are) descendants of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, or of Moses and his Moabite wife, or any ancient Israelite who took an African wife or husband, they can’t be illegal in a State who calls itself the homeland of all Jews. I am a supporter of Israel the State. That does not mean that I believe they are incapable of wrongdoing any more than any human or group of humans. We all are capable of the most horrible actions and equally capable of the most life affirming actions. Get it out in the open and find the truth before making a judgement either way. And give Black Ethiopian women credit for being as least as intelligent as the author of the article, and probably more so.
It reminds me of Exodus 1:8-10, after Joseph died & the pharoah knew him not.
Candace Winters
I took Depo Provera “the shot” for years as primary means for birth control. When I turned 30 and was ready for children, I couldn’t conceive. My gynecologist deemed me to be STERILE. So yes. Forcing these women to take Depo Provera is wrong. They are intentionally trying to eliminate the black population by stopping these women ability to conceive.
Joseph Kohn MD
Lies, Judgements, and Antisemitism.
And I notice most responses are more of the same to prove the point. ?
Anytime the goyim criticize Jews for anything, no matter how egregious, they are called antisemites. As long as Jews refuse to be held accountable for anything they do, there will be antisemites in the world.
Chesterton… that is definitely the truth. They scream anti antisemitism at any and everything that is remotely the truth. They never address truths with facts. This antisemitism is a weapon for them and they use it with deadly force. But truth is, they are not even Semitic, because Jesus did not speak Hebrew, he spoke Aramaic… And Arabs and Ethiopians are true Semitics.
“For a Jew, there is nothing more insulting than the truth.”
–Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Waheed Mikle
Omar I been waiting for someone to make that point: If you research the etamology of the word Semite you will see that most Muslims and all Africans are Semitics too.
Muslims allegedly have “semitic” blood as descendants from Ishmael, son of Abraham, but the amount of actual “semitic” blood that they have at this point is negligible, as they are mostly Arab, which is a mixture of many different bloodlines. The word Arab comes from the Hebrew “ereb” which means “to grow dark” or “mixed”. Neither Abraham nor Ishmael were “mixed” and thus they qualify under The Law as true “Shemites”.
Maybe 10% of the Jewish community can be considered Semites….Europe don’t produce Semites. Its important to research, because to use propaganda as intellect is damaging to everyone. Not one of the Biblical prophets existed….so that means Judaism is not based on Historical Truth but Myths, and their claim to God giving land is also based on Myth and is a genocide in itself. We should based our treatment to others based on what’s Humane, and not doctrine that has already been proven a system of misinformation.
To all of you who claim to know there is no such human as a “Black Jew By Blood”… They were tested. They are genetically Jewish/Hebrew
The ancient Hebrews were not Jews, so whatever “genetic” test you are relying on is fraudulent. Jews are Edomites and Canaanites, not Hebrews or Israelites. So when Ethiopians claim to be genetically Hebrew, they are basically admitting that they are Edomites, too.
Ethiopians are probably children of Ham
The idea that Blacks are descendants of Ham, and therefore of Noah, makes no sense. All of Noah’s children must have been of the same race, and internal evidence from the Bible makes it clear that Noah’s family was White, not mixed race. It is a little known fact that ancient Ethiopia was originally a White kingdom that was eventually taken over by the Nubians. Just looking at Ethiopians, it should be obvious that they are different from many other sub-Saharan Africans–and many have “European” head shapes, etc.
There is no direct proof anywhere in the Bible that Africans were part of the Adamic creation. Most likely they were part of an earlier, separate creation not addressed direcdtly in Genesis.
Pastor Jacob
Your “facts” are whacked! You need to read the Bible more…with other than “white” eyes
Merely stating my facts are “whacked” does not refute them or even challenge them. Slinging epithets is not a valid form of argument, nor is trying to shame me for apparently being white.
None Abuga
Chesterton, read widely and do a lot of research
I love my Bible. Only God and Jesus matter in it.
Jews (yehudim in Hebrew) are descendants of the tribu of Judah (Yehuda), and therefore hebrews; not canaanites or edomites!!!
And you can prove that …… how?
The gene that classify a Jew is Neanderthal derivative….which is impossible to be so called God Chosen, because they are not the original Homo-sepian. Jewish propaganda isn’t based on science. only through science will man progress to benefit all. Propaganda is a benefit to only a few, while the masses suffer.
That is absolutely absurd! Judaism is a religion that makes one Jewish… Christianity, Islam nor Judaism is predicated by race. If it were there would not be a way to convert to either except by blood. As for the Jews who dominate Israel’s government now, are not descendants of Shem, but are converts!! They have no more claim to Israel than anyone else who profess the practice of Judaism.
sandra johnson
I am not a supporter of Israel’s govt by any means. But to refer to Zionists as Jews immplicates all members of a religion and that is not right. Most Zionists are very poor Jews, at least in the religious sense. Recognize propaganda, recognize the difference from balanced journalism.
Jew is a racial term, not strictly a religious term. Zionism is racist, as it promotes jewish supremacy, especially Ashkenazi Jews who dominate Israel. There is an obvious racial caste system when it comes to “Jews”, and that’s why the Ashkenazis have no problem sterilizing Ethiopians, whom they see as subhuman, even if they practice a form of Judaism. Just because someone professes Judaism doesn’t make them a Jew. The actor Sammy Davis Jr. was a Black who converted to Judaism, but that didn’t make him a Jew. Same is true for Marilyn Monroe.
Moe Holmes
Ashkenazi Jews are European, the nerve they have to want keep another group out if a place that they have stolen is absurd.
Yes, unfortunately they aren’t “European” in the same sense as Caucasians. The Ashkenazis may have descended from the Khazars to some degree, but the Khazars from whom they descended were a mix of Mongols, Turks, Caucasian, and Edomite/Arab/Canaanite. They are a mixed bag that has no legitimate “homeland” anywhere, especially Israel.
White women are marrying in America and having babies at an alarming rate. Better check your figures black and brown people. We are the ones having the abortions and not raising children with potential. It is a conspiracy to dummy down and get rid of the black race in America…Out of about 20 black women I work with daily, only 1 is married. The other 19 unmarried including me have no children or maybe 2-3. Out of those women with children, the teens sit home and do not attend school because Mom is working to provide food and shelter and Daddy is no where to be found…hiding I guess. I refuse to raise a child alone in America so I am childless…Stay Woke!
You can do the needful. Go and have a child dear. Its your God given right.
I would love to see the statistics about the black family and as you so racistly put it the black men are hiding.
This was not written by a black person. The writer is clueless about black families and their economic, cultural , racial and social diversity. This is a classic belief that some ignorant white people have of blacks.
Starry Amethyst
Blessed. So true.
Samantha Kenny
It does not make sense. While birth rates are declining we are sterilizing woman.
I have 3 children 1 more then to replace us.
I had 4 and 1 miscarriage & 1 abortion. My youngest daughters where planned and “people” based their own opinions on sterotyoes for Black & Afro-latina woman forgetting that I am biracial 60% white. And kept saying derogatory things to me while I was pregnant.
Why idk.
Why should I tie my tubes. I come from a long linage of Sephardic people a long history of people being oppress ed and sterilized against there will.
It is against my faith.
I can take birth control but streliztion is not allowed.
My doctor wont use depro cause it is a steriod that cause Autoimmune deseases and Cushing syndrome.
People that are not educated do not know that.
Condoms and the pill work better.
Legalized abortion has been the jews main contraceptive triumph over white conceptions…
I believe they are doing the same thing to us whites. I recently saw a show on Fox News, where Tucker Carlson was talking about fertility rates and dramatic decreases in male sperm counts.
I don’t know if it’s chemicals by food, water, air, or what – but I guarantee that white births are being stopped by any and all means, and the cockroach jews are behind it. No doubt.
White birthday rate is on the decline because of the rate of abortions. Why would the powers that be kill off whites? That would be counterproductive to being a majority in this country! Also drug usage would take a toll on reproduction!
Fox news…… lol okay
That’s your problem. You are listening to Tucker Carlson. Please stay away from his absurd nonsense.