Israel is set to honor the Polish couple who allegedly rescued Jewish film director and child rapist Roman Polanski from the so-called “Holocaust”:
A grandson of Stefania and Jan Buchała will accept the medal naming them posthumously as Righteous Among the Nations, a title that Israel confers on non-Jews who risked their lives to save Jews from the Nazis, Haaretz reported. The ceremony will take place in Poland next week.
The Buchalas hid Polanski, then 10 years old, from 1943 to the end of World War II after his father smuggled him out of the Krakow ghetto. Yad Vashem, Israel’s state Holocaust museum, recognized the Buchałas’ actions last year. The couple died in the 1950s.
The Buchalas are among 7,112 Poles who have been named Righteous Among the Nations, the highest tally by any single country. Poles account for 25% of all recipients from some 50 countries.
Last month, Israel presented the medal to the descendants of four couples in neighboring Lithuania: Stanislava and Juozas Gaižauskas; Palionė and Juozas Sturonai; Petronėlė and Pranas Šimka and Petronė and Vincent Pocius.
The ceremony was part of a Sept. 24 conference in the city of Kaunas celebrating the actions of Chiune Sugihara, a Japanese diplomat who, along with his Dutch counterpart Jan Zwartendijk, gave life-saving visas to thousands of Jews fleeing the Holocaust.
Zwartendijk, who died in 1976, was also honored at a separate event in The Hague organized on Sept. 22 by the Lithuanian embassy to the Netherlands.
And yet at the same time Jews are trying to extract billions from the Poles for allegedly “collaborating” with the Nazis to round up millions of Jews, shave their heads to save their lives from typhus-carrying lice, and then put them in gas chambers disguised as showers to kill them anyway.
And when the Poles refused to go along with this latest Jewish shakedown, a Jew literally spit in the face of the Polish Ambassador to Israel.
One has to wonder if that “righteous” Polish couple who “saved” the 10 year old Roman Polanski from the Nazis had lived long enough to see him grow up, become famous, and then drug and anally raping a 14 year old child — and then flee the country to avoid spending a day in prison — whether or not they would have regretted saving him.
Perhaps Hollywood could make a movie about that — a Jewish version of “It’s A Wonderful Life” where an elderly Jew is shown by an angel what a wonderful world it would have been if only had he died as a child in the “Holocaust”.
And yet this vile homunculus continues to be showered with awards from his fellow like-minded degenerates in Hollywood — each time a new victim comes forward Polanski is feted even more.
This sexual degeneracy in Jewish men is often fueled by their intense and obsessive attraction to pure and beautiful “gentile” women whom their rabbis tell them are “unclean animals” — creating intense feelings of self-loathing and hatred for those objects of desire.
Billy Joel sang about his angry obsession with shiksas in “Only The Good Die Young” and “Uptown Girl“.
And Larry David joked about their victims on Saturday Night Live:
While Israel Genocides Palestinians, Jews tell Poles to destroy their history,culture and religion.
It would be more accurate to say “Polish couple aid and abet Bolshevik commies to evade capture.” What were the Germans supposed to do? Lay back and let the jews utterly anihilate their country? Bolshevik jews were the worst murderous animals in the world during that time. But the jews want us to believe jews were the victims instead of the perpetrators. This is why they have to have holocaust denial laws. Holocaust denial laws ensure the big lie remains the official story and allows the jew to get revenge on those that threaten their power.
The spitting the Polish ambassador really shocked me. Jews claim to be tolerant innocent victims of others but they are dictatorial and vicious….I am sorry, I have no other words for it. It only take one individual to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth.
no my dear, it’s just a jew at liberty to show their true hate for everyone. This is Jesrael and is common in Levant but there are rumours , we or EUropeans are the new Philistines . In jew enclaves (increasing daily) you should expect as new custom such middle eastern idiosyncrasy. Their version of baptism.
Anti Talmud ( written by self aware)-All Jew children are as animals with out Nephes Laggim. Living souls. Doubt it not!
Their law: Lex Talionis. Your Law render unto Caesar the things that are His and unto Jews an eye for an eye. Got it, you are on your own. Never fear man’s Law, treat others the way you find them. Old Islamic proverb.
They hate all NON-Jews so fundamentally, that they have to specifically name “RIGHTEOUS GENTILES”.
Those are NON-Jewish HUMANS that went so far out of their way to help/save Jews that the Jews were forced to acknowledge the humanity of that specific ‘gentile”. You see, PROsemites do not acknowledge the EQUALITY of spirituality and humanity of “gentiles”
The extremism of Jews who constantly victim of others is really mind-boggling to me, what is more troubling and disturbing is their exploitation of Black people. The assumption that everybody who is NOT white is by default a victim of White people. That coercion which is disguised in rules, regulations and government programs is the abhorrently deceiving. I for the life of me cannot understand why European countries, after centuries of bloodshed to separate law from religion would regress and allow a religious minority to dictate not only what happens domestically but also internationally. All the developments in Europe and America after WWII came from a Judaic perspective. National and International law and government policy is shaped by the Jewish perspective…like in “Some call it Marxism. But I call it Judaism”….under various guises.
With her speech “A White Shade of Pale” Judge Janice Rogers-Brown took the cat out of the bag about what’s happening in America and said: “Socialism concentrated all the wealth in the hands of an oligarchy in the name of social justice, reduced peoples to misery in the name of shar[ed] resources, to ignorance in the name of science. It created the modern world’s most inegalitarian societies in the name of equality, the most vast network of concentration camps ever built [for] the defense of liberty.” …”The totalitarian mind can reappear in some new and unexpected and seemingly innocuous and indeed virtuous form. [¶]… [I]t … will [probably] put itself forward under the cover of a generous doctrine, humanitarian, inspired by a concern for giving the disadvantaged their fair share, against corruption, and pollution, and ‘exclusion.'”
“Of course, given the vision of the American Revolution just outlined, you might think none of that can happen here. I have news for you. It already has. The revolution is over. What started in the 1920’s; became manifest in 1937; was consolidated in the 1960’s; is now either building to a crescendo or getting ready to end with a whimper.”
America’s declaration of War against Germany, WWI put the Eastern European Bolshevik communist Jews in the driver seat of World Affairs and they consolidated power after WWII by claiming that Jews were victims of Nazi Germany, while the Zionist supremacist, religious fundamentalist and Marxist Communist imperialist sacrificed Jews to further a particular political agenda.
Like this for instance:
Oprah Winfrey: America’s Racial ‘Caste System’ Was the ‘Template for Nazi Germany
In America Jews exploited Race and the history of slavery to incite hatred against White people and divide the nation. I found something interesting on Wikipedia stating how Eastern European Jews in America were of the radical leftist anarchist stock and I am saying it bluntly these people have not only infected the body politic of America, but they have poisoned the world with their culture of hate. I take serious issue with that and more importantly that America is facilitating the political extremism of Jews religious and secular, left-right, liberal-conservative both sides are dictatorial power hungry imperialist.
“Roman Polanski Honored by His Own Kind — Again” [November 4th, 2017]
“Roman Polanski is a child rapist beloved by Hollywood and the entertainment industry worldwide. On October 30, he was honored at an extravaganza in Paris for his wonderful work.
Polanski is accused of molesting four women—the latest of which is an actress who last month said he raped her when she was 15. Even he acknowledges that he drugged and raped a 13-year-old in the 1970s.
Child abuser Woody Allen signed the petition in defense of Polanski, as did Pedro Almodovar and Martin Scorsese, all of whom have made movies attacking the Catholic Church.
Polanski was arrested in September 2009 for what he did in 1977. He got a 13-year-old girl drunk, forced her to take a Quaalude with champagne, and then tried to rape her in a Jacuzzi. She resisted. Then he followed her into a bedroom, kissed her, and performed oral sex on her. Then he had intercourse with her. Then he had anal sex with her.
And what did the Hollywood crowd and their European counterparts do when Polanski was arrested? They signed a petition in his defense. Weinstein said, “We are calling upon every filmmaker we can to help fix this terrible situation.” The “terrible situation” was not sodomizing a girl; it was restrictions on Polanski’s travel plans.”
“Sex and the Jews: Letter to a Jewish Correspondent”, by Dr. Lasha Darkmoon
[August 29, 2010 – Most of her article precedes the part below]
“Woody Allen, loyal supporter of pedophile Roman Polanski, was accused by his estranged wife Mia Farrow of sexually abusing their 7-year-old daughter Dylan. Woody is best known today for his brilliant witticism: “Don’t knock masturbation. It’s sex with someone I love.”
Hope Weissman, a Jewish professor at Wesleyan university in Connecticut, was the first to give a course on pornography in which her students were expected to “study” the most obscene pornographic magazines and witness a striptease performance by (Jewish) porn star Annie Sprinkle which may have included her famous routine of letting people peer up her vagina with a flashlight.
In 2001, Jewish professor Peter Singer put in a good word for bestiality at Princeton university, suggesting in an essay called Heavy Petting that one might like to get it on with a dog. Again in 2001, a Jewish community in England made big news when three strippers were invited to perform sexually explicit acts in a synagogue, possibly with the resident rabbi in full attendance.
In 1998, Israeli commentator Jonathan Rosenblum, noting that a CNN documentary had revealed that Israel now had the highest rate of prostitution in the world, had this to say: “Once again anti-Semites portray us as sexual libertines and perverts to undermine our moral authority. Today we cheerfully admit the charges.” (See here).
Of one thing we can be reasonably certain: any society that attracts large numbers of Jews can expect within a few years to enter a spiral of decadence. Moral anarchy sets in. Sexual promiscuity throws open its Pandora’s box of evils. We saw it in Weimar Germany. We see it gathering pace in America today. We see it above all in Israel, a society of fanatical settlers and rabid right-wing rabbis: a country surely doomed to implode from within, sooner or later, under the pressure of its own moral and military excesses.
I cannot help feeling that a great storm is brewing and that only a military coup or revolution can now save America. Save it from what? From the spiritual cancer that is consuming it from within, and from the foreign wars into which it is being lured — Afghanistan, Iraq, and soon perhaps Iran — on behalf of another nation and its indefatigable agents in America.
Unless a miracle soon occurs and some charismatic leader comes to our rescue, an unimaginably bleak future surely awaits us: a future in which the only consolations left to us will be mindless entertainment, drugs, alcohol, sexual intoxication — and suicide.”
Are there no more 90+ and 100 year German soldiers to arrest, already condemned by reputation, humiliated in a pro forma trial and than murdered?! Must they visit the jew archives and find a good Samaritan in Poland , who is “conferred” with the rarest of all earth things , jew gratitude. But it must be a comedy since they could not be serious . Although to visit the above film shared by CFT of the dissipated Sodomite one learns a jew can not be funny. Forgive , but I doubt Polanski was in any danger in 1943 any more than today . Less it be he murdered one of the thousands of innocent Germans in Poland at the time , which is far more likely , before the war.
Justice is another victim of jewry, just like culture and good taste. But you can pretend and celebrate Polanski’s home coming to make more films. They will need a new genre to describe the nadir of this “art”.
Those who judge what the “homunculus” has done are wrong , prejudiced my mittle class “values” and yes —antisemitism.; we just cannot understand it. It is sophisticated. Any alleged rapist knows an intoxicated women (child) today is discredited by any good lawyer . Ask Bill Clinton or Bill Cosby.
If Justice Ginsburg were still here she could affirm this officially. She wanted to lower age of “sex ” maturity to 0 . But I am sure many would agree with her. Most of Hollywood. Anyway the long suffering jew will redeem himself . That is why they live so long. Any lie reiterated and amplified long enough becomes the truth . (a jewish proverb) Especially when it is unlawful not to believe it.
Wow, Ruth Bader Ginsburg wanted to lower the sex age to zero? Of course because the perverted rabbis are molesting babies with their mouth and giving them herpes. Alan Dershowitz recently said that statutory rape was an outdated concept and just like abortion is a Constitutional right according to Ginsburg is should be a Constitutional right for minors to be sexually exploited by the pedo like him. He wrote and article about is and said he was not making a moral argument but a Constitutional argument…
He is a picture of the article….Alan Dershowitz said that if a 16 year old can have an abortion, she should be able to choose to have sex…..the perverted minds and he said he’s not making a moral argument but a Constitutional one. This is not what the Constitution for the United States was written to protect….a perfect example of how the radical perverted minded Jews abuse the law to shield themselves from being held accountable for their crimes …..
Our sages have spoken definitively: “All Gentile children are as animals.” – Yebamoth 98a
It speaks well of Polanski that he didn’t kill that girl, which was within his right, for she was a sodomite!